Psychology 101 Chapter 3

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The _____(blank) sense provides information about balance and equilibrium.


A study of Australian children revealed that using personal stereo devices increased the risk of hearing loss by _____(blank)%.


Jordan cannot distinguish red from green. His color deficiency is shared by _____(blank)% of European-American men.


Which type of hearing impairment is correctly matched with the location of the impairment?

Both of these are correctly matched.

Subliminal stimuli occur _____(blank) the absolute threshold.


Difference thresholds vary:

between individuals within a culture, but they vary little between cultures on average.

Which sequence correctly arranges inner ear structures from the largest and MOST inclusive to the smallest and MOST specific?

cochlea > basilar membrane > hair cell

According to the gate-control theory, the pain gates are opened and closed by _____(blank) mechanisms.

either bottom-up or top-down

Pat turns to look directly at a brightly colored bird her friend has spotted in the garden. Pat is ensuring that the bird's image falls directly on her:


According to _____(blank), the perception of the pitch of low-frequency sounds reflects how quickly cochlear hair cells are firing.

frequency theory

The axons of the _____(blank) form the optic nerve.

ganglion cells

The glomeruli in olfaction are MOST nearly analogous to the _____(blank) in vision.

ganglion cells

When an object blocks our view of a second object, we see the second object as more distant. This is the _____(blank) depth cue of _____(blank).

monocular; interposition

Opium is MOST closely related to:


A hornet stings Mr. Frederick while he is standing on a ladder cleaning the gutters. The sharp, searing pain is carried by _____(blank) pain fibers.

slow, small

Data cited in your text reveal that 1 in _____(blank) U.S. teenagers shows some degree of hearing loss.


Receptor cells in the mouth sense _____(blank) basic tastes.


Ray is a 20 year old college junior. He has lost _____(blank)% of the taste receptors he was born with.


When two friends talk over lunch, the amplitude of their conversation is about:

60 dB.

The lowest-frequency light humans can see has a wavelength of about _____(blank) nm.


Nearly 1 in _____(blank) European-American men exhibits red-green color deficiency.


The human olfactory sense pales in comparison to canine and feline olfaction. Nevertheless, humans can distinguish approximately _____(blank) separate smells.


Which figure BEST approximates the number of hair cells in the inner ear?


Research suggests that about _____(blank)% of the population can truly multitask.


Humans can hear sounds ranging in frequency from _____(blank) Hz to _____(blank) Hz.

20; 20,000

Consider the number of taste buds in the mouth, as well as the number of receptor cells on each bud. In all, there are ______(blank) taste receptors in the mouth.

250,000 to 1,000,000

Olfactory receptor cells are replaced after _____(blank) day(s).


The whole process of dark adaptation takes about _____(blank) minutes.


Which of these is a binocular depth cue?

Both convergence and retinal disparity are binocular depth cues

With respect to cochlear implants, which statement is false?

Cochlear implants work by amplifying incoming sound waves.

Noted Cornell University psychologist _____(blank) published a journal article offering evidence for extrasensory perception.

Daryl Bem

In the 19th century, _____(blank) found that difference thresholds reflect ratios rather than absolute amounts.

Ernst Weber

The _____(blank) psychologists asserted that with respect to perception, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.


The visual cliff was used by _____(blank) to study _____(blank).

Gibson and Walk; depth perception

______(blank)'s research indicated that depth perception is largely _____(blank).

Gibson and Walk; innate

Pitch is measured in:


dB is to loudness as _____(blank) is to _____(blank).

Hz; pitch

Light touch is to vibration as _____(blank) are to _____(blank).

Meissner's corpuscles; Pacinian corpuscles

Oliver's psychology instructor refers to the "arrowhead" illusion. Oliver assumes his instructor is referring to the _____(blank) illusion.


_____(blank) is unique among the senses in that its pathway does NOT include the thalamus.


A researcher uses a radioactive tracer to track blood flow in the brain following the presentation of subliminal stimuli. In this example, the researcher is using a brain study method known as:


Which sequence is parallel to this one: Detection > Conversion > Interpretation?

