Python Module 1 Questions
What is true about compilation? (Select two answers)
-It tends to be faster than interpretation -The code is converted directly into machine code executable by the processor
Select the true statements? (Select two answers)
-Python is free, open-source, and multi-platform -Python is a good choice for creating and executing tests for applications
What do you call a command-line interpreter which lets you interact with your OS and execute Python commands and scripts?
A console
What is machine code?
A low-level progamming language consisting of binary digits/bits that the computer reads and understands
What is a source code?
A program written in a high-level programming language
What is IDLE?
An acronym that stands for integrated development and learning environment
What are the four fundamental elements that make a language?
An alphabet, morphology, phonetics, and semantics
What do you call a computer program which directly executes instructions written in a programming language?
An interpreter
How did Python, the programming language, get its name?
Guido van Russum named it to honor Mony Python's Flying Circus, a BBC comedy series popular in the 1970s
What is the best definition of a script?
It's a text file that contains instructions which make up a Python program.
What is CPython?
It's the default, reference implementation of Python, written in the C language
What Python version is covered in this course?
Python 3
What is CPython?
The default implementation of the Python programming language
What is the expected behavior of the following program? prin("Goodbye!")
The program will generate an error message on the screen
What is the expected behavior of the following program?
The program will output Hello! to the screen
What do you call a tool that lets you launch your code step by step and inspects it at each moment of execution
a debugger
Python is an example of
a high-level programming language
What do you call a file containing a program written in a high-level programming language?
a source file
A complete set of known commands is called
an instruction list (IL)
Which one of the follwing is an example of a python file extension