Psychology Final

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T/F; Because psychologists have engaged in thousands of studies on intelligence, they unequivocally agree on the definition of intelligence.


T/F; Irrational beliefs can lessen an individual's emotional reaction to loss and enhance coping ability.


T/F; PCP, or phencyclidine, is an opioid whose name is an acronym for its chemical structure.


T/F; The hypothalamus is involved in the formation of verbal memories.


T/F; The difference between sensation and perception is that sensation, or the stimulation of our senses, is an automated process resulting from sources of energy (light and sound) or the presence of chemicals (as in taste and smell), while perception is an active process in which sensations are organized and interpreted to form an inner representation of the world.


T/F; The humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers focused on the self-concept and self-esteem, or self-regard.


T/F: With age, there are very large declines in memory function, and these changes can never be reversed.


T/F; Genetic components do not contribute to an individual's sensitivity to basic tastes.


Raoul is one of the best football players in Newborn Warriors. However, his stamina has been reducing and he has been unable to sustain an entire game due to his habit of smoking cigarettes. In order to improve his performance, Raoul is most likely to consult a __________.

Health Psychologist

A(n) _____ primarily focuses on the relationships between people and work.

Industrial Psychologist

A participant's agreement to participate in research after receiving information about the purposes of the study and the nature of the treatments is referred to as __________.

Informed Consent

T/F; Jenna has not eaten in eight hours. She experiences hunger. According to the drive-reduction theory, Jenna is experiencing a primary drive.


T/F; Maslow's hierarchy of needs is defined as the ordering of needs from most basic (physiological needs such as hunger and thirst) to most elaborate and sophisticated (self-actualization).


T/F; Memory may be defined as the processes by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.


T/F; Odors trigger firing of receptor neurons in the olfactory membrane high in each nostril.


T/F: As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined.


Which of the following best defines the term preconscious? a) It refers to material that is not in awareness but can be brought into awareness by focusing one's attention. b) It refers to sensory awareness of the world outside, direct inner awareness of one's thoughts and feelings, personal unity, and the waking state. c) It refers to the deliberate placing of certain ideas, impulses, or images out of awareness. d) It refers to ideas and feelings that are not available to awareness.

a) It refers to material that is not in awareness but can be brought into awareness by focusing one's attention.

According to the general adaptation syndrome, the __________ is first triggered by perception of a stressor.

alarm reaction

Unlike Type A people, Type B people ___________.

are less ambitious and less impatient

Which of the following is true of the immune system? a) It is made stronger by prolonged stress. b) It remembers how to battle antigens, often for years. c) It cannot recognize pathogens in case of a reoccurring infection. d) It is typically weakened by short-term stress.

b) It remembers how to battle antigens, often for years.

According to ethologist Konrad Lorenz, __________ only occurs during a critical period of development. a) a refractory period b) attachment c) separation d) a comfort period

b) attachment

Which of the following is not a characteristic of middle adulthood? a) Menopause in women occurs. b) Both sexes may look better than their earlier adult years. c) Sense of smell declines. d) Strength, coordination, and stamina are lower than in earlier years.

c) Sense of smell declines.

Which of the following techniques relies on subtle shifts in blood flow to create a brain scan? a) Positron emission tomography b) Electroencephalography c) Magnetic resonance imaging d) Electrocardiography

c) magnetic resonance imaging

Brandon had a fear of dogs. To extinguish this fear, his mother baked him his favorite cake and gradually brought a dog closer to him while he ate the cake. In this scenario, Brandon's mother used __________ to cure his fear.


Eli is a school student. Her teacher's appreciation motivates her to study well. She also aims to impress her teacher and parents by getting into a good university after she graduates from high school. Eli's performance goals seem to be met through __________.

extrinsic rewards

Positive reinforcement _______ the probability of a behavior occurring, and negative reinforcement _______ the probability of a behavior occurring.

increases; increases

Ava, a four-year-old girl, combines words to form her own sentences. In this scenario, Ava is demonstrating __________.

infinite creativity

In the context of memory and forgetting, the view that one may forget stored material because other learning overlaps with it is known as __________.

interference theory

Unlike the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic-existential perspective emphasizes __________.


