Psychology ch.9 and 10

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Erik Erikson

According to _______, lifespan development encompasses eight stages and at each stage we encounter a psychosocial crisis that must be resolved.


According to research, the need for ____ encourages Mr. Blutarski to complete a second PhD, so he can add another accomplishment to his already long list of accolades.

After he has received exciting news

According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, when is the most efficient time for Carl to mow the lawn?


According to the _____ theory of emotions, one's physiological arousal precedes the cognitive experience of a feeling

Identity vs. Confusion

Adolescents (ages 12-18) experiment with and develop a sense of who they are and what roles they want to play. Erik Erikson would argue that during this period adolescents face the _____ task of development.


Age-specific approximations of when a certain skill or ability should first occur in normal development are called developmental _________.

A habit

Amir bites his fingernails when he is nervous or anxious, and he does so without any intention or even recognition that he is doing so. This is an example of ________, a pattern of behavior in which we regularly engage.


Dr. Korkolos is a surgeon who conducts procedures that modify a patient's gastrointestinal system so that they can only eat or absorb a limited amount of food. Dr. Korkolos's expertise is in ________ surgery.


During Jean Piaget's ______ stage, that world is experienced through what we can take in through our perceptual systems and how we can move our bodies.

Concrete operational

During Piaget's proposed _______ stage of development, children understand events and analogies logically, and they can perform simple mathematical operations. At the same time they lack the ability to think abstractly.


During adolescence there is a tendency to see people engage in higher levels of risk-taking behavior. Emotional outbursts are also quite common. This is explained by the relative underdevelopment of the ______ lobe of the cerebral cortex.

At a higher risk of depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders

Early maturing girls are_________.


Elroy decided not to cheat on the exam because he would fail the class if he was caught and he'll get punished by his parents. What stage of moral development does this exemplify?

How psychological mechanisms serve as the basis for hunger

Empty stomachs contract, causing both hunger pangs and the secretion of chemical messages that travel to the brain to serve as a signal to initiate feeding behavior. This is an example of ______.


Food, water, shelter, and warmth represent_____needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Grasping a toy, writing with a pencel, and using a spoon are all examples of _______ motor skills.


Greg is 5 feet three inches tall and weighs 260 pounds. His body mass index, or BMI, is 42.7. According to the standards set by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Greg is _______.

Facial feedback hypothesis

If you suggest that smiling can make someone feel happier, then you believe in the ____________.


Jory, a six year old, is picking out a card for his mother's birthday. He picks the card with a picture of Lightning McQueen, reasoning that since he loves Cars his mother does to. What does this exemplify?


Jules is participating in the Strange Situation experiment. When his mother returns, he freezes, and then behaves erratically. In fact, he runs away from his mother. What kind of attachment is this?

object permanece

Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify?

Anorexia nervosa

Mercy has maintained her body weight far below what is healthy through starvation and constant exercise. Despite her drastically thin appearance, Mercy genuinely believes that she is overweight, often referring to herself as "fat." Mercy probably suffers from _______.


One-year-old Ainsley learned that schema for trucks because his family has a truck. When Ainsley sees cars driving on television, she says, "Look mommy, truck!" This exemplifies_________.

Limbic system

Research has found that the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala, both which are part of the _______, are brain areas that are particularly important in sexual motivation.


Ross has learned that he has Parkinson's disease, and that in time he will lose some of his cognitive faculties. He and his wife have a lawyer draw up a document that names her a health care______ who will be able to make medical decisions for Ross when he is unable to do so for himself.


Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represent the ____ level of needs in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Sweating and shivering are responses created due to internal temperature fluctuations, and they are designed to bring the body back into ______.

set point

The _______ theory asserts that each individual has an ideal body weight that is resistant to change.

Basolateral; nucleus

The ________ complex and central _______ are both part of the amygdala.


The ________ complex is the part of the brain with dense connections with a variety of sensory areas of the brain; it is critical for classical conditioning and attaching emotional value to memory.

Death will dignity and pain management in a humane and comfortable setting

The goal of hospice care is to provide


The notion that the manner in which one's brain develops can have a significant impact on a person's cognitive functioning is central to the ________ perspective in developmental psychology.


Umberto is a one year old, and his mother is sensitive and responsive to his needs. He is distressed when his mother leaves him, and he is happy to see her when she returns. What kind of attachment is this?


Victoria has learned that she has metastatic breast cancer and has only a few months to live. She immediately goes to church and prays that she will a change her ay and will become a model Christian if God will just heal her illness. Victoria is at the ____ stage of grieving.

genes and biology

What does nature refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

environment and culture

What does nurture refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

It will not result in long term weight loss because the body will resist change and seek its initial set point

What does set point theory suggest about the probable results of bariatric surgery?

A generic disorder that results in persistent feelings of intense hunger and reduced rates of metabolism

What is Prader-Willi syndrome?

A legal document that provides specific interventions that a person want

What is an advanced directive?

Bulimia nervosa involves inappropriate purging behaviors while binge eating disorder does not

What is the primary distinction between bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder?


When development proceeds in a stepwise fashion with periods of growth interrupted by periods where growth is not occuring, we day that development is taking a(n) _________ trajectory.

Sexual orientation is something with which we are born

When one considers the majority of the scientific date=a that are available, what can be said about sexual orientation?

Reduction in pulse and blood pressure

Which choice would you not expect to occur during the excitement phase of the sexual response cycle?


Which individual produced volumes that discussed sexual behavior among Americans in a way that had never before been made public, research that was not happily received by all who read it?

Scott knows that one piece of pizza cut into two slices is the same amount as cutting the same piece of pizza into three slices.

Which of the following illustrates conservation?

object permanence

Which of the following is not a developmental issue children face during the preoperational stage?

Younger average age for marriage

Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the new lifespan development category called emerging adulthood?

When we are bored, we look for excitement and when we are over excited we wish for more peace

Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe?


Which option is best described as a hormone that induces feelings of satietym or fullness when eating?


Which parenting style is most encouraged in modern America?


Which theorist promoted the idea that development is fundamentally affected by one's culture as well as their interactions with their own environment?


________ are concepts (mental models) that are used to help us categorize and interpret information.


________ development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness.


_________ development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.


18-month-old Gordon learned the schema for apples. When Gordon sees tomatoes at the grocery store, he says, look mommy, apples! His mother tells him that the food he sees at the store is a tomato, not an apple. He now has separate schemata for tomatoes and apples. This exemplifies________.

Formal operational

According to Jean Piaget, in what stage do children begin to use abstract thinking processes?


Balancing, running, and jumping are all examples of ________ motor skills.

Trust vs. Mistrust

Between birth and one year, infants are dependent on their caregivers; therefore, caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's needs help their baby to develop a sense of the world as a safe, predictable place. In Erikson's developmental theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?


Britta knows that it is wrong to break into a store that is closed, but there is a medical emergency and she has no cell phone with her. Her date has collapsed on the street and is having a seizure. Britta breaks the windown of a local store, unlocks the door, and lets herself in to call the police. She stays behind to explain her behavior to the store owner, who shows up shortly after he is called. Britta is operating at the ________ level of Kohlberg's theory of morality.


Cici firmly believes that every child deserves a loving parent. She becomes a foster parent because she knows that it is the right thing to do, even though she receives no material rewards for doing so. Cici becomes a foster parent because of ________ motivation.

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Module 2: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention., Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (MODULE 2)

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