psych 2 exam

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When an infant gazes more intently at a new stimulus, researchers conclude that the infant recognizes that stimulus as different. It follows that the infant has: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

remembered the original stimulus, making the new stimulus seem different.

If one gently wakes someone whose eyes are closed but darting around, there is about an 80 percent chance the person will:

report she was in the midst of an interesting dream.

Jacob suffered a stroke that affected his _____. Now Jacob has difficulties recognizing faces.

right hemisphere

Alisha is paralyzed on the right side of her body. She is unable to move both her right arm and leg and has no sensation at all on her entire right side. She is convinced, however, that she is not paralyzed and can move the right side of her body. Her inability to understand her paralysis is due to damage to her:

right hemisphere.

Change blindness, inattentional blindness, and cocktail party effect all illustrate _____ attention.


A narrow focus on specific stimuli is called:

selective attention.

Drivers detect traffic signals more slowly if they are also conversing on a cell phone. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

selective attention.

Dr. Randolph studies states of consciousness that are psychologically induced, such as:

sensory deprivation.

Jaime is watching his favorite television program and sees a commercial for a new medication. It states that the medication can alleviate depression. "Since depression is a chemical imbalance, new Venlafaxine extended release can help with mood, sleep, arousal, and alertness by working on the two key neurotransmitters involved in depression." These two neurotransmitters are _____ and norepinephrine.


Dr. Hauser is a neurosurgeon working with patients who have major epileptic seizures. What might Dr. Hauser do to help reduce his patients' seizures?

sever the corpus callosum

_____ is a periodic, natural loss of consciousness.


The two major divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the _____ and _____ divisions. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

somatic; autonomic

Jennifer just felt someone touch her shoulder. Her _____ was stimulated.

somatosensory cortex

With respect to its function, sleep does NOT:

spur the production of free radicals.

Dr. Babineaux asks a sample of 8-year-old children to complete measures of several personality traits. When the same children are 16 years old, she asks them to complete measures of the same traits. Dr. Babineaux then computes correlations between the two sets of measures. Her results are MOST relevant to the _____ issues.

stability and change

Dr. Granite studies _____ of consciousness, such as normal waking awareness, meditation, and dreaming.


Courtney finds she needs more and more methamphetamine to get as high as she did before. She has withdrawn from college and was fired from her part-time job. Still, she craves methamphetamine all the time. According to the American Psychiatric Association, Courtney's case illustrates:

substance use disorder.

Scientists have found that nicotine can be passed through the placenta. For the unborn children of mothers who smoke heavily, nicotine is a(n):


Bonnie quits smoking cigarettes during the seventh week of her pregnancy. There is a chance that the chemicals in the cigarettes acted as _____, harming the development of Bonnie's baby during the period of the _____.

teratogens; embryo

The sleep disorder known as night _____ is characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified. This disorder occurs within two to three hours of falling asleep.


Early case studies of the brain found that damage to one side of the brain caused numbness or paralysis on the opposite side of the body. This suggested that:

the body's right side is connected to the left side of the brain and vice versa.

Cognitive neuroscience

the interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory, and language)

Arnold goes to his psychotherapist and describes his recent dreams in which he flies like an eagle through the sky. His therapist listens and then offers the interpretation that this dream signifies Arnold's unconscious desires to be free of his family obligations. Arnold's therapist is displaying an interest in:

the latent content of Arnold's dream.

Margaret suffered from a stroke over six months ago. She lost the ability to recognize faces and the ability to move her left arm and leg. She went through physical therapy to regain the use of her left arm and leg. While she is now able to walk with the use of a cane and can do many things with her left arm, she still has problems recognizing faces and is often unable to recognize her own children and grandchildren. Her stroke MOST likely impacted which part of her brain?

the right temporal lobe

A medical equipment company is thinking of expanding by developing lie detection machines that measure perspiration, cardiovascular, and respiration changes. On which system should their research focus? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

the sympathetic nervous system

Giacomo uses cocaine. He finds that he needs a line or two to re-create the original effects of a bump. Which is the MOST specific term describing Giacomo's experience?


Jason smokes crack cocaine. When he first started using, he used to get high using a small amount but now he finds he needs to smoke more and more to get the same high. This is an example of:


A recent survey showed that approximately _____ of adults were very satisfied with their personal lives if they got sufficient sleep.


