Psychology Exam 3

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causes of infertility in women

- blocked fallopian tube - declining hormone levels -chemically hostile cervical mucus irregular ovulation failure to ovulate endometriosis

The Miracle of Birth Youtube

-"it hurts but it is worth it" -cervic plugged with mucus -shape painful contraction enlarge cervix -"kill me doctor, doula, or midwife" -tear, tear, tear goes the vagina -expel placenta or you will die -months you will be depressed because you have wrecked your life and body

key finding of reproductive lives around the world

-60 percent of adolescent births throughout the world are unplanned -greater contraceptive use (still low in caribbeans and africa) -stis threaten the lives and health of young women and their newborns -sexual relationships that result from force, coercion, and abuse


-90 percent of americans over the age of 65 become grandparents, some people become grandparents much earlier -about half of women become grandparents before the age of 50 -many women are working women and have less time to devote to grandparenting actitivies -on the other hand, many grandparents are taking on the responsbility of raising their grandchildren (grandmothers have warmer relationships with their grandchildren) -single mother children are particularly close to their maternal grandmother

Black-ish takes on postpartum depression

-And it's entirely appropriate that "Mother Nature," which depicts Rainbow Johnson's experience with postpartum depression, airs on World Mental Health Day. -Her postpartum depression affects the entire family, and at first, everyone — including Bow — is unsure of how to proceed. -One of the many facts about the condition that is gracefully woven into the episode notes that one in seven women goes through postpartum depression after the birth of a child. -"It was a heavy scene," Ross says. "At the end of one of the takes, I couldn't stop crying for real." -the Johnson kids try to take on some household tasks in an effort to make their mom feel better. -"So it seems natural to show that the kids are a little bit afraid, and they are trying to do things, in a comedic way, to make everything OK with their mom. -And as resilient as any mother thinks she is, there are always media images and post-birth stories that can make her feel inadequate, which is one of the themes of the episode -And for a lot of women it's the hardest time, and they feel alone and like they're doing it wrong."

Nothing Protects Black Women From Dying in Pregnancy and Childbirth, Pro Publica

-At 36, Shalon had been part of their elite ranks — an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the preeminent public health institution in the U.S. There she had focused on trying to understand how -. Three weeks after giving birth, Shalon had collapsed and died. -"People say to me, 'She won't know her mother.' That's not true," Sellers said. "Her mother is in each and every one of you, each and every one of us. ... This child is a gift to us. -disproportionately high rates of maternal mortality -her B.A. in sociology, her two master's degrees and dual-subject Ph.D., her gold-plated insurance and rock-solid support system — had not been enough to ensure her survival. If a village this powerful hadn't been able to protect her, was any black woman safe? -black woman is 22 percent more likely to die from heart disease than a white woman, 71 percent more likely to perish from cervical cancer, but 243 percent more likely to die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related causes. -: A 2016 analysis of five years of data found that black college-educated mothers who gave birth in local hospitals were more likely to suffer severe complications of pregnancy or childbirth than white women who never graduated from high school. -differential access to healthy food and clean drinking water, safe neighborhoods and good schools, decent jobs and reliable transportation. -The hospitals where they give birth are often the products of historical segregation, lower in quality than those where white mothers deliver, with significantly higher rates of lifethreatening complications. -Limited diversity in the medical profession contributes to the black mothers' sense of alienation. Blacks make up 6 percent of doctors (though 11 percent of OB-GYNs), 3 percent of medical school faculty and less than 2 percent of National Institutes of Health-funded principal investigators. -Weathering "causes a lot of different health vulnerabilities and increases susceptibility to infection," she said, "but also early onset of chronic diseases, in particular, hypertension and diabetes" — conditions that disproportionately affect blacks at much younger ages -Stress has been linked to one of the most common and consequential pregnancy complications, preterm birth. Black women are 49 percent more likely than whites to deliver prematurely -Shalon set the bar especially high: She was pursuing a double Ph.D. in sociology and gerontology, focusing on themes she would return to often — the long-term effects of early childhood trauma and maltreatment -black women are nearly twice as likely to have infertility problems as whites, and when they undergo treatment, there's much less likelihood that the treatments will succeed. -In reality, Shalon's many risk factors — including her clotting disorder, her fibroid surgery, the 36 years of wear and tear on her telomeres, her weight — boded a challenging nine months -. But according to the most recent CDC data, more than half of maternal deaths occur in the postpartum period, and one-third happen seven or more days after delivery -C-sections have much higher complication rates than vaginal births. In Shalon's case, the trouble — a painful lump on her incision — emerged a few days after she went home. -"There were all these opportunities to identify that something was going wrong. To act on them sooner and they were missed. At multiple levels. At multiple parts of the health care system. They were missed." -died from complications related to hypertension

When Postpartum Depression DOESNT go away, the atlantic

-For 38 percent of sufferers, the condition becomes chronic, and mothers who expected it to pass as their children aged can struggle to nd effective treatment -Anxiety and depression are common complications for mothers after childbirth, affecting as many as one in seven new moms, according to the American Psychological Association. -After she experienced a panic attack when her son was eight months old, Reiswig's father-in-law—a family-practice doctor—encouraged her to seek help -e severity and longevity of postpartum depression, says Snyder, hinge on a litany of factors: how quickly it is diagnosed and treated, and a woman's sensitivity to the hormonal shifts of pregnancy and the postpartum period—as well as environmental stressors like nancial hardship, a traumatic birth experience, or lack of a support system. -A study published in March found that most women who experience severe depression at two months and eight months postpartum still report depressive symptoms 11 years later. -As the months passed and her depression worsened, she mentioned her concerns to her children's pediatrician. But the doctor dismissed her, telling her she had twins, so of course she was overwhelmed. Jessica continued to spiral downwards until she hit a breaking point. -After her second pregnancy and the birth of her third child, Jessica was able to recognize the signs of her depression, such as her overwhelming anxiety and difficulty completing daily tasks. But even with that knowledge and experience, it was sometimes difficult to discern what feelings were part of her mental illness and what were normal reactions to the challenges of parenthood. -Even though a woman might recognize that she has symptoms she is concerned with or [that] are unusual for her, there is often a stigma about seeking treatment or not knowing it's something that needs treatment. However, she says learning more about the number of women with PPD who suffer from depression long-term has helped her accept the condition: "It did make me feel a little bit more normal. I didn't want to have to be living with it, but realizing it is a medical condition like anything else made me feel more normal."

Childbirth, What to Reject When You Are Expecting Consumer Reports

-Infants in this country are more than twice as likely to die before their first birthday as those in Japan and Finland, and America lags behind nearly every other industrialized nation in preventing mothers from dying due to pregnancy or childbirth. -tech can be interferring with healthy physsiological processes and increase risk -increased c-section, greater maternal death rates -"the safest method for both mom and baby is an uncomplicated vaginal birth, -A C-section can also complicate future pregnancies, increasing the risk of 1/30/2020 Childbirth: What to Reject When You're Expecting - Consumer Reports 3/10 problems with the placenta, ectopic pregnancies (those that occur outside the uterus), or a rupture of the uterine scar. And the risks increase with each additional cesarean birth. -When choosing a practitioner and hospital or birth center, ask about its C-section rates, particularly rates for low-risk deliveries. 2. An Automatic Second C-Section Just because your first baby was delivered by cesarean doesn't mean your second has to be, too. In fact, many women who have had a prior C-section are good candidates for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), -So women seeking a VBAC delivery might have trouble finding a supportive practitioner and hospital. Some hospitals have a policy against trial of labor after cesarean. " 3. an early elective delivry is bad But hastening the birth of an otherwise healthy baby—even by a couple of days—is not a good idea. "Important fetal development takes place to your baby's brain and lungs during those last few weeks of pregnancy," 4. Inducing Labor Without a Medical Reason Even after 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should resist the urge to induce labor unless there is a strong medical reason She points out that women who go into labor without being induced can usually spend the early portion at home, moving around as they feel most comfortable. An induced labor takes place in a hospital, where a woman will be hooked up to at least ointravenous line and an electronic fetal monitor. In addition, most hospitals don't allow eating or drinking once induction begins. 5. Ultrasounds After 24 Weeks Without a Medical Reason Unless there is a specific condition your provider is tracking, you usually don't need an ultrasound after 24 weeks. Although some practitioners use ultrasounds after this point to estimate fetal size or due date 6. Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring Continuous fetal monitoring, during which you're hooked up to a monitor to record your baby's heartbeat throughout labor, is \ recommended if you're given oxytocin (a drug that strengthens labor), you've had an epidural, or you're attempting a VBAC. If it's not medically necessary, however, continuous fetal monitoring doesn't reduce the risk of cerebral palsy, death, or other negative outcomes for your newborn, research suggests. 7. Early Epidurals An epidural places anesthesia directly into the spinal canal, so that you remain awake but don't feel pain below the administration point. Unfortunately, the longer an epidural is in place, the more medication accumulates, making it less likely that you will be able to push. 8. Routine Episiotomies Practitioners sometimes make a surgical cut, called an episiotomy, just before delivery to enlarge the opening of the vagina. Episiotomies can be necessary in rare situations where a rapid delivery needs to occur due to fetal distress. 9. Automatically Sending Newborns to the Nursery If your baby has a problem that needs special monitoring, then sending him or her to a nursery or even an intensive care unit is essential. But in other cases, allowing healthy infants a

We Are Living for This Campaign Featuring Real Postpartum Bodies, Shape

-When you've just had a baby, the last thing you should be forced to thinking about is losing weight. Yet, society puts a lot of pressure on women to "bounce back" to their pre-baby bodies-something British maternity brand Mothercare is officially over. -10 women flaunting their scars, stretch marks, loose skin, and swollen bellies, weeks and months after giving birth. -80 percent of moms admitted that they compare their postpartum bodies to women they see on Instagram and in magazines. -"How can I hate my body when it has given me my beautiful baby boy? My body has done something amazing, and to me, that's the most empowering thing -but as I slowly transition into motherhood I am realizing that it's actually not that important, and I just need to be OK in my own skin rather than worrying about what everyone else thinks." -I don't care because I got it from bringing three gorgeous boys into the world.

Listening to Latina Mothers in California

-Latinas have a higher birth rate nationwide than white or Black women,7 and a slightly lower maternal mortality rate than white women. -Latinas have a higher birth rate nationwide than white or Black women, and a slightly lower maternal mortality rate white women.8 -discrimination increases cortisol levels -y Latinas report satisfaction with the care they receive, in part due to the availability of interpreters and Spanish-speaking staff and positive birth outcomes.1 -five percent were treated unfairly -ten percent were spoke Spanish only reported unfair treatment -6 percent treated unfairly due to their insurance -Latinas reported feeling pressured to have labor induced less often than white women did.* Similar proportions of Latinas and white women reported feeling pressure to use epidurals for pain relief and to have a cesarean birth. Responses indicated that during pregnancy 13 percent of Latinas screened positive for depression and 22 percent for anxiety. Similarly, 10 percent of white women screened positive for depression during pregnancy and 20 percent screened positive for anxiety. -In the survey, Latinas were much more likely than white women to report a lack of sources of emotional or practical support after childbirth. -Roughly 90 percent of Latinas reported having had a postpartum visit, and 93 percent of white women reported the same. -Many Latinas reported that they returned to or started paid work earlier than they wanted. On average, Latinas reported having more time at home and greater satisfaction with the amount of leave they were able to take than white women.*

Why giving birth is safer in the Britian than in the U.S.

-The U.S. and the U.K. used to have the same rate of women dying in pregnancy and childbirth. Now, Britain's is almost three times lower -Starting in the late 1940s, a national commitment was made to standardize maternity care across the NHS, assess each maternal fatality, and learn how it might have been avoided. -Today, the average mother in the U.K. receives more comprehensive and consistent care, ranging from earlier prenatal appointments to closer monitoring after she gives birth, than does her American counterpart. -In the U.S., laudable aspirations for infant safety have intensified focus on the fetus — more sonograms, continuous fetal heart monitoring and granting rights to the unborn. But these measures may at times distract attention from the mother's health. -By contrast, British medical professionals are legally required to prioritize a mother's wellbeing if both she and her baby are in danger. They're trained to stabilize mom first, and then tend to baby. " -rising to 25.1 women per 100,000 in 2015, almost three times higher than the U.K., and among the worst in the Western world. -Women who are poor, African American or live in a rural area are more likely to die during and after pregnancy. -By contrast, preeclampsia killed an estimated 50 to 70 women in the U.S. in 2016, accounting for 8 percent of maternal deaths. -The U.K. has achieved these results while spending less on delivering babies. On average, the total price charged for a vaginal birth in the U.S. is $30,000 (£24,000), which rises to $50,000 (£39,000) -. The BBC reported that in the U.K. the average cost for a normal delivery or planned cesarean section on a hospital labor ward in 2016 was $2,300 (£1,755), while a complicated case like Helen's rose to $3,400 -UK has 100 doctors -Despite these measures, the U.K. appears to be one of the poorerperforming European Union countries. France and the Netherlands, the two other nations that conduct enquiries comparable to MBBRACE, have lower maternal mortality ratios (7.6 per 100,000 live births, and 6.3 per 100,000 respectively). -but they also have higher autopsy rates -UK see doctor after four week, in the US its after 10 to 12 weeks -there is screening for pregnant women in the UK for violence and mental health issues -NHS booklet provides checklist going through all the appointments and is helpful for the delivery team -low risk can be delivered by a midwife -high risk are delivered in a labor ward -checked every two weeks -UK mothers can ask for a birth plan -in the US, one in 3 births is c-section -U.K. maternity services, though, face a looming crisis. One in three midwives in England is now in his or her fifties or sixties — a "retirement time-bomb," according to an October 2015 report by the Royal College of Midwives. -in the first four weeks after birth, women receive a home visit by the midwife

