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In 1890 the most important source of revenue for the federal government was liquor taxes inheritance taxes customs duties income taxes sales taxes

customs duties

The passage of the Pendleton Act was a direct result of the failure of Reconstruction Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson assassination of Abraham Lincoln assassination of James A. Garfield

assassination of James A. Garfield

"But even if southern progressivism included women, was it reserved for whites? The answer is that whites intended for it to be, and it would have been even more racist, more exclusive, and more oppressive if there had been no black women progressives .... As much as southern whites plotted to reserve progressivism for themselves, and as much as they schemed to alter the ill-fitting northern version accordingly, they failed. African- American women embraced southern white progressivism, reshaped it, and sent back a new model that included black power brokers and grass roots activists. Evidence of sout hern African-American progressivism is not to be found in public laws, electoral politics, or the establishment of mothers' aid programs at the state level. It rarely appears in documents that white progressives, male or female, left behind. Since black men could not speak out in politics and black women did not want to be seen, it has remained invisible in virtually every discussion of southern progressivism. Nonetheless, southern black women initiated every progressive reform that southern white women initiated, a feat they accomplished without financial resources, without the civic protection of their husbands, and without publicity." -Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore, "Diplomatic Women," from Gender and Jim Crow The efforts described in the reading above occurred in the context of -a nadir (lowest point) in race relations in the United States as scientific" ideas about race, inaction by the federal government, and rigid segregation in the South relegated African Americans to a second -class status in the United States. -successful efforts by the U.S. military to segregate units fighting in the Spanish - American War and World War I, but resistance by state governments to follow the lead of the military. -rapid industrialization in the South, which brought African American working-class activists in closer contact with whites. -increased federal support for civil rights measures in the United States, as American political leaders sought to bolster the democratic image of the United States on a global stage.

-a nadir (lowest point) in race relations in the United States as scientific" ideas about race, inaction by the federal government, and rigid segregation in the South relegated African Americans to a second -class status in the United States.

"Now , therefore , I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as commander in chief ... and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion do ... order and designate as the states and parts of states wherein the people thereof, respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States the following ... "I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated states and parts of states are, and henceforward shall be, free .... "And I further declare ... that such person s of suitable condition will be received into the armed service of the United States ... "And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice , warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity." -Abraham Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 To issue an Emancipation Proclamation , President Lincoln felt that he needed which of the following? A Constitutional Amendment A military victory Supreme Court approval Republican control of Congress

A military victory

"To understand political power ... we must consider what estate all men are naturally in, and that it is a state of pe1fect freedom to order their actions and dispose of their possess ions . .. within the bounds of the law of nature , without asking leave , or depending upon the will of any other man .... "Whosoever therefore out of a state of nature unite into a community must be understood to give up all the power necessary to the ends for which they unite into society, to the majority of the community ... And this is done by barely agreeing to unite into one political society .. .. And thus that which begins and actually constitutes any political society is nothing but the consent of any number of freemen capable of a majority to unite ... . And this is that ... which did or could give beginning to any lawful government in the world." -John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, 1690 Locke's writings had the most direct influence on the American Revolution Zenger case Mayflower Compact Great Awakening

American Revolution

During the 1930s Black voters overwhelmingly switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party because Black Americans benefited from some New Deal economic policies President Roosevelt actively pursued race reform southern Democrats widely favored abolishing the poll tax the Democrats promised to end Prohibition the Ku Klux Klan was gaining power within the Republican Party

Black Americans benefited from some New Deal economic policies

"We drift fast toward war with England, but I think we shall not reach that point. The shopkeepers who own England want to do us all harm they can and to give all possible aid and comfort to our slave-breeding and woman -flogging adversary, for England has degenerated into a trader, manufacturer, and banker, and has lost all the instincts and sympathies that her name still suggests ... She cannot ally herself with slavery, as she incline s to do, without closing a profitable market , exposing her commerce to [Yankee] privateers, and diminishing the supply of [Northern] breadstuffs on which her operatives depend for life. On the other side, however, is the consideration that by allowing piratical Alabamas to be built, armed, and manned in her ports to prey on our commerce, she is making a great deal of money." -George Templeton Strong, New York lawyer, Diary, 1863 The Union was most disturbed because they believed that Britain was supporting the Confederates by doing which of the following? Loaning money Purchasing cotton Building warships Supplying food

Building warships

Which of the following characterizes the relationship between church and state for the Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the seventeenth century? Colonial officials strictly separated church and state. The colonial government officially supported religious toleration. Church membership was required for voting and holding public office. Ministers held most elected offices. Colonial officials encouraged churches to incorporate Catholic elements of worship.

Church membership was required for voting and holding public office.

Which of the following was primarily responsible for the declining death rate in American cities at the end of the nineteenth century? Fewer poor people moved to the cities in the late nineteenth century. Doctors began to provide free medical care to poor people. Cities began to provide free medical care to those who needed it. Better transportation enabled more people to seek medical care. Cities built sewers and supplied purified water.

Cities built sewers and supplied purified water.

