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insecure avoidant.

In the Strange Situation, Latoya basically ignored her mother, was not upset when she left the room, and did not seek her out when she returned. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Latoya as being


"Easy child," "difficult child," and "slow-to-warm-up child" are three basic types of _____ identified by psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas.

the age of possibilities.

"Many emerging adults are optimistic about their future, and for emerging adults who have experienced difficult times while growing up, emerging adulthood presents an opportunity to direct their lives in a more positive direction." These are the two ways described by Jeffrey Arnett in which emerging adulthood can be viewed as

Emerging adults have little in the way of social obligations, which leaves them with a great deal of autonomy in running their own lives.

According to Jeffrey Arnett, which of the following statements accurately describes emerging adulthood as a time during which individuals are self-focused?

Concrete operational stage

A child is presented with two identical balls of clay. The experimenter rolls one ball into a long, thin shape; the other remains in its original ball form. The child is then asked if there is more clay in the ball or in the long, thin piece of clay. If the child answers the problem correctly but cannot use abstract reasoning yet, the child most likely is in which stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory?


Abbie, a 16 year-old adolescent, is arguing with her parents. She believes that she should be able to stay out as late as she wants because she gets good grades and has never gotten into trouble. Her parents feel she should have a curfew of midnight because bad things tend to happen after midnight and they worry about her driving home when the bars are closing. Abbie thinks her parents are ridiculous and just wrong. Abbie is experiencing...

the value we place on each of those areas.

According Harter's theory of self-esteem, our self-esteem is based on five areas of comparison and ____.

Trust versus Mistrust

According to Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory, a lifelong expectation that the world will be a good and pleasant place to live sets in during the ________ stage.

identity versus identity confusion

According to Erik Erikson, during the _____ stage, adolescents are faced with deciding who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.

initiative versus guilt.

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood is

identity versus identity confusion

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following developmental stages is experienced by an individual during adolescence?

physical comfort and sensitive care

According to Erikson, _____ are key to establishing a basic sense of trust in infants.

fixed, but flexible.

According to Erikson, our identity in early adulthood is...

develop reciprocal intimate relationships

According to Erikson, our primary psychosocial goal in early adulthood is to...

sociocultural influences

According to Gauvain (2016) and Holzman (2017), Vygotsky's view of the importance of _____ on children's development fits with the current belief that it is important to evaluate the contextual factors in learning.

comparing ourselves to others in five areas.

According to Harter, self-esteem in early childhood is developed by...

It lasts from birth to about 2 years of age.

According to Jean Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, which of the following is true of the sensorimotor stage?

formal operational

According to Jean Piaget, around age 11, the fourth stage of cognitive development, the _____ stage, begins.

formal operational

According to Jean Piaget, at approximately 11 to 15 years of age, adolescents enter the _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational thinking

According to Jean Piaget, which of the following characterizes the thinking of 7- to 11-year-olds?

is the result of inherited physiological characteristics; however, it can be modified to some degree by experiences.

According to Jerome Kagan, temperament

They are more impulsive and have problems sustaining attention.

According to John Coie, which of the following is a reason why aggressive, peer-rejected boys have problems in social relationships?

Organization and Adaptation.

According to Piaget's theory, two processes underlie children's cognitive construction of the world

formal operational

According to Piaget, the _____ stage of cognitive development characterizes adults as well as adolescents.

the formal operational stage

According to Piaget, which of the following is the final stage of cognitive development?


According to Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory, a person's family, peers, school, and neighborhood constitute his/her

neglected children

According to developmentalists, which of the following is a peer status among children?

Cyberbullying is more strongly associated with suicidal ideation than traditional bullying is.

According to meta-analyses, which of the following statements is true of traditional bullying and cyberbullying?

imaginary audience

Adoelscents often believe that everyone else is looking at them and concentrated on what they are doing and how they are acting. This happens because adolescents are high in...


Adoelscents tend to see things from their own perspective and believe people who disagree with them are wrong. This is because adolescents are high in...

personal fable

Adolescents often feel their experiences are unique and the emotions they are feeling are far more intense than what other people experience. They hold this view because adoelscents are high in...

identity confusion

Adolescents who do not successfully resolve their identity crisis suffer from what Erikson calls _____.

they perform competently in domains that are important to them.