People with __________ stop breathing periodically, up to several hundred times per night.

sleep apnea

In the context of classical conditioning, ________ helps organisms adapt to situations that recur from time to time.

spontaneous recovery

When a neural impulse reaches the axon terminal of a neuron, the vesicles release varying amounts of neurotransmitters into the __________.

synaptic cleft

Erikson labeled the first stage of psychosocial development in his theory of personality development as the stage of __________.

trust versus mistrust

Daniella thinks that she is extremely overweight despite having a normal body weight. She avoids eating food and has recently lost a lot of weight. Despite this, she continues to think that she is overweight. Which eating disorder is Daniella most likely suffers from?

Anorexia nervosa

T/F; Dreams are more likely to be coherent in plot than emotionally gripping.


T/F; Early in the 20th century, Gestalt psychologists noted certain consistencies in the way we integrate bits and pieces of sensory stimulation into meaningful wholes. This group of rules is referred to as the laws of similarity.


The __________ is a group of structures involved in memory, motivation, and emotion that forms a fringe along the inner edge of the cerebrum.

Limbic System

Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer?


T/F; Behavioral psychologists believe learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that arises from practice or experience.


T/F: In the 1940s and 1950s, psychodynamic theory dominated the practice of psychotherapy


T/F: Paulina is a kindergarten teacher. Every time one of her students answers correctly during her alphabet classes, she uses phrases like "Well done" and "Keep it up." Her behavior exemplifies reinforcement.


T/F: A sample consists of multiple populations.


T/F: According to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, animals cannot be harmed under any circumstance while conducting research.


The most dramatic gains in height and weight occur during __________.

Prenatal Development

Stephanie decided not to cheat on the exam because she was afraid of the consequences. This is characteristic of which stage of moral reasoning? a) postconventional b) unconventional c) conventional d) preconventional

d) preconventional

Which of the following is true of psychological needs? a) Psychological needs include the need for pain avoidance and proper temperature. b) Psychological needs are always based on states of deprivation. c) Psychological needs differ markedly from one person to another. d) Psychological needs are the basic needs required for survival.

c) Psychological needs differ markedly from one person to another.

A(n) _______ expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables.

Correlation Coefficient

T/F: It's normal for adolescents to see themselves as the center of attention and assume that other people are also preoccupied with their appearance and behavior. This is termed an imaginary audience


T/F: Many case studies are clinical; that is, they are descriptions of a person's psychological problems and how a psychologist treated them.


T/F; Research shows that eating disorders are more common when the family environment is negative, with possible history of child abuse or neglect, or exposure to high parental expectations.


T/F; Research suggests that people who have reported greater feelings of happiness and well-being are likely to score more highly than other people on scales that measure emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion.


T/F; Women seem less affected by alcohol than men because they have more of an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase, which metabolizes alcohol in the stomach.


Which of the following is true of functionalism? a) It shows that learning is accomplished only through mechanical repetition. b) It breaks down experience into objective sensations and subjective feelings. c) It looks at how habits help one cope with common situations. d) It considers observable behavior to be a result of positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement.

c) It looks at how habits help one cope with common situations.

T/F; Short-term memory and working memory mean the same thing.


T/F; With well-known information such as our names and occupations, retrieval is effortless and rapid.


T/F; Your friends had to tell what the painting meant because all you could see was a bunch of random dots on the canvas. You are most likely using Bottom-up processing.


T/F: Prior to six months of age, infants realize that objects removed from sight still exist and try to find them. They show object permanence, which makes it possible to play peekaboo.


T/F; You would not show any instinctive behaviors if you were born and raised separately from others in your family and/or species.


T/F; In Pavlov's famous experiment, the dog salivated in response to the tone because the tone became mentally connected with the meat powder. The meat powder is the unconditioned stimulus (UCS).


T/F; Sleep terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking are all deep sleep disorders that occur during deep (stage 3 or 4) sleep.


__________ intensifies most emotions and is central to the experience of fear and anxiety.


T/F; Biofeedback training is a system that provides information about a bodily function so the organism can gain control of that function.


T/F; According to the general adaptation syndrome, in the resistance stage, levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity are higher than in the alarm reaction stage.


T/F; Dreams are most likely to be vivid during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, whereas images are vaguer and more fleeting during rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep.


T/F: According to structuralists, maladaptive behavior patterns tend to drop out, and only the fittest behavior patterns survive.


T/F: At the postconventional level of adolescence, moral judgements are derived from authority figures.


T/F: Girls can become pregnant immediately after menarche.


T/F: Unhealthy stress is referred to as eustress


T/F: Correlations allow us to determine causality.


