psy330 exam 3 quiz questions

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Kraig often veers uncomfortably close to road rage, even when his four-year-old son is in the vehicle with him. Kraig becomes acutely uncomfortable when, while watching his son play with toy cars, the boy repeats the words and gestures he, himself uses while driving. Which theorist can best account for his son's behavioral modeling? a. Albert Bandura b. Neal Miller c. Konrad Lorenz d. Leonard Berkowitz

a. Albert Bandura According to social learning theorists like Albert Bandura, aggression is not an innate drive like hunger in search of gratification. People learn aggressive behaviors the same way they learn other social behaviors—by direct experience and observation of others.

Danyel is furious when her coworker sitting several cubicles away once again has a particularly malodorous lunch. The office rules clearly state that "strong smelling" foods should not be eaten in cubicles, yet this individual seems to particularly relish eating such lunches. Danyel complains to their mutual supervisor that the coworker is aggressively causing harm to the entire department. Is he correct? a. Although the coworker is certainly inconsiderate, without the intent to cause harm, he is not behaving aggressively. b. Possibly, but only if it can be proven that the coworker knows strong smelling foods are not to be eaten in cubicles c. Probably, since the rule about strong smelling foods is just common sense and common courtesy d. Yes, since the coworker is responsible for knowing the office rules and has a pattern of repeatedly breaking them

a. Although the coworker is certainly inconsiderate, without the intent to cause harm, he is not behaving aggressively.

Penelope has a reputation for bringing tasty treats to the meetings she chairs. Her groups are known for being highly productive and for engendering close relationships among the members. Penelope laughingly maintains that her groups are so productive because it is hard to argue when your mouth is full. How might a social psychologist view this? a. Bringing treats to meetings helps make the meetings more pleasant, thus increasing the likelihood of close cooperative relationships. b. She is actually right. By not talking when their mouths are full, the members (at least the polite ones) do more work. c. She is indirectly correct. The treats exert their effect by increasing blood sugar which, in turn, increases productivity. d. Although it is nice of her to bring the treats, there is no reason to believe they have an effect on group functioning.

a. Bringing treats to meetings helps make the meetings more pleasant, thus increasing the likelihood of close cooperative relationships.

Arie has been hired by a drug company to develop materials to be distributed to physicians about a new drug. In his pitch to company executives, Arie emphasizes that the best way to persuade the physicians to buy the new drug is to have all the advertising include testimonials from one or more credible sources. Arie then explains that the most credible source is a person who is seen by the audience as both trustworthy and: a. an expert in the field. b. a convert communicator. c. high in intelligence. d. high in prestige.

a. an expert in the field

After seeing online ads from a new electronics store featuring an unbeatable price for a tablet, Bill decides to visit it in person. Once there, he finds that they are out of the low-priced tablets, although they do have other, more expensive tablets available. Bill has fallen for the _____ technique. a. bait-and-switch b. labeling c. foot-in-the-door d. low-balling

a. bait-and-switch

Your apartment mate has recently been immersed in periodic "juice cleanses," during which he drinks only specially formulated, remarkably expensive juices. After a particularly stressful week during which you subsisted on coffee, pizza, cola and ice cream, he invites you to join him in a weeklong cleanse. You refuse, and he asks if you would join him in just a two-day cleanse. Knowing that he was indeed helpful the prior week with this and that, you agree, only to notice that the kit he happily hands you from the fridge is clearly labeled as a two-day cleanse. Your apartment mate has used the _____ technique. a. door-in-the-face b. that's-not-all c. limited-number d. fast-approaching-deadline

a. door-in-the-face

Harley and Dakota have dated for close to three years and have been exclusive for almost six months. Harley is sure Dakota is "the one" and is about to propose, when Dakota states that she wants to break up. Which reaction might Harley experience that appears to be rooted in biology? a. feeling numb b. experiencing extreme physical pain c. becoming enraged d. wanting to find another partner

a. feeling numb

Concerned that peer pressure increases the risk of underage drinking, some schools teach refusal skills, in which adolescents learn how to resist giving in to peer pressure. They learn to say "no" to alcohol is a way that is firm, short, clear and simple. Refusal skills are a form of attitude _____. a. inoculation b. persuasion c. manipulation d. diffusion

