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19. Mathew is a critic of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Which of the following statements will be agreed upon by Mathew?

A. It treats all psychological disorders as if they are medical illnesses.

10. Marilyn is depressed a great deal of the time and seeks help from a doctor. She is diagnosed as having a mental illness caused by a chemical imbalance. Marilyn is most likely being treated by a person who adheres to the _____ of psychological disorders.

A. medical model

95. Gabriella has been diagnosed with depression and is currently under medication. Her doctor has prescribed her selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. According to this information, which of the following side effects will be experienced by Gabriella as a result of taking this medication?

A. nausea

13. What theoretical approach to psychological disorders would be most likely to consider a person's gender and ethnicity when diagnosing a disorder?

A. sociocultural approach

64. Which of the following indicates the view of a humanistic therapist regarding the cause of psychological problems?

B. They occur as a result of client's functioning below the optimal level.

102. Which of the following is a characteristic of group therapy?

B. altruism

42. Alison had sustained severe injuries after being brutally attacked by a mad dog as a child. Following that incident, Alison has been experiencing an overwhelming sense of fear and paralysis every time she sees a dog. The fear is so intense that it keeps Alison from leaving her house. Alison believes that as long as she's inside her house, the chances of encountering a dog are slim. In the context of psychological disorders, Alison is most likely to be diagnosed with

B. specific phobia.

113. Which of the following forms of treatment relies on paraprofessionals?

C. self-help support groups

66. Carlos intends to help one of his clients who feels that he is a failure and is not capable of achieving anything in life. Which of the following cognitive therapies should be implemented by Carlos in this situation?

C. self-instructional technique

47. Aversive conditioning can be an effective treatment for

C. smoking, overeating, and drinking alcohol.

11. When treating a client with a psychological disorder, a therapist makes the assumption that the person's difficulties stem primarily from the context in which a person lives. This therapist most likely identifies with the _____ to psychological disorders.

C. sociocultural approach

68. A depressive disorder is classified as a(n) _____ disorder.

B. mood

87. Which of the following is a class of antipsychotic drugs that is administered as a part of drug therapy?

B. neuroleptics

116. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is based on which of the following therapeutic approaches?

B. self-help group

115. John, an alcoholic, does not have much money, but requires the help of a mental-health professional. He might best be served by contacting a

B. self-help support group.

93. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment sometimes used for

B. severe depression.

2. Thirty-year-old Armand feels compelled to save objects that others might throw away. He is afraid that he will discard something he will need later, so his home is filled with old junk. Armand's neighbors have complained about this and he feels embarrassed. Which criteria that define abnormality is applicable in this case?

A. Armand's behavior deviates from what is acceptable in a culture and is distressing for him.

91. _____ is an eating disorder in which an individual, typically female, consistently follows a binge-and-purge eating pattern.

A. Bulimia nervosa

73. _____ treat depression by increasing the level of norepinephrine and serotonin.

A. Tricyclics

70. Tranquilizers are _____ drugs.

A. antianxiety

22. Robert's teacher, Martha, has complained about his behavior on several occasions. According to Martha, Robert cannot focus in class and is constantly distracted. She also mentioned that Robert is extremely active and very impulsive by nature. If Robert were to be taken by his teacher to Dr. Miller, a psychiatrist, he is likely to be diagnosed with

A. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

48. As part of a smoking-cessation program, Paul receives an injection of a nausea-inducing drug and then is asked to smoke a cigarette. Even though he knows he is receiving the drug, it is hoped that Paul will associate the nausea symptoms with smoking and will thus smoke less. This example best demonstrates the procedures typically used in

A. aversive conditioning.

7. The _____ approach is evident in the medical model.

A. biological

82. Your roommate is acting very strangely. Although she has not slept much in the past few days, she says she is on top of the world. She also took all her savings and invested it in a questionable financial venture. This period of non-stop activity has lasted for well over a week and is in sharp contrast to the depression and fatigue she exhibited earlier this semester. Your roommate is exhibiting symptoms of

A. bipolar disorder.

103. A major advantage to group therapy is that

A. clients have more opportunity to develop social skills.

30. Brad has been in a state of incessant worry for almost half a year now. He has trouble sleeping and breathing. Dr. Simons, a psychiatrist, asks Brad detailed questions about his symptoms and medical history. Brad tells Dr. Simons that he cannot stop worrying and is constantly nervous. Brad also complains of muscular tension and stomach problems. After conducting a quick examination of Brad's symptoms, Dr. Simons discovers that Brad's incessant worry does not have a particular cause, and it has taken a physical toll on Brad's health. Which of the following disorders is Dr. Simons most likely to diagnose Brad with?