Sophie suffered right hemisphere damage following a stroke. She is LEAST likely to experience difficulty in:

understanding a step in a recipe.

Sleep researchers agree that:

we need REM sleep.

Terry has quit using OxyContin. His nose is running and he is sweating. His pupils are dilated and tears are running from the corners of his eyes. Terry's symptoms BEST reflect:


Although not yet aware of her pregnancy, Mrs. Enriquez has conceived a single cell from the union of an egg cell and a sperm cell. This single cell is called a(n):


Twenty-five-year-old Jonah is wondering whether his rate of sperm cell production is within the normal range. For a man his age, his doctor will MOST likely tell him that the average rate of production is about _____ sperm per second.


In which of these decades would psychologists have been LEAST likely to claim a research interest in consciousness?


During a normal night of sleep, about _____ percent of one's sleep time is spent in REM sleep.


Tammy enjoys a glass of wine with dinner. After the meal, she has a cigarette with a cup of coffee. How many psychoactive drugs did Tammy consume?


Less than _____ percent of all _____ survive beyond the first 2 weeks after fertilization.

50; zygotes

If someone gently wakes another who is in the REM stage of sleep, there is about a(n) _____ percent chance the person will report being in the middle of a dream.


Which scenario is MOST relevant to the field of cognitive neuroscience?

A researcher can tell that Julie is looking at a telephone based on cortical activation patterns

_____ is the interdisciplinary study of the links between brain states and mental experiences.

Cognitive neuroscience

Tina has trouble sleeping. She wakes up around the same time each night feeling like she cannot breathe. Her physician suspects she may have sleep apnea, a sleep disorder. Which neuroimaging technique is her physician likely to use to determine if Tina has a sleep disorder?


To monitor the electrical activity in the brain that is triggered by hearing one's own name, researchers would make use of a(n):


This drug became popular in the 1990s in nightclubs and all-night raves.


_____ is a technique that produces computer-generated images that distinguish among different types of soft tissue.


_____ performed trail-blazing split-brain studies.

Michael Gazzaniga

Children are MOST likely to wet the bed in the _____ stage of sleep.


Ralph was involved in a bar fight and sustained a blow to the back of the head from a beer bottle. He was dazed and could not see for about two minutes. He MOST likely suffered damage to his _____ lobes.


Dr. Khan is studying love and attraction. She is particularly interested in which parts of the brain are active when people view images of their partner versus a stranger or friend. Which neuroimaging technique is Dr. Khan likely to use?

PET scan

_____ is to reorganizing brain tissue as neurogenesis is to new brain cells.


Vivid dreams occur during this recurring sleep stage, also known as paradoxical sleep.

REM sleep

The _____ is to sensory input as an old-fashioned switchboard is to telephone calls.


Which effect is NOT associated with stimulants?

a drop in respiration

Which technique would be MOST useful for detecting the brain areas that are especially active as a person performs mathematical calculations?

a positron emission tomography (PET) scan

Rather than just seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, consciousness helps one to:

act in one's long-term interests.

A person who has difficulty recognizing emotional responses in others following a head injury most likely suffered damage to the _____ in the limbic system.


Brent is taking part in an experiment in a cognitive neuroscience lab. Silently, he reads rapid sequences of words flashed on a computer screen. The electrical activity of his brain is simultaneously recorded through skull electrodes. The technique used in this study is:

an electroencephalogram (EEG).

The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system _____ the body; the effect of the parasympathetic division is _____.

arouses; the opposite

When one is conscious, one is:

aware of oneself and the environment.

Dr. Woodley's patient suffered a blow to the head. Dr. Woodley is concerned that the patient may have suffered damage to the occipital lobe. The blow MOST likely landed on the _____ of the patient's head.

back of

Nembutal, Seconal, and Amytal are sometimes prescribed to induce sleep and reduce anxiety. They belong to a class of medications called:


Estimates of the influence of heredity on personality traits are MOST directly associated with the research efforts of:

behavior geneticists.

Which region of the brain appears to have the oldest evolutionary history?


After suffering an accidental brain injury, Kira has difficulty walking in a smooth, coordinated manner. It is likely that she has suffered damage to her: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Genevieve is concerned because she often feels like she is going to fall over when she is walking. When she visits the doctor she is diagnosed with a tumor in the _____.


