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Based on what we know about meadow voles (i.e., they do not form pair-bonds and they have multiple mating partners), which peptide hormone receptor would you expect to show decreased levels in promiscuous human males in comparison to monogamous human males?

. Vasopressin

If a mouse with two copies of the Clock mutation is placed in a lab where the lights come on each day at 7:00 AM and go off each day at 7:00 PM, the activity rhythm of this mouse will display

1 24-hour rhythm

Taste cells are sensitive to one of five specific tastes and have a lifespan of

10-14 days

As much as _______% of the population experiences psychiatric symptoms in the course of a year.


How many cranial nerves report taste information to the brain?


About _______% of severely disabled OCD patients who underwent cingulotomy benefited substantially.


It is estimated that humans can discriminate as many as _______ odors.


A new hamster mutant, zip, has a daily rhythm (in the absence of light cues) with a period of 8 hours. If you transplanted the fetal SCN from a zip animal into the brain of an adult hamster with the tau mutation (and its own SCN lesioned), you would expect the period of this adult's rhythm to be

8 hours

Inner hair cells use which of the following neurotransmitters?

A. Acetylcholine and glutamate

Cones in the retina form synapses with which of the following cell types?

A. Bipolar cells

The particular fate of an undifferentiated cell depends partially upon which of the following factors?

A. Cell-cell interactions

Which type of study best describes the experiment in which a subject's performance on a cognitive task while in a brain scanner is compared with the age of the subject?

A. Correlational

Plunging your hand into a bucket of cold water activates which of the following skin receptors?

A. Free nerve endings

Which of the following does not normally change during the life span?

A. Genotype

Which receptor is likely to respond to an overload that threatens to tear muscles or ligaments?

A. Golgi tendon organ

Which of the following does not describe the difference in the Heschl's gyrus between musicians and nonmusicians?

A. Intensive musical experience only affects the size of Heschl's gyurs if training began before age 13.

Which of the following best describes the blood-brain barrier?

A. It is a property of the walls of brain capillaries that prevents large molecules from entering the brain.

Which of the following drugs blocks the second messenger cyclic AMP?

A. Lithium

Some neurons lack which of the following components?

A. Myelin

Which of the following structures contain both afferent and efferent neural elements

A. Neuromuscular junction

What is the difference between replication and verification?

A. Replication is repeating the experiment in other subjects to rule out the possibility of chance. In verification, the experiment is repeated and the same observations are obtained by any scientist following the same protocol as the original observer.

Which of the following does not belong with the others?

A. Semicircular canal

Which approach to understanding vision has provided insights into how complex forms are processed?

A. Spatial-frequency model

The combined work of Bell and Magendie revealed a fundamental fact about the spinal nerves.

A. Spinal nerves are bundles of sensory and motor nerves and in each sensory and motor nerve fiber transmission is strictly one-way.

Which of the following about metabotropic receptors is false?

A. They contain a specific ion channel.

The cortical region whose cells respond preferentially to color differences.

A. V4

The blind spot in our visual field is created by _______ at the _______.

A. a lack of photoreceptors; optic disc

A cortical motor neuron becomes active in response to

A. a particular movement in space & contraction of a particular muscle.

The misalignment of the two eyes can lead to ___.

A. amblyopia and functional blindness

A dermatome is

A. an area of skin innervated by a particular spinal nerve.

The output zone of the neuron is the

A. axon terminal

New olfactory receptor cells are formed from

A. basal cells.

The anxiolytic drug Valium belongs to the class of drugs known as

A. benzodiazepines.

A ligand of the acetylcholine receptor is a substance that

A. binds to it.

Large-diameter pain axons ____

A. carry sharp pain information

Eye-blink conditioning is an example of _______ conditioning and has been used to study mammalian cerebellar circuits.

A. classical

Motion sickness is particularly attributable to movements of the body that are not _______ by the sufferer.

A. controlled

In elderly cognitively normal people, memory decline is

A. correlated with reduced volume of the hippocampal formation.

The primary input structure(s) of a neuron is/are:

A. dendrites

The phenomenon of onset _______ and the formation of a sound _______ by the head allow for the localization of sound in space.

A. disparity; shadow

Although humans produce only 350 olfactory receptor proteins, we can still detect at least 5,000 odorants because

A. each odor activates a different combination of receptor molecules.

The basal ganglia include the

A. globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, and putamen.

A pain stimulus is associated with a release of ____.

