PSYCH 210 Exam 1

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kin selection

"the good uncle effect"; engaging in SSB allows for more resources for the sibling's children

a vectors model

- Kinsey refined because the continuum model showed that people cannot be highly attracted to both sexes - two overlapping vectors: attraction to same sex vs. attraction to opposite sex

dichotomous categories model

- falling into one category (heterosexual and homosexuals)

function of the testicles

- produce sperm (spermatozoa) - produce sex steroids

testicular cancer

- usually detected as painless lumps - dull ache or heavy sensation in their lower abdomen - 8,500 diagnoses a year (350 die) - ages 15-35 usually - usually treated through removal of the testicle - radiation, chemotherapy, other (can interfere with fertility)

Stonewall Riots

- viewed as the official start of the Gay Rights Movement - 1970s began a time of rapid change - cops came to a gay bar (StoneWall Inn); a riot erupted

androphilic fetuses

- when androgen levels are below a threshold - sexually attracted to males

gynephilic fetuses

- when androgen levels are present in a concentration beyond a threshold - sexually attracted to females


- when the foreskin cannot be pulled back enough to expose the glans - only serious when it prevents the flow of urine - balanitis may cause this in adult males

Guttmacher Institute findings

August 1, 2017 only 24 states and DC mandate sex ed in schools, and only 13 require it to be accurate


SSB between people of different ages

penile bulb

a rounded mass of erectile tissue formed by the corpus spongiosum


above the labia, covered with a thin layer of fat; covered with pubic hair after puberty




assumed that a person has a static sexual orientation that defines them throughout their entire lifespan


attitude of the individuals that express a consistent pattern of prejudice towards gays and lesbians


connects the uterus and the vagina

head of sperm

contains the nucleus and tail


having sex with animals


houses the two testicles


mature sperm migrate here

glans (women)

most visible part of the clitoris; becomes engorged with blood during arousal (like penis)

gender conforming

neither partner assumes the opposite gender role during SSB


rim of tissue encircling the glans

ejaculatory ducts

sperm mixes with seminal fluid


term used to describe a heterosexual person


the process of producing sperm


to lick (from Latin verb cunnus, meaning vulva and lingerie)

ectopic pregnancy

when an embryo is implanted in the lining of the oviduct

crura (women)

"crus"; approximately three inches long and give the clitoris a wishbone-like structure

negative attitude

"gays/lesbians should not be allowed to be teachers/nurses/adoptive parents"

stereotypical belief

"lesbians are all man-haters"

prostate cancer (treatment and symptoms)

- 161,360 new cases every year - most common in males, after skin cancer - usually inflict males over 50 - highly treatable if detected early - symptoms: difficulty urinating, blood in urine or semen, pain in lower back/hips

Gay Liberation Movement

- 1975 it was classified as a mental disorder - 2015 Supreme Court accepted same-sex marriage under the Constitution - went from 27% acceptance to 64%

Harvey Milk

- 1977, first openly gay man to be elected to city government in the US as city supervisor of San Francisco - defeated Proposition 6 (which would have made it illegal for gays and lesbians to be school teachers) - played an integral role in passing San Fran's first gay rights ordinance - shot dead after defeating Proposition 6 by an anti-gay city supervisor (only sentenced to 8 years because he said that he was high on the sugar from Twinkies)

AIDS epidemic

- 1980s - over 65,000 American lives in a decade - majority of people were gay - many came out of the closet to support each other in political activism

composition of semen

- 70% seminal fluid - 30% prostate fluid - <1% sperm

continuum model

- Alfred Kinsey thought that dichotomous was over simplified - 7 point scale of hetero- to homosexuality - bisexual tendencies were in the middle

Inis Baeg

- Catholic farming/fishing community in Ireland - "the most sexually naive, repressive society" every documented - coitus only for procreation (minimal disrobing) - no other sexual behavior was allowed at any point - ejaculation was viewed as debilitating - women orgasm was viewed as immoral - married couples lived together but could not socialize - marriage was arranged (men 35 and women 25) - mothers did not have education so were confused during birth - no being intimate with newborns - pleasure was evil (dancing, hugging, laughing, touching)

exotic becomes erotic (EBE)

