Public Health

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5-tier health impact pyramid describes the impact of different: a. Types of public health interventions b. Types of clinical interventions c. Types of health care system interventions


A large number of people exposed to a small risk may contribute to more cases of disease than a small number of people who are individually at greater risk a. True b. False


A large number of people exposed to a small risk may contribute to more cases of disease than a smaller number of people who are individually at greater risk a. True b. False


Decreased tax on fruits and vegetables is an intervention of a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention


Health financing system that is based on health precondition, age, and behaviour is a. Private insurance system b. Beveridge system c. Direct payment system d. Bismarck's system


Health promotion at primary care level has more advantages, except: a. Better coverage b. Improved communication c. Awareness of individual contextual factors d. Better patients' motivation for health behaviour change


Implementing regulations requiring the use of iodized salt in bread and cereal products refers to the following disease prevention strategy a. Population-based strategy b. Low-risk strategy c. High-risk strategy


Persons discovered by screening programs are more likely to have a less aggressive disease a. True b. False


Prevention of disease occurrence/incidence is the major aim for: a. Primary disease prevention b. Secondary disease prevention c. Tertiary disease prevention


Prevention of disease occurrence/incidence is the major aim of: a. Primary disease prevention b. Tertiary disease prevention c. Secondary disease prevention


Primordial prevention focuses on the underlying conditions that affect disease risk a. True b. False


Professor of epidemiology and public health Sir Michael Marmot conceptualizes the social determinants of health as: a. Causes of the causes of ill-health b. Social inevitability c. Individual responsibility of each person d. Consequences of ill-health


Public health functions refer BEST to: a. Surveillance and health public polices b. Education and information c. Treatment and rehabilitation


Public health interventions are implemented in both in the field of disease prevention and health promotion and health care a. True b. False


Reasoning why a particular person died or became sick is the focus of a. Medicine b. Public health


Reducing the incidence of disease is the ultimate goal of a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention


Screening for HIV for a person who has been diagnosed with tuberculosis in a clinical setting refers to: a. Case-finding or opportunistic screening b. Organized screening


Sickness is: a. Socially and culturally held conceptions of health conditions b. Pathological processes measurable by objective means c. All of the mentioned d. Subjective sense of feeling unwell


Strategy to detect type 2 diabetes for those with known phenotypes of insulin resistance such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, women with gestational diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome, and men with androgen deficiency refers to: a. High-risk approach b. Population-based approach c. Low-risk approach


The aim of secondary prevention is NOT a. To prevent occurrence of disease b. To reduce mortality c. To extend survival c. All of the above


The following is outlined in a five-tiered health impact pyramid a. The impact of various interventions on population health b. The impact of various risk factors on population health c. The impact of various health problems on population health


The key setting of health promotion in health care is: a. Primary care level b. Secondary health level c. Tertiary health level


The maximum effect for minimum/available resources can be named as: a. Efficiency b. Involvement c. Equity d. Solidarity


The question "do you suffer from anxiety" refers to: a. Illness b. Sickness c. Disease


The question "do you suffer from anxiety?" refer to: a. Illness b. Disease c. Sickness


The term "quaternary prevention" refers to the following: a. Actions taken to identify patients at risk of overmedication and overtreatment b. Actions taken to reduce the complications of disease progression c. Actions taken to identify patients who would benefit most from the treatment


What is the aim of health promotion in health care? a. To take into account individual and contextual factors when dealing with patient care b. To enhance patient's self-efficacy to control disease c. To increase knowledge about disease and health-related lifestyles d. To increase health-related quality of life


What is the basic principle of the Bismarck Model used in health care systems? a. Social health insurance system b. Voluntary health insurance system c. Out of pocket payment d. General tax funded system e. Direct payment


Which health promotion approach has an aim to enhance self-efficacy skills to cope with health needs and health determinants? a. Empowerment approach b. Educational approach c. Behavioral approach d. None of the mentioned


Which of the following approaches justifies the idea of social determinants of health? a. Upstream approach b. Victim blaming approach c. Downstream approach d. Horizontal approach


Which of the following statements refer to evidence-based public health? a. Aims to collect better evidence on population health b. Aims to improve the health of individuals c. Is primarily based on experts' opinion d. Aims to collect better evidence than medicine


Which of the following statements regarding disease screening is false? a. Effective screening should result in a reduction of incidence of disease b. A screening test is not intended to be diagnostic c. Effective screening should result in a reduction in cause-specific mortality in the screened group d. Diseases screening is for sorting out apparently well persons who probably have a disease from those who probably do not


Which activities relate to health protection of public health practice: (select one or more) a. Air quality monitoring b. Lifestyle changes c. Audit of hospital work d. None of the mentioned e. Disease screening


Disease screening refers to: a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention


Early screening of disease is always the best choice a. True b. False


Early testing of disease is always the best choice a. True b. False


Evidence-based public health is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients a. True b. False


Health promotion is a new term for health education a. True b. False


Illness refers to: a. Social perspective b. Patient experience c. Physician's interpretation of symptoms and signs


