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According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the strongest human needs are: A. physiological needs. B. the needs for self-actualization. C. the needs for self-esteem. D. safety needs.


According to the evolutionary psychology approach to gender development: A. organisms with the fittest genes are most likely to survive and reproduce. B. the differences between contemporary men and women can be explained by the environmental challenges they face. C. competition ruins the chance for species to evolve naturally. D. choice has no role to play in the evolution of the human species.


Caleb, an infant, can be taken just about anywhere and seems to adapt quickly to new surroundings. According to Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, which of the following temperaments best describes him? A. The easy child B. The slow-to-warm-up child C. The resilient child D. The competent child


Many psychologists believe that: A. intrinsic motivation leads to more positive outcomes than extrinsic motivation. B. that extrinsic motivation is more likely to produce competent behavior and mastery. C. extrinsic motivation leads to more positive outcomes than intrinsic motivation. D. that extrinsic motivation enhances intrinsic motivation.


Rachel is a young woman of medium build. On a professional level, she has very high standards but suffers from low confidence. Rachel often engages in impulsive eating. However, after eating, she purges by self-induced vomiting because she has a fear of gaining weight. Rachel is most likely to be diagnosed with _____. A. bulimia nervosa B. obesity C. bipolar disorder D. anorexia nervosa


Sarah has not eaten a morsel of food in 12 hours. Her body instantly develops a(n) _____ in response to her need for food. A. drive B. instinct C. reflex D. desire


The act of putting off a pleasurable experience in the interest of some larger but later reward is known as _____.A. delay of gratification B. intrinsic motivation C. self-actualization D self-efficacy


Which of the following best defines teratogen? A. It is any agent that causes a birth defect. B. It is a drug that enhances the growth of a fetus. C. It is any chemical that contains an alcohol group. D. It is a term used to describe all microorganisms that cause fatal diseases.


Which of the following regions of the brain is concerned with reasoning and decision making? A. Prefrontal cortex B. Amygdala C. Occipital lobe D. Medulla oblongata


Which of the following statements is true of the social cognitive approach to gender development? A. According to this approach, gender behavior is learned through reward and punishment, observational learning, and modeling. B. According to this approach, biological factors have a much stronger influence on eventual gender identity than social and cultural factors. C. According to this approach, the male and female members of a species differ because of differences in competition and choice. D. According to this approach, gender development is primarily facilitated by individuals' repressed feelings.


With regard to gay and lesbian relationships, research in psychology has found that: A. gay couples are better able to manage conflicts compared to heterosexual couples. B. gay couples are less likely to end their relationships compared to heterosexual married couples. C. gay couples are less likely to be satisfied with their relationships than heterosexual couples. D. gay couples are more likely to have children compared to heterosexual couples.


_____ is an individual's sense of belonging to the male or female sex. A. Gender identity B. Gender bias C. Sexuality D. Sexual orientation


_____ reflect expectations for how males and females should think, act, and feel. A. Gender roles B. Sexual predispositions C. Gender identities D. Sexual scripts


in the context of evolutionary psychology, _____ occurs among members of the same sex as they vie for the opportunity to mate with members of the opposite sex. A. competition B. bonding C. compromise D. cohesiveness


Jeremy claims that any man can become a great leader, because all men are strong, dominant, and rational. Jeremy's statement is most representative of _____. A. his sexual orientation B. a gender stereotype C. his sexuality D. a paraphilia


The ability to use abstract concepts is a key component of the _____ stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development. A. preoperational B. formal operational C. sensorimotor D. concrete operational


When Justin told his parents that he wanted to learn an extracurricular activity, his parent gave him the liberty to choose any activity of his choice. However, they restricted him from choosing dangerous sports like motor car racing. In this scenario, Justin's parents are following the _____ parenting style. A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. neglectful D. permissive


Which of the following biological theories of aging emphasizes the role of telomeres? A. Free-radical theory B. Cellular-clock theory C. Hormonal stress theory D. All of these


Which of the following concepts best explains the need for a shoal of salmon to return one to four years after being at sea to the fresh waters where they were hatched? A. Self-regulation B. Instinct C. Drive D. Desire


Which of the following is an example of a low-arousal positive emotion? A. Ecstasy B. Tranquility C. Rage D. Excitement


_____ is a person's ability to recover from or adapt to difficult times. A. Accommodation B. Resilience C. Egocentrism D. Positive affect


_____ refer to psychological disorders that feature sexual desires or behaviors that may result in another person's psychological distress, injury, or death. A. Gender identity disorders B. Paraphilic disorders C. Psychosomatic disorders D. Disorders of sexual development


_____ refers to the social and psychological aspects of being male or female. A. Sexual orientation B. Gender C. Gender bias D. Secondary sex characteristic


According to developmental psychologists, nature refers to: A. an individual's environmental experiences. B. an individual's social experiences. C. an individual's biological inheritance. D. an individual's emotional characteristics.


Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder: A. in which an individual is preoccupied with food but has a strong fear of becoming overweight. B. in which an individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge eating pattern. C. that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation resulting in a distorted body image. D. characterized by recurrent episodes of eating more food in a short period of time than most people would eat.


