Public Speaking Chapter 12 Review
impromptu speaking
a type of public speaking in which the speaker has little or no time to present a speech
a way of speaking in which the speaker does not alter his or her pitch
a word that identifies a subject or a point of primary interest or concern
Which of the following is NOT recommended for managing your voice when
incorporate vocalized pauses
Which of the following is NOT recommended when delivering a speech?
lock your knees
When effectively delivering a speech the speaker should
look at all audience members
One strategy for managing your body when giving a speech is:
maintain good posture
To effectively manage the audience during a speech the speaker should
make sure audience members who require accommodations have them.
the physical process of producing specific speech sounds to make language intelligible
the public presentation of a speech
the speed at which the speaker speaks
the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation used by a specific group of people, such as a regional or ethnic group
the way a speaker positions and carries his or her body
T or F. Appearance does not impact a speaker's credibility.
T or F. It is not a problem if a speaker goes over her allotted time for presenting her speech
T or F. Monotone is the best pitch to use when giving a speech
T or F. The most challenging delivery issue men encounter in public speaking is voice volume.
memorized speaking
giving a speech that has been committed to memory
manuscript speaking
giving a speech that has been written out word for word
extemporaneous speaking
giving a speech that has planned, researched, organized, and practiced
For women, the most challenging aspect of speech delivery is
voice volume
vocalized pauses
words used to fill in when a speaker is trying to think of something to say "um" "like"
the loudness of a speakers voice
Speakers with hearing impairments should
A. Use a sign-to-voice interpreter if the speaker usually communicates using American Sign Language. B. Ask audience members to use a microphone during a question-and-answer session. C. Present the speech aloud if the speaker is confident of his/her abilities.
Which of the following is true about culture and speech delivery?
American audiences may perceive a speaker as nervous, but Asian audiences might view the same behavior as modesty.
Which type of delivery is also referred to as "structured spontaneity?"
presentation outline
an outline that distills a complete-sentence outline, listing only the words and phrases that will guide the speaker through the main parts of speech and the transitions between them
vocal variety
changes in the volume, rate, and pitch of a speakers voice that affect the meaning of the words delivered
Speakers who use mobility aids should
determine in advance if standing or sitting for the presentation will be the most practical.
A faster speaking rate, higher vocal pitch, and louder volume when speaking suggests
. ______ delivery can be thought of as balancing structure and spontaneity.
T or F. "Delivery" in public speaking refers to the oral component of a speech.
the highness or lowness of a speakers voice
One advantage of the ________ delivery method is the speaker can avoid making misstatements.
Tulin wants to make sure she says just the right words in her speech; as such the best method of delivery for her is likely _______________.
The presentation outline is used for
practicing a speech
Which of the following types of outlines is most likely written on your note cards?
Effectively handling the question-and-answer session after a speech involves
repeating the question so the audience can hear it.
saying words correctly according to the accepted ways of the speakers language
T or F. According to your textbook, while male and female speakers are equally capable, according to your textbook, female speakers are viewed as more influential and persuasive.
When students talk in class during a discussion, this is an example of _____ delivery.
Which of the following types of delivery has little or no preparation?
Which of the following is NOT one of the four delivery methods discussed in your textbook?
When practicing a speech for extemporaneous delivery, speakers should practice
in stages
The presentation outline
includes key words to trigger the speaker's memory
nonverbal messages
information that is not communicated with words, but rather, through movement, gesture, facial expression, vocal quality, use of time, use of space, and touch
T or F. Dialect is the vocabulary, grammer, and pronunciation used by a group of people
T or F. Extemporaneous speeches afford the speaker the ability to research, organize and rehearse their speech.
T or F. Information that is communicated without words, but rather through movement, gesture and facial expression is called nonverbal messages.
T or F. Keywords in a presentation outline identify topics or speaking points of primary interest or concern.
T or F. One way speakers can involve the audience is asking for volunteers to do something
T or F. Pitch measures the highness or lowness of the speaker's voice.
T or F. Um," "ah," and "you know" are examples of vocalized pauses.