- Daryl Bem's model - emphasis on temperament as opposed to orientation coding - overstatement of gender nonconformity - biological factors determine temperament which influences a child's preferences for gender typical toys, playmates, and activities (homosexuals have an atypical temperament) - the other temperament is exotic which attracts each other

function of the epididymis

- a curved structure that attaches to the bottom and top surface of the testicle - mature sperm migrate here from the lumen - contains one, very long extremely convoluted tubule (create a paste-like mass, mature until they can partially move)


- act as hormones (chemical messengers) - in women and men - present during menstruation and childbirth (since they are in semen, doctors sometimes recommend sexual intercourse to trigger labor)


- an erection sustained for a long period in the absence of stimulation - can cause damage because the tissue in the penis has no blood flow

male accessory sexual structures

- anus - perineum - nipples


- appears as clear drop at tip of penis one minute prior to ejaculation - does not contain sperm but can still lead to pregnancy if sperm was left over in urinary tract

results of 2016 National Health Statistics Report

- asked women and men ages 18-44 who they were attracted to - more men than women are attracted only to the opposite sex - when labeling their sexual orientation, a larger percent of people say that they are heterosexual - more women than men have had same-sex sexual contact

20 states and DC banning of discrimination practices (2014)

- banned discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in employment, housing, and public accommodations - three more states provide partial non-discrimination protections

the prenatal hormone theory

- best supported theory of sexual orientation - reflects brain differentiation that occurs in response to circulating levels of androgens in the prenatal environment

autonomic nervous system

- brain scans have revealed that all of the genital receptors relevant to erection are triggered by a spinal reflex - if a male has suffered a spinal injury in which their spinal cord is severed from their brain are still able to develop erections (but cannot get them from mental imagery or erotic thoughts)


- cell group within the medial preoptic area - size is determined by circulating androgen levels during the prenatal period

Transgender Movement

- change belief that gender is binary and permanent - change term from "gender identity disorder" to "gender dysphoria" in 2013

sex pheromone studies

- chemical messengers released by mammals, usually via sweat or urine, that cause a response in the opposite sex - when gay males and straight females are exposed to male pheromones, they respond the same way (same with females)

H-Y antigen

- coded for by the Y chromosome - create an allergic response which cause antibodies to remain in the mother which alter the anterior hypothalamus of her future male offspring - causes a demasculinization of the brain during the prenatal period

Christians and sex

- dangers of love and sex - forbids masturbation, homosexual sex, abortion, contraception, adultery, sexual positions other than missionary - sex for pleasure is evil (chastity and celibacy) - highest form of love is that of God - chastity and celibacy are terms

India and sex

- development of complex societies led to emergence of class structures - rich and powerful could participate in elaborate sexual practices - terms are Kama Sutra, eunuchs, and Hijiras

seminal vesicles

- do not store semen - they secrete a fructose fluid and prostaglandins

benign prostatic hyperplasia

- enlarged prostate - common in males over 60 - prostate continues to slowly grow and can restrict the urethra (weakness of urine flow, urgency, high frequency)

process of ejaculation

- fluids from vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland expelled into the urethra creating semen - urethral sphincter at the base of the bladder constricts, preventing back flow and forcing semen out - inevitable pulsing sensation at the base of the penis (lasts about 8/10 of a second each)


- foreskin being trapped behind the glans - can limit the blood supply to the glans and cause tissue death if not treated

Mangus Hirschfeld

- founded the first gay rights organization (Berlin, 1897) - gay Jewish doctor and sexologist - fought to have German sodomy (anal or oral sex) laws overturned (unsuccessful)