Indicate to which public health domain the sanitation and hygiene control refers to? a. Health improvement b. Health protection c. Health services improvement


Mortality that enables comparisons between different groups or populations by adjusting for age distribution differences is referred to as follows: a. Proportionate mortality rate b. Standardized mortality rate c. Age-specific mortality rate


Public health interventions focus on three major public health domains: 1) health protection, 2) health prevention, and 3) health services improvement a. True b. False


Screening aims to: a. Reach all parts of the population b. Detect disease early, before it becomes clinically manifest c. Treat disease


The age-specific mortality rate that is aggregated in a way as to enable the mortality rates for the populations to be compared by adjusting the differences in population age distribution is called as: a. Specific mortality rate b. Standardized mortality rate c. Proportionate mortality rate


The denominator used to calculate case fatality is as follows a. Number of deaths in population per year b. Total number of people diagnosed with the disease c. Total midyear population


The target group for primary prevention is: a. Individuals with the specific disease in question in early stages b. Individuals without the specific disease in question


What is the name of the procedure used in a health care system where a third-party confirms correspondence to certain requirements in written form? a. Benchmarking b. Certification c. Self-assessment d. Clockwise system


What is the name of the procedure used in a health care system where a third-party confirms correspondence to certain requirements in written form? a. Clockwise system b. Certification c. Benchmarking d. Self-assessment


Which are the social determinants of health dominates in the following situation? "The patient is afraid and hesitates to see a doctor -- because of fear of a possible diagnosis -- because of possible negative attitudes from society as a result of his/her diagnosis" a. Social support b. Stigma, stigmatization c. Access to health care services d. Health literacy


Which factor is not considered when assessing the impact of public health interventions within a 5-tier health impact pyramid framework? a. Level of individual effort b. Amount of reached people c. Public acceptance and readiness for change


Which of social determinants of health is measured by the following survey question: 'How many people are so close to you that you can count on them if you have serious problems?' a. Social capital b. Social support c. Social networking d. Social cohesion


Which of the following statements is false considering the disease screening preconditions? a. Treatment should be accessible b. A low prevalence of the disease is preferable c. A test should be simple d. Treatment in disease early stages should be effective e. A test should be safe


Which of the indicators is NOT being used as a population health measure: a. Mortality b. Years lived in happiness c. Years lived in disability d. Disability-adjusted life years


Which of the statements about health promotion is correct: a. The main approach of health promotion is education b. None of the above c. Health promotion is completely opposite to disease prevention d. The target group of health promotion is just healthy individuals


Which of these interventions belongs to secondary prevention? a. Vaccination b. Screening for breast cancer c. Rehabilitation programmes


Hygiene control in preschools refers to the following public health domains a. Health promotion b. Health care improvement c. Health protection


In the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, patients' rights are defined as a. Enjoyment of highest attainable standard of health b. Access to health services of good quality c. Basic level of medical assistance for everyone


In the Constitution of the World Health Organization, the statement with regard to the patient's rights is being described as: a. Basic level of medical assistance for everyone b. All people should have access to need health services of good quality c. Enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health


Main public health functions refers best to: a. Education and information b. Disease prevention of healthy people c. Surveillance and health policy development


Major factors increasing life expectancy in the populations beteen the 19-20th century are: a. Development of medical technology and health care improvement b. Genetics and education c. Reduction of child mortality


Population health measures include everything except: a. Mortality b. Life expectancy c. Years lived in happiness d. Years lived in disability


Population health measures includes everything except: a. Mortality b. Life expectancy c. Years lived in happiness d. Years lived in disability


Sickness refers to: a. Sickness leave entitlement b. Sick pay entitlement c. All of these


Smoking-cessation counseling for patients after cardiac surgery refers to the following disease prevention strategy a. Low-risk strategy for disease prevention b. Population-based strategy for disease prevention c. High-risk strategy for disease prevention


The aim to reduce the impact of disease related to: a. Secondary disease prevention b. Primary disease prevention c. Tertiary prevention


The constitution of The Republic of Latvia declares the patient's right to health as: a. The enjoyment of highest attainable standard of health b. All people should have access to need health services of good quality c. The basic level of medical assistance for everyone


The denominator used to calculate cause-specific mortality is as follows a. Number of deaths in population per year b. Total population c. Total number of people diagnosed with the disease


The denominator used to calculate cause-specific mortality is as follows a. Total population b. Number of deaths in population per year c. Total number of people diagnosed with the disease


The health system is NOT regulated by a. Governance b. Resource management c. Financial protection d. Financing


The major factor contributing for the nineteenth-century increase in life expectancy in europe is as follows a. Improvements in communication b. Developments in medical technologies c. Improvements in sanitary and living conditions d. Introduction to large-scale immunization programs


The major factor contributing to the increase of life expectancy in the population between the 19-20th century is: a. Improvements in education b. Use of antibiotics c. Reduction of child mortality d. Development in medical technology


The major factor contributing to the increase of life expectancy in the populations between the 19-20th century is: a. Use of antibiotics b. Developments in medical technology c. Reduction of child mortality d. Improvements in education


