Psychology 5

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what blood alcohol level defines intoxication in most of the states


If awakened at random, who is most likely to be in REM sleep

1 year old

As part of a course on sleep and dreams, Alicia has the opportunity to sleep in a sleep laboratory where her sleep and hormone levels are monitored. If she is a typical sleeper and neither a night owl nor a lark, when would her level of melatonin begin to fall.

6 a.m.

Altered State of Consciousness

A condition of awareness that is distinctly different from normal waking consciousness in terms of level of awareness and experience, and the quality or intensity of sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings and memories


A form of consciousness involving fantasies, usually spontaneous, that occurs while a person is awake


A group of naturally occurring or synthetic drugs that have properties similar to those of opium and thus reduce pain. Narcotic analgesics or narcotics because they produce analgesia and make a person sleepy. Morphine, codeine, heroine


A parasomnia that occurs during Stage 4 sleep, usually in children; most often consists of sitting up in bed


A person's awareness of feelings, sensations, and thoughts at a given moment


A succession of predominantly visual images experienced during sleep. Hobson and McCarley believe that dreams arise during the REM sleep from random bursts of activity from nerve cells in the brain stem.

Latent Content

According to Freud, the deeper underlying meaning of a dream, connected by symbols to the manifest content

Manifest Content

According to Freud, the dream as reported by the dreamer

What do we call a state of consciousness that can result from the use of alcohol, drugs, or hypnosis

Altered state of consciousness

REM Rebound

An increase in the typical amount of REM sleep following reduction of REM sleep owing to sleep deprivation or the use of certain drugs that reduce REM sleep


Bedwetting, a sleep disorder that occurs primarily in children and is considered a disorder of arousal that is likely to improve with maturation of the CNS. Reflects an immature nervous system that could run in families. Occurs more often in boys.


Changes in behavior, cognition, and physiology that occur when stopping or reducing the heavy and prolonged use of a psychoactive substances

Psychoactive Substances

Chemicals that affect consciousness, perceptions, mood, and behavior

Which one of the following journeys would be classified as a phase advance of your sleep-wake cycle?

Chicago to London


Clenching or grinding of the teeth (occurs during non-sleep) often resulting in disorders of the jaw, jaw pain and soreness, headaches, earaches, damaged teeth, and other problems. Typically treatments are use of mouth guards or applicants called splints, which help protect the teeth from the pressure of the clenching.

Which drug is someone taking if its primary effects are to increase dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain



Complaints of difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, frequent awakenings, or poor-quality sleep

Marijuana is most likely to affect receptors in which areas of the brain

Cortex and hippocampus

Slow-wave Sleep

Deep sleep of NREM Stages 3 and 4, characterized by delta waves. Wake someone from this is difficult.


Depressant drugs that are used to induces sleep but can be deadly when combined with alcohol


Depressants psychoactive substances, also know as ethanol or ethyl alcohol


Drugs such as alcohol, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines (minor tranquilizers) that slow the activity of the CNS.


Drugs that can cause changes in thinking, emotion, self-awareness, and perceptions; these changes are often expressed in hallucinations. LSD and marijuana


Drugs that increase the activity of the CNS. Uppers stimulate the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norephinephrine. Amphetamines and Cocaine

People observed in a sleep laboratory have several measuring devices attached to them. What are the devices that measure: Heart Rate Brain Waves Eye Movements


Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis

Explanation of dreams that suggests that they result when the cortex seeks to explain the high level of neuronal activity occurring during REM sleep

Binge drinking

Frequently consumed five or more drinks at one single sitting.


Frightening dream that usually awakens a sleeper from REM sleep occurs most often in children ages 3 o 6

A patient at the local hospital has been diagnosed with delirium tremens. Based on the diagnosis, which of the following is most likely to have occurred before his hospitalization?

He stopped consuming alcohol after years of heavy use

Where in the brain is our internal clock located?


Internal Clock

In the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). A pinhead-sized collection of about 20,000 neurons located in the hypothalamus just about the optic chiasm. These neurons receive information about light and dark from the eyes and their nerve pathways. The SCN serves as a central internal clock that exerts indirect control over neurons throughout the body; however there appear to be peripheral clocks located throughout the body

Circadian Rhythms

Internal biological changes that occur on a daily schedule

What force did mesmer claim to harness in his efforts to cure various ailments


Dave has volunteered to take part in a research designed to investigate a substance believed to influence sleep. The researchers will tell him what the substance is at the end of a two-month trial. After two months, Dave is likely to find that he was taking?


Substances Dependence

More serious patter of substance use than that found in substance abuse; popularly called addiction are often characterized drug tolerance and withdrawal symptoms when use of the drug is stopped

If you were to see and EEG results what would be recorded

NREM stages, REM, NREM stages, REM


Need for increasing dosages of a drug to achieve the same effect as earlier, smaller doses

Sleep Terror

Partial awakening from Stage 4 sleep characterized by loud screams and extreme physiological arousal. They usually cannot recall the experiences.