A. glutamate and substance P

Postsynaptic potentials are a type of

A. graded potential.

The pons is a structure within the

A. hindbrain.

The eight-arm radial maze has been used with rats to demonstrate the importance of the _______ in _______ memory.

A. hippocampus; spatial

The notion of dualism as proposed by Descartes stated that

A. humans have a nonmaterial soul and a material body that are not the same.

The NMDA receptor ion channel is blocked by

A. magnesium.

The inferior colliculus projects auditory impulses to the

A. medial geniculate nucleus.

The supplementary motor cortex and the premotor cortex together make up the

A. nonprimary motor cortex.

Within the visual system, the ventral stream is more important for ___ and the dorsal stream is more important for___.

A. perceiving objects; perceiving movement

The _______ model of drug abuse and addiction focuses on the addict's desire to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

A. physical dependence

At present, the only way to identify Alzheimer's disease with confidence is through

A. postmortem examination.

The idea that we can understand complex systems by looking at their simpler constituent parts is known as

A. reductionism.

One of the best ways to improve learning is to

A. repeatedly retrieve and reconsolidate information.

The chemical within rods that reacts to light is known as

A. rhodopsin.

After repeated exposure to loud sounds, many people develop a permanent form of deafness called _______ deafness.

A. sensorineural

For a person suffering from acute pain, the _______ dimension would most likely dominate the pain experience.

A. sensory-discriminative

An off-center/on-surround cell responds most strongly when

A. the entire surround is illuminated.

Which of the following presynaptic events are presented in correct chronological order?

Action potential reaches axon terminal, calcium ion channels open, vesicles fuse with membrane, diffusion of neurotransmitter

Hans Selye labeled the initial response to stress the

Alarm reaction

Which of the following stages includes proceptive behavior?

Appetitive behavior

Which of the following connections has the greatest influence on the activity of the postsynaptic axon?

Axo-axonic synapses

The resting membrane potential of a neuron is about

B. -70 millivolts

Which of the following is not a specific criterion for classifying a substance as a neurotransmitter?

B. Ability of the substance to travel long distances between the site of origin and target area

Which of the following is not a monoamine neurotransmitter?

B. Acetylcholine

In which part of the neuron are synaptic vesicles found?

B. Axon terminal

Which type of study best describes the experiment in which a subject performs a cognitive task while in a brain scanner (e.g., fMRI), while researchers measure indirect changes in activity in specific regions of the brain?

B. Behavioral intervention

Current visual research supports which of the following hypotheses?

B. Both Trichromatic and Opponent-Process

Which of the following substances competes with the neuromodulator adenosine?

B. Caffeine

At which level of analysis do neuroscientists study the different types of neurons and their functions? Choose the correct option.

B. Cellular neuroscience

Which of the following structures does not contain dopaminergic nerve cell bodies and projections?

B. Cerebellum

Moving from the base of the brain to the tailbone, what are the respective segments of the spinal cord to which spinal nerves attach?

B. Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal

Which of the following is necessary for the process of apoptosis?

B. Death genes

Which of the following represents the most common sequence of information flow through a neuron?

B. Dendrite→soma→axon hillock→axon

The adage "cells that fire together, wire together" refers to a hypothesis proposed by

B. Donald Hebb.

Which of the following types of neuron in monkeys are active in preparation for arm movement and in response to observing another monkey move its arm?

B. F5 neurons

Which of the following brain regions is not one of the prominent sites of damage in Korsakoff's syndrome?

B. Hippocampus

Fast-adapting tactile receptors that mediate most of our ability to perceive form are called

B. Meissner's corpuscles.

Which of the following structures contains the reticular formation?

B. Midbrain

LTP in area CA1 may be blocked by drugs that are _______ antagonists.


Which of the following is the correct route for the passage of visual information?

B. Optic nerve, optic tract, optic radiations

How many distinct layers are observed in the human neocortex?

B. Six

Which of the following statements is false?

B. Sweet tastes interact with fast-acting ionotropic receptors.

The temporal lobe is separated from the frontal and parietal lobes by the

B. Sylvian fissure.

A neuroscientist investigates how different neural circuits in the brain analyze sensory information, form perceptions of the external world, make decisions, and execute movements. At what level of analysis is this research conducted?