Simple Truth Update in 2019

-The typical woman in America earns $45,097, while the typical man makes $55,291. -On average, women in America are paid only 82 cents for every dollar paid to men. At the current rate of progress, the pay gap will not close until 2093 -Black women make 62 cents on the dollar. ● Hispanic women make 54 cents on the dollar. ● Asian women make 89 cents on the dollar. ● Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander women make 61 cents on the dollar.* ● American Indian or Alaska Native make 57 cents on the dollar.* -Women face an income gap in retirement. Because they have earned less and therefore paid less in the Social Security system, they receive less in Social Security benefits. They also lag behind men in pension benefits and all other sources of retirement income. ● Occupational segregation: Women and men still tend to concentrate in different jobs and fields. And jobs traditionally associated with men generally pay better than traditionally femaledominated jobs. These jobs do not pay less because they require fewer skills; they pay less because women do them. Further evidence that women's work is undervalued: when an influx of women enters a previously male-dominated profession, wages for the occupation as a whole decrease. ● Motherhood penalty: Mothers who work full-time are typically paid 69% as much as fathers. Mothers receive lower salaries than fathers and other women—even if the mother never left the workforce. Many working mothers experience bias in pay because of gendered norms and expectations about their roles. And many workplaces are still built on a model that assumes a worker is not a primary caretaker. Lack of paid family, medical and sick leave contribute to the problem. ● Gender and race discrimination bias: Direct discrimination and bias against women remain culprits in the pay gap. And the intersectional impact of race and gender biases contributes to the larger overall pay gap for women of color. ● Lack of pay transparency: Certain workplace practices can exacerbate pay disparities, including the failure to be transparent with salary information, retaliation for wage disclosure, and the use of prior salary history in setting pay. The pay gap is smaller for workers in sectors where pay transparency is mandated: For example, federal government workers experience a 13% pay gap between men and women; in the private, for-profit sector, that number jumps to 29%. -Many people have heard of the gender pay gap but may not know as much about the race pay gap, or the parental pay gap. Intersectionality plays a huge role in the pay gap (e.g., double (Latina) or triple discrimination (African American older women) etc.). To truly understand the pay gap you need to look at all of those variables

For women in the business, beauty is a liability

-When the executive shown was a woman, people found her to be less truthful and more worthy of termination if she was also highly attractive. The conclusion: For women in business, beauty is a liability. -We found that the beautiful women were perceived to be less truthful, less trustworthy as leaders, and more deserving of termination than their ordinary-looking female counterparts -We saw almost no difference in people's responses to the attractive and less-attractive male spokespersons making the same statement about layoffs. In some cases the handsome men were even seen as slightly more truthful than average-looking ones. -So even if beautiful women are seen as less truthful, they're associated with other positive qualities. -We suspect it's the trope of the evil seductress: a subconscious anxiety among people of both sexes that beautiful women will use their looks to manipulate people, mostly men. This might have evolutionary roots; attractiveness has historically been a tool that women have used to compete for access to men and, through them, economic mobility. -Previous research had suggested that people react more negatively to attractive women in jobs seen as more masculine, such as high-ranking executive positions, as opposed to more typically female-dominated roles, such as PR officers -. For example, black women and white men experience less backlash for assertive behavior than white women and black men do. -Instead I might advise them to engage in more behaviors that we know build trust—being warm, caring, and transparent. But even that is problematic because it's putting the onus on women to change when this is really part of a larger issue.

physical symptoms of menopause

-hot flashes *a sudeden feelings of heat that spreads ocer the body with mild or profuse sweating, whcih usually last one to five munutes and occurs several times a day -80 percent experience this in us and europe -black women experience symtpms for the longest durationloss of estrogen also causes thinning of the vaginal lining and decreased vaginal lubrication, can lead to painful intercourse -women who smoke exoperience more severe symptoms

The Simple Truth About the Pay Gap AAUW (Not enough change)

-Women working full time in the U.S. are paid 82 cents to every dollar earned by men — but it doesn't stop there. The consequences of this gap affect women throughout their lives. Though women now outpace men in higher education, women also hold nearly two-thirds of the outstanding student debt in the United States. -because of the gender pay gap, women have a harder time repaying loans. The pay gap even follows women into retirement: As a result of lower lifetime earnings, they receive less in Social Security and pensions. In terms of overall retirement income, women have only 70% of what men do. -at the rate its going, gender pay gap wont close until 2093 -ASian women, 87 percent, white women, 79 percent, black women, 63 percent, hispanic women, 55 percent -Employer practices — such as using prior salary history in setting current pay and prohibiting employees from discussing their wages — compound the problem. -Male-dominated industries tend to have higher wages than industries and occupations made up mostly of female workers; In a comparison of occupations with at least 50,000 men and 50,000 women in 2017, 107 out of 114 had statistically significant gaps in pay that favored men; six occupations had no significant gap; and just one had a gap favoring women. In some occupations, women collectively are receiving billions less than they would with equal pay; for instance, women working as physicians and surgeons are paid $19 billion less annually than if they were paid the same as men in that occupation.

Chapter 8, async lecture pt. 2 romantic relationships

-a lot of emphais is put on our romantic relationship status (media tells how to act or look a certain way to obtain romantic or keep romantic relationships) -dating scripts: norms become more rigid during dating, guy has to reach out to the girl first, he has to pay etc. beliefs very rigid -most important thing in relationships for men is physical attractiveness (there are neg consquences for hetersexual women and gay men, body issues) -this emphasis leads to dieting, plastic surgery, what matter most about you is how you look -attrativeness is important, but also have to like them as a person -want someone who is honest, reliable, respect, sense of humor -people are getting married at lwor rates and a significant number of marriages end in divorce (used to be half, now its 40 percent) -second marriage and third marriage divorce rates increase -marriage benefit men have greater marriage benefit, live longer and are happier, and psych healther -bigger for men, but socierty emphasizes that women enjoy marriage more, catch the guy more, but they receive greater benefits -maritial satisfaction plumments and then goes up, birth of children drops the relationship satisfaction -parental satisfaction increases -important to nuture the couple part of the relationshio and to not to just focus on the children -is there mutual respect and compromise in the relationship -increase in living solo, electing to never marry or divorced (live on their own)

reactions to pregnany women

-a pregnant women is subjected to heightned scrutiny and elicits a variety of reactions from those around her

Sync Lecture Chapter 7

-advertising show that mom do all the child rearing (diapering, sick baby, comforter, driving the kids) -"women are just better at child rearing" not true -menstruation, negative attitudes towards, something women should be ashamed of, supposed to leave when they menstruate, seen as dirty, not supposed to have sexual interactions when you are on your period -menarche, the girl is suddenly a woman, girls are developing at young ages, so you are not a woman yet, idea that it has to be hidden -why is it negative? people assume you are on you period -things related to female bodies is thought as "ew" male gentalia equates strength -female gentalia is hush hush, not respected, stigmatized as weak -beginning there is more pain as your body is getting used to it -menstruation products are taxed as a luxury item (not a hygenic item) -some women feel mesntruation joy, attuned to nature and having insight - birth control: access, being able to get it and being aboe to afford it, under obamacare it was covered (insurance covered viagra) -IUD, very effecting (hormonal or just the item), -relieves a lot of stress and anxiety when women have access to reliable and affordable birth control (freedom) -abortions: more and more laws in the United States are being placed to make it more difficult to have abortions -led to abortion being legal in the united states was the high number of women dying from illegal abortions -rate of abortions does not differ depending on the legality -medicaid wont pay for an abortion, private will pay for it -aka how much money you have influences if you can have a safe abortion -when a woman chooses aboriton, they usually feel relief -but if the woman does want an aboriton and gets one, its traumatic -traumatic for males if they wanted the child (emotionally hard of the oartners dont agree) -pro life, pro choice, pro family (how do we support new moms, how to we financiallt help out some families) -differences in mortality is related to access to quality care, but the years previous of poor medical care effect maternality rates -racism is embedded into our bodies, micro-aggressions -childfree by choice, its assumed that you want to be a mom -motherhood mandate- asked of women, not assumed for males -when women say that they dont want to have children, we should respect it. some couples have it by choice

desirable qualities in a partner

-attracted to people who they percieive as loving, supportive, warm, kind, agreeable, and intelligent -women prefer men who display ambition and emotional security and desire for home and children) -men put more importance on physical attractiveness, women put greater importance on rsournces and status

women in politics sexism, huffpost, silencing women in politics

-bad mother, dumb bitch, hurl obscenitites -the harreassment of women online is violent and sexualized -65 percent of womeun in parliaments across the works have been subjected to sexist remarks -42 reproted wide distribution of extremely humiliating or sexually charged images (her face pasted onto pornagraphy -44 percent recieve death threats, rape, torture -61 percent of women politicians beloieve the primary objective of the harassment is to stop women from running -its not accidental, 2017, still 75 percent who hold office are men -their intent is try to intimidate you, cause fear -call out when you see it happening, protect each other -run girl run, see more women being elected to iffice, more women to run for office -be confident in your abilities to get a seat at the table -run for office, help other women run for office, call out harrassment of women leaders

intergrated motherhood

-black women more likely to embrace than white women -they feel obligated to work outside the home and financially self reliant and are comfortable with kin and community memebers as child care givers

pregnancy physical changes

-bwgins when the sperm and egg unite in the fallopian tube -fertilized egg begins to devide and makes its way to the uterus and implants itself (last 40 weeks and divided into 3 trimesters) -missed menstrual is often the first sign of pregnancy -the blood volume in the body doubles and the breasts generally increase two bra sizes -uterus grows from two ounces to two pounds (often first signs are nasuea and tiredness) -food aversions and cravings may develop -many women say second trimester is the easiest (nasuea and fatigue disappear) -expanding uterus increases pressure on other organs which can lead to shortness of breath, heartburn, and need for frequent urination

Chapter 7 Textbook

-childbirth usually occurs during late adolescence and young adulthood

adult children

-described as the kinkeepers (those who maintain bonds between and within generations) -adult children are more apt to confide in mothers than their fathers -adult daighters maintain closer ties to their adult parents than tdo their sons and unmarried daighters maintian even closer ties -during adolescent, the mother-daughter bond is characterized by closenesds and clonflict, closeness increzses with the daughters leave home to attend college -approximately all adult parents have a child living within ten miles of the aging parent -older women who live alonf report high levels of psych well being and appear to be doing as well as, or even better, than older women who live with a spouse -8 in 10 men, and 6 in 10 women reside with others, often a spuse or older child

effects of divorce

-divorced mothers see themselves as better mothers -single parenting after a divorce can be stressful -daily rountines involve major household adjustments, financial pressures can cause mother to work more -children after divorce tend to expiernce emotionsal, physical and behavioral problems (most rebound within two years) -children in conflict-ridden families experience lower psychological health than those whose parents divorced -joint custody children are as well adjusted as two-parent families -divorced women also experience adjustment periods followed by satisfactory (immediate experience higher levels of depression and distress following a divorce) -however negative reactions for women decrease over time -Latinas experience more distress when they go through a divorce -black mothers experience a great sense of mastery following a divorce -decline in family income after divorce, divorced mothers are more likely to live in poverty -many mothers receive irregular or incomplete child support -women tend to feel happier after high conflict marriages that resulted in divorce (like the freedom and are more likely to say they do not want to remarry)

Sync Lecture Chapter 8

-documentary is effects of pornagraphy on relationships. They followed a married couple, husband is assigned a pornagraphy diet, measure the impact on relationshio satisfaction (same people say it has no impact, and some say its horrible and degrading) -how does it impact relationships and people (easy to access, prolific, children are learning about sex which is bad because its not good sex education) -how does it impact males? more men are feeling more insecure and how their bodies look and insecurity about appeareance of genitals (higher rates of erectile disfunction and performance anxiety) -narrative is that you fall madly in love and you cant control your feelings with romantic relationships (BUT THIS IS NOT THE SIGNOF THE BEST RELATIONSHIP) -we cant just do things based on those feeling of love. -think of a person who is good for you, because you start going down this path of what is the next step -what makes the healthiest relationships? (should be intentional who we choose to have a relationship with) (do they help you become the best sense of you) (can they call you out on that in a loving way) -being attracted to and desiring significant other -sexual intimacy is key aspect of healthy relationship -we look for friends with similar traits as partners in relationship -females tend to have deeper and emotional connected relationships than males do -girls are taight to be verbal and share, ask feelings -male friendships are side by side (do things together) -female friends (sit around the rooom and talk) -males are taught to not share emotions and be tought and that vulnerable is weak (takes more courage) opposite of weak -males are supposed to be self sufficient and competitive, compete with their friends to be the best (sometimes it can be not healthy) -results: men are more isolated and hve no one to turn to, they have substance abuse issues more and higher suicide rates -social support system preducts how healthy and how long they will live -men heavily rely on women. women will say their female best friend but makes will say best friend is wife -if the women gets taken out of the equation, men have incredibly high suicide risk (after divorce or death of wife because they have no social support network or anyone to turn to) -males are socialized to hold feelings inside, its hard for men to share -good to have cross sex friendhsips, have friends both males and females -most women live longer than men, they marry an older men, most women will grow old in the accompany of other women because their spouse has died (friendsips very important) -have to come into contact with a person who you were going to date (close proximity) -online dating can meet a wider range of people -attraction is an important thing, straight guys are more likely to rate attractiveness of a female as an important in dating -females rate attractiveness as less important relative to men -women feel that they have to do a lot to be attratictive -there are a lot of dating scripts dating scripts are slow to change -gender norm that males are supposed to propose -theres no expectation that a man would change his name -maritial satisfaction, marrige benefit for both men and women, husbands have greater benefits -married women have more stress anf psyhclogical disorders -single women have better health on average than married women on average -for men, its a ball and change -for women, its their dream -but it benefits men more -women who hyphenate are more valued in professsional competence -same sex marriages are much more egalitarian -this is what i am going to do rather than what is expected -lesbian couples have very long lasting relationships -people who live together and never get marry, and intentionally having a child out of wedlock -relationshipsships end, half of all marriages end in divorce -most of those peopple will go on to remarry (will remarry in five years) -divorce rate is higher for second marriages (77 percent) -did you do any of the work to figure out why the first marriage ended? for second and third marriages -divorce is biggest stressor, second only to death -after divorce, women are less better -women are more likely to do the child rearing (there is a burdern on being the daily caretaker) -more people are deciding to never get married -assumption of women who never get married, miserable and nobody wanted you -man choose not marriage because nobody could catch you -women who never marry really enjoy their freedom -being a widow is difficult because you lose a person that you have spent a lot of time with -relationships with parents and sibilings are important -more grandparents are raising grandkids ( healthcare workers sent children away to grandparents away) -empty nester-make sure you have a fulfilling life outside your kids, when kids leave it could be depression and loss of identity -all women are going to be inherently patient and good mothers (not true) can be angry, but still love them -