- gender segregated dwellings (married women with unmarried girls and boys under 6; married men and unmarried boys over 6) - maternity hut for those pregnant and postpartum - spouses can occasionally see each other (unmarried people cannot enter each others dwellings) - gotad: post-pubescent boy has a mentor that teaches and helps with sexual behavior - married women live in dwellings of husband's family - otiv-bombari: first marital intercourse where all of husband's adult male members engage in intercourse with wife (and after childbirth and postpartum confinement) - nudity and sexual play are common with the children (baby is killed if pregnancy occurs) - married sex occurs away from the group in the maternity hit or other secluded location

sex in settled city states

- government needed to control social behavior - sexual conflict and arousal were dangerous and caused civil unrest - nudity was restricted; marriage was formalized; sex was regulated by marriage

Romans and sex

- homosexual and bisexual sex as normal - independence of passionate love and marriage - passion was less important than respect, trust, and mutual consideration - wives encouraged husbands to take sex slaves - fellatio, cunnilingus, fornication are terms

Benefits of sex education

- how anatomy works and functions for pleasure - insight into sexual identities, behaviors, relationships - rewards and challenges of relationships - differences between sex, identity, sexuality - STIs and protection and risks of contraception - prevent sexual violence and make informed decisions - recognize sexual disorders - talk openly about sex

risks of infibulation

- infections - hemorrhaging - fatality - problems with urination, menstruation, childbirth, intervourse


- inflammation of the glands of the penis - mostly in uncircumcised males - if the smegma is not cleaned properly, it can cause irritation

layers of the vagina

- inner layer contains mucosa - intermediate layer tightens to wrap tightly around the penis during coitus - outer layer is tough and elastic

causes of UTIs

- irritation of the urinary meatus from prolonged or frequent intercourse - use of spermicides which alter the vaginal flora - anal intercourse followed by vaginal intercourse

declining birth rates due to...

- it is now widely recognized as something that strengthens relationships, enhances intimacy, and provides relaxation and fun - more of a non-procreational function - sex is studied as a science (including birth control methods)

medial preoptic area

- located in the front of the hypothalamus - responsible for sexual behavior (selection of sexual partners)

symptoms of breast cancer

- lump in the breast - discharge from the nipple - reddened, wrinkled skin on the breast

breast cancer treatment

- lumpectomy / mastectomy - radiation - chemotherapy - hormone therapy

penis size (satisfaction rate, role of media/masculinity, diversity)

- males are more unsatisfied with their penis than females are of their partners (55% of males are satisfied) - there is an unrealistic image of penis size portrayed by media (like porn and social) - diversity across all males and penis


- more feminine role, receptive role in SSB - these men act "homosexual"


- more masculine role, insertive role in SSB - these men act as "straight"

Klein's Sexual Orientation Grid (KSOG)

- most widely accepted - orientation can change (past, present, idealized) - acknowledged the many aspects to a person's sexual orientation

stigma of the bisexual community

- negatively - misconception that it is a transition stage between homosexual and heterosexual - questioned by LGBT community (isolation and rejection)

sex in hunter gatherer societies

- no one paid attention to sexual norms - gender roles were rigid (women gathered, men hunted) - sex did not need to be tightly governed

same sex behavior and evolution

- observed in over 400 species (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, mollusks, nematodes) - lab and wild settings

Fraternal birth order (FBO) effect

- on average, gay men have more older brothers (but not sisters) than do heterosexual men - each additional older brother a male has increases the change of his being gay by 33% - may be due to maternal immune response to an XY (male) pregnancy, triggered by the protein H-Y antigen

urethra (men)

- pass semen and urine - urine makes it acidic which helps control for bacteria growth - a muscle closes off the ability to ejaculate and pee at the same time

Greeks and sex

- permissive about sexuality - difference between love (Eros) and sex (Aphrodite) - institutionalize male homosexuality (superior to sexual love of women) - bestiality, platonic love, and pederasty were terms

health benefits of circumcision

- prevents STIs (reduces HIV transmission in heterosexual males by 60%) - prevention of UTIs - prevents penile cancer

