Pyschology 130 EXAM 3

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According to Carol Gilligan, the moral reasoning of men is based on ___, and the moral reasoning of women is based on ___. A. justice; compassionate concern B. compassionate concern; justice C. cooperation; competition D. competition; cooperation


According to psychoanalytic theory, information that is not threatening and can be easily brought into awareness is stored in the A. preconscious B conscious C subconscious D. unconscious


Children in the sensorimotor stage do not realize that people continue to exist even though they can't be seen, thus showing that they have not mastered A. object permanence B. conservation C. hypothetical thinking D. empathetic thought


IN the ___ stage, it is important that a child's physical and psychological needs are consistently met and that they have positive interactions with the people and events in their world A. trust vs mistrust B. autonomy vs shame and doubt C. initiative vs guilt D. industry vs inferiority


Moral reasoning refers to A. the aspect of cognitive development relating to how an individual reasons about moral decisions B. the moral choices that are made in adolescence C. decisions regarding the choice of religion D. determining whether a particular behavior or choice is in accordance with society's law


Of the following senses, which is the least developed at birth? A. vision B. smell C. touch D. hearing


One of the most widely used self-report measures is the A. MMPI2 B. Rorschach inkblot test C. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale D. Myer-Briggs Type Indicator


Psychological research has shown that, in general, people are most likely to marry: A. someone who is similar in physical attractiveness, status, ethnicity, beliefs, and values B. somone who has very different personality traits C. someone they have known since childhood D. someone they met in high school or college


Psychologist who are interested in the forces that drive human behavior are interested in A. Motivation B. Emotion C. Neuroscience D. Consciousness


Psychologists have used four perspectives in their efforts to explain motivation. These include an emphasis on instincts, optimum arousal, a hierarchy of motives, and: A. drive reduction B. 360-degree feedback C. refractory periods D. basal metabolic rate


Santa Claus is to Superman as ___ is to ___ A. endomorph; mesomorph B. ectomorph; endomorph C. reality principle; pleasure principle D. mesomorph; ectomorph


Teresa and Mark have decided not to date other people as a sign of their love for each other. This means that they will not date other people in the interest of the long-term success of their relationship. According to Sternberg, Teresa and Mark's relationship has strong A. commitment B. intimacy C. passion D. Identification


The double standard as it typically relates to sex holds that A. boys are permitted to have premarital sex, but girls are not B. gay men can have many sexual partners, but heterosexual men cannot C. men can initiate a sexual relationship with women, but women should not initiate such relationships with men D. men should always pay for their date, but women are not expected to pay for dates


The pattern of enduring traits that lead people to act in the same ways over time and in different situations is known as A. personality B. development C. psyche D. self-actualization


When she was 8 years old, Inge was sexually abused by her uncle. At 14, Inge felt uncomfortable whenever she saw this uncle but was unable to understand why she felt this way. A psychoanalyst would likely suggest A. repression B. rationalization C. regression D. displacement


Which of the following is NOT a criticism of Piaget's theory? A. Piaget largely overlooked the important roles that social interactions and cultural influences play in the process of cognitive development B. Many adults fail to attain formal operational thinking or only attain formal operational thinking in limited areas of knowledge C. Infants seem to acquire object permanence at a much earlier age than Piaget suggested D. Children in the concrete operational stage display a much greater capacity for abstract thought than Piaget believed


Which of the following is the correct developmental sequence following conception? A. zygote, embryo, fetus B. zygote, fetus, embryo C. embryo, fetus, zygote D. fetus, zygote, embryo


Which of the following statements about interpersonal attraction has been supported by research? A. "Birds of a feather flock together" B. "Opposites attract" C. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" D. "People don't judge books (people) by their cover (appearance)"


___ love is a style that is defined by high physiological arousal, psychological interest, and concern A. Passionate B. Compassionate C. Erotic D. Pragmatic


A person is shown an ambiguous picture and asked to tell a story about it. She is taking the A. Rorschach inkblot test B. thematic Apperception Test C. Role Construct Repertory Test D. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory


According the psychoanalytic theory, boys learn to suppress their sexual interests in the mother when they A. envy their father's penis B. experience castration anxiety C. identify with their mother D. fall in love with a girl


