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During the Strange Situation Assessment, an infant is observed to play closely near their mother while she is in the room, become upset when she leaves the room, and then moves close to the mother when she returns, but at the same time seems upset, angry and does not want to be comforted. This infant would be most likely classified into which type of attachment? Select one: A. Type C: Ambivalent B. Type B: Secure. C. Type A: Secure D. Type D: Disorganised


Which research method would be most appropriate to study the following research question "Does the number of friendships we have change over time for children born in the 1950s compared with children born in the 2000s?" Select one: A. Longitudinal B. Intervention C. Cross-sectional D. Time-lag


If a toddler was described as being very shy when meeting new people and in new situations, is this tendency towards shyness likely to change over time as the child grows up? Select one: A. No, major changes in temperament are unlikely B. No, but this temperamental trait will become even more obvious over time C. Yes, major changes in temperament are particularly likely during adolescence D. Yes, because temperament is quite strongly influenced by the environment


In Professor Siegal's video on adolescent brain development, he talks about pruning and increasing connections. What are the possible outcomes of these processes for the adolescent? Select one: A. The efficiency of the brain increases so the adolescent has an opportunity to develop more specialised skills B. The speed of processing increases which means adolescents might not take time to think through actions before doing them C. The pruning reduces the number of connections so the adolescent brain needs to become faster at processing information D. The brain becomes smaller and less able to start learning new things


In the reading for week 5 (Kilford et al., 2016) and the online video, the director task is discussed. What do studies using this task suggest? Select one: A. The ability to take another person's perspective continues to improve over adolescence, and requires cognitive control. B. It is cognitively demanding to direct others. C. The ability to take another person's perspective only improves until mid-adolescence, and requires cognitive control. D. The ability to direct others continues to develop over adolescence, and requires cognitive control.


Key similarities in theories of adult career development include: Select one: a. A pattern of continued growth. b. Early career focus is on self-promotion and ambition, with later focus on more balance with other aspects of life. c. The importance of having a significant and strong vocational identity. d. All of the these options.


Pre‐schooler reasoning based on appearance and perception is an example of which concept that is part of the pre‐operational stage of cognitive development? A. Conservation B. Realism C. Accommodation D. Artificialism


Qualitative research relies primarily on ___________ , and quantitative research relies primarily on _________ Select one: A. Non-numerical data; numerical data B. A mixture of numerical and non-numerical data; numerical data C. Researcher bias; objectivity D. Statistics and correlations; information rich cases


Social media use is common in adolescents and early adulthood. Approximately what proportion of emerging adults reported checking social media at least 10 times per day in one study? A. 55% B. 99% C. 86% D. 33%


The follow sentence is an example of which grammatical stage in toddler language development: Mummy give book. Select one: A. Telegraphic B. Holophrastic C. Two-word D. Transformational


The parent-child relationship changes during adolescence, including an increase in conflict/arguments. Which of the following might be some of the factors involved in this increase? Select one: A. Improved reasoning abilities, the desire for independence, testing out identities B. Improved reasoning abilities, not wanting independence, testing out identities C. Decreased reasoning abilities, desire for independence, testing out identities D. Decreased reasoning abilities, not wanting independence, testing out identities


Which of the following is true about children with ADHD? Select one: A. Evidence suggests children have sustained attention problems even during infancy B. The DSM-5 criteria require the presence of inattention symptoms for diagnosis C. Diagnosis is only possible from school age because development beforehand is normal D. None of the options is true


Which of the following was NOT a result from the LaTCH memory intervention with older adults (Kinsella et al., 2016) ? Select one: A. Improvements in general executive functioning B. Improvements in wellbeing C. Improvements in memory strategy use D. Improvements in performance on memory tests


Why do researchers conduct qualitative research within adolescent and emerging adulthood stages of the lifespan? Select one: A. To gain a better understanding of a phenomenon and the language used by these groups B. It allows the researcher to control for certain variables C. To gather data from a large group of individuals (100+) in order to generalise to wider populations D. It is a value-free and allows contextual understanding


A preschool child sees someone step on a toy teddy and starts crying, saying the teddy is hurt. According to Piaget, this would be an example of which core concept in preoperational reasoning and cognitive development? Select one: A. Realism B. Animism C. Artificialism D. Conservation


