PY Final (Quiz 3 Review)

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By what age do children acquire most grammar in the language spoken in their environments?

5 years old

What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.

Chris does not like it when his infant son, Jacob, cries. Chris finds that if he makes goofy faces while Jacob is crying, Jacob will stop. Which learning principle best explains why Chris is more likely to make goofy faces in the future to make Jacob stop crying?

Negative reinforcement

Russell's mom wants him to study for two hours each night, so she gives him treats during the evening. Sometimes she gives him the treats after ten minutes, sometimes after thirty minutes. On the average, Russell is given a treat every twenty minutes. Which reinforcement schedule is Russell's mom utilizing?


When Ken kisses Barbie, his heart races. For a month, Barbie snapped her fingers just before she kissed him. She stopped snapping her fingers, but now whenever Ken hears someone snapping their fingers, his heart begins to race. This is an example of ________ conditioning, and finger snapping is the _________.

classical; conditioned stimulus

In modern IQ testing, someone with an IQ of 65 would be described as ________.

cognitive delayed

We are more likely to think that an expert is credible is he/she...

conforms to our image of how an expert should look and act.

In Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, ________ intelligence and ________ intelligence are often combined into a single type: emotional intelligence.

interpersonal; intrapersonal

Herbert, the rat, is put in a cage that is chilly. He operates in the environment by moving around the cage and bar-pressing. He discovers that moving around and bar-pressing have no impact on the temperature of the cage or anything else. Soon, Herbert stops moving around the cage at all, and when the temperature could be controlled through bar-pressing, he doesn't figure it out. Herbert is experiencing....

learned helplessness

A relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge due to experience is known as....


Cinderella is excited about meeting a potential husband at the ball. Her ideal suitor would have some of the following attributes: tall, dark, handsome, rich, and good taste in glass slippers. At the ball, she hooks up with Prince Charming, who has all of these features. Cinderella's set of characteristic features for her potential husband is called a _________ concept, and Prince Charming is a ________.

natural; prototype

Carmela believes her assistant, Lian, is incompetent. She ________ only what Lian does wrong while ________ the above average quality of most of her work. This exemplifies ________ bias.

notices, ignoring, confirmation

Tadd is trying to impress Tara. He knows that she is a fan of Jane Austen, so Tadd reads Emma, a Jane Austen book, and then talks with Tara about the book, surprising her with his knowledge. As a result of the conversation, Tara agrees to go out with Tadd on a date. Tadd reads other Jane Austen books after this experience. This is an example of _________ conditioning.


Anwar dresses for a cold fall day and steps outside to find it sunny and hot. He goes back inside to change out of his sweater and jeans into a shirt and shorts. Anwar is demonstrating the ________ intelligence component of the triarchic theory of intelligence.


Lois and Peter want to teach Brian, their dog, to fetch the newspaper. Lois wants to encourage Brian's behavior when he brings in the newspaper. Peter wants to discourage Brian's behavior when he brings in a stick instead. Lois will most likely use ________, and Peter will most likely use _________.

reinforcers; punishment

What did the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart suggest about intelligence? The findings from this study ________.

revealed a genetic component to intelligence.

Five-year- old Sandrine jumps and cringes every time she hears thunder. Soon she cringes when she sees lightning because she knows that thunder will follow. One day when she is at her first fireworks show, she cringes when she sees the flash of light from the first fireworks in the sky. Sandrine is displaying...

stimulus generalization

Many people believe that there are more deaths in the United States each year due to tornadoes than deaths due to asthma, even though asthma kills more people. This mistaken belief is due to the reports of tornadoes being more vivid. This is an example of how our judgments are affected by...

the availability heuristic

Gabriel is just beginning to speak in words. He says "Daddy!" and "Car." Gabriel is most likely ________ old.

twelve to fifteen months

In classical conditioning, the _______ is an unlearned reaction to a given stimulus. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen and sneeze, sneezing is an unlearned reaction to pollen (i.e., the stimulus).

unconditioned response

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