A. generalized anxiety disorder

57. Decatastrophize technique in cognitive therapy involves

A. helping the client evaluate whether he is overestimating the nature of a situation.

55. Beck's cognitive therapy focuses on

A. illogical thoughts.

In the context of drug therapy, the widespread increase in the number of individuals taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to combat their depression is primarily due to the

A. lesser side effects as compared to other antidepressants.

72. It has been over two years since the death of her husband and Jenna still cannot cope with her loss. Since then, she feels hopeless, and has been constantly preoccupied with thoughts of death and cannot seem to find much pleasure in life. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Jenna is most likely suffering from

A. major depressive disorder.

50. Jillian can't bear to leave her home without washing all the linens and floors, vacuuming the carpets, and organizing everything in her cupboards. Because she knows that her behavior is extreme, she has tried to go to work without doing all these things, but she becomes overwhelmed with such dread that she never makes it all the way to the office. Jillian probably has

A. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

32. In a(n) _____, a person experiences recurrent, sudden onsets of intense terror, often without warning and with no specific cause.

A. panic disorder

13. Charlotte is a psychologist who believes in the following statement, "Abnormal behavior is the result of unresolved unconscious conflicts." Since she believes in this statement, it can be inferred that Charlotte practices _____ therapy.

A. psychodynamic

9. Harry, a behavioral psychologist, is in the process of analyzing his patient Maria Valentine's report. Maria has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID). According to Harry, severe physical abuse in childhood could serve as a plausible explanation for Maria's psychological disorder. Maria is emotionally damaged and forms alternate identities in order to shut out past memories and to cope with the trauma. In the context of theoretical approaches to psychological disorders, it can be inferred that Harry's explanation of Maria's condition conforms to the to psychological disorders

A. psychological approach.

63. Which of the following is an important aspect of cognitive-behavior therapy?

A. self-efficacy

105. Among the techniques used in family therapy, validation involves .

A. the therapist finding something positive to say to each family member

112. Which of the following is a goal of couples therapy?

A. to improve the communication between the partners

28. Which of the following statements is true of generalized anxiety disorder?

B. An individual suffering from generalized anxiety disorder is nervous most of the time.

54. Judy thinks she is depressed over her teacher's criticism of her paper. Judy's therapist explains to her that Judy's own illogical belief—that the criticism means she is stupid—is really why she is depressed. Judy is likely to be seeing a therapist who is providing _____therapy.

B. Beck's cognitive

52. _____ therapies emphasize that thoughts are the main source of psychological problems, and they attempt to influence and change the feelings and behaviors by changing the thoughts.

B. Cognitive

18. The _____ was published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association for the major classification of psychological disorders in the United States.

B. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

14. Which of the following statements is true of the biopsychosocial model?

B. The biopsychosocial model states that biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors are all equally significant ingredients in producing both normal and abnormal behavior.

88. A woman who is in relentless pursuit of thinness for more than six months, so much so that she is starving herself to achieve this goal is exhibiting symptoms of

B. anorexia nervosa.

79. In addition to providing treatment for depression, antidepressant drugs may also be an effective treatment for

B. anxiety disorders and eating disorders.

71. Xanax, Valium, and Librium are benzodiazepines that are commonly used drug therapies for treating

B. anxiety disorders.

50. If a therapist gives an alcoholic a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that she or he will become ill after drinking the alcohol, the therapist is using

B. aversive conditioning.

5. Jenna constantly experiences feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Jenna's doctor, Jacob, advises her to start taking antidepressant drugs that contain serotonin and dopamine. According to Dr. Jacob's diagnosis, Jenna's depression is a result of the imbalance and improper functioning of the neurotransmitters in her brain. In the context of the theoretical approaches to psychological disorders, this diagnosis conforms to the

