Psych Final

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The myelin sheath is an important part of the neuron because it:

increase the speed at which neurons convey their messages

A sleep disorder characterized by overwhelming bouts of excessive daytime sleepiness and brief uncontrollable episodes of sleep is called:


When psychologists systematically observe and record behaviors as they occur in their natural settings, they are using a descriptive method called:

naturalistic observation

William notices that his middle-aged partner stops breathing in their sleep, awakens slightly to gulping in air, then going back to sleep. This happens several times a night. William is displaying symptoms of:

obstructive sleep apnea

The zone of proximal development refers to:

the difference between what children can accomplish alone and what they can accomplish with the help of others who are more competent.

Which of the following statements reflects Freud's view of the superego?

It is the moralistic and self-evaluative component of personality.

The publication of the book (Case Study) entitled _____ in 1920s is regarded as Freud's most important work.

Little Hans

Mandy is 8 years old. Her mother, Jennie, is 40 years old, and her grandmother, Matilda, is 70 years old. During a typical 24-hour period, who experiences the highest proportion of REM to NREM sleep?

Mandy experiences the highest proportion of REM to NREM sleep.

Macaque monkeys are capable of learning a cognitive rule for ordering lists of photographs simply from watching another macaque successfully complete the task. This is an example of:

Observational learning

Which of the following statements about long-term memory is FALSE?

One effective strategy for encoding information into long-term memory is maintenance rehearsal.

You are told you need a _____, which will track a radioactively tagged compound, such as glucose or oxygen.

PET scan

How was it demonstrated that the implicit memory system seemed to be functional in the famous patient known for years as H.M.?

When given the same logical puzzle to solve for several days in a row, H.M. was able to solve the puzzle more quickly each day.

Studies have reported that the more time students spend reading for pleasure, the higher their literacy scores on standardized tests. Based on this result, you would be justified in stating that:

a positive correlation exists between literacy scores and reading time.

Kitty Genovese was murdered outside her New York City apartment. This tragic event led to intense psychological research on:

altruism and prosocial behavior.

When sodium ions enter the axon's interior, causing a brief positive electrical impulse:

an action potential occurs

To avoid losing any data on her computer, Charlotte consistently backs up her computer data onto a second hard drive. Using operant conditioning terms, Charlotte's behavior of backing up her data to a second hard drive is an example of:

negative reinforcement

Of the following senses, which is LEAST developed at birth?


What does Hikikomori mean?

pull inward or social withdrawal

Edward C. Tolman would have most likely made which of the following statements?

"Animals develop a mental representation of the layout of a maze, which allows them to run quickly and accurately through a maze"

Your textbook describes the classic conservation task in which a five-year-old child observes equal amounts of liquid in two identical short, wide containers. The child watches as liquid is poured from one short, wide container into a tall, thin container, and is then asked which container holds more water. How does a typical five-year-old respond?

"the tall, thin container has more water"

The electrical charge of a neuron when it is in the resting potential state is about:

-70 millivolts

Ten-year-old Sydney's score on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence test was 130. It is likely that her mental age is:


When was DSM5 TR (Revised) published?


Your intrinsic circadian rhythm is _____ hours. hint: experiment of free running in cave.


Television and radio serial dramas that are used to promote social change and healthy behaviors around the world have been developed based on research by:

Albert Bandura

Which of the following statements about long-term memory is TRUE?

As a subsystem of long-term memory, implicit memories cannot be consciously recalled but still affect your behavior, knowledge, or performance on some tasks.

Milgram was influenced by Asch's conformity research, but he wanted to take Asch's research a step further and investigate a more important question. What was the question that Milgram wanted to study?

Could people be pressured by others into committing an immoral act or taking an action that violated their conscience, such as hurting a stranger?

Which of the following sentences is consistent with two-year-old Villi's language development?

Daddy go

What is a limitation of projective tests?

Different examiners are likely to find different results if they give the test to the same individual.

The first Black American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology was:

Francis. C. Sumner

In Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the_____ is entirely unconscious.