a. inoculation

Suppose Aristotle has been hired to work for an advertising agency and is working on a campaign for a new cruise company. He suggests a commercial featuring happy vacationers enjoying activities on-board the beautifully-decorated ship. What characteristic of effective persuasion is Aristotle targeting? a. pathos b. logos c. ethos d. limos

a. pathos

When giving people the facts doesn't seem to elicit action on an important issue, an advocacy group convinces a local celebrity to star in a series of ads that gently nudge people in the "right" direction. These ads are using the _____ route to persuasion. a. peripheral b. indirect c. direct d. central

a. peripheral

Quentin is frightening in his ability to hold a grudge, especially when he feels he has been humiliated. It seems as though he waits until the incident that inspired his anger is all but forgotten and then retaliates in a way that seems intended to somehow restore Quentin's honor. Quentin is best described as engaging in _____. a. proactive aggression b. reactive aggression c. specific aggression d. limited aggression

a. proactive aggression

Isobel is not especially comforted by her grandmother's belief that there is someone out there for her somewhere, so she decides to join some groups in the hopes of finding her life partner. Based on what you know about long-term romantic relationships, Isobel should seek out groups with people who are _____. a. similar in factors such as level of intelligence and attractiveness b. superficially similar but different in educational backgrounds c. complimentary in almost every way but physical attractiveness d. opposites in psychological and physical traits

a. similar in factors such as level of intelligence and attractiveness

The "perfect storm", or combination, of causes for domestic violence appears to be a combination of _____. a. strong instigating factors, strong impelling factors, and weak inhibitory factors b. substantial reinforcement for the violence coupled with limited risk of punishment c. strong state factors but weak trait factors d. psychological weakness, physical strength, and moral weakness

a. strong instigating factors, strong impelling factors, and weak inhibitory factors

A family that had been the local "face" of faith-based homeschooling is forced to acknowledge a history of child and domestic abuse in their home after a news investigation. Although there is concern that this may damage the message about the wholesomeness of families that homeschool for religious reasons, it is generally believed that, with time, people will separate the messenger from the message. That is, they are hoping for _____. a. the sleeper effect b. selective amnesia c. the halo effect d. limited effectiveness

a. the sleeper effect

Which group is the most likely to have aggressive interactions with others? a. toddlers b. adolescent males c. youth gang members d. members of organized crime gangs

a. toddlers About 25% of toddlers' interactions involve violence.

Which theorist would be most likely to conceptualize the violence that occurred in Ferguson, MO after a grand jury decided not to bring charges against a white police officer in the killing of a black teenager as resulting from long-standing frustration over inequities? a. Albert Bandura b. Neal Miller c. Konrad Lorenz d. Leonard Berkowitz

b. Neal Miller Neal Miller is most associated with the frustration-aggression hypothesis, which, in its strong form, states that that "the occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence of frustration," and "the existence of frustration always leads to some form of aggression."

Which statement about sexually coercive men is the most accurate? a. Sexually coercive men rarely have other sex partners. b. Sexually coercive men may devalue women. c. Sexually coercive men prefer to use force in sexual situations. d. Sexually coercive men would prefer to be in committed relationships.

b. Sexually coercive men may devalue women. A sexually coercive man generally does not hate women, but he may devalue them, may have little empathy for their concerns or suffering, and is likely to feel that women have hurt or betrayed him in the past.

A state health department creates a campaign to encourage smoking cessation. The materials feature former smokers who describe their transformative experiences during and after quitting. The campaign is making use of _____. a. the sleeper effect b. convert communicators c. the halo effect d. expert communicators

b. convert communicators

Nichole prides herself on being a staunch conservative in a family of what she views as bleeding heart liberals. While Nichole and her family disagree about many things, there are a small number of issues they agree on. Research suggests that they would be likely to agree on issues related to _____. a. respect for authority b. fairness c. loyalty to one's group d. purity

b. fairness

Stephen despises his supervisor and interprets everything his supervisor does as being intended to somehow harm him. Stephen is demonstrating a(n) _____ bias. a. retribution b. hostile attribution c. immediacy of threat d. negativity

b. hostile attribution

After his older sister tattles on him for bypassing an online parental control, Foster retaliates by deliberately deleting her progress on a complex game that has challenged her for a number of weeks. Foster is best described as engaging in _____. a. mischief b. indirect aggression c. moderated aggression d. direct aggression