Huffpost, a brief history of the rampant sexism on cable news

-downside to having a woman as president, find hillary voice shrill -nancy pelosi has a good poker face -calm down here kelly, talking over women -turn her microphone off so she cant talk-ben carson -dont be naive-trump -women have become the breadwinners and this is troubling -much happier at home with husband and child -"female brain is a deterrent" with tech -migrqaine, bleed from eyes or nose -stick to thigh high boots, you are better at that

What Happens to Your Body After Giving Birth, the Atlantic

-e Secret, Magical Underwear at Only Moms Know About," Edan Lepucki wrote that not only was it supremely soft and comfy to wear over a still-swollen belly, but that "because postpartum bleeding required me to straddle huge, mortifying maxi pads like I was in seventh grade -"I can conrm postpartum life is 90% better when you don't rip to your ********. Baby boy: 1 point. Luna: 0," and posted a picture of herself to Instagram wearing the mesh underwear. -For generations, the grisly bodily details of new motherhood—the messy postpartum bleeding, the frustrating and sometimes painful process of guring out breastfeeding, the wound care necessary for the vagina and cervix or the C-section incision, not to mention the waddling around the house wearing whatever undergarment can contain both an absorbent maxi pad and an ice pack—have been something of a secret kept among women -at gap in medical care during the time when mothers' bodies undergo major hormone uctuations and injury healing, Mayer adds, can create the sense that whatever the mother's body is doing in those six weeks is her problem to deal with. -however, credits social media with having the opposite effect. In her 14 years working as a doula, she's seen a shift in cultural attitudes toward motherhood, and in particular, she believes that mothers' voices are heard more often and taken more seriously today than they once were. -at gap, however, is beginning to be lled. Fridababy, a company that makes baby-care products, this week launched Frida Mom, a line of products specically designed for women's bodies post-childbirth. -Frida Mom's postpartum-care kits are now available for purchase at places like Target, Walmart, and CVS. ey contain products such as combination maxi pad/ice packs; a "healing foam" to cleanse the perineal area; cooling pad liners; a gentle, bidet-like, upside-down squirt bottle known as a "MomWasher" to keep the area clean; and of course, stretchy disposable postpartum underwear, just like the coveted hospital garments.

psychological changes

-each stage sometimes women feel positive and sometimes negative -feelings such as being more sensual, potent, creative, and loving may occur -negative feelings include loss of individuality, worries about the baby being normal, distress at gaining weight

Over chapter ten lecture

-employment=paid work, type of empliyment we have is what school/training for, many investing in their future, and is also hwo we identify ourselves, big question "what do you do" is also who you are -more and more women who are married and have children are entering the work force due to the a.) womens movement opened up doors and brought women into college instead of misses degree, better options led to better career options b.) a lot of reason people work is economic necessity (but you should also enjoy it, job, workplace environemnt, indpendence, satisfaction through solving problems and sucess) -well establoish occupational segregation, women dominate certain fields and men dominate certain fields (men: construction maintainence, plumbing, truck drivers, hard hat occupations/blue collar) (women: pink collar jobs clustered into teaching, caring for young children, healthcare, office and administrative work) -Less servere segregational occupation recently, example males entering more into nursing -glass wall-women enter into a field that is male-dominated, progress a little, they hit a ceiling and cant past that -ethnicity occupation segregation and immigration status -more white than African and Latino are and more employed in high status and high paying and more ethnic minorities in service jobs -glass ceiling there's a lot of barriers that keep women from obtaining the highest level -glass escalator-men go into a female dominating field, they get promoted very quickly -maternal wall- motherhood penatly-women once they become a parent, have much more limited op and make less money -in every single field, who is the highest leader..its males -in the US, the politicians are more male, less than 20 percent of congress are women -WHY BARRIErs? mentors-who is mentoring you? males are in high levels of position, and there can be concerns if they are mentoring a female, we get jobs based upon people we know, networking (get old boys, golfing buddied) -boards go through who their friends are (look a lot like them) -mentor: helps teach and guide is great ALSO DISCRIMINATION -being a female leader-held to different standards, assertive to be competent but then you are not seen as likeable, stereotypes about appearance (influenced by ethnicity of the women, certain behaviors can be interpreted differently) -reasons why they haven't reached the top, people can have fears of what women leaders will be like, military women were not allowed to engage in combat role, but you had to have combat experience to get promoted -double standard: men as fathers taking time off is seen as great dad, mothers are putting their kids first which is bad -women as leaders: laisses faire leaders are lazy, transaction leaders-clearly say these are the task, monitor tasks, meeting objectives, give critical feedback,transformative-lead by role model, mentor and empower, transform into being the best they can be -women are more transformative types of leaders -male leaders are more likely to pay attention to mistakes, women provide more rewards, encouragement, and empowerment -pay gap- huge descrpencies, gender, ethnicity, age -pay gap increases with education (male with highschool degree makes as much as a women with a college degree) -bachelors degree, women earn 900,000 less over their lifetime compared to a men -physicians, women make 50 percent of male counterparts -career you choose influences the amount of money you earn, the business earns more than education -fatherhood wage premium: daddy bonus, they earn more when they have children but women earn less -in the united states, early childhood is underpaid -if women are taking time off due to family responsibilities, studies control for this and there is still a pay gap -employment rates: why women work: finances, the intellectual stimulation, companionship coworkers, sometimes women have to work longer due to financial reality -if women wait to enter the workforce, face ageism and sexism, and difficult to enter back into the workforce -double standard of aging: women are seen as less viable, and women's appearance still plays a roll. -for many women, they are going to widowed because marry older and women live longer, they dont have savings so they have to back in -how we do we erase the pay gap- isnt just gender, also ethnicity (people paid on worth, and not less because of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation -affirmative action: need to be more intentional and have a certain percentage of women on their board, might be reaching out trying to do more mentoring, and create work environments that encourage women to stay -retirement decision: how financially secure are you? how happy you are is how financial secure you are. people with more resources can travel and go to adult living and community -both men and women, when you retire and you've been working for a long time, this huge part of your life is not there, so how do you fill that time: positive, or they struggle because they miss work, might be a little loss -retire early, health problems, financially secure, caring for another person -as people retire, if one person has to retire earlier than the other -wives and husbands who retire at the same time are happier -women take longer adjsutment period to retirement -the healthier you are, the more income, the more people look forward to retirement -what happens when you retire? women more social and crafts and men more physical activities, spectator sports -many people become active in volunteering or an activist: what interest can they pursue -economic issues: the less you've been paid equally, you also have less chance to save, how much time you've worked is a major factor in social security, women are much more likely to have saving and investment because they don't have extra money for retirement -women live longer, money needs to stretch longer -retirement planning: economic security is based on savings -in subsahran africa, women dont have property rights -social security provides a good protion of income for 65 or older, lifetime homemaker means you have nothing in your name -to get spouses social security benefit, have to be married for ten years -shows that we don't value homemakers or provide them with a social security

Sync Lecture Chapter 7 part 2

-epiderals will go straight to baby and they will have greater breathing problems -recovery for c section is like 6 weeks, vaginal is like a few days -many hospitals will not let you do a vbac (go baclk to vaginal birth) -still look 6 months pregnant when you leave the hospital after birt, feeling that your body does not look like it used to -hormones are completely wacked out after having birth (crazy high and plummet) -very sleep depreived because newborn babies have no sense of night and day -new mom at home with very little support because father goes back to work, its very overwhelming -very poor social support for mothers in the United States -breastmilk changes to match babies need (gets more nutrient for growth spurts) -breast fed have greater attachment -united state has some of the highest rates of postpartum depression (little social support) -miscarriages much more common than realize (some miscarriage before they know they are pregnant) -need to acknowledge that there is mourning with miscarriage, grief process -stillbirth, baby dies and the woman has to deliver the baby

why the influx of women in the workfore?

-first the women's movement provided encouragement for women to consider other role options -womens current high level of educational attainment (return to work after having the babies) -many women work for financial reasons (few middle class families can offord house, health insurance with just one income) -in working lcass families, two incomes are neded to remian above the poverty line -mothers are either the solo or primary breadwinnder in thw-thirds of american families

methods of contraception

-foolproof method is abstinence -teenagers who have taken a virginity pledge are less likely to live up to pledge and less likely to use contraception -sex education programs based on abstience are inffective ( they do not delay onset of sex no decrease teenagers having sex or beocming pregnant) (linked to increase STIs and teen pregnancies)

Patriots' Devin McCourty and wife Michelle McCourty mourn loss of stillborn daughter

-greiving the loss of their daighter mia -stillbirth of 8 months (no longer had a heartbeat) -umbilical cord wrapped around her neck - That we still have to believe that all this happened for a bigger purpose. That there can be some peace and better things to come at the end of all this. To keep leaning on him to heal our hearts and souls.

The Atlantic Confessions of moms around the world

-haiti gives maternity leave 6 weeks, israel gets 14 weeks, france ger 16 weeks, south africa gets 4 months, brazil 4 months, italy is 5 months, sweden is 480 days. Have to go back in China because of the compeition will lose your job -is us, there is no maternity leave by law -daycare: have to have a lot of money in Haiti to afford daycare so women can go back to work, family members help in italy, egypy, and isreal in child rearing, -not supposed to gout in one month with baby after birth, not see other people for two or three months in slovenia, afterbirth cant have sexual relations or physical avtivity for 40 days in africa -breastfeeding with someone else on their period will effect the milk -if you have a craving and dont fulfill craving, scratch yourself baby will be born with beauty mark -satisfy cravings or they will look like the craving africa -hardest thing: egypt, the responsbility, feeding the kids and sending them to school in haiti, spendting time with kids in china, defualt parent in south africa, some men dont helkp with child rearing, sweden its supposed to be equal and sharing household but women still do more of the childrearing -american moms feel overwhelmed between work and home -italian moms agree with american mom -most important thing for when son: protected, grow up and have a career, hope he is happy,

MSNBC "Warren's White House run sparks debate over sexism in politics"

-if Hillary was likeable enough to become a senator -if beto could balance three kids? -Rubio, dress boots ? -Hillarly clintons loss is rejection of women or one specific women? -likeability on his own is fine? part of politics, dont want to talk about relation (comparing women) -is any woman going to stand up to any men? -Senator Warren: exploratory committee (she set a high bar, took questions and photos, took questions from reporters) -Massachusetts won't elect a woman, but a force of women became a reckoning -a barrier for women in politics: being a woman, sexism, women are judged differently, how they speak, how they dress, women are much better at politics than people give them credit for

attitudes towards menopause

-images of menopausal women are overwhelmingly negative -pop press sees it as a disease that requires treatment by drugs --most women minimize the significance as only mild insignificance -women with negative attitudes towards menopause report more vaginal dryness, headaches, and irritability --black women reported the most positive attitudes towards menopause -women in asia are lot less likely to report hotflashes certain areas report it as an eargely anticipated event -aging does not equate to higher status in western cultures -


-involves the release of a mature eff or ovum from its capsule or follicle, occurs in four phases and averages 28 days in length, governed by a feeback loop involving the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland

Elle, Climate Moms to the Rescue

-kids bus route got cut, so the mothers were talking -mothers also noted that their budget cuts was just another issue, there was also pollution issues in their regions where it got cut -some women are opting not to have children due to climate crisis -Mothers out Front (mom, grandmothers and caretakers are making areas adopt climate friendly policies -vanessa rule launches the program -people are claiming the title of mother as an authority -want electric powered vehicles -links to childrens health and pollution

poverty in older women

-lower lifetime earnings and reduced time in the labor force adversely affect eligibility and benefits from social security -women are also less likely to have accumulated income -net income gap increases for women and men in retirement -women aged 65 and olser have an average income of onlt a little more than half that of men the same age groupo and 80 percent more likel to be poor -women who are widowed or divorced are worse off financially thna other older women, among married women, only 5 percent are below the poverty line -an income from a husbands pensions is usally reduced considerably or eliminated when he does, greatly increasing his widows risk of plunging into poverty -cot of a husbands illness and burial may seriously deplete the couples saving -the longer a women lives, the longer her assets are stretched (explains why the very oldest women are the very poorest) -even women who have worked for much of their adult lives recieved smaller pensions than men

biggest determinants of marital satisfaction is the presence of children

-marital satisfaction declines over time for both men and women whether not they have children, how couples that have children have steeper declines -when children leave home, marital satisfaction increases -men report greater marital satisfaction than women, but both married men and women are happioer than their single counterparts -married individuals are mentally and physcially healthier -but this marriage benefit is smaller for women than men, marital stress affects women more -married couples in healthy relationships are happier because the partner provide support -but women provide more support to their partners, benefit financially than single households, and encourage health activities together

cost of grandparent raising children

-may feel ashamed of their daugheter for not being able to raise her own child, anxious about her future, health, and fiancnies, angry at the loss of retirement leisure, and guilt about her parenting skills -grandparent raising grandchildren are more likely to report higher health problemns -grandchildren are often not covered by their grandparents medical insurance even wihen they have custody

Laci Green Healthy Relationships

-moody or mean, did drugs, pressured her into other things she didn't want to do, didn't leave because she was scared of being alone - first stage of attraction: the brain is on drugs, hormone exploding, but once you have been dating for a while your brain takes a chill pill and the unhealthy things begin -communication, trust, and respect (cannot have a relationship without these) -talk about things and ask how they are feelings -building up trust and respect is being able to say sorry and thank you -listen to them actively, trying to see their perspective -do not monitor things, means you don't trust them, healthy relationship thrives on trust -check-in with yourself, see how you feel about the relationships -don't ignore red flags, don't let them make decisions for you or pressure you to do things (if they yell at you and lash out) -threats and intimidation are not lashing out, its abuse (emotional safety breathe freely, on the verge of a fight) -1 out of 3 will experience physical or emotional abuse that we are dating -let your friends support you, listen to your friends

common contraceptions

-most common among women is the pill and tubal ligation (25 and 25 percent), the male condom (15 percent) and long acting reversible IUD (12 percent) -birth control is common among women in 20s and have some college education -tubal litigation is common with mothers who already have two or more children, more common with the education of highschool people -uninsured women are less likely than insured women to use contraceptives -plan b is available in the United States (within 72 hours of having sex) ( and 1 in 9 women have used it) -providing plan b for teenagers does not involve riskier sexual practices


