PSY 350 Test 3 Review

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Grogon is experiencing a full manic episode. He is very active; he has written a 500-page novel and painted six pictures. Which category of symptoms is Grogon experiencing?


Gerald is a high-powered executive who is always on the move. He is ambitious, driven, and competitive. He is also impatient, cynical, and angry. His interactions with the world seem to produce continual stress. His doctor told him that he needs to slow down, or he might develop coronary heart disease. Gerald has Type _____ personality style.


Psychosomatic disorders are a group of physical illnesses that seem to be caused or worsened by an interaction of all of the following factors EXCEPT:


Pamela tends to see the world in black-and-white, viewing things in "either/or" terms and frequently using the word only. Cognitive theorists would describe this as a(n) _____ thinking pattern.


Mothers of individuals with eating disorders are more likely to:

diet themselves.

Which of these is NOT an immediate goal of treatment for individuals with anorexia nervosa?

helping to make family changes within the dysfunctional system

Nearly _____ million people in the United States suffer from some form of coronary heart disease.


What percentage of adolescents engage in self-injurious behavior at least once?

17 percent

The ratio of teenagers attempting suicide to teenagers actually killing themselves may be as high as:

200 to 1.

At most, ____ percent of all females in Western countries develop anorexia nervosa in their lifetimes.


Surveys in several European and North American countries in the early 2000s suggest that as many as _____ percent of women develop the full syndrome of bulimia nervosa.


Which is NOT an emotional symptom associated with mania?


Worldwide, at MOST, _____ percent of students report periodic binge eating or self-induced vomiting.


About _____ percent of individuals with binge-eating disorder are female.


The ratio of women to men with bipolar disorder is:

1 to 1.

Which neurotransmitter is related to suicidality?


According to _____, negative thinking lies at the heart of depression.

Aaron Beck

Which therapy is helpful in treating unipolar depression?

All of these therapies are helpful in treating unipolar depression.

Harold works as a florist and leads a relaxing life. He gets along well with everyone and is never concerned about time. He doesn't stress about the unimportant things, so his heart is in great health. Harold has a Type _____ personality style.


_____ is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States.

Coronary Heart Disease

_____ is considered a pioneer in the area of suicide study.

Edwin Shneidman

Who is MOST likely to develop symptoms of anorexia nervosa?

Genevieve, age 15; her parents just divorced

Kenneth volunteered to be in Fleck et al.'s study in 2005. He later decided that he was no longer going to take his antibipolar medications as prescribed. What is most likely his reasoning for being noncompliant?

He did not like the side effects.

This influential psychiatrist referred to suicide as "murder in the 180th degree," emphasizing the idea that suicide is an internalization of aggression and anger that is really focused on another person.

Karl Menninger

Of these four countries, which has the LOWEST annual suicide rate?


Which country has the lowest suicide rate?


Which of the following is NOT a reason that researchers study people who survived their suicide attempts?

Relatives, friends, and therapists may remember past statements and behaviors that shed light on a suicide.

Ken's psychiatrist prescribed a medication to alter the reuptake of serotonin without affecting other neurotransmitters in his brain. The medication that was prescribed is a(n):


Researcher _____ suggested that enmeshed family patterns, where there is a lack of appropriate boundaries between family members, often contribute to the development of eating disorders.

Salvador Minuchin

Which statement is FALSE regarding self-injurious behavior?

Self-injurious behavior may be on the decline.

According to the psychodynamic theorist _____, most people learn to redirect their death instinct by directing it toward other people; however, suicidal people direct it toward themselves.

Sigmund Freud

Which statement BEST illustrates the relationship between redirecting one's death instinct outward (to others) instead of inward (to one's self)?

Suicide rates drop during times of war

Marlon, a 22-year-old college student, has recently "discovered" that if he makes himself vomit after every other meal, he will lose weight and become more slender. After doing this for three weeks, he shares this revelation with his friend Duane, and Duane tells him, "Man, I never thought of you as bulimic!" Which of the following is an accurate assessment of Duane's statement?

The binge-purge cycles of bulimia nervosa must be present for at least 3 months in order to be diagnosed.

Research has consistently found that _____ is the BEST approach for achieving both immediate and sustained recovery from anorexia nervosa.

a combination of therapeutic approaches

Some clinicians believe that _____ is the single most likely indicator of suicidal intent.

a feeling of hopelessness

In postpartum depression, depressive symptoms continue and may last for up to:

a month.

Nguyen had a heart attack, which is also referred to as:

a myocardial infarction.