b. indirect aggression

Dale Carnegie's classic How to Win Friends and Influence People suggests that it is important to give honest and sincere appreciation to others and make other people feel important through sincere means. Carnegie was writing about what social psychologists refer to as _____. a. manipulation b. ingratiation c. simulation d. reciprocity

b. ingratiation

Social stories for individuals with special needs, such as autism spectrum disorders, help with learning the skills needed for social encounters. For example, social stories on being friends may point out the importance of saying nice things to friends and doing nice things for them. Strategies like this are broadly referred to as _____. a. manipulation b. ingratiation c. simulation d. reciprocity

b. ingratiation

Eusebio shrugs off having helped raise his younger siblings after an accident in which their father died and their mother was paralyzed by saying, "blood is thicker than water." To what social psychological phenomenon is he referring? a. reciprocal altruism b. kin selection c. egoistic helping d. empathic deliberation

b. kin selection

Seven year-old Albert tells his mother she is the most loving mother and best cook in the world before asking her to "please, make some chocolate chip cookies." Which technique is Albert using? a. bait-and-switch b. labeling c. foot-in-the-door d. low-balling

b. labeling

Among the principles of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF; Doctors without Borders) is the following: "MSF offers assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. We give priority to those in the most serious and immediate danger. Our decisions are not based on political, economic, or religious interests." From this statement, it is apparent that MSF practices _____. a. diffusion of responsibility b. moral inclusion c. intuitive morality d. belief in a just world

b. moral inclusion

On her first day of work, Anna goes out to lunch with her new co-workers to a restaurant that they say serves the best food in town. Although she thinks the food is mediocre at best, when asked, Anna agrees with her co-workers that the restaurant is wonderful because she wants to get along with them. Anna's judgment is best accounted for by _____. a. private acceptance b. normative influence c. achievement motivation d. informational influence

b. normative influence

Kallie believes in a just world. As a result, it is likely that she _____. a. is exceptionally helpful b. tends to be a victim blamer c. is very helpful to elderly individuals d. does good with no thought of reward

b. tends to be a victim blamer

Up late and unable to sleep at your grandmother's house with only basic cable channels to watch, you find yourself watching a cheesy infomercial for an expensive kitchen appliance. As soon as the announcer bellows the price, bonus add-ons appear. For no additional cost, you get special utensils to use with the appliance, a cookbook, mixes to prepare in the appliance, and even coupons for more products. What technique is the infomercial using? a. door-in-the-face b. that's-not-all c. limited-number d. fast-approaching-deadline

b. that's-not-all

Although your roommate's love of practical jokes was interesting and pretty funny at first, it is now annoying. The most recent one, involving a surprise beverage topped with whipped cream and emanating loud sounds, is past the boundary of funny. You begin thinking you do not even like your roommate anymore. You seem to be experiencing _____. a. cognitive dissonance b. the social allergy effect c. hostile attribution bias d. negative transference

b. the social allergy effect

An environmental group has developed a series of advertisements aimed at persuading people that fracking, the high pressure injection of water, chemicals, and sand underground in order to release natural gas from rock, is dangerous. The fear-based campaign is focusing on the use of carcinogenic chemicals that leach into drinking water supplies and the increased risk of earthquakes. Which individuals would be most likely to be persuaded by this type of advertising? a. those who are largely unaware of the possible risks of fracking b. those who live near fracking sites and are already concerned about its impact c. those who are already very fearful and are "driven over the edge" by the ads d. those who are unlikely to be directly affected by fracking but identify as politically liberal

b. those who live near fracking sites and are already concerned about its impact

Marissa tells her seven-year-old twin nieces that if they bring home report cards with no grades lower than a B, she will take them out for ice cream. Both girls receive 4 As and 2 Bs, and true to her word, Marissa takes the girls out for ice cream. Pippa orders a butterscotch sundae while Polly orders an elaborate creation that includes ice cream, a brownie, a cookie and numerous toppings. When the treats arrive, Pippa becomes distraught. Pippa is most likely upset by what she perceives as having been _____. a. over-benefited b. underbenefited c. equitably treated d. equally treated

b. underbenefited

People who are repeatedly or continually ostracized by others over a long period of time report a broad variety of problems: pain, illness, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, helplessness, and promiscuity. Their self-esteem suffers, and they feel worthless. Some of them say life seems meaningless and pointless. This makes it clear that people naturally _____. a. are cruel b. want to be in relationships c. can be manipulated d. lack a sense of self-worth