Children have the highest self-esteem when

insecure resistant

In the Strange Situation, Cameron did not explore the playroom, clung to his mother when she was in the room, and was very upset when she left the room. When she returned, he appeared to be ambivalent—wanting to be comforted by his mother but pushing her away when she attempted to do so. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Cameron as being

securely attached.

In the Strange Situation, Jermaine used his mother as a "safe base" as he actively explored the playroom. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Jermaine as being


During Piaget's ______, children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings. They also form stable concepts and begin to reason.


During Piaget's preoperational stage, children often think inanimate (nonliving) objects are alive and have human traits. For example, if a branch falls off a tree and hits the child, the tree is being "mean" to the child. This happens because young children enage in a cognitive process called _____.

Intimacy Versus Isolation

During early adulthood, Erik Erikson's developmental stage of ________ occurs.

Formal operational

During the beginning of the _____ stage, when assimilation dominates, an adolescent's thoughts are full of idealism and possibilities.


During which period of develoment does SES impact us more than any of the other developmental periods?

Trust versus Mistrust; Isolation

Edwin was a neglected child in his infancy. Now, at 31 years of age, he is highly cynical about the world and feels that no one can be relied upon. In his relationship, he is suspicious toward his partner, and these feelings eventually lead to the breakup of the relationship. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, this indicates that Edwin did not successfully resolve the ________ stage of development, which in turn is causing him to experience ________ in his current developmental stage.


Erik Erikson describes the second stage of personality development as the stage of _____ versus shame and doubt.

Eight; Late Adulthood

Erik Erikson's developmental theory consists of ________ stages that last from the first year of life to ________.

industry versus inferiority.

Erik Erikson's fourth stage of development, which appears during middle and late childhood, is called

managing one's thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and self-control

Executive function involves _____.

financially supporting your parents

For many collectivist cultures, the key indicator that emerging adulthood has ended would be...

unrealistically positive.

Four-year-old Harlan says, "I'm always happy!" Researchers suggest that Harlan, like other kids his own age, has self-descriptions that are typically

early pain experiences wire the brain to experience pain more intensely throught our life.

From the study on circumcision of baby boys we discussed in class, we determined...


Gavin is rarely nominated as a best friend, but his peers don't dislike him. In the context of peer statuses, Gavin would be classified as a(n) _____ child.

secure base/ safe haven

Harlows work also determined another concept the reason we say parents ddont attacht to their childer

the importance of contact compfort

Harlows work with rhesus monkeys determine which of the folowing

Concrete Operational

Hidalgo, eight, is very good at addition and subtraction, but he has a hard time understanding the complex algebraic problems that his 14-year-old sister does. Hidalgo is currently in which of Jean Piaget's stages of development?

They should be taught to more accurately assess whether the intentions of their peers are negative.

How can rejected children be trained to interact more effectively with their peers?


Human infants go through an attachment period. John Bowlby calls this a _________ period, meaning that for optimal development attachment should occur during this period.

comparing my self to others

I develop my understanding of my success of failure in harteres five areas of self concept by

object identity

I know when water turns into a stream , it is still fundamentally eater, I have which cogntiive abiltiy

Industry vs. Inferiority

If I struggle with learning things I need to social and academic and it impacts my sense of self struggle with


If a child is able to understand that daddy is still daddy when he shaves his beard the child developled

you belive in your self

If you are friendless and you are not lonely what would be ajor psychological reasan


If you are unsuccessful in navigating eriksons stages it will have long term consequences

confidence, self-control and social skills

In Erikson's third stage of psychosocial development of initiative vs. guilt, intiative refers to...

formal operational

In Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the _____ stage is proposed to be the fourth and final stage.

believing everyone knows what they know.

In Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development, an example of egocentrism would be:

developing emotional control

In a study conducted by Nelson and others (2007), both parents and college students agreed that taking responsibility for one's actions and _____ are important aspects of becoming an adult.

seeing things fro our own perspective

In adolescence, egocentrism refers to

is promoted by education in the logic of science and mathematics.

In contrast to Piaget's views, the development of formal operational thinking

secure attachment.

In every culture studied so far, the most common classification of attachment is

reaction range

In many developmental conditions, your genes and your environment interact. For example, your intelligence is determined by the genes you get from your parents and the quality of the environment you are raised in. Your genes provide you with a ______ and your environment determines where you fall in this.

the individual to collaboration.

In moving from Piaget to Vygotsky, the conceptual shift is one from

much earlier than

In nonindustrialized countries, marriage—the marker for entry into adulthood—usually occurs _____ the adulthood markers in the United States.

