Psychology in Everyday Life Chapter 1 3 4 and 5

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To discover the extent to which religious beliefs can be used to predict political preferences, Professor Steele and his colleagues are most likely to use

correlational measures

Professor Stevens wants to examine the relationship between false news and negative attitudes about migrants. Professor Stevens' research would be an example of

correlational research

Assessing how well one variable predicts another variable is to ________ as detecting cause-effect relationships between different variables is to ________.

correlational research; experimental research

Putting babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of a smothering crib death has been associated with a slight delay in children's


Dr. Sali believes that children who are not visually stimulated during the first four months of their infancy will never develop normal visual perception skills. Obviously, Dr. Sali believes that this phase of development is a(n)

critical period

A questioning attitude regarding psychologists' assumptions and hidden values best illustrates

critical thinking

Accurately hitting a baseball a split second before we consciously recognize that the ball has reached our bat best illustrates our capacity for

dual processing

Although we may be unaware of our gender prejudices, they often influence the way we consciously perceive men and women. This best illustrates

dual processing

Visible male-female differences begin to emerge

during the two-year period of rapid physical development associated with puberty

A posthypnotic suggestion is made ________ a hypnosis session and intended to be carried out in the future when the subject is ________.

during; no longer hypnotized

People have always responded so positively to Amanda's bubbly personality that she has developed a socially confident and outgoing personality. This best illustrates the

interaction of heredity and environment

When Dominic first wore a new pair of glasses, he felt dizzy. After a few days, however, he felt fine while wearing the glasses and appreciated his corrected vision. This demonstrates

perceptual adaption

The tendency to hear the steady drip of a leaky sink faucet as if it were a repeating rhythm of two or more beats best illustrates

perceptual organization

According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the ________ stage.


Using a large box to symbolize a boat and brooms to symbolize fishing poles, Jim and Tommy imagined themselves catching fish out of a lake. The children are most clearly demonstrating

pretend play

A cold metal necklace that touches side-by-side cold and pressure spots on your neck is most likely to trigger a sense of


A major issue that has emerged from debates over the use of animals in psychological research centers on

what safeguards should protect the well-being of animals used in research

According to evolutionary psychologists, gender differences exist

when men and women are faced with different adaptive challenges, such as reproduction

The concept of tend and befriend describes

women's tendency to turn to others for support

Clarissa is a preteen whose primary and secondary sex characteristics are just beginning to develop. When can she expect to experience menarche?

11.5 to 13.5 years of age

Children's anxiety over separation from parents peaks at around ________ months and then gradually declines.


George and Jenny, both in their late twenties, are at the beginning of a potentially romantic relationship. Research suggests that ________ is the one who is most likely to initiate greater sexual intimacy in their relationship and ________ is the one who has a more accepting attitude toward uncommitted sex.

George; George

Raymond is sexually active and wants to avoid contracting AIDS. To prevent that from happening, Raymond most clearly needs to avoid unprotected sex with partners infected with


Condoms are most helpful in protecting against

HIV infections

Which of the following is passed much more often from men to women than from women to men?

HIV infections

Men and women are most likely to differ in their levels of

violent crime

Both Dr. Cherice Bogart and Dr. Branson Smith are practicing physicians. Considering the gender differences in compensation, it can be expected that Dr. Smith will earn roughly ________ more than Dr. Bogart each year.


Which of the following is NOT a major issue in developmental psychology?

predictability and unpredictability

Yesterday, after carrying groceries that weighed 5 pounds for a while, Christine picked up her purse, which weighed half a pound. She immediately noticed a change in the weight of what she was carrying. If her groceries had weighed 10 pounds, the just noticeable difference with the addition of her purse would be ________ pound(s).


Approximately ________ children in the United States have visible effects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

1 in 30

The first significant studies of rape victim blaming were conducted in the


Most of us receive ________ chromosomes from our mother and ________ chromosomes from our father.

23; 23

In Europe and the United States, about ________ percent of men and about ________ percent of women have exclusively same-sex attractions.

3 or 4; 2

More than half of Americans with AIDS are between the ages of

30 and 49

________ of our chromosomes are considered unisex.


Gender stereotypes are most rigid around age


What percentage of rape victims are between the ages of 11 and 24?


Prolonged exposure to sounds above ________ decibels is related to hearing loss.


Harlow observed that most monkeys raised in total isolation

were incapable of mating upon reaching sexual maturity

Beverly is 70 years old and exercises regularly. Her physician commends her for her efforts and explains how regular exercise can help maintain telomeres, which can actually slow the progression of

Alzheimer's Disease

Which of the following demonstrates a recent shift in gender roles in the United States?

As compared with men, women earn higher college grades and more college degrees and show equal competence in STEM-related activities

Chromosomes are threadlike structures made of

DNA molecules

Feature detectors were first identified by

David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel

Marcia, Ida, and Derrick are talking about neighborhood conditions. Which of the following events is most likely to occur?

Derrick interrupts Marcia

Psychics' suggestions that perception can occur apart from sensory input involve claims for the existence of


Which of the following is a benefit of adolescent romantic relationships?

For most of us, they are a source of great pleasure

Dwayne has abnormally low testosterone levels. What can be expected if he undergoes testosterone-replacement therapy?

He will experience an increase in sexual desire and energy.

If you stared at a house as you walked down a street, the trees in front of the house would appear to be moving

In the opposite direction to you; in the same direction as you

A genetic male who was born with small testes and is sterile has the condition known as

Klinefelter syndrome

Research with distorting goggles best supports the view of human perception advanced by

John Locke

Six-year-old Anne effectively restrained herself from touching the cookies that her mother had just taken out of the oven by inaudibly whispering the word "hot." The advantage of her verbal self-control tactic was most clearly highlighted by

Lev Vygotsky

Which of the following people is more likely to experience tip-of-the-tongue forgetting?

Margaret who is 60 years old

Based on current statistics, which of the following people is most likely to report experiencing sexual victimization?

Maria, who is multiracial and 22 years old

Who was a student of William James and the first female president of the American Psychological Association?

Mary Whiton Calkins

Which country is LEAST likely to have favorable attitudes toward same-sex attraction?


The egocentrism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized by

Piaget's cognitive development theory

Cultural traditions in ________ discourage caregivers from talking with young children.


Who are likely to show the greatest similarity in temperament?

Ruth and Ramona, identical twins

Samantha is an administrative assistant who has repeatedly received unwanted sexual advances and has been the target of obscene remarks at work. She is experiencing

Sexual Harassment

There exists a bidirectional relationship between sexual arousal and testosterone levels. Which of the following best describes that relationship?

Sexual arousal can be a cause and a consequence of increased testosterone levels

Alonza has a terminal illness and has been given a short period of time to live. Which of the following best describes how she feels?

She is likely to be more positive

Veronica has experienced severe bullying by her peers. Which of the following is true regarding Veronica?

She is likely to experience poor physical health and greater psychological distress

Brenda's senior photos show her with a wide smile. When comparing these photos with earlier ones, we see the same wide smile. According to one research study of 306 U.S. college graduates, what may be expected as Brenda moves through life?

