Psych - Ch. 14 Personality - Prep: Learning Curve

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The Big Five personality factors are reported to have a heritability of approximately _____ percent for each dimension.


According to the text, several studies have shown that _____ percent of business managers and more than _____ percent of college professors rated their performance as superior to that of their average peer.

90; 90

_____ is a statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of behaviours that are related to a trait.

Factor analysis

Mark has high self-esteem. Which of these qualities does he NOT have? - He is often anxious. - He is less likely to be anxious. - He is less likely to conform. - He is more persistent at difficult tasks.

He is often anxious.

Which is NOT a way in which individuals and environments interact? - People's personalities shape how they interpret and react to events. - People's personalities help create situations to which they react. - Different people choose different environments. - People are unable to choose their environment.

People are unable to choose their environment.

Abigail has a bad reputation of talking bad about other people. She always seems to make judgmental comments about others. What might be a reason why Abigail acts this way? (She has low/high self-_____.)

She has low self-esteem.

In a psychology class debate on the humanistic perspective, students need to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which of the following criticisms of the humanistic perspective can they cite? - It emphasizes unconscious motivations too heavily. - The descriptions of self-actualizing people reflect Abraham Maslow's personal values. - It emphasizes collectivism too heavily. - Its concepts are too precise and specific.

The descriptions of self-actualizing people reflect Abraham Maslow's personal values.

Before Serene's first appointment date with a psychologist, she wants her to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Serene is uncomfortable taking a personality test for someone she barely knows. What argument can she use to persuade this psychologist that she should NOT take the test? - The Stanford-Binet is a better predictor of personality. - There are questions about the validity of the test. - It works better on females than on males. - Large corporations do not like to use it because they do not trust its value.

There are questions about the validity of the test.

Marsha and Ben have been married for thirty years. They have shared everything about themselves, both the good and the bad, with each other. This sharing has helped them grow even closer to one another. Which condition of a growth-promoting climate, as proposed by Carl Rogers, does this exemplify?


Tom is someone who always needs to be in control. As a young child, he had a difficult time with toilet training. On which psychosexual stage would psychoanalysts say Tom is fixated?


Juanita is a young doctor preparing to take her surgical skills exam. In order to avoid being overconfident and failing, many researchers would recommend that she: - think positive thoughts because it will pay dividends. - exercise her self-control by studying every day. - ask other doctors to score her abilities. - rate herself.

ask other doctors to score her abilities.

Elaine just received her grade for the final exam in her psychology course. She was absolutely sure she knew the material but received a 67 on the exam. Elaine is likely to: - blame the exam for her grade. - take full responsibility for her grade. - drop the course. - blame her study partner for her grade.

blame the exam for her grade.

While campaigning for re-election, a congressman makes headlines when he slips and says "I do not want to do that; it is a lot of brothel." Many news pundits speculate that it might be a Freudian slip. Many psychological researchers today would argue that slips of the tongue are:

competition between similar words.

Maria believes that she is a very bright and caring person. These qualities help make up her self-_____.


Geneva has an extremely clean dorm room. She keeps no clutter on her desk, she awakens very early to keep up with her schoolwork, and her car is spotless. Which of the following Big Five personality traits does she exhibit the MOST?


Krista had a really hard day at work. She is feeling worthless and unlovable. She is overheard making disparaging comments about herself such as "No one likes me." Psychologists indicate that she might be doing this to: - elicit reassuring comments. - prepare for a possible failure. - secure self-esteem. - learn from her mistakes.

elicit reassuring comments.

Two dimensions mentioned by Hans Eysenck and Sybil Eysenck include extraversion-introversion and:

emotional stability-instability.

Josephine recently obtained employment as an advertising executive. What trait is thought to be a basic requirement to be successful in this field?


Veda is sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


Freud believed that this would retrieve painful unconscious memories, often from childhood, and then help them overcome their current troubles.

free association

Dr. Chen has a patient who has lost all feeling in his left hand. To determine the cause, Dr. Chen asks the patient to relax and say whatever comes to mind, no matter what it is. Dr. Chen is performing:

free association.

Researchers found that those who possessed a specific gene associated with aggression and were raised in a difficult environment were more likely to exhibit antisocial behaviours as an adult. These findings support:

gene-environment interactions related to aggression.

Dr. Burns sees his own therapist in order for him to be at his emotional best for seeing patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Carl Rogers refers to this attitude as:


When this occurs, people are open with their feelings and are transparent and self-disclosing. - genuineness - acceptance - empathy - unconditional positive regard


Rachel is a manager at a large department store. She is popular with her staff. Many of her employees like her because she is honest, frank, and open without any facade. Carl Rogers would argue that Rachel would score highly on:


Juan loves horseback riding. What would be an environmental factor associated with horseback riding for Juan?

having friends that also ride horses

Rebecca is applying to graduate school and has several items she must turn in with her application, including letters of recommendation, GRE scores, transcripts, and a personal statement. Which of these is likely the BEST indicator of her potential for success in graduate school?

her academic transcripts

Lin enjoys roller skating with her friends. What would be an internal personal factor associated with roller skating for Lin?

her own thoughts and feelings about roller skating

Cliff is homeless, hungry, and desperate for food and shelter. He will do almost anything to satisfy these needs. According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy, Cliff will pursue: - his self-esteem needs. - his need to be loved and to love himself. - his focus on food. - his self-actualization needs.

his focus on food.

Which theoretical perspective has influenced counselling, education, child rearing, and management?


