Psychology Exam 2 Review

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In Stage 4 of sleep A. Growth hormone is produced B. Hypnogogic images and hypnic jerks may can occur C. Spindles appear in EGG


Our ability to learn and form memories is greatly inhibited by A. hypersomnia B. sleep deprivation C. obesity D. our identity formation


Selective attention involves being able to focus on multiple stimuli at the same time. A. true B. false


The REM sleep disorder in which someone's breathing repeatedly stops while asleep is called? A. insomnia B. sleep apnea C. nightmares D. night terrors


The mental events that take place inside a person's mind while behaving are known as A. learning B. cognition C. classical conditioning D. instinct


The occurrence of the serial position effect is limited to human verbal memorization. A. true B. false


The stroop task is an example of A. Selective Attention B. Divided Attention


What are the effects after three nights of sleep deprivation? A. concentration deteriorates, hand tremors B. microsleeps C. paranoia, illusions, hallucinations


What controls circadian rhythms? A. hypothalamus B. suprachiasmatic nucleus and hypothalamus C. hypocampus D. suprachiamatic nucleus


What drug causes distorted perception and hallucinations? A. stimulants B. hallucinogen C. depressant D. narcotic


What is the theory on dreams in which recent learning experiences influence interpretation of random brain activity? A. cognitive B. activation-information-mode C. activation synthesis


Animals that have few natural predators, such as bears and lions, often sleep between 12 to 15 hours each day. On the other hand, animals that have many natural predators have only short periods of sleep, usually getting no more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep each day. This is an example of A. Adaptive Theory of Sleep B. Restorative Theory of Sleep


Astor wanted to try marijuana to experience the effects of which of the following class of drugs? A. Hallucinogens B. Depressants C. Stimulants D. Opioids


Bandura conducted some of his research to study A. possible links between children's exposure to violence on television and aggressive behavior toward others. B. hero worship in children. C. people's innate aggressiveness. D. he effects of rewards on children's behavior.


Ecstasy is classified as a A. Stimulatory Hallucinogenic B. Major Tranquilizer C. Bensodiazepine D. Narcotic


Eduardo is watching people walk down the street, when all of a sudden, he thinks, "Was that man wearing a bright purple suit?" As a result of this thought, he looks back at the man to see if it is true. Which type of memory is responsible for Eduardo's behavior? A. iconic sensory B. long term C. working D. short term


For every 25 boxes of cookies Tammy sells, her scout troop gets a dollar. On what schedule of reinforcement is Tammy being conditioned? A. Fixed Ratio B. Variable Ratio C. Fixed Interval D. Variable Interval


If researchers are looking to create a conditioned response, what is one thing that must occur to make that happen? A. repetition B. motivation C. maximization D. regulation


In Stage 1 of sleep A. Hypnogogic images and hypnic jerks may can occur B. Spindles appear in EEG C. Delta waves appear in EEG D. Growth Hormone is produced


In a(n) _____ view, consciousness is generated by a set of action potentials in the communication among neurons just sufficient to produce awareness. A. Cognitive Neuroscience B. Evolutionary C. Operant Conditioning D. Psychoanalytic


In the context of a classical conditioning experiment, when a dog salivates as he eats his food, the dog's salivation is called the ___________. A. unconditional response B. sensation response C. reactive response D. conditioned response


Khalila decided to try a new dish consisting of rice and tomatoes just as she was coming down with the flu. Now, every time she sees rice or tomatoes, she gets sick to her stomach. In this example, Khalila's experience of nausea at the sight of rice or tomatoes exhibits a(n) A. conditioned response B. conditioned stimulus C. unconditioned stimulus D. unconditioned response


Long-term memories may be inaccessible because A. of interference B. most people do not try hard enough to retrieve them C. most of them are actually lost D. they were not paid attention to in the first place


Manny was talking to his friend as he was walking out the door. A few minutes later, Manny asked his friend about the conversation they had few minutes earlier while walking out the door. Because his friend was not paying attention to him, he could not recall what Manny had said. Manny's friend experienced A. encoding failure B. premature recall C. memory trace D. proactive interference


Pedro was able to recall his new friend's phone number by reminding himself that the last four digits were the same as his own, just in a different order. Pedro was using _____ to help him remember his friend's phone number. A. a retrieval cue B. implicit memory C. chunking D. the digit span technique


Sammy and his friends are watching animated fight scenes on television. Based on Bandura's findings in the Bobo doll experiment, it seems likely that later, at play, Sammy and his friends will A. imitate many of the violent actions they witnessed on TV B. imitate the dialogue between the characters. C. be much less aggressive. D. be slightly less aggressive.