-most commonly performed medical procedures right-means for attaining individual freedom vs, threat to morality -in the glbal north, there are liberal abortion laws, in the global south, they prohibit abortion -Roe vs. Wade 1973 gave women the legal right to terminate pregnancy during the first trimester, since then there has been over 1000 restrictions eneacted on abortion -3/4 need parental consent to have an aboriton -cannot use medical funds such ad medicaid to pay for abortion (except in rape, incest, or mothers life is in endangered) -poor families rely on medicaid -most college kids think it should be legal

Sheryl Sandberg Why we have too few women leaders

-most of us grew up in a world with basic civil rights -women are not making it to the top in any profession -corp, clevel jobs, 15 percent -nonprofit world: women a tthe top, 20 percent -only woman to have pitched a deal within a year in the office, guy did not know where the womens room was in building, and he said yes -how we do we change these numbers at the top? keeping women in the workforce (in the highincome part of the workforce, the problem is that women are dropping out -"mommy dont get on the plane thing" felt guilty for balancing the career and motherhood -one: sit at the table, carrie doubted her abilities yet being the smartest one at the table (women systematically underestimate their own abilities, women do not negotiate for themselves in the workplace, women are not negotiating their salary, men attribute their success to themselves and women attribute to other external factors (worked hard, got lucky), no one gets to the corner office by sitting at the side instead of the table, no one gets s promotion if they think they don't deserve their own success. Success and likeability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. Heidi and Howard were equally competent, but Howard was liked more, Heidi was more cutthroat, didnt want to work for her. Believe we got the A, sit at the table, but there are sacrifices for doing that. two: make your partner a real partners, if a woman and a man have a child, women do 2 times more housework and three times more childcare (she has three jobs and the man has one job) househould with equal earning and equal responsibilities have less half the divorce rate, have greater sex three: don't leave before you leave, how am i going to fit the child's life into, quietly leaning bag in preparation for the baby, job has to be challenging and rewarding when coming back, don't count yourself out (should have kept your foot on the gas pedal, don't make decisions too far in advance)


-most women view marriage positively (latinas place the greates importance) -black women show less interest in marriage than do women of other ethnic groups -some college educated women are concerned about the shortage of black men who meet their expectations for a marital paerner because there are greater college rates for black women than men -

Motherhood So White

-mother of a black child, and she needed to educate myself on her new role -went to the library looking for black mothers authors -no funny or ballsy motherhood books written by black women -largely left out of the mommy movement -white feminist remained gender centered and short on racial issues -default definition of a mother in America meant white woman -motherhood was cliquish with tried and true recipes for white people but nothing for single, adoptive black mothers -black people who adopted lack references and resources -single mother was code for black welfare mother -major movies all featured white women and empowered women to choose their own path to parenthood -black mother stories were limited but white single mothers were christened as badass for becoming a single mother by choice -"When you cant find an experience reflected in art or literature or film, its hard to believe that it even exists -Murphy Brown was the antithesis of conservative values, she was a single mother who decided she didn't need her husband - Sister, Sister and Ther Parkers showed single black mothers looking for a man, but were not making a political statement -"Thanks for my child" Cheryl Rileys song a woman suddenly left to parent a baby alone (was not just for black mothers, but for all mothers to note that there was strength in being a single mother) -black women marriages and partnerships were disrupted by incarceration, premature death, and drug abuse leaving these communities ran by mothers and grandmothers - white women controlled who could get away with oops pregnancies -single black mothers were marginalized on both sides -little space devoted to mothers of color (they share similar concerns about exies, financing single motherhood, and feeling emotionally overwhelmed) -mother in america would be read as white -whos your mama book brought some diversity, so did baby love:choosing motherhood after a lifetime of ambivalence

testube babies

-over 5 million babies worldwide -success rates page 145 -also really heckin expensive like 12000

CNN why does the gender gap still exist video

-pay gap widens for female minorities -1960, women were making 61 on the dollar -equal pay act of 1963 prohibits sex based wage discrinmination between men and women in the same establishment who perfrom jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort, and responsbility - Lilly ledbetter-worked for goodyear for 19 years, managers got a base pay per month, almost got half of what her male managers were making -lily fairbetter, obama signed the 180 rule by obama -motherhood poenalty: women have children, might take time off of work, they will see a drop in their pay, women tend to take more flexible jobs, those pay left -20 cents less makes 10,000 a year

Ted Talk Elizabeth Howell improve maternal healthcare

-physician - trying to save a womans life, delivered a healthy baby boy, she was bleeding, and died, she remembers the father piercing cry -every year 700 to 900 women die from a pregnancy related cause -maternal rates are higher in the US and higher for women of color (ours increased over the last decade) -we spend more on healthcare than more than anyone else in the world - residency saw how low income colored people were treated badly in healthcare system -whats killing mothers? blood clots, infection etc. -for every 1 death, a 100 women have a complication and are on the rise in the US -5 to 6 women every hour are expeiericng complication duringpost birth -60 percent of deatrhs and complications could have been preventable (concrete steps) - American College of obstreticians and gynocologiest implemented standard care practice -they use the AIM program, developed safety bundles -whats a safety bundle, procudeues -hemmrhage bundle, need a cart, IV line, oxygen mask, need something to measure blood loss like sponges and pads, included crises protocals for transfusion -california saw a 21 percent reduction in once used hemmorhage bundles -quality of care differes for women of color, black women are 3 to 4 tomes more likely to suffer a pregnancy related death compared to white women -goes beyong income differences, a black women with college education is still 2 times to suffer complication (education is not salvation) -largest disparity in health -NYC 8 to 12 times more likely to die -shalon did have a complicated prengnacy, three weeks later she died with high blood pressure, saw doctors -lack of standards in postpartum care -black women tend to deliver in specific type of hospital, and its the hospital (deliverance of delivery hospitals explain one half disparity -provide safe contraception -provide pre conception care -during pregnancy, high quality natal care -need postpartum care -Maria checked in the hospital and finally lowered her blood pressure

Chapter 7 Lecture part 3

-potrayed in media as something scary or serious (lots of tropes of screaming mothers) -PCI anatomy makes s cut to make the baby come out easier, dont need it, makes it harder for recovery -c-section increases maternal and infant mortality 2 to 3 times -learn to say no for certain tests - each time you have another c-section, there is greater risk because you have to cut deeper -not being able to have vaginal buirth after c section called v back, women want to have a v back are having trouble finding it because of malpractice (could her life have been saved if you do a c section), decreases chances of medical liabilty -rates of maternal mortality increased (dont be natural vs medical ) - right to have a home birth (illegal in state of Georgia) - nurse midwife can deliver your baby (associated with lower mortality rates) -they try more hollistic stuff before going towards surgery -infertility (failure to conceive a child after a year of trying) -one in ten women fail to concieve a child in their reporudctive years -35 to 45 percent of cases with infertilkity is problems with the women, 35 to 45 percent of the cases its the problem with the man, sometimes its a combination -best to get the guy checked first, its less invasive than for getting women checked - if infertile, they might try assisted reporudtive technoligies -in vitro fertilization is the most common -older women who use eggs from young women can have succesful pregnancies up into their mid fifties -also there are surrogates (implant multiple eggs, several of them of them take could have too many babies) leads to selective reduction to increase the viability of selective eggs, but that is abortion -infertility can be very expensive, can cost over 30,000 (credit cards were maxed out), in denmark they covered infertility treatment for three tries

Chapter 7 lecture part 2

-pregnancy and childbirth -experience of pregnancy depends on what country you live in -places where its difficult to get birth control, multiple pregnancies -US has worst maternal rates of industrialized countries -color of skin dictates the risk of pregnancy -maternal age has been increasing (some women have babies in their 50s) -womens fertility declines in early 30s, by 39 your fertility was significantly lower -all pregnancies carry a risk worldwide ( 15 percent are life threatneing) -every minute a women dies from pregnancy complication -leading cause of death in the US is sepsis and infection, hypertension -for every woman who dies, another 20 suffers some complication -maternal mortality varies (africa 920 vs 8 in the industrialized coutries) -maternal poverty is influenced by health, nutrition etc. -lifetime risk of death for a woman, high fertiliy rates and high maternal rates...getting risky here - 1 in 76 in developing 1 in 8000 in developed -body changes in pregnancy, horomoes change, you experience fatigue -morning sickness for the first 5 months in pregnancy -the more nurished a womens body, the more healthy the baby will be - a lot of women develop fears about birth, dealing with children -mptherhood: rose colored glasses ( you never get upset, mad at your child) -goes along with the idea that women are not supposed to be angry at their child -body image changes during pregnancy (women are valued for being thin and being a sex object), increase in problems -In this US when you find out you are pregnant, there are legal thoughts (like drinking the wine) -more and more women are becoming others outside of being married -miscarriages and stillbirth- very common and not talked about, if it happens to you, you feel like im the only one oh my gosh -lose your baby later in term, you still have to birth baby -reproductive functioning (menopause is like a decade long thing, havent had a period in a year) -global symptoms is hotflashes -negative attitudes, like you are no longer a woman -after menopause, women report improvement and freedom of not getting pregnant -you can have hormone replacement -have a nuanced understanding of hormoines used on menapause

Chapter 8 Async Lectute 1

-relationships are very important, give us social support,how we feel love and how we find meaning in our lives -friendships are incredibly important, those relationship last longer than many other relationships -women tend to grow old in the company of other women -friendhsips when we are young whoever is in our group -girls report report greater satisfaction in their relationships more than boys do, probably because they are more social verbal and share more emotions - greatest predictor of friendhsips is how much they feel they can show their authentic self, emotions, taught biys they are not supposed to be vulnerable -caucasion grils report competition as apart of their friendship, women of color do not report as much competition -white girls are more likely to report being used and jealously is an issue -adulthood, gender differences continue, women report greater satisfaction and intimacy -women report face to face closeness, get together, focus on the other person -men develop closeness by side by side, doing group activities (sharing activities) -gender box for men, not supposed to vulnerable or weaklnbess or anxiety, which limits their relationships because they are important -men report their best friend as their spouse, but good support has other people -primary support is spouse, puts you at a disadvantage (higher rates of suicide and mental health) -competeiveness, one up, knows everything, not need help create unbalancede and not close friendships -we become like the five people we spend the most time with, choose wisely then (be vulnerable in sharing, engaging in bad activities you will too) -women live longer so they are much more engaged in social networks as they age (offer strong support system) -do my friendships help you build you up, or are there toxic relationships

consquences of abortion

-safest medical procedures available, the risk of death from childbirth is 14 times higher -emotional? abortion is a planned response to an unwanted preganancy, so women might feel relief -negative emotions, might also feel anxiety, regret, and guilt because of social sanctions against abortion -how a woman feels is usally based on her coping skills and degree of support she has (might experience more stress if she has little support from partner or friends) -the most negative feelings occur before the abotion, mild distress afterwards -three years later, 95 percent of women felt the abportion was the right decision (no link between poor mental health -when women seek and denied abortions, children are more likely to ffeel neglected or rejected, drop out of school and have social problems

human capital perspective

-salaries reflect investments of human capital (education and work experience) because of their family responsibilities, women -white men earn more than Asian, black, Latina, and white women who are educated -male high school graduates earn more than women with associates degrees and that the average salary of women with a college degree 16,000.

treating PMS

-some dietary changes help, taking vitamin d, e, and b, antidepressants such as prozac and paxil raise serontoni level, and EXERCISE

consqeuences of teenage pregnancy

-teenage mothers are more likely to live in poverty and suffer from lack of psych and social support -drop out of school, have less stable emplyment, rely on public aid more -children might have higher rates of mortality because the mothers body is not yet mature enough to provide for the child -pregnant teenage women are more likely to engage in riskier behaviors -children of teenagers show higher rates of school faulure, deliquiency, substance abise, and earlier sexual activiry, and pregnancy

who is at risk

-the poorest young women are the greatest risk of poor sexual and reproductive health.

premenstrual syndrome

-there are moderate to mild physical and emotional fluctuations, apart of the menstrual cycle -women might exoeruence breast tenderness, bloating, anxiety, and irritability (does not disrupt daily lives) -

Lecture Chapter 7 part 1

-there can be pain from menstration (subsides after 20s), and less severe on vegan and vegetarian diet - not talking about menstruation makes womens bodies shameful -myth that menstruation lead to irrationality, saying that her words are not valid -its a way to shut down women -some people experience menstruation joy -if you have a girl, prepare them for their period, dont create shame about it -contraception (who has access to it, Obamacare made birth control more accessible) -Viagra was covered but birth control was not so people got pissed -why people use contraception? use has increases, anout 1/5 dont use contraception at first sex -older individuals use birth control more, and if they have more education or educational achievements, and good commuinnicaiton with parents (higher rates of using contraception) -100 percent reliable is abstinance -IUDs more people turning to use that in more recent use -condoms provide protection against STD, only method against STD -emergency contraception or morning after pill, delays locking fertilization of the egg (not abortion) -providing Plan B does not result in decrease use of condom or increase of riskier sex practices -ABORTION prolife, prochoice, profamily are the options -globally, about 40 percent of preganancies are unitended -1 in 5 pregancies end in abortion, and 50 percent occue in unsafe conditions -how to reduce abortions, legality does not change rate of abortion but it does increase mortality rate because family will find a way to abort the baby -when it was illegal in the united states, people who had social means just went to another country and had an abortion -Medicaid, living in poverty, but cant use it for abortion, so we do have unsafe abortions -common ground: if you can prevent unwanted pregnancies, you can prevent abortions. if we can prevent it, theres no need 1. access to safe and reliable contraception 2. accurate sex education -less rates of sexual assualt would lead to less unwanted pregnancies -the abportion rate has been declining, and age of initial sexual intercourse has been increasing, and availablilty of plan B -medical abortion (pills) -from a medical standpoint, very safe procudure (10 x safer than having baby) -mental health: depends on the factors that led them to the abortion (pressured? forced by parents or partner? moral beliefs? -most common emotion after abortion is relief because they dont want to have a baby (dont have to put it up for adoption) -also degree of social support and preexisting mental health plays a role in her mental health -less support from partner, harder time mentally -research does not find any long term poor mental health for those who get an abortion

many welfare recipients are financiallt strapped

-too poor to afford insurance and food on their own but too rich to get welfare -low income mothers (half of them were white, 25 percent were black, and nearly 20 percent were latina) -over hald had never been married