B. Systems neuroscience level

The term "depolarization" refers to

B. a decrease in membrane potential, toward 0 mV.

Synaptic plasticity can be demonstrated in relatively simple organisms like Aplysia. Short-term habituation of the gill-withdrawal reflex to repeated stimulation of the siphon is related to

B. a decrease in the amount of neurotransmitter released at the sensory-motor synapse.

As you sit and answer this question, you are receiving less and less information about the feeling of the seat on which you are sitting. This is due to the process underlying your sensory receptors response to the stimuli, called

B. adaptation.

The hair cells of the semicircular canals are located in the

B. ampullae

The neuron doctrine stipulates that neurons

B. are not continuous with one another.

Studies of brain-lesioned individuals, as well as imaging studies, indicate that the learning of sensorimotor skills, perceptual skills, and cognitive skills are all affected by lesions specific to the

B. basal ganglia

Retinal photoreceptor cells release the neurotransmitter _______.

B. glutamate

Electrical gradients lead to the ____.

B. movement of ions to areas having opposite electrical charges

The most common type of neuron in vertebrates is the _______ neuron.

B. multipolar

The resting potential is mainly the result of ____.

B. negatively charged proteins inside the cell

The vomeronasal system appears to specialize in detecting

B. pheromones.

Prepyriform cortex is also called

B. primary olfactory cortex.

Pain information reaches the ___ and is integrated in the ____ cortex.

B. somatosensory; cingulate

If an individual were to experience bilateral damage in the ventral occipitotemporal junction, a likely result would be loss of

B. the ability to recognize common objects.

In an experiment in which specific areas of the brain are destroyed in one group of animals in order to observe the effect on sleep patterns, the independent variable is

B. the brain lesion.

In the context of genetics, the term expression refers to

B. the way a cell makes an mRNA transcript of a gene.


B. varies from dark to light.

Research indicates that treating postmenopausal women with low doses of _______ can revive sexual interest.

Both androgen and estrogen

Which of the following pain-relievers is thought to increase endogenous opioids?

C. Acupuncture

On what basis did Broca defend functional localization of the brain? Choose the correct option.

C. By establishing a relationship between the production of speech and the left frontal lobe

To whom can we attribute the theory that behavior is among the heritable traits that could be developed?

C. Charles Darwin

In the extracellular or intracellular fluid, which of the following is an anion?

C. Chloride

In the mammalian brain, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter is


Which neuroanatomical method provides an outline of entire neurons?

C. Golgi stain

Which of the following structures is not required for the conditioned eye-blink response in the rabbit?

C. Hippocampus

Which of the following questions reflects a perspective from the field of evolutionary psychology?

C. How are hormones involved in mating in different species of mammals?

What is "mind-brain problem"? Choose the correct option.

C. Individually human mental capacities exist outside the brain that is in the mind.

The study of membrane permeability of GABA receptors corresponds to which of the following levels of analysis?

C. Molecular level

Which of the following neurotransmitters can act as a retrograde messenger?


Which type of cell is responsible for myelination within the central nervous system?

C. Oligodendrocytes

Which structure is ventral to the hypothalamus?

C. Pons

Which of the following is not a catecholamine neurotransmitter?

C. Serotonin

Which of the following disorders has the highest prevalence in the U.S.?

C. Stroke

Which of the following describes the phenomenon of place coding?

C. The pitch of a sound is determined by the location of activated hair cells along the length of the basilar membrane.

Which of the following statements about glial cells is false?

C. They are found outside the nervous system.

As we move from bipolar cells to ganglion cells to LGN cells to V1 cells... what happens to the size of receptive fields?

C. They get larger.

An IPSP represents ____.

C. a temporary hyperpolarization

Neurofibrillary tangles are

C. abnormal tangles of neurofilaments, including tau protein.

If a newly developed drug is found to bind to serotonin receptors and activate them, the drug is classified as a(n)

C. agonist

Disulfiram (Antabuse) is prescribed for people who are trying to overcome dependence on

C. alcohol.

In classical conditioning, a previously neutral stimulus, when repeatedly paired with an another (important) stimulus, becomes the

C. conditioned stimulus.

Adult neurogenesis occurs primarily in the _______ region of the hippocampus.

C. dentate gyrus

The concentration gradient refers to the ____.

C. difference in distribution for various ions between the inside and outside of the membrane

By definition, a manufactured drug that interacts with a particular type of receptor in the brain is a(n) _______ ligand

C. exogenous

Parkinson's disease is linked to

C. extensive death of neurons of the substantia nigra.

Visual cortical areas outside the primary visual cortex are referred to as

C. extrastriate cortex.

The cells whose axons make up the optic nerve are the _______ cells.

C. ganglion

An EPSP is a(n) ____.

C. graded depolarization

When light hits a photoreceptor, the photoreceptor ___.

