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25. The author implies that Walzer's interpretation of the principle of reward according to merit is distinctive for its

(A) insistence on maximizing everyone's rewards (B) emphasis on equality (C) proven validity (D) broad conception of what constitutes merit (E) broad conception of what constitutes a reward

18. The author implies that Duncan relied on music in her recitals in order to

(A) interpret musical works solely by means of natural body movements (B) foster the illusion that music serves as an inspiration for the dance (C) inspire the expression of inner feeling when she danced (D) validate the public belief that music inspires the expression of feeling through movement (E) counter the public belief that she made no attempt to visualize music

27. The passage suggests that the author considers the data concerning the success of pancreas transplants to be

(A) invalid (B) indirect (C) inaccurate (D) insufficient (E) inappropriate

26. The author regards the emphasis by island-based writers on the cultural and political dimensions of assimilation as

(A) ironic (B) dangerous (C) fitting but misdirected (D) illuminating but easily misunderstood (E) peculiar but benign

23. It can be inferred that the author of the passage considers traditional scholarly methods courses to be

(A) irrelevant to the work of most students (B) inconsequential because of their narrow focus (C) unconcerned about the accuracy of reference sources (D) too superficial to establish important facts about authors (E) too wide-ranging to approximate genuine scholarly activity

18. The author mentions all of the following as contributing to an understanding of the physics of dance EXCEPT:

(A) the law of conservation of angular momentum (B) analyses of the way in which the body's mass is distributed (C) equations of linear motion in three dimensions (D) analyses of the sources that produce rotational motions (E) the technical terms for movements such as leaps and turns

22. The author cites all of the following as probable influences on Valdez' development of the acto EXCEPT the

(A) theater of sixteenth-century Italy (B) carpas of Mexico (C) drama of classical Greece (D) English-language theater of the United States (E) myths and rituals of pre-Hispanic America

18. According the passage, Frankenstein differs from Wuthering Heights in its

(A) use of multiple narrators (B) method of disguising the author's real purposes (C) portrayal of men as determiners of the novel's action (D) creation of a realistic story (E) controversial effect on readers

17. The author implies that a mineral must either be or readily supply which of the following in order to be classified as an aluminum ore?

(A) An aggregate (B) Bauxite (C) Alumina (D) Corundum (E) An aluminum silicate

17. According to the passage, "a useful description of participants" (lines 11-12) exists for which of the following insurrections of nineteenth-century France? I. The July Insurrection of 1830 II. The February Revolution of 1848 III. The June insurrection of 1848 IV. The May insurrection of 1871

(A) I and III only (B) II and IV only (C) I, II, and III only (D) I, III, and IV only (E) II, III, and IV only

20. Which of the following new findings about strains of rats that do not normally reject liver transplants, if true, would support the authors' hypothesis? I. Stomach transplants are accepted by the recipients in all cases. II. Increasing the strength of the recipient's immune-response reaction can induce liver-transplant rejection. III. Organs from any other donor can be transplanted without rejection after liver transplantation. IV. Preventing lymphocytes from being concentrated at the liver transplant produces acceptance of skin transplants.

(A) II only (B) I and III only (C) II and IV only (D) I, II, and III only (E) I, III, and IV only

17. Which of the following titles best describes the passage as a whole?

(A) The Vacuum: Its Fluctuations and Decay (B) The Vacuum: Its Creation and Instability (C) The Vacuum: A State of Absence (D) Particles That Materialize in the Vacuum (E) Classical Physics and the Vacuum

19. The author quotes Hilton Kramer in lines 25-27 most probably in order to illustrate which of the following?

(A) The realism of Nevelson's work (B) The unique qualities of Nevelson's style (C) The extent of critical approval of Nevelson's work (D) A distinction between sculpture and painting (E) A reason for the prominence of women sculptors since the 1950's

21. According to the passage, the author considers the reduction of energy in an empty region of space to which a real particle has been added to be

(A) a well-known process (B) a frequent occurrence (C) a fleeting aberration (D) an unimportant event (E) an unexpected outcome

21. According to the passage, there is currently no strain of Rhizobium that can enter into a symbiosis with

(A) alfalfa (B) clover (C) maize (D) peas (E) soybeans

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) analyze a current trend in relation to the past (B) discuss a particular solution to a longstanding problem (C) analyze changes in the way that certain standards have been enforced (D) apply a generalization to an unusual situation (E) describe an approach by contrasting it with another approach

19. The author's primary purpose is to

(A) answer a theoretical question in the field of biomaterials (B) discuss the current state of technology in the field of biomaterials (C) resolve a research dispute in the field of biomaterial (D) predict an ethical crisis for biomaterials researchers (E) suggest some practical benefits of biomaterial implants

24. The author's attitude toward the prospects for the economic utilization of glassy metals is one of

(A) disinterest (B) impatience (C) optimism (D) apprehension (E) skepticism

25. The passage indicates that researchers raised female cowbirds in acoustic isolation in order to

(A) eliminate confounding variables (B) approximate field conditions (C) measure reproductive success (D) quantify repertoire complexity (E) prevent early mating

17. The author refers to the experiment described in lines 16-19 in order to

(A) explain how worker bees are prevented from mating with drones (B) explain how worker bees hatch and nurture the queen's young (C) demonstrate the universality of natural selection (D) show that worker bees are capable of thwarting each other's attempts to reproduce (E) provide a model of daily life in a typical honeybee hive

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) explain the differences in the working of a heat pump when the outdoor temperature changes (B) contrast the heating and the cooling modes of heat pumps (C) describe heat pumps, their use, and factors affecting their use (D) advocate the more widespread use of heat pumps (E) expose extravagant claims about heat pumps as false

23. The author uses the term "common ground of understanding" (line 27) to refer to

(A) familiar legislation regarding political activity (B) the experiences that all adolescents share (C) a society's general sense of its own political activity (D) a society's willingness to resolve political tensions (E) the assumption that the state controls social institutions

26. In presenting the argument, the author does all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) give an example (B) draw a conclusion (C) make a generalization (D) make a comparison (E) present a paradox

18. According to the passage, present-day philosophers believe that the mind-body problem is an issue that

(A) has implications primarily for philosophers (B) may be affected by recent advances in science (C) has shaped recent work in epistemology (D) has little relevance to present-day philosophy (E) has served as a basis for intellectual speculation since antiquity

27. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A fact is stated, a process is outlined, and specific details of the process are described. (B) A fact is stated, and examples suggesting that a distinction needs correction are considered. (C) A fact is stated, a theory is presented to explain that fact, and additional facts are introduced to validate the theory. (D) A fact is stated, and two theories are compared in light of their explanations of this fact. (E) A fact is stated, a process is described, and examples of still another process are illustrated in detail.

21. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of lines 1-8 of the passage?

(A) A historical trend is sketched and an exception to that trend is cited. (B) Evidence for a historical irregularity is mentioned and a generalization from that evidence is advanced. (C) A paradox about the origins of an institution is pointed out and the author's explanation of the paradox is expounded. (D) A statement about a historical phenomenon is offered and a possible misinterpretation of that statement is addressed. (E) An interpretation of the rise of an institution is stated and evidence for that interpretation is provided.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the term "genre painting" would most likely apply to which of the following?

(A) A painting depicting a glorious moment of victory following a battle (B) A painting illustrating a narrative from the Bible (C) A portrayal of a mythological Greek goddess (D) A portrayal of a servant engaged in his work (E) A formal portrait of an eighteenth-century king

24. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?

(A) A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected. (B) A generalization is made and supporting evidence is supplied and weighed. (C) A contradiction is noted and a resolution is suggested and then modified. (D) A series of observations is presented and explained in terms of the dominant theory. (E) A hypothesis is introduced and corroborated in the light of new evidence.

27. Which of the following phrases from the passage best expresses the author's conclusion about the meaning of the difference between left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish?

(A) "Most striking" (line 4) (B) "variation is adaptive" (line 19) (C) "mechanically disadvantageous" (lines 3738) (D) "adaptively significant" (lines 48-49) (E) "evolutionary red herring" (line 54)

18. The "resident flora" mentioned in line 16 refer to

(A) "Unsaturated fatty acids" (line 17) (B) "sebum collected from the skin surface" (lines 18-19) (C) "bacterial and fungal cutaneous pathogens" (lines 19-20) (D) "certain gram-positive members of the cutaneous community" (lines 21-22) (E) "more complex lipids" (lines 23)

18. Which of the following statements best describes the conclusion drawn by Brown (lines 14-17)

(A) A change in tide schedule is the primary influence on an oyster's rhythms. (B) A change in tide schedule may be an important exogenous influence on an oyster's rhythms. (C) Exogenous influences, such as a change in tide schedule, seldom affect an oyster's rhythms. (D) Endogenous influences have no effect on an oyster's rhythms. (E) Endogenous influences are the only influences on an oyster's rhythms.

21. Which of the following is presented by the author in support of the suggestion that there is stereotypic thinking among members of the academic establishment?

(A) A distinctively feminist contribution to humanistic understanding could work against the influence of sexism among members of the academic establishment. (B) Women who define criticism as artistic may be seen by the academic establishment as being incapable of critical thinking. (C) The debate over the role of the literary critic is often seen as a political one. (D) Women scholars are only now entering academia in substantial numbers. (E) The woman who is a critic is forced to construct a theory of literary criticism.

18. Which of the following inferences about Henry James's awareness of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage?

(A) James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties of novelistic construction. (B) James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction. (C) James's awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading of Bronte. (D) James's awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentators to see unity in his individual novels. (E) James's awareness of novelistic construction precluded him from violating the unity of his novels.

19. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following has been a factor influencing the extent to which research on mycorrhizal fungi has progressed?

(A) Lack of funding for such research (B) Lack of immediate application of such research (C) Lack of a method for identifying mycorrhizal fungi (D) Difficulties surrounding laboratory production of specimens for study (E) Difficulties ensuing from the high cost and scarcity of superphosphate fertilizers

27. In presenting her analysis, the author does all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) Make general statement without reference to specific examples. (B) Describe some of the criteria employed by traditional historians. (C) Question the adequacy of the psychohistorians' interpretation of events. (D) Point out inconsistencies in the psychohistorians' application of their methods. (E) Contrast the underlying assumptions of psychohistorians with those of traditional historians.

24. According to the passage, which of the following can be found in the atomic realm?

(A) More than one level of energy exchange (B) Exactly one elementary particle (C) Exactly three kinds of atomic structures (D) Three levels on the quantum ladder (E) No particles smaller than atoms

21. The author of the passage implies which of the following in discussing the development of philosophy during the nineteenth century?

(A) Nineteenth-century philosophy took science as its model for understanding the bases of knowledge. (B) The role of academic institutions in shaping metaphysical philosophy grew enormously during the nineteenth century. (C) Nineteenth-century philosophers carried out a program of investigation explicitly laid out by Descartes and Spinoza. (D) Kant had an overwhelming impact on the direction of nineteenth-century philosophy. (E) Nineteenth-century philosophy made major advances in understanding the nature of knowledge.