On June 24th 1787, James Madison presented a proposal to pay congressmen for a full year after the expiration of their term. What was he trying to prevent with this proposal? Congressmen receiving federal offices due to friendships within congress. Congressmen becoming poor due to lack of pay. Congressmen raising taxes immediately before they left office. High turnover within congress

Congressmen receiving federal offices due to friendships within congress.

Which of the following is true of the 1935 Social Security Act? It provided health insurance for anyone who needed it. It legislated a tax that transfers money from workers to pensioners. It made the United States the first industrialized country to provide a social welfare system. It was ended during the first hundred days of the New Deal. It created benefits for the needy by using taxes on corporate profits.

It legislated a tax that transfers money from workers to pensioners.

"I wish I knew what mighty things were fabricating. If a form of government is to be established here, what one will be assumed? Will it be left to our assemblies to choose one? And will not many men have many minds? And shall we not run into dissensions among ourselves?" "I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature; and that power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping...." "How shall we be governed so as to retain our liberties? Who shall frame these laws? Who will give them force and energy..." "When I consider these things, and the prejudices of people in favor of ancient customs and regulation, I feel anxious for the fate of our monarchy or democracy, or whatever is to take place." Abigail Adams, Letter to John Adams, November 27, 1775 Which of the following BEST expresses the view of Abigail Adams about power, liberty, or prejudices? Corruption is an ever present vice for men entrusted with power. Liberties should apply to all Power can be harnessed in the right hands People can overcome prejudice by spending time with each other. Sit down John!

Corruption is an ever present vice for men entrusted with power.

The first massive migration of Black Americans from the South occurred during which of the following periods? Immediately following the Civil War During the civil rights movement of the 1960's During the Great Depression During and immediately after the First World War In the decade after the Second World War

During and immediately after the First World War

President Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was issued in response to French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American Alliance Canadian alliances with northern American Indians English boycotts of selected American manufactures Dutch economic activity in the mid-Atlantic states Spanish expansion in the Southeast

French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American Alliance

Which of the following contributed most to the American victory in the Revolution? French military and financial assistance Support from the French Canadians The British failure to capture Philadelphia The failure of Loyalists to participate in military action A major American military victory at Valley Forge

French military and financial assistance

Under Chief Justice John Marshall, Supreme Court decisions tended to restrict federal powers of taxation expand state control of economic activity restrict corporate development reduce federal control of the economy promote business enterprise

promote business enterprise

"Unlike those who call themselves no-government men, I ask for, not ... no government, but ... a better government. ... "It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right. .. . "There are thousands who are in opinion opposed to slavery and to the war [with Mexico] who yet in effect do nothing to put an end to them .... "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison ... If the alternative is to keep all just men in prison or give up war and slavery, the state will not hesitate which to choose. If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure ... This is ... the definition of a peaceable revolution." -Henry David Thoreau, lecturer and author, "Resistance to Civil Government," (Civil Disobedience), 1849 Thoreau believed that a just man should be prepared to do which of the following? Overthrow the government Organize opposition Run for elected office Go to jail for his beliefs

Go to jail for his beliefs

"I am but one of many victims of Rockefeller's colossal combination," said Mr. [George) Rice, "and my story is not essentially different from the rest .... I established what w:as known as the Ohio Oil Works .... I found to my surprise at first, though I afterward understood it perfectly, that the Standard Oil Company was offering the same quality of oil at much lower prices than I could do-from one to three cents a gallon less than I could possibly sell it for. "I sought for the reason and found that the railroads were in league with the Stap.dard Oil concern at every point, giving it discriminating rates and privileges of all kinds as against myself and all outside competitors." -George Rice, "How I Was Ruined by Rockefeller," New York World, October 16, 1898. Defenders of corporate actions, such as the ones described in the passage above, would find support in Upton Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle". Henry George's proposal for a "single tax" on land. Herbert Spencer and the ideas of social Darwinism. the Omaha Platform of the Populist Platform.

Herbert Spencer and the ideas of social Darwinism.

"It is not denied that there are implied as well as express powers, and that the former are as effectually delegated as the latter. It is conceded that implied powers are to be considered as delegated equally with express ones. Then it follows, that as a power of erecting a corporation [such as a bank] may as well be implied as any other thing, it may as well be employed as an instrument or means of carrying into execution any of the specified powers...but one may be erected in relation to the trade with foreign countries, or to the trade between States...because it is the province of the federal government to regulate those objects, and because it is incident to a general sovereign or legislative power to regulate a thing, to employ all the means which relate to its regulation to the best and greatest advantage." -- Alexander Hamilton, Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States Hamilton's constitutional argument was based on which of the following types of power? Employed Regulated Implied Expressed