Doctors who ignore consent are traumatizing women during childbirth

-two time rape survivior and to be gentle, ask for consent before touching her -doctor told her that he was doing an episitotomy -she asked not to do the cut, but he did it 12 times -filed a case for assault and battery -Episiotomy is a surgical incision of the perineum - the area between the anus and the vulva -The procedure is associated with higher levels of pain, edema, bleeding and incontinence - and actually increases the risk of severe tearing. -In Turbin's case, her labour was progressing normally. She was young and healthy, and there were no apparent circumstances that made an episiotomy necessary. -posted her video and people were like oh my god that terrible -In the Listening to Mothers III survey, a 2013 study of maternity care in the US, 59% of participants who had experienced an episiotomy said they did not have a choice about having the procedure -Research from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that bias, prejudice and stereotyping by healthcare providers can contribute to decreased agency for patients and the delivery of lower-quality care -he was in serious pain and found it difcult to do basic things, like sit down. She bought pillows to sit on and changed her entire diet so that going to the bathroom would be less painf -She and her supporters felt it was a more accurate reection of what had happened. In a medical malpractice suit, the plaintiff alleges that the doctor behaved in a way that a reasonable doctor would not - by messing up a procedure, performing below standard, or neglecting to get a patient's full consent. Battery, in contrast, requires proof that the defendant made physical contact with the plaintiff in a harmful or offensive manner against their wiill -Abbassi and Turbin agreed to settle out of court. He had already relinquished his medical licence in 2015, having acknowledged that his cognitive functioning meant that he could not continue to safely practise medicine. 1/3 of women experience trauma after birth, and 2/3 was because of the way medical professionals treated them -If physicians think a certain course of action is best, it is their duty to express that. However, it is ultimately the patients who have the right to decide what happens to their bodies. -still experiences pain and sadness from the birth

contraception in adolescene

-use of condoms and long acting methods has incrased in sexually active girls, likely due to the increased awareness of the dangers -teenagers are using condoms more than single adults -a sexually active teen who does not use contraception has an 85 percent chance of becoming pregnant within the year -some girls resist condoms because they do not have power or control in the relationship -they might reject condoms because they believe it diminishes sexual pleasure -the older the teenager is when they begin sexual activity, the more likely they are to use contraceotuon -schools that distribute condoms are more likely to delay sexual intercouse, have fewer sexual partners, and use condoms more, less likely to get pregnant

Watch Adult Entertainment

-we didn't talk about sex very often, puritan roots -watching sex: 12 billion dollar industry, pornography -the United States largest producer in porn -largest industry, greater profits than the pro teams -80 percent of all teens have seen hardcore porn -senate tried to say that addiction to pornagraphy is similar to a drug problem, politicians hate it -erectile dysfunction, a growing number of people having a hard time getting hard, porn is connected to viagra industry? -1984 (exposed pornography which led to attitude and behavioral changes) -3 days view explicit fil, 2 days visit explicit firms, visit gentlemen clun and 1 day look at the magazine -1st 30 days activity, 2nd 30 days will view baseline -nonbiased and single man -research found out that pornography may not be a problem after president johnson sen tout grants to universities to reach it -brain response of porn is similar to that of cocaine -pornography is addictive: changes the brain in some certain way: can become a public health problem, would have to deal with the first amendment to regulate porn -everclear: sex addict, internet porn, cheating -person with a sex addict, repeated attempts to stop behaviors, develop tolerance, the risk to relationships, develop withdrawals, develops a literal dependence on the porn -guy notes that he's gone back to looking on the surface of women after watching porn and going to the strip club -porn is now about doing bigger things, can you top that -porn star girls accept the stigma, many were sexually abused in the industry -study is affecting his honesty with his relationship, sex educators in bed with the porn industry -sexually oriented business, leads to an increase in crime, probably a little of both ways working -after the porn, he thought about debbue less and he talked to he spouse less -both thought all women liked forceful sex more

savings and investment

-women ahve fewer expendable income which means they have less income to invest -women who do invest are generally more cautious investors than men, and more wary of risk, and are more likely to invest in conservative options such as bonds, certificates of depots and money market accounts -although women take fewer risk, they do as well or better than men, women trade less, and those who trade less do better

CNN sexism still looms over women in politics, sexism on campiaign trail

-women are beginning to stand up for themselves -likeability is crucial for women candidates, people will vote for a candidate they do not like if they believed her is qualified, not the same for women -look impeccable for likeability -Carly needed to smile more, inappropriate? we dont hear that men need to smile more -know that women are seeking executive office, face additional barriers (work twice as hard to show that women are qualified) -way that we are talking about women and being fair in crituqing them

psychological reactions

-women between the ages of 40-59 experience greater depression than either younger or older women -little of the emotions is associated with hormonal levels -majority of postmenopausal women report that the happiest and most fulfilling time in their lives was between the ages of 50 and 65

changes in marriage age

due to wanting financial security before wanting to marry -and most women are pursuing higher degress and careers and tend to marry later -

The Pain of a Late Misccarriage

-women in her 40s wanted another baby, tried IVF -My first pregnancy had been fairly straightforward (bar pre-eclampsia and the resulting emergency caesarean), so it didn't occur to me that this one might be any different -posted on social media about her pregnancy -Five months into my pregnancy, I woke at 3am with pains akin to mild period cramps -my baby was already in view, and she instructed us on how to deliver him on the floor of our bathroom. -And there he was — a perfect, tiny copy of my elder son. And he was alive. I loved him instantly, and I know he felt my love as I kissed his hands, while my husband listened to the advice on the phone and started mouth-to-mouth -As I watched him, I experienced a moment of extreme calm amid all the madness: my baby and me understanding what had just happened to us. -My husband and I held one another and cried more deeply than I could have imagined possible. Tears came first, then wailing, then painful, gut-wrenching, uncontrollable sobbing. -Soon after my son had been carried out of the room, forms were placed beside me with choices to be made about a postmortem and a funeral service -Of course I blamed myself: maybe I shouldn't have done that spinning class; perhaps it was the stress of starting a new business. But it was neither of those things. Specialists have repeatedly assured me that working out and working hard do not cause late miscarriage. -I'm unsure whether I will ever be able to fully accept what happened, but I know that I'm grateful for what Axel gave me. When Axel died my heart broke in a way that I would find impossible to describe -I was stronger. I am lucky to have had that night with my son, when he came into my life, and for a small moment everything was quiet.

occupational segregation pt 2

-women remain segregated in pink collar fields -30 percent of female employees work in 10 occupations (most are low status, low paying service hobs such as secretary, cashier, restaurant server, nursing aide, home health worker, and cook -so men still tend to dominate the most high paying and prestigious occupations such as medicine, engineering, and banking -women are more likely than men to hold part time or temparry work jobs which are paid less and offer no benefits -white and asian women are more likely to hold higher paying and status jobs than black and latino women

women as leaders

-women share their power more, men guard their power

Sync Meeting

-women struggle with work/family balance -fallen dispproprotionaltrly on the females (gendered expectations) -a child cant go to school? who stays home is often based upon who is making the least amount of money...tends to be the woman, for the financial health of the home you do that -lot of consquences to the pay gap, very nuanced and complex -percentage of job losses with COVID, women get hit TERMS: blue-collar jobs (mechanic, pumbing, construction workers, electricians), dominated by males and have unions, well paid, white-collar(business, professional level, office job, not doing hard labor) pink collar jobs- jobs dominated by females (teaching, nursing, daycare workers, nursing aid, home health, administrative positions, housecleaning)-doing caretaking, domestic activities (seen as natural extension of home maker), dont see many male pre-k students, in highschool you get more male teachers, -there is gendering of the jobs -occupation segregation (how different genders go into different fields0 -horizontal segregration-people is different sets of jobs -vertical segregation-within the exact same field, there are differences in who gets to be the highest in that field (c sweep are the top, and males hold them), boards are made of males, there are also big racial differences, positions held by white males -psychology is dominated by females, there was a gender switch -when women dominate a field, the average salary decreases -women make 77 cents/78 cents to the dollar than men make (pandemic sets us back decades) -latinas make the least amount to the male dollar -white men make men than women of color, white women make more than women of color -parental status: fathers get daddy bonus, they make more money after having a child, mothers make less after having a child -paygap- compares people who work full time year around, women make less even when they work the same amount of time -male highschool graduate makes more than a female college graduate - if we get rid out the paygap, we could lift 50 percent of children out of poverty -financial literacy is weaker in women because financial decisions were made by the man -used to be, if you had a job, money is your husbands -women make less money, harder to pay bills which means its harder to save, and you make less in terms of social security -social security: over lifetime of working, amount you make, based on salarly made upon lifetime, when you retire, you are at a disadvantage, if you put money into social security, you dont get money out (if married for ten years, qualify to get spouses social security, but average length of marriage is ten years) -feminization of poverty-more women living in poverty -advocate for transparency, you dont know if you are getting paid the same (how do you know if you are getting paid what you should) -pay gap- due to the different jobs that people go into and how society values it (pay daycare workers very poorly and elderly) -male surgeons make more than female surgeouns -socialist-people pay more taxes but welfare is shared -daycare can be as expensive as college tuition -glass escalator-men enter into a female dominated field, they tend to go right up to the top. most principals and superintenants are males, if males go into nursing they go up fast -maternal wall-when women become pregnant, becomes a screeching halt to promotions -women are prevented from obtaining higher leadership roles (flat out sexism, women aren't able to handle emotions, some of it is second generation sexism-hard to find a mentor as a female if there are no females who have achieved that highest level, males are more hesitant to mentor younger women due to perceptions, due to good ole boy networks) -Harris, supposed to look attractive but not too attractive, type of clothing that is worn, the pitch of the voice, held to a different level of scrutiny, to be a good leader, you have to be assertive, seek input, and make a decision (if women are assertive, they are seen as competent, but not likable, a bitch which might lead to less aggressive, but if they aren't assertive they are competent ) -women of color particularly suffer due to the angry black woman stereotype, which could be activated by a look, males do not have to walk this fine line -if you are able to find a place with a pension, that's amazing -Asian woman make 87 cents more than white women, and Hispanic women make the least -pay gap is the least for kids just getting out of college -white men with just a high school degree make more than women with a college degree -Hispanic woman are still making less as mothers, motherhood status influences that -females tend to advocate less for their salaries, if you don't ask for it, you are less likely to do it, advocate for yourself -women apply if you dont check every single box

glass ceiling

invisiable but powerful barried that prevent women from advancing beyond a certain level -strained for female clergy and concrete for ethnic minority women

divorced women

40 percent of all american marriages end in divorce, but this has decreased somewhat -1st marriages that end in divorce usually last about 8 years -African Americans are the most likely to get divorced, followed by Latino women, whites, and then Asians -college-educated individuals are less likely to divorce -as age of marriage rises in 20s, so do divorce rates -women with disabilities are more likely to be divorced (due to financial or time committeemen to take care of individuals) -wives are less likely than husabnds to leave their partner with disabilities

teenage pregnancy

553,000 american girsl aged 15 to 19 become pregnant each year and are unplanned -highest for latina women -birth rate has declined since the 1990s -propertion that are unmarried jumped from 15 percent to 89 percent -young people are delaying sex , having less sex, using birth control -US has highest teen pregnancy rate among industrilazed countries -stigma of having children out of wedlock is declining

childbearing after 35

75 percent of mothers of newborns in the united states are 20-34 years old, a growing number of women are having babies at age 35 and older -in US, 9 percent of babies have mothers older than 35 in 2014 (due to the number of highly educated women who delay childbirth during the years of their careers) -older women have a hard time conceiving -by age 45, few women conceive using their own eggs -women over 35 have more miscarriages, more preterm, low birth weight, stillborn babies, higher levels of complications and more chromosomal abnormalities, more likely to have c sections -most older women have healthy babies and infant mortality rates comparable between the two groups -half of the pregnancies of women over 40 are unintended

double mind for women leaders

But for now, notice how sexism can be both very overt and hateful, and how it may also be delivered in a "humorous" manner, and/or more subtle and coded. There is a classic double bind for women leaders: they need to be assertive to be seen as competent, but then when they are assertive they are perceived as cold and unlikeable - yet their other option is to be seen as likeable but not competent.

luteal phase

LH stimulates the follicle to form yellow group of cells called corpus luteum which produces lots of estrogen and progsteron (peak at day 20 or 21) cause the endomentrium to secrete nourishing substances in the event an egg is fertilized and implanted in the uterine lining, no fertilization? high pituitary levels stop the production of LH, causes decomp of the corpus luteum and drop in estrogen and progesterone through day 28


Loss of fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy (one in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirth)

The other hald of my soul: widows od covid 19 bond over sudden loss, new york times

Men have died of the coronavirus in larger numbers than women, leaving untold thousands of spouses suddenly alone. Some have turned to bereavement groups on Facebook. -"He died by himself," said Dr. McGowan-Watts, who joined the call after an invitation on a Facebook support group for widowed Black women. "Not being able to see him, being able to touch him, all of those things. The grief is kind of complicated." -They have been left behind with family responsibilities, financial burdens, worries about their children's trauma and their own crushing loss and guilt. -he experience of frantically taking care of their husbands when they fell ill, worrying about when to take them to a hospital and feeling haunted by the images of their partners dying without loved ones beside them. -Sarah S. Richardson, a historian at Harvard who directs its GenderSci Lab, said men have died of the coronavirus in greater numbers in part because of its disproportionate effect on Black men, and by a surge in deaths of men early in the pandemic. Even before the pandemic, she added, women were more likely to be widowed than men. -She pointed to President Trump and his downplaying of the coronavirus crisis, especially early on, when her husband became sick. It is difficult to see people in her community still shunning masks and ignoring advice on safety and social distancing.

lesbian mothers

Nearly half of lesbian bi and trans women and 20 percent of gay men have a child in the household -lots of the children are from previous hetersexual marriages -lesbian mothers are similar to heterosexual mothers similar psych -they raise daughter and sons in less stereotypical gendered way -children of lesbian parents are more likely to aspire to careers with cross traditional gender lines

leading cause of infertility

PCOS, high levels of horomonal testerone interfer with ovulation (facial hair, obseisty, acne, and irregular periods)

Post Partum Depression

Postpartum depression is quite common in the US, and postpartum bodies are often subjected to the pressure of "get your pre-baby body back" (i.e., the "mommy makeover" of a tummy tuck, breast lift, liposuction, labiaplasty all at once).

in vitro fertilization

The most common assisted reproduction procedure, in which a woman's eggs are mixed with sperm in culture dishes (in vitro) and then carefully inserted into a woman's uterus.