23. According to the passage, which of the following features is characteristic of an El Nino?

(A) Cold coastal water near Peru (B) Winds blowing from the west (C) Random occurrence (D) Worldwide effects (E) Short duration

26. The author is most probably addressing which of the following audiences?

(A) College students in an introductory course on animal physiology (B) Historians of science investigating the discovery of anaerobic glycolysis (C) Graduate students with specialized training in comparative anatomy (D) Zoologists interested in prehistoric animals (E) Biochemists doing research on oxidative metabolism

21. The author implies that the Fourteenth Amendment might not have been enacted if

(A) Congress' authority with regard to legislating civil rights had not been challenged (B) the framers had anticipated the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (C) the framers had believed that it would be used in deciding cases of discrimination involving non-racial groups (D) most state governments had been willing to protect citizens' civil rights (E) its essential elements had not been implicit in the Thirteenth Amendment

25. The author's hypothesis concerning the cold prehistory of life would be most weakened if which of the following were true?

(A) Cosmic rays are unlikely to trigger the formation of simple molecules. (B) Tunneling occurs only in a narrow band of temperatures around zero degrees Kelvin. (C) The synthesis of interstellar formaldehyde can be activated by means other than cosmic rays. (D) Simple molecules can be synthesized by means of tunneling. (E) Classical chemical reactions do not occur at temperatures close to absolute zero.

27. It can be inferred from the passage that most meteorites found on Earth contain which of the following?

(A) Crystals (B) Chondrules (C) Metals (D) Sodium (E) Sulfur

17. The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

(A) Debating the historical value of a literary movement (B) Describing and accounting for a difference in literary styles (C) Explaining a publishing decision and evaluating its results (D) Analyzing the expectations of a particular group of readers (E) Classifying several kinds of literary production

18. According to the passage, Mary Barton and the early novels of D. H. Lawrence share which of the following?

(A) Depiction of the feelings of working-class families (B) Documentary objectivity about working-class circumstances (C) Richly detailed description of working-class adjustment to urban life (D) Imaginatively structured plots about working-class characters (E) Experimental prose style based on working-class dialect

19. It can be inferred from the passage that Harris and Gass have done which of the following?

(A) Drawn detailed diagrams of the Red Sea rift. (B) Based their conclusions on the way in which sutures develop in the Earth's crust. (C) Rejected other geologists objections to their hypothesis about the Red Sea rift. (D) Suggested that the presence of rare metals in rocks indicates an underlying suture. (E) Asserted that rifts usually occur along the lines of sutures.

27. The passage suggests that which of the following would have resulted if the experiments mentioned in lines 18-20 had not supported the predictions of traditional quantum mechanics?

(A) Einstein, had he been alive, would have revised his approach to quantum mechanics. (B) Hidden-parameter theories would have been considered inaccurate descriptions of real-world phenomena. (C) A deterministic description of the motion of a particle might still be considered possible. (D) Quantum mechanics would have ceased to attract the attention of physicists. (E) Einstein, had he been alive, would have abandoned attempts to specify the hidden parameters that describe motion.

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to treat the accepted generalizations about organ transplantation in which of the following ways?

(A) Explicate their main features (B) Suggest an alternative to them (C) Examine their virtues and limitations (D) Criticize the major evidence used to support them (E) Present findings that qualify them

18. With which of the following statements about geologic mapping would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) Geologic mapping is basically an art and not a science. (B) Geologic mapping has not changed significantly since the early 1960's. (C) Geologic mapping will have limited practical applications until remote-sensing systems are perfected. (D) A developmental milestone in geologic mapping was reached in 1972. (E) Without the present variety of remote-sensing techniques, geologic mapping could not be done.

25. According to the passage, Cressy would agree with which of the following statements about the organizers among the English immigrants to New England in the 1630's? I. Most of them were clergy. II. Some of them offered a religious explanation for their immigration. III. They did not offer any reasons for their immigration until some time after they had immigrated. IV. They were more likely than the average immigrant to be motivated by material considerations.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) II and III only (D) I, III, and IV only (E) II, III, and IV only

19. The author implies that dancers can become more skilled by doing which of the following?

(A) Ignoring rotational movements (B) Understanding the forces that permit various movements (C) Solving simple linear equations (D) Learning the technical terms utilized by choreographers (E) Circumventing the law of conservation of angular momentum

20. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its consequences?

(A) Incredulous (B) Completely detached (C) Interested but skeptical (D) Angry yet resigned (E) Objective yet concerned

26. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of War and Peace?

(A) It belongs to an early period of Tolstoi's work. (B) It incorporates a polemic against the disorderliness of Russian life. (C) It has a simple structural outline. (D) It is a work that reflects an ironic view of life. (E) It conforms to the standard of aesthetic refinement favored by Tolstoi's contemporaries.

24. According to the passage, the information provided to the bat by CF echoes differs from that provided by FM echoes in which of the following ways?

(A) Only CF echoes alert the bat to moving targets. (B) Only CF echoes identify the range of widely spaced targets. (C) Only CF echoes report the target's presence to the bat. (D) In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to judge whether it is closing in on its target. (E) In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to discriminate the size of its target and the direction in which the target is moving.

26. The passage offers information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to abandon Contre Saint-Beuve? (B) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to connect the beginning and the end of Remembrance of Things Past? (C) What was the subject of the novel that Proust attempted in 1908? (D) What specific criticisms of Saint-Beuve appear, in fictional form, in Remembrance of Things Past? (E) What is a theme concerning art that appears in the final book of Remembrance of Things Past?

25. The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about film and visual literacy?

(A) Reading a publication about a work of art and then seeing a film about the same work is the most effective way to develop visual literacy. (B) An increase in a viewer's awareness of visual forms will also lead to an increased attention span. (C) Film has a great but not yet fully exploited capacity to increase viewers' awareness of visual forms. (D) A film that focuses on the details of a work of art will hinder the development of visual literacy. (E) Films on art would more effectively enhance the visual literacy of teenagers if filmmakers followed the standards set by rock videos.

24. The author implies that the Puerto Rican writers who have written most about assimilation do NOT do which of the following?

(A) Regard assimilation as benign. (B) Resist cultural integration. (C) Describe in detail the process of assimilation. (D) Take into account the colonial nature of the Puerto Rican case. (E) Criticize supporters of Puerto Rico's commonwealth status.

24. The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

(A) Reviewing a historical study of the status of women in Mexico City during the nineteenth century (B) Analyzing the effects of economic instability on the status of women in Mexico during the nineteenth century (C) Advancing a thesis explaining why women's status in Mexico City improved during the nineteenth century (D) Rejecting the thesis that the status of women in Mexico City during the nineteenth century actually improved (E) Praising an author for a pioneering attempt to bridge significant gaps in Mexico's economic history prior to 1790

20. According to the passage, of the following aspects of the optic neurons of isogenic Daphniae, which varies the most?

(A) Size (B) Connectivity (C) Position (D) Branching pattern (E) Number of synapses

23. Which of the following titles best describes the content of the passage as a whole?

(A) The Necessity for Earnings Differentials in a Free Market Economy (B) Why Discrimination Against Employed Women by Government Employers and Private Employers Differs from Discrimination Against Self-Employed Women by Consumers (C) How Discrimination Affects Women's Choice of Type of Employment (D) The Relative Effect of Private Employer Discrimination on Men's Earnings as Compared to Women's Earnings (E) The Relative Effect of Discrimination by Government Employers, Private Employers, and Consumers on Women's Earnings

24. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following plays or groups of plays is considered the latest in the date of its composition?

(A) The Persians (B) The Danaid tetralogy (C) The Oresteia (D) Seven Against Thebes (E) The Suppliant Women

23. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was the most influential factor in bringing about intensified research on nitrogen fixation?

(A) The high yields of the Green Revolution (B) The persistent upward surge in natural gas prices (C) The variety of Rhizobium strains (D) The mechanization of modern agriculture (E) The environmental ill effects of synthetic fertilizers

27. The author's argument regarding the resistance of Africanized bees to Varroa jacobsoni would be most weakened if which of the following were true?

(A) The bees in Brazil were resistant before being Africanized. (B) The number of bee colonies in North American increased dramatically whereas the number in Brazil remained unchanged. (C) Mites found in European bees reproduce at a faster rate than mites of identical species found in the bees in Brazil. (D) Africanized bees retain many of the characteristics of European bees. (E) Bee colonies in Europe continue to produce greater quantities of honey than do those in Brazil.

24. The author mentions El Nino (line 27) primarily in order to emphasize which of the following points?

(A) The brief duration of weather patterns (B) The variability of mesoscale phenomena (C) The difficulty of measuring the ocean's large-scale currents (D) The effectiveness of low-frequency sound waves in mapping the ocean (E) The possible impact of mesoscale fields on weather conditions

26. It can be inferred from the passage that "some scientists" assume which of the following concerning "larger, more complex molecules" (line 20)?

(A) The earliest atmosphere was formed primarily of these molecules. (B) Chemical processes involving these molecules proceeded much more slowly under primitive Earth conditions. (C) The presence of these molecules would necessarily precede the existence of simple organisms. (D) Experimental techniques will never be sufficiently sophisticated to produce in the laboratory simple organisms from these chemical constituents. (E) Explanations could easily be developed to explain how simple molecules combined to form these more complex ones.

18. In the first paragraph of the passage, the author's attitude toward the literary critics mentioned can best be described as

(A) disparaging (B) ironic (C) facetious (D) skeptical but resigned (E) disappointed but hopeful

22. According to the passage, eighteenth-century England and the contemporary world of the passage's readers are

(A) dissimilar in the extent to which luxury consumerism could be said to be widespread among the social classes (B) dissimilar in their definitions of luxury goods and services (C) dissimilar in the extent to which luxury goods could be said to be a stimulant of industrial development (D) similar in their strong demand for a variety of goods and services (E) similar in the extent to which a middle class could be identified as imitating the habits of a wealthier class

27. The author's reaction to the attempts that have been made to explain the development of the first self-duplication organisms can best be described as one of

(A) enthusiasm (B) expectation (C) dismay (D) skepticism (E) antipathy

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the first two generations of landscape photographers in the western United States had which of the following in common?

(A) They photographed the land as an entity that had little interaction with human culture. (B) They advanced the philosophy that photographers should resist alliances with political or commercial groups. (C) They were convinced that the pristine condition of the land needed to be preserved by government action. (D) They photographed the land as a place ready for increased settlement. (E) They photographed only those locations where humans had settled.

20. The passage suggests that which of the following was probably characteristic of the "national publications" mentioned in line 19?

(A) They primarily presented scholarly material of little interest to a general audience. (B) They sometimes published articles treating controversial themes. (C) They encouraged authors to feature local issues in articles in order to increase circulation. (D) They included a significant number of articles by minority authors. (E) They took a stylistically formal approach to material of interest to a general audience.