Donald thought he was well prepared for a presentation he was giving. However, he failed to anticipate questions his audience would ask him. Afterwards, he was surprised by how poorly he performed. Many researchers would argue that Donald's: - incompetence caused him to be more careful. - incompetence caused him to be overconfident. - attributional style caused him to develop weak self-control. - pessimistic outlook caused him to develop an external locus of control.

incompetence caused him to be overconfident.

Ashley feels that she has reached her full potential as a physician. According to Maslow, Ashley:

is self-actualized.

Michael feels that he has reached his full potential as a college student. He has a 4.0 GPA, is involved in many campus activities, and has just been accepted into graduate school. According to Maslow, Michael: - is self-actualized. - has a defined self-concept. - has good self-esteem. - has developed self-transcendence.

is self-actualized.

Lin enjoys roller skating with her friends. What would be a behavioural factor associated with roller skating for Lin?

learning to roller skate

Vincent is a famous rock musician from the 1980s. Even though he has not had a popular hit in more than 25 years, he has his own reality television show and a line of cologne. His psychologist thinks he displays excessive self-love and self-absorption and believes Vincent displays a high level of:


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a(n) _____ test.

objective, personality

Some psychologists think that Sigmund Freud _____ parental influence and _____ peer influence.

overestimated; underestimated

People with high self-esteem have feelings of high self-worth and tend to: - give up when faced with a difficult task. - persist when faced with a difficult task. - have more sleepless nights. - succumb more often to pressure to conform.

persist when faced with a difficult task.

A questionnaire on which people respond to items designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviours and is used to assess selected personality traits is known as a(n):

personality inventory.

John daydreams of being a fire fighter. He is envisioning a(n) _____.

possible self

Theresia is worried that she will flunk out of college. This is a _____ that she does not want to become.

possible self

Maria does not have a very good driving record. She has gotten several tickets for running red lights, speeding, and not wearing her seat belt. When asked by the judge at her more recent court appearance why she continually violated driving laws, Maria stated that she was certain others did the same, including the judge. According to Freud, which defense mechanism is Maria employing?


Shaun has been confronted by his roommate for his drinking behaviour. Shaun tends to binge drinking several times during the week, passing out in random places throughout the apartment. Shaun defends himself by saying that his roommate also drinks, as do most people their age. According to Freud, which defense mechanism is Shaun using?


Brenda's past experiences in college classes influence her attitude toward academic achievement, which then influence how she prepares for her current classes. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism

Aerial's history of romantic relationships influences her attitudes toward romantic relationships, which changes how she now responds to her current boyfriend. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism.

Anxious people tend to be on the lookout for potentially threatening events; that is, they perceive the world as threatening. Their personalities shape how they interpret and react to events. This is known as:

reciprocal determinism.

Katrina is a worrier. She worries about her family, her friends, and herself. She is particularly aware of potential hazards in the environment, and she sees the world as a dangerous place. Her personality is shaped by how she interprets and reacts to events. Albert Bandura called this process:

reciprocal determinism.

Lately, Harold and Grant cannot get along. Harold often expects the worst of people and yesterday he thought Grant was mad at him. As a result, Harold ignored Grant's phone calls and other attempts at conversation, angering Grant. However, in truth, Harold created the situation to which he was reacting. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism.

Recent research suggests that the unconscious involves the _____ that automatically control(s) people's perception and interpretations.


This is all of people's thoughts and feelings about themselves in answer to the question, "Who am I?"


When asked "Who are you?", 15-year-old Samantha answers that she is a sophomore in high school, that her favourite music artist is Taylor Swift, and that her favourite T.V. show is Once Upon a Time. She is describing her:


Critics of the psychoanalytic perspective believe that the unconscious involves _____ and stereotypes that automatically and unconsciously influence how people process information about themselves and others.


According to Abraham Maslow, the desire for identity, meaning, and purpose beyond the self refers to the motive for:


This is overestimating others' noticing and evaluating one's appearance, performance, and blunders.

spotlight effect

Ian is an inexpressive person who is taking part in a research study on personality. He is being encouraged to be more expressive. At the end of the study, researchers will most likely notice that Ian was: - still less expressive than expressive individuals acting naturally. - more expressive than expressive individuals acting - naturally. - encouraged at the prospect of being able to express himself more. - just as expressive as expressive individuals acting naturally.

still less expressive than expressive individuals acting naturally.

The _____ theory explores people's emotional and behavioural responses to reminders of their impending death.


Most of Dakota's friends look at him with respect. He is self-aware, self-accepting, and open. He is spontaneous and caring, and does not worry about other people's opinions. According to Abraham Maslow, it is likely that Dakota is motivated by: - operant conditioning. - respondent behaviour. - the need for self-actualization. - unconscious psychic energy.

the need for self-actualization.

Carolos is applying for a new job. They have asked for copies of his transcripts, a list of personal references, and letters of recommendations from his past employers. He also has to complete a face to face interview. Which of these is the best indicator of his potential performance at this new job? - his transcripts - the interview - his list of personal references - the recommendations from his past employers

the recommendations from his past employers

Carl learns that he failed an exam. His self-esteem is temporarily lowered, and he is MORE likely to: - express some underlying racial prejudice. - be extra critical about his wife's cooking. - to do all of these things. - make disparaging comments about his mother-in-law.

to do all of these things.

Kate comes home with three As and two Bs to which her mother replies, "Is that the best you could do?" and walks away. Carl Rogers refers to this attitude as the opposite of:

unconditional positive regard.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks many Americans treated Muslims quite differently, even though they stated they were not prejudiced. These negative feelings were a part of their ____.


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