According to Erikson, the primary goal in adolesence is to A. find sexual mate B. develop a personal identity C. secure a well paying job D. perform well in school E. adopt their parents' value


According to Maslow, our need for ___ must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need for ___ A. love; food B. adequate clothing; self-esteem C. self-actualization; friendship D. political freedom; economic security


According to Sternberg, our feelings of closeness and warmth in loving relationships are an example of A. passion B. intimacy C. Commitment D. Compassion E. Fantasy


All of the following are true about display rules except A. They are culturally determined B. They refer to the norms that govern how and when emotions may be expressed C. They only refer to nonverbal behaviors and body language D. Display rules are often different for men and women


Andrew believes that he is unique in his ability to excel in volleyball. He believes that no one in his high school can play as well as he does. Andrew's beliefs about his special volleyball talent is a part of his A. false consensus bias B. personable fable C. illusory correlation bias D. preoperational schema


Cale just learned that his girlfriend wants to end their relationship. As he storms out of her dorm room, he kicks a trash-can over, spilling its contents on the floor. Which defense mechanism is Cale most likely using to cope with his anxiety? A. regression B. displacement C. denial D. projection


Compared with heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals tend to A. have many psychological illnesses B. enjoy the same quality of mental health C. have a greater number of physical ailments D. receive special rights


Danielle is faced with a decision of cheating on a paper to receive a higher grade, or not cheating and earning a low grade. She reasons that if she cheats on the paper, then she may be caught by her professor , and the consequences would give her sorority a bad reputation. She decides not to cheat. According to Kohlberg, Danielle is likely in the ___ stage of moral development A. preconventional B. conventional C. postconventional D. formal operations


For an embryo to develop male genitalia, what must occur? A. A Y chromosome must be present B. Testosterone must be present C. The corpus callosum must thicken D. The sexually dimorphic nucleus must shrink


Interpreting new experiences in terms of existing schemas is called: A. egocentrism B. assimilation C. imprinting D. accomodation


Michael's parents have offered to pay him $50 every time he wins a chess tournament, a game that Michael has always enjoyed playing. According to research A. Michael's extrinsic motivation to play chess will decrease B. Michael's intrinsic motivation to play chess will decrease C. Michael's intrinsic motivation to play chess will increase D. Michael's love of chess will increase


One problem with gender roles is that they A. hold men and women to the same standards of behavior B. may lead to stereotyping about men and women's typical abilities C. cannot be studied across different cultures D. are generally accurate, and therefore inescapable


People who have reached their highest potential and who are happy with their current lives can be described as A. homeostatic B. self-actualizing C. extrinsically motivated D. driven by primary needs


Personal capabilities are components of ___, and personal evaluations are components of ___ A. self-esteem; self-efficacy B. self-efficacy; self-esteem C. self-monitoring; self-awareness D. self-awareness; self-monitoring


Reaction formation refers to the process by which people: A. disguise unacceptable unconscious impulses by attributing them to others B. consciously express feelings that are the opposite of unacceptable unconscious impulses C. retreat to behavior patterns characteristics of an earlier stage of development D. offer self-justifying explanations in place of the real but unacceptable unconscious reasons for action


Research suggests that children who have homosexual parents will probably A. be homosexual B. be heterosexual C. have low self-esteem D. suffer from depression


Ted accidentally drops a stack of pots on the floor, causing a sudden loud noise. Ted's newborn flings out her arms, fans her fingers, and arches her back. His newborn had displayed the A. Babinski reflex B. startle reflex C. imprinting reflex D. rooting reflex


The hallmark of the formal operational stage is the ability to A. understand reversibility B. use abstract reasoning C. understand the principle of conservation D. take another person's perspective


The idea that women do not envy men's penises, but rather the power that is associated with being male in a male-dominated society was proposed by A. Anna Freud B. Karen HOrney C. Alfred Adler D. Carl Jung E. Gloria Steinam


Trait theorists are more concerned with ___ personality than ___ it A. predicting; assessing B. describing; explaining C. changing ; analyzing D. interpreting; observing