Why mens friendhsips can feel empty

This single observation, that men are taught to deny they want and need friends, lies at the core of everything that is wrong with our modern construction of manhood. And it is killing us. -Boys know by late adolescence that their close male friendships, and even their emotional acuity, put them at risk of being labeled girly, immature, or gay. Thus, rather than focusing on who they are, they become obsessed with who they are not—they are not girls, little boys nor, in the case of heterosexual boys, are they gay. In response to a cultural context that links intimacy in male friendships with an age, a sex (female), and a sexuality (gay), these boys mature into men who are autonomous, emotionally stoic, and isolated -. To ask for friendship suggests vulnerability, Vexible social standing or even willingness to admit need. All values which are roundly condemned in men. In this way, boys are taught to express a simpliGed social identity by virtue of their organizational associations. By extension, friendships formed in these organizations are also expressed in restricted and simpliGed ways. -In adulthood, men continue to seek friends in the safe but highly conforming contexts of work, team sports, church, or their wives's social or familial connections -These risk-free friendships are based solely on proximity. They require that men hide any atypical aspects of their internal narratives. This leaves men feeling emotionally isolated, providing no social mechanisms for men to process the challenges in their lives -The Man Box is a set of rigid expectations that deGne what a "real man" is, particularly in American culture. A real man is strong and stoic. He doesn't show emotions other than anger and excitement. -Either way, its ultimately about male insecurity. Male insecurity born out of the fact that we have never been taught to lead with our own authentic emotional selves. Buying our way in, instead of of offering who we are as human beings -Men's friendships can feel shallow and transitory because so many of those relationships are lacking in emotional authenticity. Emotional authenticity is the glue that holds deeper, more long term friendships together. Men who Gnd themselves surrounded by risk free, surface level friendships can end up isolated, especially in the event of life challenges like losing a job or getting divorced.

How Wall Street Bro Talks Keeps Women Down

WHEN I was a 27-year-old bond trader at Bank of America, I went to dinner with a managing director and a high-profile client, both men, at a Brazilian all-you-can-eat meat restaurant in Manhattan. The waitress came by to see if we wanted another round of drinks. When she was out of earshot, the client said, "I'd like to bend her over the table, give her some meat." -Women on Wall Street widely report experiencing overt sexism. A bond trader friend received a smaller-than-expected bonus after refusing to sleep with her boss, and soon quit. Another friend sued her employer, a major bank, after it took away all her major clients on her return from maternity leave. "Bro talk" produces a force field of disrespect and exclusion that makes it incredibly difficult for women to ascend the Wall Street ladder -investment groups that have more female managers perform better than those without them -What we need is something simpler: individuals speaking up and challenging norms, especially when it's uncomfortable. So far, women have done the heavy lifting. They've written the articles, filed the lawsuits and raised awareness. -Men have been inculcated by dads and coaches with an ideal of masculinity and male bonding that includes, and even revolves around, the objectification of women -the misogyny often comes from bosses; denigrating women is the mechanism through which they connect with their subordinates. At one of the firms I worked for, a senior executive asked me, "Did you get laid last night?" When I responded no, he said: "Too bad. When I was your age, it was like shooting fish in a barrel." I faked a smile — I felt that I had to. -When we dehumanize people in conversation, we give permission for them to be degraded in other ways as well.

Economic Issues and Financial Literacy

You may have already heard of the 'feminization of poverty' and the 'masculinization of wealth' in other courses. An understanding of the structural factors leading to the greater numbers of women in poverty is crucial. Now that you have learned about the pay gap and how that loss of income accrues with the years and about how more women take part time jobs out of necessity (which don't have retirement/pensions or health insurance or sick leave), you have learned some of the structural factors. As you read through this material be sure to make the connection that what you receive in social security is dependent on how much money you have earned, which is based on your salary and time in the workforce. Thus, the unequal pay and possible time out of the workforce to care for a baby or ailing family member translates into less social security to live on. Add that to the fact that if you have made less money (keep in mind the intersectional nature of the pay gap, how women of color who are mothers will have earned even less than a white women with no kids), then you also had less to save, and you can see how structural inequalities lead to the very personal experience of living in poverty.

reactions to pregant women

a pregnant women is subjected to heightned scrutiny and elicits a variety of reactions from those around ehr -many women get their bellies touched -thought as undependable and recieves lower highering reconmmendations -workplace discriination is common

hormone replacement therapy

a medical treatment that replaces hormones in women whose levels drop after menopause -combined pill of estrogen and progesterone relieves hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomenaua -now advised to take the lowest dose possible for the shortest amount of time


a person who plays an active rle in making changes in her life, in the lives of others, and in society


a senior level person who takes an active role in the career planning and development of junior employess (mentoring has positive effects on job satisfaction, promotion, and career success. This is especially true for women with male mentors, but women employeees may have difficult time identfying an appropriate mentors -limited number of womenin senior level positions, and men are reluctant to mentor young women for a varienty of reasons including fear of affair anf possible sexual harrassment -women experience micro inequtities such as not being invited to informal socual events like golf outing, after work drinks (women with a child are further limited in these oppurtunities)


a woman is most likely to become pregnant on the three days before or on the day of ovulation, might experience pain where egg was released

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

a woman must experience at least five symptoms during the week before her menstrual period, one of these must be related to mood, including depression, anxiety, mood swings, or anger and irritability. the symptoms interfere with wrk or socal relationships and are in the premenstrual phase of the cycle (about 3 to 9 percent of women meet this strict critirea while 12 to 18 percent meet the criteria for distress and impairment (some say that making this a mental disorder stigmatizes women as mentally ill)

ovulatory phase

about day 14, the LH level spikes which releases effs from follicle and goes near fallopian tube (OVULATION)


activities that produce or a service (cooking dinner, mowing the lawn, writing a term paper)

augmented families

adult nonrelatives live with the mother and her children help structure black families and communities

mommy makeovers

after having a baby, moms get breast life, tummy tuck, and liposuction -lot of procedures performed on white women

in the us

age of which adolescents started sdating has decreased -black adolescents begn dating ealier than white and latino

social security

almost 2/3 of older women rely on social security as an income -spousal benefits-life long homemakers has no social security protection in her own name, eligible for sousal benfits, half of her husbands benfit if they were married for at least ten years -widowed women must wait until age 65 for full benefits if they are widowed -dual entitelemt- married women who are wage earners have dual entitlement butm in effect, penalized (they qualify for social security benefits based on their own and their husbands work histories), but they only recoeve the higher of the two benefitd


an exceptional and knowledgeable female labor and birth coach -labor support by doulas reduce c section rates, decrease need for pain medication, decrease length of labor, increase maternal satisfaction, and improve breastfeeding siccess

never married women

approximately 4 percent of women and 4.5 percent of men never marry

women with disabilities

are less likely to marry than women without disabilities and men with diabiulities

women with disabilities

are seen as asexual (have less satisfaction with dating frequency and are less satisfied with attracting partners

age discrimination in the workplace

as women fer older, like men, also confront agre discrimination in the workplce -women also experience age discrimination at a younger age than men (which is another double standard ofa aging)

economic issues later inlife

at every age, women are more likely to live in poverty than men, and poverty rates are higher for ethnic minority than for their white counterparts -older women are twice as likely as older men to live in poverty

extended families

at leadt one other adult famile member resides in the same household as the mother and her children help structure black families and communities, act as caregivers for children whil mother is at work

r3elationships later in life

bonds with sibilings get stronger as women age, new life enters in the form of grandchildren, and aging women become caregivers for the aging parents


businesses that violate safety, wage, and child labor laws -health problems are common in these factories due to poor ventialation and chemicals used -young female workers are paid an average of 94 cents for each 165 jacket they sew for north fae -girls are trafficked from poor countries to wealthy ones


cause of menstruation comfort, hormonelike chemicals secreted by the uterione lining and other tissus as menstruation approaches, causes uterine contractions, decreased blood flow, and increased sensitivity to pain -high level of prostaglandins? lots of pain -oral pills might help, warm bath, heating pad, also a vegan diet which includes healthy stuff without eggs or dairy products


cessation of menstrual periods for a full year (ges 48 and 52 with an average age of 51 while in the developing nationsits more like 48, smokers experience like two years earlier -occurs earlier in black women and later in Asian women -decline in estrogen and progesterone

postpartum depression

characterized by anxiety or panic attacks, loss of interest in daily activities, despair, feelings of worthlesssness and guilt, sleep, appetitte disturbances (severe depression that lsts for weeks or months after delivery) -more likely to develop postpartum depression if you are young, uneducated, and a first time mother


complications of pregnancy remain the number one cause of death and disability of young women in less developed parts of the world -mortality rate for russian women is ten times higher thna that of their finnish neighbors -at risk are also minority women -black women in the united states are four times more likely to due of pregnancy complicaitons than white women (key is poorer access to health care -global maternity fell 44 percent between 1990 and 2015 with a great reduction in east asia

vacuum aspiration

contents of the uterus are removed by sunction, the most common form -also take pills known for medical abortion (mifepristone and misoprostol) -lots of women prefer medical abortions -25 percent are carried out by pills in the united states

marital satisfaction

couples who report high levels of marital satisfaction use active, problem focused coping strategies, hold similar attitudes, goals, values, and communicate well with each other -women are more involved than men in maintaining such communication, consistent with the social construction of females -stressed wives provide better support to their support compared to their stressed husbands -wives also tend to be happier and more satisfied when their husbands are emotionally engaged and spend time with them and when they perceive that they spouses contribute equally to the marriage -a husbands marital satisfaction is related to that of their wife. happy wife, happy life

dating scripts

culturally developed sequence of expected events that guides an individual behavior while on a date -worry about ones appearance, talking, going to a show, eating, and kissing goodnight (both genders) -men were initiators, asked and planned for the date, drove the car, opened doors, and started sexual interactions -females reacted to men initiation, picked up had doors, opened, and responded to sexual interaction -after 6 months of dating 3/4 men experience

onset of dating

dating leads to a courting ritual that could lead to commitment and marriage, but it also allows for sexual experimentation, greater popularity, and social status


days 1 to 4 occurs when low levels of estrogen and profesterone can no longer maintain the uterine lining, so it sheds and exits through the cervix and vagina as menstrual flow. low horomone triggers beginning of a new cycle IF egg is fertilized, the horomone levels remain high and a new cycle does not occur

follicular phase

days 4 to 14, low levels of estrogen are progesterone cause the hypothalamus to stimulate the pituotary gland and secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) -increases estronger production and brings follicles and eggs to matutirty -developes uterine lining to receive eff -estrogen signals to stop producing FSH and to produce luteinizinf hormine (LH), supresses the development of all but one follicle and egg

other organizational procedures

develop a workplace that values diversity and publishes antidiscrimation policies -helps knowing emplyees do not tolerate work place discrimination -organziations identify people with pottential, including women and people of coloor, and provide them with career development oppurtuntiies

wage discrimination

differential payment for work that has equal or substantual similar value to the employers -wage discrimination laws are poorly enforced

college educated individuals are more likely to be married than those with a high school



eliminating practices such as enemas, shaving of the genital area, and performing episitomy

work for pay


coping with divorce

employment can help facilitate adjustment , it provides a sense of idenity outside of marriage -and emplyment is an avenue for productivit5y and income -social support is also very important (family and friends), also having a new partner

glass escalator

even in female dominated fields, such as nursing and social work, and education, men are likely to earn more and get promited faster than women

good mother pt 2

expected to be middle class, hetersexual, married, not too old, and also have a job that does not prevent her from spending ample time with her children

women who have lost a same sex partner

experience disenfranchised grief (loss of same sex partner is especially stressful if the relationship was not publicly acknowledged and given legitamcy)

menstrual joy

experience of menstrual period as self-affirming, creative, pleasurable, and signifying fertility -menstrual joy questionnare listed positive feelings about and menstrual distress listed negative feelings about menstruation -those that completed the menstrual joy felt less distress when they menstruated

body disasttification in middle aged women

extremely high -more likely to diet, use age concealment techniques, use liposunction, breast and face lifts, tummy tucks, injectable wrinkle fillers

fatherhood wafe premium

fathers are earning more than men without children


feelings of closeness increase throughout adulthood and are very strong later in life -blacks and latinas rely more on siblings for practical assistance -relationships with sisters are emotionally closer than those with brothers -siblings that have clsoe relationship have better mental health and are less lonely -older rural women have higher satisfaction if they simply have a sibling living nearby


first stage: cervix becomes dilated to 4 inces or 10 cms may last a few hours or days, cervix also becomes flatter anf thinner known as effacement -second stage, few minutes to several hours (uterine contractions move the baby through the vagina, women feel the urge to push and sometimes within minutes or hours the baby is born -third stage-placenta detaches from uterine wall and is expelled (profesterone and estrogen levels drop in the second and third stage)

sexual minority individuals

friends act as family due to less accepting blood family


friends are a major source of support and self esteem throughout an individuals life

maternal wall (mothers experience)

get less desirable assignments, lower salaries, and more limited advancement oppurtunities once they become mothers -fatherhood has no effect on fathers

starting in early adolescence

girls report higher levels of affenction nurturance, trust, security, and closeness than boys do

grandmothers, the difference between life and death

grandmothers have helped ensure the survual and fitness of their grandchildren since prehistoric times -women are able to invest their time and energies to the psych and mental helath of their grandchildren