The _____ covers the two hemispheres and serves as the body's information processing center.

cerebral cortex

Katie prides herself on her ability to spot errors in continuity in movies and television shows. A few minutes ago, she pointed out that a wineglass was nearly empty in one frame, then full in the next. Most people fail to spot these errors in continuity because of:

change blindness.

In grade school, Jessica thought boys had cooties and refused to be within inches of them. Now in high school, she flirts with boys and is anticipating dancing close with some of them at an upcoming dance. Her attitude toward boys represents the _____ side of the _____ developmental issue.

change; stability and change

Biological processes occurring on a cycle of approximately 24 hours are called _____ rhythms.


A person is at a large party with lots of music and conversations going on simultaneously. While talking to a friend about a romantic breakup, the person hears his name spoken from the other side of the room. He immediately looks in the direction of the voice and sees the person who spoke his name. This ability to detect one's name being spoken in this situation is an example of the _____ effect.

cocktail party

Jean Piaget proposed a stage theory of _____ development.


Dr. Glasson asks questions about how consciousness arises from the material brain. She states that her field is interdisciplinary and is MOST likely to refer to it as:

cognitive neuroscience.

If speed were of the essence, which information processing system would one choose to make simple decisions?


A person's subjective experience of the world and the mind is called:


Steve had a stroke last year. Although he can remember many things from his childhood, he is unable to remember what he just ate for breakfast. It is MOST likely that the stroke:

damaged his frontal lobes.

Dr. Schrody studies states of consciousness that occur spontaneously, such as:


With respect to states of consciousness, deep sleep is to drowsy wakefulness as _____ waves are to _____ waves.

delta; alpha

Alcohol, barbiturates, and opiates calm neural activity and slow body functions. To which category of psychoactive drugs do they belong?


Dr. Murphy studies a group of schoolchildren and follows their progress through college. Dr. Murphy is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.


An introductory psychology student expresses an interest in growth and change during childhood and adolescence. Which psychology course should the student consider taking next semester?

developmental psychology

In the short term, alcohol might appear to be a stimulant. However, this is only due to the _____ properties of alcohol.


Methamphetamine is to Ecstasy as _____ is to _____.

dopamine; serotonin

During an argument, Trinh tries to rescue the discredited proposition that people only use 10 percent of their brain by suggesting that the belief is intended to mean that people are only aware of a small percentage of their brain's work, and that a lot of processing goes on that one is unaware of. Trinh's argument references the notion of _____ processing.


A car driver's ability to navigate a familiar route while carrying on an animated conversation with passengers BEST illustrates the importance of:

dual processing.

The correct order of prenatal development is zygote, _____, and fetus.


As the body is flooded by an artificial opiate, such as heroin, the brain stops producing its own natural opiates called _____.


Dr. Destri argues that sleep functions to conserve energy during periods in which hunting and gathering would be dangerous or unproductive. Dr. Destri's views reflect the _____ perspective in psychology.


Using principles of natural selection, _____ attempts to study how behavior and the mind have developed over the history of the species.

evolutionary psychology

Another term for nurture is:


A researcher is conducting a series of brain scans by using radio waves to briefly disrupt the activity in participants' brains as they complete decision-making tasks. The researcher is using _____ to examine the brain's activity.


Dr. Charles is using _____ when she conducts a series of brain scans by using radio waves to briefly disrupt the brain's activity.


The MOST immediate and direct function of the rooting reflex is the facilitation of:


Physical and cognitive abnormalities in children that are the result of a pregnant woman's heavy drinking reflect a condition known as _____ syndrome.

fetal alcohol

From two months after conception until birth, the developing fertilized egg is called a(n):


The ability of humans to survive and reproduce is known as _____.


The ability of humans to survive and reproduce is known as:


Research conducted by Dmitry Belyaev and Lyudmila Trut has shown that, over the course of many generations, _____ can be domesticated by selecting and mating animals with certain traits. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Maria had a stroke last year. Although she can remember many things from her childhood, she is unable to remember what she just ate for breakfast. It is MOST likely that the stroke caused damage to her _____ lobes.