Sensation > Transduction > Perception

_____(blank) is to detection as perception is to _____(blank).

Sensation; interpretation

_____(blank) is exemplified by the impression of motion one receives when one turns the pages in a flipbook.

Stroboscopic motion

Cones are:

less numerous than rods

Proposed by _____(blank), _____(blank) theory was the first major account of color vision.

Young and von Helmholtz; trichromatic

Which choice BEST expresses the proportion of limb amputees who experience phantom pain?

a large majority

A psychologist presents a series of faint lights of varying intensities. Participants report whether they see each light or not. The psychologist is MOST likely trying to determine participants' _____(blank) thresholds


The weakest stimulus intensity that an individual can detect 50% of time is called the _____(blank) threshold.


Shamar lowers himself into a hot bath. At first, he can barely stand the scalding-hot water; gradually, though, he gets used to the temperature and is able to sit comfortably in the tub Shamar's experience illustrates sensory:


According to the Gestalt principle of proximity, objects are seen as group when they:

are near each other.

Retinal disparity is a(n) _____(blank) depth cue.


According to the textbook, the absolute threshold for _____(blank) tastes is lower than that for _____(blank) tastes.

bitter; sweet

Cross-culturally, _____(blank) is the world's favorite color.


The phenomenon of perceptual set underscores the contribution of _____(blank) processes to perception.


By the Gestalt principle of _____(blank), people fill in incomplete parts of a line or figure to perceive a unified whole.


Sensorineural hearing loss is to conduction hearing impairment as _____(blank) is to _____(blank).

cochlear implants; hearing aids

James is threading a needle under a bright light bulb. During this task, James' vision is driven mainly by the _____(blank) in his _____(blank).

cones; fovea

Rena is disappointed that a blue dress doesn't appear to be the same blue at home as it did under the department store's fluorescent lights. Rena's disappointment reflects a failure of color:


The environment changes from second to second, from moment to moment. Nevertheless, we see the world as having stable properties. This is known as perceptual:


The electromagnetic spectrum:

contains the wavelengths people see as light.

One's perception of a positive or negative correlation in a scatterplot of individual dots depends on the Gestalt principle of:


Each of these is a monocular cue to depth perception EXCEPT:


In signal detection theory, hits are _____(blank) responses. False alarms are _____(blank) responses.

correct; incorrect

According to the textbook, "researchers have demonstrated that activities . . . such as Facebook or text messaging are linked with poorer grades." Because this research is aimed mainly at showing relationships among variables, it is probably _____(blank) research.


According to the text, size constancy may not develop properly when children are deprived of certain types of stimuli. This fact provides evidence for:

critical periods in development, as well as for knowledge-based perceptual processes.

In a study cited in the text (Mennella et al., 2001), infants exposed prenatally to the flavor of carrots showed fewer disapproving facial expressions when fed carrot-flavored cereal than did unexposed infants. In this study, the number of disapproving expressions is a(n) _____(blank) variable.


In one study cited in the text, Krosnick et al. (2011) showed people briefly flashed pleasant or unpleasant pictures. They then rated pictures of faces. In this study, face ratings are a(n)_____(blank) variable.


Reid is performing military presses at the gym. The exercise is too easy. Reid adds weight until he notices an increase in resistance. He then performs another set of presses. In this example, Reid is finding a(n) _____(blank) threshold.


The just noticeable difference is another name for the _____(blank) threshold.


Weber's law applies to:

difference thresholds.

Lehrner et al. (2000) randomly assigned each participants to one of two conditions: one in which an orange odor was diffused through a dentist's waiting room, and one in which no odor was diffused. Because participants were randomly assigned to conditions and because the odor was deliberately manipulated, Lehrner et al.'s study exemplifies _____(blank) research.


The cornea is the:

eye's clear, protective outer covering.

Tommy dislikes spicy foods. Matthew therefore prepares a soup seasoned only with salt and black pepper. Predictably, Tommy exclaims, "You put cayenne pepper in this!" In signal detection terms, Tommy's response is a:

false alarm.