Warm and responsive parenting is to ___ as neglectful and insensitive parenting is to ___. A. altruistic attachment; benign indifference B. secure attachment; insecure attachment C. collectivistic culture; individualistic cultures D. easy temperament; difficult temperament


Which of the following emotion word will appear last in a child's vocabulary A. Scared B. Anxious C. Mad D. Happy


Which of the following is a criticism of Masters & Johnson's studies of sexual behavior? A. The sample size was too small B. The sample size were probably not representative of the American population C. He focused exclusively on abnormal sexual behaviors D. Sexuality is not a spectator sport and was immoral


Which of the following is not a stage of Kubler-Ross's stage model of dying? A. denial B. identification C. bargaining D. acceptance


Which of the following statements is most accurate? A. There are no universal emotions B. The expression of basic emotions may be universal C. The way you express happiness is culturally learned D. The learning process best explains that people in different cultures express anger differently


Which perspective most clearly emphasizes that our personalities help create the situations to which we react A. the psychodynamic perspective B. social-cognitive perspective C. humanistic perspective D. trait perspective


___ refers to a person's ability to overcome circumstances that place him or her at high risk for psychological harm A. attachment B. resilience C. Temperament D. Authoritativeness


A child who has reached the concrete operational stage still cannot A. understand that hidden objects continue to exist B. take the perspective of other people C. think about abstract or hypothetical phenomenon D. think in logical ways


A person's preference for sexual partners of a particular gender is called that person's A. gender role B. sex difference C. sexual orientation D. sexual identity E. gender identity


Billy finds himself attracted to both men and women, and he has sexual relations with members of both sexes. Psychologists would consider Billy A. heterosexual B. homosexual C. bisexual D. androgynous


Carl Rogers would have suggested that many of the defense mechanisms described by Freud are used to minimize the perceived discrepancy between A. individualism and collectivism B. the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious C. the actual self and the ideal self D. internal locus of control and an external locus of control


Dr. Brauner believes that human behavior is triggered by forces inside us, and theses forces are unconscious and shaped by childhood experiences. Dr. Brauner adopts the A. trait approach B. humanistic approach C. psychodynamic approach D. behavioral approach


During the early psychosexual stages, the id's psychic energy is focused on: A. free associations B. defense mechanisms C. erogenous zones D. attributional styles


Environmental factors that can cross the placental barrier and contribute to birth defects are known as A. Toxins B. Stressors C. teratogens D. genetic inhibitors


Food deprivation is to ___ as hunger is to ___ A. homeostatis; thirst B. incentive; instinct C. need; drive D. pornography; lust


Gene spends a good deal of time braggin about his numerous sexual exploits. Freud would have suggested that Gene is fixated at the ___ stage A. oral B. latency C. phallic D. anal


If you are in a bad mood but have to go to work, you might find that pretending to be in a good mood and smiling ___ your mood. This would be support for the ___ of emotion A. has no effect on; Cannon Bard Theory B. decreases; James Lange theory C. increases; facial feedback hypothesis D. increases; Cannon Bard theory


In Yajeh's culture, it is inappropriate for women to express sexual interest in men. Instead, women must wait until they are approached by men. This expectation of women is a(n) A. sexual orientation B. gender stereotype C. gender role D. sex role


In the children's story the little engine that could, the struggling engine repeatedly tells itself, " I think i can". Eventually the little engine is able to cross a steep montain and deliver toys to their destination. Bandura would suggest that the Little Engine has high A. practical intelligence B. emotional intelligence C. self-efficacy D. self-esteem


It is not unusual for adolescents to participate in clubs and sports during their middle- and high school years. Some psychologists suggest that adolescents channel their increased sexual impulses into these more socially acceptable activities. According to these psychologists, sexual energy is ___ participation in clubs and sports A. regressed into B. projected onto C. sublimated into D. displaced unto


Jonathan is watching a movie, and the actors, say something that could be either funny or upsetting. Other people in the audience begin laughing , so Jonathan begins laughing and concludes the dialogue must be funny. This example illustrates the A. James-Lange Theory B. Canon-Bard Theory C. Schachter-Singer Theory D. Reimer-Johnson Theory


