psych 2220 quiz 7
Stimulus-control techniques have gained popularity in laboratory research. Now, scientists interested in perception have studied "higher" cognitive processes in pigeons such as whether or not they know how to categorize. This higher cognitive process can also be described as which of the following?
Ability to sort or arrange different items into classes
Kelly is grounded by her father, until she sits down and completes an important homework assignment. Which technique has her father used to try to alter her behavior?
NOT positive reinforcement.
Richard, an institutionalized schizophrenic patient has poor personal hygiene. He is given a token each time he completes a personal hygiene behavior (e.g., brush their teeth in the morning). At the end of the week Richard can exchange these tokens for his favorite snack. The token acts as a:
positive reinforcement
Jessy was speeding on his motorcycle when he saw another person pulled over by the police. This made Jessy slow down because he was reminded through watching another person what the punishment of his behavior would be. What is this specific process of observational learning called?
vicarious reinforcement
Which of the following is an important difference between classical and operant conditioning?
In classical conditioning, the behavior is involuntary, whereas in operant conditioning it is voluntary.
In what way are classical and operant conditioning distinct?
NOT In operant conditioning, the behaviors are elicited by the stimulus, whereas in classical conditioning, the behaviors are emitted by the organism.
Emily naturally blinks whenever her sister pretends she's going to poke her in the eye. Her sister, a psychology major, then decides to have a little fun. She pairs the word "psychology" (conditioned stimulus) with pretending to poke Emily in the eye (unconditioned stimulus). Soon, Emily blinks as soon as she hears the word "psychology." According to the concept of blocking, what would happen in this scenario if Emily's sister also started snapping her fingers when she said the word psychology?
NOT Snapping her fingers will become a second conditioned stimulus causing Emily to blink
Which of the following is a primary reinforcer?
NOT a promotion at work
The technical definition of a reinforcer is:
NOT any consequence of a behavior that decreases the likelihood that it will be performed again.
In Pavlov's experiments, what type of stimulus was the bell, generally?
Scientists do not believe that instrumental learning is simply a stimulus-response pattern. Instead, reinforcers are said to lead to behavior that is __________, or influenced by the current value of its associated goal.
If Jack confiscates his son Joshua's video game console to stop him from misbehaving, what technique is Jack using to modify Joshua's behavior?
negative punishment.
Humans are much more likely to associate snakes with danger than flowers and danger. This is due to our evolutionary tendency called __________.
What phenomenon describes the possibility of an extinguished response being activated again in a new context?
renewal effect
Pin-ya raises her hand when she wants to speak in the classroom; however, she does not need to do so at home. This is because at school, her operant behavior is under _________ control.
In classical conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________ with a significant event. In operant conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________ with a significant event.
stimulus; behavior
In classical conditioning the unconditioned response is:
the biological response triggered by the unconditioned stimulus
When Leanne was classically conditioned, she was in a room that had a waterfall painted on one wall. Now, when she goes hiking and sees an actual waterfall, she produces a conditioned response. This change in environment that can cause renewal effects is also known as what?
the change in context
If a tone is sometimes preceded by a light, and always followed by a shock, an animal will likely learn to fear:
the tone, but not the light