Psychology 1004 Test 1

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All 200 of these applicants are hired and put to work selling computers, After six months, Professor Sam correlates the new workers' aptitude test scores with the dollar value of the computers that each sold during the first six months on the job. This correlation turns out to by -0.21. This finding suggests the test may lack_________

Criterion-related validity

What is the primary reason deception is often used in psychology research?

Deception allows researchers to study topics that are otherwise impossible to study

Post orgasm

Decreased activity in prefrontal cortex

A researcher wants to see whether a protein-enriched diet will enhance the maze-running performance of rats. For the duration of the study, the researcher feeds one group of rats. For the duration of the study, the researcher feeds one group of rats a high-protein diet, while the other group continues to receive its regular diet. In this experiment, what is the term used to describe the maze-running performance of the rats

Dependent variable

Do IQ tests have validity?

Depends on what you think IQ is good for IQ tests have good construct validity (test matches up to other tests in terms of peoples answers) There is criterion validity in regards to high IQ and academic performance Content validity- do IQ test test comprehensively?

Polygraph / Lie Detector

Device that records autonomic fluctuations while a subject is questioned

Criterion Related Validity

Do sources line up with an independent measure of the trait

Content Validity

Does the content represent the overall domain being tested

Construct validity

Does the test measure a particular hypothetical construct

Evolutionary perspective on obesity

During much of our evolutionary history, food was relatively scarce and nutritionally simple so we evolved thrifty genes to survive such times Only recently have humans cone to live in a land of plenty food however we still have thrifty genes plus we have moved to a more sedentary lifestyle

Between subjects design

Each participant is in only one condition


Early lesioning studies pinpointed the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and the lateral hypothalamus, subsequent research suggests that the arcuate nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus may be equally or more important

Affective forecasting

Efforts to predict one's emotional reaction to future events


Engorgement of blood vessels

Honest indicators

Ex would be deer antler size and sperm quality being related

Sampling Bias

Exists when a sample is not representative of the population from which it was drawn

Statistical significance

Exists when the probability that the observed findings are due to chance is very low


Exists when two variables are related to each other

Incentive theories

Expectancy-value models factor in the odds of achieving the goal Push vs Pull theory

What type of research would you use to answer this question: Can the presences of food-related cues cause an increase in the amount of food people eat?

Experiment. To demonstrate a casual relationship, you would have to conduct an experiment. You would manipulate the presence or absences of food-related cues in controlled circumstances where subjects had an opportunity to eat some food, and monitor the amount eaten

What research bias can be prevented by using a double-blind procedures?

Experimenter bias

Universality of facial expressions

Facial expressions are universal as evidence suggests that emotional facial expressions are primarily innate

Evolutionary theories of motivation

Fear of snakes -> avoid poison

Claude Steele

Feelings of stereotypes vulnerability can undermine group members' performance on tests, as well as other measures of academic achievement

Females ability to predict males' poential

Females can predict a males testosterone and interest in infants based on photos

Evolutionary psychology sex and mating

Females have greater parental investment than males Males look for females that will produce good children (youth & attractiveness)

Criticism of Trivers and colleagues

Females show this evolutionary tendency because they have mostly been held back in prospective careers and females are supposed to hide sexuality

Binet and Simon

Focused on assessing children and identifying mentally subnormal ones Used abstract reasoning skills Used mental age to say if a child was average, advanced or retarded

Achievement tests

Gauge a persons' mastery and knowledge of various subjects

Reaction range

Genetically determined limits on IQ or other traits

Genetics vs environment?

Genetics sets a range of IQ and your environment will place you somewhere in that predetermined range


Heart rate, BP etc rise above resting levels tissues (clitoris in females) becomes erect

Sandra Scarr

Heredity may set certain limits on intelligence and that environmental factors determine where individuals fall within these limits

What is the heritability of intelligence?

High estimate is 80% of intelligence is determined by genes Low estimate is 40% is determined by genes Important to remember that heritability is a group statistic that doesn't necessarily apply to individuals or across groups

Which term is defined as "a tentative prediction about the relationship between two variables?"