She is likely to have a long, enduring marriage

Stephanie's mother is secure and responsive to Stephanie's needs. Which of the following can be predicted about Stephanie?

She is likely to have good grades and strong friendships

Simone was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. How could you determine that this is the case when first meeting Simone?

She may have noticeable physical deformities, such as abnormal facial features.

Stacey has been caught pulling the cat's tail and hitting it on the head. Which of the following is a likely outcome?

Stacey is likely to be violent as an adult

Which of the following is NOT true regarding adolescence in Western cultures?

Teens are entering adulthood later than in other cultures

Which of the following is true for those assigned to a control group?

The experimental treatment is absent

Which of the following people is most likely to behave aggressively?

Tom, who is in his thirties and works full-time

Monica is a genetic female who was born with only one X chromosome. Her condition is known as

Turner Syndrome

Which statement best describes how nature and nurture affect us?

We are both creatures and creators of our world

Which of the following is NOT true regarding child-raising practices?

Western parents emphasize obedience, respect, and sensitivity to others

Who was the American philosopher who shared his love of psychology in his 1890 textbook?

William James

The sex chromosome found in both males and females is called the ________ chromosome.


Color receptors are to ________ as opposing retinal processes are to ________.

Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory; opponent-process theory

Which of the following people is most likely to enjoy an enduring marriage?

Zach who smiled all the time as a child

Teens who smoke typically have friends who smoke. To avoid overestimating the impact of peer pressure on teen's smoking habits, it would make most sense to consider the importance of

a selection effect

The case study is a research method in which

a single individual is studied in great depth

Ana would like to marry one day. For her, an ideal mate would be all of the following EXCEPT

a college drop-out

Forty-year-old Alicia has been happily married for 15 years. However, since her ovaries were removed, she has lost most of her interest in sexual activities. Which of the following might be causing this?

a drop in her testosterone levels

Sexual arousal from fantasies, behaviors, or urges involving nonhuman objects, the suffering of the self or others, and/or nonconsenting persons is called

a paraphilia

Ideas about one's own and others' feelings, perceptions, and thoughts, along with the behaviors these might predict, are said to constitute

a theory of mind

Gender typing refers to acquiring

a traditional masculine or feminine role

Over the past two years, Mrs. Packwood, who is 79 years old, has suffered several bouts of pneumonia. This is most likely due to

a weakening immune system

Poor communication among brain regions that normally work together to enable one to take another's viewpoint is most clearly linked with

autism spectrum disorder

Which of the following is NOT considered a primary sex characteristic?


During a hearing test, many sounds were presented at such a low level of intensity that Mr. Jones could not detect them. These sounds were below Mr. Jones'

absolute threshold

According to Piaget, accommodation refers to

adjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences

Juan's psychology professor is discussing color processing. The professor shows a solid green square on the projector and asks students to stare at the green square for 30 seconds. When the 30 seconds have passed, the professor then shows a blank white screen. Juan sees a red square that is not actually on the screen. The professor has just demonstrated


The olfactory receptors are activated by

airborne molecules

Chromosomes are contained within

all of these types of cells

Suppose the correlation between children's body weight and their reading ability is -1.00. This would mean that

among children; better reading ability is associated with lower body weight

A light wave's intensity is determined by its


The loudness of sounds is determined by the ________ of sound waves.


The perceived brightness of visible light waves is determined by their


Alcohol may cause fetal damage by leaving chemical marks on DNA that switch genes abnormally on or off. This best illustrates

an epigenetic effect

The first stage of the sexual response cycle is

an excitement stage

During the early teen years, egocentrism endures, and teens begin imagining what others are thinking about them and develop what is called

an imaginary audience

Sixteen-year-old Rashad is on his high school diving team. While they are practicing, a group of girls from the girls' swim team stop by. Rashad immediately tries increasingly risky dives while the girls watch. If Rashad's hormone levels were checked at that time, we are likely to find

an increase in his testosterone level

The biopsychosocial approach is

an integrated understanding of sexual motivation in terms of sex hormones, sexual fantasies, and cultural values.

Research on animal subjects has demonstrated that

animals can benefit from research

Psychological research indicates that regular aerobic exercise is an effective way to minimize


Some individuals constantly crave acceptance in romantic relationships but remain highly vigilant and sensitive to any signs of possible rejection. These people are said to demonstrate an insecure

anxious attachment style

Identical twins have been shown to have some amazing psychological similarities. But we should be cautious about attributing these similarities to shared genes because

any two strangers are likely to share many coincidental similarities

Human sperm cells ________ than egg cells.

are smaller

Sex-reassignment surgery today would most likely be sought by individuals who

are transgender

Those who are not attracted to anyone are said to have a(n) ________ orientation.


Interpreting new experiences in terms of existing schemas is called


People experience a series of physical changes and sexual maturation

at puberty

Little Kim will play with children she doesn't know only if her mother first reassures her that it is okay to do so. This best illustrates the adaptive value of


The powerful survival impulse that leads infants to seek closeness to their caregivers is called


The process of transforming air pressure waves into neural messages that the brain interprets as meaningful sound is known as


The MacPhersons set strict rules for their children's behavior and demand unquestioning obedience. Psychologists are likely to characterize the MacPhersons as ________ parents.


At age 12, Sven is happy, self-reliant, and has a positive self-image. It is most likely that Sven's parents are


Parents who are demanding and yet sensitively responsive to their children are said to be


A disorder that appears in childhood involving deficiencies in communication, rigidly fixated interests, and repetitive behaviors is known as

autism spectrum disorder

Based on a fraudulent 1998 study, some parents were misled into thinking that the childhood MMR vaccine increased the risk of

autism spectrum disorder

Melissa is extremely uncomfortable getting close to other people. She will do almost anything to maintain her distance from others. Melissa may have an insecure

avoidant attachment style

In contrast to sex, which is solely defined by ________ characteristics, the definition of gender involves ________ characteristics.

biologically influenced; behavioral

According to Erikson, a sense that the world is predictable and reliable is referred to as

basic trust

Jake just spent an evening watching pornographic movies of women who actually seemed to enjoy being forced to have sex. This experience may lead him to

be more willing to hurt women

The zygote's inner cells

become the embryo

Professor James is studying how mice navigate a new maze. His research study is most consistent with a ________ perspective.


We live in a family that resides in a community that is part of a larger society. This demonstrates that we are

biopsychosocial systems

Stroking side-by-side pressure spots is most likely to trigger a sense of

being tickled

Depth perception that uses information transmitted to both eyes depends on

binocular cues

Dr. Yu is studying sexual behavior. In her research, she focuses on the role of sex hormones and sexual maturity in this behavior. According to the biopsychosocial approach, Dr. Yu is studying the ________ influences on sexual behavior.