"As touching the quality of this country , three thinges there bee, which in few yeares may bring this Colony to perfection; the English plough, Vineyards, & Cattle .. . . "All our riches for the present doe consiste in Tobacco, wherein one man by his owne laboour hath in one yeare, raised to himself to the value of 200 sterling; and another by the means of sixe seruants ha.th cleared at one crop a thou sand pound english. These be true , yet indeed rare examples , yet possible to be done by others. Our principa.ll wealth (I should ha.ue said) consisteth in servants: but they are chargeable to be furnished with armes, apparel, & bedding , and for their transportation, and casua.ll both at sea, & for their first year commonly at la.nde also: but if they escape, they proove very hardy, and sound able men." -John Pory, Secretary of Virginia, Letter to Sir Dudley Carlton, 1619 Which of the following groups made up most of the servants referred to in the passage? Enslave Africans Indentured servants from Europe American Indians Women whose husbands had escaped

Indentured servants from Europe

Which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? Ireland The German states England Africa The Netherlands


Which of the following statements about the Tennessee Valley Authority is correct? It was a state-sponsored agency established to restore eroded soil. It provided land for immigrants who wanted to become farmers. It built interstate highways in the upper South. It built dams that made rural electrification possible. It was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

It built dams that made rural electrification possible.

The Second Great Awakening did which of the following? It encouraged conversion to evangelical Christianity. It emphasized reason and logic over emotionalism in religious matters. It produced increased respect for civil authority. It increased Protestant toleration for Catholics and Jews. It resulted in a sharp decline in church membership.

It encouraged conversion to evangelical Christianity.

Which of the following best characterizes the National Origins Act of 1924 ? It allowed increased levels of immigration from southern and eastern Europe. It set restrictions on the importation of certain goods. It established immigration quotas based on a percentage of each nationality residing in the United States in 1890. It established procedures for the immigration of alien spouses of United States citizens after 1935. It allowed Chinese immigrants entry into the United States after 1930.

It established immigration quotas based on a percentage of each nationality

Which of the following was true of the United States Constitution as adopted at the Constitutional Convention? It was built on a series of compromises. It was a revised version of the English Constitution. It included a Bill of Rights. It provided exact specifications covering all aspects of government. It allowed all male citizens over the age of twenty-one to vote.

It was built on a series of compromises.

Which of the following statements about the "American System" is correct? It was set up by the Treaty of Ghent at the end of the War of 1812. It permitted immigrants to be naturalized after living in the United States for five years. It was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self- sufficiency. It called for an end to the European presence in South America. It was strongly promoted by Andrew Jackson.

It was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self- sufficiency.

In the mid-18th century, all of the following were generally true about slavery in the British colonies EXCEPT There were more slaves than indentured servants in the southern colonies. Planters thought it provided a more dependable labor supply than other options. It was strongly opposed in New England. Slaves accounted for about half the population of Virginia Colonial laws gave slavery a permanent legal status.

It was strongly opposed in New England.

The Haymarket Affair represented a major setback for the Temperance movement civil rights movement for African Americans Knights of Labor women's suffrage movement

Knights of Labor

"The authors and promoters of this desperate conspiracy have...meant only to amuse, by vague expressions of attachment to the parent state, and the strongest protestations of loyalty to me, whilst they were preparing for a general revolt....The resolutions of Parliament breathed a spirit of moderation and forbearance; conciliatory propositions accompanies the measures taken to enforce authority....I have acted with the same temper, anxious to prevent, if it had been possible...the calamities which are inseparable from a state of war; still hoping that my people in America would have discerned the traitorous views of their leaders, and have been convinced, that to be a subject of Great Britain, with all its consequences, is to be the freest member of any civil society in the known world." -King George III, Speech to Parliament, October 27th, 1775 Which of the following groups of individuals would have been most likely to agree with King George? (Hint: AMSCO is tricky with this one, don't let the 1776 movie convince you to pick a certain delegate who was against independence) John Dickenson Thomas Paine Continentals John Adams Loyalists


"If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." William Jennings Bryan, 1896 Which of the following groups would most likely agree with the quote above? New York City financiers White-collar and professional workers Midwestern farmers Railroad executives Urban workers

Midwestern farmers

Support for slavery in the Southern states was based on all of the following reasons EXCEPT: Poor White farmers feared the economic competition of four million freed persons. Most White families owned slaves. Slaveholders believed that slaves were inferior and required White guardianship. Slavery was condoned in the Bible. White plantation owners feared abolition would destroy the South's economy.

Most White families owned slaves.

The Hartford Convention was a manifestation of New England Federalist opposition to the War of 1812 western resentment against British-backed American Indian attacks northern gratitude to General Jackson for his victory at New Orleans New England's desire to end United States trade with Great Britain the War Hawks' impatience with President Madison's conduct of foreign policy

New England Federalist opposition to the War of 1812

"It being desirable for the peace, concord, and harmony of the Union of these states to settle and adjust amicably all existing questions of controversy between them arising out of the institution of slavery upon a fair, equitable, and just basis .... "We are told now . .. that the Union is threatened with subversion and destruction ... If the Union is to be dissolved for any existing causes, it will be dissolved because slavery is interdicted or not allowed to be introduced into the ceded ten-itories, because slavery is threatened to be abolished in the District of Columbia , and because fugitive slaves are not returned ... to their masters .... "I am for staying within the Union and fighting for my rights." -Henry Clay, Resolution on the Compromise of 1850, 1850 Which of the following parts of the Compromi se of 1850 was the most appealing to the North? Passing a new Fugitive Slave Law Admitting California as a free state Using popular sovereignty in new territories Ending the slave trade in Washington, D.C.