Dr. Snell studies the part of the brain that is active when people are lying. She asks half of her participants to tell the truth about an event from their childhoods and half to tell a lie about an event from their childhoods. Which brain imaging technique should she use to detect brain areas that are active when the participants are lying?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

If a researcher is interested in measuring both the structure and function of the brain, which technique might one recommend?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

An organism's complete set of genetic instructions is called a:


Which behavior can trigger depression?

getting insufficient sleep

What do developmental psychologists seek to understand?

growth and change across the life span

Dr. Paul studies states of consciousness that are physiologically induced, such as:


Gabe goes to bed at his regular time, and as he begins to drift slowly off to sleep, he jumps up suddenly as he feels he is falling down the stairs. This is BEST explained by a _____ sensation. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


Ed has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He is taking an experimental medication. This medicine is designed to:

increase the level of acetylcholine.

A neuron will fire if excitatory signals are stronger than _____ signals.


Following massive damage to his frontal lobes in 1848, Phineas Gage was MOST strikingly debilitated by:


Women are more vulnerable to alcohol than men are because women:

lack an enzyme in their stomachs that helps metabolize alcohol.

Matthew tries to finish the day's most important business by 1 in the afternoon. before his brain runs down. His graduate student Meghna claims that her brain comes alive at 10 at night. Matthew may be described as a(n) _____, whereas Meghna is better called a(n) ______.

lark; owl

Among young adults, REM-sleep episodes _____ across the night, and episodes of N3 deep sleep _____.

lengthen; shorten

Jacob dreamt that he was driving a shiny red sports car and that he was pulled over by the police, but the officer was his best friend. His psychoanalyst interpreted this dream as meaning that Jacob feels his friend is holding him back. Jacob's actual dream represents the _____ content and the interpretation represents the _____ content.

manifest; latent

A police officer is fatally wounded. He is shot in the head and immediately stops breathing. It is MOST likely that the bullet pierced his:


A manufacturing company installs bright lights in a plant in which many employees work the 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. shift. The lights simulate morning sun, helping the suprachiasmatic nucleus to reduce the production of the sleep-inducing hormone called:


Amir falls asleep suddenly, when he is watching television, texting on his cell phone, or trying to type a paper. Amir would probably be diagnosed with a sleep disorder called:


Which of these is the principle that, among the range of all inherited trait variations, those that lead to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations?

natural selection

_____ is the principle that, among the range of all inherited trait variations, those that lead to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations.

natural selection

A researcher develops a self-report questionnaire assessing "morningness." High scores indicate the tendency toward being a lark, or morning person, whereas low scores indicate the tendency toward being a night owl. Based on the textbook's discussion, the researcher should find a _____ correlation between scores on this measure and scores on a measure of the Big Five trait of openness, and a ______ correlation between scores on this measure and scores on a measure of the Big Five trait of conscientiousness.

negative; positive

While listening to operatic solos, musicians process the lyrics and the tunes in separate brain areas. This MOST clearly illustrates the functioning of different: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

neural networks.

John had a brain tumor removed. Now he has no vision in his left eye. His tumor was located in his right _____ lobe.


Which is NOT a state of consciousness that occurs spontaneously?


Those who complain of insomnia typically _____ how long it actually takes them to fall asleep and _____ how long they actually slept.

overestimate; underestimate

A highly efficient computer engineer would MOST likely have larger _____ lobes.


Sam is a 2-year-old boy whose parents are worried that he is not growing very quickly. His pediatrician will MOST likely check his _____ gland.


The nervous and endocrine systems meet in the brain. The endocrine system's master gland, the _____ gland, is located next to a brain structure called the _____.

pituitary; hypothalamus

MRI scans indicate that well-practiced pianists have a larger-than-usual auditory cortex area, which encodes piano sounds. This BEST illustrates:


The tactile sensitivity of a body part is _____ related to the amount of somatosensory cortex devoted to processing its sensations.


Marijuana is a hard drug to classify because it:

produces a mixture of effects.

Environmental events turn on genes, rather like hot water enabling a tea bag to express its flavor. When turned on, genes provide the code for creating:

protein molecules

Which response is NOT an effect of sympathetic nervous system activation?

pupil constriction

An optimally functioning brain requires adequate sleep. This reflects the notion that sleep serves the function of:


Adopted children are especially likely to have similar _____ if raised in the same home.

religious beliefs

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