Erica is seen as a strong and assertive woman by all those who know her. Her friends believe that she will never get married, because she lives by herself and has a strong desire for independence. However, her friends do not know that Erica loves children and has a very nurturing attitude toward her nieces and nephews. Which of the following terms best describes Erica's gender-related attributes? A. Instrumental B. Expressive C. Androgynous D. Undifferentiated


Greta has had romantic relationships with both men and women in the past. Though she has a distinct sexual preference for men, Greta is still open to dating women. Which of the following statements best describes Greta's sexual orientation? A. Greta is heterosexual. B. Greta is homosexual. C. Greta is bisexual. D. Greta is asexual.


If children cannot grasp the concept of conservation, they are unable to: A. make judgments based on gut feelings. B. think intuitively. C. recognize that the quantity of a substance remains the same despite changes in its shape. D. represent their world with words, images, and drawings.


Nate begins to feel very thirsty during an annual sports meet in his college. Since he forgot to carry a bottle of water, Nate decides to go to the cafeteria to get some soda. Which of the following is responsible for urging Nate to walk toward the cafeteria to quench his thirst?A. Instinct B. Intuition C. Drive D. Reflex


The ways in which people experience and express themselves as sexual beings is referred to as _____. A. sexism B. gender bias C. sexuality D. gender dysphoria


The work of Harry Harlow established that: A. early social experience in humans is essential to normal functioning in adulthood. B. physical development is influenced more by nature than it is by nurture. C. contact comfort is more important than feeding in the attachment process. D. an offspring's attachment to a parent depends on the physical appearance of the parent.


When Eric was born, he had atypical genitals that were not exclusively male or female. The condition that Eric was born with can be referred to as _____. A. transvestitism B. gender dysphoria C. hermaphroditism D. a paraphilic disorder


Which of the following is a difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal studies? A. Unlike cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies are affected by the cohort effects problem. B. Cross-sectional studies deal with people of the same age, whereas longitudinal studies deal with a people belonging to different age groups. C. Cross-sectional studies assess people at one point in time, whereas longitudinal studies assess people over a long period of time. D. Cross-sectional studies assess participants multiple times, whereas longitudinal studies assess participants only once.


Which of the following is an example of a high-arousal positive emotion? A. Contentment B. Tranquility C. Ecstasy D. Serenity


_____ are glands that produce sex hormones and generate ova in females and sperm in males. A. Gametes B. Adrenal glands C. Gonads D. Thyroid glands


_____ is Piaget's term for the crucial accomplishment of understanding that objects and events continue to exist even when they cannot directly be seen, heard, or touched. A. Assimilation B. Accommodation C. Object permanence D. Object interpretation


_____ refers to the weight maintained when the individual makes no effort to gain or lose weight. A. Basal metabolic rate B. Resting metabolic rate C. Set point D. Body mass index.


According to Piaget, accommodation refers to: A. the parental efforts made to include new children in an existing family structure. B. the incorporation of new information into existing knowledge. C. the developmental changes in a child's behavior that facilitate social acceptance by peers. D. the adjustment of current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences.


Erica, a thirty-year-old woman, has been in a relationship with Cassandra, another woman, for over three years. Erica has always been sexually attracted to members of the same sex and has dated two other women in the past. Erica's sexual orientation can best be described as _____. A. bisexuality B. asexuality C. heterosexuality D. homosexuality


In which of the following stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development does a child coordinate sensations with movements? A. Egocentric B. Preconventional C. Concrete D. Sensorimotor


Jill's parents set very few limits or boundaries for her. They use a(n) _____ parenting style. A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. neglectful D. permissive


Juliet refuses to go to the dance because she has a pimple on her chin. She fears that everyone will talk about it behind her back. Her behavior illustrates: A. the basal metabolic rate. B. the adolescent identity crisis. C. peer influence. D. adolescent egocentrism.


Laura is a corporate employee. As she is interested in art, Laura enrolls herself for oil painting classes. During weekends, she attends the lessons and derives huge satisfaction from painting portraits in oil. Which of the following is responsible for stimulating Laura to paint?A. Self-actualization B. Self-regulation C. Extrinsic motivation D. Intrinsic motivation


Paul, a ten-year-old, loses his temper and pushes his classmate off a swing. Paul's behavior best illustrates _____. A. assertion B. ethnocentrism C. relational aggression D. overt aggression


Which of the following is true of fetishes? A. Fetishes are physical objects that tend to diminish sexual interest and desire. B. People who engage in fetishes have abnormal mental constitutions. C. People who engage in fetishes always experience personal distress. D. Fetishes include erotic materials, clothing, and other physical objects.


Which of the following paraphilic disorders involves the observation of unsuspecting individuals, usually strangers, who are naked or in the process of disrobing or engaging in sexual activity? A. Frotteuristic disorder B. Fetishistic disorder C. Exhibitionistic disorder D. Voyeuristic disorder


Which of the following sexual practices involves the highest risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? A. French kissing B. Cuddling C. Mutual masturbation D. Oral sex


_____ is the force that moves people to behave, think, and feel the way they do, resulting in behavior that is energized, directed, and sustained. A. Intuition B. Autonomy C. Apathy D. Motivation


_____ is the psychological principle stating that performance is best under conditions of moderate arousal rather than either low or high arousal. A. Self-regulation B. Weber's law C. Homeostasis D. Yerkes-Dodson law


_____ refers to an individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding. A. Identity B. Personality C. Cognition D. Temperament


he term _____ refers to experiencing one's psychological gender as being different from one's biological sex. A. gender bias B. heterosexuality C. hermaphroditism D. transgender


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