Psych/Soc Pages 56-60

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In, Out, Group Favoritism, Out Group Derogation, Group Polarization

People within groups share psychological connection between peers, related to culture/spirituality. ____ Group: we are connected with; stronger interactions; more influential. ____ Group: not associated with. _______ _________: favor people in our own group, but out group is neutral. ____ _______ _______: super friendly to our in group, but discriminate out group. ______ ________: group makes more extreme decisions than any individual member in group would want.

Just World Hypothesis, Rational, Irrational, Attribution Theory

Social Perception: the _____ _______ ___________: - You get what you deserve. When Threatened, - _________ Techniques: accept reality; prevent/correct injustices. - _________ Techniques: denial of situation; reinterpret the facts. Explain Theory to Other People: - _______ _______: explaining people's behavior based on internal and external causes.

Physical, Ethnicity, Power, Social Class, Prestige

Prejudice and Discrimination (Physical, Ethnicity, Power, Social Class, Prestige): usually talked in relation to racial/ethnic groups. - __________ Characteristics: skin color, but not eye color; - ________: think race; Japanese, American, British. - ________: political, economic, personal. - ______ _______: status is relative; sets stages; lower and upper class. - ________: often based on occupation.

Prejudice, Scapegoat, Authoritarian Personality

Emotion and Cognition in ___________: - feeling associated/effected by stereotype; - Fear of frustration - ___________: groups of people where aggression is directed; ex. Jews ___________ ___________: more subject to prejudice; obedient to superiors, but no sympathy for those inferior. - Use prejudice to protect their ego and avoid confrontation. - Hard to change personality type.

Ethnocentrism, Xenocentrism, Cultural Relativism, Imperialism

Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism: ___________: judging someone else's culture from a position of your own culture. - Can view own culture to be superior = cultural bias / prejudice. ___________: judging another culture to be superior to your own. _________ __________: judge a culture from within that culture. ____________: imposing one's culture on another deliberately.

Primacy Bias, Recency Bias

Social Perception: - First Impressions: - _______ ____: assessor selection is made based on information presented earlier in the process. -- Long (last a long time) -- Strong (tough to overcome) -- Built Up - _______ ____: most recent actions are important; more emphasis placed on recent actions.

Halo Effect, Reverse Halo Effect

Social Perception: The ____ _________: - Tendency people have inherently good/bad natures, rather than looking at individual characteristics. - Physical Attractiveness Stereotype: attractive people have more positive personality traits. - Often occurs with celebrities. _______ ____ _______: someone is overall poor, even if baseline skills are the same, we perceive them to be lower.

Optimism Bias, Actor-Observer Bias, Cultural, Individualistic, Collectivist, Self-Serving Bias

__________ ____: belief bad things happen to others, but not to us. _______-________ ____: we are victims of circumstance, but others are actors. -Attribute one's own actions to external causes while attributing other people's behaviors to internal causes. - _________ Component: fundamental attribution error occurs more in individualistic societies (NA and Europe) -- ___________ Culture (Western): success - internal; failure - external -- ___________ Culture (Eastern): success - external; failure - external _____-________ ____: preserving our self-esteem; more common in individualistic cultures.

Frustration-Aggression, Relative Deprivation

___________ _________ Hypothesis: not personality based, more emotional. - Someone frustrated leads to prejudice; aggression towards minorities. - Results in Prejudice. ___________ _________ Hypothesis: people are deprived of what they are entitled to leads to prejudice. - Leads to collective unrest.

Covariation Model, Consistency, Distinctiveness, Consensus

____________ ________: Kelley; 3 Cues: - _________ (time) - __________ (situation) - _________ (People) High Degree of Consistency: attribute internal factors: this guy is always late. High Degree of Distinctiveness: attribute external factors: guy is late because of car crash. High Degree of Consensus: attribute external factors: all people are late.

Attribution Theory, Internal, External, Neutral Judge, Fundamental Attribution Error

____________ ________: explain the behavior of other people by breaking down our understanding; relate environment/surroundings. - Explain the behaviors around us. - __________ Attribution: internal factors; about them. - __________ Attribution: external factors; environment. -- When we consider our own behaviors, we blame our behavior on external factors. Middle of Attribution Theory: ________ ________: see a combination of both internal and external forces. ____________ _______ ______: under-recognize situational and social problems; ex. healthcare barriers they can have, blaming them for their own problems. Judging someone by some actions rather than complete.

Stigma, Social Stigma, Self-Stigma, Self, Family, Society, Media

____________: social and self; extreme disapproval/discredit of individual by society. - ________ ________: fueled or associated with other key concepts: stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination. - ______-________: individual internalizes negative stereotypes, prejudices, and feel rejected by society. Social Circles: - 1st: _____: leads to avoidance, denial, suffering of mental illness. - 2nd: _____: can be shunned or do the shunning. - 3rd: _____: interactions between self and society (education, employment, health care). - 4th: _____: can depict conditions; huge component.

Stereotype, Stereotype Threat, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

_____________: attributing a certain thought/cognition to a group of individuals; overgeneralizing. - Can involve race, culture, gender, religion, etc. -- Disadvantage: inaccurate -- Advantage: assess large groups of data FAST. ____________ _________: decrease in performance when presented with a negative stereotype. _____-__________ __________: stereotypes that lead behaviors to affirm original stereotypes; conform to a stereotype.

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