b. want to be in relationships

Before you go further with your plan for online dating, you want to find out how accurate online profiles are. One study checked online claims against actual measurements and found that _____ of the dating profiles contained lies about height, weight, or age. a. 59% b. 72% c. 81% d. 94%

c. 81%

The time has come to think about an exclusive dating relationship and there are two candidates. Candidate A is tremendous fun to be with, exciting, exhilarating but sometimes a bit sketchy, and leaves you worried about his trustworthiness. Candidate B is definitely more sedate and offers fewer thrills, but is moral and utterly trustworthy. Your best choice for a lasting romantic relationship would be _____. a. either one, since both have positive and less than positive characteristics b. Candidate A, since romance needs excitement to last c. Candidate B, since trustworthiness is vital to lasting relationships d. neither one, since both fall short

c. Candidate B, since trustworthiness is vital to lasting relationships

As a human resources professional, you have been asked to give a talk about the impact of gossip in the workplace. What can you safely say? a. Gossip is uniformly destructive and has no role in the workplace. b. Gossip is beneficial in that it can provide useful information and lead to more competition that ultimately benefits the workplace. c. Gossip can be harmful, but it can be informative and when people know gossip is likely, they are more cooperative and less selfish. d. Gossip is annoying but beyond that is neither harmful nor is it helpful.

c. Gossip can be harmful, but it can be informative and when people know gossip is likely, they are more cooperative and less selfish.

Many a broken heart has been soothed with ultra-rich ice cream consumed straight from the carton. What is the relationship between such dietary indulgences and rejection? a. It makes for good scenes in books and on television, but there really is no relationship between being rejected and seeking solace in food. b. It seems to be a way to forget the former lover by focusing on a reliable source of happiness and pleasure. c. It is primarily one of self-regulation: people who are rejected do not self-regulate their eating as effectively, so may binge on what would otherwise be an occasional treat. d. It tends to occur only among individuals with pre-existing eating disorders and may indicate a relapse is imminent.

c. It is primarily one of self-regulation: people who are rejected do not self-regulate their eating as effectively, so may binge on what would otherwise be an occasional treat.

Angelyn recognizes that she has a problem with her temper. She maintains that she best controls her temper by venting - expressing her anger, frustration, and other negative emotions before they get to the point that she explodes. Angelyn is espousing the approach of _____. a. Albert Bandura b. Neal Miller c. Konrad Lorenz d. Leonard Berkowitz

c. Konrad Lorenz Konrad Lorenz proposed an instinct theory of aggression that posited a buildup of aggressive urges (like hydraulic pressure inside a closed environment) that, if not released through some other activity, would inevitably lead to aggression.

Jaxson is a serial joiner. He joins a group and is really active for a while, forming close friendships and participating in activities, but within a few months he gets bored and moves on to another group, forming new close friendships and getting involved in new activities. Is Jaxson likely to be satisfying his need to belong? a. Yes, and he probably has an extensive social network. b. Maybe; it depends on how close he is to his friends while they are still his friends c. Probably not, since the need to belong refers to forming and maintaining close, lasting relationships d. No, the need to belong is satisfied only through intimate romantic relationships.

c. Probably not, since the need to belong refers to forming and maintaining close, lasting relationships

What has research suggested about the effectiveness of forgiveness in couples? a. Forgiving a spouse for wrongdoing leads to less happiness six months later. b. Being satisfied earlier in a relationship predicts a greater likelihood of later forgiveness. c. Refusing to forgive a spouse report leads to long-term declines in aggression. d. Forgiving a partner leads to better physical but poorer mental health than holding a grudge.

c. Refusing to forgive a spouse report leads to long-term declines in aggression.

The evening before he was to be executed, serial killer Ted Bundy stated, "I`ve lived in prison for a long time now, and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to violence just like me, and without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography." Other serial killers, including Dennis Rader (BTK) and Green River killer Gary Ridgeway have claimed to be influenced by pornography. What does research tell us about the effects of sexually violent pornography? a. There is no effect. Serial killers blame pornography to avoid taking responsibility for their own acts. b. Although there are short-term attitudinal effects, there is no reason to believe that it affects behavior. c. There are long-term effects of viewing violent sexual media, such as desensitization to the pain and suffering experienced by women who have been the victims of sexual assault. d. There is an unambiguous causal relationship between viewing violent pornography and committing acts of sexual violence, including murder.

c. There are long-term effects of viewing violent sexual media, such as desensitization to the pain and suffering experienced by women who have been the victims of sexual assault.

