Psych 2

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_________ can arise from _________ influences.

Conformity; normative, Groupthink; normative, Conformity; informational

A man named Ronald Cotton was imprisoned after being identified as the person who committed a rape. After more than 10 years, he was exonerated of the crime and released. What led to this reversal of his conviction?

DNA evidence

Which linguist proposed that the thoughts that an individual has are determined by the language that he or she uses?

Edward Sapir

Which of the following is the BEST description of a person's sense of self?

It is "reflexive": People reflect on their own identities.

Which of the following is a possible outcome when individuals' implicit and explicit attitudes do not match?

They are unaware they hold an actual bias, such as a bias towards an ethnic minority.

Jean suffers from a pattern of pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Jean likely has which personality disorder?

avoidant personality disorder

Personality refers to ______.

characteristic ways that people differ from one another.

In the classic study by Hartshorne, May, Maller, and Shuttleworth (1928), the authors found that if they varied the situation, they could get children to behave honestly or dishonestly depending on the situation. This study supports the belief that ______.

children's ethical behavior depends on the situation

"Psychological self-defense" describes ways that our cognitive system protects us from ____________.

cognitive dissonance

A person does not "have" or "not have" a personality trait but instead can possess varying amounts of it. This is because personality traits reflect ____________________ rather than distinct personality types.

continuous distributions

The ________ test has even been shown to reveal unconscious bias of people who say they advocate universal equality for all groups.

implicit association

The process by which people attempt to monitor and control how others view them is known as ___________.

impression management

The assigned Invisibilia language episode (HIgh Voltage) describes an example that supports which of the following concepts, described in language readings?

linguistic relativity

With regards to language Dunbar argues that animals with larger brains, particularly humans, are more likely to _________.

live together in social groups

Hammond likes his daily routine that involves eating the same breakfast while reading the newspaper, and taking the same route to work. Every year he vacations at his favorite beach resort. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score low in?


_____________ exist(s) in the minds of every human.


"Epigenetics" refers to the influence of ________ on _________.

"nature"; phenotype

In economically developed Asian nations, how many romantic relationships has the average unmarried man in his mid-twenties had?


Which of the following are types of histone modification?


If undesirable phenotypes are mostly a result of nurture, or environmental influence, what is the major associated social advantage?

Anyone can become anything.

Which of the following questions might be the most effective for examining the phenomenon of false memory?

Asking a participant where on the Pepsi machine they saw the button to select a can of Sprite (which is actually a Coke product, not a Pepsi product).

Which of the following groups of psychologists would be most opposed to the assumptions and methodology of behavioral genetics?


Which of the following refers to an enzyme that establishes and maintains DNA methylation using methyl-group donor compounds or cofactors?

DNA methyltransferases

Which of the following are enzymes involved in epigenetic mechanisms?

DNA methyltransferases, histone acetyltransferases, histone deacetylases

Judge Martinez is presiding over a murder trial, and is getting ready to explain to the jury what their role will be as they hear the case. If he wants to reduce the problems associated with memory and the legal system, which of the following should he do based on recommendations offer in the text?

Give the jury proper education about eyewitness memory and testimony.

Dr. Andorski is working with a client whom he believes suffers from a personality disorder, but the symptoms do not fall clearly within the diagnostic criteria of any of the ten personality disorders. According to DSM-5, which of the following would be the best course of action for Dr. Andorski to take?

He should diagnose the client with Unspecified Personality Disorder (UPD)

Which of the following is true of adolescent brain development?

High intelligence with high openness is associated with innovation, The neural characteristics of adolescence can result in danger for individual adolescents, The neural characteristics of adolescence have been advantageous over evolutionary time.

Brad is very possessive of his girlfriend Lana. He suspects that other men are attracted to her and feels jealous of them. Which of the following, according to evolutionary theory, might best explain jealousy?

Jealousy is a psychological adaptation that increases vigilance.

________ is a concept that partially exists as a result of the word to describe it.

Mendokusai, Liget, Gender

Which of the following refers to the smallest unit of language that conveys meaning?


Dr. Loftus has used a false feedback manipulation to persuade subjects to falsely remember having a variety of childhood experiences. Which of the following best describes this experimental technique?

Participants are deceived to believe a computer system has analyzed questionnaires they previously completed and concluded they had particular experiences years earlier.

Which of the following statements are true?

Personal concerns are an important part of identity.