__________ stresses people's capacities for self-fulfillment and the central roles of consciousness, self-awareness, and decision making.


When you first wake up in the morning and turn your lights on, the _______________ changes shape to keep out some of the light so it does not damage the eye.


The American Psychological Association (2017) has found that Americans are most likely to do one of the following to cope with stress?

Music and exercise.

__________ is also termed as modeling.

Observational learning

At the start of the exam Bobbi did not notice any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of the ticking clock on the wall. What is this an example of?

Sensory Adaptation

Ray often wakes up at night talking loudly and incoherently. During this time, his heart rate increases, and he recalls vague images of someone pressing on his chest. However, he is never fully awake and returns to sleep. In the context of sleep disorders, Ray is exhibiting symptoms of _____.

Sleep Terrors

T/F; A composite of studies of the relationship between IQ scores and heredity suggests that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to IQ scores.


T/F; According to Robert Sternberg, there are three types of intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical.


T/F; According to the American Lung Association, the hydrocarbons, or tars, in cigarette and cigar smoke lead to lung cancer.


T/F; In the context of stressors, Albert Ellis referred to situations such as losing a job as an activating event.


T/F: Psychologists are thinking in terms of behavioral genetics when they ask about the inborn reasons why individuals may differ in their behavior and mental processes.


T/F: Sacs called synaptic vesicles in the axon terminals contain neurotransmitters.


T/F: The beginning of menstruation, or menarche, usually occurs between 11 and 14.


_____ was a founder of the school of functionalism.

William James

Which of the following statements is true about the different types of psychologists? a) Counseling psychologists deal exclusively with clients who suffer from serious psychological disorders. b) Clinical psychologists help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behavior. c) School psychologists focus on planning instructional methods for a school system rather than on individual children. d) Health psychologists apply psychology to the criminal justice system.

b) Clinical psychologists help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behavior.

Which of the following substances is classified as a barbiturate? a) Marijuana b) Nembutal c) Nicotine d) Demerol

b) Nembutal

Humor helps people cope with stress by __________. a) postponing making difficult decisions b) stimulating the output of endorphins c) enhancing the functioning of the immune system d) positive cognitive shifts that result in positive emotions.

b) stimulating the output of endorphins

Vomiting, binge eating, fasting, the use of laxatives, and engaging in prolonged exercise regimens are potentially characteristics of _________.

bulimia nervosa

Piaget described human thought, or intelligence, in terms of the concepts of __________ and accommodation. a) socialization b) imprinting c) assimilation d) scaffolding

c) assimilation

Clark Hull's drive-reduction theory states that: a) organisms seek to increase stimulation. b) primary drives are triggered in a state of satiety. c) humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal. d) pain cannot trigger arousal and activate behavior.

c) humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal.

Which of the following is a similarity between adolescence and emerging adulthood? a) Both are associated with the empty-nest syndrome. b) Both are ages of frequently changing educational direction. c) Both are ages of complete independence from parental influences. d) Both are ages of feeling in-between.

d) Both are ages of feeling in-between.

Which of the following is true of estrogen production in females? a) It stimulates the frontal lobes of the brain. b) It regulates the activity of the amygdala. c) It prevents the growth of pubic hair. d) It stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips.

d) It stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips.

Which of the following is the sequence of phases for the sexual response cycle? a) resolution, excitement, plateau, orgasmic b) resolution, excitement, orgasmic, plateau c) excitement, orgasmic, plateau, resolution d) excitement, plateau, orgasmic, resolution

excitement, plateau, orgasmic, resolution

The __________ is the third stage in a group of bodily changes that occur in the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). In this stage, the muscles become fatigued:

exhaustion stage

Max is a waiter at a coffee shop. He gets paid $100 every day at 9 p.m. regardless of the number of customers he serves during the day. In this scenario, Max's payment is based on the ________.

fixed-interval schedule

When Kendall picked up her puppy, she did not realize that he'd gained a pound since the last time she picked him up. This small increase in weight is not big enough to be a

just noticeable difference.

Which of the following hassles is an example of environmental hassles?


The _______ is the part of the nervous system that is involved with sensory and motor neurons.

peripheral nervous system

The __________ activates the adrenal medulla, causing it to release a mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline during the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

sympathetic nervous system

If the __________ is damaged, a person can form visual memories but not verbal memories. a) limbic system b) hippocampus c) thalamus d) optic nerve


T/F: When we think of the eye as the camera to the world, the photosensitive surface is called the lens, which contains photoreceptors called rods and cones.