Maturation refers to

biological growth processes that are mostly independent of experience

When she was learning how to drive, Jennifer's father repeatedly told her not to rely on the rearview mirrors when checking for cars. He told her that she will also need to turn her head to check for cars because she has a ________ that would prevent her from seeing all the cars.

blind spot

Based on what researchers have learned about the environment and development, what is the expected outcome of a lack of stimulation during human development?

both brain and cognitive development will slow down

How does biology influence our gender psychology?

both genetically and psychologically

Researchers who want to isolate a cause-effect relationship among factors will

both manipulate factors of interest and hold other factors constant

The use of social media has been associated with an increase in

both teen depression and suicide rates

Juanita has developed cataracts in both eyes, preventing her from being able to see her husband's face. Juanita most clearly is deficient in

bottom-up processing

It has been said that the most significant sex organ is the


Martin Seligman calls for a positive psychology that focuses on such topics as


According to Freud, a healthy adult is one who

can love and work

The fact that hundreds of thousands of teens engage in school walkouts and marches to seek gun law reform in the United States demonstrates that teens

can think logically about abstract topics

Studying one individual or group in depth is to ________ as observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations is to ________.

case study; naturalistic observation

Researchers use experiments rather than other research methods in order to isolate

causes from effects

Stanley met Rosalie when they sat next to each other on a flight to Hawaii. This led to the beginning of a relationship that resulted in marriage. This best illustrates that the directions in which our lives develop are influenced by

chance events

DNA is a molecule made up of two strands connected in a


Which of the following is located on the tips of hair cells in the inner ear?


The extrasensory ability to perceive a skiing accident taking place in a distant location is to ________ as the extrasensory ability to know at any moment exactly what your brother is thinking is to ________.

clairvoyance; telepathy

In the strange situation experiment, toddlers with an anxious attachment to their mothers were most likely to

cling to their mothers and ignore new surroundings

The perceptual tendency to fill in gaps in order to perceive disconnected parts as a whole object is called


As a rapper who has experienced prolonged exposure to high-amplitude sounds, Mark is beginning to lose his hearing. It is most likely that this hearing loss involves problems in the


The ________ is a snail-shaped tube in the inner ear.


Dr. McDowell conducts research on the relationship between adults' language skills and their capacity to solve mathematical problems. Dr. McDowell is most likely a _________ psychologist.


Professor Warburton is interested in memory processes and how retrieval of information is influenced by current schema activation. Which field of psychology does he study?


Professor Alvarez is studying divided attention and its impact on memory. This research topic is consistent with

cognitive psychology

Memory processes are to a ________ perspective as cultures are to a ________ perspective.

cognitive; social cultural

Critics have noted that Kohlberg's theory of moral development is biased against ________ societies.


Which of the following best explains the current understanding of color processing?

color processing occurs in two stages

Older people are NOT increasingly susceptible to

common cold viruses

Depression and suicide are more common in North America today than they were a century ago. But in both periods, pessimistic thinking and feelings of loneliness correspond to a heightened risk of depression and suicide. This best illustrates that ________ play a role in depression and suicide in varied settings.

common underlying principles

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the ________ stage.

concrete operational

Chris counted a total of 10 logs stacked in a single pile. When the pile was knocked over and the logs were scattered in front of him, he knew that there were still 10 logs. This indicates that Chris has reached the ________ stage of development.

concrete operational

Damage to the hammer, anvil, and stirrup is most likely to cause

conduction hearing loss

Erin is visiting an art museum and is admiring all of the beautiful paintings. Which of the following helps give rise to the color sensations that Erin sees in the paintings?


As Claire walks in the mall, she smells the scent from the candle store. The smell reminds her of celebrating Christmas at her grandmother's house as a child. This demonstrates the

connection between smell and memories

Mrs. Jones cut Lorena's sausage into eight pieces and Jenn's into six pieces. Jenn cried because she felt she wasn't getting as much sausage as Lorena. Piaget would say that Jenn doesn't understand the principle of


Visual perceptions of objects often change when the objects are viewed in different surroundings. This best illustrates

context effects

When James learned that many students had received a failing grade on the midterm exam, he was no longer disappointed by his C grade. His experience best illustrates the importance of

context effects

While playing a pirate treasure game with his brother, Steven sees the "X" on the treasure map as two lines that cross rather than four individual lines. Steven is demonstrating the gestalt principle of


The perception of the letter "t" as two intersecting lines rather than as four nonintersecting lines illustrates the principle of


Abigail believes that cognitive development is a matter of gradual and almost imperceptible changes over time. Her viewpoint is most directly relevant to the issue of

continuity and stages

Distinguishing between very gradual and very abrupt developmental changes over the life span is most central to the major issue of

continuity and stages

Researchers who emphasize learning and experience tend to view development as ________; those who emphasize maturation tend to view development as ________.

continuous; occurring in stages

To study the potential effects of social interaction on problem solving, some research participants were instructed to solve problems by working together; other participants were told to solve problems by working alone. Those who worked alone were assigned to the ________ group.


Beverly suffers from painful leg cramps. Smoking marijuana would reduce her pain, but she thinks it would be wrong to smoke marijuana because it is prohibited by the laws of her state. Beverly is demonstrating Kohlberg's ________ level of morality.


The inward angle of the eyes focusing on a near object is referred to as


Suppose that people who see a lot of violent movies are also particularly likely to behave aggressively. This relationship would NOT necessarily indicate that watching violence influences aggressive behavior because

correlation does not prove causation

The enduring traditions, attitudes, ideas, and behaviors shared by a large group of people form their


Three key elements of the scientific attitude are

curiosity, skepticism, humility

A man who consistently reaches a sexual climax before he or his sexual partner wishes is experiencing

premature ejaculation

Professor Caste just finished running data collection for her research study. When participants have completed the study, Professor Caste explains to them the true purpose of the study and any deceptions that were used. Her explanations are referred to as


In an effort to prevent participants in an experiment from trying to confirm the researchers' predictions, psychologists sometimes

deceive participants about the true purpose of an experiment

Research has found that a long marriage is a predictor of all of the following EXCEPT

decreased physical health

Walter Mischel gave preschoolers a choice between one marshmallow now and two marshmallows when he returned a few minutes later. Children who chose to wait for two marshmallows demonstrated

delay of gratification

Which of the following is the third step in sensory processing?

delivering neural information to the brain

Based on the biopsychosocial model, our sexual motivation

depends on internal biological factors but even more by psychological and social-cultural factors

When Michelle saw her father and brother running toward her, she quickly recognized that her brother was running ahead of her father. This best illustrates Michelle's capacity for

depth perception

Studying people of all races and cultures is most helpful for

detecting human similarities and differences

The fetus is the

developing organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth

Bree has to select a college major. She has always wondered about what makes people who they are and how people change over time. Based on this, she might be interested in

developmental psychology

Adolescence is typically a time of

diminishing parental influence and growing peer influence

Sensory adaptation refers to

diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus

Which of the following is NOT a recommendation for reducing sexual aggression?

discourage victims from sharing their experiences publicly

Steve continued playing with minimal pain during the closing quarter of an exciting school basketball game even though he had severely sprained his wrist when he tried to make a 3-point basket. It is likely that Steve's pain was psychologically minimized by ________ and physically minimized by the brain's release of ________.

distraction; endorphins

Gloria plays Luminosity daily because she believes that it will improve her cognition and mental performance. Recent research has found that brain-training programs such as Luminosity

do not generally improve mental performance

Physical abilities such as muscular strength, reaction time, sensory keenness, and cardiac output reach their peak during

early adulthood

Babies who are generally cheerful, relaxed, and have predictable feeding and sleeping schedules are considered to have a(n) ________ temperament.


