PSYCH 105 John Lothes final exam review

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what is a neurotransmitter?

a chemical that travels from one neuron to another

which is an unconditioned reflex?

an inborn, automatic connection between and stimulus and a response

of the following, which is a behaviorist most likely to study?

animal learning

what is the long fiber that conducts impulses from a neuron's cell body towards another cell?


what effect do new experiences have on neurons?

axons and dendrites withdraw old branches and grow new ones

which of the following is most likely to cause people to have difficulty falling asleep?

becoming accustomed to going to bed late and then trying to shift to going to bed earlier

those who argue that psychologist should only study observable actions are called


memory of a specific experience such as graduating from high school is known as

episodic memory

a study compared memory abilities in young adults and older adults at different times. early in the morning, the older adults performed _____ than young adults; later in the day, the older adults performed _______ than the young adults

equal or better, worse

larger animal species need more sleep than smaller animal species


most neurons stop all activity during sleep


repeating something over and over, word for word, is the best way to remember it


the best way to see whether a test is biased is to see whether one group of people does better than another


the cerebellum refers to the set of connecting fibers that allow the left and right hemispheres to communicate and share information


the occipital lobe is specialized for hearing


when you decide to do something ,you make the conscious decision slightly before the relevant activity begins in your brain


when spearman described the g factor in intelligence, what did the g stand for?


a psychic claims that he can read the minds of people on the planet Zipton, which is millions of light years away. the main scientific objection is that this claim

is not falsifiable

PET scans and fMRI provide similar information. what is an advantage of fMRI?

it does not expose the brain to ionizing radiation

what causes the blind spot in the human retina?

it is the point where the optic nerve exits the eye

according to the drive theory of motivation, what does a motivation do?

it makes it more vigorous until it satisfies some need

the guiding assumption of scientific management or theory X is that

jobs should be simple and foolproof

Thorndike's cats improved their ability to escape his puzzle boxes gradually, not suddenly. what conclusion did he draw from this observation?

learning is based on strengthening responses, not on insights

frued referred to the surface appearance of a dream as the _________ content


circadian rhythms are partially controlled by the release of which hormone?


The word psychology was derived from the greek works meaning psyche meaning _____ and logos meaning ______

mind, word

which of the following is an example of a secondary reinforcer?


what evidence did spearman have for his proposed g factor of intelligence?

most people who do well on one type of test also do well on other tests

why are researchers today skeptical of freud's concept of repression?

nearly all people who had traumatic experiences can remember them

what is the result of damage to the hair cells in the cochlea?

nerve deafness

is it true that cats can see in complete darkness? if so, how?

no, vison in complete darkness is impossible

one problem with using anecdotes as evidence for ESP (or for anything else) is that anecdotes are

not replicable

what is the relationship between job satisfaction and age

on average, older workers report the highest job satisfaction

after damage to the cerebral cortex, a person has impairment in the body perception (touch,etc.) and impaired perception of object locations. where is damage to the body probably located?

parietal lobe

which of the following is true of a convenience sample?

people are chosen just because they are available or easy to study

a major contributing factor to anorexia is

perceived pressure to be thin

how does the experimenter try to equate the experimental group and the control group?

random assignment

after you witness a robbery, you have trouble describing the thief. the police show you several photographs and ask whether any of them was the thief. they are checking your memory by which method?


what are two practical applications of hypnosis?

reducing reactions to pain and post-hypnotic suggestions

which of the following is a common effect of alcohol consumption?

reduction of inhibitions against sexual or aggressive behavior

two common effects of meditation are

relaxation and better control of attention

what happens at a synapse?

release of the chemical that affects another cell

Kinsey survey can lead us to reasonably confident conclusions concerning

the range if variability in sexual behavior

according to the trichromatic (Young-Helmholtz) theory, we perceive color by

the relative levels of activity by three types of cones

a professor provides a review session for half the students, and later compares their scores to the other students. what is the independent variable in the experiment?

