Psychology Test Exam 3

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What is the English translation for the French word " deja vu"

"already seen"

Three types of memory functions are?

Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus becomes the unconditioned stimulus?


A bakery gives a free pastry after every 6 pastry purchases. This is an example of what kind of reinforcement

Fixed Ratio

You get in your car and start backing out of the driveway. Upon moving, the car starts to beep, Signaling?

Negative reinforcement

In stage models of memory, information moves from:

Sensory to short-term to long-term memory.

What is the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response?

Unconditioned Stimulus: Classical music Unconditioned Response: Relaxation Conditioned Stimulus: lit candle Conditioned Response: Relaxation

What is neutral stimulus

stimulus that evokes no response

What is a flashbulb memory?

A clear memory of an emotionally significant movement or event.

After suffering damage to her hippocampus, Pauline can still remember her past perfectly...?

Anterograde Amnesia

Tyler experienced a traumatic car accident. After recovery, he is only able to remember things that happened before...

Anterograde Amnesia

People who have a lot of dental problems often come to dislike even the small of their dental's office. Represents what


Your dog loves to go for walks around the neighborhood. You begin an experiment by clapping your hand 3 times. This is an example of what?

Classical Conditioned

Pavlov is famous for his work in?

Classical Conditioning

Mary is often tired when she wakes up, so she starts drinking coffee every day at 8:00 am, which makes her feel energized. One morning she is coming home from the grocery store she notices the time - it is 8:00 am. She had not wanted coffee before she checked the time, but she suddenly feels tired and craves the drink. Mary's sudden craving for coffee after noticing the time is an example of which of the following?

Conditioned Response

You are online one evening when an advertisement appears showing your favorite movie star wearing a new brand...

Conditioned Stimulus

A researcher notices that each time she makes a loud noise her research subject jumps.. Which of the following?

Conditioned stimulus

...memory refers to the knowledge or experiences hat can be consciously remembered.


In classical conditiong, the unconditioned stimulus triggers the conditioned stimulus


Memory of our high school graduation would be a good example of semantic memory


Negative reinforcement is the same thing as positive reinforcement


taking away a child's iPad after they have misbehaved is an example of negative reinforcement


A rabbit is in a cage with a red button. Regardless of how the rabbit interacts with the button, a trap door releases a food pellet every twenty minutes. This reinforcement schedule would be classified as _______

Fixed interval

anterograde amnesia is typically associated with damage too?


Walter decides that he would like to ride a bicycle. He has not used a bicycle in twenty years and wonders if he will remember how to do so. To his surprise he easily remembers how to ride. What type of memory allows Walter to ride a bicycle after twenty years

Implicat Memory

The memory system used for relatively permanent storage of meaningful information is called __________ memory.

Long-term memory

Joseph forgot to take out the trash as part of his weekly chores, so his parents took away his video game privileges for the rest of the week. Joseph's parents are using which of the following principle's Operant Conditioning

Negative Punishment

Taking away a person's car after they have been caught speeding would be an example of what?

Negative Punishment

Kelly and Jeff live together, and Kelly constantly yells at Jeff to clean his dishes in the kitchen. She tells him that she will stop nagging if he does the chore. He finally cleans the dishes and Kelly, in turn, stops nagging him. As a result, Jeff is more likely to clean his dishes in the future. What is this scenario an example of?

Negative Reinforcement

Ben's older brother, Kelly always teases her. In order to make her less likely to tease him in the future.

Negative punishment

Giving a student extra homework after they misbehave in class is an example of:

Positive punishment

food is to ________ reinforcer as money is to ________ reinforcer.

Primary, Secondary

___ schedules of reinforcement are based on number of responses while__ schedules of reinforcement are based on elapsed time

Ratio, Interval

Elizabeth is taking a fill-in-the-blank pop quiz in her English class. What form of memory is she exercising while answering the questions?


Of the following options, which process of emory does studying for a cumulative final exam engage


In school, Tim learned the basics of Spanish grammar; however, after learning this new information, Tim cannot seem to recall the French he learned several months ago. Which of the following could be causing Tim's inability to recall past learning?

Retroactive Interference

After a stroke, 35-year old Angela can no longer remember his childhood friends or the vacations he took with his family. Angela is suffering from

Retrograde Amnesia

when a thing acquired some characteristics a reinforcer because of its consistent association with the primary

Secondary reinforcer

Addicts who recover in the context of a drug treatment facility may experience a resurgence of craving for their drug of choice once they leave the facility and come into contact with people, places, or things associated with the drug. In classical conditioning, this is called

Spontaneous recovery

After a response has been extinguished, it will often reappear after a short time has passed. This is called

Spontaneous recovery

After being bitten by a big Alaskan dog. Hugo was scared of other dogs but he was not scared of little dogs...?

Stimulus Discrimination

In retroactive interference, newer information disrupts our ability to remember information that was learned earlier.


Punishment tells you what not to do; reinforcement tells you what to do


casino slot machines are programmed to pay out an variable ratio schedule


Both primary are secondary reinforcers can be used to change behavior via operant conditioning


Jacob's date was wearing a very alluring cologne on their recent date. The date itself was quite passionate. The following day when Jacob gets into his car he smells the lingering scent of his date's cologne and becomes transfixed with joy.

Unconitioned Stimulus: Date Unconditioned response: Passionate Conditioned Stimulus: cologne Conditioned Response: joy

Dr. Soreth is a behavioral researcher who uses pigeons in her research; she teaches the birds to peck a green button and receive a treat. She wants to try out a new schedule of reinforcement for the pigeons. She wants the birds to peck as much as possible, and to have their pecking behavior occur at a steady rate with very little pausing between responses. Which schedule of reinforcement would be best for her to choose?

Variable Ratio

Positive punishment ___ behavior, and negative punishment ____ behavior.

Weakens, Weakens

What is learning?

a permanent change in behavior and mental process based on experiments

What is the process by which we get information into our brains


positive reinforcements ___ the likelihood of a behavior, and negative reinforcement ___ the likelihood of a behavior.

increases, increases

Acoustic Processing is

memories that are encoded without thought

what is an example of chunking

memorizing 16 numbers by organizing them

Robert gets a ticket for driving under the influence that results in a $3000 fine... Example what?

operant conditioning

of the given options, which type of reinforcement is used to strengthen a response by presenting a stimulus?

positive reinforcement

a multiple choice question like this one makes greater use of which type of memory behavior?


acousting encoding


What is semantic memory?

your memory for meanings and general (impersonal) facts

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