Homosexual Male Brain

IN response to the male pheromone androstenedione, male homosexual brain activity resembles that of heterosexual females not heterosexual males

A research study examines the effect of a new teaching technique in students' achievement test scores. Which student characteristic would be considered an important extraneous variable?

IQ scores

The Flynn Effect

IQ test results rise as you go through the past 80 years most likely due to environmental factors. The IQ scores are not changing what is changing is what you need to score on a test to reach 100

Cultural Bias in testing

IQ tests are very westernized therefore are they really testing IQ of all people or just of those who belong to a Western society

Robert Sternberg

IQ tests place too much emphasis on speed. There are three aspects of successful intelligence: analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence

Servere Intellectual Disability

IQ: 25-40 Limited speech, toilet habits, and so forth with systematic training Can help contribute to self-support under total supervision

Moderate Intellectual DIsability

IQ: 40-55 Grade 2/4 by late teens; special education necessary Can be semi-independent in sheltered environment; needs help with even mild stress

Mild Intellectual Disability

IQ: 55-70 Typically grade six level by late teens, special education helpful, some graduate high school. Can be self supporting in nearly normal fashion if environment is stable and supportive, may need help with stress

Profound Intellectual Disability

IQ: Below 25 Little or no speech; not toilet-trained; relatively unresponsive to training Requires total care

An organizational psychologist develops a new training program to improve clerks' courtesy toward customers in a large chain of retail stores. She conducts an experiment to see whether the training program leads to a reduction in the number of customer complaints. What is the independent variable and dependent variable?

IV: Courtesy training (Training vs no training) DV: Number of customer complaints

A researcher is interested in how heart rate and blood pressure are affected by viewing a violent film sequence as opposed to a nonviolent film sequence. What is the Independent variable and dependent variable?

IV: Film violence (present vs absence) DV: Heart rate and blood pressure (There are two DVDs)

A social psychologist investigates the impact of group size on subject's conformity in response to group pressure. What is the independent variable and dependent variable?

IV: Group size (large vs small) DV: Conformity

A researcher wants to find out how stimulus complexity and stimulus contrast (light/dark variation) affect infants' attention to stimuli. He manipulates stimulus complexity and stimulus contrast and measures how long infants stare at various stimuli. What is the independent variable and dependent variable?

IV: Stimulus complexity (high vs low) and stimulus contrast (High vs low) (there are two IV) DV: Length of time spent staring at the stimuli

Do IQ tests have reliability?

If there is a high correlation then yes

Why are humans bad at affective forecasting

Impact bias: Failure to factor in the ways we adjust to and rationalize circumstances and events

Interest in sex as you age

In females as they get older their interest in sex drops off significantly


In most cases there is competition by males and selection by females Female choice is often based on appearance

Mental age

Indicated that he or she displayed the mental ability typical of a child of that chronological (actual) age

Percentile score

Indicates the percentage of people who score at or below a particular score

Percentile score

Indicates the percentage of people who score at or below the score one has obtained

Kin selection

Individuals that engage in same-sex sexual behaviour provide resources to siblings thereby increasing their inclusive fitness (genes are being carried on) There is little support for this theory

Subjective well-being

Individuals' personal perceptions of their overall happiness and life satisfaction

Arthur Jensen

Intelligence is largely genetic in origin and therefore genetic factors are strongly implicated as the cause of ethnic differences in intelligence

Spearman and g

Invented factor analysis G is general mental ability and is the common core of all individual mental abilities

Alfred Binet

Invented the first practical IQ test. Used mental age and measured reasoning skills


Involves a subjective conscious experience (the cognitive component) accompanied by bodily arousal (the physiological component) and characteristic overt expressions (the behavioural component)

Crystallized intelligence

Involves ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in problem solving


Involves being ignored and excluded by others in your social environment


Involves goal directed behaviour

Fluid intelligence

Involves reasoning ability, memory capacity, and speed of information processing


Involves the generation of ideas that are original, novel, and useful


Is a hormone produced by white adipose tissue (fat) Decreases appetite

Criterion-related validity

Is estimated by correlating subject's scores on a test with their scores on an independent criterion (another measure) of the trait assessed by the test


Is important in sexual behaviour


Is most often represented by the correlation coefficient r that ranges from -1 to 1

Sex research

Is often done by use of surveys


Is often kept in check by their associated costs which are also what makes them good indicators


Is secreted by the empty stomach causing contractions and acting in the brain to induce hunger

What is PsychINFO

It is a computerized database that contains abstracts of articles, chapters, and books reporting psychological research

What makes a good theory?

