Psychology the study of mental processes and behavior

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René Descartes 1596-1650 Free will

17th century French philosopher : champions of free follow in the footsteps: he contends that human action followers from human intention that people choose a course of action.

A classical question inherited from philosophy is whether human action is characterized by

Free will or determinism

Cross-cultural psychology

Involves testing psychological have offices in different cultures.

Psychological experiments lies where

It lies at the intersection of biology and culture.

One of the major issues and behave on your science?

Localization of function, or the extent to which different parts of the brain control different aspects of functioning.

Key premises of psychodynamic perspective

Sigmund Freud emphasized unconscious mental forces in his psycho analytic theory.

What well the earliest schools of thought

Structuralism and functionalism

Severe head injury

Can cause deficit and language and memory, all dramatic changes in personality.


Looked for explanations of psychological processes in the role, or function, and helping the individual adapt to the environment.

Does psychology have a unified paradigm?

Psychology lacks a unified paradigm but has a number of schools of thought, or perspectives, which are broad ways of understanding psychological phenomena.

Carl Wernicke 1848-1904

Showed that damage to an area A few centimeters behind the section Broca had discovered could lead to another kind of aphasia.


Whether behavior follows lawful pattens


A broad system of theoretical assumptions employed by a scientific community to make sense of the domain of experience.

What is the metaphor used in cognitive perspective?

A metaphor underlying the cognitive perspective is the mind as a computer, complete with the software.

What is the primary metaphor for behaviorist perspective

A primary metaphor underlying behaviorism is the machine; many behaviorist also consider the mind to be an unknowable black box because its contents cannot be studied scientifically. The primary method of behaviorists is laboratory experimentation.

Explain psychological perspective

A psychological perspective, like a paradigm, includes theoretical propositions, shared metaphors and accepted methods of observation.

Key premises of psycho dynamic perspective

According to psycho analytic Theory, many of the association between feelings and behaviors or situations that guide our behaviour are expressed unconsciously.

Positive psychology Martin Seligman & Minhaly Csikszentmihalyi

And approach to help people live happier, more fulfilling and joyful lives. Focuses on understanding and harnessing positive emotions. Actively stimulating the conditions that help people flourish; looks at topics such as hope, optimism, creativity, forgiveness, gratitude, wisdom, happiness, self-determination and resilience to name a few.

Carl Wernicke 1848-1904

Another kind of a facial discovered; these individuals can speak fluently and follow rules of grammar, but they can either understand language nor speak in a way that is comprehensible to others.

Five major perspectives of psychology

Are largely developed independently, each has made distinctive contributions.

Definition of the evolutionary perspective

Argues that many behavioral tendencies in humans evolved because they helped our ancestors survive and rear healthy offspring. The evolutionary psychologists support Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection.

The evolutionary perspective

Argues that many human behavioral proclivities exist because they helped our ancestors survive and produce offspring that would be more likely to survive.

Determinism Democritus, Greek philosopher

Assert that behavior follows lawful patterns like everything else in the universe. Psychological determinists believe that physical forces determine the actions of humans and other animals-internally by genetic processes and externality by environmental events.

The mind-body problem, psychological phenomena

By drawing attention to the way psychological meaning can be transformed into mechanism is the new light put on the mind body problem.

Research on emotion Agustín-Pavón et al.

Contemporary science still use the method of producing relations for example; creating lesions in brain structures hypothesized to be involved when primates learned to fear aversive stimuli; altered the emotional display of primates; damaged area was involved in fear and anxiety.

Self actualization

Defined as the fulfillment of the whole range of needs.


Developed by Edward Tichenor, attempted to use introspection to uncover the basic elements of consciousness and the way they combined with one another into ideas that is the structure of consciousness.

Name the major subdisciplines in psychology.

Developmental, social, clinical, cognitive, health, foreign sick and sport psychology, among others. Different psychologists adoot different perspective in their approach to the study of human behavior.

Paul Broca 1824-1880

Discovered that brain injured people with lesions in the front section of the left hemisphere were often unable to speak fluently but could comprehend language.

The left hemisphere on the left side of the brain

Discoveries thinking specific language functions to specific regions of the left hemisphere.

The humanistic perspective

Emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual and focuses on the person's immediate experience.

Biopsychology or behavioral neuroscience

Examines the physical basis of psychological phenomena such as motivation, emotion and stress.

Producing lesions surgically

Experiments done surgically on animals in the neural regions to observe the effects on behavior.