27. The author implies that the "controversy" (line 9) might be resolved if

(A) geologists did not persist in using the term "pillow" (B) geologists did not rely on potentially misleading information (C) geologists were more willing to confer directly with one another (D) two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows were available (E) existing pillows in land outcroppings were not so badly eroded

27. The information in the passage suggests that scientists would have to answer which of the following questions in order to predict the effect of clouds on the warming of the globe?

(A) What kinds of cloud systems will form over the Earth? (B) How can cloud systems be encouraged to form over the ocean? (C) What are the causes of the projected planetwide temperature increase? (D) What proportion of cloud systems are currently composed of cirrus of clouds? (E) What proportion of the clouds in the atmosphere form over land masses?

22. It can be inferred that which of the following is most likely to be among the "issues" mentioned in line 38?

(A) Why has the work of Griffith, a woman writer who was popular in her own century, been excluded from the canon? (B) In what ways did Griffith's work reflect the political climate of the eighteenth century? (C) How was Griffith's work received by literary critics during the eighteenth century? (D) How did the error in the title of Griffith's play come to be made? (E) How did critical reception of Griffith's work affect the quantity and quality of that work?

17. According to the author, which of the following resulted from the passage or revival of state laws limiting the work hours of women workers?

(A) Women workers were compelled to leave their jobs in factories. (B) Many employers had difficulty in providing jobs for returning veterans. (C) Many employers found it hard to attract women workers. (D) The health of most women factory workers improved. (E) Employment practices that addressed the real needs of women workers became common.

21. This passage was most likely excerpted from

(A) a diary kept by a practicing neurobehavioral researcher (B) a newspaper article on recent advances in the biochemistry of learning (C) a technical article on experimental techniques in the field of molecular biology (D) an article summarizing a series of scientific investigations in neurobehavioral research (E) a book review in a leading journal devoted to genetic research

21. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing

(A) a way to isolate electrons (B) the characteristics of a new kind of crystal (C) the structure of an ionic salt (D) commercial uses for electrides (E) the properties of ions

26. The author's attitude toward the "activity" mentioned in line 35 and its consequences can best be described as one of

(A) amused tolerance (B) mocking envy (C) grave doubt (D) angry disapproval (E) unrestrained enthusiasm

21. According to the passage, to reject rhetoric and still hope to persuade people is

(A) an aim of most speakers and writers (B) an indication either of dishonesty or of credulity (C) a way of displaying distrust of the audience's motives (D) a characteristic of most humanistic discourse (E) a way of avoiding excessively abstract reasoning

20. The author's argument is developed primarily by the use of

(A) an attack on sentimentality (B) an example of successful art criticism (C) a critique of artists training (D) a warning against extremes in art criticism (E) an analogy between art criticism and art production

24. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) analyzing and categorizing (B) comparing and contrasting (C) synthesizing and predicting (D) describing and cautioning (E) summarizing and reinterpreting

23. According to the passage, all of the following characterize musical drama before Verdi EXCEPT:

(A) arias tailored to a particular singer's ability (B) adaptation of music from other operas (C) psychological inconsistency in the portrayal of characters (D) expression of emotional states in a series of dramatic situations (E) music used for the purpose of defining a character

24. The passage suggests that which of the following was true of the honeybee colonies described in line 4-6?

(A) Their life expectancy, when free of disease, was shorter than that of European bee colonies in North America. (B) They were not Africanized. (C) Their life cycle did not accommodate the feeding habits of Varroa jacobsoni. (D) They responded well to measures to control Varroa jacobsoni. (E) They were managed using methods that were more modern than those employed in Brazil.

24. It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding people who lived before the advent of scientific psychology?

(A) Their understanding of human relations was quite limited. (B) They were uninterested in acquiring knowledge of the physical world. (C) They misunderstood others more frequently than do people today. (D) Their intuitions about human relations were reasonably sophisticated. (E) They were more likely to hold pleasing illusions about themselves than are people today.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists make which of the following assumptions about scientific arguments?

(A) The literal truth of the arguments can be made clear only in a mathematical context. (B) The arguments necessarily ignore the central question of scientific investigation. (C) The arguments probably will be convincing only to other scientists. (D) The conclusions of the arguments do not necessarily follow from their premises. (E) The premises on which the arguments are based may change.

24. It can be inferred that the term "public duty" (line 33) in the context of the passage means which of the following?

(A) The necessity to apprehend perpetrators. (B) The responsibility to punish transgressors (C) An obligation to prevent harm to another (D) The assignment of punishment for harmful action (E) A justification for punishing transgressions

19. According to the passage, Duncan intended to develop an art form that would do all of the following EXCEPT

(A) avoid the use of standard ballet techniques (B) revitalize an earlier established vocabulary (C) draw on internal sources of human expressiveness (D) create intended effects without the use of acrobatic exaggeration (E) derive inspiration solely from inner feelings

23. In the passage, the author does all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) cite the views of other biologists (B) define a basic problem that the passage addresses (C) present conceptual categories used by other biologists (D) describe the results of a particular study (E) draw a conclusion

27. Which of the following statements is most likely be a continuation of the passage?

(A) The search for broad similarities thus begins by understanding and distinguishing these two facts. (B) The search for musical-visual analogies thus depends on the complexity of the works being compared. (C) The search for music and art of the highest quality thus depends on very different assumptions. (D) Thus music and painting exist in mutually exclusive worlds. (E) Thus music and painting are too complicated to be evaluated in terms of analogies.

27. The passage suggests that the majority of those English people who had immigrated to America by the late seventeenth century were

(A) clergy (B) young children (C) organized in families (D) skilled in crafts (E) illiterate

24. Which of the following is a fact presented in the passage?

(A) The shape of the connections between the separate, sacklike masses in pillow lava is unknown. (B) More accurate cross sections of pillow lava would reveal the mode of origin. (C) Water or ice is necessary for the formation of pillow lava. (D) No three-dimensional examples of intact pillows currently exist. (E) The origin of pillow lava is not yet known.

21. The author's attitude toward the various kinds of compulsion employed by social institutions is best described as

(A) concerned and sympathetic (B) scientific and detached (C) suspicious and cautious (D) reproachful and disturbed (E) meditative and wistful

23. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about sectional conflicts in America between 1763 and 1789?

(A) These conflicts were instigated by eastern interests against western settlers. (B) These conflicts were the most serious kind of conflict in America. (C) The conflicts eventually led to openly expressed class antagonism. (D) These conflicts contained an element of class hostility. (E) These conflicts were motivated by class conflicts.

20. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of Amadori products in proteins?

(A) They are more plentiful in a dehydrated environment. (B) They are created through enzymatic glycosylation. (C) They are composed entirely of glucose molecules. (D) They are derived from Schiff bases. (E) They are derived from AGE's.

17. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) describing an important technique (B) discussing a new method (C) investigating a controversial procedure (D) announcing a significant discovery (E) promoting a novel application

21. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) describing subsystems of the visual system and showing their relevance to art (B) comparing three theories on how the visual system analyzes images in a work of art (C) explaining how artists use color contrasts to create particular visual effects (D) explaining how the visual system distinguishes among different colors (E) describing functions of the first three phases of the visual system

17. According to the passage, which of the following is one of the primary factors that led researchers studying hallucinogenic drugs to focus on serotonin?

(A) The suppression of the activity of serotonin-secreting neurons by the administration of hallucinogens (B) The observed similarities in the chemical structures of serotonin and hallucinogens (C) The effects the administration of hallucinogens has on serotonin production in the human brain (D) Serotonin-induced changes in the effects of hallucinogens on behavior (E) Hallucinogen-induced changes in the effects of serotonin on behavior

24. According to the passage, modern viewers are not likely to value which of the following qualities in a painting?

(A) The technical elements of the painting (B) The spontaneity of the painting (C) The moral lesson imparted by the painting (D) The degree to which the painting realistically depicts its subject (E) The degree to which the artist's personality is revealed in the painting

25. It can be inferred from the passage that during periods of postglacial warming, which of the following occurred?

(A) The total volume of air trapped in bubbles beneath the polar ice sheets increased. (B) The amount of deuterium in ice deposited at the poles increased. (C) Carbon dioxide levels in the Earth atmosphere decreased. (D) The amount of hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere decreased relatively the amount of deuterium. (E) The rate at which ice was deposited at the poles increased.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the mathematical theory of games has been

(A) developed by scientists with an interest in genetics (B) adopted by Hamilton in his research (C) helpful in explaining how genes can sometimes influence gametes (D) based on animals studies conducted prior to 1930 (E) useful in explaining some biological phenomena

26. The second paragraph is primarily concerned with establishing the idea that

(A) different global characteristics of a work result from the same discernible parts (B) the parts of a work of art influence the total perception of the work (C) visual and auditory characteristics can be combined (D) changes in the parts of a work remain isolated from the work as a whole (E) the visual complexes in a work of art influence the work's auditory complexes

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the importance of Griffith to the development of the cinema (B) describe the impact on cinema of the flashback and other editing innovations (C) deplore the state of American cinema before the advent of Griffith (D) analyze the changes in the cinema wrought by the introduction of the multireel film (E) document Griffith's impact on the choice of subject matter in American films

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the place of Coltrane in the world of jazz and describe his musical explorations (B) examine the nature of bebop and contrast it with improvisational jazz (C) analyze the musical sources of Coltrane's style and their influence on his work (D) acknowledge the influence of Coltrane's music on rock music and rock musicians (E) discuss the arguments that divide the proponents of different jazz styles

23. According to the passage, the "aerodynamic environments" mentioned in line 23, when they are produced, are primarily determined by the

(A) presence of insects near the plant (B) physical properties of the plant's pollen (C) shape of the plant's female reproductive organs (D) amount of pollen generated by the plant (E) number of seeds produced by the plant

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) present an overview of the different types of assignments available to women in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces (B) present a reasoned prognosis of the status of women in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces (C) present the new United States all-volunteer armed forces as a model case of equal employment policies in action (D) analyze reforms in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces necessitated by the increasing number of women in the military (E) analyze the use of functional equivalence as a substitute for occupational equality in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces

17. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) presenting an argument to support a particular hypothesis (B) suggesting an answer to a theoretical question (C) questioning the assumptions of a research project (D) criticizing experimental results (E) explaining the origin of certain scientific data

26. One function of the second paragraph of the passage is to

(A) raise doubts about fluoride's toxicity (B) introduce the issue of fluoride's toxicity (C) differentiate a toxic from a nontoxic amount of fluoride (D) indicate that necessary knowledge of fluoride remains incomplete (E) discuss the foodstuffs that are most likely to contain significant concentrations of fluoride

23. As it is discussed in the passage, the place of bracken within the forest habitat can best be described as

(A) rapidly expanding (B) the subject of controversy (C) well established (D) circumscribed by numerous predators (E) a significant nutrient source

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) resolve a controversy (B) describe a phenomenon (C) outline a theory (D) confirm research findings (E) classify various observations

25. According to the passage, Tolstoi's response to the accepted intellectual and artistic values of his times was to

(A) select the most valid from among them (B) combine opposing viewpoints into a new doctrine (C) reject the claims of religion in order to serve his art (D) subvert them in order to defend a new political viewpoint (E) upset them in order to be faithful to his experience

