Psychology I Brain and Behavior

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ectasy and depression

Abuse of the drug, _______ inhibits natural production of the neurotransmitters endorphins. When off of the drug, _______ is a chronic disorder.


One moment Dylan is happy, the next moment she feels sad. What is damaged?

Broaca's area

This part of Burt's brain helps him to produce language.

Wernicke's area

This part of Burt's brain helps him to understand language.

occipital lobe

This part of Burt's brain is a lobe found at the back of the head. It is here that messages from the eyes are interpreted.

frontal lobe

This part of Burt's brain is a lobe found at the front of the brain and controls thinking and creating.


allows for complex thinking in human beings

motor cortex

an area behind the frontal loves that controls movement



reticular activating system

attention, sleep, and arousal (stimulation of this makes us alert)


balance and coordination

receptor sites

binding sites on the end of dendrites (when neurons cross)


body movement, attention, sleep, alert (damage to this can impact sleep/coma)


building blocks of heredity that make up chromosomes




carries messages away from the cell body

endocrine system

chemical communication system; a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream -sends messages slowly in blood


chemical messenger that carries impulses across the synaptic gaps across transmitters

axon terminal

chemical sacs of the ends that hold neurotransmitters


receive impulses and conducts them to the cell body (cell's ears: hears messages)

sensory cortex

receives info from skin senses and from the movement of body parts

autonomic nervous system

regulates the body's vital functions (heartbeat, breathing, digestion, blood pressure)


regulation of body temperature, motivation, and emotion. Also involved in hunger, thirst, and sex behaviors (size of a pea but very important).

axon terminal

sends impulses across synapses (stores neurotransmitters) (voice)

Wernicke's area

speech comprehension

thyroid gland

-affects body's metabolism (converting food into energy)

adrenal gland

-increase heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and energy -secretes hormones that arouse the body in times of stress

ptuitary gland

-regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands -called "master gland" -regulates growth of muscles, bones, and glands

hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain

3 parts of the brain

frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal

4 lobes of the brain


A jeweler is repairing a plastic chain with very tiny links. The jeweler's _____-_______ would be very important in her ability to do this repair.

cortical steroids

Adrenal gland release _______ _______ which promote muscle development.

processing/storing short term memories

After a freak canoe accident, the Barry hippocampus was lost at sea. Barry has recovered in all respects, except for one thing. What is the new guy having problems with?

forebrain-limbic system

After a skateboarding accident, Nikka was left with brain damage. Now Nikka has trouble judging the emotions of others, even when she can see their facial expressions. What did Nikka most likely damage?


After an evil scientist destroys part of Bryce's huge brain, Bryce finds that he is always hungry and he eats way more than before. What did the scientist destroy?


Alejandro was in a car accident and can no longer control his own heart rate or breathing. What did Alejandro probably damage?

brain stem

Burt's most primitive part of his brain is similar to brains of all living creatures with brains. It connects his brain to his spinal cord.


Christy is slowly developing an impairment in her ability to perform finely coordinated movements such as cutting garlic into very small pieces. What part of the brain will doctors find the problem?

forebrain-limbic system-hippocampus

Damage to which part of the brain would have the least effect on Bernie's ability to juggle?


Dendrites can be damaged by _______ abuse.

46 and 23

How many chromosomes do humans have? How many pairs?


How many inches long is the brain?

100 billion

How many neurons are in the brain?


How many pounds does the average brain weigh?

overweight and underweight

If too little thyroxin hypothyroidism is produced, you are _______. If too much thyroxin hypothyroidism is produced, you are _______.

right frontal

Luke is learning to play the piano,. Recent research suggests that the organization of Luke's somatosensory cortex may change to allow more neurons there is to respond to touch. Which lobe of Luke's cerebral cortex contains the somatosensory cortex?


The 23rd chromosome determines _______.


The _______ lobe helps Burt find his way and recognize objects and their uses, and experiences sensations (such as pain, pressure, touch, and temperature)

meninges and shock absorber

The brain is protected by the skull and three membranes called _______. Also, a fluid surrounds the brain and acts as a _______ _______.