David was experiencing a lot of stress because he was experiencing some pain in his right foot, the weather was poor, and he owed money to a friend. These types of stress are considered ___________.

Daily Hassles

________ believed that to a large extent a person is a conscious architect of his or her own personality.

Erik Erikson

__________ are best described as people who perceive the ability to attain reinforcements in stressful situations as being largely outside themselves.


T/F; Consider a child who is burned by touching a hot stove. The sight of the stove may evoke fear, and because hearing the word stove may evoke a mental image of the stove, just hearing the word may evoke fear. The child shows discrimination towards the hot stove.


T/F; In their continuing research, psychologists have come to define consciousness in only one way, as the continuing self in the world.


T/F; Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the air passages are obstructed.


T/F; It takes children longer to learn new words than it takes apes to learn new signs.


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, what must be developed immediately prior to esteem needs?

Love and belongingness

Since 15 percent of a university is comprised of Asian-American students, a sample for a study was chosen in such way that it, too, consisted of 15 percent Asian Americans. This kind of sample would be an example of a __________.

Stratified Sample

T/F; If you have an internal locus of control, it means you feel you have control over the direction of your life.


T/F; People with frequent nightmares are more likely than others to have anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems.


T/F; Physical needs give rise to drives like hunger and thirst.


T/F; Prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke during childhood is a risk factor for cancer of the throat.


T/F; Psychological states such as anxiety and depression can impair the functioning of the immune system.


T/F: Monozygotic twins are important in the study of the relative influences of nature and nurture because differences between monozygotic twins are the result of nurture.


T/F; The left hemisphere of the brain is relatively more involved in tasks that require logic and problem solving than the right hemisphere.


Which of the following statements is true of prospective memory? Correct Answer a) Moods and attitudes affect prospective memory. b) Prospective memory is permanent and easily accessible. Incorrect Response c) Task executions are controlled by prospective memory. d) Prospective memory is declarative in nature.

a) Moods and attitudes affect prospective memory.

Which of the following is true of collectivists? a) They are more likely to conform to group judgments. b) They are unable to resist personal temptations to do their duty. c) They do not identify themselves in terms of their families or gender. d) They define themselves in terms of their personal identities.

a) They are more likely to conform to group judgments.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of psychological hardiness? a) commitment b) aggression c) challenge d) control

b) aggression

Suppose a person is fired and he harbors beliefs such as: "This job was the most important thing in my life," "What a no-good failure I am," "My family will starve," "I'll never find a job as good," "There's nothing I can do about it." According to Albert Ellis, such irrational beliefs contribute to anxiety and depression by: a) creating an approach-approach conflict. b) catastrophizing the extent of loss. c) lowering an individual's emotional reaction to loss. d) reducing hypertension.

b) catastrophizing the extent of loss.

B. F. Skinner proposed a) the theory of psychoanalysis. b) that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because their behavior has a positive outcome. c) that organisms behave in certain ways because of inherited traits and not acquired traits. d) the basic theories of functionalism.

b) that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because their behavior has a positive outcome.

Which of the following are some of the differences between life changes and daily hassles? a) Many life changes are negative and occur less frequently. b) Many life changes are positive and occur frequently. c) Many life changes are positive and occur less frequently. d) Many life changes are negative and occur frequently.

c) Many life changes are positive and occur less frequently.

Which of the following statements is true of psychoanalysis? a) It was founded by B. F. Skinner. b) It believes that observable behavior can be changed only through reinforcement. c) It primarily breaks conscious experience down into objective sensations and subjective feelings. d) It aims to help patients find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs.

d) It aims to help patients find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs.

Which of the following is a typical characteristic of biologically-oriented psychologists? a) They believe that self-awareness, experience, and choice permit us to invent ourselves and our ways of relating to the world as we progress through life. b) They study the influences of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on behavior and mental processes. c) They investigate the ways we perceive and mentally represent the world, remember the past, plan for the future, solve problems, form judgments, make decisions, and use language. d) They study the role of heredity in behavior and mental processes such as psychological disorders, criminal behavior, and thinking.

d) They study the role of heredity in behavior and mental processes such as psychological disorders, criminal behavior, and thinking.