_____ are evaluations that are automatic, unintentional, difficult to control, and are sometimes, but not always, unconscious.

Implicit attitudes

The Stanford Prison Experiment was conducted by psychologist:

Philip Zimbardo

The main difference between Piaget's and Vygotsky's theories of development is that:

Piaget stressed the child's independent discoveries, whereas Vygotsky stressed that supportive interactions with parents and others played a key role in cognitive development.

Regarding projective tests, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Projective tests are extremely accurate in predicting future behavior.

1What happened after "Little Albert" was classically conditioned to fear a tame white rat?

Stimulus generalization occurred; Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the determination of intelligence?

Twin studies clearly indicate that heredity is much more important that the environment in determining intelligence

Which of the following illustrates egocentrism?

While talking on the phone, a little boy holds up four fingers in response to being asked how old he is.

It took more than 10 years to write and was 1,400 pages long when it was published. Who wrote the landmark textbook Principles of Psychology?

William James

Solomon Asch set up an experimental situation in which participants were asked to identify which of three comparison lines was identical to a standard line. His research was designed to answer a straightforward question, namely:

Would people still conform to the group if the group opinion was clearly wrong?

Seven-year-old Juanita enjoyed school until her teacher, Mr. Kilpatrick, took paternity leave halfway through the school year. The substitute teacher, Ms. Small, was strict and scolded Juanita on several occasions, which made her cry in front of her peers. On one Saturday morning as Juanita was helping her father with grocery shopping, she suddenly came face-to-face with Ms. Small. Juanita instantly burst into tears. Juanita's crying at the sight of Ms. Small is an example of:

a conditioned response

Rachel had injections of Botox in an attempt to eliminate facial wrinkles. Botox contains minute amounts of botulinum, an extremely lethal substance produced by bacteria; it works by blocking the release of a specific neurotransmitter from motor neurons, causing muscle paralysis. This neurotransmitter, found in all motor neurons, is called:


Piaget believed that each child:

actively tries to make sense of his or her environment.

According to the scientific method, after Dr. Haley formulates a hypothesis, designs a study, and collects data for their research on childhood obesity, they will next have to:

analyze the data to arrive at conclusions.

In Hans Eysenck's personality model, someone who is high on the trait dimension of psychoticism would be:

antisocial, cold, hostile, and unconcerned about other people

In his classic experiment of conformity to group pressure, Solomon Asch found that:

approximately three-quarters (76 percent) of the participants conformed to the group's judgment on at least one critical trial.

While taking this test, you have probably paid little attention to ongoing body functions, such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. Such involuntary bodily functions are governed by the:

autonomic nervous system

Tracy is a split-brain patient seated in front of a screen. As she focuses on the middle of the screen, the image of a fork is briefly flashed on the RIGHT side of the screen. Tracy will:

be able to verbally name the object.

Informational social influence results from people's desire to:

be correct and gain accurate information

Normative social influence results from people's desire to:

be liked and accepted by others.

Research suggests that bilingual individuals are:

better able to control attention and inhibit distracting information.

The _____ perspective emphasizes studying the physical bases of human and animal behavior, including the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and genetics.


On September 12, 2001, psychologists Jennifer Talarico and David Rubin had university students complete questionnaires about how they learned about the terrorist attacks against the United States on the previous day. For comparison, students also described some ordinary event that had occurred in their lives at about the same time, such as going to a sporting event. Over the next year, students were periodically asked to again describe their memories of the 9/11 attacks and of the ordinary event. The results indicated that:

both flashbulb memories and the everyday memories decayed over time.

The neural tube will become __

brain and spinal cord

The phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present means the less likely each individual is to help someone in distress is called the:

bystander effect

Carlton did not notice when their partner, Reese, got a haircut because they weren't paying attention to Reese's appearance. Carlton's failure to notice is an example of:

change blindness

Professor Nichols is interested in child prodigies. For example, they followed the development of a three-year-old child who already spoke six languages, taught them self how to play the piano, flute, and violin, and composed music that most expert adults are unable to do. Which type of research does Professor Nichols likely conduct?

case studies

Joanna has suffered a series of personal setbacks, including the death of a family member, academic problems in college, and a divorce. She feels so sad, upset, and lonely that she is contemplating suicide. Joanna could probably best be helped by a(n) _____ psychologist.