19. According to the passage, all of the following are descriptive of appendicularians EXCEPT:

(A) tailed (B) vegetarian (C) small-sized (D) single-celled (E) ocean-dwelling

20. It can be inferred from the passage that sex change would have been less necessary for the clown fish if

(A) the male clown fish were larger than the female (B) each sea anemone were occupied by several varieties of clown fish (C) many mature clown fish of both sexes occupied each sea anemone (D) juvenile clown fish had a high mortality rate (E) both male clown fish and female clown fish were highly territorial

24. According to the passage, it has been recently discovered that

(A) there are detailed skeletal similarities in the flippers of pinnipeds (B) sea lions, seals, and walruses are all pinnipeds (C) pinnipeds are descended from animals that once lived on land (D) animals without common ancestors sometimes evolve in similar ways (E) animals that have flippers do not all use them in the same way

25. The author mentions a "black-and-white photograph" (line 29) most probably in order to explain

(A) how the parvo system distinguishes between different shapes and colors (B) how the magno system uses luminosity to identify borders between objects (C) the mechanism that makes the magno system color-blind (D) why the magno system is capable of perceiving moving images (E) the brightness ratio at which colors become indistinguishable to the parvo system

21. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) identifying the kinds of thinking that are used by technologists (B) stressing the importance of nonverbal thinking in engineering design (C) proposing a new role for nonscientific thinking in the development of technology (D) contrasting the goals of engineers with those of technologists (E) criticizing engineering schools for emphasizing science in engineering curricula

26. The author refers to deserts primarily in order to

(A) illustrate the idea that an interglacial climate is marked by oscillations of wet and dry periods (B) illustrate the idea that what happened in the deserts during the Ice Age had far-reaching effects even on the ice sheets of Central and Northern Europe (C) illustrate the idea that the effects of the Ice Age's climatic variations extended beyond the areas of ice (D) support the view that during the Ice Age sheets of ice covered some of the deserts of the world (E) support the view that we are probably living in a postglacial period

21. According to the author, glycogen is crucial to the process of anaerobic glycolysis because glycogen

(A) increases the organism's need for ATP (B) reduces the amount of ATP in the tissues (C) is an inhibitor of the oxidative metabolic production of ATP (D) ensures that the synthesis of ATP will occur speedily (E) is the material from which ATP is derived

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the author's conclusion that Einstein's approach is "erroneous" (line 22) might have to be modified because

(A) it is theoretically possible to generate plausible theories with hidden parameters within them (B) some experimental tests of Einstein's theory do not disconfirm the hidden-parameter theory of quantum mechanics (C) it is possible for a theory to have hidden parameters and yet be probabilistic (D) traditional quantum mechanics has not yet been used to analyze all of the phenomena to which it could be applied (E) there are too many possible hidden parameters to develop meaningful tests of hidden-parameter theories

22. The passage implies that if the Watanabe rabbits had had as many LDL receptors on their livers as do normal rabbits, the Watanabe rabbits would have been

(A) less likely than normal rabbits to develop heart disease (B) less likely than normal rabbits to develop high concentrations of cholesterol in their blood (C) less useful than they actually were to scientists in the study of familial hypercholesterolemia in humans (D) unable to secrete VLDL's from their livers (E) immune to drugs that lower cholesterol levels in people with certain forms of familial hypercholesterolemia

27. The author suggests that if William III had wanted to make use of the standing army mentioned in line 52 to administer garrison government in the American colonies, he would have had to.

(A) make peace with France (B) abolish the colonial legislative assemblies (C) seek approval from the English Parliament (D) appoint colonial governors who were more sympathetic to royal policy (E) raise additional revenues by increasing taxation of large landholdings in the colonies No. 9-2

17. The author is primarily concerned with Duncan's

(A) masterful lyricism as expressed in her writings on the dance (B) concerted efforts to subdue the natural movements of the dance (C) belated recognition that she could not actually fulfill all of her ideals for the dance (D) basic standards for the dance form that she wished to create and perform (E) continuous responsiveness to a popular misconception about the nature of her new art form

27. The author implies that scientists develop a healthy skepticism because they are aware that

(A) mathematicians are better able to solve problems than are scientists (B) changes in axiomatic propositions will inevitably undermine scientific arguments (C) well-defined situations are necessary for the design of reliable experiments (D) mathematical solutions can rarely be applied to real problems (E) some factors in most situations must remain unknown

25. The passage implies that in Lymnaea peregra, there will generally be

(A) more offspring of the nondominant hand in broods where handedness is determined after, rather than before, fertilization (B) a sinistral gene that produces a protein in the cytoplasm of the egg cell (C) fewer sinistral offspring in dextral broods than dextral offspring in sinistral broods (D) equal numbers of exclusively left-and right-handed broods (E) an increasing occurrence of left-handedness in successive broods

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the matching process in visual recognition is

(A) not a neural activity (B) not possible when an object is viewed for the very first time (C) not possible if a feature of a familiar object is changed in some way (D) only possible when a retinal image is received in the brain as a unitary whole (E) now fully understood as a combination of the serial and parallel processes

23. The view to which line 18 refers serves to

(A) reconcile seemingly contradictory facts (B) undermine a previously held theory (C) take into account data previously held to be insignificant (D) resolve a controversy (E) question new methods of gathering data

27. Which of the following titles best summarizes the content of the passage?

(A) New Methods of Calculating the Age of Circumstellar Clouds (B) New Evidence Concerning the Composition of Planetary Nebulas (C) Protoplanetary Nebula: A Rarely Observed Phenomenon (D) Planetary Nebulas: An Enigma to Astronomers (E) The Diminution of a Star's Mass: A Crucial Factor in Stellar Evolution

19. According to the author, philosophy became distinct from science and theology during the

(A) ancient period (B) medieval period (C) seventeenth century (D) nineteenth century (E) twentieth century

23. The passage suggests that the disparagement of rhetoric by some people can be traced to their

(A) reaction against science (B) lack of training in logic (C) desire to persuade people as completely as possible (D) misunderstanding of the use of the term "scientistic" (E) view of human motivation

20. The sensitivity described in lines 56-61 is most clearly an example of

(A) "free-floating awareness" (lines 16-17) (B) "flooding of impulses in the brain stem" (lines 29-30) (C) "the holding of consistent images" (lines 31-32) (D) "integration of details with perceived ends and purposes" (lines 37-38) (E) "silk-thin veils of tranquility" (line 64)

21. It can be concluded from information contained in the passage that the average temperature at an altitude of 1 kilometer above the Earth is about

(A) 15℃ (B) 9℃ (C) 2.5℃ (D) -12℃ (E) -18℃

22. The passage implies that at the beginning of the life of IRC+10216, its mass was approximately

(A) 7.0 M⊙ (B) 6.0 M⊙ (C) 5.0 M⊙ (D) 1.4 M⊙ (E) 1.0 M⊙

23. To an assertion that Bluestockings were feminists, the author would most probably respond with which of the following?

(A) Admitted uncertainty (B) Qualified disagreement (C) Unquestioning approval (D) Complete indifference (E) Strong disparagement

24. According to the passage, which of the following is true of Lymnaea peregra?

(A) Handedness within the species was at one time equally distributed between left and right. (B) Under laboratory conditions, dextral eggs from Lymnaea peregra can be artificially induced to develop into sinistral snails. (C) Broods of Lymnaea peregra are, without variation, exclusively sinistral or dextral. (D) Handedness in Lymnaea peregra offspring is determined by only one of the parents. (E) Geographic factors have played a larger role than has genetics in the evolution of the species.

20. According to the passage, which of the following has the LEAST effect on the amount of ozone at a given location in the upper atmosphere?

(A) Latitude (B) Weather (C) Season (D) Ground-level ozone (E) Solar activity

18. It can be inferred that which of the following is most likely to be the subject of study by a geohydrologist?

(A) Soft, porous rock being worn away by a waterfall (B) Water depositing minerals on the banks of a gorge through which the water runs (C) The trapping of water in a sealed underground rock cavern through the action of an earthquake (D) Water becoming unfit to drink through the release of pollutants into it from a manufacturing plant (E) The changing course of a river channel as the action of the water wears away the rocks past which the river flows

26. It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes each of the following concerning rituals EXCEPT:

(A) Some are unrelated to religious belief. (B) Some are intended to have practical consequences. (C) Some have no purpose other than play. (D) They sometimes involve reference to mystical beings. (E) They are predominantly focused on agricultural ends.

20. The author presents her material in which of the following ways?

(A) Stating a problem and then supplying a solution (B) Presenting a phenomenon and then analyzing reason for it (C) Providing information and then drawing a conclusion from it (D) Making a general statement and then arguing by analogy (E) Making an inference and then developing it by illustration

20. It terms of its tone and form, the passage can best be characterized as

(A) a biased exposition (B) a speculative study (C) a dispassionate presentation (D) an indignant denial (E) a dogmatic explanation

24. The author states that Tolstoi's conversion represented

(A) a radical renunciation of the world (B) the rejection of avant-garde ideas (C) the natural outcome of his earlier beliefs (D) the acceptance of religion he had earlier rejected (E) a fundamental change in his writing style

20. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of the water locked in glaciers and ice sheets today?

(A) It is richer in oxygen-18 than frozen water was during past glacial periods. (B) It is primarily located in the northern latitudes of the Earth. (C) Its ratio of oxygen isotopes is the same as that prevalent in seawater during the last ice age. (D) It is steadily decreasing in amount due to increased thawing during summer months. (E) In comparison with seawater, it is relatively poor in oxygen-

25. The author suggests that the approach of physicists to solving scientific problems is which of the following?

(A) Practical for scientific purposes (B) Detrimental to scientific progress (C) Unimportant in most situations (D) Expedient, but of little long-term value (E) Effective, but rarely recognized as such

22. It can be inferred from the passage that gypsy moth caterpillars become immune to the wilt virus as a result of

(A) consuming a wide range of nutrients from a variety of leaf types (B) feeding on leaves that contain high levels of phenols (C) producing fewer offspring, which favors the survival of the hardiest individuals (D) ingesting the virus together with leaves that do not contain tannin (E) growing population density, which outstrips the ability of the virus to multiply and spread

26. The author's attitude toward Pessen's presentation of statistics can be best described as

(A) disapproving (B) shocked (C) suspicious (D) amused (E) laudatory

20. Which of the following words could best be substituted for "relaxed" (line 37) without substantially changing the author's meaning?