C. hyperpolarizes.

Methylation is the process by which gene expression is _______ through _______.

C. inhibited; DNA modification

H.M.'s performance on the mirror tracing task showed that he could acquire a kind of _______ memory.

C. long-term

The dorsal column system crosses to the contralateral side of the nervous system at the level of the

C. medulla.

Phantom limb pain is an example of _______ pain.

C. neuropathic

Sensory receptors that are specialized for responding to painful stimuli are called

C. nociceptors.

According to the all-or-none law, ____.

C. once an axon reaches threshold, the amplitude and velocity of an action potential are nearly equal each time

In rats, hippocampal _______ cells have been discovered that change their firing patterns when the animal is in a particular location.

C. place

The _______ model of drug abuse and addiction takes into account the powerful reinforcement provided by the drug.

C. positive reward

A major site of origin of projections using the neurotransmitter serotonin is/are the

C. raphe nuclei.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, relieve pain by ____

C. reducing the release of chemicals from damaged tissues

The motor unit is a

C. single motor axon and all the muscle fibers it innervates.

Neurons in the LGN respond best to ___ of light, while cells in V1 respond best to ___ of light.

C. spots; bars

An on-center/off-surround cell responds most strongly when

C. the entire center is illuminated.

Receptors that show little or no adaptation to maintained stimulation are called _______ receptors.

C. tonic

_______ seizures do not involve the entire brain.

Complex partial

Which of the following body parts are not highly represented on the sensory homunculus?

D. Eyes

___ is characterized by excessive movement.

D. Huntington's disease

Brightness detector ganglion cells receive their input chiefly from

D. L and M cones.

What kind of information is carried by the ventral roots of the spinal cord?

D. Motor information to muscles

_______ receptors respond very high temperatures, but do not respond to capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers spicy hot.


For what purpose did Franz Joseph Gall study the dimensions of the human head?

D. To understand the propensity for certain personality traits.

The cortical region whose cells respond preferentially to motion.

D. V5

Stimulation of a photoreceptor results in the generation of _______ in the receptor.

D. a graded hyperpolarization

The sharpness with which an image can be resolved by the visual system is called

D. acuity.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work by

D. allowing the transmitter to accumulate in the synaptic cleft.

The ventricular system contains

D. cerebrospinal fluid.

Electrical messages used by nerve cells are essentially the same in a jellyfish or a cockroach. This observation suggests that this mechanism is a(n) _______ characteristic.

D. conserved

Golgi tendon organs send information to the CNS when a muscle is

D. contracted.

The _______ is (are) primarily responsible for refracting light to form the image on the retina.

D. cornea

Compared to animals placed in impoverished conditions, animals kept in enriched conditions have been found to have heavier brains, due primarily to increases in the thickness of the

D. cortex.

Memories that we are consciously aware of retrieving are known as _______ memories.

D. declarative

Lesions of the _______ system do not cause paralysis, but they usually exaggerate spinal reflexes.

D. extrapyramidal

AMPA receptors are ___ receptors that conduct ___.

D. glutamate; sodium

Specialized ganglion cells that detect darkness are

D. inhibited by both M and L cones.

An experiment in which specific areas of the brain are destroyed in a group of animals in order to observe the change in their sleep patterns

D. is a within-subjects experiment.

According to the concept of _______, particular nerve cells in the brain recognize sensory information that is specific to only particular types of information.

D. labeled lines

NMDA receptors appear to be essential for the formation of _______ memories.

D. long-term

Stimulation of a Pacinian corpuscle causes the opening of _______ gated _______ channels.

D. mechanically; sodium

Morphine and other opiate drugs decrease sensitivity to pain by ____.

D. mimicking the effects of endorphins at the synapses

Spatial summation refers to ____.

D. multiple weak stimulations that occur at the same time

Drugs that are effective in reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia are known as

D. neuroleptics.

The resting membrane potential is

D. partially established by the uneven distribution of ions across the membrane.

You see a scary movie and are frightened several times as the movie plot unfolds. Later that night, at home, you find you are scared by sounds that normally do not bother you. This is an example of

D. priming.

In the formation of LTP, the entry of Ca2+ ions into the neuron activates _______, which are enzymes that contribute to the _______ of the postsynaptic cell.

D. protein kinases; increased AMPA conductance

Temporal summation most likely occurs with ____.

D. rapid succession of subthreshold excitation

Simple cortical cells

D. respond best to an edge or bar.

The rods of the retina are the main receptors of the _______ visual system.