Which of the following rely on proximate causes, at least to some extent, to explain human behavior?

The Bystander Effect, The Theory of Reciprocal Altruism, Deindividuation

What are characteristics of the dimension added by the HEXACO model to the Five-Factor Model?

The honesty-humility dimension was added to describe people who are sincere, fair, and modest, not manipulative, narcissistic, or self-centered.

Researchers have found that men generally are more likely than women to be willing to consent to sex with strangers and to require less emotional investment for sex to occur. From an evolutionary perspective this is likely because:

The investment cost of a pregnancy is much higher for a woman than a man.

What does it mean when psychologists say that the "I" is perceiving the "me"?

The self as a knower is able to reflect on the self as a known object or target.

If undesirable phenotypes are mostly a result of nature, or genetic predisposition, what is the major associated social advantage?

The undesirable trait is not anyone's "fault".

Walter Mischel was an important figure in the "person-situation debate" amongst psychologists. What was Mischel's side of the argument?

Traits are an illusion. People may not be consistent across situations and thus it would be fruitful to study the distinct reactions in specific situations.

The fundamental attribution error occurs when _______________.

We mistakenly attribute others' behavior to their disposition instead of the situation.

Which of the following is the best definition of language?

a communication system that involves using words to transmit information from one individual to another

Deciding that an outgroup is fundamentally "bad", is an example of ______________.

a dispositional attribution

Which of the following examples would demonstrate the influence of "nature" (genes) on one's success?

a football player is born with the predisposition to become very tall, very fast, and quite muscular

Acetylation is ___________.

a histone modification, a chemical process, an epigenetic mechanism

Which of the following is the best definition of deindividuation?

a lessening of self-awareness or identity within a group, leading to increased feelings of anonymity and reduced concern for how one's behavior will be evaluated by others in the group

Over time, humans developed the ability to shiver. This is an example of ___________.

a survival adaptation

Which of the following is an accurate description of grammar?

a system that allows us to generate logical communication, a set of rules, a system that allows us to use a lexicon to convey meaning

Which of the following is supported by available evidence?

a weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

One major cognitive change in adolescence is a shift toward ______ thinking.


Behavioral consequences of the state of Liget include ___________.


I fail to turn on my turn signal before changing lanes, and almost cause an accident. I think to myself "That was close! I think that there may be too many cars on this road to eat this Whopper while I drive", I'd most clearly be demonstrating __________.

actor-observer bias

Over time, species can evolve new traits and behaviors that increase reproductive success. These are called _________.


A person suffering from antisocial personality disorder would probably exhibit a combination of which traits?

antagonism and low conscientiousness

Attribution primarily involves _____________.

assigning blame, describing causality, describing intention

In general, Ann's mother expects her to be home by 9pm. However, she permitted an exception to this rule when Ann requested permission to come home late in order to see her friend off to the airport. What style of parenting does Ann's mother possess?


To determine Rajiv's attachment style, the researcher puts him in a room with his Mom, and Rajiv begins to play with the toys. His Mom leaves the room, and then a stranger enters. Rajiv notices these changes, but does not respond. He continues to play. Rajiv's attachment style would be considered:


Which of the following rely heavily on methodology of quantitative genetics?

behavior genetics

The science of how one's genetic code and their environmental influences interact to affect their actions is called ______.

behavioral genetics

Which of the following has been demonstrated to influence methylation patterns of the glucocorticoid receptor gene?

childhood trauma, stress, maternal mood

Which of the following are lower during adolescence, as compared to other developmental stages?

cognitive control

Imagine you're against war. You take a job at a bomb factory. After you work there for a few years, you become pro-war. This demonstrates _________________,

cognitive dissonance

Our current understanding of the adolescent brain, and the world more generally, suggests that an appropriate focus of adolescent education in the future should be _____________.

cognitive skills

People who were part of the group planning the Iraq invasion in 2003 were likely demonstrating ___________.

collective rationalization, illusion of moral correctness, groupthink

"________ ground" refers to the information that is shared by people who engage in conversation. It allows for communication between speaker and listener to make coherent sense to both parties.


The concept of Liget (High Voltage) is an example of words changing ________.

concepts, perception, representations

By the end of preschool, children develop a "moral self" where they think of themselves as people who want to do the right thing and feel bad after they, or another, misbehaves. What developmental feature is critical to this "moral self" that encourages children to act consistently with their internal standards of conduct?