Suppose you are the team leader and need to pair up your workgroup colleagues for a special project. As you pair the people, what should you keep in mind? a. Females cooperate less with males than with other females. b. When a male is paired with another male, there will be almost no cooperation and a lot of internal competition. c. When a female is paired with another female, they cooperate less than would a male-male pairing. d. As long as they get along, there is really no relationship between sex and cooperation.

c. When a female is paired with another female, they cooperate less than would a male-male pairing.

Every summer several children with severe autism spectrum disorders go missing and are eventually found, deceased from exposure, drowning, or similar causes. Based on what you know about increasing helping behavior, what might be the most useful means of increasing the likelihood that anyone encountering the children would help them? a. a program that encourages parents to always dress their children in shirts with their names and phone numbers clearly visible on the back b. a program that distributes discrete patches with smart phone-scannable codes linked to contact information and medical needs, that can be pinned to clothing c. a public awareness program that educates people how to approach and help children with severe autism spectrum disorders d. a public awareness campaign that focuses on the families of children with autism spectrum disorders and urges them to keep their family members safe

c. a public awareness program that educates people how to approach and help children with severe autism spectrum disorders

Research suggests that our friends and romantic partners tend to be similar to us because _____. a. we only come into regular contact with people who are similar to us b. we are preferentially attracted to people who are similar to us c. as we get to know our friends and identify important differences, liking is reduced d. we actually only believe they are similar; in fact they tend to be quite different

c. as we get to know our friends and identify important differences, liking is reduced

At 32, Isobel has not yet met the person with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life. When having lunch with her grandmother one weekend, her grandmother tells her "every pot has its cover." Isobel's grandmother seems to be emphasizing the importance of _____. a. propinquity b. similarity c. complementarity d. oppositeness

c. complementarity **Complementarity reflects an attempt to capitalize on the value of being different - the cover for each pot.

As an experienced uncle, you have learned much about "hiring" your nieces and nephews to help you with chores in order to earn extra money. For example, to minimize disputes and maximize productivity, you create a list of specific tasks and what you will pay for the completion of each task. In doing so, you are relying on _____. a. overbenefiting b. underbenefiting c. equity d. equality

c. equity

The purpose of bullying is best described as _____. a. causing as much psychological harm as possible b. venting rage in order to avoid physical violence c. establishing a power relationship over the victim d. harming no one but the psychologically disturbed perpetrator

c. establishing a power relationship over the victim

Reid has just graduated and is about to move across the country to his new job. As he settles into his new job and builds a social network in his new town, if he is like most people, he will be satisfied with _____ people who care about him, whose company he enjoys, and with whom he can spend time on a regular basis. a. two or three b. four c. five d. six to eight

c. five

Jenna very much wants her apartment mates to go vegan, but so far they haven't really been interested. She decides to start with "meatless Mondays," preparing gourmet-worthy meatless breakfasts and dinners. When her apartment mates enjoy the meals and ask for more, she happily takes over cooking duties on another day, and then another for another day. In a matter of months, her apartment mates are, like Jenna, vegans, at least when at the apartment. What technique has Jenna used? a. bait-and-switch b. labeling c. foot-in-the-door d. low-balling

c. foot-in-the-door

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) can identify and treat life-threatening heart arrhythmias. AEDs can be found in high traffic areas such as sports stadiums, shopping malls, government office buildings, and airports. Once activated by being opened, the AED provides instructions about what to do, including feedback about electrode placement and a warning should shock be needed to restore the heart rhythm. In doing so, the AED most directly addresses _____. a. noticing there is a problem b. deciding to get involved c. knowing how to help d. deciding to help

c. knowing how to help

A few weeks ago, Frank helped you move to a new apartment, carrying heavy boxes up several flights of stairs with only a few good-natured complaints. This weekend, Frank asks you if you would be willing to help him out with repainting his apartment. Frank is most likely hoping that _____ will foster your willingness to do so. a. equity b. over-benefitting c. reciprocity d. equality