the review session

binet and simon developed the first intelligence tests in order to measure

the skills that children need for success in school

the human relation approach to job design is also called

theory Y

people tend to maintain a nearly constant body weight over the course of month, unless something unusual happens. the constant weight is referred to as

set point

when someone acquires a complex response through reinforcement for gradual approximations to the response, the training procedure is known as


according to mallow's hierarchy of needs, certain motivations take priority over others


action potential are sent according to the all-or-none law


all else being equal, scientist prefer the parsimonious theory


because all the axons exit from the eye at the same place, everyone has a blind spot


case histories are a type of naturalistic observation that focus on a single individual


free recall ,cued recall, recognition, and having are all tests of explicit memory


goals become more effective if you talk about them publicly


if you go all night without sleep, you feel more alert the next morning than you did late in the night


in operant conditioning, the subject's behavior determines an outcome and is affected by the outcome


intelligence quotient (IQ) tests attempts to measure an individual's probable performance in school and similar settings


john watson and other behaviorists were much more interested in studying animal behavior and learning than in studying mental processes


just putting a larger portion of food on the plate influences people to eat more


raven' progressive matrices can be used to measure intelligence of people who speak other languages


spontaneous recovery is a temporary return of an extinguished response after a delay


stimulus generalization is the extension of a conditioned response from the training stimulus to similar stimuli


surgery can correct certain types of deafness


the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord


what evidence do most studies of heritability of human intelligence consider?

twins and adopted children

when asked about the body shape that the opposite sex finds most attractive, women ______ and men _____ the weight that the opposite sex actually prefers

underestimate, overestimate

in an environment in which temperature, light, and other conditions remain constant 24 hours a day, most people

still awaken and got to sleep on a nearly 24 hour schedule

what so cutaneous senses detect?

stimuli on the skin

which term refers to Kitchener's attempts to understand the components of mental experience?


according to the principle of encoding specificity, to do well on the test you should

study at the same time and place you will be tested

an operational definition is a definition that

tells us how to produce or measure something

the phenomenon that mean IQ scores rise from one generation to another, unless the test are made more difficult, is known as what?

the Flynn effect

extinction of a conditioned response is the same thing as forgetting


freud's influence on clinical psychology is stronger today than ever before


humans have an approximately equal number of cones and rods


what is meant by the all-or-none law of the action potential?

an action potential is either sent or not sent

which of the following is a treatment widely used for Parkinson's disease?

L-DOPA, a chemical that the brain converts into dopamine

who discovered classical conditioning?


what education does a clinical psychologist have?

Ph.D. or Psy.D.

who established the first psychological research laboratory?

Wilhelm Wundt

when drug tolerance develops by classical conditioning, what is the conditioned stimuli?

a drug administration ritual

which kind of goal is most effective in increasing your efforts?

a goal that is realistic but challenging

if someone combines results from many studies as if they were one study, what is the outcome?

a meta-analysis

Korsakoff's syndrome, which produces serve memory impairment, is caused by

a prolonged deficiency of vitamin B-1

an investigator identifies 1,000 people, using the same percentages of male and female, young and old as in the total population. what kind of sample is the investigator trying to obtain?

a representative sample

what is the corpus callosum?

a set of axons connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain

according to sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, three factors need to be considered when describing intelligence. which of the following is NOT on of sternberg's three factors?

age of the individual

which of the following drugs acts mainly as a relaxant or depressant?


in which does a person have the LEAST amount of brain activity and responsiveness?

brain death

lycanthropy is an extremely rare condition in which someone believes he or she is a wolf. an investigator who wished to study this condition would most likely rely on which method?

case history

why do cats sleep more than sheep?

cats are in less danger while they sleep

if you remember the number "14916253649" as "1-4-9-16-25-36-49" (the squares of the first seven integers), you are improving your ability to store information by means of


a magician has two people concealed in a long wooden box, one whose head and arms stick out of the box, and the other whose legs stick out. when the magician saws between the two people the audience thinks the magician is sawing one person in half. the trick is primarily based on the Gestalt principle of


human factors specialists and industrial psychologists usually provide their services to


people with amnesia typically have problems with _____ memories while______ memories remain intact

declarative; procedural

according to cattell, if we examine the intelligence of a person at age 20 and again at age 50, we are most likely to find

decreasing fluid intelligence, but steady or increasing crystallized intelligence

suppose we want to determine what should be a reinforcer for some child today. according to the disequilibrium principle, how should we start?

determine whether the child has been deprived of opportunities for certain acts

the philosophical position that every behavior has a cause is known as


during REM sleep

dreams are most likely to occur

morphine reduces pain by stimulating synapses in the brain that normally respond to


by developing tests of creative and practical intelligence, sternberg is attempting to develop intelligence tests that are better predictors of _______ than standard IQ tests

everyday intelligence

Dr. Jones finds a correlation of +.5 between variables A and B. Dr. Jones can logically conclude that changes in variable A caused the changes observed in variable B.