Women's Movements

- right to control own body - seek sexual pleasure

Hebrews and sex

- rules forbidding male homosexual sex, adultery, and incest - discusses how things can go wrong with sex - highlights positive stories of importance of sex in marriage


- sex is a supreme pleasure of life (positive, enthusiastic, supported) - sex ed began at 3 or 4 - ghotuls (mixed gender dorms) started at age 7 or 8, observe then learn and participate - divorce rate is 3% with ghotuls (46% without ghotuls)

controversies surrounding the g-spot

- some scientists doubt its existence - some call it a myth or lie - think it will frustrate women in search of it

Netherlands sex education

- start at age four - all is age appropriate - talk about relationships and building respect for bodies - how to say "no" - encouraged to speak openly with parents - gender identity and sexual orientation

male gay community

- subcultures (BDSM, leather community, Bears (lots of hair and big belly)) - bears aim to reject the "muscle/pretty boy" images

female gay community

- subcultures are less defined (some do strictly identify like the lesbian feminists, motorcycle dykes, lipstick lesbians, BDSM) - women usually have more fluid orientation that changes - many belong to social subcultures like literary groups to sports teams

nocturnal erection

- thought to begin in the utero - might help oxygenate penile tissue and maintain elasticity - frequently during the REM phase of sleep (when vivid dreams occur) - do not need to be an erotic dream - occur 3-5 times per night - will sometimes lead to ejaculation and orgasm

bulbourethral glands (cowpers glands)

- two pea-sized glands located below the prostate gland - secrete a clear, alkaline mucus fluid into the urethra - "pre-cum"

Peyronie's disease

- unnatural curvature of the penis caused by scar tissue in the corpus cavernosa - usually a result of trauma - may prevent penetrative sex - requires surgical repair - but some curvature is completely normal


- used to treat erectile dysfunction - targets the neurotransmitter that controls the opening and closing of these veins and arteries (nitric oxide)

sexual orientation vs. gender identity

- who you are attracted to vs. your own gender - sexual orientation: describes who you are attracted to (love, sex, or romantic) - orientation is not determined by gender

cremaster muscle

- wrapped around the spermatic cord - sling for the testicles - primary function is to keep the sperm at an ideal temperature (about 7 degrees below the rest of the body)

School Health Policies and Practices Study findings

55% of middle school and 73% of high school students receive any human sexuality education; no national standards require clear, consistent, and scientifically accurate information

2015 National School Climate Survey findings

85% LGBTQ students reported being verbally harassed based on a personal characteristic; 66% experienced this at school and 32% missed school because of concerns for safety


SSB between peers

Obergefell vs. Hodges (2016)

Supreme Court legalized gay marriage

Lawrence vs. Texas (2002)

Supreme Court ruled that state laws banning gay sex (primarily anal and oral) were unconstitutional

CDC data findings on STIs

US is disproportionately high compared to other developed countries; 15-24 year-olds accounting for half of all new infections each year


a homosexual women

spermatic cord

a loose bundle of structures that connects the testicles to internal organs

imperforate hymen

a rare case when the hymen completely covers the opening of the vagina and needs it surgically opened at puberty


a social movement to combat ignorance and to educate about the clitoris; developed by conceptual artist Sophia Wallace


a strip of looser skin on the underside of the penis


a term used to describe a homosexual person

ischiocavernosus muscle

affects the angle of a male's erection and allows for voluntary movement of the penis when it is erect

corpus luteum

after discharging an ova, the follicle produces sex steroids


air sacs in the lobes of the breasts that contain glandular cells

muscin / fertile mucus

alkaline, clear, copious, stretchy; facilitates rapid transport of sperm

Frank Bruni NYT article

although many areas of the country have witnesses tremendous progress in LGBT rights and protections, there are still states where extreme prejudice towards these groups prevails

external female genitalia / vulva

anatomical structures related to the genitals on the outside of the body

male hormones

androgens (testosterone) and estrogen

verbal abuse

anti-gay graffiti, name-calling, harassment

secondary sex characteristics

appear after puberty but are not directly related to the reproductive system (breasts, pubic hair)