Passing a new Fugitive Slave Law

"We believe that the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must own the railroads ... We demand a national currency, safe, sound, and flexible ... We demand a graduated income tax ... We demand a free ballot." Which of the following groups included the passage above in its platform? Union-Labor Party National Grange American Federation of Labor People's Party (Populists) Democratic Party

People's Party (Populists)

"Where, where was the heroic determination of the executive to vindicate our title to the whole of Oregon-yes sir, 'THE WHOLE OR NONE'[?] ... It has been openly avowed ... that Oregon and Texas were born and cradled together in the Baltimore Convention; that they were the twin offspring of that political conclave; and in that avowal may be found the whole explanation of the difficulties and dangers with which the question is now attended ... . I maintain "1. That this question ... is .... one for negotiations, compromise, and amicable adjustment. "2. That satisfactory evidence has not yet been afforded that no compromise which the United States ought to accept can be effected. "3. That, if no other mode of amicable settlement remains , arbitration ought to be resorted to .... " -Robert C. Winthrop, speech to the House of Representatives, "Arbitration of the Oregon Question," January 3, 1846 Winthrop suggests that Polk 's slogan of "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" was based mainly on which of the following attitudes? Polk felt pressure from Southerners Polk held strong anti-British sentiments Polk believed the country needed more free land Polk hoped to get political benefit

Polk hoped to get political benefit

"To be sure, much of progressivism was exclusionary. Yet we can now recognize not a singular political persuasion, but rather a truly plural set of progressivisms, with workers, African Americans, women, and even Native Americans-along with a diverse and contentious set of middling folk-taking up the language and ideas of what was once conceived of as an almost entirely white, male, middle-class movement. As for the dreams of democracy from the period: despite the frequent blindness of those who embodied them, they remain bold, diverse, and daring. It is for this reason that democratic political theorists ... have looked so longingly at the active citizenship of the Progressive Era, seeking ways to rekindle the democratic impulses of a century ago." -Robert D. Johnston, historian, "The Possibilities of Politics ," 2011 Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were "exclusionary"? Most Progressive wanted to keep immigrants and laborers from voting Rural agrarian reformers played little role in the movement Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans Women's movements were sidelined by male-dominated governments

Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans

The Missouri Compromise did which of the following? Provided for the annexation of Texas. Provided for admission to the Union of all future states in pairs of one free, one slave Finally settled the question of congressional power over slavery in the territories. Prohibited slavery in all the territory of the Louisiana Purchase. Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state.

Provided for admission to the Union of all future states in pairs of one free, one slave

"And upon full and careful consideration ... Dred Scott was not a citizen of Missouri within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States and not entitled as such to sue in its courts .. .. "Upon these considerations it is the opinion of the court that the act of Congress which prohibited a citizen from holding and owning property of this kind in the territory of the United States north of the line therein mentioned is not warranted by the Constitution and is therefore void .... "That it is now firmly settled by the decision s of the highest court in the state that Scott and his family, upon their return, were not free, but were, by the laws of Missouri, the property of the defendant; and that the Circuit Court of the United States has no ju risdiction when by the laws of the state, the plaintiff was a slave and not a citizen." -Roger B. Taney, Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 Chief Justice Taney's basic ruling in the Dred Scott case was based on which of the following principles? Since slaves did not pay taxes, they had no legal rights Since Congre ss could not define slavery, it could not regulate it Since Scott had returned to a slave state, he was still a slave Since slaves were property, they could not sue

Since slaves were property, they could not sue

Which of the following happened as a result of Bacon's Rebellion in 1676? Indentured servants received additional free land after fulfilling their terms of service. Virginia passed new laws protecting workers' rights. Governor William Berkeley abolished Virginia's House of Burgesses. The king allowed Virginia colonists to select their own governor. Tensions between backcountry farmers and the tidewater gentry were exposed.

Tensions between backcountry farmers and the tidewater gentry were exposed.

"One-half of the people of this nation today are utterly powerless to blot from the statute books an unjust law, or to write there a new and a just one. The women, dissatisfied as they are with this form of government, that enforces taxation without representation,- that compels them to obey laws to which they have never given their consent,-that imprisons and hangs them without a trial by a jury of their peers, that robs them, in marriage, of the custody of their own persons, wages and children,-are this half of the people left wholly at the mercy of the other half, in direct violation of the spirit and letter of the declarations of the framers of this government, every one of which was based on the immutable principle of equal rights to all." -Susan B. Anthony, "I Stand Before You Under Indictment " (speech), 1873 Susan B. Anthony and others in the women's rights movement had a major influence on the ratification of which of the following? The Equal Rights Amendment. The Twenty-sixth Amendment The Nineteenth Amendment. The Fifteenth Amendment.

The Nineteenth Amendment.