Soon after the accidental death of her partner, Ronnie decided to swallow a bottle of aspirin along with half a bottle of vodka. Her friend, Mary Beth, stopped by unexpectedly and called 911 and, by doing so, saved Ronnie's life. Because Ronnie did not succeed in committing suicide, her behavior would be called:

a parasuicide

Dr. Fox's approach to therapy is to help clients accept their negative thoughts for what they are, so that they can better work around them as they navigate their way through life. The type of therapy that Dr. Fox practices is:

acceptance and commitment

Both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have a similar pattern of development; both disorders typically begin:

after a period of dieting by people who are fearful of becoming obese.

Zeekal has recently been hospitalized. She is severely underweight, her body temperature is low, her heart rate is below normal, and her feet are swollen. All of Zeekal's physiological symptoms could be associated with:

anorexia nervosa

Christina decided that she wanted to lose weight in order to look better, but now it seems to have gotten out of control. She has lost 30 pounds in the last few months, she can't seem to stop thinking about her body and weight, and she has also stopped getting her period. Christina would MOST likely be diagnosed with:

anorexia nervosa.

Which of the following disorders is NOT thought to be caused by an interaction of psychosocial and physical factors?


Cognitive-behavioral interventions teach people with physical ailments new:

attitudes and responses toward their ailments.

Dr. Wieneke believes that unipolar depression results from loss of rewards in a person's life. He treats his clients by reintroducing pleasurable activities into their lives. Dr. Wieneke is likely a _____ therapist.


What percentage of teens attempt suicide?

between 4 and 8 percent

Sometimes, Edna vomits her meal soon after she eats. At other times, she takes an excessive amount of diuretics and laxatives. Edna MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa.


Repeated episodes of uncontrolled overeating are called:


Research has demonstrated that bipolar disorder is BEST explained by:

biological factors.

John experiences full manic and depressive episodes. He would MOST likely be diagnosed with:

bipolar I disorder

Sharon experiences mild manic episodes, which alternate with major depressive episodes over the course of time. She would MOST likely be diagnosed with:

bipolar II disorder

Meredith's friends are always surprised by how thin she always seems to stay, but her friends have never been concerned about her being unhealthily thin. She always seems to eat a lot whenever she goes out with them and people always seem to ask her "where she puts all that food." Her friends have never heard her talk about going to the gym, and after she finishes eating she always seems to excuse herself to the bathroom. Meredith's friends are starting to suspect that she has:

bulimia nervosa

Which eating disorder is also known as binge-purge syndrome?

bulimia nervosa

When pain patients replace thoughts such as "Oh no, I can't take this pain" with coping self-statements, it teaches them a new:

cognitive response to their illness

Skyler experiences numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms. She MOST likely has:

cyclothymic disorder

The MOST stressful event on the Social Readjustment Scale is:

death of a spouse

Of all psychological disorders, the MOST treatable include:

depressive and bipolar disorders

Many theorists have argued that _____ is the ultimate form of suicide prevention.

education about suicide

Unlike the other eating disorders, binge-eating disorder does NOT necessarily begin with:

efforts at extreme dieting.

Wallace believes life has no meaning. He thinks that family and religion are both empty institutions used to enforce control and promote materialism. Because he feels isolated and alienated, he commits suicide. Emile Durkheim would consider this a(n) _____ suicide.


The most widely applied method of biofeedback uses a device called:

electromyograph (EMG).

Tyrese has been diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. Of the potential manic symptoms he could have, this category of symptoms would involve feelings of euphoria and invincibility.


Becoming thin is the goal of most people with anorexia nervosa, and _____ is their primary motivation.


Heather meditates regularly and reports feeling all of these common experiences EXCEPT feeling more:

fixated on stressors.

Elizabeth has anorexia nervosa and enjoys planning her meals down to the smallest detail. She often gives her friends cooking advice after fantasizing about food. Elizabeth's preoccupation with food is likely the result of:

food deprivation

Veronica suffers from bulimia nervosa. Before a binge episode, Veronica MOST likely feels a sense of:

great tension

Charles has been diagnosed with unipolar depression. Which of his relatives would have the GREATEST likelihood of also developing unipolar depression?

his fraternal brother

Mateo is severely depressed. After a few months of treatment his risk of suicide has increased. This is MOST likely because:

his mood has improved, and he has increased energy to act on his suicidal wishes.