B. biological approach.

81. Lithium is commonly used to treat

B. bipolar disorder.

120. Researchers have found that when there is an ethnic match between the therapist and the client and when ethnic-specific services are provided,

B. clients have better treatment outcomes.

Elizabeth visited a psychiatrist who, after interviewing her, recommended either Paxil or Prozac. From this scenario, it can be inferred that Elizabeth is most likely suffering from

B. depression.

15. The _____ is a theory suggesting that preexisting conditions, such as genetic characteristics, personality dispositions, or experiences, put a person at risk of developing a psychological disorder.

B. diathesis-stress model

94. Ivan is very depressed, and the danger of suicide is eminent. He is not responding to the drugs normally employed to treat depression. Which of the following treatments is most likely to prove helpful in reducing Ivan's depression and suicidal behavior?

B. electroconvulsive therapy

96. According to biological forms of therapy, when an individual is suffering from a severe episode of major depressive disorder, which of the following treatment approaches will be useful in reducing his symptoms in the short-run and provide rapid relief to the person's mood?

B. electroconvulsive therapy

117. Community mental health programs seek to help people who are disenfranchised from society to lead happier, more productive lives through the concept of

B. empowerment.

Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft are what type of antidepressant drugs?

C. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

29. Karen has been suffering from a disorder that is characterized by exaggerated and irrational worry that tends to interfere with her daily functioning. She can't sleep properly and often complains of stomach aches. In spite of being constantly nervous and restless she cannot seem to find the specific cause of her worry. These symptoms have lasted for almost six months now. Which of the following disorders is Karen most likely to be diagnosed with?

B. generalized anxiety disorder

53. A therapist who uses cognitive restructuring believes that _____ are the causes of abnormal behavior.

B. maladaptive thoughts

66. Randy experienced a horrific childhood. She was physically and verbally abused by her mother and sexually abused by her stepfather. Years later, she began experiencing anxiety symptoms. Which of the following anxiety-related disorders would best apply to this situation?

B. post-traumatic stress disorder

65. Soldiers who have returned from the frontlines often struggle with overwhelming anxiety, nervousness, depression, and flashbacks. In many cases, these soldiers have problems with memory and an inability to experience happiness. These characteristics are indicative of

B. post-traumatic stress disorder.

96. Dissociative disorders often occur in individuals who also show signs of

B. post-traumatic stress disorder.

. Neuroleptic drugs _____.

B. reduce schizophrenic symptoms

8. Which theoretical approach emphasizes the contributions of experiences, thoughts, emotions, and personality characteristics in explaining psychological disorders?

B. the psychological approach

91. The side effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitors prescribed for agoraphobia is

B. toxicity.

59. Each time Harry feels anxious, he compulsively pulls hair from his scalp or eyebrows. This compulsive urge to pull his hair has made him partially bald. Harry is most likely to be diagnosed with which of the following OCD-related disorders?

B. trichotillomania

59. A psychologist who practices cognitive therapy might try to help a patient who suffers from a major depressive disorder by

B. trying to get the patient to identify irrational and self-defeating thoughts.

101. Which of the following features of group therapy helps individuals who share a psychological disorder observe that others feel anguish and suffering as well?

B. universality

31. Alex has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Which of the following, if true, is most likely to have played a role in the development of his disorder?

C. Alex has respiratory system abnormalities.

97. Who among the following is most suitable for electroconvulsive therapy?

C. Brad, who is contemplating suicide

16. Which of the following statements about the DSM-5 is true?

C. It includes new diagnoses such as binge-eating disorder and gambling addiction.

17. Which of the following is a criticism of DSM-5?

C. It strongly focuses on the medical model and neglects factors such as poverty and trauma.

102. _____ refers to a psychological state in which a person's perceptions and thoughts are fundamentally removed from reality.

C. Psychosis

99. Which of the following statements about psychosurgery is FALSE?

C. The effects of psychosurgery can be reversed with intensive therapy.

104. Dr. Susan is your family therapist. She believes that to adequately understand psychological problems, she must understand the role that you play in the family system. Which of these statements supports that underlying belief?