(A) informal (B) confined (C) risky (D) wordy (E) metaphoric

20. The final paragraph can best be described as

(A) a summation of arguments presented in previous paragraphs (B) the elimination of competing arguments to strengthen a single remaining conclusion (C) an enumeration of advantages to biological control (D) an expansion of the discussion from the particular example of bracken control to the general problem of government regulation (E) an overview of the variety of factors requiring further assessment

22. In explaining what determines the amount of ozone in the stratosphere, the author describes natural processes that form

(A) an interactive relationship (B) a reductive system (C) a linear progression (D) a set of randomly occurring phenomena (E) a set of sporadically recurring events

25. The passage suggests that an assumption underlying Turner's definition of ritual is that

(A) anthropological concepts apply to other fields (B) festivals and ceremonies are related cultural phenomena (C) there is a relationship between play and practical ends (D) rituals refer only to belief in mystical beings or powers (E) mystical beings and powers have certain common attributes across cultures

23. The author's attitude toward most European historians who have studied the Saint-Simonians is primarily one of

(A) approval of the specific focus of their research (B) disapproval of their lack of attention to the issue that absorbed most of the Saint-Simonians' energy after 1832 (C) approval of their general focus on social conditions (D) disapproval of their lack of attention to links between the Saint-Simonians and their American counterparts (E) disagreement with their interpretation of the Saint-Simonian belief in sexual equality

22. It can be inferred from the passage that Chinese observations of the Sun during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries

(A) are ambiguous because most sunspots cannot be seen with the naked eye (B) probably were made under the same weather conditions as those made in Europe (C) are more reliable than European observations made during this period (D) record some sunspot activity during this period (E) have been employed by scientists seeking to argue that a change in solar activity occurred during this period

23. It can be inferred that the author would define as "political" (line 30) questions that

(A) are contested largely through contentions over power (B) are primarily academic in nature and open to abstract analysis (C) are not in themselves important (D) cannot be resolved without extensive debate (E) will be debated by both men and women

26. The author presents the information concerning bat sonar in a manner that could be best described as

(A) argumentative (B) commendatory (C) critical (D) disbelieving (E) objective

20. It can be inferred from the passage that some cells that have been isolated from an organism have the ability to

(A) control morphogenesis (B) reform to make higher organisms (C) reorganize to form clusters of cells (D) regulate the transmission of light through the cell wall (E) regulate the rate of tissue formation

19. The author implies that corundum would be used to produce aluminum if

(A) corundum could be found that is not contaminated by silicates (B) the production of alumina could be eliminated as an intermediate step in manufacturing aluminum (C) many large deposits of very high quality corundum were to be discovered (D) new technologies were to make it possible to convert corundum to a silicate (E) manufacturers were to realize that the world's supply of bauxite is not unlimited

26. According to the passage, Einstein posed objections to the

(A) existence of hidden parameters in quantum theory (B) probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics (C) idea that quantum mechanics is incomplete (D) results of experiments testing quantum theory (E) importance accorded quantum mechanics in physics

27. The passage best supports the conclusion that during an anti-El Nino the fastest-moving signal waves are

(A) negative Rossby waves moving east along the equator (B) positive Rossby waves moving west along the equator (C) negative Kelvin waves moving west along the equator (D) positive Kelvin waves moving west along the equator (E) positive Kelvin waves moving east along the equator

24. The author's discussion of Black Fiction can be best described as

(A) pedantic and contentious (B) critical but admiring (C) ironic and deprecating (D) argumentative but unfocused (E) stilted and insincere

20. The authors suggest that their proposal for determining the nature of the mantle's heterogeneity might be considered by many to be

(A) pedestrian (B) controversial (C) unrealistic (D) novel (E) paradoxical

26. It can be inferred from the passage that each of the following is a consideration in determining whether a particular planet is a possible source of shergottites that have been discovered on Earth EXCEPT the

(A) planet's size (B) planet's distance from Earth (C) strength of the planet's field of gravity (D) proximity of the planet to its moons (E) chemical composition of the planet's surface

17. The author's primary purpose is most probably to

(A) present a hypothesis (B) refute an argument (C) correct a misconception (D) predict an occurrence (E) describe an enigma

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) present two hypotheses concerning the origin of the Moon (B) discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the collision hypothesis concerning the origin of the Moon (C) propose that hypotheses concerning the Moon's origin be tested (D) argue that the Moon could not have been formed out of the typical planet-forming materials of the presolar nebula (E) describe one reason why the Moon's geochemical makeup should resemble that of the Earth

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used by psychohistorians probably prevent them from

(A) presenting their material in chronological order (B) producing a one-sided picture of an individual's personality and motivations (C) uncovering alternative explanations that might cause them to question their own conclusions (D) offering a consistent interpretation of the impact of personality on historical events (E) recognizing connections between a government's political actions and the aspirations of government leaders

18. The author mentions all of the following inventions as examples of dramatic technological innovations EXCEPT the

(A) sewing machine (B) vacuum cleaner (C) typewriter (D) telephone (E) spinning jenny

24. The author refers to Venus primarily in order to

(A) show the inherent weakness of the greenhouse effect theory (B) show that the greenhouse effect works on other planets but not on Earth (C) show the extent to which Earth's atmosphere differs from that of Venus (D) support the contention that as water vapor increase, the amount of CO2 increases (E) support the argument that the CO2 level in the atmosphere has a significant effect on climate

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that an important difference among strains of rats is the

(A) size of their livers (B) constitution of their skin (C) strength of their immune-response reactions (D) sensitivity of their antigens (E) adaptability of their lymphocytes

18. All of the following aspects of Afro-American poetry are referred to in the passage as having been influenced by Wesleyan hymnals EXCEPT:

(A) subject matter (B) word choice (C) rhythm (D) structure (E) tone

21. The passage can best be described as a

(A) survey of the inadequacies of a conventional viewpoint (B) reconciliation of opposing points of view (C) summary and evaluation of a recent study (D) defense of a new thesis from anticipated objections (E) review of the subtle distinctions between apparently similar views

27. The author's attitude toward photography in the cinema before Griffith can best be described as

(A) sympathetic (B) nostalgic (C) amused (D) condescending (E) hostile

18. According to the passage, each of the following is a characteristic of ragtime compositions that follow the classic ragtime formula EXCEPT:

(A) syncopation (B) well-defined melodic figures (C) rising rhythmic-melodic intensity (D) full development of musical themes (E) a bass line distinct from the melodic line

22. Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase "this aspect of Mary Barton" in line 29 without changing the meaning of the passage as a whole?

(A) the material details in an urban working-class environment (B) the influence of Mary Barton on lawrence's early work (C) the place of Mary Barton in the development of the English novel (D) the extent of the poverty and physical suffering among England's industrial workers in the 1840's (E) the portrayal of the particular feelings and responses of working-class characters

22. According to the passage, radioactivity that occurs naturally on Earth is the result of

(A) the production of particles that have no detectable mass or electric charge (B) high energy exchanges on the nuclear level that occurred in an ancient explosion in a star (C) processes that occur in the center of the Sun, which emits radiation to the Earth (D) phenomena in the atomic realm that cause atoms and molecules to decompose into nuclei and electrons (E) high-voltage discharges of electricity that took place in the atmosphere of the Earth shortly after the Earth was formed

25. It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which many of the early researchers on grazer control could have improved their data would have been to

(A) emphasize the effects of temperature, rather than of light, on phytoplankton (B) disregard nannoplankton in their analysis of phytoplankton numbers (C) collect phytoplankton of all sizes before analyzing the extent of phytoplankton concentration (D) recognize that phytoplankton other than net phytoplankton could be collected in a net (E) understand the crucial significance of net phytoplankton in the diet of zooplankton

17. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) presenting a hypothesis and describing compelling evidence in support of it (B) raising a question and describing an important discovery that led to an answer (C) showing that a certain genetically caused disease can be treated effectively with drugs (D) explaining what causes the genetic mutation that leads to heart disease (E) discussing the importance of research on animals for the study of human disease

20. Analysis of which of the following would require the kind of complex approach described in lines 14-19?

(A) A long leap across space (B) A short jump upward with a return to the same place (C) A sustained and controlled turn in place (D) Short, rapid steps forward and then backward without turning (E) Quick sidesteps in a diagonal line

18. The inner workings in a honeybee hive that regulate reproduction, as they are described in the passage, are most similar to which of the following types of human societies?

(A) A totalitarian society in which citizens' "policing" of each other's actions helps to maintain the status quo. (B) A pacifist state in which the individuals are strongly opposed to the use of violence or aggression to settle disputes. (C) A democratic society in which the voice of the majority rules. (D) A parliamentary society in which a few members, organized as a cabinet wield executive power. (E) An anarchic state in which order and stable social structures are lacking.

27. Which of the following would describe the author's most likely reaction to a claim that films on art would more successfully promote visual literacy if they followed the standards set for rock videos?

(A) Ambivalence (B) Indifference (C) Sympathy (D) Interest (E) Disdain

21. Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole?

(A) An outline for future research (B) An expanded definition of commonly misunderstood terms (C) An analysis of a dispute between two theorists (D) A discussion of research findings in an ongoing inquiry (E) A confirmation of an established authority's theory

24. According to the passage, which of the following does Turner exclude from his conception of ritual?

(A) Behavior based on beliefs (B) Behavior based on formal rules (C) Celebrations whose purpose is play (D) Routines directed toward practical ends (E) Festivals honoring supernatural beings

26. The author of the passage implies that which of the following occurred after the Iroquois were resettled on reservations early in the nineteenth century?

(A) Chiefs became more involved in their tribes' religious affairs. (B) The authority of the chiefs' council over the affairs of individual tribes increased. (C) The political influence of the Iroquois shamans was diminished. (D) Individual tribes coalesced into the Iroquois tribal league. (E) The longhouse because a political rather than a religious institution.

26. The author's interpretation of the principle that "we owe different duties to different qualities" (lines 28-29) suggests that which of the following would most probably be the duty paired with the quality of veracity?

(A) Dignity (B) Trust (C) Affection (D) Obedience (E) Integrity

21. The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) Does Islamic law depend on sources other than Arab legal principles? (B) What secular practices of Islamic states conflicted with Islamic law? (C) Are Jewish law and canon law the most typical examples of sacred law? (D) Is Jewish law more uniform than canon law? (E) What characterized Arab law of the pre-Islamic era?

18. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Does Romantic art exhibit the triumph of intuition over intellect? (B) Did an emphasis on linear perspective and anatomy dominate Romantic art? (C) Are the intellectual and intuitive faculties harmoniously balanced in post-Romantic art? (D) Are the effects of the rational control of artistic inspiration evident in the great works of pre-Romantic eras? (E) Was the artistic craftsmanship displayed in Gothic cathedrals also an element in paintings of this period?

24. Which of the following titles best describes the content of the passage?

(A) Eighteenth-Century Egalitarianism (B) Feminists of the Eighteenth Century (C) Eighteenth-Century Precursors of Feminism (D) Intellectual Life in the Eighteenth Century (E) Female Education Reform in the Eighteenth Century

19. According to the passage, Thompson attributes to laboring people in eighteenth-century England which of the following attitudes toward capitalist consumerism?

(A) Enthusiasm (B) Curiosity (C) Ambivalence (D) Stubbornness (E) Hostility

23. According to the passage, which of the following is specifically related to intrasexual selection?

(A) Female choice (B) Territorial behavior (C) Complex song types (D) Large song repertoires (E) Visual ornamentation

20. According to Brown's study, women's earnings categories occur in which or the following orders, from highest earnings to lowest earnings?

