Psychology Ch 8 & 9

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context-dependent memory

Julie most accurately recalls information learned in her history classroom when her recall is tested in the very same classroom. This best illustrates

memory construction

Karl and Dee had a joyful wedding ceremony. After their painful divorce, however, they begin to remember the wedding as a somewhat hectic and unpleasant event. Their recollections best illustrate the nature of


Logical, methodical, step-by-step procedures for solving problems are called

convergent thinking

A person who can effectively identify the best possible answers to multiple- choice test questions best illustrates


Academic problem solving is an example of which type of intelligence, according to Sternberg?


After gathering information about the colleges she was interested in attending. Krista let the information "Incubate" outside her conscious awareness for several days. This provided time for her decisions to be potentially enhanced by

the availability heuristic

After learning that her two best friends had lost their jobs, Mariah began to grossly overestimate the national unemployment rate. Mariah's reaction best illustrates the consequences of


After recovering from a stroke. Farina was able to learn how to hit a tennis ball. She is unable, however, to learn and remember the name of the rehabilitation therapist who has been working with each day to develop her tennis swing. Farin is most likely to have suffered damage to her what?


After research participants have retrieved a long-term memory of a traumatic experience, researchers have attempted to use a drug or painless electroconvulsive shock to disrupt the _______ of that memory.

retroactive interference

After studying biology all afternoon, Alonzo is having difficulty remembering details of the organic chemistry material he memorized that morning. Alonzo'f difficultly best illustrates:


After taking two years of economics courses, Lionel thinks he knows enough about business to become a multimillionaire. Lionel should become more aware of


Although Arturo has looked at his watch thousands of times, he is unable to recall whether the watch features Arabic or Roman numerals. This is most likely because of failure to


Although Yusef was having difficulty recalling the capital of Spain, he quickly and correctly identified it after being given a list of cities in Spain. Yusef's initial inability to recall the answer was due to a failure in


Although she hasn't studied algebra since she was in college. Anthea is helping her son with his algebra homework. As she reviews the material her son is learning, it all seems to come to back to her. Anthea is engaged in

the misinformation effect

An attorney uses misleading questions to distort a court witness' recall of a previously observed crime. This best illustrates:

a heuristic

Anika resisted changing her answer to a test question after reminding herself that "it's always best to stick with your first answer". Anika's decision best illustrates the use of

encoding failure

Austin can't remember Jack Smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when Jack was formally introduced. Austin's poor memory is best explained in terms of:


Beverly is asked to identify the person who mugged her from an array of pictures. This task constitutes a measure of retention known as


Brainstorming sessions that encourage people to spontaneously suggest new and unusual solutions to a problem are designed to avoid

crystallized intelligence

Byong Yu just turned 60 turned 60 years old. He's been an avid reader since he was a child, absorbing information about all kinds of disparate topics. He now feels ready to use his accumulated knowledge to create a book of crossword puzzles. The resulting puzzles would most likely demonstrate his

general intelligence

Caleb had a high score on both the critical reading and mathematics sections of the SAT. He is an excellent map-reader and his reasoning abilities are fantastic. According to Spearman, what factor is likely underlying these abilities?


Carlise's doctor suspects that she may have had a stroke in the past couple days since her fiftieth birthday. So, he has arranged for her to take a test that assesses her verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, and working memory. The test she is taking is the

belief perseverance

Carrie's husband, John, has repeatedly told Carrie that it is not possible for the Earth to be a sphere. He provides her with various forms of evidence to support his view of a flat Earth. Carrie refuses to look at her husband's so-called evidence. This may be related to

body-kinesthetic intelligence

Chandra is very athletic and is able quickly master new and complex dance routines. Howard Gardner would he most likely to suggest that Chandra demonstrates a high level of

infantile amnesia

Children too young to speak have not learned the words that we use to index much of our explicit memory. This most clearly helps explain the occurrence of

chunking is referred to

Combining information into meaningful units

source amnesia

Donald Thompson was an initial suspect in a rape case. The rape victim confused her memories and the actual rapist because she had seen Thompson's image on TV shortly before she was attacked. The victim's false recollection best illustrates


Evidence suggests that procedural memories are stored in the ______.

emtional intelligence

In very stressful or embarrassing situations, Sanura is able to maintain her poise and help others to feel comfortable. Sanura's ability best illustrates the value of

storage decay

Many interesting details of Gwenda's once-vivid childhood memories have been lost because her memory trace had faded over the decades of her adult life. Her memory loss most clearly illustrates

a flashbulb memory

Many older adults can vividly recall where they were and what they were doing the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated, although they cannot remember what they were doing that day before he was assassinated. This is an example of ________


Our immediate short-term memory for new material is limited to roughly _____ bits of information.

language on thinking

Perceived differences between various shades of color are greater if people assign a different name to each hue. This best illustrates the influence of

proactive interference

Professor Masslova has so many memories of former students that she has difficulty remembering the names of new students. The professor difficulty best illustrates

semantic memory

Recalling the definition of long-term memory is an example of _______.


Regina can vividly recall the devastating experience of barely surviving the tsunami that took the lives of many others. It is likely that the stress of the experience provoked the _________ to boost activity in the memory- forming areas of his brain.

motivated forgetting

Research participants who were exposed to very convincing arguments about the desirability of frequent toothbrushing misrecalled how frequently they had brushed their teeth in the proceeding two weeks. This best illustrates

deep processing

Stacy studies throughout the term by linking new psychology terms to her past knowledge. This best illustrates:

conformation bias

The tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions is called


Tyron was not paying attention to his professor's lecture. But when the professor asked him what she had just said, he was surprised that he had a fleeting memory of her last few words. Tyron's experience best illustrates _______ memory.

the recency effect

Wayne has signed up for four courses this semester. On the first day of the class, each professor introduced himself or herself. When Wayne gets back to his apartment, he finds that he remembers only the professor of the last class of the day. This is an example of

fluid intelligence

Which of the following terms refers to a person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly

Retrograde amnesia is defined as

an inability to retrieve information from one's past

working memory

an understanding of short-term memory that adds conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual information, and of information retrieved from long-term memory is referred to as

Christmas is to holiday as _______ is to _________

prototype; concept


the persistence of learning through the storage and retrieval of information

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