D. scotopic

The hallucinogenic effects of LSD are mainly attributed to its stimulation of _______ receptors.

D. serotonin

The lowest level at which impulses from the two ears interact is the

D. superior olivary nucleus.

Outputs from the olfactory bulb make synaptic connections to all of the following except the

D. thalamus.

Myopia is a condition that develops when

D. the eyeball is too long.

The fifth taste, called _______, is apparently mediated by a type of _______.

D. umami; metabotropic glutamate receptor

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is false?

Dizygotic twins have a concordance rate of 50%.

Which of the following is not a long-term effect of antipsychotic drugs?

Dopamine receptor irreversibility malfunctions

Which statement about the emotional responses of psychopaths has been shown to be false?

Emotion-focused therapy has been shown to be effective for some psychopaths.

Based on current research, we know that we have red cones, blue cones, and yellow cones.


A psychobiological model of the development of PTSD draws connections among the neural mechanisms of which of the following?

Fear conditioning Extinction All of these <--correct Behavioral sensitization

Most modern sleeping pills, such as triazolam, act via receptors for the neurotransmitter


Which of the following is not an anterior pituitary hormone?


Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?


The concept of stress is associated with the work of

Hans Selye.

Which of the following is not a common pathological consequence of prolonged stress?

Increased libido

Which hormone is responsible for the contractions of the uterus during childbirth?


Which of the following statements concerning phenylketonuria is true?

PKU is due to the absence of a particular enzyme that breaks down phenylalanine.

_______ is a severe mental disorder that can be triggered by events such as the sudden death of a loved one, combat, kidnapping, or abuse.


Which of the following classes of drugs is not used to treat depression?


Dolphins do not exhibit _______ sleep, most likely because of decreased motorneuron activity and the aquatic environment.


Optic ataxia refers to difficulty with which of the following

Reaching and grasping objects

Which of the following represents the correct order of the stages of reproductive behavior?

Sexual attraction, proceptive behavior, copulation, postcopulatory behavior

Which of the following is not a behavioral form of homeostatic regulation?

Shivering in a snow storm

People who have died of fatal familial insomnia show evidence of degeneration in the


What determines a neuron's maximal firing rate?

The duration of the refractory period.

Which research observation triggered the idea that biological factors could cause mental illness?

The finding that paralytic dementia was in fact a symptom of syphilis

Which of the following functions regulated by major endocrine structures is false?

The gonads regulate emotional arousal.

After profuse vomiting, which of the following is not likely to occur?

The sympathetic nervous system stimulates muscles in the artery walls to dilate.

Which of the following has not been found to demonstrate a circadian rhythm?

They all demonstrate a circadian rhythm. <--correct Body temperature Hormone secretion Drug sensitivity

Which of the following does not describe properties of protein and amine hormones?

They can easily pass through cell membranes.

Which of the following is about the SSRIs is false?

They can lift unipolar depression within a matter of days.

Why are a broad perspective and an interdisciplinary approach required for understanding the brain?

Understanding the brain requires knowledge about many things, from the structure of the water molecule to the electrical and chemical properties of the brain.

Which of the following hypothalamic regions is critical for the display of lordosis behavior by female rats?


_______ was a pioneer in mapping the brain through electric stimulation.

Wilder Penfield

An imaging study of the brains of combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder revealed

a reduction in the volume of the right hippocampus.

Lesions of the SCN _______ circadian cycles.


Lesions of the medial amygdala of male rats

abolish penile erections in response to receptive females.

The main difference in the physiological reactions to physical versus psychological stressors is that only physical stressors

activate the adrenal glands. increase epinephrine levels. increase blood pressure. None of these. <---correct

The rat dam's licking of the male pup's anogenital region

aids in the masculinization of his spinal cord

The dopamine hypothesis proposes that schizophrenia is due to

an excess of dopamine release or dopamine receptors.

Pyschological depression is associated with _______ in REM sleep earlier in the night.

an increase

The term "hyperpolarization" refers to

an increase in membrane potential, away from 0 mV.

The hypothalamus uses releasing hormones to regulate secretions of tropic hormones from the

anterior pituitary.

Cats given lesions just ventral to the locus coeruleus sometimes

appear to act out their dreams

The symptoms of Tourette's syndrome resemble those of patients with disease of the

basal ganglia

A hamster kept in constant dim light will eventually

become free-running

The effects of gonadal steroids activate behavior such that the behavior

becomes more likely to occur.