It is supported by data Is falsifiable: leads to a testable hypothesis It exhibits parsimony: taking of extreme care at arriving at a course of action

What is the main advantage of descriptive/correlational research?

It permits researchers to study variables that would be impossible to manipulate

Regulators of hunger

Leptin and insulin activate and express POMC and inhibit feeding when active Ghrelin activates and express neuropeptide Y and agouti-like protein and promote feeding when active

Homosexual Female brain

Lesbian women brains respond to pheromones resemble those of heterosexual men not heterosexual women


Likes members of either sex


Likes members of the same sex

Intellectual disability and socioeconomics

Link between mild ID and parents socioeconomic status. Factors affecting this would be : Nutrition Parenting quality Schooling Infection

What does descriptive/correlational research look for?

Links or associations

Deviation IQ scores

Locate subjects precisely within the normal distribution, using the standard deviation as the unit of measurement


Look for income, status, and ambition in partners Maximize reproductive success by seeking partners willing to invest material resources in offspring Less interested in uncommitted sex, smaller number of sex partners over lifetime,

What factors predict happiness?

Love and marriage Genetics / personality (Heritability of happiness 0.4-0.5) Work

Lewis Terman

Made the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Schools started to adopt IQ tests for students

David Wechsler

Made the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale that used a scoring scheme based on normal distribution. Test had separate scores for verbal IQ and performance (nonverbal IQ) and full scale IQ

Reaching orgasm

Males tend to reach orgasm more reliably then females

Which sex thinks more about sex?

Males think and are overall more interested in sex than females, and they show a higher desire for a variety of sexual partners

Personality tests

Measure various aspects of personality, including motives, interests, values, and attitudes

Intelligence test

Measures general mental ability

What are the two main categories of psychological tests?

Mental ability and personality tests

Ellen Winner

Moderately gifted children are very different from profoundly gifted children as those who are profoundly gifted are introverted and socially isolated

What factors don't predict happiness?

Money Age Intelligence Attractiveness

Negatively skewed distribution

Most scores pile up at the high end of the scale

Positively skewed dustribution

Most scores pile up at the low end of the scale


Much larger collection of animals or people (from which the sample is drawn) that the researchers want to generalize about

A psychologist monitors a group of children in a nursery school, recording each instance of altruistic behaviour when it occurs. Which research method is the psychologist using?

Naturalistic observation

Types of descriptive / correlational research

Naturalistic observation, case studies, Surveys

What type of research would you use to answer this question: Do troops of baboons display territoriality-that is, so they mark off an area as their own and defend it from intrusion by other baboons?

Naturalistic observation. To answer this question properly you would want to observe baboons in their natural environment, without interference

Sir Francis Galton

Nature vs Nurture but associated with eugenics. Tested sensations which he believed were units of intelligence Reaction time, colour perception etc

Affiliating motive

Need to associate with other and maintain social bonds

Achievement Motive

Need to master difficult challenges, to out perform others, and to meet high standards of excellence

Positive of negative correlation? The correlation between age and visual acuity (among adults)

Negative. As age increases, more people tend to have visual problems and acuity tends to decrease

Positive of negative correlation? The correlation between shyness and the number of friends one has.

Negative. As shyness increases, the size of one's friendship network should decrease. However, research suggests that this inverse association may be weaker than widely believed

Brain and behavioural component

Neural correlates of emotions measure brain activity. They found a baseline array of brain areas active in neutral face processing (fusiform gyrus) but additional areas active in response to non-neutral emotions

Zero Correlation

No correlation between the two variables

Display rules

Norms that regulate the appropriate expression of emotion

Experimenter Bias

Occurs when a researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained

Random assignment

Occurs when all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any group or condition in the study


Occurs when sexual arousal reaches it peak intensity. It discharges in a series of muscular contractions that pulsate through the pelvic area.