Dr. Bremmer investigates mental processes, including reasoning and thinking, problem solving, memory, perception, and language. Dr. Bremmer is a _____ psychologist.


Being bilingual may protect against:

cognitive decline

The "sour grapes" rationalization and the "sweet lemons" rationalization that occur after a person has made a choice between two relatively equal alternatives are examples of the effects of _____ in action.

cognitive dissonance

As a general rule, conformity is higher in _____ cultures than it is in _____ cultures.

collectivistic; individualistic

When Angie asks her one-year-old daughter, Laci, to go get a diaper, the baby returns with a diaper. However, Laci cannot yet say "diaper." This indicates that Laci's ____ vocabulary is much larger than her ____ vocabulary.

comprehension; production

When Angie asks her one-year-old daughter, Laci, to go get a diaper, the baby returns with a diaper. However, Laci cannot yet say "diaper." This indicates that Laci's _____ vocabulary is much larger than her _____ vocabulary.

comprehension; production

Seven-year-old Amy demonstrates logical thinking when she plays checkers with her father, but she has some difficulty thinking logically about hypothetical situations or abstract ideas. Amy is most likely in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

When Bernardo was having problems at school, he often sought advice from his grandfather. His grandfather, who always smoked tobacco in a pipe, was kind, reassuring, and always supportive. Years later, Bernardo still finds the smell of pipe tobacco soothing. In classical conditioning terms, Bernardo's fondness for the smell of pipe tobacco may be described as a(n):

conditioned response

A young child has learned to associate the sight of a nurse's white uniform with the fear and pain of getting an injection. Using Pavlov's terminology, when the white uniform elicits a fear response, the white uniform would be termed a(n):

conditioned stimulus (CS).

Which of the following is likely to be among a child's first words?


Professor Anders is interested in how family relationships change over time. During the past two decades, he has kept track of and repeatedly surveyed the same group of 3,000 participants about changes in their relationship with their parents and siblings. Professor Anders is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.


Antonio has gone to the hospital for severe back pain. While there, the nurse anesthetist administers morphine via an IV. Morphine is a synthetic drug that will increase the release of _____ to reduce the pain Antonio is feeling.


In your philosophy class, you have found that your professor never calls on you when you raise your hand. As a result you no longer raise your hand to ask or answer questions. In learning theory, no longer raising your hand would be the result of:


According to Eysenck's theory, the four basic personality types are:

extraverted-neurotic; extraverted-stable; introverted-neurotic; and introverted-stable.

Raymond Cattell used a statistical technique called "_____" to sort through a large number of personality traits and identify those that represented the most basic dimensions of personality.

factor analysis

Excessive drinking during pregnancy can cause _____ which is characterized by physical and mental problems such as abnormal facial features or learning disabilities.

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Excessive drinking during pregnancy can cause _____, which is characterized by physical and mental problems such as abnormal facial features or learning disabilities.

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Shiena is at a party attentively listening to her friend, Mal, talk about their latest vacation to Chicago, Illinois. Suddenly, Shiena becomes aware of someone else saying her name on the other side of the room. This phenomenon is known as:

filter theory

Baby Anson frequently "coos" throughout the day. He frequently vocalizes, "ahhhhhhh" and "oooooh." Anson is probably ___ month(s) old.


During a normal night's sleep, a person typically experiences about _____ cycle(s) of NREM and REM sleep.