The night before a midterm exam, Kurt is invited to a party by his friends. He decides not to go to the party because doing well in the course is important to his career goals. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?


Identity is _________.


Our current understanding of the adolescent brain, and the world more generally, suggests that an appropriate focus of adolescent education in the future should be _____________.

creative thinking, information synthesis, abstraction

Anatoli says "immigrants are animals". Anatoli is demonstrating _____________.


Josh exhibits clinging behavior, submissiveness, and feats of separation. He likely has which personality disorder?

dependent personality disorder

Which of the following is a primarily behavioral construct?


Which of the following would be the most accurate term reflecting the opposite of conscientiousness?


The environment is ______, and the epigenome is ______.

dynamic; dynamic

Behavioral characteristics of adolescents should be ________.


The concept of Liget (High Voltage) is an example of words influencing ________.

emotional experience

It is critical to use good interviewing techniques with eyewitnesses after an event because good interviewing techniques can:

enhance the quality and quantity of information obtained from an eyewitness

The experience of jealously leads heterosexual men to be more likely to protect their mates and guard against rivals, which increases their reproductive success. This statement is best reflected by which of the following psychological perspectives?

evolutionary psychology

One way that emerging adults develop an understanding of who they are is by

exploring different identities

Which of the following actions from a child would exemplify having a sense of self as a social actor?

expressing emotions such as embarrassment, shame, guilt, and pride

A(n) _________ memory is a memory of an event that never actually occurred. It is implanted by experimental manipulation or other means.


Emerging adulthood is characterized by possibilities, instability, self-focus, identity exploration, and ______________.

feeling in-between

Twenty-five-year-old Filipe didn't understand how to do his taxes, so he called his mom to ask her for help. He said he needed a "real" adult to talk to. What aspect of emerging adulthood is Filipe experiencing?

feeling in-between

In evolutionary psychology, reproductive success is also known as _________.


Which of the following is not fully developed in the teenage brain?

frontal myelination

Which of the following phenomena is associated with dopamine?


Which of the following is the name for the modern theory of evolution by which differential gene replication is the defining process of evolutionary change?

gene selection theory

Stereotypes are

generalizations about groups that are often applied to individual group members.

A heritability coefficient is computed based on a comparison of the __________ of large groups of monozygotic and dizygotic twins?

genes or phenotypes

A heritability coefficient is computed, relying on the average ___________ of monozygotic and dizygotic twins?

genetic relatedness

An implication of a strong ____________ influence on the expression of an undesirable trait is that the trait is less likely to be considered anyone's "fault".


In Europe and Asia, emerging adulthood is longer than in the United States due, in part, to the financial support of the emerging adults' __________.


Behavioral consequences of the state of Liget include ___________.

headhunting, howling, throwing heads

Adolescence is a time of __________.

higher dopamine responsiveness

Which of the following are enzymes that transfer acetyl groups to specific positions on histone tails, promoting an "open" chromatin state and transcriptional activation?

histone acetyltransferases

Which of the following are enzymes that remove acetyl groups from specific positions on histone tails, resulting in a "closed" chromatin state and transcriptional repression?

histone deacetylases

Methylation is a __________.

histone modification

One epigenetic mechanism that has been identified directly affects ________.

histone modification, methylation patterns, protein acetylation

English speakers conceptualize time __________ whereas Mandarin speakers conceptualize time _________.

horizontally; vertically

Which of the following has been demonstrated to be associated with methylation patterns of the glucocorticoid receptor gene?

hormonal response to stress

The Theory of _____________ stresses the fact that natural selection operates on the level of ___________.

inclusive fitness; genes

Which of the following would lead to an increased likelihood of strangers helping someone in trouble?

increasing the danger of the situation, increasing the proportion of males in the group of potential helpers, decreasing the number of people who could potentially help

Knowing Paige is extremely high in Extraversion does not help predict her scores on Neuroticism. This is because scores within the Five-Factor Model are mostly ___________, where two traits are separate from one another. Thus, in the Five-Factor Model, you need five scores to describe most of an individual's personality.


Risky behavior in adolescents was selected for over evolutionary time because it is associated with a higher probability of _____________.