Hedonic adaptations

Occurs when the mental scale that people use to judge pleasantness-unpleasantness of their experiences shifts so that their neutral point (or baseline for comparison) changes

Confounding variable

Occurs when two variables are linked together in a way that makes it difficult to sort out their specific effects

Divergent thinking

One tries to expand the range of alternatives by generating many possible solutions

Convergent thinking

One tries to narrow down a list of alternatives to converge on a single correct answer. Inside the box thinking

Why are IQ test not used globally?

Outside the western world: The whole premise is foreign Different definitions of intelligence Emphasis on different mental skills (Practical vs academic)

The Reverse Flynn Effect

Over the past few years the Mean IQ score has gone down a bit (started decline in 1999)

Does brain size determine intelligence?

Overall there is a correlation of 0.33 between brain volume and intelligence

Which study would be most likely influenced by a placebo effect?

Participants learn yoga, and then are asked to report whether their mood improves as a result of doing yoga

Behavioural Component of Emotions

People can accurately and quickly discern emotions from facial expressions


Periodical that publishes technical and scholarly material, usually in a narrowly defined area of inquiry


Physiological levels go back to resting state Lack of sensitivity and excitability in penis post ejaculation

Positive of negative correlation? The correlation between years of education and income

Positive. Studies show that highly educated people tend to earn higher incomes and that people with less education tend to earn lower incomes


Posses below average IQ but also exhibit some extraordinary or unique abilities Can be congenital or acquired


Premises for which no proof or evidence is offered

Data collection techniques

Procedures for making empirical observations and measurements

Set-point Theory

Proposes that the body monitors fat cell levels to keep them (and weight) fairly stable

Settling-point theory

Proposes that weight tends to drift around the level at which the constellation of factors that determine food consumption and energy expenditure achieves an equilibrium

Test norms

Provide information about where a score on a psychological test ranks in relation to other scores on that test

Conversion Therapy

Psychological technique (shocking/talk therapy) to be trained to get rid of the homosexuality tendencies

Heritability of sexuality

Range of 0.5-0.74

Fluid Intelligence

Reasoning, working memory, information processing

Sexual orientation

Refers to a person's preference for emotional and sexual relationships with individuals of the same sex, the other sex, or either sex

What is reliability and how can it be measured?

Reliability is the measurement consistency of a test. It can be measured by test-retest reliability, which is estimated by comparing subject's scores on 2 administrations of a test


Reproduction involves minimal investment of time, energy and risk Maximize reproductive success by seeking more sexual partners with high reproductive potential More interest in uncommitted sex, greater number of sex partners over lifetime

Emotional disorders

Research has shown that people with emotional disorders like depression or PTSD have excessive amygdala activity as regulated by the prefrontal cortex -> Over reactivity

Biological correlates of intelligence

Research indicates that both white and grey matter in the brain are important in determining intelligence. New research also indicates that gyrification is positively correlated with intelligence

Double-Blind Procedure

Research strategy in which neither subjects nor experimenters know which subjects are in the experimental or control groups

Facial expressions

Research suggests we actually make our own facial expressions to help us process those of others any may even take on those emotions. The group that could not move their face in the study reported experiencing less strong emotions in response to negative video clips. Other studies suggest that certain facial arrangements induce specific emotions


Researchers use questionnaires or interviews to gather information about specific aspects of participants behaviour

Within-subjects design

Same participants go through all conditions


Scrotum retracts, clitoris retracts, BP breathing etc continue to increase


Seek emotional-sexual relationships with members of the other sex

Physiological component pathway

Sensory information follows a typical route to sensory areas of the brain but also splits off into a quick shortcut to the amygdala Amygdala processing can occur without conscious awareness (processes what is seen so you can react to dangerous things quicker)

Physiological component Brain

Several other areas are also involved in controlling emotions including the prefrontal cortex (controls how the amygdala reacts) , anterior cingulate cortex and brain reward system

Sexual selection

Sexual selection happens when one sec competes for the chance to mate with the more choosy sex (usually the one that does more parenting)

Kinsey's Continuum of Sexual Orientation

Sexuality is not black or white but a spectrum


Sharp increases in heart rate and breathing etc. Spasmodic muscle contractions; male ejaculation Brain activity in males and females are quite different

What factors predict a moderate amount of happiness?

