psychology all practice quizzes

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Cindy is studying cognitive development during adulthood. She administers several memory and problem-solving tasks to a group of 20-year-olds, a group of 40-year-olds, and a group of 70-year-olds. Cindy is using a _____ research design.

cross sectional

The textbook states that "people with retrograde amnesia generally remember who they are and the most important events of their earlier lives." This sentence suggests that some _____ memories are preserved in cases of retrograde amnesia.


Compared with individual therapy, group therapy is _____ effective.


The notion that psychological disorders often reflect automatic, maladaptive thought patterns is associated with:

Arron beck

In spontaneous recovery, a:

CR reappears after it has undergone extinction.

Which descriptive research method allows a psychologist to draw cause-and-effect conclusions?

Cause and effect cannot be demonstrated with descriptive methods.

Which statement is TRUE? A. To a large extent, money really can buy happiness. B. Happiness depends mainly on what happens to a person. C. People are least happy in the morning. D. Genetics plays a large part in happiness.


Generativity vs. Stagnation

Erikson's stage of social development in which middle-aged people begin to devote themselves more to fulfilling one's potential and doing public service

The _____ theory was the first account of emotion in psychology's history, and it proposes that the emotion that we feel comes after a physiological reaction and behavioral expression.


_____ was one of the psychologists who introduced the concept of cognitive dissonance to the body of social psychological knowledge.

Leon festinger

Self-transcendence is to self-determination as _____ is to _____.

Maslow; deci and Ryan

Sheila is a dedicated student because she wishes to complete her education and become financially independent. Once she is established, she will have improved self-confidence and self-respect, as well as feeling that other people will hold her in high regard. Sheila's motivation exemplifies _____ need for _____.

Maslow; esteem

Major depressive disorder is usually treated with


In the spinal cord, information about one's surrounding environment is sent to the brain via:

Sensory neurons

dependent variable

The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.

According to self-determination theory, people have a fundamental need for:


A sample is:

a subset of the population

Lithium is a naturally occurring element used to treat:

bipolar disorder

Which research technique relies on the in-depth examination of an individual or small group?

case study

With two distinct halves (or hemispheres), the _____ is the LARGEST part of the brain.


A weak correlation is indicated by a:

coefficient that is closer to .00.

Client homework is a key element of _____ therapy.


Applying the findings of research is aimed MOST directly at psychology's goal of:


Oooo . . . aaah . . . oooo," 3-month-old Jasmine joyfully repeats. Jasmine's speech is an example of:


The bundle of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres is called the:

corpus callousum

Communication skills and conflict management are key topics in _____ therapy.


Which structure is a part of the brainstem?

the pons

A loud noise automatically elicits a startle response. In this instance, being startled is a(n):

unconditioned response

Positron emission tomography:

uses radioactive tracers in the blood to reveal brain activity.

The positive, pleasant nature of happiness or negative, unpleasant nature of fear are their:


Measureable characteristics that can change over time and across people are called:


As evidenced by his concept of scaffolding, _____ placed more emphasis on the social foundations of cognitive development than did Piaget.


Dr. James deliberately varied facial symmetry in a series of photographs and later measured participants' liking for the faces. Dr. James conducted a(n) _____ study.


_____ therapies are based on _____, the process whereby a conditioned response disappears when it the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus.

exposure, extinction

Money is an example of an _____ motivator.`


Most people assume that, in a given situation, others would act the same way they themselves would. This phenomenon is the:

false consensus effect


fight or flight

Dr. Charles is using _____ when she uses strong magnets to track changes in the brain's blood-oxygen levels.


An Internet retailer finds that customers are more likely to make big-ticket purchases if they can first be induced to make a smaller purchase. This example demonstrates the _____ technique.

foot in the door

Ivan Pavlov investigated how organisms:

form associations between stimuli.

Higher-level thinking is primarily the responsibility of the _____ lobe.


An individual's 23 chromosome pairs make up his or her:


The SHORTEST period of prenatal development is the _____ period.


. Group members sometimes fail to consider a range of viewpoints and alternatives in an effort to maintain cohesiveness and a "united front." This is called:

group think

Imagine your forearm, hand, and fingers as a giant model of a neuron. Based on this model, fingers are to dendrites as _____ is to _____.

hand and cell body

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were among the early founders of the _____ perspective in psychology.


Person-centered therapy is a specific type of _____ therapy.


I've got it!" John exclaims when he finally cracks a brain-teaser problem he's been working on. John is experiencing:


Therapists working with families or groups usually practice some sort of _____ therapy.


According to research, more than _____ of American prison inmates suffer from a psychological disorder.

one half

The LAST step in the scientific method is:


Helping people identify irrational or illogical beliefs and convert them into rational ones is the cornerstone of _____ therapy.

rational emotional behavior

A multiple-choice question asks students to select the brain area most involved in emotion from among several possibilities. Such a question is a _____ test of _____ memory.

recognition and explicit

Both atypical and traditional antipsychotics _____ levels of _____.

reduce dopamine

In a Skinner box, a rat receives food pellets when it presses a lever. This example illustrates:


Latonya recently published an article detailing her research in a peer-reviewed journal. Mary is now examining Latonya's work and wants to repeat the research to see if she obtains similar results. Mary is going to _____ Latonya's work.


