Psychology Ch 2

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What is the approximate resting potential of a neuron?

-70 mV

Recent research suggests that hand preference begins to develop

before birth

Agonists do all of the following EXCEPT

block receptor sites

In contrast to agonists, antagonists are drugs that

block receptors sites

The brain and the spinal cord make up the

central nervous system

The part of the nervous system that enables you to make sense of the world around you is the

central nervous system

The fact that alcohol often causes problems with balance and coordination suggests that it may have an effect in the


Which part of the brain controls balance and coordination?


In twin studies, the _________ describes the percentage of cases in which both members of twin pairs share the same trait or disorder.

concordance rate

Which of these best identifies the soma's function?

controlling metabolic processes

Split-brain patients are the results of an operation that servers the

corpus callosum

Which brain structure is described as the connection between the two cerebral hemispheres?

corpus callosum

Which of the following is NOT released by the adrenal glands?

cortical steroids

There are ___________ types of neurons in the human nervous system and these are called _____________.

3; afferent, efferent, and associative cells

The brain has ______ major parts and they are called the ________.

3; hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain

The cerebral cortex accounts for approximately what percentage of the brain's total mass?


Which of the following best describes a synapse?

A tiny gap separating one neuron from another through which messages are carried

Which hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete other hormones that promote muscle development?


__________ are also called neural impulses

Action potentials

Shalanda's daughter touches her hand. Sensory receptors in Shalanda's skin transmit info about this sensation to Shalanda's spinal cord and brain. Which type of neuron is responsible for this process?


Delta Epsilon fraternity sponsors a Beer Fest every October, where party-goers consume large amounts of alcohol. At the neurotransmitter level, what is happening to the party-goers?

Alcohol increases sensitivity of receptor sites for gamma-amniobutyric acid (GABA)

A __________ is an automatic, unlearned response to a stimulus.


Which part of a neuron could best be described as a "docking station"?


Actor Michael J. Fox and boxing great Muhammad Ali have a disease that leads to progressive loss of their motor functioning. This condition results from a shortage of


Cocaine and amphetamines increase the availability of which neurotransmitter?


Psychologists believe that irregularities in _______________ transmission may help explain symptoms of schizophrenia.


Sonal is at a brain research center, participating in a study. She is hooked up to a machine that measures electrical activity in her brain through the use of electrodes attracted to her scalp. The description best characterizes which of the following techniques?


Sharon is a long-distance runner. After a certain point in her workout, she begins to feel a natural "high" instead of pain. This feeling is likely the result of chemicals in her brain called


Adoptee studies describe efforts to

examine similarities between adopted children and their biological or adoptive parents

Among five sets of identical twins, how many pairs are predicted to share the same hand preference?

four pair

Which parts of the forebrain are sometimes described as the "executive center" and can be likened to the central processing unit of a computer?

frontal lobes

Which technique helps scientists understand why people cannot tickle themselves?

functional MRI

Which technique can best be described as taking snapshots of the brain in action?

functional magnetic resonance imaging

Besides the neuron, the other main type of cell in the nervous system is the ________ cell.


Glial cells function most like which of the following?


The resting potential of a neuron is a result of the

high concentration of sodium ions outside the cell

The _____________ is located just behind the amygdala and can be described as playing an important role in the formation of memories.


Twenty-three-year-old Thomas has schizophrenia. Familial association studies suggest that which of Thomas's relatives is most likely to also have schizophrenia?

his monozygotic twin

Juan eats a meal full of sugar and starches. In response, his pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream which stimulates his cells to draw more glucose from his blood. This decreases the level of glucose in Guan;s body and, eventually, the pancreas reduces its insulin secretion. Juan's endocrine system is engaging in which process?


Dr. Williamson conducts research examining the effects of electrical stimulation in certain parts of the brain. Dr. Williamson has found that stimulations of this part of the brain in laboratory rats will result in changes to the rats' mating, eating, and socialization behaviors. Based on this description, which part of the brain is Dr. Williamson most likely to be studying?


Which brain structure regulates such bodily functions as thirst and hunger, fluid concentrations, and body temperature?


Which hormone is involved in regulating blood sugar levels?


What is the most common type of neuron found in your nervous system?


Your heartbeat, digestion, and pupil contractions are ____________ processes regulated by the ______________ nervous system.

involuntary; autonomic

Regarding Parkinson's disease, which of the following statements is FALSE?

it involves an excess of the neurotransmitter glutamate

Wernicke's area is associated with ________, whereas Broca's area is associated with _________

language comprehension; language production

Scientists use the term ________ to describe the division of functions between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.


