Psych final

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To remember the four bases found in DNA, Luke makes up a sentence using the first letter from each base as the first letters for his words, repeating to himself, "The Girl Ate Cookies". Which of the following did Luke use in this scenario?

A mnemonic device

When Samantha meets Brenda, who has a laidback attitude and long hair, she promptly concludes that Brenda is Californian even before interacting with her. However, there are many English women who have a laidback attitude and long hair. On what is Samantha's initial judgement based?

A representativeness heuristic

What are the three kinds of strategies that people use to solve different kinds of problems?

Algorithms, insight, and thinking outside the box

_________ is a degenerative disease make by progressive cognitive decline with symptoms including confusion, memory loss, mood swings , and eventual loss of physical function

Alzhimer's Disease

Andy's father moved to the United States 12 years ago. Any moved to the United States with his mother 8 years ago which he was 6 and his sister was 13. Who among the family is likely to have the least strength of accent while learning the non-native language?

Andy, as childhood is a better time to speak a second language without an accent

What is the optimal learning time for language acquisitions?

0-12 years

The beeper sounds in your car until you fasten your seatbelt. The removal of the annoying beeping is _____ for fastening your seatbelt.

Negative reinforcement

Who coined the term 'operant' to refer to behavior that acts-on or operates-on the environment to produce specific consequences?

B.F. Skinner

For which stage of long-term memory formation is sleep vital?


Which of the following statements is true regarding primary reinforcers?

Food, water, and sex are primary reinforcers

Of the following, __________ is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain


: Which of the following cases best describes an insight solution to a problem?

Generating solutions from a sudden, often unexpected realization or comprehension

Which of the following is an example of negative punishment?

Giving a child a "time-out" from a play session for throwing tantrums

Which of the following is true of appraisal in the emotion process?

It may occur automatically, outside of awareness

Which of the following is true with respect to Albert Bandura's social learning theory?

It noted that observation and modeling are major components of learning.

How does cognitive fixation affect individuals solving problems?

It prevents many people from seeing possible solutions to a problem

Which of the following describes linguistic determinism hypothesis?

Language determines our way of thinking and our perceptions of the world

which of the following is true about magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MRI provides static pictures and it is very useful for looking at structures and abnormalities in structures

In which of the following situations will a person be least able to solve problems that require creative insight?

Damage to the frontal region of their right hemisphere

Which of the following scenarios best depicts spontaneous recovery?

Months ago, Dora stopped having panic attacks when crossing bridges. However, she had a panic attack today when crossing a large bridge.

In terms of the nature/nurture debate psychologists contemporary view is that human behavior is

a product of the interdependence between biology and experience

the process by which the muscles control the shape of the lens to adjust to viewing objects at different distance is known as


which of the following can be best described as a condition that results from habitual use or physical and psychological dependence on a substance


even though it can make people feel more aroused in social settings this popular drug is actually a depressant


An ____ is the process by which two pieces of information from the environment are repeatedly linked, so that we begin to connect them in our minds.


in human development _________ refers to the strong emotional connection that develops early in life to keep infants close to their caregivers


Hans Eysenck's biological theory of personality does NOT include the dimension of _______.


the myelin sheath insulates the ________ so that the impulse travels more efficiently and strengthens the connection t adjacent neurons


Which of the following processes allows us to perceive depth due to the distance between images projected on our two retinas

binocular disparity

Feature detection research suggests that visual perception is a process of building a visual experience from smaller pieces. We put the pieces together, and then we "see" the whole. This perspective is known as ___________

bottom up processing

Which of the following animals shares a distinct conscientiousness dimension with humans?


Who among the following argues that humans are born with an innate, biologically based to acquire language?


The string of digits 17749991941 is difficult for most people to remember, but breaking them up into 1774, 999, 1941 in a process called _____ makes it easier.


