PSYC 2150 Final Exam

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What was the main advantage of the Template model of object recognition

It outlined the characteristics necessary to form a more realistic model of object identification

Which of the following describes why Phrase Structure Grammar is a better account of language than Word Chain Grammar?

It provides a natural explanation for why some sentences are ambiguous in meaning

Which of these statements is true about the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)?

It relies on the normal curve to compute IQ scores

Sternberg's short-term memory experiment was used in class to illustrate which important point:

It was used to compare multiple competing theories for the abstract construct of scanning short-term memory

Which of the following is true about languages and why?

Languages are rapidly disappearing because people are assimilating and using common languages of commerce

You need to learn to tie a bow tie for a formal event. Which of the following would create the most proactive interference?

Practicing how to tie a show, then practicing how to tie a bowtie, then tying a bow tie for a formal event

Which of the following is the best predictor of a preschool student's future reading proficiency?

Phonological awareness

A person is asked whether a tennis ball or a grapefruit is larger. The fact that most people answer correctly shows that:

mental imagery can make implicit knowledge conscious

Biederman's recognition-by-components theory, which proposes that perceived objects are composed of various elementary features known as genes, is what sort of theory

mostly bottom-up

Which of the following represents a challenge to Skinner's behaviorist theory of language learning in kids?

parents seldom correct children's grammar

Select which test of memory provides the most information to the learner about the to-be-remembered content.


If "cat" is a basic category for you, "siamese" is a _____ category, while "mammal" is a _____ category.

subordinate level; superordinate level

The scientific method can be described as a three-step process by which the scientist observes, theorizes, and tests. This process is iterative, meaning that these three steps form a cycle that can be repeated over and over. Which of the following aspects of the scientific method was most problematic for introspectionism?


An effective way of studying the capacity of working memory is through:

the N-Back task

What is one benefit to using the prototype approach to categorization over the definitional approach?

the prototype approach accounts for judgments that not all members of a category are considered equally good examples of the category

The mechanism of forgetting called "selective retrieval" includes...

the theory that memory probes "light up" broad networks of memories, which then inhibit one another, leaving just one "winner" still active

According to expected utility theory...

the value of an outcome varies from person to person, and even within the same person at different times

What do cognitive psychologists have in common with behaviorists?

they measure observable stimuli and responses

Joaquin has acquired dyslexia from a brain injury. If this injury has damaged the connection between his visual input and his lexicon, which of the following words would he think is not an actual word?


What is the relationship between episodic and semantic memories?

Episodic memories can turn into semantic memories over time

How does expected value theory explain why people gamble in casinos?

Expected value theory does not explain why people gamble in casinos, because people do not make rational decisions to gamble

When it comes to problem solving, why does knowledge usually help?

Experts have extensive pattern recognition and have automatized many of the rules, freeing space in working memory

True or False: Automaticity can be observed in the lab, but it probably doesn't make a big contribution to task performance in daily life.


During the spring, the male peacock spider will raise up its brightly colored abdomen, wave its legs in the air, vibrate, and jump from side to side. The male spider's ability to perform this dance-like sequence without much (if any) prior experience is an example of:

Fixed-action patterns

An important distinction of types of intelligence to come out of factor analyses studies suggests that one type of intelligence concerns a persons facility in manipulating information, and the other type concerns the amount of information they have in memory. What are these types of intelligence called?

Fluid and crystallized

Initially, George is unable to see the right relationships among the parts of a problem. Then the relationships shift and he suddenly solves the problem. This example is most consistent with which view of problem solving?


Which of the following has been shown to help people become more effective problem solvers?

Having a high working memory capacity

A researcher tells a participant that, as strange as it might sound, owls like onions. He then asks the participant "Do starlings also like onions?" How will the average participant answer this question, and what is this an example of?

"no"; novel characteristics of a less-typical category member will not easily generalize to other members of the same category

Which of the following is true about the learning of phonemes?

Babies can hear the difference between all possible phonemes, but they lose this ability

Which of the following was a problem that contributed to the decline of behaviorism?

Behaviorism cannot explain why you act in generative, novel ways

Research on the permanence of memory has shown that __________.

Brain stimulation usually doesn't result in recovered memories

If someone is given a long string of numbers to remember, what strategy is the best way for them to hold all of these in working memory at the same time?


Research has shown that chess masters outperform novices mostly in situations where _______.