c. reciprocity

Your summer job as a counselor at a at the municipal zoo's day camp has provided you with the opportunity to observe social psychological phenomena. Your group of nine-year-olds, the Tigers, routinely competes against other groups of nine-year-olds in trivia contests, scavenger hunts, and other activities. They also participate in traditional arts and crafts and other noncompetitive activities. Based on your knowledge, which circumstance would you most expect to see? a. the Tigers spontaneously helping out the Lions, a group against whom they often compete b. the Tigers competing within the team while they are supposed to be competing against another team c. the Tigers cooperating more within the group when competing against other groups d. the Tigers cooperating with other groups and more often than they cooperate within their group

c. the Tigers cooperating more within the group when competing against other groups

After receiving the employee of the month award at the media research firm where he works, Oskar begins to worry about what his coworkers might be thinking about him. Oskar is most likely being sensitive about being the target of a threatening _____. a. underbenefit b. downward comparison c. upward comparison d. over-benefit

c. upward comparison

A massive winter storm has dumped over two feet of snow and is followed with temperatures plummeting to well below zero. If local officials want to increase the likelihood that individuals who are having health or other crises associated with the weather are identified in a timely fashion, they would be well-advised to _____. a. provide lists of agencies offering help b. describe the signs and symptoms of hypothermia c. urge people to check on their neighbors d. publicize the numbers and e-mail addresses of city agencies

c. urge people to check on their neighbors

The "no-kill" movement tries to reduce the number of pets entering public animal shelters, where, historically, large percentages of the pets are not adopted and wind up being killed, by encouraging people to spay or neuter (that is, surgically sterilize) their pets and thus reduce unwanted litters. Which approach would be most likely to increase spay/neuter rates? a. fine people who do not spay or neuter their pets b. give out reduced-cost certificates for spays and neuters c. work to create new norms that support spaying and neutering d. charge people to relinquish pets at animal shelters

c. work to create new norms that support spaying and neutering

The term "Twinkie defense" mocks the defense invoked by a San Francisco County supervisor named Dan White, who murdered another supervisor, Harvey Milk. White's attorneys suggested that his high sugar diet might have contributed to his diminished capacity in the murder of Milk, a gay activist, and San Francisco Mayor, George Moscone, in 1978. What has recent research shown about the relationship between diet and antisocial behavior? a. Increasing access to high sugar, high fat foods by youth in juvenile correctional facilities has no impact on the occurrence of antisocial behavior. b. Increasing access to high fiber foods by youth in juvenile correctional facilities increases the occurrence of antisocial behavior. c. Decreasing access to unprocessed foods by youth in juvenile correctional facilities increases the occurrence of antisocial behavior. d. Decreasing access to high sugar, high fat foods by youth in juvenile correctional facilities decreases the occurrence of antisocial behavior.

d. Decreasing access to high sugar, high fat foods by youth in juvenile correctional facilities decreases the occurrence of antisocial behavior.

Glynda, a typically kind and caring person, is a fast driver who sometimes takes risks. Last night, when driving home, she sped through a yellow light, lost control of her car, and hit another vehicle, injuring the occupants. Based on her driving, would a social psychologist classify Glynda as aggressive? a. Yes, because she deliberately sped up to make it through the light b. Yes, because a reasonable person would know that harm might result c. Maybe, but only if she had a history of causing such incidents d. No, because there is no evidence that Glynda intended to cause harm

d. No, because there is no evidence that Glynda intended to cause harm

Jess strongly supports both increasing military budgets and using pre-emptive military actions based on his understanding that wars and violence against civilians are increasing. Are they? a. Yes, both wars and violence against civilians are increasing. b. While wars are increasing, violence against civilians is decreasing. c. While violence against civilians is increasing, wars are decreasing. d. No, both wars and violence against civilians are decreasing.

d. No, both wars and violence against civilians are decreasing.

Your supervisor just got back from a management meeting and has brought leftover cookies and brownies from the meeting. Is he wrong to expect gratitude from your workgroup? a. No, he didn't have to bring anything, so gratitude is in order. b. No, he is the supervisor and he did something nice, so gratitude would be appropriate. c. Yes he is wrong, since supervisors who want to maintain productivity need to do nice things for their supervisees. d. Yes he is wrong, since gratitude presupposes costly, intentional, voluntary action; bringing back the treats was incidental to their being leftovers and not costly.

d. Yes he is wrong, since gratitude presupposes costly, intentional, voluntary action; bringing back the treats was incidental to their being leftovers and not costly.