marriage rates

high marriage rates indiciate the continuing value placed on marriage in society

males might associate male closeness betweeen males as


men are more likely than women to percieve sexual intrests

in nonsexual behaviors -college men are more likely to misinterpret flirting, friendlienness, or brief conversation as indivcating sexual interest --can lead to a midunderstanding of womens desires and to possible sexual aggression

sticky floor

in traditional womens jobs, women have little or no job ladder or path to higher positions

cesarean section

incisions are made in the abdomen and iterus and the baby is surgically removed -performed if vaginal delivery is expected to be difficult pr threatens the health of the mother or baby (pelvis, baby is large, not in normal birth position -33 percent of all births (may be due to mothers scheduling child birth, doctors wanting to avoid malpractice, or mothers not wanting to gain weight)

single mothers

increase in the eprcentage of single parent mother headed families -nearly two thirds of single mothers are white, most have one or two children -nearly 40 percent of all households below the poverty line are headed by single mothers -singe father families are less likely to be poor

raising grandchildren

increasing number of grandparents find themselves raising their grandchildren -clsoe to 40 percent of grandparents are raising a grandchild without the parents help

the median age of marriage

is increasing 27 for women and 29 for men

both genders ranked

kind and understanding and intelligent , exciting personality, and health as most important

older women worker, employment rates

laboir force participation of middleaged and older women has increased sharply over the past 50 years -over two thirds of women afed 55 to 61 are now in the labor force, between 65 and 89, one and four woman is employed

transactional leaders

leaders who set clear, short-term goals and reward people who meet them

importance of physical appearance in hetersexual women

leads to eating disorders and distorted body image, degenritates women by puttin gimportance on their physical appearance rather than behaviors and accomplishments

lesbian relationships

lesbian women are more likely than gay men to be in a lasting monogamous relationship -tend to be more egalitiatiran (household activities shared) -bisexual women report more disatisfaction with power imbalances -lesbian women tend to be in exclusive relationships and report more nongenitial physical expression -partner identity can conflict (being a lesbain versus her minority or career) -lack of sociaetal acceptance puts stressors on their life -face economis difficulties because twso women earn less than two men or mixed men and women -lesbian couples have higher levels of emotional closeness over time -aging lesbian women mst face ageism, sexism, and homophobia

boys in friendships

likely to have larger and less intimate friendships that focus on shared activities like sports and games

in group favortism

liking those who resemmble us can reinforce biases that stem from culutural stereotypes -women of color are particularly likely to be excluded


limiting job advancement for women is unfavorable treatment based on gender -neither sex is preferred for female jobs but males are preferred for male jobs -brokerage firms have been found to take away womens clients, give pay cuts, and demotions following maternity leave and assign lucrative accounties to male cronies

older middle class women

make friends through membership and association (shared interest and activities)


managers jave ambition, decisiveness, self-reliance, ability to handle stress, and strong communication skills which is associated with male characteristics (so women are assumed less qualified) -women are presumed less competent and less motivated to hold leadership positions -females who are good leaders are disliked because they do not offer the communual style -women in high positions were described as abrasive, no men were -another study of women in leadership was described as too aggressive -in order to be influential, women, therefore, must combine agentic qualities such as competence and directness with communal qualities such as friendliness and warmth -many men hold managerial and top level positions, so women are evulated by men coworkers and might influence the eval if the men hold biases -negative stereotypes also are more likely to operate when women perform in a male domain (even smaller mistakes are discounted hugely on the female record) -women and ethnic minorities have to be twice as good as men or white individuals to receive the same level of respect or status

providing care and support for grandchildren

many grandparents provide children and grandchildren with emotuonal, informational, household, and financial support (grandparents helping out is more active in ethnic minorities) -for some parents, grandparents are apart of the family household -older adults are moving in with their children when they can no longer live alone

friendships later in life

many married women evenetually lose their spouses through death or divrocem most women grow old in the company of other women -in later life, women are more engaged with friendships and social networksthan are men and are also morelikely to both give and recieve emotional support


marked by increasing irregularity of the menstrual cycle and variations in the amount of menstrual flow

women are taught to

massage biys ego, bring up subjects he enjoys talking about, admiring his accomplishments, being udnerstanding and not too assertive

leadership styles in men and women

men are more transactional and women are transformative, male managers are less likely than female managers to reward good behavior -work teams with more women outperform teams with more men and companies with more board directos have better performancde than those with the fewest women -men rate themselves as more effectie leaders than women rate themsleves

women use face to face operation to develop closeness (share thoughts and feelings)

men develop closeness by side by side, by sharing activities

attitudes toward menstruation

menstrual blood is viewed as having magical and poisonous powers, they have been forbidden to prepare food or engage in sex -some menstruating girls thing they cant exercise or swim or wash their hair -also euphhemistic terms are used to avoid the word menstruation "period" "time of the month" -some think women cannot function normally why on their period (but their is little evidence that academic perormance, problem solving, memory, political and religious beliefs show flunctional over the menstrual cycle -both men and women saw menstruating women were seen as more irritable, angry, and sad, and less energized, and less sexy (men say them as annoying, unreasonable, and spacey , lessnuturing, less reliable and devendeble , and less intellectual) -women found them as more maternal, stroing, and trustworthy


menstrual pain inclues abdominal cramps and lower back pain -about 55 percent to 73 percent of girls report experience menstrual pain -high levels of pain equate to higher levels of stress in their lives and poorer health, more likely yo smoke and consime alcohol

women are more likely to

misintepret weight, men misinterpret financial stabiltiy

recent trends in dating

more individuals are remaining single longer -women are less likely than men to meet a partner through institutions such as workor church as they get older (partly because men want younger women) -gay men look for short term relationships while lesbian look for long term relationships -lots of people are doing online dating or mobile dating (over 20 percent of straight couples and nearly 70 percent of same sex met online) -many older singles are looking for somewonw to date -some older women prefer to to date younger individuals -older singles have greater and more realistic experiences -

friendship in adulthood

more intimate and emotional than mens relationships

move into your 50s

more women are satisfied and accepting of their bodies

widowed women

most marriages are terminated by death of a spous -women are more likely to become widowed than men because women have loner life expectanct and marry older men than themselves -remarriage rates are much higher for widowers than for men who have lost a spouse through death or divorce -they have a lower remarriage rate bacuse older women outnumber older men -men also marry younger women than themselves -widowed women are less intersted in forming a relationship than widowed men -many do not relish the idea ofbecoming a caregiver for an older man -men widowers want another women to help them reorganize their social life and help with the household

miscarriage facts

most miscarriages are a result of major genetic defects in the embryo or fetus -might be caused by hormonal imbalances of the mother or structural problems of uterus or cervix, diseases of immune system -even after three miscarriages, chance of having niormal pregnancy is still high 60 percent


nearly half of all caregivers of their older people are daughter, there are also stresses to caregiving (the sight of a parent becoming more frail and dependent may conjure up frightening and saddening visionof what is is in stoew for her -aging minority groups provide more care for their parents than whites do


nearly half of pregnancies are unplanned and 4 in ten are terminated by abortion -slightly under 700,000 abortions were performed in 2012 (90 percent took place within first trimester) -3/4 of women undergoing aboirtions are under 30, 4 out of 5 are unmarried, and over half are already mothers, and close to half had previous abortions -40 percent of abortion are performed on white women --black women are three times as likely to have abortions (Latinas twice as likely) --poor women are more likely to get abortions than those above the poverty line because they have less reliable access to birth control -abortion rates are similar in countries where it is legal and outlawed suggesting a ban does not deter the procedure just makes it more dangerous

women compromise

nearly half the work force -now 64 percent of of married women are in the work force -mothers of children aged 6-17, 79 percent of black mothers, 77 percent of white mothers, and 75 percent and asisan, and 70 percent of latina women -women with liabilities have lower emplyment rates along with pay

gender differences in retirement

older women are more likelt than older men to articipate in social activities, domestic crafts, and reading older males are more likely to engage in outdoor activities and spectator sports -retirement in older black women were allowed to finally experience leisure -caring for ill family members, responsibility carried by women, can severely curtail the amount of free time -there are an increasing number of older adults who are taking college courses and participating in elderhostels -some women join civic minded social clubs -there is a great devotion to volunteering in older age -


one of the most intimate relationships a woman can experience is her relationship with her child -many women view having a child as a higher priority than having a good marriage -parenting does not always lead to positive emotions -motherhood can bring a great sense of love, connection, and joy accompanied by a tremendous burden of responsibilty, exhausation and guilt -motherhood can expand identity as well as lose a sense of self -becoming pregnant leads to a reconstructing of professional womens identity

working class or poor women are more likley to choose relatives as close friends and provide practical assistance to each

other (like transportation, shopping, runnin errands)

living arrangements of older women and men

over 2/3 of adult who are over the age of 65 and live alone are women

pay equity

pay policies baded on workers worth and not their gender or ethnicity

surrogate motherhood

paying a woman who agrees to become pregnant and deliver a child for a couple (used to be the surrogate mother was related to the baby but now they are unrelated, implanted eggs -most surrogate mothers are marriedm often have completed a family of their own, enjoy being oregnant, find it rewarding to heklp infertile coples -mother of surrogacy show more warmth and affection with their children (and better parenting skills)

certified nurse midwives

perform about 12 percent of vaginal deliveries( mortality rates lower and birth weights are higher, more likely to have vaginal delivery) increase in midwife linked to lower mortality rates

the empty nest period

period of a parents life when children no longer live in the parents home -most women react positively and seek oppurtunities to pursue new carers, further education, and provide servies to their communtiies -couples also report higher maritial satisfaction once their children have left home -parent who are reluctant to let go of their parent role may percieve this period as stressful and as a time of loss -parents continue to offer advice and encouragement to children who have moved out -increasing number of children are not leaving home or returning home due to personal or financial reasons (especially true for sons) -half of young adults in their 20s and 30s live with their parents -the greater the childrens financial dependency on the parents, tghe less satisfied the parents are about the living arrangement -parents want children to assume the normative roles of adulthood

men valued

physical attractiveness more highly than women, preferred younger mates with domestic skills


plant foods do not contain estrogen but affect the body in a similar manner, may not relieve menopause symptooms

single women

portrayed negatively in the media and, selfish, committement phobic career women who lead barren and disappointing lives are percieved as outcasts -the single women miss comittment and are sad about growing old alone, but they love their freedom and independence -some women are also purchasing a home instead of renting -many noever married women are increasingly choosing to adopt or recieve sperm donations -single middle aged women are the ones expected to provide caregiving to their elderly parents -good at developing support systems -nevermarried women have higher incomes, better educated, less likely to be depressed -never-married older women also have fewer health problms than those who are divorced or widowed

affirmative action

positive steps taken by an employer that facilitate the recruitment and advancement of historically and underrepresented workers in order to ensure the equal oppurtunity for all -perceptions of affirmative action are unfavorable (less entitled to the positions they earned) -evidence that affirmative action that they have no hired liess competent individuals

lamaze method

prelabor classes are conducted to teach the mother to control her pain through relaxation, breathing techniques, and focusing exercises

romantic relationships

process of looking for a suitable partner preoccupoes many individuals during their teen and young adult yeats

female-male relationships

provideeach other with insider perspectives and other sex companionship and also sensitize each other to gender differences in communication style (men report more cross sex relationships than women do, friendships) -feminine men have more cross sex relationshios than masculine men and masculine wonmen have more cross sex friendships than feminine women

women as problem bias

psychologists' preference for studying negative aspects of women's lives rather than positive ones

skip generation parents

raising their grandchildren without a parent present -could be because of parental illness, child abuse or neglect, substance abuse, psych or financial problems, divorce, incarceration, and military deployment -children reared by grandparents fair relativelt the same as children reared by their parents -black grandparents raising their childs chikldren report feeling less burdenerd than others

95 percent of miuddle-class white girls

reported competition as a friendship compares to 38 percent of low income girls -5 times more likely to report being used -3 times more likely to report jealousy

gender differences in job satisfaction

research generally finds either no gender differences in overall job satisfaction or higher satisfaction in women

glass wall

restriction of women to only certain types of management experience


set high standards and serve as role models by mentoring and empowering their subordinate


sharing thoughts and feelings with someone else is a key characteristic of young female friends -girls show more intimacy from early to late adolescence, report more self disclosure, and emotional supportm and they spend more time with their friends that boys do


spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the 20th week -at least one and seven pregnancies results in miscarriage -might be higher because very early pregnancies lost before a women realizes she is pregnant

Async lecture chapter 8 part 3

single women -never marry women-choose to be single -widowed or divorced -united states have the highest divorce rate, 40 percent of marriages end in divorce -divorces often initiated by women -asian American have the lowest divorce rate -black and latino woman are much more likely to be separated -getting a college degree improves chances that you will stay married, and wait till the late 20s to get married also lowers the divorce rate -people remarry, divorce rates are higher, and most people will remarry (usually within 5 years) -what are the effects of getting divorce? reasons why they get a divorce -after the divorce, children, women, and men, will readjust after two years -divorce have negative consequences for men, higher rate of suicide (married men, best friend is their wife, females say their actually girlfriend) -going through a divorce is difficult if children are exposed to conflict, it makes it hard for kids -if couple stays together with lots of fighting, that is more damaging to the kids than if they just get a divorce -womens finacial status declines after divorce, men goes up -most payments do not cover the cost of the child -finances can drop by 30 to 40 percent -divorced mothers are twice as likely to be living in poverty, only 2/3 of women actually get child support (less than 4000 a year) -coping with divorce-employed? social support) Chosen to never marry -majority of people in the united states actually do marry, only 5 percent do not, still viewed as the expected lifestyle -women want to maintian their independence and not tied down (more social stigma towards women than men who want to do that) -widowed women, a lot of marriages end by the death of a spouse, women live longer than men which more likely to be widowed, and women cope better with being widows than man -motherhood: streotypes of mothers about single or young mothers (mother mandate, for a woman to be fulfilled you have to become a mother, and if you dont have a kid you are going to regret it) -consequences of motherhood mandate-downplays men and their caretaking skills -relationshipos in later years (grandparents are increasingly becoming primary caregiver due to drug abuse, separation, death, jobs) -adults become caretakers of their own parents (taking care of younger kids and parents at the same time) -

SIngle women

single women include women who have elected to never marry, those who are divorced, and those who are widowed.

