Psych test modules 6-10

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After suffering damage to ___________, a person may exhibit fluent aphasia, which refers to a condition in which a person has no problem producing speech, but their speech is nonsensical. 1 Wernicke's area 2 Broca's area 3 Occipital lobe


B. F. Skinner trained pigeons to do many things, including pecking a bar and turning in a circle. Imagine that you want to train a pigeon to peck a bar. First, you reward your pigeon with a food pellet every time he goes near the bar. Eventually, you only reward your pigeon if his beak touches the bar. Finally, you only reward your pigeon when he pecks the bar. You are using a technique known as __________. 1 shaping 2 classical conditioning 3 priming


If linguistic relativism is true in all circumstances, then what would follow logically? 1 There would always be a chance that a concept from one language could not be understood by speakers of another language. 2 Interpreters would never have trouble finding word equivalents. 3 Tourists using a new language should be able understandable to native speakers, just using basic vocabulary. 4 Bilingual people should have no problem finding ways to express themselves in either language.


In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiments, the bell was the _____ to be paired with the ________. 1 CS; sight of food 2 US; sight of food 3 CR; US 4 US; salivation


Is procedural memory considered an implicit or explicit memory? 1 Implicit 2 Explicit


Keenan calls all fruit "apples." What does this exemplify? 1 Assimilation 2 Amalgamation 3 Accommodation 4 Imitation


Nature is to _____________ as nurture is to ______________. 1 Chomsky; Skinner 2 Skinner; Chomsky


The _____________ is an adult intelligence scale that yields scores on four domains, including verbal, perceptual, working memory, and processing speed. 1 WAIS-IV 2 WPPSI-III 3 Stanford-Binet


What is the storage capacity of short-term memory? 1 5-9 bits of information 2 Limitless 3 3-4 bits of information


Which of the following characteristics probably makes language most distinct from other forms of communication? 1 Generativity 2 Phonemes 3 Morphemes


A student who responds to a failing grade with a renewed commitment to studying her notes indicates that she holds a(n) _____________ theory of intelligence. 1 entity 2 incremental 3 triarchic


An IQ score is equal to ____________ divided by ________________ and multiplied by 100. 1 chronological age; mental age 2 mental age; chronological age


Is semantic memory considered an implicit or explicit memory? 1 Implicit 2 Explicit


What determines morality? 1 The context of the situation 2 Cultural norms 3 Christianity 4 The age of the person deciding


What is the difference between repression and suppression? 1 Repression is a voluntary process of forgetting but we can't remember even if we try. Suppression is also a voluntary process of forgetting and we can remember when asked. 2 Repression is an involuntary process of forgetting and we can't remember even if we try. Suppression is a voluntary process of forgetting and we can remember when asked. 3 Suppression is an involuntary process of forgetting and we can't remember even if we try. Reppression is a voluntary process of forgetting and we can remember when asked. 4 Repression is an involuntary process of forgetting and we can't remember even if we try. Suppression is also an involuntary process of forgetting but we can remember when asked.


Which of the following is NOT a type of implicit memory? 1 Procedural memory 2 Semantic memory 3 Learning through classical conditioning 4 Priming


Which of the following is an example of an explicit memory? 1 Knowing how to ride a bike, even though you haven't ridden one in years 2 Recalling what you wore on your first date with your spouse 3 Knowing how to drive from your home to the grocery store 4 Seeing an ad for a fast food restaurant, which makes you go there to get a burger


_______________, or the sounds of a given language, are produced by movements in our lips, teeth, tongues, throat, and vocal chords. 1 Morphemes 2 Phonemes 3 Syntax


_________________ is the part of emotional intelligence that is most related to cognitive intelligence. 1 Emotion recognition 2 Emotion regulation 3 Emotion assessment


Baby Marta is rooting. What made her do that? 1 She was softly poked on the bottom of her foot with a sharp object. 2 Her lips were lightly touched. 3 Her cheek was lightly touched. 4 She was touched by a light tap on top of the head.


During the ________ stage, babies form their first schemas. They stare at, listen to, reach for, hold, shake, and taste the things in their environments. 1 Formal operational 2 Concrete operational 3 Sensorimotor 4 Preoperational


John B. Watson conditioned Little Albert to be afraid of a white rat. Little Albert also became afraid of other white things, such as a white bunny and a Santa Claus beard. What kind of new conditioning could help him stop fearing all those other white things? 1 Generalization 2 Discrimination 3 Extinction


Little Bella has to take some yucky medicine. When she sees her mother pull down the bottle from the shelf, Bella hides under her bed so her mother has started to put on Bellas favorite video to keep the child from hiding. But now, when Bella sees her mother turn on the video, she hides under the bed. This is an example of 1 generalization 2 discrimination 3 second order conditioning


What are schemas? 1 Schemas are information-processing strategies that are useful in many cases but may lead to errors when misapplied. 2 Schemas are recipe-style information-processing strategies that guarantee a correct answer at all times. 3 Schemas are mental representations of the world that are formed and adjusted using the processes of assimilation and accommodation as a person experiences life.


When does self-awareness begin? 1 After the first year of life. 2 Within a day of being born. 3 About 5 months. 4 After the second year of life.


Which of the following is the correct psychological definition of retrieval? 1 Superior retrieval of memories is when the individual is in the same physiological or psychological state as during encoding 2 An increase in retrieval when the external situation in which information is learned matches the situation in which it is remembered 3 The process of reactivating information that has been stored in memory 4 A form of retrieval failure in which we are certain that we know something that we are trying to recall but cannot quite come up with it


Which stage attainment occurs during the formal operational stage of cognitive development? 1 Theory of mind 2 Rapid language acquisition 3 Abstract logic 4 Conservation


You are playing Monopoly with friends. You land in jail. You want to roll a double to get out so you can save money. You know the odds of rolling a double on a single throw of the dice, but you keep trying. This is an example of a __________ schedule. 1 fixed interval 2 fixed ratio 3 variable ratio 4 variable interval


_______ status refers to teens who adopt the beliefs of their parents or the first role that is offered to them, perhaps at the expense of searching for other, more promising possibilities 1 Identity-diffusion 2 Moratorium 3 Foreclosure 4 Identity-achievement


Katrina's father drives her home from dance class each week. One day, he blacks out at the wheel. She jumps out, pushes him over, and drives the rest of the way home. By then, he has recovered. This is an example of ________. 1 trial and error learning 2 observational learning 3 insight learning 4 latent learning


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