In the visual cortex, _____(blank) respond to basic elements of an image, such as line orientation.

feature detectors

Denise wears an extremely bright safety-yellow sweatshirt when she cycles to the gym after dark. The sweatshirt's brightness reflects the _____(blank) of the light it reflects.

high amplitude

Place theory is to frequency theory as _____(blank) sounds are to _____(blank) sounds.

high-frequency; low-frequency

A researcher writes, "Caffeine is expected to lower the absolute threshold for auditory stimuli." This is an example of a(n):


Perceptions incongruent with sensory data are called:


Vestibular receptors are found in the:

inner ear.

Missy knows the television is more distant than a stack of textbooks on the entertainment stand because the books hide her view of a corner of the screen. This example illustrates a depth cue called:


The _____(blank) is responsible for most of the eye's ability to focus images.


The fovea:

is found in the center of the retina.

Mrs. Lombardi fails to recognize her hair stylist in line at the DMV, because she has never experienced seeing her stylist there. Mrs. Lombardi's failure highlights the role of _____(blank) in perception.

knowledge-based processing

Fast nerve fibers consist of _____(blank) neurons.

large, myelinated

According to the textbook, snakes can detect infrared waves radiated by the bodies of their prey. As compared to humans, snakes can see _____(blank) waves.


When one is seated at the piano, one's left hand usually plays ______(blank) notes than does one's right hand.


Each of these is a top-down method of closing the pain gate EXCEPT:

massaging a body part near the pain's origin.

Hearing aids simulate the work of the _____(blank) ear.


Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are to hair cells as _____(blank) is to _____(blank).

middle ear; inner ear

Amplification is to collection as _____(blank) is to _____(blank).

middle ear; outer ear

Sensory conflict theory is intended to explain:

motion sickness.

Among European- Americans, color-deficient vision is _____(blank) times as common in men as in women.

nearly 10

There is _____(blank) scientific evidence to support the existence of ESP.


Which of the cerebrum's lobes contains the visual feature detectors?


The chemical senses include:

olfaction and gustation.

Gustation is to taste as _____(blank) is to _____(blank).

olfaction; smell

With respect to the experience of pain, the effect of the neurotransmitter Substance P _____(blank) that of _____(blank).

opposes; endorphins

Assigning meaning to incoming information occurs during the process of:


Retina is to ______(blank) as _____(blank) is to hair cell.

photoreceptor; cochlea

In vision, wavelength determines the perception of hue. In hearing, wavelength corresponds to the perception of a sound's:


According to _____(blank), the location of neural activity on the cochlea drives the perception of the pitch of high-frequency sounds.

place theory

The function of the basilar membrane is MOST similar to that of the _____(blank) in vision.


In the visual system, transduction occurs in the:


Broadly speaking, databased processing is to knowledge-based processing as _____(blank) is to ______(blank).

sensation; perception

High-frequency tones stimulate hair cells in Star's inner ear. Star recognizes the tones as the ringtone associated with her mother's calls. These sentences illustrate the processes of _____(blank) and _____(blank), respectively.

sensation; perception

According to the textbook, the use of color coding can aid the comprehension of charts and graphs because it capitalizes on the Gestalt principle of:


Yoon-Sook is at the symphony. The notes played by the reed instruments seem to stand out as a group from the sounds of the other instruments, illustrating the Gestalt principle of:


Timbre refers to the perception of a:

sound's texture.

According to signal detection theory:

stimulus detection is influenced by internal and external factors.

The middle ear contains a structure called the:


Marcus looks at the magnolia trees outside his bedroom window. He can distinctly see the individual leaves and flowers on the nearest trees, but not on the more distant trees. This example BEST illustrates the depth cue of:

texture gradient.

The perception of sounds ranging in frequency from 1000 Hz to 4000 Hz is BEST explained by:

the volley principle.

When pressure on one's fingertips results in action potentials, _____(blank) has occurred.


The process of converting stimuli into electrochemical signals is called:


With respect to color vision, retina is to cortex as _____(blank) is to _____(blank).

trichromatic theory; opponent-process theory

The _____(blank) theory of color version fails to explain ______(blank).

trichromatic; afterimages

Cara enjoys a portabella mushroom burger with cheese. This meal should stimulate the _____(blank) receptors in Cara's mouth.


For cats, the main determinant of a food's palatability is its protein content. For cats, then, food tastes especially good when it activates _____(blank) receptors in the gustatory system.


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