Seven to eleven

In relation to the cognitive development theory, Piaget proposed that the concrete operational stage lasts from approximately _____ years of age.

boys, girls, teachers

In schools , who can be the bully

securely attached.

In the Strange Situation, Quentin cries mildly when his caregiver departs. However, he is happy upon reunion, and then he continues to explore once the caregiver has returned. He would be classified as being

financially supporting your parents

In the US and Western Europe, which of the following would not be a key indicator that you have ended emerging adulthood?

holding a more or less permanent, full-time job.

In the United States, the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is

Throughout childhood, friends are more similar than dissimilar in terms of age, sex, race, and many other factors.

In the context of children's development, identify a true statement about friendship.

Children's friendships are typically characterized by similarity.

In the context of children's development, which of the following is true of children's friendships?

Friendship provides information about where a child stands vis-à-vis others and whether the child is doing okay.

In the context of children's friendships, which of the following represents the function of social comparison served by friendship?

assessment should focus on determining a child's zone of proximal development

In the context of cognitive development in early childhood, Vygotsky argued that _____.


In the context of peer statuses, _____ children give out reinforcements, listen carefully, maintain open lines of communication with peers, are happy, control their negative emotions, act like themselves, show enthusiasm and concern for others, and are self-confident without being conceited.

Controversial children

In the context of the five peer statuses distinguished by developmentalists, _____ are frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked.

Hypothetical-deductive reasoning

In the formal operational stage, adolescents begin to think more as a scientist thinks, devising plans to solve problems and systematically testing solutions. This type of problem solving requires _____.

Biological Inheritance; Environmental Experiences

In the nature-nurture issue, nature refers to an organism's ________, nurture to its ________.

demand closeness in relationships and are less trusting and more emotional.

Individuals with an anxious attachment style

insecurity by avoiding the caregiver.

Insecure avoidant babies show

gets a full-time job; gets married

James, an American, will be most likely considered as an adult by his peers and community when he _____, whereas Nirmal, who lives in Bangladesh, will be most likely considered as an adult by his community when he _____.

actively construct their own cognitive worlds.

Jean Piaget believed that children

qualitatively different from

Jean Piaget believed that cognition in one stage is _____ that in another stage.

Identity Versus Identity Confusion

Jessica, 16, is in the process of deciding what she wants to study in college. She wants to be an engineer one day and a painter the next day. Erik Erikson would say Jessica is in the ________ stage of development.

internal working

John Bowlby argued that infants develop a(n) _____ model of attachment.


Johnny is attempting to resolve the crisis of initiative vs. guilt. According to Erik Erikson, he is most likely in

goodness of fit.

Monsena is an independent and adventurous child who likes to explore new places in her environment. However, her mother is overprotective and forbids Monsena from playing in the backyard or the garden of their house. Developmental psychologists would say that this discrepancy concerns


Most of Blanca's classmates call her a "bully," and many say that they "don't like her at all." Only few children consider her to be a friend. Which of the following is Blanca's probable peer status?

Identity vs. Confusion

Most people in college are struggling with

optomistic bias

My friend flunked out b/c of partying . im starting college and party, but I wont get kicked out im a good person

insecure resistant.

Natalie is in the Strange Situation, and she clings anxiously to her caregiver. She does not explore the playroom. She would most likely be classified as being


Our emotional evaluation of our self-worth, which comes from positive comparison and success in multiple areas, is the definition of:

ethnic and cultural factors.

Our self-esteem is influenced by:


Over the past week, Walter has been learning to tie his shoelaces. Initially, his mother held his hands and worked his fingers through the process. Now that Walter is better at it, she only guides him verbally. This is an example of _____.

insecure avoidant.

Parker is in the Strange Situation, where he shows little interaction with his caregiver. He isn't distressed upon separation and does not reestablish contact upon reunion. He would be classified as being

optimistic bias

Part of the reason adoelscents are high in risk-taking behavior is because they truly believe bad things won't happen to them. They are good people and bad things happen to bad people. Adolescents hold this belief more than other developmental groups because adolescents are high in...

better relationships with coworkers in early adulthood.

Peer competence in middle and late childhood has been linked to

they have more knowledge.

Piaget stressed that young adults are more quantitatively advanced in their thinking than adolescents in the sense that

Start at birth and continue through adulthood.

Piaget's four stages of cognitive development

cannot yet perform reversible mental actions.