Broca's area is located in the __________ lobe, while Wernicke's area is located in the ___________ lobe.

left frontal; left temproal

All but which of the following techniques are used for recording and/or imaging the brain?


Depolarization occurs when the neuron becomes

less negative due to the influx of sodium ions

According to research examining the relationship between genetics and shyness, parents who are overprotective of a shy child

may accentuate the child's shyness

All of the following are components of a neuron EXCEPT the


In the endocrine system, __________ is to the pineal gland as ___________ is to the pancreas.

melatonin; insulin

In neurons, efferent is to __________ as afferent is to __________.

motor; sensory

The fatty layer of cells that is wrapped around many axons is called the

myelin sheath

White matter refers to

myelinated axons

The fundamental building block of the nervous system is the _________.


In neutral communication, ________ is to key as ________ is to lock.

neurotransmitter; receptor site

Chemical messengers that transport nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another are called


Regarding terminal buttons, which of the following is FALSE?

Terminal buttons are the most common type of neuron in the nervous system.

Of the following hormones, which can we describe as most likely to be related to aggressive behavior?


Which of the following does NOT occur during the refractory period?

neurotransmitters are pumped in.

Which chemical are described as both neurotransmitters and hormones?

norepinephrine and epinephrine

Simon "sees stars" after being hit on the head. Based on this description, Simon's experience is the result of actions in his

occipital lobe

In the cerebral cortex, _____ is to vision as ________ is to hearing.

occipital; temporal

After a neuron fires, about how long is its refractory period?

one-thousandth of a second

Somatosensory information is processed by which lobe?


Which lobe processes information related to touch and body movements?


The limbic system includes all but which of the following?


Trina has recently been having trouble staying awake throughout the day. Which area of Trina's brain is related to her difficulty?


Which techniques can best be described as using the measurement of radioactive isotopes to evaluate the activity of the brain?

positron emission tomography

Phineas Gage showed severe personality changes following an accident that damaged his

prefrontal cortex

Scientists consider the _________ to be the "seat of intelligence."

prefrontal cortex

A lesion is

a portion of the brain that has been purposefully damaged

Glial cells do all but which of the following?

produce neurotransmitters

The sympathetic nervous system does each of the following EXCEPT ________

promote digestion

Prolonged neurotransmitter activity is prevented by all of the following functions EXCEPT

release of excitatory neurotransmitters

Which of the following is NOT part of the hindbrain?

reticular formation

If you were to look at the structures in the forebrain, you would find that the hippocampus can be described as being shaped like a(n)


On a camping trip, Eleni accidentally steps on a hot coal from the campfire. Upon touching the coal, her foot reflexively withdraws from the coal. What is the sequence of response in Eleni's neurons?

sensory neuron - interneuron - motor neuron

14-year-old Anton takes Prozac for his depression. Chemically speaking, Prozac works for Anton primarily by increasing the availability of ____________ in his brain.


Melatonin, which is secreted by the pineal gland, plays a role in regulating


All of the following senses are routed through the thalamus EXCEPT


In a neuron, the cell's metabolic functions are performed by the


In the autonomic nervous system, __________ is to release, as _______ is to replenish

sympathetic; parasympathetic

Damage to which portion of the cerebral cortex would most likely interfere with a person's hearing?

temporal lobe

Following brain trauma, Takami has difficulty processing auditory stimuli. Based on this description, Takami probably suffered damage to which portion of her brain?

temporal lobe

The knoblike swellings at the ends of axons are called

terminal buttons

Which brain structure is best described as a "relay station"?


Your anatomy professor states that today's lecture will be about the central nervous system. Which parts of the body do you expect to learn about?

the brain and spinal cord

The body's master control unit describes

the central nervous system.

The term lateralization refers to

the division of functions between the right and left hemispheres

A familial association study is used to determine

the extent to which the same disorders or traits are shared among family members.

When split-brain patients are shown pictures of objects presented on the left side of the visual field, they can frequently identify the object by touch , even though they cannot name the object verbally. This illustrates

the importance of the left hemisphere in producing language.

Regarding the limbic system, which of the following statements is FALSE?

the limbic system includes the amygdala, hippocampus, and basal ganglia

Regarding the organization of the brain and its function, which of the following statements is FALSE?

the midbrain plays an important role in the regulation of memory and emotions.

The two subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system are

the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems

In a twin study, an investigator compares concordance rates of fraternal and identical twins. A concordance rate is best described as

the percentage of shared traits or disorders

Which gland is best described as the "master gland" ?

the pituitary

Which portion of the central nervous system serves as the link between the brain and the peripheral nervous system?

the spinal cord

Regarding the nervous system, which of the following statements is FALSE?

there are more neurons than glial cells in the nervous system.