Social activity/interaction Health Religion

Socioeconomic threat

Socioeconomic factors affect IQ test results Being aware of stereotypes can influence both development and test performance due to interference with prefrontal cortex. Working memory becomes occupied with related monitoring/suppression, instead of the test task

Does environmental factors affect IQ?

Some adoption studies say yes because those who were adopted performed better then their siblings who were not adopted

At which step of the research process did researchers create operational definitions for their variables?

Step 1: Formulate a testable hypothesis


Stimulus>Subcortical brain activity > conscious feeling+Autonomic arousal (simultaneously) Thalamus sends info in two directions simultaneously to the cortex and amygdala

James-Lange Theory of emotion

Stimulus>autonomic arousal>conscious feeling

Commonsense theory of emotion

Stimulus>conscious feeling>autonomic arousal


Stimulus>experience>appraisal>Conscious feeling Arousal and its interpretation based on cues Element of James-Lange: Arousal is before emotion Element of Cannon-Bard: Different emotions produce the same arousal

Intellectual disability

Subnormal general mental ability IQ lower then 70, with deficiencies in adaptive skills before the age of 18

Intellectual disability

Subnormal general mental ability accompanied by deficiencies in adaptive skills, originating before age 18.

Subject SM

Suffered an accident that damaged both her right and left amygdala and no longer felt fear

What type of research would you use to answer this question: Are people's attitudes about nuclear disarmament related to their social class or education?

Survey. You would distribute a survey to obtain information on subject's social class, education, and attitudes about nuclear disarmament.

What part of the brain is involved in crystallized intelligence?

Temporal lobe

Social desirability bias

Tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself

Response set

Tendency to respond to questions in a particular way that is unrelated to the content of the questions

What are test norms and percentile scores?

Test norms provide information about where a score on a psychological test ranks in relation to other scores on that test A percentile scores indicated the percentage of people who score at or below the score one has obtained

Wechsler and the WAIS

Test was designed for adults and measured: Verbal comprehension Index Working memory index Perceptual reasoning index Processing speed index

At the request of the HiTechnol and computer store chain, Professor Sam develops a test to measure aptitude for selling computers. Two hundred applicants for sales hobs at HiTechnol and stores are asked to take the test on two occasions, a few weeks apart. A correlation of +0.82 is found between applicants's scores on the two administrations of the test. Thus, the test appears to possess reasonable_________

Test-retest reliability

What do correlations tell us?

That there is a relationship between two things, but they do not say A causes B as there may be another variable C that influences the correlation.


The ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure

Operational Definition

The actions or operations that will be used to measure or control a variable


The arithmetic average if the scores in a distribution


The condition of being overweight

Content validity

The degree to which the content of a test is representative of the domain it's supposed to cover

Construct validity

The extent to which there is evidence that a test measures a particular hypothetical construct


The measurement consistency of a test (or of other kinds of measurement techniques)


The most frequent score in a distribution


The persons or animals whose behaviour is systematically observed in a study


The reasons that are presented to persuade someone that a conclusion is true or probably true

Differences in emotions across countries

The recognition of emotions is pretty consistent but not quite universal due to differences in display norms


The repetition of a study to see whether the earlier results are duplicated

When psychologists say that research results are statistically significant, what do they mean?

The results are unlikely to be due to the fluctuations of chance


The uniform procedures used in the administration and scoring of a test


The use of mathematics to organize, summarize, and interpret numerical data

Dependent variable

The variable that is thought to be affected by manipulation of the independent variable


There are 7 independent factors that influence IQ: Word fluency Verbal comprehension Spatial ability Perceptual speed Numerical ability Inductive reasoning Memory

Is there a singular creative personality profile?

There are some consistent traits

Researchers have found a substantial positive correlation between youngster's self esteem and their academic achievement. What conclusions apply?