Selective attention is required when performing tasks like taking notes or taking a test. A. true B. false


Shortly after eating a piece of his great aunt's famous coconut cake, which he has had many times, Amad became very nauseous. Now, whenever his great aunt offers him a piece of cake, Amad quickly declines. Which of the following concepts best explains Amad's change in behavior? A. conditioned taste aversion B. extinction C. stimulus discrimination D. vicarious conditioning


The Primacy Effect refers to the fact that we have better memory for the first few items than the middle items. A. true B. false


The REM sleep disorder in which someones suffers from the inability to get to sleep, stay asleep, or get a good quality of sleep is called? A. insomnia B. nightmare C. sleep apnea D. night terrors


The cocktail phenomenon is an example of A. Selective Attention B. Divided Attention


What drug increases the activity of the nervous system? A. stimulant B. narcotic C. depressant D. hallucinogen


What drug suppresses pain by binding to receptors sites for endorphins? A. narcotics b. hallucinogen C. stimulant D. depressant


What is somnambulism? A. sleepwalking B. sleep talking


What is somniloquy? A. sleep talking B. sleepwalking


What is the theory on dreams in which dream are an attempt to make sense of random brain activity? A. activation-synthesis B. cognitive C. activation-information-mode


When a memory is being formed, several changes take place in the brain in a process called A. consolidation B. deep processing C. automatic encoding D. encoding specifically


When children witness other children cry when getting a vaccination, and the witnesses then cry before the needle even touches them, it is an example of A. vicarious conditioning B. biological preparedness C. unconditioned response D. a reflex


When we are tired, our ability to __________ is seriously impaired. A. focus B. eat C. stay asleep D. fall asleep


Which theory of hypnosis includes the idea that one part of the consciousness separates from another? A. neodissociative theory B. social-cognitive theory


While in the store with her little sister, Amber decided to stop to take a look at some jewelry. As soon as she turned her head, her sister disappeared. Though it only took minutes to find her, Amber's fear of losing her sister again caused Amber to keep a very close eye on her from that moment on. Amber's change in behavior demonstrates which of the following? A. learning B. maturation C. shaping D. behavior modification


_____ memory is like a giant filing system in which the files are individual bits and pieces of memories stored in a highly organized and interconnected fashion. A. long term B. short term C. historical D. biographical


A multiple-choice test requires the use of what type of retrieval process? A. recall B. recognition C. rote memorization D. encoding


Aida loves to sing for her family and friends but is extremely shy. In order to encourage her to sing again, which of the following is a primary reinforcement that Aida's mom might use? A. Shower her with applause B. Promise her an ice cream cone when she sings C. Offer her money D. Praise her for doing such a good job


An example of positive reinforcement would be _____________. A. touching a hot stove B. receiving a treat for good behavior C. buckling your seatbelt to stop the annoying sound D. having your cell phone taken away


Decay is the fading of A. the semantic network B. a memory trace C. procedural memory D. implicit memory


Ebbinghaus found that forgetting A. is unnecessary B. is greatest just after learning C. is avoidable D. happens several hours after learning


If you are dreaming that a monster is chasing you, the monster is the A. Cultural Content B. Manifest Content C. Gender Schema D. Latent Content


In the context of a classical conditioning experiment, when a dog salivates as he eats his food, the food is considered the ____________. A. neutral stimulus B. unconditioned stimulus C. conditioned stimulus D. negative stimulus


It had been five years since Merrill had taken a psychology course, and he found himself back in school taking Introduction to Psychology all over again. Unfortunately, Merrill had a difficult time remembering anything that he had learned previously. Merrill's forgetting in this situation is most likely due to A. the recency effect B. decay C. the primacy effect D. proactive interference


Jade was asked to participate in an experiment. The experimenter read aloud to her a series of numbers that she was then asked to repeat back to him in the same order. As Jade continued to answer correctly, the lists became longer and longer until she finally could not get the numbers right. The experiment in which Jade was asked to participate involved the use of what memory test? A. working memory test B. the digit span test C. echoing memory test D. selective attention test


Memory for facts is called _____ memory because facts are things that are known and can be stated outright. A. definitive B. declarative C. encyclopedic D. procedural


Which of the following situations best demonstrates waking consciousness? A. Doretta wobbles just a bit as she tries to walk after drinking three glasses of wine. B. Orlando carefully calculates his taxes two weeks before taxes are due. C. Derrick brings his car to a sudden halt as he notices that the light has already turned red. D. Kim fights to keep her eyes open as she reads a bedtime story to her children.