Risky behavior in adolescents was selected for over evolutionary time because it is associated with a higher probability of _____________.

innovation, adaptation, learning

Which of the following should be associated with adolescence?

innovation, novelty seeking, high sociability

Gary and Cole both see Ashley across the department store. They both find Ashley attractive so they decide to arm wrestle for the chance to talk to her. The winner will hopefully be able to ask her on a date. Gary and Cole's behavior is an example of the first process of sexual selection also known as what?

intrasexual competition

Which of the following refers to a system that involves using words to transmit information from one individual to another?


Which of the following is the most accurate description of linguistic relativity?

language influences but does not determine how we think

The assigned Invisibilia language episode (HIgh Voltage) provides anecdotal evidence that ______________________.

language influences emotion

The assigned Invisibilia language episode (HIgh Voltage) provides anecdotal evidence that _______________.

language influences emotion, language causes emotion, language is part of the cause of emotional experience

In economically developed nations fifty years ago, at what age did most men begin their full-time career?

late teens

According to Fussell and Krauss (1992), speakers tend to use more descriptive information when speaking about ________.

lesser known things

Dr. Zelbing and her graduate assistant want to compile a list of personality traits using the approach advocated by Allport and Odbert. In order to do this, they get two copies of the unabridged dictionary of the English language, use it to look for words that are related to personality traits. When they are done several weeks later, they have a list of several thousand words that they will reduce based on duplicate terminology. Dr. Zelbing advocates for a(n) __________ to the study of personality.

lexical hypothesis

Which of the following refers to all the words in a given language?


Amir's friend Joe cheated on a test and got caught. When retelling the events Amir said that Joe only did it because the test was unannounced, making it unfair and that normally Joe wouldn't even think about cheating. By framing Joe's cheating as an exception to normal behavior, Amir is exhibiting

linguistic intergroup bias

We use _________ analogies to conceptualize time.

many, spatial, simple

For which of the following have we not yet developed epigenetic therapies for?

mass shooting behavior, suicide prevention, depressive tendencies

A male peacock has bright feathers even though this could potentially make him a target for predators. Which of the following best explains his bright feathers?

mating advantage

A memory error caused by exposure to incorrect data between the original event and a subsequent memory test of that event is called the __________ effect.


Languages exist that don't have words for ____________.

more than 2 colors, certain emotions, large numbers

Which of the following refers to a component of words?

morphemes, phonemes, letters

__________ is the most commonly discussed topic among strangers getting to know one another.


Development of a mature identity involves an internalized and evolving story of the self that reconstructs the past and anticipates the future in such a way as to provide a person's life with some degree of unity, meaning, and purpose over time. This is also known as ___________.

narrative identity

Which of the following groups conceptualizes time horizontally, at least in some cases?

native speakers of Hebrew, English, and Arabic

While survival is important, it is only important if it contributes to reproductive success. These differences in heritable attributes are also known as _____________.

natural selection

___________ is the desire to make significant accomplishments by mastering skills or meeting high standards.

need for achievement

Adolescence is a time of __________.

neural change, greater susceptibility to addiction, higher dopamine responsiveness

Sybil's father often invalidates her feelings and pressures her to think in certain ways. What is he demonstrating with these behaviors?

none of the options are correct

Over the course of the lifespan of a given individual, adolescence is the a time when ________ is lowest.

none of the other options are correct (intelligence, impulsivity, reasoning ability)

Which of the following are one of the Big Five personality dimensions?

not honesty, dominance, or moodiness

According to the NOBA Epigenetics reading, there is evidence of epigenetic influences on which of the following?

not phenotypic plasticity

Renette has been trying to paint her bathroom for 3 weeks now, but she has made almost no progress. Every time she paints a wall, she uses a magnifying glass to ensure that the job is "perfect." If there is even the slightest imperfection, she will strip the paint off and start again. Renette is demonstrating the symptoms of __________ personality disorder.


Dehumanization refers to ____________.

one human being viewing another as less than human in some way - as a beast or an animal.

Language forms part of the foundation of ____________.

our understanding of reality

Research on the principle of paired distinctiveness has shown that people tend to ________ how often a negative behavior is performed by members of a minority group and ________ how often a negative behavior is performed by members of a majority group.

overestimate; underestimate

Language forms part of the foundation of ____________.


Charles does not believe in imposing strict rules for his children and generally allows them to do what they like. What style of parenting does Frank possess?