There is an association between self esteem and academic achievement. Youngsters who score low in self esteem tend to get low grades, and those who score high in self-esteem tend to get high grades


There's more to creative achievement than just creativity. you need to work hard to produce the results

How are IQ scores normalized?

They are normalized, with a given score always representing the same percentile

Evolutionary Theorists view on EMotions

They believe that the evolution of emotions preceded that of thought and identify certain basic/fundamental emotions EX disgust has an adaptive purpose to keep us away from dangerous things

What do experiments look for?

They look for causation


Those responses in absence of drug

What causes intellectual disability?

Trisomy 21 causes down syndrome Fragile X syndrome

Genetics of hapiness

Two genetic variants of the serotonin transporter. Various effects of these variants have been observed. Researchers found an association between the longer variant and happiness, though there has been trouble replicating it

Inferential statistics

Used to interpret data and draw conclusions

Descriptive statistics

Used to organize and summarize data

How is reliability measured?

Via test-retest reliabilty

Cognitive Component of Emotion

We evaluate our emotions and try to predict them; affective forecasting


When a hypothetical, abstract concept is given a name and then treated as though it were a concrete, tangible object


When a subject's behaviour is altered by the presence of an observer

Singular cortex

When looking at it with neural imaging you can tell if people are lying more accurately than with a polygraph

Placebo Effect

When participants' expectations lead them to experience some change even though they receive empty, fake, or ineffectual treatment

When does sampling bias occur?

When the group of participants is not representative of the population

Can sight and smell of food affect appetite

When you see or smell food your insulin levels can rise

A researcher found that clients who were randomly assigned to same sex groups participated in group therapy sessions to a greater extent than clients who were randomly assigned to co-ed groups. What is the independent variable in this experiment?

Whether or not the group was co-ed

Creativity and mental illness

Writers artists and composers have higher rates of depression or any other disorder than the general populace

Does IQ predict career success?

Yes but the predictive power is moderate at 0.37, similar to that of grades and parents socioeconomic status

Does being around people influence appetite?

Yes. The amount consumed was highly correlated in females and mixed pairs but not males

How many countries is being gay illegal in ?

about 75 countries

How much of the population is homosexual

about 8 % hard to determine due to prejudices

Thrifty genes

are genes which enable individuals to efficiently collect and process food to deposit fat during periods of food abundance in order to provide for periods of food shortage (feast and famine)

Waltz et al

demonstrated the role of the prefrontal cortex in fluid intelligence


how much the scores in a data set vary from each other and from the mean

Psychological test

is a standardized measure of a sample of a person's behaviour


is produced by the pancreas and is also sensitive to the body's fat stores Decreases appetitie


is secreted by the intestine and acts on the hypothalamus to decrease hunger/food intake

What does p<0.05 mean?

small probability that finding is random

Compensatory responses

the body's attempt to regain homeostasis in drug users


the score that falls exactly in the centre of a distribution of scores

Polygraphs and emotion

your sympathetic system will engage due to a lie but this is not true as positive and negative emotions both turn the sympathetic system up however you cant tell which one it was

Heritability of BMI


What is a correlation coefficient that indicates the strongest relationship between variables?


Phases of sex

1. Excitement 2.Plateau 3. Orgasm 4.Resolution

What are the five steps to a scientific investigation?

1. Formulate a testable hypothesis 2. Select the research method and design the study 3. Collect the data 4. Analyze the data and draw conclusions 5. Report the findings


150 different unique components of intelligence

Intelligence Quotient IQ

A child's mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100

Independent variable

A condition or event that an experimenter varies in order to see its impact on another variable

Frequency polygon

A line figure used to present data from a frequency distribution

Correlation Coefficient

A numerical index of the degree of relationship between two variables

Correlation coefficient

A numerical index of the degree of relationship between two variables


A research method in which the investigator manipulates a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether any changes occur in a second variable as a result

Naturalistic observation

A researchers engages in careful observation of behaviour without intervening directly with the research subjects or participants


A simple sugar that is an important source of energy


A state of physiological equilibrium or stability

Normal distribution

A symmetrical, bell-shaped curve that represents the pattern in which many human characteristics are dispersed in the population


A system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations


A tentative statement about the relationships between two or more variables

What makes a test standardized?