Leah and her partner are having sex. Leah's clitoris has begun swelling from increased blood flow, and she is developing a red rash on her chest. She is most likely in the ___ phase a. excitement b. plateau c. orgasm d. resolution


On the nature-nurture issue, most developmental psychologist believe that A. genetic influences behavior better than environmental influences B. environmental influences explain behavior better than genetic influences C. the interaction of genetic and environmental influences explain behavior better than just focusing on either genetics or the environment D. neither genetics nor the environment explains much about human behavior


Research on orgasms suggest that A. men describe orgasms more positively than women B. women describe orgasms more positively than men C. men and women describe orgasms in much the same way D. men worry more about having multiple orgasms than women


Sarah, who is a 4 year old, is talking on the phone to her uncle, whom she has not seen in several years. Sarah is disappointed that her uncle has not said how much he likes the new dress that she is currently wearing. Her belief that the uncle can see the dress illustrates A. object permanence B. conservation C. egocentric thought D. reversibility


The affectionate attachment that keeps a relationship going after passionate feelings cool is known as A. altruism B. self-disclosure C. companionate love D. the mere exposure


The projective test in which people are asked to describe what they see in ambiguous inkblots A. Sigmund Freud B. Carl Jung C. Hermann Rorschach D. Henry Murray


The swiss psychologist Jean Piaget is best known for: A. studies of the newborn's visual preferences B. research investigating the development of moral reasoning C. theory proposing that children progress through distinct stages of cognitive development D. influential theory of psychosocial development throughout the lifespan


What is the correct sequence of stages in Master and Johnson's sexual response model? a. arousal, orgasm, plateau, refraction b. arousal, orgasm, refraction, resolution c. excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution d. excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution


Which of the following is not a primary drive? A. Hunger B. thirst C. achievement D. sleep


Which of the following is the correct sequence of needs in Maslow's hierarchy? A. love, safety, belonging, esteem B. safety, esteem, love, self-actualization C. safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization D. belonging, esteem, self-actualization, love


While at a party, Lee forces Sheryl to perform oral-genital sex even though she really does not want to do so. Sheryl is the victim of A. the sexual double standard B. assault C. rape D. a hate crime E. sexual harrassment


Contemporary psychodynamic theorists are most likely to disagree with Freud's assumption that A. much of our mental functioning is unconscious B. people often struggle with conflicting wishes C. childhood experiences influence our adulthood relationships D. sexual drives are central to personality development


During the s___ stage, children become particularly interested in master their social interactions and academic skills A. trust-vs-mistrust B. initiative-vs-guilt C. autonomy-vs-shame and doubt D. industry-vs-inferiority


Freud became interested in unconscious personality dynamics when he noticed that certain patients symptoms A. resulted from the physical abuse they received from their parents during childhood B. reflected an internal locus of control C. illustrated a reciprocal determinism D. could not be explained readily in terms of neurological impairments


Generalizing from Harlow's studies of infant monkeys, what should parents do to maximize their baby's attachment? A. feed the infant themselves B. Encourage the infant to engage in concrete operational thought C. observe the infant for several hours each day D. establish cuddly body contact


Jamie is an overly protective other, and she maintains close control over her baby's activities. According to Erikson, Jamie's behavior will be most damaging during the ___ stage. A. initiative vs guilt B. industry vs inferiority C. trust vs mistrust D. autonomy vs shame and doubt


Katie has difficulty controlling her aggression. Whenever someone annoys her, Katie will often hit or kick that person. Such an extreme response suggests that Katie is dominated by her A. ego-ideal B. superego C. ego D. Id


Kohlberg's theory of moral development has been criticized for A. focusing too much on moral judgement and not enough on moral behavior B. being based on the moral code of western societies C. ignoring the moral reasoning styles of women D. A,B, and C


Max demonstrates behaviors that are stereotypical of both men and women. Max could be described as A. masculine B. feminine C. undifferentiated D. Androgynous


Research on emotions and culture suggest that A. There are no universal emotions B. similarities in how emotions are expressed in vastly different cultures can be explained by learning processes C. when compared with people in western cultures, certain natives of New Guinea express happiness differently D. The expression of basic emotions may be universal