Compared with the average man, the average woman experiences a greater risk of

eating disorders

Gabrielle is 4 years old and is standing in front of the TV while watching a football game. Her father is also trying to watch, but Gabrielle is standing right in front of him. Gabrielle doesn't realize that she is blocking her father's view. This is an example of

egocentric behavior

Jenny asked her toddler to "show Mommy your art." Her toddler then held up the picture facing her own eyes. This is an example of

egocentric behavior

Evidence that preschoolers develop a theory of mind suggests that Piaget overestimated young children's


Four-year-old Claire mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll as a Christmas present. This best illustrates Piaget's concept of


If hikers perceive a hill as steeper when carrying heavy backpacks rather than light backpacks, this would best illustrate

embodied cognition

The interaction of brain circuits that process sensory experiences with brain circuits responsible for judgments contributes to what psychologists call

embodied cognition

During a routine prenatal exam, Ilene's obstetrician detected the heartbeat of her future baby. If this was the earliest time the heart began beating, the developing person would be referred to as a(n)


A strong sense of family self is likely to be characteristic of those who grow up in cultures that value

emotional closeness

How are Jennifer and Daniel likely to differ?

emotional expression

Marleen drank contaminated water, which contained toxic molecules that blocked the expression of some of her genes. As a result, she is now highly allergic to certain foods. This best illustrates the impact of

epigenetic marks

Which of the following can help distinguish straight and gay identical twins?

epigenetic marks that may be related to the development of sexual orientation

The study of influences on gene expression that occur without a DNA change is called


Professor Jones believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference promoted the survival of our ancestors' genes. This viewpoint best illustrates the ________ perspective.


Professor Patel suggested that humans pair-bond because this practice encouraged the cooperative nurture and survival of children. The professor's suggestion best illustrates a(n) ________ perspective.


Which perspective highlights the reproductive advantages of inherited psychological traits?


Which perspective would suggest that the facial expressions associated with the emotions of lust and rage are inherited?


Women are naturally inclined to be choosier than men about whom they select as a mate because they are more limited than men in the number of children they can have. This statement best illustrates the logic of

evolutionary psychology

Alane's clitoris has swelled and her vagina is expanding and secreting lubricant, as her breast and nipples enlarge from her boyfriend's caresses and soft kisses. Alane is in which stage of the sexual response cycle?


A(n) ________ is said to be double-blind when the participants and the research staff are unaware of who has received an actual treatment and who has not.


Teens are more likely to delay sex if they have ________ levels of intelligence and ________ levels of religious engagement.

higher; higher

Professor Stone wants to determine how stereotype threat can affect test performance. Specifically, he wants to prove that stereotype threat causes poor test performance. Professor Stone must use which research design?


In which type of research would an investigator manipulate at least one factor and observe its effect on some behavior or mental process?


The ethics codes of the APA and Britain's BPS urge researchers to

explain the research to the participants after the study has been completed

The Harlows' infant monkeys used an artificial cloth mother as a secure base for


Adolescents are most likely to be influenced by their parents with respect to ________, and they are most likely to be influenced by their peers with respect to ________.

faith; clothing preferences

Infants normally become attached to caregivers who are comfortable and


A zygote is a(n)

fertilized egg

The developmental stage of adolescence is likely to be briefest in cultures where teens are

financially self-supporting

Thirteen-year-old Stephanie was asked, "What would happen if everyone in the world suddenly went deaf?" She responded, "Those who had previously been deaf would become leaders." Stephanie's answer indicates she is in the ________ stage of development.

formal operational

Because of the brain's circuitry, memories are likely to be most quickly evoked by exposure to

fragrant odors

Twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs are called ________ twins.


In late adulthood, Mr. Bart has become increasingly likely to make socially impolite remarks about other people's appearance or mannerisms. His blunt comments are most likely to indicate late life shrinkage of the ________ lobes.


From ages 3 to 6, the brain's neural networks are sprouting most rapidly in the

frontal lobes

Young teens are not fully equipped for curbing risky behavior or making long-term plans because of the incomplete maturation of their

frontal lobes

Which early school of thought in psychology focused on how the mind works?


If the ________ of the temporal lobe is stimulated, a person might spontaneously see faces.

fusiform face area

Jennifer can no longer recognize familiar faces. She can still recognize other objects and forms, however. Which area of Jennifer's brain was most likely damaged?

fusiform face area

Axons of the ________ twine together to form the ________.

ganglion cells; optic nerve

The amount of energy a light wave contains is its


Your father-in-law thinks that a same-sex orientation is a choice people make and is therefore not influenced by genetics. To dissuade him of this erroneous belief, you would be best advised to note that

gay men tend to have more gay relatives on their mother's side of the family than on their father's side

Which of the following terms refers to the behavioral characteristics that people associate with boy, girl, man,and woman?


Which term refers to the behavioral characteristics that people associate with girls, boys, men, or women?


When his older sister takes his toys away from him, 9-year-old Shane does not cry because he has learned that boys should never cry. Shane's behavior best illustrates the importance of

gender identity

Considering oneself to be a female is to ________ as behaving in a manner to align with social expectations for females is to ________.

gender identity; gender roles

Maddox spends most of his money on fancy suits and expensive jewelry to win the sexual affection of women he finds attractive. Evolutionary psychologists would most likely say that his behavior is due to

gender predispositions

At the beginning of the twentieth century, only one country in the world granted women the right to vote. Effective 2015, all countries granted that right. This best illustrates a dramatic shift in

gender roles

The belief that boys are more independent than girls is a

gender schema

The belief that boys have shorter hair than girls is a

gender schema

Children tend to organize their worlds into male and female categories. This best illustrates their use of

gender schemas

When his mother offered to play leapfrog with him, Joseph protested, "I'm not going to play a girl's game!" Joseph's reaction best illustrates the impact of

gender schemas

Paula insists on wearing very feminine-looking outfits because she wants to be treated like a woman. This best illustrates the impact of

gender typing

Erik Erikson suggested that a major task of adulthood was to develop a sense of contributing to the world by being productive. According to Erikson, those who do this effectively demonstrate


The biochemical code for eye color is transmitted from parents to offspring by


The genome refers to an organism's complete set of

genetic material

Early in the twentieth century, a group of German psychologists noticed that people tend to organize a cluster of sensations into a(n)