C. The psychological symptoms of a person are a function of the family relationship.

49. Which of the following individuals would benefit from systematic desensitization?

C. a person who has a phobia of closed spaces

51. Which of the following therapies represents the application of operant principles to psychological disorders?

C. applied behavior analysis

23. Janet is worried about her son, Patrick. She finds him restless and impulsive. At times, Janet finds it exhausting to handle him because he is high-strung and shows very little concentration during his studies. She has also received several complaints from Patrick's teachers regarding his poor performance in class and his lack of focus. In the context of psychological disorders, it can be inferred that Patrick is exhibiting the symptoms of.

C. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

1. All of the following are criteria that are used to distinguish normal behavior from abnormal behavior EXCEPT

C. behavior that is inconsistent.

6. The _____ approach to psychological disorders primarily focuses on the brain, genetic factors, and neurotransmitter functioning as the sources of abnormality.

C. biological

68. Integrative therapy is most compatible with the _____ model of abnormal behavior.

C. biopsychosocial

65. Tasha is seeing a therapist because she is depressed. Her therapist gives her examples of reinforcing self-statements and trains Tasha on self-instructional methods that allow her to modify her own behavior. Tasha's therapist is most likely practicing

C. cognitive-behavior therapy.

25. All of the following are classified as anxiety disorders, EXCEPT

C. depression.

20. Drug companies commonly fund research that focuses on a(n) _____ model of psychological disorders.

C. disease

58. Adrian is a cognitive therapist. He intends to help his client Troy, who feels that he is a born loser and will continue to be a loser in the future. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques should be implemented by Adrian?

C. examining advantages and disadvantages

119. Given that collectivist cultures place more importance on the group than on the individual, some psychologists have suggested that _____ is likely to be more effective with people from Asian and Latino cultures.

C. family therapy

110. Validation, reframing, structural change, and detriangulation are techniques most commonly used in

C. family therapy.

57. Diana is afraid to throw things away because she feels that she might need them in the future. Consequently, Diana compulsively collects and stores large quantities of old newspapers, broken crockery, and old clothes. In the context of OCD-related disorders, Diana's excessive acquisition of objects and her inability to discard them are typical characteristics of

C. hoarding disorder.

88. Chaz has been on antipsychotic medication for several weeks now. As a consequence, he is most likely to experience the side effect of

C. involuntary muscle movement.

76. Cathy is worried about her mental health. She visits Dr. Henderson, a psychiatrist, to seek treatment for her condition. When Dr. Henderson asks her questions about herself, Cathy reveals that she is unhappy and feels worthless most of the time. She doesn't eat or sleep well and has even contemplated suicide. Dr. Henderson also learns that Cathy has been experiencing these distressing symptoms for almost three weeks. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Dr. Henderson is likely to diagnose Cathy with

C. major depressive disorder.

With respect to the three characteristics of abnormal behavior, when a behavior interferes with a person's ability to function effectively in the world, it is considered

C. maladaptive.

Avril is suffering from major depressive disorder and has been administered the drug Elavil, a tricyclic drug. According to this information, which of the following side effects is she likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug?

C. memory difficulties

26. An individual diagnosed with an anxiety disorder is most likely to experience .

C. motor tension, apprehensive expectations, and thoughts

47. The anxiety disorder in which the individual has anxiety-provoking thoughts that will not go away and/or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situation is called

C. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

35. John has sudden attacks of intense fear in which he experiences palpitations, he feels dizzy, and he has trouble catching his breath. During these attacks, he worries that he is going to die. From this description, it sounds like John has

C. panic disorder.

37. John often experiences unanticipated attacks of intense fear. During these episodes, he feels like fainting and has trouble catching his breath. John cannot identify the source of his feelings and worries that he might die of heart failure. In the context of psychological disorders, John is exhibiting the symptoms of

C. panic disorder.

100. Which of the following forms of treatment would be used only as a last resort to help patients with severely debilitating conditions?

C. psychosurgery

69. Which of the following biomedical interventions for eliminating the symptoms of psychological disorders is used least often?