What was the main reason for the major decrease in the number of Europeans immigrating to the United States in the 1920s? The United States passed the National Origins Act. Fear of political persecution after the Palmer raids and the Sacco and Vanzetti case discouraged many Europeans from emigrating. A significant increase in emigration from Latin America left fewer jobs for European immigrants. Most European countries passed laws forbidding immigration to the United States. There was widespread prosperity in Europe after the First World War.

The United States passed the National Origins Act.

"Where, where was the heroic determination of the executive to vindicate our title to the whole of Oregon-yes sir, 'THE WHOLE OR NONE'[?] ... It has been openly avowed ... that Oregon and Texas were born and cradled together in the Baltimore Convention; that they were the twin offspring of that political conclave; and in that avowal may be found the whole explanation of the difficulties and dangers with which the question is now attended ... . I maintain "1. That this question ... is .... one for negotiations, compromise, and amicable adjustment. "2. That satisfactory evidence has not yet been afforded that no compromise which the United States ought to accept can be effected. "3. That, if no other mode of amicable settlement remains , arbitration ought to be resorted to .... " -Robert C. Winthrop, speech to the House of Representatives, "Arbitration of the Oregon Question," January 3, 1846 Which of the following served as a major cause of the war with Mexico? The Monroe Doctrine The election of 1844 The Louisiana Purchase The annexation of Texas

The annexation of Texas

"[Lawyer for the prosecution:] Gentlemen of the jury; the information now before the Court, and to which the Defendant Zenger has pleaded not guilty, is an inform ation for printing and publishing a false , scandalou s, and seditious libel, in which His Excellency the Governor of this Province ... is greatly and unjustly scanda lized as a person that has no regard to law nor ju stice .... Indeed Sir, as Mr. Hamilton [Zenger 's attorney] has confessed the printing and publishing these libels, I think the jury must find a verdict for the King; for supposing they were true, the law says that they are not the less libelous for that ; nay, indeed the law says their being true is an aggravation of the crime. "[Mr. Hamilton:] Not so .. . I hope it is not our bare printing and publi shing a paper that will make it libel. You will have something more to do before you make my client a libeler; for the words themselve s must be libelous , that is false ... or else we are not guilty." -James Alexander , lawyer for J. Peter Zenger, The Trial of John Peter Zenger, 1736 Which of the following was a long-term effect of the jury's decision in the Zenger case? Restrictions on the press increased The colonial press became more willing to criticize the British Zinger became a colonial leader New York became the center of anti-British sentiments

The colonial press became more willing to criticize the British

Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850's? The admission of California as a free state The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law The continued protection of slavery in the District of Columbia The establishment of the principle of popular sovereignty in the Mexican cession The ban on the slave trade in the District of Columbia

The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law

All of the following statements about higher education in the United States from 1865 to 1917 are correct EXCEPT: Many states established new institutions under the provisions of the Morrill Act. The teaching of religion became increasingly important at major northeastern institutions Many new scientific and engineering institutions were established. An increasing number of institutions of higher education admitted women. Graduate education based on the German model became widespread.

The teaching of religion became increasingly important at major northeastern institutions

City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following? They promoted prohibition and the abolition of prostitution. They discouraged railroad and highway construction to prevent people from moving out of urban areas. They provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support. They encouraged racial integration of residential neighborhoods. They enabled the urban middle class to participate more effectively in politics.

They provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support.

D. W. Griffith's epic film The Birth of a Nation (1915) became controversial because of its sympathetic treatment of Germany in the years before the First World War celebration of America's cultural diversity depiction of Ku Klux Klan activities as heroic and commendable portrayal of the Sons of Liberty as a radical mob celebration of American freedoms at a time of protest against radical groups

depiction of Ku Klux Klan activities as heroic and commendable

The 1896 Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson did which of the following? Declared civil rights legislation unconstitutional. Restricted the right to purchase or sell land. Upheld segregated railroad facilities Upheld literacy testing as a condition of voting in federal elections. Outlawed segregation in public schools.

Upheld segregated railroad facilities

"On the first of February, we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this it is our intention to keep neutral the United States of America. "If this attempt is not successful we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: that we shall make war together and together make peace. We shall give financial support , and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. The details are left for your settlement." -Arthur Zimmermann, German Foreign Minister, January 19, 1917 The issue of freedom of the seas in World War I most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts? Spanish-American War of 1898 The American Civil War Mexican War of 1846 War of 1812

War of 1812

Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by John Smith, seeking to spread Christianity King James I, eager to gain a base for expeditions against Spanish shipping three aristocratic proprietors seeking private gain a joint stock company anxious to return a profit to investors Sir Walter Raleigh, wishing to gain favor with Elizabeth I

a joint stock company anxious to return a profit to investors

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act instituted popular sovereignty to prohibit slavery above Missouri's southern border assure that Congress had a constitutional right to establish or abolish slavery in new territories allow people living in a territory to determine whether slavery should be permitted there allow towns to decide the issue of slavery on a case-by-case basis admit Kansas as a slave state and Nebraska as a free state

allow people living in a territory to determine whether slavery should be permitted there

The primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763 was to gain much-needed revenue encourage westward colonial migration drive out French colonists provide a haven for Catholics avoid conflict with the trans-Appalachian Indians

avoid conflict with the trans-Appalachian Indians

All of the following have been cited as reasons for the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 EXCEPT the need to keep the Soviet Union out of the war against Japan save American lives block a planned Japanese invasion of the United States force the unconditional surrender of Japan demonstrate American superiority in weaponry to the Soviet Union

block a planned Japanese invasion of the United States

Although Congress accepted most of Alexander Hamilton's economic proposals, it rejected his call for a whiskey tax call for a tariff call for direct subsidies to manufacturers Report on the Public Credit plans for a Bank of the United States

call for direct subsidies to manufacturers

The term "vertical integration" refers to an architectural movement that sought to blend urban skyscrapers with the natural landscape surrounding them control of all aspects of an industry, from production of raw materials to delivery of finished goods Reconstruction-era efforts to assimilate newly freed slaves into all social strata of American society the industrial practice of assigning workers a single, repetitive task in order to maximize productivity

control of all aspects of an industry, from production of raw materials to delivery of finished goods

"To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other power vested by this Constitution." Alexander Hamilton used the clause above to convince the federal government to create the First Bank of the United States substantiate his strict interpretation of the Constitution lobby Congress for a protective tariff to promote United States industry justify revising the Articles of Confederation support his argument for a strong central government in The Federalist papers

convince the federal government to create the First Bank of the United States

"At home the people are the sovereign power ... the industrial classes are the true sovereigns. Idleness is a condition so unrecognized and unrespected with us that the few professing it find themselves immediately thrown out of the great machine of active life which constitutes American society. "The CULTIVATORS OF THE SOIL constitute the great industrial class in this country ... for, at this moment , they do not only feed all other classes but also no insignificant portion of needy Europe , furnish the raw material for manufactures, and raise the great staples which figure so largely in the accounts of the merchants , the shipowner and manufacturer, in every village, town, and seaport in the Union ... "The system of railroads and cheap transportation already begins to supply the seaboard cities with some fair and beautiful fruits of the fertile West." -A. J. Downing , landscape architect, "In Praise of Farming, " 1848 The crop that best fits Downing's description as one of the "great staples" in mid-19th century America was tobacco cotton corn sugar


President George Washington's Farewell Address set a course for the nation by calling for strict term limits for federal officeholders endorsing the two-party system endorsing the economic policies of the Federalists calling for the adoption of universal suffrage discouraging permanent alliances with foreign nations

discouraging permanent alliances with foreign nations

The major goal of the Social Gospel movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was to send missionaries to convert American Indians to Protestantism stimulate public interest in the principles of Anglo-Saxon superiority promote the spread of Protestantism in United States territorial possessions encourage support for Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of the urban poor

draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of the urban poor

The American home front in the Second World War is best described as economically invigorated by military spending politically divided over the wisdom of the American war effort rededicated to the reform efforts of the New Deal demoralized by food shortages unaffected by ethnic and racial tensions

economically invigorated by military spending

"I have not the least doubt that the Negroes will make very excellent soldiers with proper management.... I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self- interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the black makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience; and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability of pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice. But it should be considered that if we do not make use of them in this way, the enemy probably will...An essential part of the plan is to give them their freedom with their muskets." --Alexander Hamilton, "A Proposal to Arm and Then Free the Negroes," 1779 To encourage African Americans to fight, Hamilton suggested in the excerpt that they should be promised an end to prejudice equal wages with white soldiers emancipation from slavery effective leadership from officers

emancipation from slaveryThe belief by some Americans that the Civil War was "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight" was reflected in Sherman's march to Atlanta Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus in the South John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry the draft riots in New York City Thoreau's denunciation of the war

President Herbert Hoover approached the task of caring for unemployed workers during the Great Depression by reactivating the dole relying on the services of federal welfare agencies asking large corporations to hire war veterans enlarging the federal government's payroll emphasizing the importance of private charities

emphasizing the importance of private charities

The Rosie the Riveter campaign during the Second World War encouraged women to enter the labor force sew military uniforms vote in union elections enlist in the armed forces join machinists' unions

enter the labor force

The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to ease the economic difficulties of sharecroppers and tenant farmers expand agricultural production by subsidizing farmers raise farm prices by limiting agricultural production reapportion electoral districts to give farmers greater representation in Congress provide for the distribution of surplus meat and produce to the poor

expand agricultural production by subsidizing farmers

In the period 1650-1750, all of the following contributed to British North American colonists' sense of identity as British subjects EXCEPT the growth of commerce across the Atlantic Ocean increased circulation of London newspaper articles reprinted in the colonies availability of British manufactured goods in the colonies expansion of the colonies into western frontier regions warfare against the French and their American Indian allies

expansion of the colonies into western frontier regions

The LEAST prosperous group in the 1920s consisted of workers in service industries skilled workers threatened by new laborsaving technologies farmers in the Midwest and the South workers in newer industries like radio and automobiles workers in older industries like steel and railroads

