Psychology Exam 4

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The ________ heuristic is one in which the frequency or likelihood of an event is evaluated based on how easily examples come to mind.


Emotions serve a cultural function. One such function is to

guide how people ought to feel in various situations

People naturally use mental "shortcuts" to simplify their social world. These shortcuts are known as:


Asking someone for the viewpoint directly is assessing there?

Explicit attitudes

Peripheral route processing seeks to convince people through ..

Extraneous or irrelevant cues

Stanley Milgram's studies on obedience and more recent replications have shown that:

Female participants obediently shocked the experimental victim at a rate similar to males in the Milgram and other studies which was approximately 65% of participants.

When I am meeting a new group of people, it is most likely I will.

Form opinions on them based on my first impressions

How is it that schemas help people save time as they have new experiences or encounter new people or objects on a daily basis?

We compare new experiences to previously stored schemas and this allows us to put forth less effort to assess those new encounters.

The study of ______, which is a major topic of focus for social psychologists, examines the psychological process involved in having a sexual interest in another person


What are the three characteristics of a speaker that makes him/her more trustworthy when delivering a persuasive message?

authority, honest, likability

The peripheral route to persuasion takes advantage "trigger features" that activate sequential behavior in animals and humans. What is this sequence of behavior called?

fixed action patterns (FAPs)

Milgram's obedience study demonstrated what factor in participants willing to shock others to an extreme level?

following orders from an authority figure

Humans have a strong, innate desire to form connections with other people. This is known as:

need to belong

Hammond has just started working at a new job stacking items at the supermarket. He notices that most of his colleagues do stretching exercises before they begin their shift. To fit in with the others and to avoid any disapproval, Hammond also begins to do the stretching exercises. Which of the following concepts explains Hammond's behavior?

normative influence

The line study conducted by Asch is a prime example of what process?

normative influence

When people are worried about what others think of them and decide to go along with the crowd is known as what?

normative influence

Persuasion is most effective when individuals are

not feeling that their freedom to make a choice is threatened

If a researcher is studying how people react to a command of an authority figure, then he/she are most likely studying what?


Listening to your friend's advice for the best place to get ice cream over 'an ad that states the same place as the best ice cream shop in town is based on what technique?

word of mouth

What was the % of people who conformed at least once in the Solomon Asch Study?


The durability bias occurs when a person overestimates how long their feelings might last. This bias is a type of.

Affective forecasting

Jacinta believes that people who are military veterans are all brave, honorable, and respectable. These beliefs represent a(n) _______ that she has for veterans.


________ are opinions. feelings, and beliefs that a person holds about another person. a concept. or a group


Which of the following is an example of the planning fallacy?

Gerard believes he can complete a term paper within a one-week time frame. He is surprised when he cannot complete the project as quickly as he anticipated.

Shortly after she gets to her new college, 2500 miles away from home, Tomasa goes to the school's activity fair to find some groups to join. She immediately signs up to audition for two different musical clubs, which are her interest. Her desire to join these groups may help to satisty her need to ________


Barry was raised in a Jewish household. He is very expressive about his feelings and opinions at the dinner table. Josh was raised in a Korean household and is quiet and mild mannered at the dinner table. This is an example of?

Cultural influence on emotions

Central route processing involves..

Direct argumentation


Direct argumentation, Logic, Patterns of change

Devin is interviewing candidates to work at the cash reqister in his convenience store When Margaret applies. she indicates on her application that she has been in rehab tor drug addiction, and that she has been clean and sober for over 3 years. Devin decides not to hire her. because he thinks people with drua habits are not trustworthy. Devin's actions are demonstrating


Cynthia smiles when her friend tells her a joke. She also smiles when her boss gives her criticism. Even though Cynthia might not actually be feeling happy, she knows the______ rules of her work environment. In other words, she knows when emotions are appropriate to show.


In a popular movie about the Mafia, the head of the family chastises one of his sons, Sonny, for letting other people know what he was thinking and feeling. "Never let anyone outside the familv know what you are thinkina." the Mafia boss says to Sonny. From an emotions perspective, the father is speaking about ________

Display Rules

My goal is to get $25 dollar donations from people. I do this by first asking for a $50 donation and then "compromising" to the lower amount. What persuasion tactic am I using?

Door in face

Good or bad

Emotional valence

When you drink spoiled milk or put a rancid piece of cheese in your mouth, you may spit it out before you have any cognitive awareness of why you are reeling disgusted. From an evolutionary perspective. this demonstrates wnich concept?

Emotions help us act with minimally conscious awareness

Moment of time

Foot in door

When Tara is asked how happy she will be when she graduates. She assumes she will be incredibly happy. When she does graduate, she is far less happy than she anticipated. This is an example of?