Chunking information to link it to prior experience is possible

In the winter, branches often get weighed down from piles of snow and ice. When the weight is too much, there is a snapping sound, followed by the ice/snow falling from the branch. If you were walking under these branches and you heard a snapping sound, you might flinch, even if no ice/snow falls from the tree. In this situation, the snapping sound is the _____ ?

Conditioned stimulus

After encoding, a memory must be _____ in order to reach a more permanent state.


How do "cues" relate to memory retrieval?

Cues help when they make you think about material the same way it was encoded

Which of the following visual search tasks would have the longest reaction time?

Detecting a small red q in an array of 40 q's, each of which may be big or small, and red or black

Which of these created the biggest challenge to the feature model of object recognition?

Difficulty applying it to natural objects in the real world

According to the Feature Integration Theory of attention...

Each feature of an object is analyzed separately by the visual system

If you were conducting a study that required knowing precise info about when neural activity takes place, what imaging technique would be best?

Electroencephalogram (EEg)

Chris recently saw a Labradingle, a breed of dog he has not seen before. According to the exemplar model, how did Chris process the Labradingle and decide it was a dog?

He compared the Labradingle with his memories of other dogs, found it similar enough to be a dog, and stored the Labradingle in his memory with a category label, "dog".

Why is Wilhelm Wundt often considered the first experimental psychologist?

He did what was necessary to make psychology a field of study that could continue (Ex: he started a lab, trained PhD students, disseminated research)

When a child learns to read, what is the most difficult aspect of decoding by sound?

Hearing individual speech sounds

Which of the following questions refers to memory encoding?

How are memories created?

Categorical perception resolves which problem of language?

How we correctly perceive phonemes that are produced in a slightly sloppy manner

Which of the following is one of the assumptions Greek philosophers made regarding the mind?

Humans are physical objects

Based on what we discussed in class, which of the following stimuli are most likely to attract your attention and why?

If someone across a quiet room shouts incoherently, because the physical properties of that stimulus are different from the others I had been experiencing.

Research has shown that tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is most common ______________.

In people who are bilingual

Which of the following is an example of how language is generative?

Individuals can create novel sentences

Which of the following is a prediction that arises from the idea of survival processing (also called adaptive processing)?

Information related to survival will be prioritized in memory and recalled better

Which of the following is a belief held by Introspectionists that differed from Behaviorists?

Introspectionists believed it was essential for psychologists to study imagery because it is so important to thinking

Which of the following is true about the Modal Model of Memory?

It allowed for the idea that there could be more than one type of sensory memory (Ex: visual, auditory, possible others)

Which is true about the template model of object recognition?

It could not account for how we can still identify an object when it changes in size

In their exploration of implicit memory, experimenters found that emotional conditioning and skeletal conditioning are processes supported by distinct areas of the brain. Why is this important?

It gave experimenters clues to the structure (large-scale architecture) of a known cognitive function

What's the consensus among memory researchers about repression as a mechanism of forgetting?

It happens, but it's rare

Bayes' theorem is important for understanding decision making because _________.

It integrates prior beliefs and current information to guide decisions

Neuroimaging studies show support for the dual route model, and have shown which of the following results?

Letter pronunciation is associated with an area in the brain related to sound processing

Which of the following is an impediment to conducting neuroscience research?

Linking region-specific neural activation with behavior does not always provide insight into the underlying process of the behavior

Having a schema for a situation that you're experiencing...

Makes anything unusual about the situation more noticeable to you

Expected utility was incorporated into decision making theory to account for ___________.

People have different preferences for an outcome of a decision

The Bayesian information gain model of reasoning proposes which of the following?

People make decisions in ways that maximize how much info they'll gain, rather than use logical rules of reasoning

Experiments on the definitional view of categorization (also called the classical view) showed that _________.

People sometimes learn concepts by developing hypotheses about rules that define categories

Participants were faster to respond with the color of a rabbit's nose when they imaged it next to a fly than when they imaged it next to an elephant. This finding was interpreted as showing...

People zoom in on images to see them more clearly

Suppose I read a sentence to you and 30 seconds later ask you to tell me the meaning of that sentence. What representation of the sentence would you likely use to answer my question?


We ask people leaving the grocery store to fill out a questionnaire asking how much soda they consume and if they have any health problems, and we plan to look for a statistical association between soda consumption and diabetes. What type of research are we conducting?

Relational research

Memory experiments with frequently encountered info like coins or logos have shown which of the following?

Repeated exposure to info does not ensure it gets stored in long-term memory

Imagine that someone reads a list of different kinds of animals (including "monkey"). An hour later they are asked to complete the word stem "Mon____" so that it forms a word. This is an example of ___.