Research suggests that the worst outcomes for children are associated with A. the permissive parenting style B. the authoritarian parenting style C. authoritative and permissive parenting styles D. authoritarian and uninvolved parenting styles


The Oedipal conflict is the developmental crisis that occurs in the A. oral stage B. anal stage C. genital stage D. phallic stage


The belief that physiological arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously is consistent with the A. Schachter-Singer Theory B. Reimer-Johnson Theory C. Schachter-Singer Theory D. Cannon-Bard Theory


The idea that holding a particular facial expression will lead to a person feeling emotions in keeping with that facial expression is called the A. opponent-process theory B. two-factor theory C. Cannon-Bard theory D. facial feedback theory E. pure baloney


The relationship between the id and the ego is similar to the relationship between A. the conscience and uncontrollable forces B. controllable forces and uncontrollable forces C. the reality principle and the pleasure principle D. the pleasure principle and the reality principle


The sexual fantasies of men and women A. focus on intercourse itself among men, but focus on endearment and emotionality among women B. are active for men but relatively passive for women C. are forceful for men but gentile for women D. are similar in content and quantity


When we experience feelings that have both physiological and cognitive components and those feelings influence our behavior, we are experience A. Motivation B. Beliefs C. Primary drives D. Emotions


Whenever Kelli touches her neonate on the cheek, he turns his head and looks at the hand with which she touches him. This is known as the A. Babinski reflex B. startle reflex C. sucking reflex D. rooting reflex


Which of the following is not a weakness that is specific to longitudinal research designs? A. the amount of time needed to collect data B. participants who leave the study before its end C. the cost of the study D. the influence of cohort effects on the data


Which psychologists are most likely to criticize standardized personality tests for failing to capture the unique subjective experiences of the individual personality? A. pyschoanalytic B. trait theorist C. social-cognitive theorists D. humanistic theorists


Which statement would Sigmund Freud least likely make? A. Childhood experiences are more important than present experiences B. People are basically bad and can never be fully civilized C. People generally do not have a lot of freedom to choose their behaviors D. The components of the human personality are generally balanced


The norms that govern how and when emotions may be expressed are called A. Body language B. non verbal behavior C. Display rules D. emotion work


A major premise of Maslow's hierarchy of motives theory is that A. Your place on the hierarchy is very much age related B. the highest levels of the hierarchy are the main priority of all people C. people can experience needs at several different level simultaneously D. lower-level needs must be met before higher-level needs


A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the BIg Five trait dimension of A. emotinoal stability B. extraversion C. openness D. conscientiousness


A positive emotional bond between a child and his/her caregivers is called A. contact comfort B. habituation C. temperament D. attachment


All of the following are considered teratogens except A. maternal nutrition B. maternal emotional state C. paternal smoking behavior D. genetic anomalies


Although David earns high grades in school, e feels as though he is not very smart. In fact, he believes that if people knew the real him, they would see that his not a very good or a smart person. Adler would suggest that David has a A. Oedipal conflict complex B. dysfunctional id C. neurotic symptom D. inferiority


Because Mr. Maloney trusts his employees, he treats them kindly. His kindness leads them to work diligently on his behalf, which in turn increases his trust in them. This pattern of trust, kindness, diligence, and increasing trust illustrates what is meant by A. reaction formation B. spotlight effect C. self-serving bias D. reciprocal determinism


Stephanie is playing with a ball when it rolls down a flight of stairs and out of sight. She makes no attempt to find the ball. Stephanie is still in the A. sensorimotor stage B. preoperational stage C. concrete operational stage D. formal operational stage


The embryonic period lasts from A. conception through week 2 B. weeks 2-8 C. weeks 8-20 D. weeks 20-38


A child who resolves moral dilemmas by focusing on the concrete rewards and punishments associated with each solution is likely in the ___ stage of moral development A. preconventional B. conventional C. postconventional D. formal operations


According to Carl Jung, the ideas and feelings that we inherit from our human and non-human ancestors rest in the A. collective unconscious B. superego C. conscious psyche D. Id


All of the following are style of attachment except A. secure B. avoidant C. slow to warm up D. ambivalent


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