Impact bias

As I walk into a room, I notice others are acting silently. Since this is how they are behaving, I follow suit. This is an example of

Informational influence

Using my emotions as motivation for behaviors and actions is an example of a function?


Mood-congruent memory is occurring in which of the following scenarios?

John is currently sad and can more easily recall a time when he got in trouble for a late assignment.

I see everyone around me wearing a mask. To avoid other people thinking poorly of me, I put one on. This is an example of a

Normative influence

What process best explains why people conformed in the Solomon Asch Study?

Normative influence

People are usually motivated in some way when making social judgments and decisions. What often occurs as a result of having directional goals?

People may be skeptical about evidence that goes against their directional goal.

What is/are ways people can manipulate one's perceptions of trustworthiness?

Presenting a message as educational

The ________heuristic is one in which the likelihood of an object belonging to a category is evaluated based on the extent to which the object appears similar to one's mental conceptualization of the category.


Rosa is looking rather sad today. Max notices this and asks what is wrong. In this case what did Rosa's emotional expression do?

Signaled Max to elicit a specific behavior

Rueben is in a biology class and the professor tells the students to find a lab partner. Rueben immediately approaches an Asian classmate because he believes that all Asian students are naturally good in math and science. Rueben's mental shortcut is an example of a(n).


A defense method against persuasion which involves immediately confronting people when they fell victim to an advertisement is called?


I purchased a movie ticket for 10 dollars. The movie stinks. I decide to stay because "I already spent the money; I might as well stay". What fallacy am I committing?

Sunk cost

What was one of the main factors that led to participants in Milgram's study being obedient?

The orders came from an authority figure

_______ relies on psychological techniques; whereas, ________ emphasizes communicating objective information.

The peripheral route processing; the central route processing

What is the most effective way to protect from being persuaded?

To accept just how vulnerable we are

What is one of the implications of the Triad of Trustworthiness?

Without carefully considering the facts, people will believe someone high on the three factors

Obedience, even when it is destructive, is more likely when:

all are correct

Which processing route focuses on logic and relevant material?


______ is the tendency to change one's attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm


Emotions prepare us for behavior by ________ various systems such as attention, memory, and motivation.


What is compared to a "recording" that always happens in the same way every time?

fixed action patterns

Kelly is at a college party and notices everyone is drinking. She concludes that the majority of students on campus must also drink alcohol frequently. What would we call Kelly's perception of what most people are doing?

descriptive norm

What is it when behaviors provide an advantage or disadvantage to people based on group membership?


Oscar would like to go to a movie without supervision. To try and get what he wants, he starts by asking his mom if he can go on a trip to the Rollercoaster Park with just his friends. When his mom says no, like he predicted, he goes on to ask if he can at least go to the movies by himself. Oscar's strategy in asking to go to the movies is an example of what persuasion trick?


The Implicit Association Task (IAT) used in research, which records participants' reaction times to categorizing objects, is measuring what type of attitude?

implicit attitude

Lulu has never been to the United States and is unsure what behavior is socially appropriate in certain situations. As a result, she conforms by going along with the crowd in order to understand the norm. Which of the following terms BEST describes this example?

informational influence

Exposing participants to weak arguments before presenting them with strong persuasive messages helps participants resist persuasion. What is this effect called?


The ________ function of emotion refers to the effect of one's person's emotions on other people or on the relationships between people.


The ______ functions of emotions refers to the roles that emotions play within each of us individually. They can include physical changes in our bodies or psychological changes in our minds.


Which research method is used in social psychology to avoid the problem of having participants change their thoughts or behaviors as a result of being watched?

naturalistic observation

All of the following are functions of emotions EXCEPT

rationalizing past behavior

Tracy enters a car dealership interested in buying a new car. Immediately she is greeted by a salesman offering her water or soda and a cookie. The salesman is likely relying on what social norm to help persuade Tracy to buy a car?


When a bartender offers you a free taste, you feel obligated to purchase the drink. This-is an example of:


The fact that none of us are alone in the world - that we are all affected by others and. in turn. affect others - is the emphasis of the study of _____

social psychology

The reason that a "foot-in-the-door" sales pitch technique works is that it

takes advantage of your need to be consistent

Which technique of persuasion uses a satisfied customer expressing how a particular product "changed their life!"?


When being considered for a job opening, people being interviewed often mirror the interviewer's behavior. This can be explained by what concept?

the chameleon effect

Emans studies ot facial emotional communication imply that

there are similarities and differences in the recognition or emotonal expressions

People who see someone who appears angry are likely to ________ the angry person

to avoid

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