farmers in the Midwest and the South

The Palmer raids of 1919 to 1920 were most closely related to the formation of the American Federation of Labor enforcement of prohibition fear of communism and radicalism enforcement of child labor laws rise of racial unrest in the Midwest

fear of communism and radicalism

During the Second World War, Japanese Americans were relocated because of the fact that most Japanese Americans were not citizens previous laws that had incarcerated German Americans the need for skilled workers in specialized industries in Utah and Montana the continued efforts by the United States military to stop immigration to California fear of possible subversive activity against the war effort

fear of possible subversive activity against the war effort

President Jackson resisted the admission of Texas into the Union in 1836 primarily because he acknowledged the legitimacy of the Mexican government's claim to Texas feared that debate over the admission of Texas would ignite controversy about slavery was ideologically opposed to territorial expansion believed that admitting Texas would violate international law could find no support within his own party for admitting Texas

feared that debate over the admission of Texas would ignite controversy about slavery

During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the passage of the Homestead Act granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods provision of government loans and land grants to private companies to construct a transcontinental railroad organization of a national banking system to provide a uniform national currency establishment of a high tariff to protect American industry from foreign competition

granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods

Andrew Johnson was impeached because he refused to carry out Lincoln's plan for reconstruction Congress was controlled by Republicans and he was a Democrat he violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Secretary of War Stanton he vetoed the Wade-Davis Bill

he violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Secretary of War Stanton

A major consequence of the French and Indian war of 1754-1763 was the imposition of new taxes on the British North American colonies shrinking of Spanish territorial claims in North America change in status of the proprietary colonies to royal colonies removal of British troops from the thirteen colonies Legal settlement of the trans-Appalachian frontier by British Colonists

imposition of new taxes on the British North American colonies

Free coinage of silver was intended to increase the money supply benefit creditors benefit people on fixed incomes. eliminate the gold standard

increase the money supply

A distinguishing feature of American society in the early nineteenth century was the increasing readership of newspapers embrace of an aristocratic hierarchy creation of original forms of art and architecture lack of enthusiasm for religious reform dislike of voluntary associations

increasing readership of newspapers

An overview of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era inevitably narrows to three major movements: industrialization, immigration, and urbanization. industrialization, civil rights and urbanization immigration, civil rights and urbanization civil rights, industrialization and immigration

industrialization, civil rights and urbanization

President Theodore Roosevelt addressed all of the following issues during his presidency EXCEPT unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry insider trading on the stock market railroad freight rates unsafe drug products monopolization and consolidation in the railroad industry

insider trading on the stock market

Policy initiatives during Franklin D. Roosevelt's first two presidential terms included all of the following EXCEPT nationalizing basic industries restoring public confidence in the banking system creating new jobs in the public sector restricting agricultural production deficit financing

nationalizing basic industries

The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included all of the following EXCEPT nullification of all private debts to the states assumption of all state debts imposition of a tax on distilled liquor funding of the national debt establishment of the Bank of the United States

nullification of all private debts to the states

The Open Door policy of the early twentieth century called for open access to China for American investment and commercial interests the elimination of passports for international travel the opening of United States markets to foreign goods unlimited European immigration into the United States the continuation of the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere

open access to China for American investment and commercial interests

The government of the Articles of Confederation was successful in resolving the problem of how to enable American citizens to trade through the port of New Orleans open British Caribbean ports to American trade provide for statehood for western territories ecure sufficient funds for payment of the national debt overcome state-imposed tariff barriers to interstate commerce

provide for statehood for western territories

The purpose of the Lend-Lease Act was to provide military supplies to the Allies create military bases outside the borders of the United States provide subsidies to railroads and businesses lend money to impoverished farmers exchange scientific information among nations

provide military supplies to the Allies

During the 1920s, both the Saco and Vanzetti case and the rise of the new Ku Klux Klan reflected public fear and resentment of southern and eastern European immigrants growing lawlessness resulting from the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment (Prohibition) the decreased influence of fundamentalist religious groups widespread opposition to Congress' decision to join the League of Nations increased racism resulting from the migration of Black southerners to urban centers in the North

public fear and resentment of southern and eastern European immigrants

One reason early twentieth century muckrakers were able to have a significant impact on society was because sales and circulation of newspapers and magazines increased they had the sympathy and support of industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller drought conditions in the Midwest drew attention to social problems most citizens of the United States were already convinced that Jim Crow laws must be overturned radio programs devoted to the problems in cities attracted wide listening audiences

sales and circulation of newspapers and magazines increased

Five of the thirteen states voted for ratification the Constitution only after several slave revolts rocked the Carolinas and Virginia they were assured that the Supreme Court would have the power of judicial review slavery was allowed to continue without federal interference they were assured that a Bill of Rights would be added shortly after ratification the other states threatened to organize the government without them

slavery was allowed to continue without federal interference

"We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep.... The free laborer must work or starve. He is more of a slave than the negro, because he works longer and harder for less allowance than the slave, and has no holiday, because the cares of life with him begin when its labors end. He has no liberty, and not a single right." --George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters, 1857 The excerpt above reflects the common argument in the antebellum South that the South needed to change to survive capitalism was the economic system most likely to generate wealth and happiness for the most people slaves lived better than northern factory workers industrialists took care of their workers' welfare slavery was immoral

slaves lived better than northern factory workers

The "new immigrants" who arrived in the United States after the Civil War were different from the"old immigrants" in that they spoke different languages and had different customs than most Americans and thus were not easily assimilated settled in rural areas in the Midwest where land was plentiful were better prepared than previous immigrants had been to face the challenges of urbanization came mostly from Latin American countries

spoke different languages and had different customs than most Americans and thus were not easily assimilated