An innovative program designed to help individuals living in homeless shelters find jobs and progress toward independent living provides makeovers for both men and women who are going on job interviews. The makeovers can include personal grooming, clothing, and even dental services. Are these programs likely to be helpful? a. No, it is just a feel-good program for the volunteers who provide the makeovers. b. Probably not, but it cannot hurt, either. c. Yes, but only because people receiving makeovers feel cared about and that increases their self-confidence. d. Yes, because people judged to be more attractive do better on job interviews, even when appearance is not related to the job.

d. Yes, because people judged to be more attractive do better on job interviews, even when appearance is not related to the job.

Your dorm is fascinated by a recent local political campaign in part because you find the ugliness and deviousness that is displayed to be so astounding. Based on research, which candidate will benefit most from the use of negative campaigning? a. a candidate who is so far ahead that voter turnout may be affected b. a candidate who is largely unknown to your demographic c. a candidate who is very inexperienced and minimally-qualified d. a candidate who is so far behind that a win seems impossible

d. a candidate who is so far behind that a win seems impossible

Your workgroup is fed up with one particular individual, who seems to be a professional social loafer, rarely contributing anything to the group. Everyone is very frustrated and resentful, and the consensus is that, even if it means creating extra work for themselves, the group wants to see some sort of disciplinary action taken against the loafer. This phenomenon, in which people are willing to accept a cost to themselves in order to see a rule breaker punished, is called _____. a. positive punishment b. limited reciprocity c. overbenefiting d. altruistic punishment

d. altruistic punishment

Fed-up with the misinformation circulating about a particularly volatile topic, you decide to create a series of blog posts that will lay out the facts and systematically rebut the misinformation. You are relying on the _____ route to persuasion to get your message across. a. peripheral b. indirect c. direct d. central

d. central

Marta stocks up on her beloved chocolate mint Girl Scout cookies every year. She mentions this when buying several boxes from a table set up outside the student recreation center. One of the girls smilingly reminds Marta that the cookies will only be available for a few more days, and that the sale will be over for another year. The scout is making use of the _____ technique. a. door-in-the-face b. that's-not-all c. limited-number d. fast-approaching-deadline

d. fast-approaching-deadline

Nikole is a jury selection expert who has been called to assist with a federal trial that is expected to involve hours of testimony about complex financial and administrative records. The prosecution has a very persuasive case, but is concerned about the complexity of the material. Nikole would be well-advised to seek individuals who are _____. a. low in self-esteem b. relatively less educated c. high in need for approval d. high in need for cognition

d. high in need for cognition

Research on the weapons effect suggests that recent actions by "open carry" advocates, who openly display their firearms in public settings such as stores and restaurants suggests that these public displays will _____. a. decrease the likelihood of aggressive behavior b. decrease the likelihood of aggressive behavior only among those predisposed to be aggressive c. decrease the likelihood of aggressive behavior only among those not predisposed to be aggressive d. increase the risk of aggressive behavior

d. increase the risk of aggressive behavior The weapons effect refers to the increase in aggression that occurs as a result of the mere presence of a weapon.

Although no fan of ballet, Jackson finds himself attending a performance for the first time when he meets his partner's parents, who have long been avid supporters of the city ballet company. Recognizing that they know far more about ballet than him, Jackson agrees with their comments on the performance, which leaves him more baffled by ballet than before. This is best accounted for by _____. a. private acceptance b. normative influence c. confirmation bias d. informational influence

d. informational influence

Carol and Mike just got married. It is the second marriage for both and both have brought three children into the marriage. If Mike and Carol want to increase their children's feeling that they belong to the new family, they would be best advised to _____. a. let the kids work it out for themselves, especially if they are adolescents b. establish a family "charter" describing the family vision and values c. skip the honeymoon and instead go on a major family vacation d. insist on regular family meals that are mandatory for everyone

d. insist on regular family meals that are mandatory for everyone

Lorna, a new employee at a grocery store, is surprised when a coworker tells her that it is okay for employees to take home merchandise that is about to be thrown out because of damaged packaging. It just makes her uncomfortable, although she is not sure why, and she resolves that this is something she will not do. Lorna is relying on moral _____ to make her decision. a. reasoning b. principles c. logic d. intuition