(A) Government employment, self-employment, private employment (B) Government employment, private employment, self-employment (C) Private employment, self-employment, government employment (D) Private employment, government employment, self-employment (E) Self-employment, private employment, government employment

22. The author regards Nevelson's stature in the art world as "remarkable" (line 3) in part because of which of the following?

(A) Her work is currently overrated. (B) Women sculptors have found it especially difficult to be accepted and recognized as major artists. (C) Nevelson's sculptures are difficult to understand. (D) Many art critics have favored painting over sculpture in writing about developments in the art world. (E) Few of the artists prominent in the twentieth century have been sculptors.

26. The passage supports which of the following inferences about heterocysts?

(A) Heterocysts do not produce oxygen. (B) Nitrogen gas inactivates heterocysts. (C) Chlorophyll increases the productivity of heterocysts. (D) Heterocysts allow nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis to occur in the same cell. (E) Heterocysts are more important for Anabaena's functioning than are photosynthetic cells.

22. The author provides information that would answer which of the following questions? I. Why is an aroused herbivore usually fearful? II. What are some of the degrees of attention in large mammals? III. What occurs when the stimulus that causes arousal of a mammal is removed?

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II and III

20. Which of the following is information supplied in the passage that would support the statement that the food supplies necessary to sustain vent communities must be many times that of ordinary fallout? I. Large vent faunas move from vent to vent in search of food. II. Vent faunas are not able to consume food produced by photosynthesis. III. Vents are more densely populated than are other deep-sea areas.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

24. The author suggests that, on the basis of energy production, a 100-ton dinosaur would have been markedly vulnerable to which of the following? I. Repeated attacks by a single smaller, more active adversary II. Sustained attack by numerous smaller, more active adversaries III. An attack by an individual adversary of similar size

(A) II only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

17. The passage suggests that factors contributing to the variation in the amount of ozone above different areas of the Earth's surface include which of the following? I. Some of the ozone found at higher latitudes was produced elsewhere. II. There is usually a smaller amount of naturally occurring nitrogen oxide over high latitudes. III. The rate of ozone production over the poles is less than that over the tropics.

(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

18. According to the passage, Gestalt psychologists make which of the following suppositions about visual recognition? I. A retinal image is in exactly the same forms as its internal representation. II. An object is recognized as a whole without any need for analysis into component parts. III. The matching of an object with its internal representation occurs in only one step.

(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

20. Which of the following statements most clearly contradicts the information in this passage?

(A) In the early 1800's, the Spanish committed more resources to settling California than to developing Texas. (B) While Texas was under Mexican control, the population of Texas quadrupled, in spite of the fact that Mexico discouraged immigration from the United States. (C) By the time Mexico acquired Texas, many Indians had already married people of Spanish heritage. (D) Many Mexicans living in Texas returned to Mexico after Texas was annexed by the United States. (E) Most Indians living in Texas resisted Spanish acculturation and were either killed or enslaved.

24. The passage suggests that a photographer who practiced the heroic style would be most likely to emphasize which of the following in a photographic series focusing on the Rio Grande?

(A) Indigenous people and their ancient customs relating to the river (B) The exploits of navigators and explorers (C) Unpopulated, pristine parts of the river and its surroundings (D) Existing commercial ventures that relied heavily on the river (E) The dams and other monumental engineering structures built on the river

19. The passage implies that which of the following was a traditional assumption of aesthetic philosophers?

(A) Intellectual elements in art exert a necessary control over artistic inspiration. (B) Architecture has never again reached the artistic greatness of the Gothic cathedrals. (C) Aesthetic philosophy is determined by the technical necessities of art. (D) Artistic craftsmanship is more important in architectural art than in pictorial art. (E) Paintings lacked the intellectual element before the invention of linear perspective and anatomy.

22. Each of the following statements about the development of a lobster's crusher claw is supported by information in the passage EXCEPT:

(A) It can be stopped on one side and begun on the other after the juvenile sixth stage. (B) It occurs gradually over a number of stages. (C) It is initially apparent in the juvenile sixth stage. (D) It can occur even when a prospective crusher claw is removed in the juvenile sixth stage. (E) It is less likely in the absence of a manipulatable environment.

19. As described in the passage, Quine's specific argument against classical empiricism would be most strengthened if he did which of the following?

(A) Provided evidence that many observations are actually hallucinations. (B) Explained why new observations often invalidate preexisting generalizations. (C) Challenged the mechanism by which specific generalizations are derived from collections of particular observations. (D) Mentioned other critics of classical empiricism and the substance of their approaches. (E) Gave an example of a specific generalization that has not been invalidated despite a contrary observation.

19. A study of the practices of financial institutions that revealed no discrimination against self-employed women would tend to contradict which of the following?

(A) Some tentative results of Fuchs's study (B) Some explicit results of Brown's study (C) A suggestion made by the author (D) Fuchs's hypothesis (E) Sanborn's hypothesis

20. The passage suggests that if on a certain day the wind were to decrease until there was no wind at all which of the following would occur?

(A) The air closest to the ocean surface would become saturated with water vapor. (B) The air closest to the ocean surface would be warmer than the water. (C) The amount of moisture in the air closest to the ocean surface would decrease. (D) The rate of heat and moisture transfer would increase. (E) The air closest to the ocean would be at the same temperature as air higher up.

24. According to the passage, the size of a male cycad cone directly influences which of the following?

(A) The arrangement of the male cone's structural elements (B) The mechanism by which pollen is released from the male cone (C) The degree to which the ovules of female cycads are accessible to airborne pollen (D) The male cone's attractiveness to potential insect pollinators (E) The amount of pollen produced by the male cone

20. The passage provides information in support of which of the following assertions?

(A) The avoidance of predators is more important to an animal's survival than is the quest for food. (B) Vigilant behavior aimed at predators is seldom more beneficial to groups of animals than to individual animals. (C) Different species of animals often develop different strategies for dealing with predators. (D) The size of a group of animals does not necessarily reflect its success in finding food. (E) Similar behavior in different species of animals does not necessarily serve the same purpose.

27. According to the passage, in order for a given antibody to bind to a given rhinoviral capsid, which of the following must be true?

(A) The capsid must have a deep "canyon" on each of its faces. (B) The antibody must be specific to the molecular structure of the particular capsid. (C) The capsid must separate from its nucleic acid before binding to an antibody. (D) The antibody must bind to a particular cell-surface receptor before it can bind to a rhinovirus. (E) The antibody must first enter a cell containing the particular rhinovirus.

19. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists are currently making efforts to observe which of the following events?

(A) The decay of a vacuum in the presence of virtual particles (B) The decay of a vacuum next to a superheavy atomic nucleus (C) The creation of a superheavy atomic nucleus next to an intense electric field (D) The creation of a virtual electron and a virtual positron as a result of fluctuations of a vacuum (E) The creation of a charged vacuum in which only real electrons can be created in the vacuum's region of space

24. The author mentions all of the following as characteristic of the Saint-Simonians EXCEPT:

(A) The group included many women among its members. (B) The group believed in a world that would be characterized by sexual equality. (C) The group was among the earliest European socialist groups. (D) Most members believed that women should enter public life. (E) Most members believed that women and men were inherently similar in ability and character.

22. According to the passage, a meteorite discovered on Earth is unlikely to have come from a large planet for which of the following reasons?

(A) There are fewer large planets in the solar system than there are asteroids. (B) Most large planets have been volcanically inactive for more than a billion years. (C) The gravitational pull of a large planet would probably prohibit fragments from escaping its orbit. (D) There are no chondrites occurring naturally on Earth and probably none on other large planets. (E) Interbody impact is much rarer on large than on small planets because of the density of the atmosphere on large planets.

22. Which of the following statements about newly hatched clown fish can be inferred from the passage?

(A) They develop rapidly. (B) They remain close to the sea anemone occupied by their parents. (C) They are more sensitive to chemical signals than are adult clown fish. (D) They are not protected by their parents. (E) They are less vulnerable to predation than are adult fish.

21. The passage states that, before the twentieth century, which of the following was true of many employers?

(A) They did not employ women in factories. (B) They tended to employ single rather than married women. (C) They employed women in only those jobs that were related to women's traditional household work. (D) They resisted technological innovations that would radically change women's roles in the family. (E) They hired women only when qualified men were not available to fill the open positions.

26. Allen and Wolkowitz's research suggests that each of the following is true of most homeworkers EXCEPT:

(A) They do not necessarily resort to homework as a strategy for dealing with child care. (B) Their family situations are not unlike those of other employed women. (C) They are as well qualified as women who work outside the home. (D) They perform professional-level duties rather than manual tasks or piecework. (E) They do not prefer homework to employment outside the home.

17. The information in the passage suggests that the majority of deep-sea faunas that live in nonvent habitats have which of the following characteristics?

(A) They do not normally feed on particles of food in the water. (B) They are smaller than many vent faunas. (C) They are predators. (D) They derive nutrition from a chemosynthetic food source. (E) They congregate around a single main food source.

25. According to the passage, Keasey's findings support which of the following conclusions about six-year-old children?

(A) They have the ability to make autonomous moral judgments. (B) They regard moral absolutism as a threat to their moral autonomy. (C) They do not understand the concept of public duty. (D) They accept moral judgment made by their peers more easily than do older children. (E) They make arbitrary moral judgments.

20. Which of the following best states the "particular pedagogical purpose" mentioned in line 28?

(A) To assist scholars in revising the canon of authors (B) To minimize the trivial aspects of the traditional scholarly methods course (C) To provide students with information about Griffith's work (D) To encourage scholarly rigor in students' own research (E) To reestablish Griffith's reputation as an author

23. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) What are some specific examples of the use of psychohistory in historical interpretation? (B) When were the conventions governing the practice of traditional history first established? (C) When do traditional historians consider psychological explanations of historical developments appropriate? (D) What sort of historical figure is best suited for psychohistorical analysis? (E) What is the basic criterion of historical evidence required by traditional historians?

25. The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) What is the precise age of the solar system? (B) How did shergottites get their name? (C) What are the chemical properties shared by shergottites and Martian soils? (D) How volcanically active is the planet Jupiter? (E) What is a major feature of the Martian surface?