British colonists in North America objected to the Stamp Act primarily because it taxed them without their consent enriched corrupt officials threatened the free press closed the colonial courts disrupted trade with the West Indies

taxed them without their consent

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution established the power of the federal government to intervene in state affairs to protect individual liberties the freedom of all slaves not emancipated under Abraham Lincoln's proclamation that suffrage cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude the right of citizenship for any person born in the United States federal protection for African Americans from Ku Klux Klan terrorism

that suffrage cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude

During the Great Depression, the federal government responded with force when protesters displayed "Hoover flags," empty pockets turned inside out mobs of farmers tried to prevent foreclosures on farms and threatened to lynch judges who allowed them the communist-dominated National Mine Workers' Union denounced the American government and flag the Bonus Expeditionary Force encamped in Washington audiences booed newsreels showing President Herbert Hoover

the Bonus Expeditionary Force encamped in Washington

"The God that holds you over the pit of hell, as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked; his wrath toward you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worth of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire;...and yet it is nothing by his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment." The quotation above contains ideas typical of: antinomianism Quakerism the Enlightenment the Great Awakening the Anti-Federalists

the Great Awakening

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPT the exclusion of slavery from United States territorial possessions the abolition of slavery throughout the United States free western land for settlers who would live and work on it higher protective tariffs government subsidies for a transcontinental railroad

the abolition of slavery throughout the United States

"I think that ' twixt the negroe s of the South and the women at the North, all talking about right s, the white men will be in a fix pretty soo n. But what's all this here talk about? "That man over there says that women need to be helped ... Nobody ever helps me .... And ain't I a woman? "Then they talk about this thing in the head . . . intellect ... What 's that got to do with women's rights or negro's rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart , would n't you be mean not to let me have my little half-measure full? "Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did Christ come from? ... From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him." - Sojourner Truth , abolitionist and former slave, speech to a Women's Convention in Ohio, 1851 Sojourner Truth saw connection between the women's rights movement and the antislavery movement the Second Great Awakening the Constitution the cult of domesticity

the antislavery movement

Although Progressive Era reformers held different opinions about many issues of the day, they shared a belief in the creation of an organization to promote international peace an ideal society based on shared ownership through voluntary organizations rather than increasing government power the creation of a classless society the capacity of trained professionals to find rational, scientific solutions to society's problems the expanding role of the United States as an imperial power

the capacity of trained professionals to find rational, scientific solutions to society's problems

The belief by some Americans that the Civil War was "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight" was reflected in Sherman's march to Atlanta Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus in the South John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry the draft riots in New York City Thoreau's denunciation of the war

the draft riots in New York City

All of the following contributed to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment legislating Prohibition in 1919 EXCEPT the continued efforts of the Anti-Saloon League the cumulative impact of state prohibition laws the high death toll from alcohol-related automobile accidents the fervor of the First World War lending patriotism to the cause of prohibition the Progressive belief in social reform

the high death toll from alcohol-related automobile accidents

The Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. United States upheld the constitutionality of flag burning as a form of free speech prohibiting Japanese workers from immigrating to the United States the internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity private prayer in public schools

the internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity

The dispute over electoral votes in the election of 1876 was resolved by a special bipartisan commission and resulted in the end of military reconstruction was resolved when Samuel J. Tilden conceded the election to Rutherford B. Hayes was similar to the election of 2000 in that the Supreme Court ultimately had to step in and decide the election led many members of Congress to push for a Constitutional amendment to abolish the electoral college Question #77 (6 points)

was resolved by a special bipartisan commission and resulted in the end of military reconstruction

The scalawags were Question #68 (6 points) advocates of civil rights for the newly freed slaves Northern politicians who traveled to the South after the Civil War to exploit the political and economic instability for their own personal gain white Southerners who supported Republican policies during Reconstruction another name for the Redeemers, who refused to accept the fact that the South had lost the Civil WarSupreme Court ultimately had to step in and decide the election

white Southerners who supported Republican policies during Reconstruction

After the Revolution, the concept of the "republican mother" suggested that women's virtues had been the inspiration for the ideals of the Revolution wives and mothers would be welcome in the emerging political parties the first duty of mothers was to serve the needs of government women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic voting would soon become a privilege granted to educated and/or married women

women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic

In the early 1830's, the majority of workers in the textile mills of Massachusetts were men who were heads of households newly arrived immigrants from Ireland free African Americans from urban areas young unmarried women from rural New England married women whose children were of school age

young unmarried women from rural New England

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