Charlize is excessively anxious and irritable. Charlize probably has an excess of which type of hormone?


What best identifies the job of a synapse?

to provide a place in which neurons's genetic materials

What is the job of a dendrite?

to receive signals from other neurons

Positron emission tomography (PET) scans work by

tracing the amount of glucose used in different parts of the brain.

Afferent neurons

transmit information about the outside world to the spinal cord and brain

During the past hour, nine-month-old Heather has engaged in each of the following actions. Which action was NOT controlled by her medulla?

wind caused her mobile to move and she smiled

Anxiety disorders such as panic disorder may be due to reduced levels of


Which of the following neurotransmitters prevents neurons from overly exciting adjacent nerve cells?


Which part of a neuron may range from a few thousandths of an inch to several feet long?


In a neuron, _______ is to sending as _______ is to receiving

axon; dendrite

Approximately how thick is your cerebral cortex?

1/8 inch

Humans have ____________ chromosomes

23 pairs

Which of the following is an antagonist that blocks the actions of a particular neurotransmitter?

Antipsychotic drugs that help control hallucinations and delusional thinking.

Which of the following situations is the type of physical functioning primarily influenced by the parasympathetic nervous system?

Betty mediates and visualizes positive outcomes every morning upon awakening

Regarding the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system, which of the following statements is best described as FALSE?

Both convey their messages through a network of nerves

During his first three years of life, Jason has developed many motor skills like crawling, walking, and running that require his muscles to move efficiently and smoothly. In terms of brain function, Jason's motor development is the result of which process?

Development of myelin sheath

Shelley drinks two caffeinated grande lattes every morning. In terms of neurotransmission, what is happening in Shelley's body?

Caffeine in the coffee serves as an agonist that increases the availability of glutamate

All but which of the following describe the reticular formation?

Controls heartbeat

Regarding the human genome, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Each cell in the human body contains the full complement of human genes.

Of the following people, which is most likely to be relying primarily on the use of the right hemisphere?

Eduardo is listening to music

Jackson had an operation in which his corpus callosum was severed. It is most likely that Jackson had which disease?


Endorphins are similar in chemical structures to which drug?


Releasing factors are secreted by the


Associative neuron is another name for


After a car accident, Brandon lost some of his visual abilities. Based on this description of his injuries, which portion of Brandon's cerebral cortex was probably damaged in the accident?

Occipital lobe

Regarding premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which of the following statements is FALSE?

PMS is caused by an imbalance of hormones - too much or too little estrogen or progesterone

Who was a pioneer in the discovery of the language areas of the brain?

Paul Broca

________ is the brain's ability to adapt and reorganize itself following trauma or surgical alternation.


Regarding the organization of the cerebral cortex and cerebrum, which of the following statements is FALSE?

The cerebral cortex is divided into four parts, with the occipital and parietal lobes in the right hemisphere and the frontal and temporal loves in the left hemisphere.

Regarding the frontal cortex, which of the following statements is FALSE?

The frontal lobes contain the motor cortex and the somatosensory cortex

Two psychologists debate the nature-nurture problem. What is the topic of their debate?

The influence of genetics versus environment in human behavior

In the split-brain research study, what will happen when a pencil is presented in the patient's visual field?

The patient will be able to say "pencil" when the pencil is presented to the right visual field, but not when presented to the left visual field.

Regarding a neuron's soma, all but which of the following are TRUE?

The soma conducts outgoing messages to other neurons.

Which of the following is NOT true of action potential?

They all travel at the same speed.

Which of the following statements about spinal reflexes is FALSE?

They always involve three neurons

Regarding neurons, which of the following is NOT true?

They are the only cells found in the nervous system.

Regarding handedness, which of the following statements is FALSE?

When one parent is left-handed and one is right-handed, the chances of the offspring being left-handed are 1 in 2

Which of the following DOES NOT describe functions of the autonomic nervous system?

When one parent is left-handed and one is right-handed, the chances of the offspring being left-handed are 1 in 2

Which type of study provides the clearest way to address the nature-nurture question?

adoptee study

After a motorcycle accident in which she wasn't wearing a helmet, Vanessa has difficulty responding emotionally to unpleasant stimuli. Vanessa most likely experienced damage to which brain structure?


Which of the following is the best definition of genotype?

an organism's genetic code

Damage to Broca's area can lead to


The majority of the cerebral cortex is made up of the

association areas

Which part of the brain is best described as responsible for piecing together sensory input to form meaningful perceptions of the world?

association areas

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