The public health functions are best described as follows a. Education, prevention, and treatment b. Communication, risk management, and prevention c. Assessment, health policy improvement, and assurance


To aim to prevent disease occurrence/incidence correspond to the following disease prevention level a. Tertiary disease prevention b. Secondary disease prevention c. Primary disease prevention


Which of the disease prevention strategies does not fit into the framework of R. Rose's disease strategies? a. High-risk strategy b. Population strategy c. Low-risk strategy


Which of the following charters defined health promotion as "the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve, their health"? a. Charter of the United Nations (1945) b. Tokyo Charter (1946) c. Ottawa Charter (1986) d. None of these


Which of the following documents defined health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve, their health? a. Tokyo Charter (1946) b. United Nations charter (1945) c. Ottawa Charter (1986) d. None of the mentioned


Which of the following statements about health promotion action areas is false? a. Health promotion aims to develop knowledge and skills for better health b. Health promotion builds supportive environments for better health c. Health promotion aims to treat diseases effectively for better health d. Health promotion implements healthy policies by cross-sectoral cooperation for better health


Which statement is correct? a. A screening test sorts out persons who have a disease from those who do not b. A screening test looks for health conditions that aren't apparent at birth c. A screening test is used to find a disease in apparently well individuals without clinical signs or symptoms d. A screening test is intended to be diagnostic


Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) are: a. Burden of living with a disease or disability in the amount of years b. None of the mentioned c. Estimate of the average years a person would have lived if he/she had not died prematurely d. Disease burden capturing both premature mortality and prevalence and severity of ill health


Evidence-based public health: a. Aims to improve health of individuals b. Aims to collect better evidence than medicine c. Is based on expert opinions d. None of these


Health financing system that is based on health precondition, age and behavior is: a. Bismarck's system b. Beveridge system c. Direct payment system d. Private insurance system


How is called periodic lump sum per enrolled patient for a range of services? a. Salary b. Case-based payment c. Fees for services d. Capitation e. Global payment


Patient, 55-years old male with fever. He arrived at his general practitioner because of diarrhea lasting for the last five days. Identify the health care level described in the example a. Secondary b. Quaternary c. Tertiary d. Primary


The aim of public health surveillance is as follows a. To serve as an early warning system for impending public health emergencies b. To monitor the impact of health interventions c. To inform public health policy and strategies d. All of the above


The patient, 39 years female with obesity and bradycardia. She is visiting an endocrinologist because of the low level of thyroid hormone. What health care level is she attending? a. Quaternary b. Tertiary c. Primary d. Secondary


What are the key indicators used to measure the socio-economic status as a social determinant of health? a. All financial resources available to the person b. Gender, age, education, and income c. Gender, age, and place of residence d. Education, employment (occupation), and income


What is the basic principle in Beveridge's health care financing system? a. Voluntary health insurance system b. Out-of-pocket payment c. Social health insurance system d. General tax-funded system e. Direct payment


What is the basic principle in the Beveridge's health care financing system? a. Direct payment b. Out-of-pocket payment c. Social health insurance system d. General tax-funded system


Which factors have an influence on the health financing system? a. Technologies b. Opinions c. Infrastructures d. All of the mentioned


Which indicator is used to measure long-term screening effectiveness? a. Number of people screened b. Costs per case found c. Patients' satisfaction with individual care d. Reduction in cause-specific mortality


Which of the following DOES NOT qualify as public health practice? a. Air quality monitoring b. Audit of the quality of health care services c. Breast cancer screening d. Psychotherapy consultations for individuals who have failed treatment of infertility


Which of the following statements about public health is false? a. Epidemiology is the basic science for public health b. Public health aims to understand the causes of diseases at population level c. Public health addresses health at population level d. Public health refers to all organized measures to address health on individual level


Which of the following statements refer to evidence-based public health? a. Aims to collect better evidence than medicine b. Aims to improve the health of individuals c. Is primarily based on experts' opinion d. Aims to collect better evidence on population health


Which of the statements about secondary disease prevention is NOT correct: a. Aims to reduce mortality b. Aims to detect disease in early stages c. Refers to preclinical phase of disease d. Aims to prevent disease occurrence


Which of the statements below best describes health promotion: a. Education is the key to promotion b. The target group for promotion is healthy individuals c. Promotion is the opposite approach to prevention d. None of the above


Which of the statements is NOT correct considering disease screening preconditions: a. Treatment should be accessible b. A test should be simple c. A test should be safe d. The disease should be rare e. A test should be acceptable


Public health surveillance includes: a. Disease registries b. Mortality data c. Morbidity data d. Monitoring of the health-related lifestyle factors e. All of the above f. None of the above


Which of the following statements is false considering the disease screening test's preconditions? a. A test should have sensitivity and specificity b. A test should be safe c. A test should be simple d. A test should be acceptable e. A test should be innovative


Which of the indication is NOT being used as a population health measure: a. Life expectance b. Mortality c. Disability-adjusted life years d. Years lived in disability e. Years lived in happiness


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