Raj is an employed youth woh has been recently moved to a night shift. of late he has been complaining of disturbed sleep and poor concentration. He also feels fatigued and listless more often. a change in _______ is most likely to have caused Raj's problems

circadian rhythm

you are at a loud gathering talking to a friend, the noise of the chatter is nearly deafening, but all of a sudden you hear your name spoken about the noise, this is known as

cocktail party effect

_____________ is the study if how we perceive information, how we learn and remember how we acquire and use language and how we solve problems

cognitive psychology

Piaget's ________ stage of cognitive development begins when the child can conserve; that is, knows that the amount of a liquid or substance stays the same even when it changes shape

concrete operations

Darren had eaten a cheeseburger right before he felt extremely nauseous from the flu. Now, every time Darren smells a cheeseburger he feels nauseous. In this scenario, what is Darren experiencing?

conditioned taste aversion

______ are photoreceptors that are responsible for color vision and are most functional in conditions of bright light


The tendency to selectively attend to information that supports one's general beliefs while ignoring information or evidence that contradicts one's beliefs is known as _____.

confirmation bias

Which of the following is a basic emotion?


The ability to generate original ideas or develop a novel solution to problems is known as ______.

divergent thinking

in single blind studies participants

do not know the experiment condition to which they have been assigned

the best way to lessen the effects of experimenter expectancy is to design a study that uses

double blind method

Meta analysis is a quantitative method for combining the results of all the published results of one research question and drawing a conclusion based on the entire set of studies. to do a meta analysis a researcher converts one findings of each study into a standard statistic known as ________

effect size

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of the Big Five model of personality traits?


Which of the following is a self-conscious emotion?


the human body has natural painkillers called ______


_________ increases the likelihood that a receiving neuron will fire

excitatory neurotransmitters

Which of the following lists the stages of creative problem-solving?

Preparation, incubation, insight, elaboration

newborns of many species, especially humans, spend more time in _________ sleep


Which of the following is true about reaction formation?

Reaction formation results in exaggerated or compulsive feelings and behavior

in the 17th century _________ proposed the view that the mind and body were separate entities

Rene Descartes

Which of the following is true of moods?

They last longer than most emotions

How did Kahneman and Tversky debunk a long-held belief about the decisions people make?

They showed that people are not always rational in their decision making.

After surgical removal of his hippocampus, Henry Molaison was ____.

Unable to form new memories

Which of the following is a necessary criterion for something to be regarded as creative?

Usefulness and originality

During the classic study of the power of conditioning techniques, John Watson and Rosalie Rayner conditioned Little Albert to develop a fear of _____.

White fluffy objects

The parasympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system (ANS) is activated when ______.

We experience amusement or happiness

Which of the following can be described as a serial position effect?

When learning a list of items, people are better able to recall items at the beginning and end of the list; they tend to forget the items in the middle.

______ is the point at which one moves from not having a particular response to having one.

a behavioral threshold

John is a heavy binge drinker who has trouble with planning, working memory, and abstract thinking. Scanning of john's brain would reveal that he has a damaged

frontal lobe

in which area of the brain does significant development occur during adolescence

frontal lobes

Samuel sees a nail sticking out from a board which he wishes to push inside. Though there is a brick lying nearby, it does not occur to him that it can serve well to fix the nail. Consequently, he wastes time searching for a hammer. Which of the following does Samuel exhibit?

functional fixedness

The ______ theory of pain proposes that the spinal cord regulates the experience of pain by either opening or closing neural channels that are involved in pain sensations which are sent to the brain

gate control

a(n)________ is a small segment of DNA that contains information for producing proteins


Wilhelm Wundt is credited with

giving psychology its independence from philosophy and physiology

There is always a distinct scent of olive oil and serrano chilies whenever Salma enters her Aunt's home. She no longer notices the smells after staying a little while inside the house. this scenario is an example of__________


neuroscientists conducted research with taxicab drivers in london. They found that the taxicab rivers who are required to learn and navigate large areas of london had a _________ which was larger than that of other drivers


Duchenne smile is one that ______.