24. According to the author, the nineteenth-century defenders of photography mentioned in the passage stressed that photography was

(A) a means of making people familiar with remote locales and unfamiliar things (B) a technologically advanced activity (C) a device for observing the world impartially (D) an art comparable to painting (E) an art that would eventually replace the traditional arts

27. Most nearly parallel, in its fundamental approach, to the research program described in the passage would be a program designed to

(A) achieve greater frost resistance in frost-tender food plants by means of selective breeding, thereby expanding those plants' area of cultivation (B) achieve greater yields from food plants by interplanting crop plants that are mutually beneficial (C) find inexpensive and abundant natural substances that could, without reducing yields, be substituted for expensive synthetic fertilizers (D) change the genetic makeup of food plants that cannot live in water with high salinity, using genes from plants adapted to salt water (E) develop, through genetic engineering, a genetic configuration for the major food plants that improves the storage characteristics of the edible portion of the plants

23. According to the passage, a possible disadvantage associated with eye migration in flatfish is that the optic nerves can

(A) adhere to one another (B) detach from the eyes (C) cross (D) stretch (E) twist

26. The author uses all of the following in the discussion in the third paragraph EXCEPT:

(A) an example (B) definition of terms (C) contrast (D) a rhetorical question (E) analogy

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the protein sequences of the capsid that vary most among strains of rhinovirus are those

(A) at the base of the "canyon" (B) outside of the "canyon" (C) responsible for producing nucleic acid (D) responsible for preventing the formation of delta-receptors (E) preventing the capsid from releasing its nucleic acid

24. According to the passage, John Coltrane did all of the following during his career EXCEPT:

(A) improvise on melodies from a number of different cultures (B) perform as leader as well as soloist (C) spend time improving his technical skills (D) experiment with the sounds of various instruments (E) eliminate the influence of bebop on his own music

27. The idea that the field of endocrinology can gain from developments in molecular biology is regarded by Roberts with

(A) incredulity (B) derision (C) indifference (D) pride (E) enthusiasm

20. The author's attitude toward the development of bacterial strains that render antibiotic drugs ineffective can best be described as

(A) indifferent (B) perplexed (C) pretentious (D) insincere (E) apprehensive

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) interpret data (B) explain research methodology (C) evaluate a conclusion (D) suggest a new technique (E) attack a theory

27. The author implies that sensitivity is not a quality that

(A) is essential in producing wealth (B) wealthy people lack (C) can be sensibly measured on a scale (D) characterizes tyrannical people (E) is owed a duty in Pascal's sense

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the decision to study an organism may sometimes be influenced by

(A) its practical or commercial benefits to society (B) the nature and prevalence of its fossilized remains (C) the relative convenience of its geographical distribution (D) its similarity to one or more better-known species (E) the degree of its physiological complexity

18. It can be inferred from the passage that all orb-weaving spiders belong to types of spiders that

(A) lack venom glands (B) are included either in the Uloboridae or Araneidae families (C) share few characteristic features with other spider types (D) comprise less than a third of all known types of spiders (E) are more recently evolved than other types of spiders

19. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should

(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel (B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel (C) not argue that the complex use of narrators or of time shifts indicates a sophisticated structure (D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novel's main structure (E) primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of which the author of the novel was aware

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) offer a method of calculating the age of circumstellar clouds (B) describe the conditions that result in a star's expiring as a supernova (C) discuss new evidence concerning the composition of planetary nebulas (D) explain why fewer stars than predicted expire as supernovas (E) survey conflicting theories concerning the composition of circumstellar clouds

26. The author regards the research program under discussion as

(A) original and extensive but ill-defined as to method (B) necessary and ambitious but vulnerable to failure (C) cogent and worthwhile but severely under-funded (D) prohibitively expensive but conceptually elegant (E) theoretically fascinating but practically useless

22. All of the following are stated by the author as problems connected with the sources for knowledge of premodern cultures EXCEPT:

(A) partial completeness (B) restricted accessibility (C) difficulty of interpretation (D) limited quantity (E) tendency toward contradiction

25. The author suggests that Bearden should not be called a Black American artist because

(A) there are many collages by Bearden in which the subject matter is not Black (B) Bearden's work reflects the Black American experience in a highly individual style (C) through the structure of Bearden's art his Black subjects come to represent all of humankind (D) Bearden's true significance lies not so much in his own work as in his efforts to help other minority artists (E) much of Bearden's work uses the ancient Black kingdom of Benin for its setting

25. It can be inferred that one reason the fourteen models described in the passage failed to agree was that

(A) they failed to incorporate the most up-to-date information about the effect of clouds on climate (B) they were based on faulty information about factors other than clouds that affect climate (C) they were based on different assumptions about the overall effects of clouds on climate (D) their originators disagreed about the kinds of forecasts the models should provide (E) their originators disagreed about the factors other than clouds that should be included in the models

21. According to the author, changes in the conditions of international trade resulted in an

(A) underestimation of the amount of new land that was being famed in the United States (B) underutilization of relatively small but rich plots of land (C) overexpansion of the world transportation network for shipping agricultural products (D) extension of agrarian depressions beyond national boundaries (E) emphasis on the importance of market forces in determining the prices of agricultural products

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) warn of the dangers of continued burning of fossil fuels (B) discuss the significance of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (C) explain how a constant temperature is maintained on the Earth's surface (D) describe the ways in which various atmospheric and climatic conditions contribute to the Earth's weather (E) demonstrate the usefulness of mathematical models in predicting long-range climatic change

24. The passage suggests that, during early adolescence, a child would find which of the following most difficult to understand?

(A) A book chronicling the ways in which the presidential inauguration ceremony has changed over the years (B) An essay in which an incident in British history is used to explain the system of monarchic succession (C) A summary of the respective responsibilities of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government (D) A debate in which the participants argue, respectively, that the federal government should or should not support private schools (E) An article detailing the specific religious groups that founded American colonies and the guiding principles of each one

21. A gasoline-conservation tax on the purchase of large automobiles, with the proceeds of the tax rebated to purchasers of small automobiles, is an example of

(A) a specific directive (B) a market incentive modification (C) an optimal resource allocation (D) an alteration of a decision-making structure (E) an external cost

20. According to the passage, the plots of Wuthering Heights and Frankenstein are notable for their elements of

(A) drama and secrecy (B) heroism and tension (C) realism and ambition (D) mystery and irony (E) morality and metaphysics

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the author finds the work of the majority of the Black poets at the turn of the century to be

(A) unexciting (B) calming (C) confusing (D) delightful (E) inspiring

17. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing which of the following?

(A) A central issue in the explanation of how lightning occurs (B) Benjamin Franklin's activities as a scientist (C) Research into the strength and distribution of thunderstorms (D) The direction of movement of electrical charges in thunderclouds (E) The relation between a cloud's charge distribution and its voltage

21. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing

(A) how historians ought to explain the origins of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry (B) why it is difficult to determine the actual nature of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry (C) why a particular account of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry is inaccurate (D) what ought to be included in any account of the Chicago meat-packers' role in the national labor movement (E) what data are most relevant for an accurate account of the relations between Chicago meat-packers and local labor agitators

21. The author suggests that, by 1950, attempts to correlate mental experience with brain processes would probably have been viewed with

(A) indignation (B) impatience (C) pessimism (D) indifference (E) defiance

23. Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author toward classification as a technique in literary history?

(A) Enthusiastic (B) Indifferent (C) Wary (D) Derisive (E) Defensive

26. The information in the passage can be used to answer which of the following questions? I. Do temperature variations and isotopic changes in seawater cause the 18O/16O ratio to shift in the same direction? II. What are the methods used to determine the 18O/16O ratio? III. Is the study of racemization reactions useful in estimating climatic changes that occurred during Pleistocene glacial cycles if only one of the two important variables is known?

(A) I only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

18. According to the passage, the exchange of plasmids between different bacteria can results in which of the following?

(A) Microorganisms resistant to drugs (B) Therapeutically useful circlets of genes (C) Anti-infective drugs like penicillin (D) Viruses for use by molecular biologists (E) Vehicles for performing gene transplant experiments

23. The passage states all of the following about photographs EXCEPT:

(A) They can display a cropped reality. (B) The can convey information. (C) They can depict the photographer's temperament. (D) They can possess great formal beauty. (E) They can change the viewer's sensibilities.

17. According to the passage, most turn-of-the-century Black poets generally did which of the following?

(A) Wrote in ways that did not challenge accepted literary practice. (B) Described scenes from their own lives. (C) Aroused patriotic feelings by expressing devotion to the land. (D) Expressed complex feelings in the words of ordinary people. (E) Interpreted the frustrations of Blacks to an audience of Whites.

23. According the passage, an average geothermal gradient of 22℃ per kilometer of depth can be used to

(A) balance the economics of HDR energy retrieval against that of underground hot water or steam recovery systems (B) determine the amount of energy that will used for space heating in the United States (C) provide comparisons between hot water and HDR energy sources in United States (D) revise the estimates on the extent of remaining coal resources in the United States (E) estimate the total HDR resource base in the United States

17. The author's primary purpose in defining power is to

(A) counteract self-serving and confusing uses of the term (B) establish a compromise among those who have defined the term in different ways (C) increase comprehension of the term by providing concrete examples (D) demonstrate how the meaning of the term has evolved (E) avoid possible misinterpretations resulting from the more common uses of the term

18. The author's main purpose is to

(A) create a new field of study (B) discredit an existing field of study (C) change the focus of a field of study (D) transplant scholarly techniques from one field of study to another (E) restrict the scope of a burgeoning new field of study

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) defend a controversial interpretation of two novels (B) explain the source of widely recognized responses to two novels (C) delineate broad differences between two novels (D) compare and contrast two novels (E) criticize and evaluate two novels

19. The major objective of the author's proposal is to

(A) devise a technique for proving that abnormalities in morphology result from gene mutations (B) improve the procedures for organizing chemical and morphological data (C) increase the accuracy of measurements of cell populations and cell mobility (D) reduce the margin of error in the study of conformational changes of protein molecules (E) provide a plan for increasing knowledge about the influence of genes on morphogenesis

25. The passage suggests that if there were a slight global warming at the present time, it would be

(A) easy to measure the exact increase in temperature because of the abundance of temperature recording stations throughout the world (B) difficult to measure the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere because of local variations in amounts (C) easy to demonstrate the effects of the warming on the water vapor in the atmosphere (D) difficult to prove that the warming was caused by the burning of fossil fuels (E) easy to prove that the warming was caused by an increase of cloud cover

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the spreading out of lavas of different ages at hot spots indicates that a

(A) hot spot is active (B) continental plate has moved (C) continental rupture is imminent (D) hot spot had been moving very rapidly (E) volcano contains large concentrations of alkali metals

26. In developing his argument, the author warns against

(A) relying on incomplete measurements (B) introducing irrelevant information (C) rejecting corroborative evidence (D) accepting uninformed opinions (E) making unwarranted comparisons

27. It can be deduced from the passage that the gravitational force at a point on the Earth's surface is

(A) representative of the geologic age of the Earth (B) analogous to the movement of land masses (C) similar to optical phenomena such as mirages (D) proportional to the size of the Earth (E) dependent on the speed of the Earth's rotation

18. The author cites air pollution from motor vehicles in lines 54-56 in order to

(A) revise cost estimates calculated by including the costs of resources (B) evaluate legal methods used to prevent technological developments (C) give examples of costs not included in buyer-seller bargains (D) refute hypotheses not made on the basis of monetary exchange values (E) commend technological research undertaken for the common welfare

18. According to the passage, an issue facing Black poets in the 1920's was whether they should

(A) seek a consensus on new techniques of poetry (B) write exclusively about and for Blacks (C) withdraw their support from a repressive society (D) turn away from social questions to recollect the tranquility of nature (E) identify themselves with an international movement of Black writers

22. According to the passage, the role of the flow restriction (lines 16-17) in a heat pump is to

(A) measure accurately the flow rate of the refrigerant mass at that point (B) compress and heat the refrigerant vapor (C) bring about the evaporation and cooling of refrigerant (D) exchange heat between the refrigerant and the air at that point (E) reverse the direction of refrigerant flow when needed

25. It can be inferred from the passage that anions behaving as "simple charged spheres" (line 22) could be expected to

(A) readily lose electrons and become positively charged (B) move freely in and out of their cavities (C) respond to photons by liberating electrons (D) stack with other anions to create a regular framework (E) remain fixed relative to their cations

27. The author uses the example of Anabaena to illustrate the

(A) uniqueness of bacteria among unicellular organisms (B) inadequacy of an existing view of bacteria (C) ability of unicellular organisms to engage in photosynthesis (D) variability of a freshwater bacteria (E) difficulty of investigating even the simplest unicellular organisms

27. Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage?