The drug Valium is a type of


Both PCP and ketamine act by _______ receptors

blocking NMDA

The type of rhythmicity characterized by the regular, predictable onset of a particular behavior once a day is called


Sexual receptivity, often corresponding with ovulation in female mammals, is necessary for


All of the following are biological functions of sleep except


Nocturnal animals are usually asleep during the


Individual males that suffer social defeat have been found to have _______ levels of testosterone.


During the initial phase of parachute training in soldiers, their testosterone levels _______ and their post-jump epinephrine levels _______.

decreased; increased

There are several successive processes in memory formation; the first stage is called


Hormone-producing glands are called _______ glands.


Glands that secrete their products outside the body are referred to as _______ glands.


Simon LeVay's discovery of a nucleus in the brain that is larger in heterosexual men than in homosexual men proves that sexual orientation is

fixed at birth. biologically determined. genetically determined. None of these <--- correct

The primary source of energy for the body is


It is estimated that about _______ of the variability in sexual orientation in humans is attributable to genetic factors.


Neuroendocrine cells of the hypothalamus release _______ into the bloodstream.


Patients who suffer from narcolepsy have lost a large majority of the _______-containing neurons in the _______.

hypocretin; hypothalamus

Stressful exam periods produce a(n)

increase in norepinephrine secretion.

The Sry protein is produced in the

indifferent gonads.

Twin studies indicate a large genetic component to schizophrenia. However, another factor may be

influenza infection of the mother during fetal development. incompatible blood types between the mother and developing fetus. All of these. <---correct the stress of city living.

During the absorptive phase, special cells in the liver, called glucodetectors, detect circulating glucose and trigger the release of


Lesions of the medial amygdala will cause a virgin rat to show

maternal behaviors right away.

Psychoneuroimmunology studies how the immune system interacts with which other two systems?

nervous and endocrine

The gonads

originate from identical tissue in males and females.

The time that elapses between two successive occurrences of a circadian event, such as the commencement of the day's activities, is called the


A drug that produces a schizophrenia-like state is


Termination of drinking by a dehydrated mammal does not occur until the

plasma dilution reaches a normal level. body tissues become rehydrated. blood volume reaches a normal level. None of these <----cirrect

One reason that body temperature is a critical variable for animals is because the function of many _______ is temperature-dependent.


After destruction of the lateral hypothalamus, a rat eventually

recovers spontaneous eating.

Scientists use a _______________ approach to understand how the brain works. In this approach, neuroscientists break a complex problem into ___________ pieces for systematic experimental analysis.

reductionist; smaller

Because homeostasis is vital for survival, _______ mechanisms have evolved that maintain a stable internal environment.


Most humans who undergo liposuction

regain the weight they lose

Some researchers have characterized SWS dreams as

resembling vague thought.

The Coolidge effect is the

resumption of sexual activity by male rats when exposed to a novel female.

There are four major interacting neural systems involved in sleep. One region crucial to activation of wakefulness is the

reticular system of the brainstem.

Families with a history of bipolar disorder are more likely than other families to have individuals with


Development of masculine external genitalia is guaranteed by the presence of

secretion of androgens. the XY chromosome pattern. the XX chromosome pattern. None of these. <--- correct

The central nervous system has three thermostats, each with its own thermal _______ that relates to its distance from the body core.

set zone

Stage 2 slow-wave sleep is characterized by distinctive wave patterns in the EEG of 12 to 14 Hz called

sleep spindles

Androgen acts on the SNB system of male rats by

sparing the BC muscles, which in turn spare SNB neurons.

In humans, somnambulism usually occurs during

stage 3 SWS

Rat pups that are deprived of their mother for long periods of time demonstrate all of the following except

stress immunization.

A common movement disorder produced by antischizophrenia drugs is called

tardive dyskinesia.

Development of the testes is prompted by the presence of

the SRY gene.

As a result of his experiments with roosters, Berthold concluded that

the testes release a masculinizing chemical into the blood.

The type of rhythmicity characterized by the regular, predictable onset of a particular behavior every six hours is called


Male homosexuality has been clearly related to

undersecretion of testosterone. oversecretion of estrogens. oversecretion of testosterone. None of these <--- none of these

In schizophrenia there are several changes in the brain, including enlargement of the _______ and decreased activity of the _______ lobes.

ventricles; frontal

The ___ appears to be specialized for the detection of pheromones.

vomeronasal organ (or VNO)

During mammalian sexual differentiation, the male internal reproductive tract develops from the _______ ducts.


The external cue that animals use to discern the time of day is called a


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