a five year old who has a sanford-binet IQ score of 116 is more intelligent than an eight year old who also scores a 116


a subliminal message to buy popcorn increases people's likelihood of buying it


damage to the hippocampus impairs all types of memory equally


darwin's theory of evolution has never really had an influence in the field of psychology


exactly five chemicals are used as neurotransmitters in the human brain


experimental Hubel and Wiesel Foul that cells in he visual cortex of monkeys respond vigorously only when light falls on their retina in a particular shape and in a particular location. therefore those cells acts as

feature detectors

when asked a general question, a psychologist might reply "it depends." why?

few statements about psychology apply to all people, all the time

if reinforcement occurs after every sixth response, which schedule of reinforcement is this?

fixed-ratio schedule

according to raymond catell, the g factor in intelligence has two major components

fluid and crystallized

which of the following theories holds that intelligence includes unrelated (or poorly correlated) abilities such as language, music, body movement, and social sensitivity?

gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

which theory attempts to explain why a given injury may produce much pain in one person and less pain in another, or more at one time and less at another?

gate theory

what was the Hermann Ebbinghaus's contribution to the study of memory?

he was the first to do experiments to measure memory

what is impaired in someone with damage to the temporal lobe of the cortex?


a new test determines your score by dividing your telephone number in to your social security number, and then multiplying by 100. this test probably has

high reliability and low validity

the patient H.M. suffered severe anterograde amnesia after damage to which brain area?


which of the following is most characteristic of short-term memory?

holds only about seven items

in one survey, 95% of high school students said they were sexually harassed. before we decide how seriously to take these results, which question would be most important to ask?

how did the survey define sexual harassment?

the nature-nurture issue can be best defined as the study of

how differences in behavior relate to differences in heredity and environment

health psychologists would be MOST interested in which of these?

how stressful experiences lead to illness

the adjustable pupil opening in the eye, through which light passes through, is the


which of these brain areas is most important for regulating hunger and appetite?


social-learning theory emphasizes how much we learn through


if the correlation between variable A and variable B is negative, then

increases in A are associated with decreases in B

in the human ear, the ability to perceive high frequencies (above 5000 Hz) depends on neurons working according to the ______ principle


the vestibular system is responsible for which kind of sensation?

position of the head

what can a psychiatrist do that a clinical psychologist cannot do, in most states?

prescribe drugs

how does an investigator produces extinction in classical conditioning

present the CS without the USC

remembering how to ride your bike is an example of which type of memory?


one advantage of the wechsler intelligence test, such as WAIS-III and WISC-IV is that they

provide separate scores representing a number of separate abilities

first yo memorize the street map of Detroit. if you now memorize the street map of Philadelphia, you might forget the Detroit map because of

retroactive interference

the left hemisphere of the cortex receives input from the ____ side of the body and controls muscles on the _____ side of the body

right, right

what are two important functions of sleep?

saving energy and enhancing memory

teachers seeking help in coping with students with special needs would consult which of these?

school psychologist

LSD attaches mainly to brain receptors sensitive to which neurotransmitter?


if you want to make and keep a new year's resolution, which of the following is poor advice

set either a very easy or an extremely difficult goal

an experimenter had participants exercise much, a little, or not at all and then measured how much they ate dinner. what was the dependent variable?

the amount of food eaten

the central nervous system consists of

the brain and spinal cord

REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep because

the brain is very active, but the muscles are relaxed

people note the moment when they decide to flex their wrist, and they report it later. researchers record the time of movement, the time of the reported decision, and the time when activity began to increase in the premotor cortex of the person's brain. which comes FIRST?

the increase in brain activity

a motivation is regarded as homeostatic if

the individual maintains some variable around a constant value

people in therapy sometimes report that they now recall some previously repressed memories of being sexually abused in infancy or early childhood. many psychologists are skeptical of these reports because

therapists suggestions may have created false memories

you enjoy getting e-mail messages, so you occasionally check your email to find out if you have any new messages. which schedule of reinforcement is present in this case?

variable interval

in the human ear, the ability to perceive intermediate frequencies (100-5000 Hz) depends on neurons working according to the ________ principle


according to abraham maslow, what do we do when we have several motivations?

we start with the lowest need and work up

when are mirror neurons active?

when you do something or when you see someone else do the same thing

to determine whether an IQ test is biased against some minority group, we need to determine

whether the minority group members do better in school than the tests scores predict

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