Psychological research indicates that people who are both happier and healthier than average tend to be those who

give priority to relationships with supportive friends

Ringing in the ears after exposure to loud music is most likely to be caused by damage to

hair cells

The surface of the basilar membrane is lined with

hair cells

Premature human babies gain weight faster if they are stimulated by

hand massage

When children grow up and leave home, parents most frequently report feeling


Authoritative parents are likely to have children who

have high self-esteem and are self-reliant

Theresa was born with cataracts that were not surgically removed until she was 3 years old. As a result, Theresa is most likely to

have inadequate neural connections in her brain's visual cortex

In an experiment, researchers expose participants to subliminal recordings designed to boost their self-esteem. Based on existing research, you would be correct in predicting that the recordings will

have no more impact on participants' self-esteem than a placebo

Research indicates that the high school girls who have the most affectionate relationships with their mothers also tend to

have the most intimate relationships with girlfriends

Which of the following is a predictor of work happiness?

having a career that matches your interests

Allison is sexually attracted to other females. She can best be described as

having a same-sex orientation

Professor Craske conducts basic research on the psychological, biological, and behavioral factors that contribute to heart disease. She is most likely a

health psychologist

Twin and adoption studies have been most helpful for teasing apart the influences of

heredity and environment

Bryson is sexually attracted to members of the other gender. He can best be described as


Maxine is walking through a field looking at the flowers. She sees some that are yellow and others that are white. The color that she is seeing is referred to as the ________ that is determined by the light's ________.

hue; wavelength

Kim is looking for a boyfriend, and Ralph is looking for a girlfriend. Both Kim and Ralph will be most concerned about finding mates with all of the following traits except


Professor Martinez believes that attractive people are more sensitive, more successful, more socially skilled, and handsome men will be more successful in getting a job. The professor's prediction regarding employment success is an example of


Contemporary researchers have been able to

identify conceptual abilities that Piaget did not

As Jackson moves through the adolescent years, his frontal lobes will continue to develop. Which of the following CANNOT be attributed to this development?

improved visual-spatial skills

To experience color constancy, we should view things

in relation to surrounding objects

Some research has found that extensive online pornography exposure does all of the following EXCEPT

increase sexual desire

Daniel engages in physical exercise regularly. Which of the following is NOT a benefit he is likely to experience?

increased risk for heart disease

In an experimental study, men with erectile disorder received either Viagra or a placebo. In this study, the drug dosage (none versus peak dosage) was the

independent variable

Dr. Bertrand focuses on ways to improve worker morale and productivity. Dr. Bertrand is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.


Five-year-old Stan can't remember any events from a family cruise to Bermuda when he was 2 1/2 years old. This best illustrates

infantile amnesia

The Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky suggested that children's ability to solve problems is enhanced by

inner speech

A mother who is slow in responding to her infant's cries of distress is most likely to encourage

insecure attachment

Abram cried when his mother left him at their neighbor's house, and he was not reassured or comforted by her return a short while later. Abram showed signs of

insecure attachment

Instead of happily exploring the attractive toys in the pediatrician's waiting room, little Alexa tenaciously clings to her mother's skirt. Alexa most clearly shows signs of

insecure attachment

When placed in strange situations without their artificial mothers, the Harlows' infant monkeys demonstrated signs of

insecure attachment

According to Erikson, adolescence is to identity as late adulthood is to


Clay is 86 years old and feels that his life has been meaningful and worthwhile. According to Erikson, Clay is demonstrating


Mark was born with both male and female biological sexual characteristics at birth. This means that Mark is


Erikson suggested that the adolescent search for identity is followed by a developing capacity for


The colored muscle that constricts when you are about to answer No is the


Fidgety babies with an intense and very emotionally reactive temperament tend to be

irritable and unpredictable

Our sense of the position and movement of individual body parts is called


Sensing the position and movement of your throwing arm while passing a football best illustrates


George has color-deficient vision. This means that he

lacks functioning red or green sensitive cones

During pubertal development, a surge of hormones triggers a variety of visible physical changes. For instance, the pituitary gland releases hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands then release hormones that stimulate all of the following in females, EXCEPT

larynx enlargement

Objects are brought into focus on the retina by changes in the curvature and thickness of the


Compared with identical twins, fraternal twins are ________ similar in their abilities and ________ similar in their interests.

less; less

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans who responded to a national survey indicated that they thought that transgender people receive ________ social acceptance than gay men and ________ social acceptance than lesbians.

less; less

Compared with the average woman, the average man is ________ likely to suffer depression and is ________ likely to die by suicide.

less; more

Men tend to experience ________ romantic and ________ frequent fantasies about sex than do women.

less; more

In surgical experiments, hypnotized patients have required ________ medication and they have recovered ________ than patients in unhypnotized control groups.

less; sooner

The retina is best described as the

light-sensitive inner surface of the eye that contains rods and cones

As Stacey, a farmer, looked across her field, the parallel rows of young corn plants appeared to converge in the distance. This provided her with a distance cue known as

linear perspective

Dennis is in his late teens and already suffers from hearing loss. Which of the following is a likely cause?

listening to loud music for headphones

A time lag between sound waves striking our left and right ears is important for accurately

locating sounds

Cocking your head would be most useful for detecting the ________ of a sound.


Researchers studied the effects of exercise on the physical health of more than 5000 residents in one locale throughout their middle and late adulthoods. The research best illustrates a ________ study.


People who are intersex may be born with unusual combinations of their

male and female chromosomes, hormones, and anatomy

Female identical twins are more likely to differ in sexual orientation than

male identical twins

Secretions of sex hormones during the fourth and fifth months of prenatal development tilt the fetal brain toward

male or female patterns

Research has found that an animal's sexual orientation can be altered by

manipulation of prenatal hormone levels

Alexander, the youngest child of a high school gym teacher, was able to roll over at 3 months, crawl at 6 months, and walk at 12 months. This ordered sequence of motor development was largely due to


The human tendency to stand before walking is an illustration of


The human tendency to use nouns before adjectives is an illustration of


Heterosexual women are most likely to be sexually attracted to men who appear to be

mature and wealthy

Maurice and Oliver are both going through puberty. The two boys

may differ in the age-related timing but not the sequence of their pubertal development

In a study of Welsh pedestrians, women rated a man as ________ if he was pictured at the wheel of a swanky Bentley rather than a humble Ford Fiesta. Men rated a woman as ________ if she was pictured at the wheel of the expensive car rather than the inexpensive car.

more attractive; no more attractive

Rods are

more light-sensitive and less color-sensitive than are cones.

The incidence of same-sex attraction has been found to be slightly higher than usual among

men who have older brothers

A girl's first menstrual period is called


Diets laden with hormone-mimicking chemicals are suspected of contributing to girls' earlier experience of


Girls who have experienced stress related to father absence, sexual abuse, or insecure feelings of attachment to their parents or caregivers tend to experience ________ a few months earlier than average.


Puberty is most closely related to the onset of


The first ejaculation is to an adolescent boy as ________ is/are to an adolescent girl.