An 18-month old infant sees a truck in the street and points and says "car". Has this infant developed a schema? Select one: A. Yes, the infant believes a car and truck to be exactly the same thing. B. Yes, the infant has learned from experience that vehicles with 4 wheels are "cars" and has developed a representation of 4 wheeled vehicles as being related to one another C. No, 18 months is too young to develop schemas D. No, the infant should be able to differentiate a car from a truck if they had a true schema


An example of explanation research in developmental psychology is which of the following? Select one: A. What is the average number of words a two-year old can say? B. Is being born a twin associated with quality of peer relationships in high school? C. Does cognitive-behavioural therapy help to improve depression symptoms? D. What is the range of working memory capacity for people aged 60-70 years?


Based on global estimates, what is the median age of onset range for separation anxiety disorders? A. 3‐7 years old B. 7‐14 years old C. 15‐20 years old D. 20‐35 years old


In the reading for week 1, Nielsen et al. (2017) suggest that cross cultural comparisons looking at how children's cultural context influences their development should be driven by: Select one: a. Access to participants b. Theory c. The results d. The cultural background of the researcher


Jones and Klin (2013) reported which of the following in their eye-tracking study of very young infants, assessed from 2-months of age, who were later diagnosed with autism? Select one: A. A persistent 'sticky fixation' in the later-diagnosed infants, in contrast to an otherwise normative increase in flexible attention B. A pattern of reduced gaze to eyes in the later-diagnosed infants, in contrast to an otherwise normative increase in gaze to eyes C. A general difficulty completing eye-tracking with later-diagnosed infants, compared to otherwise easier tracking due to better infant sustained attention D. All other options are correct


Which of the following best describes how children's concepts of their own self-identity may change across middle childhood? Select one: A. Children move from thinking about themselves in terms of how they compare to other children, to defining themselves mainly by physical characteristics. B. Children move from thinking of themselves in terms of more concrete characteristics, to comparing themselves to others, to thinking about themselves they are in interpersonal relationships C. Children develop a sense of their abilities and challenges in a wide range of activities and areas of their lives D. Self-identity only involves comparing oneself to others


Which of the following career development theories is best described by including an individual directing their own career, considering their values, and being adaptable to changes across time? Select one: a. Linear career theory. b. Kaleidoscope model. c. Protean theory. d. Boundaryless career theory.


Which of the following is LEAST TRUE about fears in middle childhood? Select one: A. The number of fears generally declines over middle childhood B. During middle childhood all children experience many strong fears C. Common fears are influenced by cognitive capacity for fantasy and realistic events D. Mothers and children report that children experience different number of fears


Which of the following is NOT a shared key feature of both Belsky's model of parenting, and the model of adaptive parenting discussed during the lecture? Select one: a. The family and broader social context influence both parent and child in the relationship. b. The gap between a parent's capacity to parent and a child's need to be parented may lead to vulnerability. c. Parenting is influence by child and parent factors and should be adaptive/flexible. d. A parent's own history of being parenting influences their parenting.


Which of the following is the most appropriate response to this statement: "The balance and importance of each component of Sternberg's triangular theory of love can change" Select one: a. True, but is most likely to change in the commitment domain. b. True, it can change within the relationship or over time sometimes due to contextual factors. c. True, but within the same relationship it is stable. d. True, it can change within the relationship and over time if you put effort into changing it.


Which of the following statements about peer relationships during adolescence is NOT true? A. Peers are important for identity development B. Peer pressure is strongest during late adolescence C. Peers have more influence on an individual's beliefs and behaviour about self‐identity and school than moral issues D. Peer relationships become critically important influences on development during adolescence


Which one is NOT one of the five characteristics that distinguish emerging adulthood from adolescence and young adulthood? Select one: A. Self-focused B. The age of instability C. Feeling in-between D. Identity exploration


A "gender schema theory" would suggest children develop gender roles based on the following: Select one: A. Parents teach children the schemas for gender roles B. Children identify with and model one of their parents' gender roles C. Children look for rules that tie together and make meaning of their own experiences D. Children look for rules about gender roles and then apply them