Because her baby seemed to enjoy putting so many things in his mouth, Aisha provided the infant with many different kinds of pacifiers and chewable toys. According to Freud's theory, Aisha is running the risk of producing _____ at the _____ psychosexual stage of development.

fixation; oral

Raj works for NASA and gets paid once a month, whereas his friend Sunil works at a fast-food restaurant and gets paid once a week. Despite the difference in when they are paid, both are paid on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


The hippocampus plays a key role in which functions?

forming new memories

Not every researcher accepts that short-term memory is limited to exactly seven items, plus or minus two. Recent research suggests that the true "magical number" is more likely to be:

four, plus or minus one

Some businesses give reductions on health insurance premiums to employees who rack up enough points on a specially equipped pedometer that monitors their daily activity level. This is an example of a movement called "_____" that is based on principles of operant conditioning.


Charles Spearman believed that _____ was/were responsible for overall performance on mental ability tests.

general intelligence, or the g factor

Jacylyn and Jade are identical twins who were raised in different homes, but nevertheless have very similar IQ scores. This example provides support primarily for the influence of _____ on intelligence or IQ.


The shortest phase of prenatal development is called the __ period


In Dr. Foster's study, one group is given a new medication that is believed to reduce anxiety. Another group is given a medication that looks like the real medication but has none of the active ingredients in it to affect anxiety. In this experiment, the experimental group is the:

group that receives the new medication

According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, adolescence is characterized by the psychosocial conflict of:

identity vs. role confusion

Sleep deprivation studies have shown that:

immune system functioning, concentration, vigilance, reaction time, memory skills, and ability to gauge risk were all diminished.

Marie enters the playroom of the psychology lab with her one-year-old son Aaron. Aaron ignores the many attractive toys in the room and clings to his mother. When Marie leaves the room, Aaron begins to cry hysterically. When his mother returns and tries to comfort him, Aaron cries harder, kicks, and resists her efforts to hold him. Aaron would MOST likely be classified as:

insecurely attached

Marie enters the playroom of the psychology lab with her one-year-old son Aaron. Aaron ignores the many attractive toys in the room and clings to his mother. When Marie leaves the room, Aaron begins to cry hysterically. When his mother returns and tries to comfort him, Aaron cries harder, kicks, and resists her efforts to hold him. Aaron would most likely be classified as:

insecurely attached

Manjinder is struggling to keep up with his night classes and has also been arguing with his roommates. As the pressure and tension increases, Manjinder finds that he is often unable to go to sleep at night or that he repeatedly wakes up during the night. Manjinder's sleep disturbance is BEST described as:


Elaine is sitting in Sigmund Freud's office and tells him that she remembers a dream in which a car was parked in front of her house and a person with a baseball bat kept getting in and out of the car. After some discussion, Freud suggests to Elaine that the baseball bat probably symbolized the man's penis and the action of repeatedly entering the car probably symbolized sexual intercourse. The symbolic meaning of the dream that Freud suggested is called the _____ content.


In Howard Gardner's theory, distinct forms of intelligence include:

linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence.

At age 80, Bonita recalls the wonderful summers she spent with her grandparents during her childhood. She talks about the market in town where you could buy freshly churned ice cream and garden vegetables, the county fair, and bonfires where her grandmother would make s'mores for the family. Bonita's recollections are an example of _____ memory.


At an auto parts store, Adam looked up the oil filter number in the parts catalog. Adam mentally repeated the number, PF3807A, as he searched the shelves for the correct oil filter for his car. Adam was using _____ to keep the information in his short-term memory.

maintenance rehearsal

During the embryonic period, the:

organs and major systems of the body form

Which of these is TRUE regarding multitasking?

people generally underestimate the cost of multitasking

Positive psychology focuses on developing therapeutic techniques that increase _____, rather than just reducing the symptoms of _____.

personal well-bein; psychological disorders

After buying an electric grass trimmer, Raul changed into his shorts and went out in his bare feet to trim the grass. When he moved the trimmer too close to his leg, the rotating line gashed his ankle. Raul no longer wears shorts or goes barefoot when he uses the grass trimmer. Raul's behavior of dressing inappropriately for gardening has been changed as a result of:

positive punishment.