In the 1960s, the cognitive revolution in psychology led the field back to its early interest in the scientific study of

mental processes

DNA is a ________ made up of two strands connected in a double helix.


When the Moon is near the horizon, it appears larger than when it is high in the sky. This effect is primarily a result of

monocular distance cues, which make the horizon Moon seem farther away

According to Kohlberg, morality based on the avoidance of punishment and the attainment of concrete rewards represents ________ morality.


Which of the following would you most likely observe on extended visits to foreign countries?

more men than women involved in fistfights

Amanda and Thomas have three sons. Amanda is pregnant with another son. Research on the older-brother effect indicates that the chances of the fourth son being gay is ________ percent.

more than 4

A power-hungry female politician is ________ likely to be perceived as aggressive than a power-hungry male politician. Among male and female politicians who seem power-hungry, women are ________ successful than men.

more; less

Gay men tend to have ________ gay relatives on their mother's side of the family than on their father's side. The heterosexual maternal relatives of gay men produce ________ offspring than do the maternal relatives of heterosexual men.

more; more

The heterosexual maternal relatives of gay men produce ________ offspring than the maternal relatives of heterosexual men, and male same-sex attraction is more likely to be transmitted by genes from the ________ side of the family.

more; mother's

The retinal image of an object increases as the object approaches. This is especially important for perceiving the object's


We may perceive a granola bar as less expensive when we are most hungry. This best illustrates that perceptions are influenced by


Breeanna has inherited a tendency to be sexually attracted to handsome men. If this trait increases her chances of survival and reproductive success, it will likely be passed on to her female offspring. This best illustrates

natural selection

A descriptive technique of monitoring and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to change or control the situation is called

naturalistic observation

One research team studied the ups and downs of human moods by counting positive and negative words in 504 million Twitter messages from 84 countries. The researchers' method best illustrates the use of

naturalistic observation

Professor Sampson carefully observes and records the behaviors of young adults as they meet at the local night club to track the development of their social skills. Professor Sampson is most clearly engaged in

naturalistic observation

Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of lion societies in the jungle are using a research method known as

naturalistic observation

Dr. Stott has devoted his career to investigating the influence of genetic and environmental factors on developmental processes. Which major issue in developmental psychology is he most interested in?

nature and nurture

The understanding that biological, psychological, and social-cultural forces interact in development supports which major issue in developmental psychology?

nature and nurture

Maturation is to education as ________ is to ________.

nature; nurture

In the past, mothers typically engaged in ________. Today's mothers typically engage in ________.

nearly twice as much child care as fathers; nearly twice as much child care as fathers

Suppose psychologists discovered that people with a higher socioeconomic status are less satisfied with their marriages than people with a lower socioeconomic status are. This would indicate that wealth and marital satisfaction are

negatively correlated

Children of ________ parents often have poor academic and social outcomes.


The feature detectors identified by Hubel and Wiesel consist of

nerve cells in the brain

A gender identity that involves some combination of male and female or neither male nor female is referred to as


Psychics who have worked with police departments in an effort to solve difficult crimes have demonstrated the value of

none of these things

John Locke is to Immanuel Kant as ________ is to ________.

nurture; nature

In the process of transforming sound waves into nerve impulses that our brain interprets, vibrations of the ________ send ripples through the fluid that is located inside the ________.

oval window; cochlea

Social learning theory emphasizes that

observation and imitation play a crucial role in the gender-typing process

As an infant, Jerome was isolated and had no physical contact with his caregivers. As a result, he failed to form proper attachments with others in adulthood. This demonstrates that

our genetic predisposition to form attachments can be "turned off" by life experiences

Incoming vibrations cause the cochlea's ________ to vibrate.

oval window

Which of the following theories proposes that opposing retinal processes enable color vision?

opponent-process theory

A theory is an explanation using principles that ________ observations and ________ behaviors or events.

organize; predict

Steven is having sex with his girlfriend. His muscles are now contracting all over his body and his breathing, pulse, and blood pressure are increasing. Steven is currently in the ________ stage of the sexual response cycle.


When a couple engages in sexual intercourse within the context of a committed relationship rather than as a one-night sexual hook-up, they are more likely to experience


The fact that genetic differences can be amplified by nurture demonstrates that

our experiences help form us

Our tendency to believe we know more than we do best illustrates


Juan and Raul are biologically related nontwin siblings raised in the same home. Patty and Alice are biologically unrelated children adopted at birth and raised as siblings in the same home. People are likely to ________ the personality similarities of Juan and Raul and ________ the personality similarities of Patty and Alice.

overestimate; overestimate

Marge is married, and her sexual desire has recently increased slightly. Her husband has noticed this change just based on changes in her voice and behavior. Some evidence suggests that ________ may be related to this slight increase in sexual desire.


The brain's release of endorphins reduces


Those whose sexual attraction is not restricted to any sex or gender identity are said to have a(n) ________ orientation.


As noted in the text, a person who has been abused as a child may become abusive as a parent. This best illustrates the importance of


Although Aaron didn't care for the taste of fried squid, he began eating it when he saw that his classmates were doing so. His behavior best illustrates the importance of

peer influence

The cognitive perspective in psychology focuses on how

people encode, process, store, and retrieve information

According to Piaget, schemas are

people's conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences

Retinal disparity is an important cue for

perceiving distance

Recognizing an odor as the familiar smell of blueberry pie is an example of


The ability to adjust to changed sensory input is called

perceptual adaptation

Avoiding physical punishment is to ________ morality as respecting the laws of society is to ________ morality.

preconventional; conventional

After learning that her colleague at work had experienced several depressive episodes during his college years, Erika incorrectly perceived her colleague's laughter as artificial and phony. This best illustrates the impact of

perceptual set

Stan and Jane have not set any rules for how their two young children should behave, usually allowing them to do whatever they want. Psychologists would characterize Stan and Jane as ________ parents.


Which subfield in psychology investigates persistent traits?


Which biological influences trigger anatomical differences in males, females, and people who are intersex?


In a study of the effects of drinking coffee, some participants drank a decaf coffee that actually smelled and tasted like coffee. This decaf coffee was a


The aging brain partly compensates for a loss of brain cells by recruiting and reorganizing existing neural networks. This best illustrates


All those in a group being studied make up the


Dr. Salvia is studying how happiness in late adulthood relates to a person's social network and social connectedness. Her approach is called

positive psychology

Mr. Nixon refuses to pay income taxes because his conscience will not allow him to support a government that spends billions of dollars on military weapons. Mr. Nixon's reasoning best illustrates Kohlberg's ________ stage.


Just prior to awakening Chanda from a hypnotic state, the therapist told him that during the next few days he would feel nauseated whenever he lit a cigarette. Chanda's therapist was attempting to make use of

posthypnotic suggestion

Nancy insists that her dreams frequently enable her to perceive and predict future events. Nancy is claiming to possess the power of


For 11-year-old Marlene, puberty means that she will experience several physical changes, such as development of her ovaries and her first menstrual period. This best illustrates adolescent development of

primary sex characteristics

The body structures that enable reproduction are the

primary sex characteristics

Lacking any exposure to language before adolescence, a person will never master any language because of the ________ of unemployed neural connections.