In __________, the problem solver associates freely to the elements of the problem, allowing "leads" to run a nearly limitless course.

divergent thinking

According to the different kinds of support for coping with stress, __________ involves listening to people's problems and expressing feelings of sympathy, caring, understanding, and reassurance.

emotional concern

Ever since Michelle failed her biology test, she thinks that she will never be able to find a job when she eventually graduates. She feels that she will end up homeless. This situation best demonstrates __________.

irrational beliefs

T/F; Ivan Pavlov proved that reflexes cannot be learned by association.


T/F; Masters and Johnson use the term sexual arousal cycle to describe the changes that occur in the body as men and women become sexually aroused.


T/F; People with lower Self-efficacy expectations have biological as well as psychological reasons for remaining calmer and are less prone to be disturbed by adverse events.


T/F; The Weschler intelligence scale yielded the mental age score.


T/F; The psychology of motivation concerns the whys and hows of behavior.


T/F; Women under stress are more likely to care for their children and seek social contact and support from others. Taylor termed this the "tend-and-befriend" response.


Which of the following is true of Carl Jung's psychodynamic theory—analytical psychology? a) It emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes. b) It emphasizes the feelings of inferiority and the creative self. c) It focuses on personality characteristics that were generally presumed to be embedded in the nervous system. d) It focuses on learning by observation and on the cognitive processes that underlie personal differences.

a) It emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes.

Which of the following is true of corticosteroids? a) They combat allergic reactions. b) They suppress inflammation. c) They are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. d) They cause the adrenal cortex to secrete adrenocorticotrophic hormone.

a) They combat allergic reactions.

Identify the factors that make up the Big Five factor model. a) extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness b) psychoticism, extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness c) extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, argumentativeness, and openness d) extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and anxiousness

a) extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness

Cognitive theorists note that: a) people represent their worlds mentally. b) people's behavior is mechanical and primarily aimed toward survival. c) people are motivated to reduce tension. d) motivation is independent of environmental factors.

a) people represent their worlds mentally.

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of stages in Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development? a) oral, phallic, anal, genital, and latency b) phallic, oral, genital, latency, and anal c) anal, oral, phallic, latency, and genital d) oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

d) oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

The __________ is a pea-sized structure in the brain that is involved in many aspects of motivation, including sex, aggression, and hunger.


After returning from work, Greg contemplates whether he should stay at home or exercise at the gym. He wants to stay at home because he likes to relax, but feels guilty about not getting enough exercise. He knows that if he goes to the gym, he will be glad that he is exercising but unhappy because he does not enjoy the activity. According to Neal E. Miller, this is an example of a(n) __________.

multiple approach-avoidance conflict

Prior to conditioning, Michael salivates in response to lasagna placed in his mouth. Using classical conditioning terms, the food would be labeled the _____, while Michael salivating would be labeled the _____.

unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

Wilhelm Wundt used __________ to try to discover the basic elements of experience.


T/F; The thalamus is a structure of the limbic system that is involved in the storage of memories and does not become mature until we are about two years old.


T/F; Psychophysicist Ernst Weber discovered through laboratory research that the threshold for perceiving differences in the intensity of light. His research became known as the difference threshold.


A two-year-old child's family has a pet rabbit. When the family visits the zoo, the child sees a hamster for the first time and calls it a rabbit because of the physical features that are common to a rabbit and a hamster. According to Piaget, which cognitive process will most likely modify the child's understanding? a) stimulation b) attribution c) accommodation d) equilibration

c) accommodation

When a patient insists on having a medical cure but a physician does not believe that medicine is necessary, the physician may prescribe sugar pills. Such fake pills are called _______. a) analgesics b) noceboes c) placebos d) antidepressants

c) placebos

Which of the following statements is true of the experimental method of research? a) In the experimental method of research, participants in control groups obtain the treatment being tested. b) The experimental method fails to answer questions about cause and effect. c) In the experimental method of research, participants in experimental groups do not obtain the treatment being tested. d) The experimental method allows psychologists to control the experiences of participants and draw conclusions about cause and effect.

d) The experimental method allows psychologists to control the experiences of participants and draw conclusions about cause and effect.

T/F: A feature of crystallized intelligence is that it does not increase throughout the life span.


T/F: In a study conducted to test the effect of a medicine, one group of participants is given the medicine while another group is not. The latter would be considered an experimental group


T/F: John B. Watson developed the social-cognitive perspective, arguing for the influence of social factors over cognition.


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