expresses true joy

Robert asks Thomas if he heard a knock at the door, Thomas says that he did not. Robert swearing he heard a knock goes to the door and opens it but there is no one there. Signal detection theorists would label Robert's perception that someone knocked at the door as a

false alarm

By pairing a flashing light with a loud noise, a researcher has taught a rat to exhibit a fear response to the light when the light is flashed amidst darkness. What is the condition stimulus in this study?

flashing light

According to Piaget, mastering object permanence is the hallmark of the ___________ stage of cognitive development

formal operational

Neil is participating in an experiment where numbers are flashed on a computer screen for a few milliseconds, and then it goes blank. He is subsequently asked to recall the numbers. Neil is participating in a study that is most likely examining his _____memory.


Freud developed the notion that the human mind has three distinct provinces, or regions, that involve control and regulation of impulses. On the basis of this notion, the _____ is the seat of impulse and desire and is usually developed in infancy.


Kelly unusually lives by the moment. She does whatever makes her feel good at the moment, without considering the reality of the situation. She says she doesn't have time to clean her house, yet she finds plenty of time to go out and party with her friends. Psychoanalytic theory would suggest that Kelly has a strong _____.


where is the somatosensory cortex

in the parietal lobes

reflexes are _____

inborn and involuntary behaviors that are elicited by very specific stimuli

People in Western cultures are more concerned with how their behavior will affect their personal goals. Which of the following dimensions reflects this personality?


________ allow us to determine how likely it is that two or more samples came from the same population

inferential statistics

with reference to the strange situation experiment conducted by Mary Ainsworth the _____________ classification is considered the most insecure because the infant's fear of their attachment figure inhibits the development of a strategy for effective regulation of stress

insecure disorganized

_________ is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep as well as not feeling rested


According to behavioral observation, a measure of how much agreement there is in classifying when using two or more coders to rank personality or behavior in other people is known as the ______.

inter-rater reliability

which of the following is true of functions of sleep

it consolidates memory

which of the following is true of REM

it is characterized by active dreaming

Bima has a high behavioral threshold for anger. Based on this statement, which of the following is most likely true about Bima.

it takes a lot to make Bima angry

Three year old Devesh gets upset because he believes his sister's glass has more juice than in his glass, both of them have the same amount but, Devesh is confused because of the tall and thin shape of his sister's glass. From these instances, we can say that Kiet is in the _____________- stage of Piaget's cognitive development

lack of conservation

when one multi-tasks there is

less sustained attention

A child discovers that 2 x 2 is the same as 2 + 2. He therefore wrongly concludes that 3 x 3 is the same as 3 + 3. What tendency is affecting this child's problem-solving strategies?

mental state

after three month old sayuri watches her father sticks out his tongue, she sticks out her own tongue too. it is likely that _______ neurons are involved in sayers learning and imitation of this behavior


experience based changes in the nervous system occur in several ways. the most common are__________

neurogenesis, arborization and synaptogenesis

______ are cells the process and transmit information throughout the nervous system


low levels of dopamine can result in problems with voluntary muscle control. this is because dopamine is a _____ which plays an important role in voluntary muscle control


information is transmitted between neurons by mean of chemicals called_____________


which of the following is a powerful stimulant that is more difficult to quit and also reduces blood supply to the skin tissue


visual imagery is processed in which region of the brain

occipital lobe

identical twins develop from ______ whereas fraternal twins develop from______

one fertilized egg that splits into two independent cells, two different ova fertilized by two different spermatozoa

Which of the following is a personality trait commonly found among highly creative individuals?

openness to experience

Substance use and abuse can be learned through ____

operant conditioning

which of the following is a theory of color vision that can account for the color afterimage of the American flag example in your textbook

opponent process theory

The point at which strands of the optic nerve from half of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain is called

optic chiasm

informed consent to participate in a psychological study means that the

participant knows his or her role in the study and understands its risks and benefits

In the teen years, ________ start to replace parents as a source of identification


Psychologists use the term ____ when they are referring to the unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual.