Piaget's preoperational stage is so named because he believed that children in this stage of development

are frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by their peers.

Popular children


Research indicates that links between early attachment styles and later attachment styles were _____ by stressful and disruptive experiences.

interact with their babies in different ways than mothers do regardless of which parent is the primary caregiver.

Research on fathers as caregivers indicates that fathers


Roger looks back on his life and feels that he failed to reach his potential, squandered opportunities, and hurt a lot of people. At 82 years of age, he knows it is too late to make amends. Roger is slipping into


Rose's ex-boyfriend, Peter, describes her as clingy and dependent. During their relationship, she always told him that she loved him and wanted to rush into marriage. She also kept tabs on Peter and was jealous of all his female friends and colleagues. Rose seems to have a(n) _____ attachment style.


victims of peer bulling tend to be

confuse moving thing with living things

we believe children make the animism error because they

self- esteem

we combine your scores in your five areas of self concept evaluation to create your

the value of each are to the person

when evaluating you self esteem we dont look just at your scores in five areas of comparison we also consider

hall, mead

when we talk about the existence of sturm and drang , who is correct


when you start your kid with training wheels then run behind the bike and finally let them go alone your are using

aggresive rejected and withdrawn

which group tends to misinterpret motives and behaviors of others


which is the largest group when we talk about peer status


which is the smallest group when we talk about peer status


which of piagets stages are you in during middle and late childhood

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

which of the eriksons stages are you in during toddlerhood

energetic, excited and active , indifferent lethargcic and disagreeable

which of the following is the best description of an adolescence in sturm and drang


which of the metamemory strategies arre most useful to real learning

who runs in a major international company and supervises many departments

which of these people is most likely high in central executive


which theorist identified three of the four attachment patterns


which theorist worked with orphans and developed an understanding the importance of attachment


which type of attachment has optimal outcomes


who said play was fundamental to learning

less need for support of the children for family to be financial solvent

why do families tend to be smaller in industrial nations


your set of attributes abilities and characteristics you use to describe and define your self is

move through a series of introductions, separations, and reunions with his or her caregiver and a stranger.

The Strange Situation is an observational measure of infant attachment developed by Mary Ainsworth. It requires the infant to


The _____ view states that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment.


The ________ consists of links between a social setting in which an individual does not have an active role and the individual's immediate context.


The ________ involves relations between microsystems or connections between contexts.


The ________ involves the culture in which individuals live.

formal operational

The abstract quality of thinking during the _____ stage is evident in an adolescent's verbal problem-solving ability.

adolescents who are privileged.

The concept of emerging adulthood has been criticized as applying mainly to

Industry Versus Inferiority

The elementary school years where children need to direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and intellectual skills is when Erikson's stage of ________ takes place.


The extent to which children are liked or disliked by their peer group is called their ________ status.

Integrity versus Despair.

The final stage of Erik Erikson's developmental theory is

Trust versus Mistrust

The first stage in Erikson's theory is

a childs attachment to their parent

The strange situation measures which of the following

helping the younger generation to develop and lead useful lives.

The term "generativity" as described in Erikson's seventh stage of development primarily reflects a concern for


The theory of _____ refers to awareness of one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others.

18 to 25

The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to as emerging adulthood, which occurs from approximately _____ years of age.

the range of tasks that are too difficult for a child to master alone but can be learned with guidance and assistance from adults or more-skilled children.

The zone of proximal development (ZPD) is Vygotsky's term for

Sharon solving 6-piece puzzles with her parents' help

Three-year-old Sharon can solve 4-piece jigsaw puzzles on her own but needs her parents' help to solve 6-piece jigsaw puzzles. Which of the following represents the upper limit of Sharon's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for solving such puzzles?

genes; environment

Your _____ determine your reaction range, while _____ determines where you fall in that range.


___ involves individual differences in behavioral styles, emotions, and characteristic ways of responding.


_____ individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once in a relationship tend to distance themselves from their partner.


_____ is also called self-worth or self-image.

Intimacy in friendships

_____ is characterized by self-disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts.

Jean Piaget

_____ proposed that around 7 years of age, children enter the concrete operational stage of cognitive development.


_____ refers to global evaluations of the self.

Goodness of fit

_____ refers to the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with.

have no impact on self esteem

if bobo does not value social relationships and scores low on social esteem, then I would expect it to


if you are unsuccessful in navigating one of eriksons stages you will be unsuccessful in future stages

three mountain task

in childhood, we can measure egocentrism using


attachment predicts succes in later social relationships


gentility is the desire to leave your mark on the future .