d. intuition

Gottfredson's and Hirschi's general theory of crime identifies _____ as being responsible for much of crime. a. poverty b. alcohol and other drugs c. low intelligence d. lack of self-control

d. lack of self-control

Desperate to make some money, Margaux attends what is advertised as an interview for a job. Once there, she finds that everyone will be "hired" for the job, which involves selling educational toys. However, they will be expected to pay $25 for training. Margaux pays $25 and attends the training, at which time, she learns she will have to pay $250 for a demonstration kit of toys. Margaux borrows the money and begins selling toys fairly successfully. After a few weeks, the company offers her a website to expand her sales, noting that it will only cost her $50 dollars a month. She then receives various requests that she attend regional trainings ($150 registration), purchase kits featuring new toys ($250 to $500 per kit), and so on and so forth. Which technique is the company using? a. bait-and-switch b. labeling c. foot-in-the-door d. low-balling

d. low-balling

During the recent Ebola outbreak centered in a western Africa country, physicians, nurses, epidemiologists, and others from the United States traveled to the affected region to help. Based on their behavior, you might most suspect that the individuals have relatively high levels of _____. a. diffusion of responsibility b. belief in a just world c. pluralistic ignorance d. moral inclusion

d. moral inclusion

Celia is the friend everyone wants. She can be counted on to show up to help with any sort of project and always does her best to help. Celia is also the one who organizes the monthly dinners. However, when Celia finds herself needing help after an upstairs neighbor's bathtub overflows and results in a flood and significant damage, Celia finds herself curiously alone. Celia's relationships seem to lack _____, which is an essential component of belongingness. a. frequent enough contact b. number and variety c. positive interactions d. mutual concern

d. mutual concern

Some religions practice shunning, in which individuals who are judged to have broken important rules are systematically excluded from the life of the group. Although it varies, shunning may include excommunication (exclusion from important religious practices) as well as social exclusion, which may include a ban on communication with family members who wish to remain in good standing. Shunning is best described as a form of _____. a. prejudice b. marginalization c. deindividuation d. ostracism

d. ostracism

Dusty's neighbors are avid churchgoers who believe strongly in the power of prayer and divine healing. When their toddler daughter is diagnosed with a brain tumor that surgeons are able to completely remove, they publicly credit prayer and divine intercession. Dusty, an agnostic, is invited to a party celebrating the child's return from the hospital. Although he thinks the child's recovery is most likely due to the skill of her surgeon, he agrees with the family that prayer and intercession were responsible. Dusty's behavior is best described as _____. a. informational influence b. conformational norms c. private acceptance d. public compliance

d. public compliance

Shandi has had a string of bad relationships during a generally rough period of life. She falls for one "perfect match" after another, only to be dumped. After taking a break from dating to get her life back on track, Shandi meets a potential partner through a friend. This time, however, when a date is cancelled because of what is described as a family emergency, Shandi is the one who ends the relationship. Shandi seems to have developed _____. a. reaction formation b. countertransference c. social acceptance d. rejection sensitivity

d. rejection sensitivity

Suppose you are a forensic scientist using textual analysis to identify lies. Which characteristic tends to be indicative of dishonesty? a. stories that are very complex b. stories that contain many references to others c. stories that contain fewer positive emotion words d. stories that contain fewer references to self

d. stories that contain fewer references to self

Cross-cultural research has shown that _____. a. very primitive cultures are unlikely to have rules against violence b. while many cultures have rules against violence, the more advanced cultures have fewer rules c. most rules against violence protect the powerful at the expense of the impoverished d. there are no known societies that do not have rules against violence

d. there are no known societies that do not have rules against violence

You are thinking about an individual you recently met. You have a good feeling about this person, who you believe will not harm you and may even benefit you. Your relationship is best characterized as one of _____. a. gratitude b. compliance c. conformity d. trust

d. trust

Jarrod, age 11, is extremely shy. He rarely reaches out socially to other students, and because he usually refuses his classmates' invitations to various activities, they have begun avoiding him. As Jarrod becomes an adolescent, the avoidance _____. a. may get better or worse b. will probably lessen c. is unlikely to change d. will likely escalate

d. will likely escalate

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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