The spinal cord is as thick as a _______.

temporal lobe

This lobe is found next to Burt's ears. It helps us hear, plan our speech, and remember.

sensory cortex

This part of Burt's brain allows him to feel the soft fur of his dog.

motor cortex

This part of Burt's brain helps him move his arms and legs when he's running to psychology class.

motor cortex

Veronica bent over in her garden to pick strawberries but bumped her head on a bush and passed out. When she regained consciousness, she could not let ho of the strawberries in her left hand; the hand would not open or close. She most likely injured her _______ ______.


What hormone is produced by the thyroid gland?

multiple sclerosis

What is the disease that is caused by a deterioration of a person's Myelin Sheath?


What is the hormone produced by the ptuitary gland?

corpus callosum

What is the nerve fiber that enable communication between the right and left cerebral hemispheres called?


What part of the brain is most primitive?


What part of the brain is the most complex?

epinephine and norepinephrine

What two hormones are produced by the adrenal gland?


When Cade was tackled during a football game, he hit the back of his head on the ground, which resulted in a concussion. Cade now has trouble with his vision, so he probably damaged his ______ lobe.

central nervous system

Which part of the nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord?

peripheral nervous system

Which part of the nervous system contains the nerves?

acupuncture and pain messages

_______ is based on the belief that by inserting needles into various parts of the body, they can interrupt _______ _______ sent to the brain, thus alleviating the pain or treating the illness.

down syndrome

a condition of intellectual disability and associated physical disorders caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21


a relay station for sensory info and motors skills (muscles and movement) (coach of the brain)

spinal cord

column of nerves within the spine that transmits messages to and from the brain

peripheral nervous system

communicates between the central nervous system and all parts of the body.

cell body, dendrites, axon, myelin, and axon terminal

components of a neuron

Broaca's Aphasia

comprehension is good, hard to find words, pauses, only nouns and verbs, slow rate -aware of their problems but have a hard time producing language


contains the genetic info that makes up our chromosomes

left hemisphere

controls language, logic, problem solving, and math

right hemisphere

deals with imagination, feelings, art, and spatial relations

Wernicke's Aphasia

disorder caused by damage to Wernicke's area, difficulty understanding speech, speech is intelligible, nonsense words -unaware of their disability -left temporal lobe

action potential

electrical charge that travels down the axon


emotions, sex drive, moods


female sex chromosomes


first time certain parts of the brain link up with certain things


insulates and protects the axon


involuntary (runs itself) lower portion-vital functions such as heart rate, respiration, and balance

association area

involved in higher mental functions such as learning, remembering, thinking and speaking.


involved with vision and hearing


large part of the brain- 70% of volume


male sex chromosomes

limbic system

memory, emotion, sex, and aggression


method of studying the brain -a device that records the electrical activity of the brain -feelings of relaxation and sleep


method of studying the brain -combination of PET and MRI -real-time log of brain activity


method of studying the brain -detect brain change and measure activity -1970's, take a bunch a 2-D pictures and combine them into 3-D pictures

electrical stimulation

method of studying the brain -electric arousal of one part of the brain causes specific sensations in the body


method of studying the brain -person lies in a very powerful magnetic field and radio waves-more than CAT -1977; great for revealing small brain injuries


method of studying the brain -see the results of physical brain damage and its effects on people


method of studying the brain -shows activity of the brain in real-time using radioactive sugar -see which areas of brain are most active listening to music, math problems, language, playing chess, etc


move from axon terminal to next neuron (chemical)

frontal lobe

movement and thinking

cerebral cortex

part of the cerebrum

reticular activating system

part of the midbrain

thalamus, hypthalamus, limbic system, and cerebrum

parts of the forebrain

medulla, pons, cerebellum

parts of the hindbrain

hippocampus and amygdala

parts of the limbic system

temporal lobe

process sounds, including speech


processing and storage of short term memory memories are processed here and then sent elsewhere for storage


produce estrogen and progesterone


produce testosterone

cell body

produces the energy for the cell

Broaca's area

producing language-located in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere

nervous system

system that regulates the body's response to internal and external stimuli


the junction between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of another neuron


the sending neuron reabsorbs the excess neurotransmitters from the synapse.

corpus callosum

the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain


threadlike structure in the nucleus of every cell; contains genes

parietal lobe

touch sensations and spatial relationships

somatic nervous system

transmits senses to the central nervous system (temperature, pressure) (external)

occipital lobe

visual cortex


vital functions (heart rate blood pressure, breathing) (most prehistoric part of the brain)

cerebral cortex

wrinkled part of the brain; controls mental processes such as thought

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