arch (from fornix, from the Roman streetwalkers' tendency to serve their customers in the shadows of an archway near public buildings)


attracted at least somewhat to both sexes

animal study findings

autopsies have showed that INAH3 area in gay men are smaller than straight men (sheep and humans)

paraurethral gland / Skene's gland

between the front wall oft he vagina and the urethra; comparable to the prostate gland in men; sometimes releases fluid that is secreted from the glands into the urethra

gender non-conforming

both partners of SSB have the same biology and one partner assumes the opposite role

breasts / mammary glands

breast tissue resides between the skin and muscle of the chest wall

sexually antagonistic selection

by promoting SSB in one sex, genes confer an advantage to the other sex, and are therefore maintained by selection

Margaret Sanger

campaigned tirelessly and effectively for women's contraception rights; founded what later became Planned Parenthood

ejaculation (emission)

caused by a series of rhythmic contractions of the muscles surrounding the urethra and pelvic floor


caused by candida albicans; a yeast infection causing inflammation of the vaginal walls, itching, and sometimes thick, whitish discharge

human papillomavirus (HPV)

causes cervical cancer; sexually transmitted infection


consists of the two corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum bound together by connective tissue


contains important receptors and enzymes that facilitate fertilization of an ovum


cosmetic surgery that shortens the length of the inner labia


covering of the glans by a loose fold of skin (on uncircumcised peni)


create sex cells (ova or sperm) and sex hormones

vestibular bulbs

curved masses beneath the crura that wraps around the vaginal opening

seminiferous tubules (function)

development of sperm begins here

Grafenberg spot (G-spot)

discovered by Ernst Grafenberg; located about two inches inside of the vagina on the front wall; stimulation can be sexually arousing


does not produce lubrication so it is susceptible to tearing; transport fecal matter out of the body


downward sagging of the uterus into the vagina; caused by weakening of the ligaments that support


each breast has 15-20 lobules that contain alveoli


egg cell

fluid sexual role

engage in a full range of sexual behavior; role in sex does not influence one's status; both are considered gay


enlargement of the veins around the testicle which some males describe as feeling like a "bag of worms." Again, these usually don't need to be treated and will resolve on their own

three sex hormones produced by the ovaries

estrogen, androgen (testosterone), progestin

Ernst Schwartz

examined the skull of a Bonobo (which was originally thought to be a juvenile chimpanzee); we used to think that we are aggressive sexual beings because of the chimpanzees but the polite and respectful sexual interactions of the bonobos gave us hope

female circumcision

excision of the clitoris and labia minora

urethra (women)

excrete urine from the bladder; between the vaginal opening and clitoris

gender nonconformity

exhibit cross gender traits


fallopian tubes; pathway between uterus and ovaries

outer labia / labia majora

filled with mostly fatty tissue and contain hair on the surface


finger-like extensions that brush against the ovaries; lined with cilia

Alfred Kinsey

first to administer and collect date from large scale survey on human sexuality

Havelock Ellis

first to describe unusual types of sexuality in a more sympathetic way; published works on masturbation and sexual behavior in youth, and recognized transgender as a separate orientation


flat area that resides between the vagina and anus and can be erotically sensitive for many females

female ejaculation

fluid from the paraurethral/Skene's gland and urine; secreted during orgasm in some women

candida albicans

fungus that grows in the vagina, especially when douching


fusion of the outer labia; narrows the entrance of the vagina; suppress female responsiveness and preserve virginity

hate crime

gay banishing, physical assault, sexual assault

end of "Don't ask, don't tell"

gays and lesbians can speak openly of their sexual orientation in the military (2011)

discriminatory actions

gays/lesbians denied employment, housing, medical care, ability to serve in the military


growing of endometrial tissue in abnormal places in the pelvic cavity

effectiveness of abstinence only sex eduction

half of middle schools and three quarters of high schools have sex ed that focuses on abstinence only; this lacks the ability to influence teens' sexual outcomes or decision making processes

