Pysch Ch 13: social psychology

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___________ is an area of psychology that examines how people select, interpret, remember, and use social info

social cognition

_________ is the process by which individuals evaluate their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to other people

social comparison

_____________ is imitative behavior that involves the spreading of behavior, emotions, and ideas. ex: people laugh more when others are laughing

social contagion

_____________ occurs when an individual's performance improves bc of the presence of others. the presence of others arouses individuals and that arousal produces energy. it improves our performance on well learned tasks. if arousal is too high, the presence of others might undermine our performance

social facilitation

___________ refers to the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership

social identity

________ theory states that individuals social identity is a crucial part of their self image and a valuable source of positive feelings about themselves. in order for individuals to feel good about themselves, they need to feel good about the group to which they belong

social identity theory

____________ occurs when an individual exerts less effort when in a group, bc the individual feels less accountable for his or her individual effort

social loafing

________ is the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people

social psychology

the _______ causes are whether an individual perceives the cause of behavior to be relatively enduring or temporary


the __________ is a demonstration of the power of obedience. Zimbardo created a stimulated prison where subjects were divided into prisoner or guard. guards were informed that they would be taking away prisoners. zimbardo concluded that situational factors powerfully affect human behavior. good people will do evil things to good people if the situation supports those deeds.

stanford prison experiment

in ____________ experiment, volunteer participants were asked to deliver dangerous and painful electric shocks to other participants. the other participants were confederates, but the volunteer participants did not know this. almost 2/3 of the volunteer participants delivered the full 450 volts of electric shocks to the other participant

stanley milgram's experiment

a ________ is an individual's fast acting, self fulfilling fear about being judged on the basis of a negative stereotype about his or her group

stereotype threat

the __________ has been shown to have a negative effect on women taking a math test compared to men who have equally strong math training

stereotype threat

__________ can be considered a type of heuristic


_____________ are generalizations about a group's characteristics, tho those traits may vary from one individuals to the next. they are used to simplify the understanding of people by classifying them as belonging to one group or another


_______ social comparisons can foster feelings of inadequacy and envy, while _________ social comparisons can make us feel more positive

upward; downward

there are many situations where people's attitudes will change their behavior. some of these attitudes include:

when people's attitudes are strong when people show a strong awareness of their attitudes and rehearse and practice them when people have a vested interest in an issue

the person who produces the behavior is known as the _______ and the person who offers an explanation is known as the ________


a participant was put in a room with other confederates (people in on the experiment) and was asked to say which line was the longest out of the 3. ______ found that the participants agreed with the confederates 35% of the time giving the wrong answer. what experiment is this

asch's experiment

_________ are how individuals feel about things. it's their opinions and beliefs


_________ individuals are thought to be better adjusted, socially skilled, friendly, likeable, extraverted, and more likely to achieve superior job performance


the __________ theory views individuals as motivated to discover the underlying causes of behavior as part of their effort to make sense of the behavior

attribution theory

_______ are explanations of the causes of behavior


_________ can cause attitudes


the ____________ effect is the tendency for an individual to observe an emergency and to help less when there are other people present than when the observer is alone. research shows that an observer will help 75% of the time alone but 50% of the time not alone

bystander effect

_______________ occurs when individual's psychological discomfort is caused by 2 inconsistent thoughts. we feel discomfort when what we do and what we say are inconsistent

cognitive dissonance

both ________theory and ___________ theory suggest that behavior can change attitudes

cognitive dissonance theory and self perception theory

____________ is when a person's behavior coincides more closely with a group standard. it's a powerful social force; it can increase group cohesion or it can also be destructive


the ____________ cause is whether we perceive that an individual has some power over some causes but not others


____________ occurs when being part of a group reduces personal identity and erodes the sense of personal responsibility


one explanation for _________ is that groups give individuals anonymity. an individual may do something in a group that he or she would never do alone. ex: cyberbullying is highest when people feel they are anonymous


to reduce ________, individual's can either change their attitude of change their actions


another technique is the _________, in which the communicator makes the bigger request at the beginning and then makes a smaller "concessionary" demand at the end

door in the face

_____________ might help to explain the strong group loyalty typically associated with initiation rites for frats, boot camp, and medical school

effort justification

______________ is one type of dissonance reduction. it means coming up with a rationale for the amount of work associated with a difficult goal. if a great deal of effort is put forth, we tend to increase the value associated with the goal