Which theory of hypnosis includes the idea that people play a role without altering their state of consciousness? A. neodissociative theory B. social-cognitive theory


Antwon cannot seem to focus in class today. Though he is not asleep, his mind appears to be drifting off, leading to thoughts of his girlfriend, his job, and upcoming events of the day. Antwon appears to be in which of the following states of consciousness? A. Unconscious B. Unfocused C. Altered D. Waking


In Stage 2 of sleep A. Hypnogogic images and hypnic jerks may can occur B. Delta waves appear in EEG C. Spindles appear in EEG D. Growth hormone is produced


In Stage 3 of sleep A. Hypnogogic images and hypnic jerks may can occur B. Growth hormone is produced C. Delta waves appear in EGG D. Night terrors occur


Insomnia can be helped by A. Watching TV in Bed B. Dealing with Anxieties Directly before Going to Bed C. Going to Bed only when Sleepy D. Using Sleeping Pills


Köhler determined that insight A. can be taught through classical conditioning. B. is instinctual. C. cannot be gained through trial-and-error learning alone. D. is not present in animals.


Many researchers believe that reports of ghostly visions and alien abductions can be explained by _____ during N1 sleep. A. Divided Consciousness B. REM Rebound C. Hypnogogic Images D. Heightened Conciousness


Night terrors are experienced A. During N1 B. During REM Sleep C. During Deep Non-REM Sleep D. Microsleep


Seligman connects learned helplessness to A. phobias of flying B. bipolar disorder C. depression D. obsessive compulsive disorder


The REM sleep disorder in which bad dreams occur is called? A. night terrors B. insomnia C. nightmares D. sleep apnea


The REM sleep disorder in which someone can experience REM sleep attacks during the day is called? A. sleep apnea B. insomnia C. narcolepsy D. nightmares


The four elements of observational learning are attention, memory, _____, and _____. A. cognition; imagination B. imagination; desire C. imitation; desire D. imitation; cognition


The information-processing model of memory suggests that A. information that is deeply processed will be remembered more efficiently and for a longer period of time. B. information is stored in the brain in a connected fashion, with concepts that are related stored physically close to each other. C. the process of memory storage is similar to the way a computer processes memory in a series of three stages. D. memory processes take place simultaneously throughout a widespread network of neural connections.


What are the effects after four nights of sleep deprivation? A. microsleeps B. concentration deteriorates, hand tremors C. paranoia, illusions, hallucinations


What are the effects after one night of sleep deprivation? A. microsleeps B. paranoia, illusions, hallucinations C. concentration deteriorates, hand tremors


What drug decreases the activity of the nervous system? A. stimulant B. hallucinogen C. depressant D. narcotic


What is the theory on dreams in which dreams are involuntary attempts at problem solving and play a role in learning? A. activation-information-mode B. activation synthesis C. cognitive


Which is an example of a recognition task? A. filling out a job application B. a short answer question C. a word search puzzle D. an essay question


Which of the following examples of change demonstrates learning? A. Isaiah sits for the first time. B. As Lamont grows older, he begins to look more and more like his father. C. Ama slows down her car after seeing a police officer on the side of the road. D. Kara asks her mom for a new pair of shoes after noticing an increase in the size of her feet.


_____ suppress the sensation of pain by binding to and stimulating the nervous system's natural receptor sites for endorphins. A. Hallucinogens B. Amphetamines C. Opiates D. Barbiurates


According to the _____, a dream is merely another kind of thinking that occurs when people sleep. A. Psychoanalytic Model B. Restorative Theory C. Adaptive Theory D. Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis


After passing his chemistry exam, Tito was told by his parents that he would be able to have access to the family car for a week. Tito's parents are using A. higher-order conditioning B. behavior modification C. shaping D. positive reinforcement


An example of negative punishment would be ______________. A. being yelled at B. touching a hot stove C. receiving a treat for good behavior D. being grounded


As _____ accumulates in the body, a person will begin to feel sleepy. A. Dopamine B. Insulin C. Endorphins D. Melatonin