Substances Abuse

Pattern of substances use that has detrimental effects on a person's health and safety, as well as on social and occupational roles

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Powerful hallucinogen derived from ergot, a fungus found on rye and other grains. Effects the user's personality, mood, and expectations; and the surroundings. Sweating, dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, and increased heart rate and blood pressure. Changes in sensations and emotions. Produces delusions and hallucinations such as changing colors and shapes. Flash back are likely to occur if you're a chronic user,without taking the drug again the person can suddenly experience a recurrence of aspects of an earlier drug experience.

Phencyclidine Piperidine (PCP)

Powerful hallucinogen that can have unpredictable depressants, stimulant, hallucinogenic, or analgesic effect. Effects include euphoria, very unpleasant feelings, dizziness, seizures, distorter sensations, hallucinations, coma, and even tendency to commit violent acts. the user feels no pain.

Key elements of hypnotic induction

Relaxation, concentration, and listening to the hypnotist's commands


Sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and attacks of muscle weakness (cataplexy) induced by emotion, as well as hypnagogic hallucinations; the symptoms are due to the intrusion of REM sleep into waking time. Hypnagogic Hallucinations - intense vivid dreams that occur at the beginning of sleep - paralysis at the beginning of sleep or upon awakening.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep; most prevalent in older, overweight men. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to send the appropriate signals to the muscles for breathing. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when air cannot flow into or out of the person's nose or mouth despite continued efforts to breath.


Sleep disorders characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness


Splitting of conscious awareness that is believed to play a role in hypnotic pain reduction

If you awaken a 27 year old person at random which sleep stage is most likely to be observed on the EEG

Stage 2


State of heightened susceptibility to suggestions. also called mesmerism after Franz Anton Mesmer. Altered state of consciousness called the hypnotic trance. Hypnotic Induction - a situation in which people are especially likely to follow suggestions, instructions, or requests. A hypnotist cannot make you do anything you would not do otherwise. Positive hallucinations are reports of seeing an object that isn't really present Negative hallucinations a hypnotized person fails to perceive an object that is present

Seven year old Andy has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Which of the following drug categories would be prescribed for this disorder



Stimulants that are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. increasing blood pressure, increasing respiration rate, diverting blood from internal organs to skeletal muscle, and suppressing appetite.

Jet Lag

Temporary maladjustment that occurs when a change of time zones causes biological rhythms to be out of step with local time


The science of investigating and applying information about biological rhythms.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

The unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant up to age 1 that is not explained by autopsy, medical case information, or an investigation of the death scene

Dave is experiencing insomnia and decides to research the available treatments. One of the treatments, melatonin, is intriguing because it is a naturally occurring hormone. After he finishes his research, what conclusion is he likely to arrive at concerning the effectiveness of melatonin.

There is o evidence for the efficacy of melatonin as a treatment for insomnia

Your roommate has had a terrible time over the past 6 weeks; every night is a struggle to get some sleep. She seeks some relief in sleeping pills but asks your advice. What would tell her about he pills

These medications can make you drowsy in the morning

Bispectral Analysis

This procedure monitors a. the type and percentage of brain waves that the patient is displaying. b. the percentage of isoelectric activity (no brain activity. )

The mega-store in town will be open 24 hours. The manager hired a consultant to design the best possible rotating shifts for full-time employees. Which of the following schedules would the consultant recommend?

Two weeks on days, two weeks on evenings, and two weeks on nights.

Restless legs syndrome

Unpleasant crawling, prickling, or tingling sensation in the legs and feet with constant leg movement during the day and insomnia at night. Although this syndrome may develop at any age it is more common in the elderly

Components of consciousness

Wakefulness and awareness.

Jim, goes to sleep at around midnight and spends 8 hours asleep. If you want to wake Jim from slow-wave sleep, when should you try to awaken him

about 45 mins after he sleeps

One of the main problems with rotating shifts is that the typical shifts are _______, whereas the body is most able to adapt to shifts that are_______.

counterclockwise, clockwise

The most common psychoactive substances can be dived into four categories

depressants, stimulants, opiates, and hallucinogens.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep

sleep stage characterized by rapid eye movements, dreams, high levels of brain activity, and muscle paralysis. Men have penile erections, women experience increased blood flow int he genital area and their nipples. The EEG record of a person REM resembles that of an awake person. The end of the first REM period marks the end of a sleep cycle. They take approximately 90 to 120 minutes. REM sleep is highest in the very young.

Non-REM (NREM) sleep

sleep stages 1, 2, 3, and 4; NREM sleep consists primarily of Stages 3 and 4 (deep sleep) early in the night and Stage 2 later on. At each step the task of being roused from sleep becomes more difficult.


substance derived from the cannabis sativa plant

Anesthetic Awareness

surgical patients are conscious during surgery.

Electroencephalograph (EEG)

the process of recording the electrical activity of the brain through the use of electrodes attached to the scalp

Dana and her roommate Barbara have been described as a lark and a night owl, respectively. To a researcher, the use of these terms suggests that these roommates differ primarily in what aspect of their behavior?

timing of the peak body temperature during the day

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