_________ can be defined as measures of bodily responses such as blood pressure or heart rate, used to determine changes in psychological state

physiological measures

Which of the following sequences correctly depicts the general pathway of a sound entering the outer ear

pinnae-auditory canal tympanic membrane

The hypothalamus controls the _____ which is responsible for producing and controlling the hormones our bodies produce

pituitary gland

according to Kholberg, a person who is at the ________________ level of moral development acknowledges both the norm and the law but argues that there are universal moral rules that may trump unjust or immoral rules

post conventional

Johnny says he will not drive above the speed limit because he does not want to pay the cost of a speeding ticket. Based on this information, it can be concluded that Johnny is operating at the __________ stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning


Due to its involvement in planning, impulse control, and working memory, the ____ of the human brain plays a role in the appraisal and reappraisal of emotion.

prefrontal cortex

When asked where the sun goes at night four year old Kiet explains to his dad that it goes to sleep. later that day Kiet gets upset because he believes his sister's glass contains more juice than his glass both glasses actually contain the same amount of juice, but Kiet is confused because of the tall and thin shape of his sister's glass. from these instances, we can say that Kiet is in the ________ stage of Piaget's cognitive development


Which of the following is a self-conscious emotion?


In which of the following methods of personality assessment are participants provided an ambiguous stimulus or situation and asked to interpret it or tell a story about what they see?

projective tests

the corpus callousm

provides a channel for communication between the two cerebral hemisphere

james has received training in medicine and has an MD degree in addition to offering therapy he can prescribe drugs based on this information it can be concluded that james is a


Psychology can be considered as a modern empirical science because

psychologists test predictions about the behavior with systematic observations and by gathering data

vera is observing high school students use of facebook an Skype. her purpose is to see how these students perceive information, how hey acquire and use language and how these media change the way they communicate in society. she is most likely a student of


In one of the methods to examine the relationship among genetics, behavior, and personality, behavioral geneticists look for the location of specific bits of DNA on genes that might be associated with particular behaviors. This method is referred to as the _____.

quantitative trait loci approach

Derrick's mother gave him $10 because he got an 'A' on his math test. He studies hard for his next math test because he wants his mother to give him another $10. In this scenario, the money is serving as a _____.


______, as a defense mechanism, is the unconscious act of keeping threatening or disturbing thoughts, feelings, or impulses out of consciousness.


Jiao is trying to remember where she placed the receipt for a birthday gift she bought for her aunt. In which stage of long-term memory processing is Jiao engaged?


a false alarm is

saying that a stimulus is present when it isn't

The term _________ refers to the part of the inner ear that plays a key role in maintaining a sense of balance

semicircular canals

which of the following statements is true of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease

senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease are neurocognitive disorders related to age

which of the following is the correct order of the stages of Piaget's principles of cognitive development, from earliest to latest

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

any sensation one receives activates __________ which take the message to the brain for processing

sensory neurons

According to Carl Jung, the _______ is the dark and morally objectionable part of oneself.


Learning occurs when information moves from

short term to long term memory

Which of the following psychologists founded the movement known as psychoanalysis?

sigmund freud

which of the following psychologists founded the movement known as psychoanalysis

sigmund freud

According to Cobb et al. 2010, which of the following is found to be distracting while driving causing significantly slower reaction times


The ________ receives input from the ears, eyes, skin, or taste buds and relays information to the part of the cerebral cortex most responsible for processing that specific kind of sensory information


In operant conditioning, the word "positive" (preceding the term "reinforcement" or punishment") indicates:

the addition of a stimulus

Thorndike's law of effect states that ____.

the consequences of a behavior will affect the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated

Psychologists use a standardized reference when diagnosing psychological disorders called_________

the diagnostic and statistical manual

synaptic pruning refers to the process during which

the rarely used synapses die off to make the brain more efficient

Which of the following describes Weber's law

the size of a just noticeable difference in stimuli perception is a constant fraction of the intensity of the stimulus

Antonio and Sandra are five-year old twins who live in Brooklyn with their parents and elder sister, Camilla. Which of the following is most likely an example of an unshared environment for the family?