glans (men)

head of the penis

teen pregnancy rates in US

highest teen pregnancy rates in the industrialized world

genital end-bulbs

highly concentrated sensory nerve endings; dense around the corona and frenulum (why they are the most sensitive)


immature individuals learn from more mature members of their species how to have sex through same sex activity


increases the stability and resilience of a species


inflammation of the epididymis (the coiled tube at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm) due to infection from bacteria including STI


inflammation of the testicle due to infection. Often epididymitis and orchitis co-occur. The virus that causes mumps also can cause orchitis


informal or formal same-sex marriage


inner layer of the uterus; help transport sperm up for fertilization; nourishment for an implanted embryo

bulbospongiosus and puboccygeus muscles

involved in the process of orgasm and ejaculation; males can perform Kegel exercises to strength these muscles in order to increase ejaculatory control and orgasm strength

sphincter muscles

keep the anus closed most of the time; they relax during penetration of the anus


lesbians that look, dress, and act in ways that are considered more traditionally feminine


lesbians that look, dress, and act in ways that reject femininity and are more traditionally masculine


membranous fold of skin that covers the vaginal introitus (opening)


men that were castrated (loses use of testicles) as punishment for a crime or prisoner of war


middle layer of the uterus lining; powerful muscular wall; contracts during labor/orgasm/menstruation/ovulation

penis vs. vaginas

more protruded and noticeable than the female genitalia; males tend to be more familiar with their penises than females are with their vulvas

endometrial cancer

most common cancer of the female reproductive organs; treatment usually involves removal of the entire uterus and sometimes the oviducts/ovaries


non-cancerous condition that involves inflammation of the prostate and usually causes pain during ejaculation or urination; can lead to pain in lower back/pelvis; frequently caused by UTI


non-pregnant size is like an upside down pear; can increase 60 times that size during pregnancy

Platonic Love

non-sexual love (based on teachings of Plato)

pubic hair removal

nothing problematic besides skin irritation

sexual orientation discussions in sex education

only 12 states require discussion of LGBTQ issues; three mandate negative and non-scientifically backed views/opinions; 7 states require that it is talked about negatively; 9 states require sex ed to be inclusive and science-based; 4 states require schools to teach gender identity


outer layer of the uterus; separates the uterus and the pelvic cavity


part of the flagellum, closest to the head

coitus / penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex

penetration of the vagina


people attracted predominately to people of the opposite sex)


people attracted to people of the same sex


person maintains a heterosexual marriage and engages in SSB in outside relationships

William Masters & Virginia Johnson

pioneered the study and measurement of sexual response; lab setting

cervical os

portion of the cervix that connects the vagina with the cervical canal


portion of the lining is shed, exiting through the cervix and vagina


post-pubescent boy who had completed his Orthodox education would accept guidance of an older man; further the intellectual/physical/sexual development in exchange for sex; mentor as penetrator

glandular cells

produce milk when female is lactating (usually after childbirth)

theca and granulosa cells

produce sex steroids; contained in the ovaries

vaginal canal

provide a birth canal for a fetus; help transport sperm up through the uterus into the oviducts

lumpectomy / mastectomy

removal of part or all of the breast tissue as a breast cancer treatment

clitoral hood

resides at the front of the vestibule where the inner labia meet

corpora cavernosa (men)

responsible for angle of erection; on either side of the penis

corpus spongiosum (men)

responsible for size of erection; down the center of the penis

shaft of the clitoris

runs up from the glans toward the clitoral hood; can be felt but not seen; becomes engorged with blood and erect during sexual arousal (like penis)

social glue

same sex behavior eases conflict, prevents future conflict, and facilitates reconciliation