effort justification

zimbardo argued that guards and prisoners behaved according to their assigned roles bc the _____ supported this behavior


kay deaux identified 5 types of social identity including:

ethnicity and religion personal relationship vocations and and avocations political affiliations stigmatized groups

the _________ effect is an overestimation of the degree to which everyone else thinks or acts the way an individual does, and it is the result of the individual using his or her own outlook to predict that of others

false consensus effect

_________ showed that the brain does in fact respond to judgements that differed from the group judgments, as if they were mistakes


the ________ technique involves making a small request at the beginning to get them to listen and comply and then asking for something bigger at the end

foot in the door technique

the ___________ refers to the tendency of observers to overestimate the importance of internal traits and underestimate the importance of external factors when explaining an actor's behavior

fundamental attribution error

_____________ is the solidification and further strengthening or a position as a consequence of a group discussion

group polarization

_________ can be reduced if groups avoid isolation, encourage dissent, and have an impartial leader who allows debate

group think

__________ refers to a group's impaired decision making and avoidance of realistic appraisal in order to maintain group harmony. instead of rocking the boat, group members place the highest value on conformity and unanimity


__________: getting along but being very wrong


some recent examples of __________ are the challenger crisis, the days leading up to the war in Iraq, and unresponsiveness of officials to allegations that former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky engaged in many acts of child abuse


__________ are cognitive shortcuts that allow individuals to make decisions rapdily


comparing ourselves to other people is one way we come to understand our own behavior. this process aids us in building an _________


the __________ refers to the influence that other people have on individuals because the individual wants to be right. it depends on how confident we are in our own judgment and how well informed we perceive the group to be

informational social influence

the ________ causes include causes inside and specific to the person or outside the person


attributions vary along 3 dimensions:

internal/external causes, stable/unstable causes, and controllable/ uncontrollable causes

social psychology is distinctive is 2 ways:

its connection to real life events and its reliance of experimental methods

the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area which are reward centers in the brain become _______ activated in women when their ratings differed from the groups ratings


when people believe they have control over their own actions, they are ______ likely to conform


when there is loafing, there is ___________ group performance. with a larger group, the individual feels as tho he or she can loaf wo detection from others in the group


the ___________ exerts its influence through both info influence and normative influence


the __________ must exert its pressure through informational pressure. if they makes its point consistently and confidently, the majority is more likely to listen


any individual can be influenced by stereotype threat regardless of their group membership as it influences _______, _______, _________, and _________

motivation effort anxiety distraction

the _____________ refers to the influence that other have on an individual bc the individual wants other to like them or approve of them

normative social influence

_________ is a behavior that complies with explicit demands of the individual in authority


women have been socialized to think of themselves as _________ in the social world


___________ has been implicated in producing individual preferences that match the members of their group


___________ refers to the processes by which we use social stimuli to form impressions of others

person perception

___________ occurs when individuals try to change another person's attitudes, and often his or her behavior as well


a ___________ is a positive view that an individual has about him or herself that is not necessarily rooted in reality. most people tend to think of themselves as about average in a variety of positive characterisitics

positive illusion

the _________ effect is the tendency to attend to and remember what we learned first

primacy effect

___________ refers to the motivation to reject attempts to control us. it occurs when a person feels that someone or something is taking away his or her choices


social loafing can be _________ by making members accountable for their individual contributions and by making the group's task more attractive


__________ is the tendency to make judgements about group membership based on physical appearance or the match between a person and one's stereotype of a group

representativeness heuristic

the __________ occurs when there is a tendency for a group decision to be riskier than the average decision made by the individual group members

risky shift

________ found that teachers expectations for students can influence student performance

rosenthal and jacobson

one of the most important self-related variable is ______, which is the degree to which individuals have positive or negative attitudes about themselves

self esteem

high _________ and__________ can have protective effects on well being

self esteem and positive illusions

in a ___________, individuals expectations cause them to act in ways that serve to make those expectations come true

self fulfilling prophecy

___________ can lead to maladaptive behavior and feelings. it might also interfere with task performance, especially for women and members of stereotypes groups

self objectification

_____________ refers to the tendency for people to see themselves primarily as an object in the eyes of others

self objectification

the _________ theory stresses that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their behavior

self perception theory

a __________ refers to the tendency to take credit for success and to deny responsibility for our failures

self serving bias

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