their birth order

The mean score of a batch of students for the midterm exam was 78.2 and the standard deviation was 15.8. The batch's mean score for the final exam was 81.3 with a standard deviation of 4.5. Based on these statistics which of the following can be interpreted

there was more variability in the scores of the midterm than in the final exam

what role do hormones play in the body

they change cell membrane potentials during neural signaling

as per criteria laid out pavlov in which of the following instances is the stimulus and conditioned stimulus LEAST likely to occur

when the UCS precede the neutral stimulus

According to Ekman's description, which of the following best describes an emotion family?

A broad category, such as fear, consists of specific emotions like anxiety and nervousness

Which of the following is the correct list of criteria necessary for modeling behavior to occur according to bandura's theories on Social Learning.+

Attention, Retention, Reproduction, and Motivatio

Rita conducts a study in which she videotapes college students interacting with each other before and after performing a series of cognitive tasks that were presented as "Intelligence tests that can affect your college tuition charges" She then has a carefully trained team observe and record the participants actions noting visible signs of anxiety in particular What type of measure best describes the one used by Rita


Which of the following is true about the effect of Botox on emotions?

Botox can affect one's ability to read emotions in others

Which of the following best describes child-directed speech?

Changes in adult speech patterns to encourage imitation

What is the distinction between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?

Classical conditioning involves learning based on associations between stimuli whereas operant conditioning involves learning based on behavioral consequences

Dr. Hughes conducts laboratory studies of the though processes involved in problem solving. Which of the following types of psychologist is she most likely to be


In research analysis and reports, data ae never directly aligned with an individual respondent, thereby protecting his or her identity


Which of the following occurs when people say the combination of two events is more likely than either event alone?

Conjunction fallacy

Miguel is having a dinner party, but from the smell coming from his kitchen it is evident he burned whatever he was cooking. What is the order of the processing stages this burnt smell will go through to become a long-term memory for Miguel?

Encoding, consolidation, storage, retrieval

Julia vividly remembers the first time she met her boyfriend. This is an example of _____.


Jerry is always friendly with everyone at school. However, when he is at home or anywhere else he is mostly grumpy and irritable. Jerry may not be labeled as a friendly person because

His friendly disposition is not consistent across situations

Which of the following is most likely true of Amanda, whose amygdala was damaged during a car accident?

She has a difficult time expressing fear and its related emotions

What part of memory stores limited information long enough to remember a phone number before one dials it?

Short-term memory

___ occurs when memories are implanted in our minds based on leading questions, comments, or suggestions from someone else or some other source.


Which of the following is activated when we are watching something funny on television that puts us in a good mood

The parasympathetic nervous system

_____ is a strategy people use when they make decisions based on the ease with which estimates come to mind or how available they are to their awareness.

The availability heuristic

Which of the following best describes mental rotation?

The process of imagining an object rotating in three-dimensional space

According to Ekman's neurocultural theory of emotion, which of the following may be different across cultures?

The regulation of emotions in the presence of others

which of the following is true of personality traits

They are normally distributed in the population

Which of the following is true in the context of babbling babies?

They can hear more sounds than their parents can

The part of the brain that plays a pivotal role in quick appraisals during threatening or fear-inducing situations is the _____.


neuroimaging studies of people learning to navigate a virtual maze show

an increased activation in the hippocampus

identify the correct statement about multitasking among teens

as novice drivers, teens require more attention to complete the tasks of safely operating and navigating motor vehicles

four year old Jana thinks it is raining because the clouds are sad and crying, according to jean piaget's stages of cognitive development, Jana is demonstrating ______ in this scenario

animistic thinking

newborn animals follow the first large they encounter because of______________ Kyle the Canadian goose video show in lecture illustrated this phenomenon

animistic thinking

Because some fibers of the olfactory bulb are directly connected to the amygdala, some smells we encounter

are strongly connected to specific memories and emotions

Sports are physical activities that require skill, strength, agility, and strategy. They often involve competition between two or more individuals or teams. Thus, cognitive psychologists would say that baseball, football, hockey, basketball, and wrestling would be labeled as a ______.