Which of the following topics of conversation is best for getting to know a stranger?

personal characteristics

According to the NOBA Epigenetics reading, there is evidence of epigenetic influences on which of the following?

personality traits, cognition, stress response

Which of the following refers to a component of sentences?

phonemes, morphemes, words

Which of the following is amplified during adolescence?

pleasure seeking

Which of the following results from a hyperactive dopamine system?

positive bias

Gary hears the words candy, sweet, and sugar. The next thing Gary thinks is cookie. Gary has experienced:


Which of the following change rapidly during early adolescence?

processing speed, metacognition, memory

Isiah is still young but has lied to his mom that he stole cookies from the kitchen. Isiah feels guilty which leads him to tell the truth and apologize to his mom. Isiah's guilt is one example of how mechanisms of the mind can help solve specific problems to help survival. What is the concept associated with this example?

psychological adaptations

The period of adolescence begins with ______ and ends in early adulthood.


Which of the following is positively correlated with learning?

reduction in the number of synapses

One proposed aspect of the self is that you reflect on and try to change your own self. This describes the self as __________.


Personality traits are defined as:

relatively enduring dispositions in behavior that characterize individuals across varying types of situations

Which of the following are potential targets of epigenetic therapies in the future, with existing evidence of epigenetic influence, according to the NOBA epigenetics chapter?


Which of the following phenomena is generally associated with dopamine?


Over the course of the lifespan of a given individual, adolescence is the time when ________ is highest.


Adolescents' emotions are most strongly tied to their ______.

romantic relationships

Which of the following concepts, described in assigned readings, is used to make similar conceptual points as the story of language and emotion in the assigned Invisibilia language episode?


The ________ of attachment refers to an infant's confidence that a caregiver will respond in times of need.


Peer relationships are an important part of children's social development. Peer acceptance is a source of affirmation and _____________ whereas peer rejection is a source of bullying and victimization.


Which of the following refers to the process by which we derive meaning from morphemes and words?


Bilingualism can __________ certain cognitive skills.

slow, impede, facilitate

Linguistic relativity leads to _________ behavioral effects.

small, medium, large

The ___________hypothesis suggests that humans have developed larger brains in order to better maintain large in-groups.

social brain

What does information travel and spread through when people exchange their gossip?

social networks

I'm afraid that everyone is always looking and judging me and my actions. In reality, everyone else thinks that they are the ones being judged. This phenomenon is known as ___________.

spotlight effect

Janet believes that all Asians are polite and good at math. This belief demonstrates ___________.


The Linguistic Relativity hypothesis is the notion that the language a person speaks or the linguistic practice can:

strongly influence the thoughts they can have

Twenty-eight-year-old Ha-joon lives with his parents in South Korea. Like many other Koreans, Ha-joon believes he won't feel like a full adult until he _____________.

support his parents

The brain has far more _________ during early childhood than the average adult brain.


Which of the following is associated with adolescence?

synaptic pruning

Which of the following is the name for rules by which words are strung together to form sentences?


Which of the following refers to a component of every sentence?


Which of the following refers to the manner by which words are organized into sentences?


When people reflect on the ways in which their past experiences have informed their sense of identity and wonder about how they might change in the future they are considering _________.

temporal continuity

Teenagers are especially susceptible to _______________.


If important behavioral traits are completely genetically determined, that would undermine the concept _________.

that parenting matters

When an individual reflects on her sense of self as an embodied actor whose social performances may be construed in terms of more or less consistent self, upon which aspect of the self is she reflecting?

the "social actor"

Empathy refers to ____________.

the ability to take another person's perspective.

"Priming" can be defined as _____________.

the activation of a mental representation, leading to the activation of related representations.

The Kitty Genovese murder is the classic example of which of the following?

the bystander effect

Most complex behavioral traits result from ________.

the complex interaction of genes and environment

Some people retain their virginity because they believe it will make them more attractive to potential marriage partners. This idea is an example of __________.

the ways that cultural norms affect psychological adaptations

Which of the following hypothesis regarding the relationship between language and thought is supported by available evidence?

thinking occurs before language use, linguistic codes extend nonlinguistic thinking, thinking is directed toward properties highlighted by language

Language forms part of the foundation of ____________.

time perception, spatial cognition, mathematical cognition

Which of the following are types of protein modification?

ubiquitination, phosphorylation, acetylation

Characteristics that make the adolescent brain different from brains of other age groups are ________.


When Marissa went skiing for the first time she felt confident she could handle the slow of the medium difficulty runs. When she rode the chair to the top, however, the slope appeared much steeper and she became worried. This is an example of:

visual descent illusion

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