If an infant repeatedly shakes a toy and watches for it's moving lights, according to Piaget's theory of the development of causality, how old is this infant? A. 1 month old B. 2 months old C. 4 months old D. 12 months old


Imagine an adolescent whose sense of identity in adolescence fits most closely with Erikson's concept of identity moratorium. Which of the following best describes this concept? Select one: A. Coherent sense of identity formed at that stage from the external perspective based on little self-exploration B. Coherent sense of identity formed based on exploration of self-concepts and values C. No stable or coherent sense of identity formed at that stage, and has avoided or not been able to explore self-concepts or values D. No stable or coherent sense of identity formed although may be examining and exploring some aspects of self-identity or values


In the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2007), which of the following best represents the data on emotional health outcomes for older adults? Select one: A. Major chronic health conditions were strongly associated with emotional health B. Over half of individuals reported significant depression symptoms. C. Most individuals reported few depression symptoms, and emotional health was stable over time D. Emotional health was unstable over time and morale was stable over time


In week 3 you watched a video about a research group studying child language development. Which of the following were some of the methods discussed in the video for assessing child language development would be LEAST suitable for a child aged younger than 1 year? Select one: A. Observation B. Eye gaze/tracking C. Child interview D. Parent interview


Life span studies on cognitive performance indicate that aging does not influence all domains of cognition. Which domain is relatively better preserved in older age? Select one: A. Speed of information processing B. Longer-term recall of information C. Implicit memory D. Working Memory


Lifespan developmental perspectives on ageing suggest: A. There is a decline in all functions B. There is growth in all functions C. There is a decline in some functions and growth in others D. There is no change in functions past a certain age


Research in developmental psychology is often focused on one of these three things: Select one: A. Description, explanation, rehabilitation B. Identification, optimisation, intervention C. Description, explanation, optimisation D. Description, longitudinal, optimisation


The dialectical implicit model of development is characterised by: Select one: A. Implicit modelling of nature vs nurture B. Emphasis on the influence of genes and biology in determining development. C. Interaction between nature and nurture D. Emphasis on the influence of environmental factors on development


The rapid developments in executive functioning during middlechildhood are paralleled by the concurrent development in which part of the brain? A. Occipital lobes B. Cortex C. Frontal lobes D. Cerebellar lobes


The teacher of a child in grade 3 told the child's parents that the child was getting much better at holding and manipulating numbers in mind while working on maths problems. This is an example of an improvement in which area of executive functioning? Select one: A. Long-term memory B. Interference C. Working memory D. Sustained attention


What is a label for a type of attention that is focused for periods of time, even when there may be distractions? A. Suspended attention B. Flexible attention C. Sustained attention D. Social attention


What were the foundations for emerging adulthood becoming a new life stage? Select one: A. Many individuals feeling no longer an adolescent but not quite an adult B. Digital revolution, sexual revolution, women's movement, youth revolution C. Youth movement, technological revolution, sexual revolution, women's movement D. The fact that it now takes longer for young people to enter into stable employment, achieve financial independence, get married or be in a committed relationship, and become parents


When children demonstrate cognitive skills with the help of another person that they otherwise could not do on their own, this has been described as a being within the child's ___________________ Select one: A. Zone of skilled peer development B. Zone of development C. Zone of proximal development D. Zone of distal development


Which of the following is NOT one of the key determinants of parenting as proposed by Belsky? Select one: a. Parent factors. b. Social factors. c. Peer factors. d. Child factors.


Which of the following may help us understand how early attachment relationships can influence our relationships later in life? Select one: A.We are all securely attached. B. We are very aware of our attachment style and category. C. Attachment schemas can be powerful organisers of experiences within relationships D. We continue to monitor and change our attachment schemas


Which one of the following best describes what the parenting role involves overall? Select one: a. Providing a learning environment for the child. b. Providing physically and financially for the child. c. Providing the everyday physical and psychological environment for the child. d. Being genetically related to the child.