Clay told his therapist about a dream he had in which he was flying on an airplane, but he was unaware of his destination. Clay's therapist explained that the flying in his dream, in its latent context, represents freedom and independence from his parents and the unknown destination exemplifies a sense of fear and doubt from no longer having parents as guides. Clay's therapist appears to be using _____ to explain his dream. A. Hail's Interpretation of Dreams B. The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis C. The Activation-Information-Mode Model D. A Freudian Psychoanalytic Interpretation


For which of the following would hypnosis probably be most effective? A. Helping people to stop smoking B. Changing eating habits C. Curing alcoholism D. Controlling pain


Four-year-old Denise was sound asleep. Suddenly, without warning, she sat straight up and began to scream. Her mother tried to calm her down with no success. Finally, after about 45 seconds of what appeared to be a panic attack, Denise quietly lied back down. When morning came and Denise awoke, she could not remember anything that had happened during the night. It is likely that Denise experienced A. REM Rebound B. Nightmare C. Somnambulism D. Night Terror


In most employment situations, people are paid A. variable ratio schedule of reinforcement B. variable schedule of reinforcement C. continuous reinforcement D. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement


In what stage of sleep do night terrors occur? A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 C. Stage 3 D. Stage 4


It is extremely difficult to bring _____ memories into consciousness. A. episodic B. semantic C. sensory D. implicit


Kayla fell and broke her arm at the age of two, but when asked if she remembers, she notes that she has no recollection of the incident. Kayla's inability to recall the event might be best explained as A. anterograde amnesia B. retrograde amnesia C. autobiographical amnesia D. infantile amnesia


Kevin was in a study room during which he was shown a photo of a man with straight hair. Later, he was asked if he noticed the man's curly hair. Kevin was then convinced that the man in the photo had curly hair. This is an example of A. false memory syndrome B. the curve of forgetting C. retrograde amnesia D. the misinformation effect


One theory of dreaming says that the brain _____, or puts together, an explanation of the cortex's activation from memories and other stored information. A. Adapts B. Bombards C. Imagines D. Synthesizes


Pavlov's dogs exhibited stimulus discrimination when they A. stopped experiencing the conditioned response in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus. B. salivated at the sound of the metronome after a few weeks of not hearing it. C. initially began salivating to the metronome when presented with food. D. did not demonstrate a conditioned response upon hearing ticking sounds similar to the metronome.


Research on _____ memory has implications for understanding learning and attention disorders as well as various dementia-related memory problems A. biographical B. long-term C. implicit D. working


Sleepwalking, sleep talking, and night terrors can all occur in what sleeping stage? A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 C. Stage 3 D. Stage 4


Tamar just cannot seem to get away from the slot machines. She has no idea how many times she has to pull the levers to win money, but she is aware that at some point, she is likely to win. What schedule of reinforcement is being used in this example? A. Fixed Interval B. Variable Interval C. Fixed Ratio D. Variable Ratio


The _____ assumes that how long a memory will be remembered depends on the stage of memory in which it is stored. A. levels of processing model B. sensory memory C. parallel distributed processing model D. information processing model


The _____ of hypnosis suggests that people who are hypnotized are not in an altered state, but are playing the role expected of them in that situation. A. Activation-Information-Mode Model B. Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis C. Adaptive Theory D. Social-Cognitive Theory


The idea that memory formation is a simultaneous process is reflected in the _____ model. A. levels of processing B. information processing C. iconic memory D. parallel distributed processing


The social-cognitive theory of hypnosis assumes that people who are hypnotized are A. In a kind of dreamlike state B. Completely under the command of the hypnotist C. In a fully altered state D. Only playing a role


What drug alters thinking, perception, or memory? A. stimulant B. depressant C. narcotic D. psychoactive


What is the name of the effect whereby the last few items are more likely to be recalled than the middle items? A. the working memory effect B. the primary effect C. the serial position effect D. the recency effect


When under the influence of a stimulant, you are likely to be in a state of A. Divided Consciousness B. Waking Consciousness C. Hypnosis D. Increased Alertness


Which brain parts have been associated with changes in attention? A. brainstem B. reticular formation C. frontal lobe D. all of the above


Which of the following increases the probability of a behavior recurring? A. motivation B. repetition C. punishment D. Reinforcement


_____ dependence is the most common in the United States after alcohol and nicotine. A. Methamphetamine B. Cocaine C. Barbiturate D. Cannabis


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