Gene × environment (G × E) interaction

is the interaction of a specific measured variation in the DNA and a specific measured aspect of the environment.

nutrition, healthcare

ses impacts


sibling rivalry is inevitable , because the benefits of siblings are having competition and a model of comparison


the best way to establish a sense of generatively tis to have children

early experiences wire the brain

the circumsion study results told us

children in this group dont transfer skills to other contexts

the concrete in piagets concret operational referes to


the most common way to establish generatively is to have children

goodness of fit

tina struggles at school because naps and snacks aren't when she is used to gettin them tina is having problems with

slow to warm

Baby Is in active , moody and slow to adapt. baby temperament would be

he recognizes that someone else may have different desires from his own.

18-month-old Alan hates spinach but says, "Yum!" when he sees his mother eating her favorite spinach casserole. This indicates that

imaginary audience

Andreas got a new shirt which is kind of new and funky, but he likes it and feels confident wearing it. When he walks into Chemistry class a group of girls burst out laughing. Andreas suddenly feels self-conscious about his shirt and never wears it again, even though most of the girls were facing away from him. Andreas (and his shirt) have fallen victim to...


Anthony is rarely nominated as someone's best friend. He is actively disliked by many children in his class. In the context of peer statuses, Anthony would be classified as a(n) _____ child.

plan for the future

As you enter the formal operational stage of thinking , you can generally do which of the following


Austin is in the Strange Situation and shows strong patterns of avoidance and resistance. He also displays extreme fearfulness around the caregiver. He would be classified as being


Benjamin, a student, sits at the back of the classroom. Only few children in the class know his name. He does not have any best friends, but he is not disliked by his classmates. Which of the following is Benjamin's probable peer status?


Benji has started calling his father "dad," but he also calls all the men that he sees "dad." According to Piaget, this error is due to the phenomenon of

an easy child

Betty and Allen are part of a theatrical group, so they travel frequently. Their child, Cara, is an 11-month-old baby and travels everywhere with them. Even though Cara is usually comfortable with strangers, a full-time nanny, who Cara grew fond of in a day, helps take care of her when her parents are performing. Cara has a regular routine but easily adapts to new eating and sleeping habits whenever the family moves across states. According to Chess and Thomas, Cara would be classified as

boys, secure with their peers, impulsive and domineering

Bullies tend to be


Byron can take sticks of different lengths and put them all in order from shortest to longest. He can also discern that if stick A is longer than B and B is longer than C, then A is longer than C. This ability to logically combine relations to understand certain conclusions is


Caitlin, age 25, has a good job as a financial analyst but she has few friends and has had no success in dating. She admits that being close to others is a problem for her. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, Caitlin is at a risk of reaching the state of

cumulative deficit

Children in lower SES tend to start out behind their peers on experiences. Lower SES don't tend to have the same exposure to technology and informative life experiences such as going to the zoo or taking a family trip to the shore. This results in the lower SES starting school experientially behind their mid- and high-SES peers. Unfortunately, the lower SES child then has to learn many of the skills other children are starting school with before engaging in the normal cognitive tasks of early education -- such as learning to use a computer to do the computer-based classroom activities. Even more unfortunate is the fact that this child will continue to lag further and further behind their classmates. This is referred to as_____.

Observational Learning

Children watch their parents closely and mimic their behaviors, often identifying with the same-sex parent to understand how they should behave. This is an example of _____.

purposefulness and pride

Children who are successful in Erikson's third stage of initiative vs. guilt develop a sense of...


Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are capable of _____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as length.


Children whoa re chronoligically friendless are generall depressed and lonely

are prone to both prosocial and antisocial actions.

Children with high self-esteem typically

the fact that people in poverty start out behind

Cumulative defecit refers to

decreasing opportunities and rewards for bullying.

Dan Olweus's bullying intervention program focuses on

securely attached

Diego is in the Strange Situation with his caregiver; he explores the room and examines the toys that have been placed in it. He uses the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the room. He would be classified as being


Dougie, who is European American, finds dating success to be an important part of his self-esteem. On the other hand, Doran, who is Asian American, finds academic sucess to be an important part of his self-esteem. This is an example of the influence of _____ on self-esteem.