C. psychosurgery

107. Elizabeth, a family therapist, tells Roy's family that his problem of cocaine addiction is related to the dynamics that exists within their family. According to this information, it can be inferred that Elizabeth practices the _____ technique.

C. reframing

83. Antipsychotic drugs are used to treat

C. schizophrenia.

12. Derek has been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Derek's counselor, Mary, believes that Derek's poor relationship with his alcoholic stepfather is a factor that contributed to Derek's psychological disorder. Which of the following theoretical approaches to psychological disorders conforms to Mary's beliefs in this scenario?

C. sociocultural approach

106. Taylor is a family therapist who intends to resolve a mother-child coalition that has formed in the case of her client Hannah, since Hannah's husband does not spend quality time with them. According to this information, it can be inferred that Taylor is likely to implement the _____ technique.

C. structural change

108. Which of the following is a technique that is used in family therapy?

C. structural change

89. The potential side effect of neuroleptic drugs is _____, a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary random movements of the facial muscles, tongue, and mouth, as well as extensive twitching of the neck, arms, and legs.

C. tardive dyskinesia

118. In the context of community mental-health movement, deinstitutionalization involves

C. transferring individuals with psychological disorders from mental institutions to community-based facilities.

21. _____ is a psychological disorder, commonly diagnosed in childhood, in which an individual exhibits one or more of the following symptoms: a lack of concentration, excitability, and impulsivity.

D. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

56. Luanne is being treated for depression after a breakup with her boyfriend. Her therapist points out that her thoughts, and not the situation itself, cause her depression. Luanne's therapist seems to practice _____ therapy.

D. Beck's cognitive

61. _____ is a technique in cognitive therapy.

D. Decatastrophize

_____ inhibits the reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine and is also known as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

D. Effexor

85. Which of the following is true of neuroleptic drugs?

D. If an individual with schizophrenia stops taking neuroleptic drugs, the symptoms return.

114. Which of the following is true of self-help support groups?

D. Self-help support groups provide members with a sympathetic audience for social sharing and emotional release.

72. Which of the following classes of drugs are NOT considered antidepressants?

D. benzodiazepines

62. Cindy's therapist uses the technique of distraction to help her deal with anxiety and asks her to count to 200 by 13s when she feels herself becoming anxious. From this scenario, it can be inferred that Cindy's therapist practices

D. cognitive therapy.

111. One aspect of family therapy is the idea that a family member's symptoms are a function of the family relationships. If, for example, a teenage son is the scapegoat of the parents, which family-therapy technique would be the most appropriate to use?

D. detriangulation

Derek is suffering from anxiety disorder and is currently under medication. According to this scenario, which of the following side effects will be experienced by Derek as a result of taking his medication?

D. drowsiness

62. All of the following are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder EXCEPT

D. feeling emotionally charged.

27. An individual who has been experiencing persistent anxiety for the past 6 months and unable to specify the cause or source of her nervous feelings likely suffers from

D. generalized anxiety disorder.

67. Dr. Guerrero uses different therapies based on the benefits they provide for her clients. Currently she is using a behavioral approach to treat an individual with panic disorder and a cognitive therapy approach to treat a client with major depressive disorder. Dr. Guerrero is practicing

D. integrative therapy.

4. Abnormal behavior is

D. personally distressful over a long period of time.

98. Which of the following is a biological intervention that involves the removal or destruction of brain tissue to improve an individual's adjustment?

D. psychosurgery

60. Which of the following is a cognitive therapy technique whereby clients rate their emotions in order to gain a perspective of their situation?

D. scaling

86. Clozapine is used to treat

D. schizophrenia.

46. Eric has an extreme fear of being humiliated in public. As a result, he avoids public gatherings and functions. The thought of speaking in front of the crowd induces panic in him. Which of the following best describes Eric's disorder?

D. social phobia

82. By influencing norepinephrine and serotonin, lithium is thought to

D. stabilize moods.

90. The goal of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is

D. to set off a seizure in the brain.

92. Which of the following class of drugs is used to treat agoraphobia?

D. tricyclic drugs

24. A person who regularly experiences motor tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectations and thoughts is likely to suffer from

anxiety disorder.

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