According to Cunningham and Antill(1981), love that involves interdependence and mutual affection and appreciation is: A. Passionate love B. Consummate love C. Companionate love D. Dialectical love


According to the socioemotional selectivity theory, which of the following best helps to explain the bias towards positive emotions and close relationships in older age? Select one: A. When you experimentally limit perceptions of available time, middle aged adults also focus on close relationships B. There is a positivity bias in younger adulthood C. Cognitive processes become limited towards only considering emotions in close relationships D. Attention is focused on positive emotions due to perception of limited time


According to theory, one of the core themes of adult companionate love is: Select one: a. Companionship. b. Common interests. c. Passion. d. Equity.


Emerging adulthood refers to ____________ and occurs during the ages of __________ Select one: A. A critical stage in identity formation; 18 to 25 years B. A brief transitional period from adolescence into adulthood; 18 to 29 years C. The transition from young adulthood to middle adulthood; 18 to 30s or 40s D. A new life stage between adolescence and young adulthood; 18 to 25 years


For a preschool age child, trying to find a balance between desire to explore the world and use goal-directed behaviour VS behaviour based on fear of punishment, limitations, and boundaries set by parents is a description of which of Erikson's theory of personality crises? Select one: A. Trust vs mistrust B. Industry vs inferiority C. Autonomy vs shame D. Initiative vs guilt


In Belsky's paper on parenting, he talks about social support for parents. Which of the following was NOT one of the likely functions of social support for parents he described? Select one: a. Emotional support. b. Instrumental assistance. c. Social expectations. d. Teaching specific parenting skills.


In our week focused on Development in Older Age (online activity), you read the paper by Waldinger & Schulz (2016)- "The long reach of nurturing family environments". Based on the results from this paper, what was one of the key findings from this paper related to later-life security of attachment to spouse? Select one: A. Nurturing family environments were not linked with late-life security of attachment B. There were no clear predictors of late-life attachment identified C. Nurturing family environments were negatively linked with late-life security of attachment D. Nurturing family environments were positively linked with late-life security of attachment


In the week we focused on parenthood, you watched a video from the Harvard Centre for the Developing Child about the importance of active skill building in adults to promote child development. Why was it suggested in this video that society as a whole might benefit from active skill building? Select one: a. Because then society can monitor how parents are doing in terms of skill development. b. Because otherwise there will be parents who are not interested in skills building. c. Because most people in society are parents. d. .Because then we might inform broader contexts including services, policies and law


Neonatal social attention biases can be seen in which of the following preferential attention behaviours? Select one: A. Preferential attention to faces B. Preferential attention to speech C. Preferential attention directed gaze D. All other options are correct


Research suggests the following is an important aspect of parenting that support children's development: A. Intrusiveness B. Acclimatisation C. Sensitivity D. B & C


What does develop mean? A. Grow or cause to grow B. Change C. Become more mature or advanced D. A & C


Which of the following best describes how the parent-child relationship changes over adolescence? Select one: A. Parents are no longer a strong influence on adolescent development, but they do increase the amount of monitoring of their adolescent B. The relationship becomes characterised by increased conflict where adolescents are struggling for independence C. Adolescents become completely separate from their parents through communication and spending more time with peers D. Adolescents become more independent from parents, but remaining connected with and monitored by parents is important


Which of the following best differentiates the concepts of assimilation and accommodation? Select one: A.Assimilation is where new information is incorporated into a schema where accommodation is where new information cannot be incorporated into a schema at all and an infant cannot pay any attention to it B.Assimilation is the first step in advancing cognitive development, and accommodation only comes as infants get older C.Assimilation makes schemas more alike and helps advance reasoning, where accommodation makes schemas more different D.Assimilation helps to strengthen existing schemas by incorporating information where accommodation often means a schema is changed or becomes more complex


Which of the following is NOT likely to be one of the "developmental tasks" that happens within adult relationships? Select one: a. Enhance mutual trust and intimacy through shared experiences and communication b. Develop an identity as a couple c. Enhance communication and problem solving skills d. Enhance own self-identity through fusing with the other's identity in the relationship


Which of the following is NOT one of the processes involved in "executive functioning"? Select one: A. Focusing attention B. Controlling behaviour and emotions C. Planning D. Accessing long-term memory


Which of the following is an example of exogenous influence on attention? Select one: A. Noticing someone has rung the doorbell B. Noticing your friend has a new hairstyle C. All other options are correct D. Overhearing that someone said your name


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