When Jennifer lived in the Eastern European country of Slovakia for a year, she found it very difficult to adapt to the customs and diet of the Slovakian culture. Robert Sternberg might suggest that Jennifer is low in _____ intelligence.


The _____ is involved in encoding and storing memory for a sequence of events.

prefrontal cortex

Three-year-old Darius watches his mother feed his baby sister breakfast. Two weeks later, Darius's mom observes him pretending to feed a doll. Darius is in the _____ stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.


Although she had not made one in years, Evelyn carefully folded the paper to make a paper airplane for her grandson. Evelyn's ability to perform this task is an example of which type of long-term memory?

procedural memory

The discoveries of Pierre Paul Broca and Karl Wernicke:

provided compelling evidence that language and speech functions are lateralized on the left hemisphere.

Unlike the Stanford-Binet test, the WAIS test:

provided subtest scores on different abilities

Freud's landmark theory of psychoanalysis became the basis of which perspective in contemporary psychology?


Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development held that:

psychosocial development continues throughout the lifespan, with each stage marked by a particular psychosocial conflict that can be resolved in a positive or negative way.

Which of the following is NOT one of the five factors in the five-factor model of personality?


Marco is a sleep researcher who wants to record the rhythmic electrical patterns of the brain. He is MOST likely to accomplish this by:

recording brain waves on an electroencephalograph.

In a research study described in your text, participants briefly sat in a psychology professor's office and then were taken to another room. When asked about the details of the professor's office, the research participants:

remembered items that were not actually in the office but that were consistent with their schemas of a professor's office.

Which of the following factors contributes to imagination inflation?

repeatedly imagining an event that never occurred makes the event seem increasingly familiar

When he was having academic difficulties in primary school, Si-an received counseling from a professional. This professional was MOST likely a _____ psychologist.


In survey research, the term "sample" refers to a(n):

segment of the larger group that is to be studied

The three types of neurons are:

sensory, motor, and interneurons

The purpose of using a control group in an experiment is to:

serve as a baseline for comparison against any changes in the experimental group.

The Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated the powerful influence of:

situational roles and conformity to implied social rules and norms.

The branch of psychology that studies how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the presence of other people and by the social and physical environment is called "_____ psychology."


Maddi, a research assistant, monitors the EEG recording of a sleeping subject in the lab. She notes the presence of theta brain waves, sleep spindles, and K complexes. This leads Maddi to conclude that the subject is experiencing which of these?

stage 2 NREM

Dr. Macmillan has designed a test to measure mathematical ability in college graduates. In order to establish a norm against which individual scores may be interpreted and compared, she is currently administering the test to a large representative sample of college graduates. Dr. Macmillan is in the process of:

standardizing the test

Pavlov found that once he conditioned a dog to salivate in response to a tone, a tone that was slightly higher or lower in pitch would also make the dog salivate. This phenomenon is called:

stimulus generalization

Sunji has been playing chess for the past five years and has become quite good. If Sunji had had an MRI before he began playing chess and follow up five years later, the MRI would likely reveal measurable change in brain regions involved in perceiving, remembering, and logical reasoning. This change is the result of:

structural plasticity

The first major school of thought in psychology, which relied on introspection, was called:


Which of the following is the research method most commonly used to explore the role of genetic and environmental factors in human intelligence?

studies of twins and other genetically related individuals

Exposure to sunlight and other bright lights _____ production of melatonin.


While on vacation at the beach, Binh is swimming in the ocean when they believe they see a shark fin in the water nearby. Binh's heart starts racing, their breathing is faster, and they try and flee by swimming away. However, Binh shortly realizes that it is not a shark they saw, but a piece of seaweed in the shape of a shark fin. Binh starts to feel their body relax, and their heart rate and breathing begin to normalize. When Binh initially saw what they thought was a shark fin, their _____ nervous system was activated. After realizing it was only seaweed, their _____ nervous system was activated.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

Communication between two neurons occurs at the:


Almost all of the sensory (e.g., except smell) and motor information going to and from the cerebral cortex is processed through the:


In Freud's theory, which component of personality is present at birth and is completely unconscious?

the ID

The phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present means the less likely each individual is to help someone in distress is called:

the bystander effect

Which of these structures of the brain is considered a "social organ"?

the forebrain

Milgram, along with other researchers, identified several aspects of his original obedience experiment that had a strong impact on the subjects' willingness to obey the experimenter. Which of the following is NOT a factor that increased the subjects' willingness to obey?

the freedom of the teacher to choose the level of shock

Because of the famous case of the patient known for years as H.M., it is known that _____ plays a critical role in _____.

the hippocampus; encoding new memories for events and information

The popularity of phrenology triggered scientific interest in which of these?

the idea that specific psychological and mental functions are located in specific brain areas

According to attachment theory:

the quality of attachment plays an important role in determining an infant's ability to thrive physically and psychologically.

Researchers interested in how sleep deprivation affected performance randomly assigned participants to groups that had one, two, or three nights of sleep deprivation. Then they tested their reaction times on a standard motor reaction task. The dependent variable in this experiment was:

the reaction times of the three groups on the standard motor reaction task.

Martin decided to write his term paper on the topic of animal language. After reviewing the relevant literature on the topic, Martin is likely to conclude that:

the results of several ongoing studies have produced some compelling demonstrations of animal communication and cognition.

Janeen touches her newborn's cheek. Her baby turns toward Janeen's hand and opens her mouth. Janeen has triggered which reflex?

the rooting reflex

You are conducting a study on the organization of information in long-term memory. In the study, participants are told to say the first word that comes to their mind in response to the stimulus words "day," "woods," and "time." Many participants responded "night," "trees," and "clock." In your write-up of the study, you note that the participants' responses seem to support:

the semantic network model

While Aaron was waiting for a prescription to be filled, he called Kate to see if she wanted him to pick up anything while he was at the grocery store. To his surprise, Kate rattled off 10 different items she wanted him to buy. Aaron forgot two items in the middle of the list. Aaron's pattern of forgetting illustrates:

the serial position effect.

The "phonological loop," "visuospatial sketchpad," and "central executive" are:

the three main components in the model of working memory developed by British psychologist Alan Baddeley.

During the germinal period:

the zygote becomes implanted on the mother's uterine wall.

Many psychoanalytic ideas are difficult to test because:

they cannot be operationally defined and objectively measured.

Zelda describes herself as shy, hardworking, compassionate, and organized. Zelda's analysis of her own personality is most similar to which perspective on personality?


How can you increase the length of time that you can hold information in your short-term memory?

use maintenance rehearsal by repeating the information

At the beginning of the semester, the humanities instructor explains that there will be 10 surprise quizzes over the semester, so students are strongly encouraged to keep up with their reading and to attend every class. The humanities instructor is using a _____ schedule of reinforcement to encourage studying and class attendance.


On the first trial, the rat had to press the bar three times to get a pellet of food. On the second trial, seven bar presses were needed. Although it continued to vary from trial to trial, on the average the rat was reinforced for every five bar presses. The rat is on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


On the WAIS, the _____ score represents subtest scores on verbal tasks, such as vocabulary, comprehension, and general knowledge; the _____ score represents subtest scores on nonverbal tasks, such as identifying missing parts in incomplete pictures, arranging pictures to tell a story, or arranging blocks to match a pattern.

verbal; performance

Sperling's classic experiment in which he briefly flashed three rows of letters on a screen immediately followed by a tone demonstrated that:

visual sensory memory holds a great deal of information for about half a second.

In a series of experiments, Stanley Milgram systematically varied the conditions of his obedience study. Under which condition were the participants LEAST likely to continue administering shocks to the maximum level?

when the teacher observed two other teachers who refused to continue with the experiment

In a series of experiments, Stanley Milgram systematically varied the conditions of his obedience study. Under which of the following conditions were subjects LEAST likely to continue administering shocks to the full 450-volt level?

when the teacher observed two other teachers who refused to continue with the experiment

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