paradox of the contented female worker

situations in which women are as satisfied as men with their jobs despite having lower pay and status -women are comparing themselves to other women instead of men factors that are satisfied with midcareer satisfactio 1. children 2. developing a broad social network that corsses racial/ethnic boundaries 3. having empoyment gaps (parental leave) 4. HAVING job sharing and flexible options 5. having mentor 6. networking 7. having balanced proportion of men and women in the workplace 8. experiencing low levels of sex bias or discrimination 9. parental leave 10. oppurtunities for auntomy, creativity, traininf 11. lower stress levels 12. chance for recent meaningful rpromiktions 13. being in a supervisory capacity


sole representation of ones group benefits men, it hinfers women. the token women in a male dominated workplace is often percieved negatively, excessively scrutinized, treated unfairly, and isolated

percieved threat

some white male managers view the career progession of women or people of color as a direct threat to their own advancement -male managers percieved women more as a threat when their department contanined more female managers -women view womens gain more positivel than men do -men have higher status and more resources (which measn they have greate rpower) -exposure to female leaders helps reduce bias

emotion from stillbirth of miscrriage

some women feel guilt or somehow responsible for the pregnancy loss -angry or jealous towards other pregnant women -fathers grieve for shorter times and are less intense compared to the mother

women with diabiltiies

sometimes discouraged from getting pregnant and thought of as not having a save pregnancy

shifting standards hypothesis

standards are higher for groups stereotypes as less compentent -work environments in macho fields are unsupportive and more hostile towards women -they also experience sexual harrassment (2/3)

DATING scripts

suggest a power imbalance between women and men, when there is greater inequality, make is far more liekly to be a the dominant partner

patronizing behavior

supervisors give subordinates considerable praise while witholding valued resources such as raises and promotions -women recieve slightly better performance evaluations but have lower tsitnfs on promotional potential (white men reicieved higher raises than women and ethnic minorities with the same performance evaluation scores

men are taught to

take care of the woman, make arrangements, be chilvarous

laissez faire

take little responsbility for4 managing

older women close friends

tend to be about the same age and socioeconomis status, same ethnic backgrounds and live close to each other -friendships among older women enhance physical and mental health

persons closest friend in adolescence

tend to be someone of the own gender, teenagers pick their own gender too


tend to marriage within their own race, but the number has increased recently

adjustment to retirement

the first two years after leaning job was often a time of marital conflict -wives and husband that retired at the same time were happier than couples inwhich couples retired at different times -mairital conflict was the highest when husbands retired first, perhaps due to discomfort with role-reversal -women take longer to get adjusted to retirement -men enjoy the freedom while while women see it as a loss of roll -retiried women who aare unmarried are more involved with friends, familiesm and organizations and volunteer work more than retired men or lifelong homemakers -mu;ltiple roles benefit women during retirement (career and homemaker)

selection effect

the attitudes of individuals who cohabit are more accepting of divorce and less committed to marriage than the attitudes of noncohabiters

occupational segregation

the clustering of particular demographic groups in specific jobs -lowest percentage of women are hard hat jobs: construction, installation, maintenance, and repair, production, and transportation -highest concentration of women:health care, office and administrative work, teaching, and caring for young children -occupational segregration has declined in the past 40 years -women and ethnic minorities are increasingly taking managerial jobs, but they are concentrated in positions with lower ay and less authorirt

the retirement decision

the decision to reture depends upon many factors including health, income, occupational characteristics, and marital and family situations -men are more likely to reture for involuntary reaons such as ppor health -women are more apt to retire for volunatary or family related reasons -women retire with les planning -women are less likely to be covered by a pension plan and social security benefits are lower -women might not be able to reture due to their economic reaons -men and women who have strong work identities have negative feelings about retiring -educated and professional women are less likely to retire early -working class women and men view retirement as w Welcome relief from exhausting or boring labor -poor health is a major determinant of early retirement -because aging black women and men tend to be in poorer health than aging whites, they are likely to retire earlier -married women in poor health might withdraw from the workplace -women also act as a primary caregiver and provide the majority of unpaid home care to frail older individuals

infertility (1 in ten Americans experience infertility)

the failure to conceive a child after a year of trying

feminization of poverty

the increasing percentage of women living below the povery line and is found in affluent western democracies


the induction of labor for practical rather than medical reasons is on the rise -relatively safe, ut might increase the need for c sections


the presenece of the uterine lining tissue is abnormal locations

motherhood mandate

the societal beleif that women should have children and that they should be physically available at all times to tend to their young childrens needs (view has persisted in north america) -media glorifies women who leave their job to raise their kids -


the state in which an unmarried couples lives together -has drastically increased in the United States -an estimated of 50 percent or more of couples in the United States live together before marriage with hgiher incidience occuring among those with less education --cohabitation is a way to to test compatibility before marriage and serves as a trail for marriage -cohabiters report lower levels of affection and higher levels of conflict than couples who married wihtout previosul cohabiting


the typical american women spends five years pregnant or trying to be, and spend 25 to 30 years not trying to be

why older women work?

they work for economic necesssity like young poeople -women and men were equally likely to rate career success as an important outcome -feeling challenged

maternity blues

this mood state, characterized by crying, anxiety, and irritability, typically begins three to four days after childbirth and lasts for a few days or weeks (more common following the first birth and may be due to the stress of becoming a mother)

job satisfaction of sexual minorities

those in minority sexual orientation experiene more discrimination and report less job satisfaction and higher levels of psychological distress -90 percent of transgender individuals said they faced harassment, mistreatment, or discrimination on the job (black and trans women are particularly worse off) -sexual minority employees have been fired, passed up for a promotion due to their sexual identy and it is legal to do so in much of the united states

living apart together

two individuals consider themselves a couples but do not share the same residence -combine intimacy and personal committement with personal automy and indeoendence -younbg adults, a step to cohabititing, for older adults they might just want to keep their households

Healthy versus unhealthy relationships

unhealthy relationships may leave people feeling disrespected, controlled, and in some circumstances, unsafe -Some signs of a healthy relationship include: Treating each other with respect, honesty, and trust. Feeling secure and comfortable. Resolving conflicts through compromise and safely finding solutions. Supporting each other. Communicating openly and clearly. Encouraging other friendships and relationships. Maintaining individual identities, including personal hobbies and interests. Having privacy and individuality in the relationship. Have more positive feelings in the relationship than negative. Being able to make compromises. Fighting fairly and controlling anger during arguments. Honesty about past and present sexual activity (if the relationship is sexual). A sexual relationship that is consensual -Another way to bolster a relationship is to be kind in moments of conflict, t. By remaining open, rather than focusing on blame and criticism, conflict may be handled with a more positive approach. The last strategy is taking responsibility for personal wrongdoings or mistakes. Taking the time to repair the relationship after hurt feelings or fights can strengthen the relationship as a whole, even if at first it's painful. -an unhealthy relationship, one or both partners may exhibit some of the following signs, which include: Disrespecting the other through ridicule, name calling, ignoring the other, or criticism of the other or the other's friends. Controlling or manipulating the other over what each other does, what they wear, who they spend time with, or material resources (e.g., money, housing, etc.). Lying or withholding information from the other. Picking fights or antagonizing the other. Partners feeling as though they are dependent on the other for their life to continue. Making the other feel bad about themselves. Not making time for each other. Being afraid of the other's temper. Criticizing or supporting others in criticism of people with the other partner's gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or other personal attribute. Harming or threatening to harm children, family, pets, or objects of personal value. Using physical violence (pushing, grabbing, hitting, punching, or throwing objects). Using physical force or threats to prevent the other from leaving. Forcing a partner into sexual activity that wasn't consensual. -. If the concerns are insurmountable or potentially dangerous, ending that relationship is also an option.


valued good earning capacity more than men did and preferrerd oldrer mates

mothers with disabilities

viewed as less able to both physically and psychologicaly cope with the demands of pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing but there is no evidence that they are less capable as mothers

good mother stereotype

warm, forgiving, geneous, and friendly who is easily able to meet all her childrens needs and who puts their needs before her own -many mothers suffer inadequancy and guilt sometimes -can lead people to blame mothers for their childrens problems

managerial derailment

when female and male managers show equal levels of poor interpersonalo skills, supervisors evaluate the women more negativelt and give them less mentoring -online courses, give better evaluations to men -among faculty with children, women are less likely than men ti be granted tenure, more prestigious the university the fewer female faculty in tenured positions -tenure recommendation is based on intelligence for men and temperament for women

watch why we love why we cheat: Helen Fisher

when you fall in love: person takes on special meaning, focus on this person, focus what you like about this person -you feel intense elation when things are going well, but very low when they dont love you -extremely sexually possesive of them when you fall in them -romantic love: intense craving to be with a particular person (emotional, not just sexual) -motivation-you want this person -obsession (think about the person all day and all night) -"would you die for him or her" Yes! they would say -activity in brain region (active when you feel the rush of cocaine, romantic love is not an emotion, it is a drive, it comes from the motive part of the brain, motor of the brain) BRAIN SYSTEM: -more powerful than the sex drive, rejected in sex, who cares, love? they would die and kill for it -sex drive: sexual gratification EVOLVE -romantic love: elation and obsession EVOLVE (tolerate this person) -attachment: a sense of calm and security with long term partner Social trends: women moving into the workforce, closing the gap, move slow. women in Africa used to bring home food (regarded as sexually, socially, and economically) -acquiring the status that they used to have -women have the better verbal ability, 54 percent of writers are women, great people skill, highly imaginative, web thinkers because female brains are better connected, put them in more complex patterns, contextual and holistic thinkers -collaborative society: talents of both men and women are respected and valued -women are starting to express their sexuality, western world, ave more sex, leave bad marriages to get good ones, rise in female sexual expression, returning to an ancient form of marriage: equality -symmetrical marriage, companionate marriage, marriage between equals -rise of romantic love, most people will not marry a person unless they are in love -marriage becomes more stable because of the aging world population -real extension of middle age, older you get the less likely you are to get divorced -viagra, estrogen replacements, hip replacements (women are so interesting, educating, and capable) -sometimes the brain systems don't always have connections (can feel deep attachment to a romantic partner, but have romantic love for another partner, and have a lust for another) -WORRY, antidepressants, over 100 million prescriptions going, people are taking them long term and raise level of serotonin (suppress the dopamine circuit), dopamine is associated with romantic love and kill the sex drive, you kill orgasm, and you kill the drug associated with attachment -why do you fall in love with another person rather than another" timing and proximity is important, and mystery is intersting and increases dopamine, fits within your love map (traits you build), gravitate to someone with similar brain systems -do something novel with somebody, increase dopamine, and trigger brain system for romantic love

reaction and adjustment to widowhood

widowhood is one of the most stressfull of all life events. -during the first year, widows experience poorer mental and physical health than longer term windows -women who provided longterm care to their spouses prior to death are more likely to be depressed than those who care on short term bais -most widowed women adjust to their partners death within two to four years -10 to 20 percent of widows experience long term depression -younger widows, on the other hand, initially experience greater difficulties in coping with their situation (likely due to the husbands death being unexpected) -widowhood often results in a substantial reduction in financial resources for women because the husbands pensions cease -about 70 percent of older widows live alone -research has found that women who have lived with a partner for many years experience more lonlieness as widow than those women who live alone -death of a spouse takes a heavier toll on men than in women (men suffer more depression, psy disorders, and physically illnesses, and have higher death rates and suicide ) -this maybe because women are more apt than men to admit need for social support -widowed women have icnreased self esteem because they survived an event they thought they could not -widows in Africa, Middle East and Asia can suffer discrimination, sexual assault, and seizure of property and children -

salarly negotiations

women are less likely to initiate salarly negotiations are are more willing to accept whatever salarly is offered by their employers -only 7 percent of women nut 57 percent of men negotiated their salaries after graduating from the masters program -those who negotiated their salaries raised by an average of about 4000 dollars --by failing to negotiate their salaries, women can lose half a million dollars or more by the time they retiure -women are taught to be polite, and negotiating is branded as pushy violating gender norms -women are more liekly to believe that employers will notice their excellent performance -women often underestimate their abilities and men overestimate their abilities -when men applied for promition, they met 60 percent of qualifications while women who applied to promotions met 100 percent of the qualifications

authority positions

women around the globe are less likely than men to hold positions of authroity -out of 193 coutnries, the united states ranks 101st, slightly worse than the united arab emiritires in womens participation in the lower or single leglisative bodu of the country

Premenstrual syndrome

women experience symptoms so severe that their normal functioning is impaired for a week each month proceeding menstruation

pension income

women less likely to recieve pensions -ethnic minority and less educated women are less likely than white and better educated women to recieve pension benefits -dont work in ojbs that offer pension or they dont meet the time requirements due to childrearing

online profiles

women offer physical attrativeness in return for financial stability (men vice versa)

time investment in job

women spend on average of 35.6 hours per week at work compared to mens 40.6 hours

gender differences in salaries

women still earn only 80 cents to every dollar men earn, women of color earn even less than white women -asian american women earn 90 percent to the dollar men earn -black women 61 percent of what white men esarn -latinas earn just 51 percent of what white men earn -women with disabilities have lower earnings than either their male counterparts or able-bodiued women -the gender gap in pay increases with age -65 and older earned 74 percent of the weekly slarly of nmen in the same age group (65 and older) -female nirses earned 90 percent as much as male nurses Even in a female dominated occupation

occupational segregation

women tend to be congregated in female dominated occupations, and these occupations are at the law end of the salarly scale -child care workers earn less than janitors and parking lot attendants -womens occupation are devalued relative to mens

glass cliff

women who do pass through the glass ceiling are more likely than men to be assigned to a unit that is in crisis and has a high risk of failure

motherhood wage penalty

women with children earn significantly less than childless women, even why they have comparile education, work experience, and job characteristics -4 to 10 percent reducation in salarly per child in the United States and much of europe -even larger among low paid women workers -why? mothers might spent their extra time taking care of the child -they are viewed as less competent, dedicated, and professional

women with diabilities

women with disabilities are more likelt to be percieved as less attractive, leads to women with disabilities avoid social and intimate relationships

womens status low

womens chastisty is very important, domestic skills, and physical appearance

girls and women in the global factory

womens work is unpaid or underpaid world wide

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