Repetition priming

In class we went over an experiment that examined people's ability to solve a problem (rays-tumor) after reading an analogous story (armies-fortress). What did this experiment show?

Retrieval is often the source of difficulty in using analogies

An example of endogenous attention would be best described by which of the following?

Searching for your keys in your apartment

What is the most effective way to train a rooster to learn a complex behavior like jumping through a hoop?

Shape its behavior with operant conditioning

How many memories of adults are permanent (that is, never forgotten)?

Some are permanent, but not all

Different languages divide the visible light spectrum into different numbers of color names. This provides an opportunity to test the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Do these tests provide evidence for the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Some evidence for the weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Which of the following would be predicted by the Whorfian hypothesis?

Some ideas and meaning can't be translated into another language

Which of the following is an assumption humans make about light sources, reflectance, and shadows?

Surfaces are evenly colored

Framing effects tell us what about how the average person makes decisions?

That the description of the problem will influence decision-making

Which of the following is a typical effect of extensive knowledge about a topic on solving problems related to that topic?

The application of some rules required to solve the problem will have been automated, so there will be fewer demands on working memory

If scientists wanted to study the effects of mindfulness meditation on emotion regulation compared to playing video games, which of the following would be the dependent variable?

The degree of emotion regulation

Why is the Fan Effect incompatible with the spreading activation account of memory organization?

The fan effect is NOT incompatible with spreading activation; it is considered support for it.

Which of the following is not a property of a semantic network?

The links in the network can be re-arranged but not re-weighted

Which model of object recognition is best able to identify that a bicycle viewed from above would be the same bicycle if it was viewed from the side?

The object-centered model

We said that thinking about memory tests as differing in their sensitivity is limited. What does this theory fail to account for?

The similarity of the distractors to the to-be-remembered info influences the difficulty of a recognition test

Which of the following is not a reason why perceiving phoneme is so difficult?

There are hundreds of phonemes in English

The main difference between prototype and exemplar theories of categorization is that

They use different mental representations to guide categorization

In Kosslyn's mental scanning study, participants memorized a map, and then were asked to mentally travel between different locations on the map they visually imaged. They were to report when they had "arrived" at the destination. He found that it took longer for participants to "arrive" at locations that were further from the starting point. This experiment supports which aspect of visual imagery theory?

Visual images are spatial

A syllogism can be valid, but not true.

Yes, it can

When we refer to a "localization" study, we mean...

a study tying a cognitive function to a location in the brain

Voice activation systems allow users to control features of an automobile like the sound system and windshield wipers with vocal commands. Studies show such systems...

always require attention because issuing commands is still a second task that's being added to the primary task of driving

The rays-and-tumors problem described in class is one of the most widely used problems in research on which issue related to problem-solving?

analogical transfer

Repetition priming, motor skills learning, and classical conditioning...

are all varieties of implicit memory

Your textbook describes an experiment in which subjects watch a video of two teams playing a ball-passing game. Subjects are asked to count the passes of one of the teams, and often fail to notice a person in a gorilla suit who walks through the game. This experiment shows...

attention is necessary for perception

If someone has sustained damage to their ventral visual stream, they would...

be able to describe the location of objects but not name what the object is

You want to know whether mental imagery involves visual or language-based representations so you have someone perform an imagery task and examine the pattern of activation in the visual and language areas of the brain. This is an example of which method of using neuroscience data?

brain activation informs cognitive theory

The cognitive psychology notion of "efficiency" relies on the idea that:

cognitive models can make different predictions about how efficiently the mind will accomplish a mental task

When your memory system makes errors they tend to be near misses. This is a feature of:

content-addressable storage

Johnson and Newport's work documented that the ease of second language acquisition is correlated with age of arrival in the U.S. prior to puberty. This finding supports which ethological finding?

critical period

An analog representation (i.e., an image)_______; a proposition ________.

is concrete and occurs in a spatial medium; has syntax and truth value.

The capacity of the phonological loop for spoken words

is limited based on time

There was a debate for close to a century about whether there is a single type of intelligence, or whether it makes more sense to think of different types of intelligence. The factor analytic view offers the most persuasive answer, and the conclusion from that research is that intelligence

is sort of both; there's one type of intelligence at the top of the hierarchy, with other types embedded in it

The visual system deals with ambiguities of visual perception by...

making assumptions about what is being processed

Transfer-appropriate processing is the idea that...

memory is best when the types of processing at encoding and retrieval match

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