Clinicians believe that the single MOST likely predictor of suicidal intent is:


Leonard believes that aliens are currently traveling to the Earth in order to recruit willing members to serve on an interstellar council that will govern all of the planets in the universe. To be selected, one must shed one's physical form, so Leonard decides to kill himself in preparation for the aliens' arrival. Edwin Shneidman would consider Leonard a death:


Natalie is an extremely religious individual; some of her friends have described her as a fanatic. At age 35, Natalie begins obsessing about moving on to the afterlife. One afternoon, she mixed some industrial cleaner with a glass of lemonade, said a prayer, and drank the concoction. Within a few minutes, the poisons in the cleaner claimed her life. According to Edwin Shneidman, Natalie is an example of a death:


At what age do people usually have an onset of binge-eating disorder?

in their twenties

After her favorite uncle died, Mayra unconsciously incorporated him into her own identity and began to feel toward herself what she had felt toward her uncle. In other words, she _____ her dead uncle.


Meditation is a technique of turning one's concentration:


Hypertension increases the likelihood of:

kidney problems.

Dr. Coble prescribes his patients lithium. In doing so, he has to be mindful that too low a dose of lithium can result in:

little or no effect on the bipolar mood swings.

According to the text, people who experience a recurrence of depression each winter may secrete more _____ during the winter's long nights than other individuals.


Lucinda has been struggling with depression for several years. Although she has been able to hold a job, she spends most of her time alone because she finds it difficult to maintain relationships. She feels relationships are insecure and leave her vulnerable. In fact, she rarely speaks to her own parents for this same reason. Which perspective would examine Lucinda's relationships as the foundation of her depression?

object relations

Hector has a very rigid plan for his food preparation. First, he washes each vegetable thoroughly in water. Then, he slices each vegetable thinly and divides the slices into four equal amounts. When he eats one portion, he lines each strip up so they are all even. Hector's behavior is not uncommon for a person suffering from anorexia nervosa, because he will sometimes display:

obsessive-compulsive patterns.

Rita has suffered from mild depression for the past five years. Periodically, she also experiences a major depressive episode that lasts a few weeks and significantly affects her functioning. Her MOST likely diagnosis is:

persistent depressive disorder with major depressive episodes.

Suicide programs that are put into action following an individual's suicide are referred to as:


According to the text, frequent vomiting, or chronic diarrhea from the use of laxatives, can cause a dangerous _____ deficiency.


Dr. Brookes believes that unipolar depression results from unconscious grief over real or imagined loss, compounded by excessive dependence on other people. Dr. Brookes is likely a _____ therapist.


Trent has had five mood episodes within a one-year period. Trent's bipolar disorder is considered to be:

rapid cycling.

According to the psychoanalytic perspective, the loss experienced in childhood could be either:

real or symbolic

When Frederika first began to develop anorexia nervosa, she stopped eating cakes and cookies. Then, she stopped eating pastas, meats, and fruits. Now, she only eats green vegetables, such as celery and spinach. Frederika MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa.


Individuals who suffer from anorexia nervosa often grapple with other psychological difficulties as well. Which psychological disorder is NOT commonly found in those with anorexia nervosa?


These are chemical changes within a neuron just after the neuron receives a neurotransmitter message and just before it responds.

second messengers

The activity level of the neurotransmitter _____ has been found to be low in people who commit suicide.


Competition for jobs, weak family ties, and mass media are all _____ factors that contribute to teen suicide.


Which psychological perspective has given suicide the MOST attention?


When people with bulimia nervosa have a binge episode, they are the LEAST likely to eat:


The success of the sociocultural perspective in identifying important factors related to suicidality:

still leaves us unable to predict that any one person will attempt suicide.

Felicia uses coping self-statements when she is in pain. This technique is called:

stress inoculation training

Dr. Steve teaches his patients to relax their muscles, focus their attention inward, and use EMG feedback when treating his patients with hypertension. He is using all of the following psychological treatments EXCEPT:

stress inoculation training.

In this particular program, individuals attend group sessions in which they are guided through verbal, written, role-playing, and behavioral exercises that critique Western society's ultra-thin ideal.

the Body Project

Adult females and males report the MOST body dissatisfaction with:

the stomach.

Which of these is NOT a cognitive-behavioral explanation for unipolar depression?

the symbolic loss explanation

Activating this area of the hypothalamus reduces feelings of hunger.

the ventromedial hypothalamus

Studies show that individuals who survive a suicide attempt are 6 times as likely as other people to make future suicide attempts. All of the following can play a part in this EXCEPT:

therapy focused on the person's painful thoughts.

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