The behaviorist perspective

Focuses on the relation between environmental events or stimuli and the responses of the organism. Skinner proposed that all behavior can ultimately be understood as learned responses and that behavior is all selected on the basis of the consequences.

Definition of the humanistic perspective

Focuses on the uniqueness of the individual-it assumes that people are motivated to become self actualized; reach their full potential. Carl Rogers' client-centered therapy emohasized conscious, goal-directed choices and the need for individuals to realize their true potential;to self-actualize.

Definition of the behaviorist perspective

Focuses on the way objects or events in the environment come to control behavior through learning. BF Skinner observed that behavior can be controlled by environmental consequences that either increase, reinforce or decrease, punish their likelihood of occurring.

Definition of the cognitive perspective

Focuses on the way people perceive, process and retrieve information. René Descartes' early philosophical question led many cognitive psychologists to emphasize the role of reason in creating knowledge. Modern-day cognitive psychologists use experimental procedures to infer the underlying mental processes in operation.

The cognative perspective

Focuses on the way people process, store and retrieve information.

Mind-body problem

How mental and physical events interact.

What is a more recent metaphor used in cognitive perspective?

In recent years, however, many cognitive psychologists have used the brain itself as a metaphor for the way mental processes operate.

Biopsychology or behavioral neuroscience

Investigates the physical basis of psychological phenomena such as memory, emotion and stress.

Natural selection

Is the mechanism by which natural forces select traits in organisms that are adaptive in their environmental niche.


Is the scientific investigation of mental processes and behavior

Where do psychological processes occur?

It occurs is through the interaction of cells in the nervous system, and all human action occurs in the context of cultural beliefs and values that render it meaningful.

What does psychological understanding require?

It requires a constant movement between the micro level of biology and the macro level of culture.

Key premises of psychodynamic perspective

Many of these mental events occur outside conscious awareness.

Explain psychodynamic perspective

Originated with Sigmund Freud. Most psychological processes that guide behavior are unconscious.That consciousness is like the tip of an iceberg. Because a primary aim is to integrate the meanings or motives of human behavior, psychodynamic psychologists have relied primarily on case study methods, although ongoing efforts to apply more rigorous methods to psychodynamic concepts are likely to prove fruitful in integrating these concepts into scientific psychology.

What motivates people according to humanistic perspective

People are motivated to achieve personal goals so that they can fulfill their true potential as a result, humanistic methods typically focus on helping individuals to understand their own unique frame of reference and work towards achieving self actualization.

Key premises of psychodynamic perspective

Peoples actions are determined by the way thoughts, feelings and wishes are connected in their minds.

Information processing

Refers to taking input from the environment and transforming it into meaningful output.

Erik Erickson

Said psychologist must practice triple bookkeeping to understand and individual at any given time, simultaneously trucking biological events, psychological experiments, and the cultural and historical context.

Psychological anthropologists

Study psychological phenomena in other cultures by observing people in the natural settings.

Marc Dax, 1836

Suggested that lesions on the left side of the brain was associated with aphasia, or language disorders.

Cross-cultural psychology

Tests psychological hypothesis in different cultures. Biology and culture form the boundaries, Or constraints, within which psychological processes operate.

What is the basic notion of evolutionary Theory? 1

That evolution select organisms that maximize their reproductive success, defined as the capacity to survive and reproduce, and maximize the reproductive success of genetically related individuals.

What is the boundary with biology?

The biological boundary of psychology is the province of biopsychology or behavioral neuroscience,.

What a biological givens?

The brain sets parameters or limits of human potential; the capacity for love has its roots in the innate tendency of infants to develop an emotional attachment to the caretakers.

What is the basic notion of evolutionary theory?2

The primary methods are deductive and comparative, although evolutionary psychologists are increasingly relying on experimental methods.

The mind body problem

The question of how mental and physical events interact: how we choose to move all limbs exert a force that counters gravity and disturb molecules of air-how can a non-material forces like a will displace material forces. No one has ever proposed a satisfactory solution to this problem.

What do behavioral neuroscientists study?

They investigate the electrical and chemical processes in the nervous system that underlie these mental events. Their aim is to make mind and body, psyche and brain.

Key premises of psychodynamic perspective

This mental processes may conflict with one another, leading to compromises among competing motives.

Triple book-keeping

Understanding a person's means simultaneously examining the person's biological makeup, psychological experience and functioning, and cultural and historical moment.

Free will

Whether people freely choose their actions

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