Julio, a 12-year-old, cannot get his science project to work. In fact, it seems to him that nothing he makes ever works properly. In the context of Erik Erikson's eight stages of human development, Julio is at risk for developing a sense of


Kelly responds to her infant's needs in a consistent and timely way. When he is tired she puts him down for a nap, and when he is hungry she feeds him. Erikson would say that Kelly is helping her son to develop a sense of

Kevin walking alone by holding on to a piece of furniture with his hands

Kevin is just learning to walk. He can take a few steps by himself if he uses both hands to hold on to a piece of furniture for support. He can walk to the middle of a room only if one of his parents holds his hands. Which of the following represents the lower limit of Kevin's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for walking?

Passive interaction with the Environment

Little Bobby has a difficult temperament and has trouble adjusting to any chane in his schedule. If something changes, he gets cranky and cries a lot. To avoid this, his parents try to stay on his schedule as much as possible. His parents also spend a lot of time trying to comfort him because his temperament is so difficult. This would be an example for _____.


Luis is able to organize coins in a row from the largest in size to the smallest. His newfound ability is called

They may have difficulty handling competition and criticism.

Many of today's children grow up receiving praise for mediocre or even poor performance. What could be a possible consequence of this practice?

personal fable

Margie has been invited to a college party by a friend who recently graduated. Margie desperately wants to go, but her parents tell her no, high school sophomores should not be going to college parties. Margie becomes very emotional, crying and telling her parents they are ruining her life. If she doesn't go to this party her social life will be over, everyone is going! Stomping off to her room, Margie yells to her parents that they just don't understand how things are done today! Margie is experiencing...


Mary thinks that she is a good person. This observation reflects Mary's

Shame and Doubt.

McKenzie, age two, wants to do everything on her own. Her mother punishes her when she attempts to pour her own milk or tries to answer the phone. Erikson would say that McKenzie is likely to develop a sense of

psychosocial moratorium

Mike is 14 years old. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he promptly replies that he wants to be a lawyer and begins to speak about a recent case and how well the lawyers handled the case. However, his mother casually mentions that Mike's interests change almost every few weeks and that she feels that Mike should attend some career guidance sessions to decide what he wants to become. In the context of Erik Erikson's fifth developmental stage, this period of Mike's life is referred to as a _____.

children younger than 4 years old do not understand that it is possible to have a false belief.

Russell conducts an experiment to study children's theory of mind. He selects participants and divides them into two groups. The first group consists of 3-year-olds, whereas the second group consists of 5-year-olds. Russell takes a box of crayons and places candies in them. He opens the box and shows it to both groups. Next, he asks the first group what a child who has never seen the box will think is actually inside the box. The group replies, "Candies!" To the same question, the second group replies, "Crayons!" This scenario illustrates that

rough-and-tumble play

Ryan is father to an 11-month-old baby boy. He loves spending time with his son when he is back from work. Which of the following activities is he most likely to engage in with his son?

a slow-to-warm-up child.

Sakura isn't a particularly active child, and he tends to be wary of new situations and people. Although he doesn't cry, he dislikes dealing with novel situations. According to Thomas and Chess, he would be classified as

Formal Operational

Sandrine is now able to use abstract thought as well as logic; Piaget would argue that she is in the ________ stage of development.

actions or mental representations that organize knowledge.

Schemes refer to

secure attachment to romantic partners in adulthood.

Secure attachment to parents during childhood correlates with

are less likely than others to have one-night stands.

Securely attached adults




Severe abuse an deprivation in infancy often results in ___ attachment


Six-year-old Patricia loves to draw pictures and describe them. Her ideas are more balanced now than earlier. She has started to analyze and understand things. However, she is egocentric and holds, what her parents describe as, "magical beliefs." Patricia is in Piaget's _____ stage of development.


Temperament classification is relatively stable

Social comparison

Ten-year-old Jose finds that he needs to talk to Richard, his friend, in order to know whether his feelings about his own brothers and sisters are normal. Which friendship function does Richard provide in this case?

optimistic bias

Tomas is very active in his high schools political activism group. He believes strongly that the world will be a mess until his generation is in charge. No one seems to be getting anything done in the government and he is sure his generation has all the answers and as soon as they are in charge things will run more smoothly. Tomas has a strong....

Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt.

Two-year-old Julia is learning to talk, and her parents would say that her favorite word is "no." This would be considered normal for a child in Erik Erikson's life-span stage of

social interaction.