In Alan Baddeley's model of short-term memory, the _____ decides where to focus attention and selectively hones in on specific aspects of a stimulus.

central executive

studies in mice show that there is substantial increase in the exchange of cerebrospinal fluid with intracellular feud during sleep that may reflect how sleep allows for the cleansing of_______

cerebral toxins

Which of the following dimensions of personality reflects how people in Asian cultures tend to be more concerned about the impact of their behavior on their family, friends, and social groups?


In an examination, Dorothy deductively zeroes in on one of the options of a multiple choice question. What kind of thinking can she be said to engage in?

convergent thinking

Nancy is a 4 month old infant who utters repeated vowel sounds such as "aah and ooh". Until 6 months of age, her speech consists almost exclusively of vowels. Nancy is said to be in the ____ stage of language development.


While working on his post-doctoral thesis, Simon reads several scientific articles and carefully analyzes and evaluates the conclusions based on facts and evidence at hand.He then makes sound judgements based on his own research and previous researches, both of which are validated through repeated experiments. Which of the following is Simon doing?

critical thinking

Neil uses the premise that all squares are rectangles. On the basis of this premise, he states that all rectangles have four sides. Therefore, he concludes that all squares must also have four sides. In which of the following is Neil engaged?

deductive reasoning

According to Freudian psychoanalytic theory, which of the following is true about the ego?

defense mechanisms

in a descriptive research design a researcher will

define a problem and variable of interest

________ is an unpleasant side effect that alcohol withdrawal creates for an alcoholic

delirium tremens

In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, the dogs gradually stopped salivating to the bell when they learned that the bell wasn't accompanied by meat powder. This phenomenon is an example of _____.


research shows that sleep functions to

facilitate learning, memory and neural growth

What happened when phineas gage sustained an injury to his frontal lobes from being shot through the head with an iron bar in a railroad accident

his personality changed

which of the following questions is most likely to be discussed by a cognitive psychologist

how do people visualize objects in their mind

Developmental psychology can be best described as the study of

how thought and behavior change and show stability across the life span

the top layers of skin have receptor cells that are sensitive to different tactile qualities, the receptors are called __________


The ________ is the middle score which separates the lower half of scores from the upper half


Nancy, a three-year old, enters a store by pushing a door open. Every time she comes to a door after that, she pushed the door expecting it to open even though many doors open by pulling rather than pushing. What is this an example of?

mental set

Denji, a 44-year old man, almost gets hit by a car while crossing a road. He suddenly feels as though he was in a terrible car accident as a small child. His father confirms that it did, indeed, happen, but they never discussed it with Denji. Psychologists would call this an example of a:

recovered memory

The trichromatic theory of color vision states that all colors which humans experience result from a mixture of

red blue and green

Into which of the following perspectives on personality did Walter Mischel conduct research?

social cognitive learning

Self reports provided via interviews and questionnaires are limited by

social desirability bias

stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination are topics most likely to be studied by

social psychologists

Kelly who is blind wants to turn on the fan in her room she searches for the switch on the wall and turns it on. Kelly knew when her hand found the switch because the ________ relayed information to her brain

somatic nervous system

_______ is a psychological defense mechanism that involves expressing a socially unacceptable impulse in a socially acceptable and even desirable way.


The main function of the ________ is activating the body in times of emergency for example by increasing the heart rate, dilating pupils of the eyes or inhibiting digestion

sympathetic nervous system

when an electrical impulse reaches the terminal button it triggers the release of neurotransmitter molecules into the gap between neurons known as the ________

synaptic cleft

Today ___________ institutional review boards (IRBS) evaluate proposed research before it its conducted to make sure that research involving humans dies not cause undue harm or distress

to ensure adherence to ethical guidelines

____ consists of visual representations created by the brain after the original stimulus is no longer present.

visual imagery

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