Vince just watched a movie in which one of the characters could levitate objects. The character's ability is known as


The first menstrual period, called menarche, is a maturational milestone most directly associated with


The period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing is called


The period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing, is called


Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has described our moral intuitions as

quick gut feelings

According to Piaget, during the formal operational stage people first begin to

reason abstractly

If children cannot grasp the principle of conservation, they are unable to

recognize that the quantity of a substance remains the same despite changes in its shape

Sedentary older adults randomly assigned to aerobic exercise programs exhibit

reduced risk of significant cognitive decline

Teens who use alcohol prior to sexual intercourse experience

reduced self-awareness and are less likely to use condoms

Karen felt so passionate while interacting with her boyfriend that her feelings overwhelmed her intentions to delay having sex. Her behavior is best explained by the fact that sexual arousal

reduces impulse control

Researchers outfitted infant kittens and monkeys with goggles through which they could see only unpatterned light. When their vision was restored, the animals

remained functionality blind to shape

Professor Ambra was skeptical about the accuracy of research on the benefits of running a mile every day. Which process would best enable her to assess the reliability of the findings?


Most children who have coped with adversity go on to lead socially meaningful and productive lives. This best illustrates


Thomas was bullied as a child but has become a well-adjusted adult. This demonstrates that Thomas is


Opponent-process cells have been located in the

retina and thalamus

Kevin has more difficulty catching footballs that are thrown to him than his classmates do because he was born blind in his right eye. His difficulty can best be attributed to his lack of the depth cue known as

retinal disparity

The SQ3R study method emphasizes the importance of

retrieving information

The taste sensation umami is most likely to attract us to foods that are

rich in protein

Which cells for visual processing are located closest to the back of the retina?

rods and cones

Which of the following is the correct order in which the retina's neural layers process visual stimulation?

rods and cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells

Zack can't decide what he wants to do with his life. He has tried several different jobs but has been fired for lack of effort each time. According to Erikson, Zack best illustrates

role confusion

Which of the following is most clearly NOT true with respect to sexual orientation?

same-sex attraction is linked with problems during childhood involving relationships with parents

If Piaget pictured the developing child as a young ________, Vygotsky pictured the developing child as a young ________.

scientist; apprentice

If children sense that their parents are trustworthy and dependable, this most clearly indicates

secure attachment

Abigail is a freshman in her first semester of college. She moved from her parents' home to live in residential housing on campus. Thus far, she is adjusting well. She is able to adjust so well in large part because of her

secure attachment to her parents

As compared with Amber, David is more likely to do all of the following EXCEPT

seek wealth in a partner

Brain scans have shown that hypnosis increases activity in the brain's attention systems. Although hypnosis does not block sensory input, it appears to block our attention to it, lending support to the role of ________ in hypnosis.

selective attention

One plausible theory suggests that hypnotic pain relief may result from

selective attention

By gradually sharing increasingly intimate information about their lives, Jerry and Jill developed a satisfying and committed romantic relationship. This best illustrates the value of


Which of the following play the biggest role in our feeling dizzy and unbalanced after a thrilling roller coaster ride?

semicircular canals

Dwayne's excellent peripheral vision enabled him to detect a brief flash of lightning far to his right, even though he couldn't recognize what he had seen. His experience best illustrates


According to Piaget, a person develops an awareness that things continue to exist even when they are not perceived during the ________ stage


In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the ________ stage lasts from birth to almost 2 years of age. During this stage, infants know their world in terms of motor activities and sensory impressions.


Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Damage to the cochlea's hair cell receptors is most likely to result in

sensorineural hearing loss

During the months when there is a large amount of pollen in the air, your hay fever severely affects your sense of smell. At the same time, your food all seems to taste the same. This illustrates the importance of

sensory interaction

The McGurk effect best illustrates

sensory interaction

Bottom-up processing involves analysis that begins with the

sensory receptors

Malissa is talking to her friend Abigail. Malissa uses her ________ to detect information about her environment.

sensory receptors

Sensory nerve endings that respond to stimuli are called

sensory receptors

Which of the following is NOT actually a need?


When she was conceived, both of Abigail's parents contributed an X chromosome, which defined her ________. As she grew up, she experienced herself as being a typical young woman, which defined her ________.

sex; gender

One's sexual orientation refers to a(n) ________ members of the other gender, our own gender, male and female genders, or to no one at all.

sexual attraction toward

People who are intersex most clearly experience an unusual development of their

sexual characteristics

Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that

sexual desire rises slightly at ovulation among women with mates

A problem that consistently interferes with a person's ability to complete the sexual response cycle is called a(n)

sexual dysfunction

Female orgasmic disorder is a form of

sexual dysfunction

By injecting female animals with estrogens, researchers can increase the animals'

sexual interest

Adam, a 25-year-old student, is sexually attracted to members of the other gender; his brother Chaim, a 21-year-old college senior, experiences same-sex attractions. The brothers obviously differ in their

sexual orientation

Although open books cast a trapezoidal image on the retina, readers typically perceive the books as rectangular objects. This illustrates the importance of

shape constancy

Researchers have found that when mice smell a predator's scent, their brain

signals stress

Psychologists study animals because

similar processes often underlie animal and human behavior

Suppose two objects cast retinal images of the same size. The object that appears to be closer is perceived as ________ the object that appears to be more distant.

smaller than

Girls typically play in ________ groups than do boys and, during their teens, girls spend ________ time with friends than do boys.

smaller; more

Areas of the brain involved in memory are closest to areas of the brain responsible for our sense of


In everyday behavior, men are LESS likely than women to

smile at others

The age at which people are expected to leave home, get a job, and marry has changed dramatically in Wallonia over the past 50 years. Developmentalists would say that the country's ________ has been altered.

social clock

Although Millie and Michael have much in common as a couple, they differ in how they want to satisfy their need to belong. Millie most enjoys more intimate friendships that explore relationships, whereas Michael most enjoys side-by-side activities with friends. Their unique activity preferences best illustrate a difference in

social connectedness

One theory suggests that hypnosis simply involves getting caught up in role-playing the feelings and behaviors appropriate for "good hypnotic subjects." This theory emphasizes that hypnosis is a form of

social influence

Mr. Sterny scolds his son when he cries but kisses his daughter when she cries. Mr. Sterny's contribution to the gender typing of his children would most likely be highlighted by

social learning theory

Which theoretical perspective can explain why behavior differences between men and women are smaller in cultures with greater gender equality?

social learning theory

Ramone and Sally are being interviewed for the same position. During the interview, Ramone maintains self-confidence, independence, and eye contact with the person conducting the interview. Sally makes less contact during her interview but is generally warm and welcoming. These differences demonstrate gender variations in

social power

A culturally modeled guide for how to act in particular situations is called a(n)

social script

Which perspective in psychology is most likely to focus on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures?


Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different parenting styles are encouraged among various ethnic groups?