Vygotsky believed that children construct knowledge through

Culture and Social Interaction

Vygotsky's theory emphasizes how ________ guides cognitive development.

financial assets are available to continue to support our children

What allows for developed nations to have a period of emerging adulthood?

school-based social status

What is the key indicator in adolescence that predicts poor health, low educational attainment, and limited career prospects in adulthood?

to construct an adult life

What is the primary goal of emerging adulthood?

Contact comfort is the crucial element in the attachment process.

What is the significant finding of Harlow's experiments on monkeys reared by surrogate mothers?

depression, conflict, and parenting practices

What parenting factors in adolescence mediate the potential negative outcomes of low SES?


What wires the brain?


When Josh was dropped off at preschool on the very first day of class, he was quite upset. He cried for a long time and would not play with the other children. This behavior continued for a few more days. Some days, Josh would throw tantrums right before his mother dropped him off, and on other days he would cry and scream after his mom left him at the preschool. According to psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, what type of temperament does Josh have?


When Robert says, "I have brown eyes and black hair," it reflects Robert's

zone of proximal development.

When adults are working with young children, they often provide a lot of hints, assistance, instructions, and other support to help the children succeed. As the children indicate that they can do more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw their support. This shows the adults' involvement in the children's

insecure resistant.

When put on the floor to play, baby Elaine cries as if she wants to be held. When her mother picks her up though, Elaine pushes away with both arms and turns her head away. Mary Ainsworth would say that Elaine is

in the gap between what they can do alone and what they cannot do al all

When we are working in the zone of proximal development we are working,

emerging adulthood

Which developmental periods is considered to be a period of psychosocial moratorium?

The Chronosystem

Which of Urie Bronfenbrenner's environmental systems consists of the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course, as well as sociohistorical circumstances?


Which of the following attachment patterns was identified by Mary Main and NOT Mary Ainsworth?

Fathers engage in more physical play with their children.

Which of the following best exemplifies the difference between how mothers and fathers interact with their children?

a child's cognitive skills that are in the process of maturing

Which of the following did Vygotsky call the "buds" or "flowers" of development?

Ego support

Which of the following functions of friendship involves providing encouragement and feedback, thus allowing children to maintain an impression of themselves as competent, attractive, and worthwhile individuals?


Which of the following functions of friendship involves providing interesting information, excitement, and amusement?

Physical support

Which of the following functions of friendship involves providing resources and assistance?

identity versus identity confusion

Which of the following is Erikson's fifth developmental stage?

For most individuals, adolescence is a time of evaluation, decision making, commitment, and carving out a place in the world.

Which of the following is a more accurate vision of adolescence?

Adults especially increase their knowledge in a specific area.

Which of the following is a similarity in the reasoning of Jean Piaget and information-processing psychologists?

all of these

Which of the following is impacted by SES during childhood and adolescence?

One of the most effective interventions focuses on reducing opportunities and rewards for bullying.

Which of the following is true of bullying?


Which of the following refers to teachers' adjustment of their level of support and guidance to the level of the skills of their students?

Economic independence is one of the key markers of adult status, but achieving it has been considered a long process.

Which of the following statements is true about the various markers of adulthood?

In this stage, children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings.

Which of the following statements is true of Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development?

Frequent bullying is linked to high social status as indexed by perceived popularity in the peer group.

Which of the following statements is true of bullying in the social context of a peer group?

Children have the highest self-esteem when they perform competently in domains that are important to them.

Which of the following statements is true of children's self-esteem?

It has been implicated in overweight and obesity, anxiety, depression, suicide, and delinquency.

Which of the following statements is true of the consequences of low self-esteem in children?

psychosocial moratorium

Which of the following terms did Erik Erikson use to describe the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy?

psychosocial moratorium

Which of the following terms did Erikson use to describe a period in which society leaves adolescents relatively free of responsibilities and free to try out different identities?


Which of the following terms refers to domain-specific evaluations of the self?


Which of the following would be considered developmentally appropriate in adolescence,


Which of the following would not be an important component of friendship during middle childhood?

G. Stanley Hall

Which theorist proposed the "storm-and-stress" view that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings?


Who stated that attachment is an adaptive behavior that contributes to survival?


allowing young children to make personal choices

baby has difficult temperament

chris struggled getting baby on schedule, but now baby is very rigid about sleeping and eating


eriksons in childhood as I am mastering my school and social challenges I am developing a sense of

formal operational stage

during adolescence , we are in which piagets cognitive stages

to develop intimate relationships

during early childhood , eriksos says your primary challenge is

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