Public Health Ch 4, Ch 5, and Ch 6
John Snow
father of epidemiology
increase in the frequency of a disease above the usual and expected rate
Notifiable Diseases
infectious diseases for which health officials request or require reporting for public health reasons and can be prevented with proper actions
rate of new cases of a disease in a defined population over a defined period of time.
Cohort studies
start out by measuring exposure and watching for the development of disease
Case-control studies
start with people who are already ill and look back to determine their exposure
studies the patterns of disease occurrence in human populations and the factors that influence these patterns. the study of the distribution and determinants of disease frequency in human populations.
total number of cases existing in a defined population at a specific time.
an inactive substance similar in appearance to the drug or vaccine being tested.
both the patient and the doctor are blind as to whether the patient is receiving a drug or a placebo in a clinical trial
each subject is assigned to the treatment group or the control group at random
Cofounding Variables
factors that are associated with the exposure and that may independently affect the risk of developing the disease.