Laxmi is a mother. The responsibilities and expectations associated with this position constitute a social:


For which disorder(s) is psychodynamic therapy probably LEAST effective?


Developing a hypothesis is the _____ step in the scientific method.


Victor holds doors open for attractive female classmates because they usually smile when he does so. Victor's behavior is maintained by _____ reinforcement.


Fear and anger are associated with _____ patterns of sympathetic nervous system activity.

slightly different

The study of human cognition, emotion, and behavior in relation to others is called:

social psychology

Cells responsible for producing new neurons are called:

stem cells

Aversion therapy is often used to treat:

substance abuse

Dayton's pupils are dilated and his heart is pounding immediately after he gets terrified by a large groundhog running across his driveway after he parks his car. His _____ nervous system is activated.


Cannon and Bard argued that the _____ plays a key role in emotional experience when it splits in two different directions.


The limbic system contains the:

thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus

encoding specificity principle

the idea that cues and contexts specific to a particular memory will be most effective in helping us recall it

In extreme cases, Sperry's split-brain procedure is used to treat severe:


The first asylums for the mentally ill were founded during the _____ century

16 th

Group therapy originated in the:


Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill began in the:


The English language contains about _____ words to describe emotions.


Group insurance plans have been required to cover mental health treatment since:


Karen is obese. Her BMI is at least:


In one social psychological experiment, each participant is introduced to an attractive stranger. However, these "strangers" are secretly working for the experimenter. The strangers are called:


Why is neural communication sometimes described as an "electrochemical" process?

The action potential is electrical, and transmission across the synapse is chemical.

independent variable

The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.

_____, a _____ theorist, developed person-centered therapy.

carl rogers, humanistic

Psychologists credit _____ with founding the discipline by opening the first psychology laboratory.

William wundth

The pioneering psychologist _____ used a method called _____ to enable subjects to examine their own mental processes.

Wundt, introspection

With respect to the neuron, receiver is to transmitter as _____ is to _____.

axon and dendrite

The concept of an incentive reflects a contribution of the _____ perspective to the psychology of motivation.


Compared with other types of therapy, behavior therapies are generally:


Nerves are:

bundle of neurons

_____ demonstrated how stomach contractions are sometimes indicative of hunger.

cannon and Washburn

In an experiment, the values of the _____ variable are determined by the researcher's manipulation of the _____ variable.

dependent and independent

The behavioral element of a prejudicial attitude toward others is:


Mrs. Janssen is pregnant. Her baby's limbs and ears have just started to form. The baby is in the _____ stage of prenatal development.


A psychological state that includes a subjective experience, a physiological component, and a behavioral expression is a(n):


According to the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion:

emotion involves physiological arousal as well as a cognitive label.

When the room is empty, Frankie studies her art history notes in the lecture hall where she attends class. Frankie is attempting to capitalize on the _____ effect.

encoding specificity

An attribution is a(n):

inference about the cause of a behavior.

LaToya is 28. She is engaged to a young man she has been dating for several years. She is looking forward to marrying and starting a family. It appears that LaToya has successfully negotiated Erikson's _____ stage.

intimacy versus isolation

Dr. Perkins is a college professor. He is frustrated when students ask if text or lecture material will be covered on the next test. Dr. Perkins would prefer students to be interested in learning the material for its own sake rather than only being concerned about a grade. In other words, Dr. Perkins prefers his students to be _____ motivated.


Compared with 42 sessions, 21 sessions of psychotherapy are _____ effective.


The _____ helps regulate emotion, memory, and motivation.

limbic system

Age changes are to age differences as _____ research designs are to _____ research designs.

longitudal, cross sectional

New things tend to "grow on" a person. That is, one likes them more when one has become accustomed to them. This phenomenon is due to the _____ effect.

mere exposure

Early adulthood is to intimacy as _____ is to _____.

middle age, generatively

When an undesirable stimulus is removed following a behavior, _____ has occurred.

negative reinforcement

Actively practicing gratitude by "counting one's blessings":

not only makes one feel happier, but also encourages one to help others.

Peek-a-boo games are compelling for babies because infants in the sensorimotor stage lack:

object permanence

_____ is to _____ as Bandura is to Tolman.

observational and latent learning

The _____ lobe is located near the rear of the skull.


The practice of _____ was an early approach to explaining the functions of the brain that involved analyzing the pattern of bumps on a person's skull.


Anticipating future outcomes or behaviors is at the heart of psychology's goal of:


Which two goals are included in the four goals of psychology?

prediction and control

Attitude is to behavior as _____ is to _____.

prejudice and discrimination

Meredith remembers the first several companies she contacted in her job search, but not the next few; this exemplifies the _____ effect.


The "Golden Age" of the prefrontal lobotomy occurred:

through the 1930s to 1950

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