Sigmund Freud

sex fuels our unconscious desires and drives


sex steroid created in the interstitial cells

cross-sex behavior

sex that occurs between people of a different biological sex

same-sex behavior (SSB)

sex that occurs between people of the same biological sex


sexual purity

Margaret Mead

shocked the world with her descriptions of sexuality in South Pacific Islands; broadened our views of what is acceptable sexual behavior

tipped uterus

slants towards the spine as a result of genetics; can make childbirth and sex more difficult (possible repositioning via surgery)

pap tests

small, plastic spatula-like instrument is inserted intot he vagina to scrap some of the cervical surface; tests for cervical cancer

male femininity

some degree of femininity in males (tenderness, sensitivity, empathy) makes them more attractive to females which creates a reproductive advantage for males who have those traits

prostate gland (paraurethral gland)

sperm (plus seminal fluid) mixes with prostate fluid as it passes from ejaculatory duct through prostate

vas deferens

sperm stored at bottom until immediately prior to ejaculation

Pubococcygeus (PC) muscle

steadily contracts during sex and helps stiffen the walls of the vagina, making them more erotically sensitive; maybe help keep semen in the vagina

kegel exercises

strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle; especially after childbirth when it is naturally stretched out and weakened

circumcision (men)

surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis (30% worldwide are circumcised; 5-10 minute procedure on an infant boy)


tail of sperm


term used to describe a bisexual person


the darker skin on a breast that houses the nipple

corpus spongiosum (women)

the erectile tissue inside of the glans; makes the size of the clitoris expand during arousal

corpus cavernosa (women)

the erectile tissue within the shaft and crura of the clitoris; operate to make the clitoris erect during arousal

balanced polymorphism

the trait is retained because it co-occurs with some other adaptive trait

inguinal canal

the tube that connects the spermatic cord

crura (men)

the two corpora cavernosa diverge to form two


they are 98% identical to homo sapiens; bonobos and chimpanzees split off one million years ago; kind, gentle, loving; sex as a way to diffuse tension; use numerous sex positions


thin cellular lining on the innermost layer of the vagina; produces lubrication during sexual arousal

inner labia / labia minora

thin, hairless and are only fully visible after parting the outer labia

extreme homophobia

those who demonstrate an extreme form of hatred and disgust towards gays and lesbians


tiny, hairlike cells that function to push the ovum (egg) along as it makes its way toward the uterus


to suck (from Latin verb fellare)


transgender religious caste in Asia

function of pubic hair

trap bacteria in the region; prevent bacteria from entering the introitus of the vagina ; vaporizes odors from sweat glands which give of pheromones


tumors of smooth muscle that tend to grow on the endometrium, in the myometrium, or near the outer surface of the uterus; 20-25% of females develop these at some point

Bartholin's gland

two glands located on either side of the vaginal introitus; homologous to the bulbourethral glands in males; secrete minute amounts of alkaline fluid into the vagina immediately prior to orgasm


two pairs of skin that fold down and around the vulva


two round structures that produce ova and sex hormones; same as men's testicles; about 1.5 inches in diameter

factors that increase the risk of breast cancer

typically begins in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple or lobes

Bowers & Hardwick (1986)

upheld the constitutionality of gay sex banning laws


usually harmless, swelling of the testicle that occurs in reaction to fluid becoming trapped around the testicle membranes. Hydroceles usually resolve on their own or can be drained by a doctor

SSB in the US

usually... - monosexual - hetero-dominant - intragenerational - gender conforming - fluid role


vaccine that protects against HPV and cervical cancer

cystitis / urinary tract infection (UTI)

when E. coli bacteria invade the urethra and bladder, causing frequent, painful urination


when a follicle releases its ovum into the oviducts


when all three layers of the vagina swell with blood during sexual arousal; when the penis swells from sexual arousal (really any bodily tissue swells)

fixed sexual role

when partners engaging in SSB assume permanent top/bottom roles (one assumes the heterosexual status while the other assumes the homosexual status)


widespread social phenomenon that there is an assumed superiority of heterosexual feelings, fantasies, acts, and persons

Kama Sutra

written by Indian Hindus around the 2nd century; illustrated guide of hundreds of sexual positions; the poor engaged in fully-clothed sex without pleasure or intimacy

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