A test is standardized if all subjects get the same instructions, the same questions, and the same time limits

Refractory Period

A time following orgasm during which males are largely unresponsive to further stimulation

Is IQ stable across one's life?

After the first six years or so, it is fairly stable

Environment factors that influence hunger

Amount of food in front of us: High correlation between the amount served and the amount consumed We seem to focus on units more so than total qualities The more variety of food in front of us the more we consume (think of a buffet vs porridge)

Heritability Ratio

An estimate of the proportion of trait variability in a population that is determined by variations in genetic inheritance


An external goal that has the capacity to motivate behaviour

Case study

An in depth investigation of an individual subject

Galvanic Skin Response GSR

An increase in the electrical conductivity of the skin that occurs when sweat glands increase their activity

Standard deviation

An index of the amount of variability in a set of data

Body Mass Index BMI

An individual's weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) sqared


An internal state of tension that motivates an organism to engage in activities that should reduce this tension

Frequency distribution

An orderly arrangement of scores indicating the frequency of each score or a group of scores

What else effects IQ?

Anxiety can affect IQ test scores (people who get anxious when asked to take a test)


Any measurable conditions, events, characteristics, or behaviours that are collected or observed in a study

Extraneous variables

Any variables other than the independent variable that see, likely to influence the dependent variable in a specific study


Applying acquired knowledge for problem solving

Negative Correlation

As A increases B decreases Gets closer to -1

Positive Correlation

As A increases B increases as well Gets closer to 1

Cultural diferences in IQ

As time passes the gap between cultures IQ scores gets smaller suggesting that environment plays a role in the previously lower IQ scores of different cultures

Aptitude test

Asses specific types of mental abilities

Physiological Component of Emotions

Autonomic Nervous System: Sympathetic -fight or flight Parasympathetic- Calm down Heart rate lasts longer after negative emotions which could be due to an evolutionary adaptive mechanism Galvanic Skin Response

Why do surveys go wrong?

Because not every one in your sample will fill it out so there can be a sample bias

Why is it wise to be cautious when interpreting test results?

Because tests only measures samples of behaviour and are limited in the way that they test only certain samples. Various factors influence test results

Francis Galton

Believed intelligence is heredity and tested sensations to determine IQ

Importance of the Flynn Effect

Can be used in court to show that someone who was deemed competent back in the past for their criminal actions could now be deemed mentally disabled

Multiple orgasms

Can happen in females but care not happen in males

What type of research would you use to answer this question: Do people who suffer from anxiety disorders share similar early childhood experiences?

Case study. Using a case study approach, you could interview people with anxiety disorders, interview their parents, and examine their school records to look for similarities in childhood experiences. As a second choice, you might have people with anxiety disorders fill out a survey about their child hood experiences


Collection of subjects selected for observation in an empirical study


Combination of the statistical results of many studies of the same question, yielding an estimate of the size and consistency of a variable's effects

What are adaptive skills?

Conceptual: Balancing a checkbook Social: Making friends Practical: Taking care of one's self

When you had a could you rested in bed, took medication, and drank plenty of fluids. Assume you want to know which of those three actions led to the improvement of your symptoms. Which research problem would prevent you from knowing for sure?

Confounding of Variables


Consists of one or more premises that are used to provide support for a conclusion

Anecdotal evidence

Consists of personal stories about specific incidents and experiences

Control Group

Consists of similar subjects who do not receive the special treatment given to the experimental group

Control Group

Consists of similar subjects who receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable

Experimental group

Consists of subjects who receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable

Emotional Intelligence

Consists of the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion

Research Methods

Consists of various approaches to the observation, measurement, manipulation, and control of variables in empirical studies

Back at the university, Professor Sam is teaching a course in theories of personality. He decides to use the same midterm exam that he gave last year even though the exam includes questions about theorists that he did not cover or assign reading on this year. There are reasons to doubt the ____________ of Professor Sams midterm exam

Content Validity

What are the 3 types of test validity?

Content Validity Criterion-Related Validity Construct Validity

Factor analysis

Correlations among many variables are analyzed to identify closely related clusters of variables

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