According to Erikson, teens who suffer role confusion have not yet

solidified a sense of identity

Receptor cells for our sense of ________ reproduce themselves every week or two.


Experiencing ________ has been found to aid resilience in later life.

some childhood adversity

Research has shown, by using brain imaging techniques, that those who seek medical sex-reassignment have ________ when compared with those whose gender identity matches their birth-designated sex.

some different neural tracks

Retinal disparity refers to the

somewhat different images our two eyes receive of the same object

Which of the following is an example of how our ancestors may have used taste to survive?

spitting out a food that tasted unpleasant

Will anxious children grow up to be fearful or relaxed adults? This question most directly highlights the issue of

stability and change

By about 8 months, children become increasingly likely to react to newcomers with tears and distress. This best illustrates

stranger anxiety

Research has demonstrated that genetic females born with only one normal X chromosome are likely to

struggle with their gender identity

Children who have survived severe or prolonged abuse are at increased risk for

substance abuse

A teratogen is a(n)

substance that can cross the placental barrier and harm an unborn child

Which research method would be most appropriate for investigating the relationship between the political beliefs of Americans and their attitudes toward welfare?


Brain maturation provides us with a wealth of neural connections, some of which are further strengthened by the experience of sights and sounds, touches and movements. This best illustrates that nature and nurture interact to sculpt our


For some people, hearing certain sounds may activate color-sensitive regions of the cortex so as to trigger a sensation of color. This phenomenon is called


Because of the long incubation period of AIDS it can be expected that most who have the disease were infected in their

teens and twenties

The labels "easy" and "difficult" are used to refer to differences among infants in


When considering the development of secure attachments, nature is to nurture as ________ is to ________.

temperament; responsive parenting

If pregnant sheep are injected with ________ during a critical period of prenatal development, their female offspring will show same-sex behavior.


More than in other mammalian females, the sex drive in human females is responsive to their ________ levels.


The main male hormone is


On the way to the temporal lobe's auditory cortex, neural impulses from the auditory nerve are first relayed to the


All of us visually read lips as part of our hearing. This is best illustrated by

the McGurk effect

Knowing about the effects of the perceived distance of objects on their perceived size helps us to understand

the Moon illusion

Infant motor development is typically characterized by individual differences in ________ of the major developmental milestones.

the age-related timing but not the sequence

Adolescence extends from

the beginnings of sexual maturity to independent adulthood

According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to

the difficulty perceiving things from another person's point of view

The impact of our cultural backgrounds on the development of our personal values best illustrates the influence of

the environment

DJ's psychology professor states that gay men tend to have more gay relatives on their mother's side than on their father's, which supports a genetic basis for a same-sex orientation. The position explained by DJ's professor is called

the fertile females theory

Carrie is watching a movie at home but the sound on her television is rather low. She asks her brother to turn up the sound. After he increases the volume only 5 decibels, Carrie says "Okay. That's good. Thank you." Carrie's detection of this slight increase in volume demonstrates

the just noticeable difference

Francisco's teen son has asked him, "How do we know that Earth is not flat?" Francisco proceeds to answer the question, even though he is not an expert in this area, rather than admit to his son that he isn't sure. This phenomenon, which is more common among males, is called

the male answer syndrome

Which of the following explains how the upside-down image on the retina produces a right-side-up image?

the millions of receptor cells in the retina convert particles of light energy into neural impulses and forward them to the brain, which reassembles them into an upright image

Piaget and Kohlberg believed that most moral action resulted from moral reasoning. More recent research by Haidt suggests that much of our moral action occurs as a result of

unconscious, automatic thinking

During ________, excitement peaks as breathing, pulse, and blood pressure rates continue to increase.

the plateau stage

Research on the environmental conditions that influence sexual orientation indicates that

the reported backgrounds of gay/lesbian and heterosexual people are similar

Testing hypotheses and refining theories in light of those tests is central to

the scientific method

Masters and Johnson conducted research on

the sexual response cycle

Bradley is heterosexual and is looking for a partner. He is most likely to prefer women who have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT


During the resolution stage of the sexual response cycle, men are most likely to experience a rapid decrease in arousal if

they have just experienced orgasm

In one survey, 72 percent of sexually active 12- to 17-year-old American girls said

they regretted having had sex

How do new technologies take advantage of our attention to changing stimuli?

they understand that changing stimuli, such as new tweets or breaking news stories, are more likely to grab our attention, and thus our clicks

Object permanence is the understanding that

things continue to exist even when they are not perceived

A survey revealed that children with relatively high self-esteem tend to picture God as kind and loving, while those with lower self-esteem tend to perceive God as angry. The researchers concluded that the children's self-esteem had influenced their views of God. This conclusion best illustrates the danger of

thinking that association proves causation

The refractory period is the

time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm.

The sense of ________ is a chemical sense.

to taste

Being randomly assigned to the experimental group in a research project involves being assigned

to that group by chance

Our capacity for perceptual constancy even as illumination and retinal image change illustrates the importance of

top-down processing

The influence of schemas on our interpretations of unfamiliar information best illustrates

top-down processing

The same brand of caramel candies tasted better to Maria when she thought they cost $20 a pound than when she thought they cost half that much. This best illustrates the impact of

top-down processing

Equal rights for people who have a same-sex or bisexual orientation are most likely to be favored by those who

understand that sexual orientation is as a result of biological and prenatal differences

As Danielle goes outside her eyes receive light energy from the sun. Her eyes then ________ the light energy into neural messages that create what she sees.


The conversion of a fresh coffee aroma into neural impulses by sensory receptor cells best illustrates


Although Victor is genetically male, he sometimes dresses in women's clothes to express his strong sense of identity as a female. Victor could best be described as


Interestingly, each of the 50 to 100 receptor cells located in each of our taste bud pores

transmits its message to a matching partner cell in our temporal lobe

Which of the following strategies has NOT been effective in reducing sexual aggression?

treating perpetrators of sexual aggression through psychotherapy

Professor Thomas is conducting a research study on subliminal priming. She hypothesizes that participants who have been exposed to subliminal messages related to fast food will be more likely to select fast food for their complimentary snack, than with those who have not been exposed to those messages. This hypothesis best illustrates

two-track mind

The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on

unconscious conflicts

Negligent parents are especially likely to be


Which of the following is NOT an example of sexual assault?

unwanted sexual advances

Tiny hair-like receptors that monitor the tilting of your head are located in the

vestibular sacs

Kelli falls down regularly. This may demonstrate that she has a problem with her

vestibular sense

Deedra and Deon work in occupations that are highly stressful. Research on gender similarities and differences suggests that when they are looking for someone to whom they can confide their personal worries, Deedra is likely to turn to ________ and Deon is likely to turn to ________.

women; women

In remembering the spatial locations of objects, straight men perform

worse than gay men and worse than straight women

According to the Young-Helmholtz theory, when both red-sensitive and green-sensitive cones are stimulated simultaneously, a person should see


The placenta develops from many of the outer cells of the


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