(A) Photographers, as a result of their heightened awareness of time, are constantly trying to capture events and actions that are fleeting. (B) Thus the cult of the future, the worship of machines and speed, is firmly established in spite of efforts to the contrary by some photographers. (C) The rejection of technical knowledge, however, can never be complete and photography cannot for any length of time pretend that it has no weapons. (D) The point of honor involved in rejecting complex equipment is, however, of no significance to the viewer of a photograph. (E) Consequently the impulse to return to the past through images that suggest a handwrought quality is nothing more that a passing fad.

18. The author states that research into the genetic control of morphogenesis has been impeded by

(A) an incomplete understanding of biomolecular reactions that are highly complex (B) a lack of communication between scientists whose work could be complementary (C) a reluctance on the part of morphologists to share data with molecular biologists (D) a lack of research in the area of morphology (E) the unavailability of suitable research equipment

19. According to the passage, transactions between private buyers and sellers have effects on society that generally

(A) are harmful when all factors are considered (B) give rise to ever-increasing resource costs (C) reflect an optimal allocation of natural resources (D) encompass more than the effects on the buyers and sellers alone (E) are guided by legal controls on the development of technology

21. The author's primary purpose in the passage is to

(A) clarify the kinds of understanding an adolescent must have in order to develop a political ideology (B) dispute the theory that a political ideology can be acquired during adolescence (C) explain why adolescents are generally uninterested in political arguments (D) suggest various means of encouraging adolescents to develop personal political ideologies (E) explain why an adolescent's political ideology usually appears more sophisticated than it actually is

22. It can be inferred from the passage that evidence for the apparent course of the Pacific plate has been provided by the

(A) contours of the continents (B) dimensions of ocean hot spots (C) concurrent movement of two hot spots (D) pattern of fissures in the ocean floor (E) configurations of several mid-ocean island chains

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers poetry to be which of the following?

(A) A means of diversion in which suffering is transformed into joy (B) An art form that sometimes stifles creative energy (C) A bridge between the mundane and the unreal (D) A medium for conveying important information (E) An area where beauty must be sacrificed for accuracy

24. It can be inferred from the passage that determination of the temperatures mentioned in line 17 through 18O/16O ratios and determination through racemization reactions both require which of the following?

(A) Calcium deposits known to be from Pleistocene seas (B) Proteins containing both L-amino acids and D-amino acids (C) Glacial debris from both before and after the Pleistocene period (D) Fossil material from organisms living during the Pleistocene period (E) Proteins containing both amino acids and 18O

18. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between law and power?

(A) Law is the protector of power. (B) Law is the source of power. (C) Law sets bounds to power. (D) Law is a product of power. (E) Law is a stabilizer of power.

27. The author refers to Henry James primarily in order to

(A) support his own perception of the "longest bridge" (lines 6-7) (B) illustrate a coherent "combination of fact and meaning" (lines 14-15) (C) provide an example of "dynamic interchange of the spirit" (line 19) (D) establish the pervasiveness of lack of self-knowledge (E) contrast James's ideas about poetry with those of Don L. Lee

19. It can be inferred from the passage that classifying a poet as either conservative or experimental would be of "little significance" (line 21) when discussing Black poets of the 1910's and the 1920's because

(A) these poets wrote in very similar styles (B) these poets all wrote about nature in the same way (C) these poets were fundamentally united by a sense of racial achievement despite differences in poetic style (D) such a method of classification would fail to take account of the influence of general poetic practice (E) such a method of classification would be relevant only in a discussion of poets separated in time by more than three decades

23. Which of the following sequences best describes the author's suggestion for future research on morphogenesis?

(A) Accumulation of data, simplification of language, explanation of morphogenesis (B) Dispersion of cells, evaluation of cell activity, development of an explanatory hypothesis (C) Classification of cell types, separation of cell, observation of cell activity (D) Observation of cell development, description of cell behavior, explanation at the molecular level (E) Differentiation of cell types, description of cell structure, analysis of molecular components

22. If there were no external costs, as they are described in the passage, which of the following would be true?

(A) All technology-control methods would be effective. (B) Some resource allocations would be illegal. (C) Prices would include all costs to members of society. (D) Some decision-making structures would be altered. (E) The availability of common goods would increase.

27. The author's contention about the importance of bacteria and fungi in the production of energy for life processes would be most clearly strengthened if which of the following were found to be true?

(A) Both aerobes and anaerobes provide sources of energy through the decomposition of organic material. (B) Most compounds containing carbon are unavailable as energy sources except to some bacteria and fungi. (C) Bacteria and fungi break down inert material in ways that do not involve oxidation. (D) Many compounds remain inert, even in the presence of bacteria and fungi. (E) Bacteria and fungi assist in the synthesis of many organic compounds.

22. According to the author, which of the following contributes to the development of political ideology during adolescence?

(A) Conscious recognition by the adolescent of his or her own naiveté (B) Thorough comprehension of the concept of ordination (C) Evaluation by the adolescent of the general principles encompassing his or her specific political ideas (D) Intuitive understanding of relationships among various components of society (E) Rejection of abstract reasoning in favor of involvement with pragmatic situations

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be LEAST likely to approve of which of the following?

(A) Courses that promote cultural awareness through the study of contemporary art (B) The development of creative writing courses that encourage mutual criticism of student work (C) Growing interest in extemporaneous writing that records experiences as they occur (D) A shift in interest from abstract philosophical poetry to concrete autobiographical poetry (E) Workshops and newsletters designed to promote dialogues between poets

27. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

(A) Energy from Water Sources: The Feasibility of Commercial Systems (B) Geothermal Energy Retrieval: Volcanic Activity and Hot Dry Rocks (C) Energy Underground: Geothermal Sources Give Way to Fossil Fuels (D) Tappable Energy for America's Future: Hot Dry Rocks (E) High Geothermal Gradients in the United States: Myth or Reality?

17. Which of the following statements best expresses the irony pointed out by the authors in lines 13-16 of the passage?

(A) Female delinquents tend to commit victimless crimes more frequently than their male counterparts. (B) The predicament of male delinquents receives more attention than that of females because males are accused of more serious crimes. (C) Adults are frequently punished less severely than adolescents for committing more serious crimes. (D) The juvenile justice system cannot correct its biases because it does not even recognize them. (E) Although the number of female delinquents is steadily increasing, the crimes of which they are accused are not particularly serious.

20. Which of the following techniques is used by the author in developing the argument in the passage?

(A) Giving a cliché a new meaning (B) Pointedly refusing to define key terms (C) Alternately presenting generalities and concrete details (D) Concluding the passage with a restatement of the first point made in the passage (E) Juxtaposing statements of what is not the case and statements of what is the case

27. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the author's discussion of the role of political knowledge in the formation of political ideology during adolescence?

(A) He acknowledges its importance, but then modifies his initial assertion of that importance. (B) He consistently resists the idea that it is important, using a series of examples to support his stand. (C) He wavers in evaluating it and finally uses analogies to explain why he is indecisive. (D) He begins by questioning conventional ideas about its importance, but finally concedes that they are correct. (E) He carefully refrains from making an initial judgment about it, but later confirms its critical role.

25. Which of the following, if true, would best support the author's statement that hot-spot activity may explain the mutability of continental plates?

(A) Hot spots move more rapidly than the continental and oceanic plates. (B) Hot spots are reliable indicators of the age of continental plates. (C) Hot spots are regions of volcanic activity found only in the interiors of the continental plates. (D) The alignment of hot spots in the Pacific Ocean parallels the alignment of Pacific Ocean islands. (E) The coastlines of Africa and South America suggest that they may once have constituted a single continent that ruptured along a line of hot spots.

19. The passage suggests that Brown's study was similar to Hamner's in which of the following ways? I. Both experimenters discovered that a new environment had a significant effect on an organism's behavior rhythms. II. Both experimenters observed an organism's behavioral rhythms after the organism had been transported to a new environment. III. Both experimenters knew an organism's rhythmic patterns in its original environment.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

26. According to the passage, if the average geothermal gradient in an area is 22℃ per kilometer of depth, which of the following can be reliably predicted? I. The temperature at the base of a 10-kilometer well will be sufficient for the production of electricity. II. Drilling of wells deeper than 10 kilometers will be economically feasible. III. Insufficient water is present to produce eruptive phenomena.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

25. The passage contains information that would answer which of the following questions about the carbon cycle? I. What are some of the compounds that are broken down in the carbon cycle? II. Why are some compounds that are involved in the carbon cycle less reactive than others? III. What role do bacteria and fungi play in the carbon cycle?

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) I and III only

26. The discussion of climate in the passage suggests which of the following conclusion? I. Climate is not perfectly stable, and slight regional temperature variations can be considered a normal feature of the environment. II. We are unable at present to measure global temperature changes precisely. III. The most important cause of regional climatic fluctuations is the change in CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

26. Which of the following best summarizes the author's evaluation of the accumulation of political knowledge by adolescents?

(A) It is unquestionably necessary, but its significance can easily be overestimated. (B) It is important, but not as important as is the ability to appear knowledgeable. (C) It delays the necessity of considering underlying principles. (D) It is primarily relevant to an understanding of limited, local concerns, such as county politics. (E) It is primarily dependent on information gleaned from high school courses such as civics.

26. The author implies that which of the following is the primary reason that degradation is as important as synthesis to the smooth operation of the carbon cycle?

(A) Most of the polymers and organic compounds found in the plant kingdom are chemically unstable. (B) The synthesis of some organic material deprives life processes of an energy source. (C) Decomposition permits the recycling of carbon that would otherwise be fixed in certain substances. (D) Many organisms cannot use plants as a source of food, but can feed on bacteria and fungi. (E) Bacteria and fungi could not survive if some carbon compounds were not degraded.

20. With which of the following statement would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. (B) The highest proof of virtue is to possess boundless power without abusing it. (C) To love knowledge is to love power. (D) It is from the people and their deeds that power springs. (E) The health of the people as a state is the foundation on which all their power depends.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that the author does NOT favor which of the following?

(A) Protecting the environment for future use (B) Changing the balance of power between opposing interests in business (C) Intervening in the activity of the free market (D) Making prices reflect costs to everyone in society (E) Causing technological development to cease

19. Which of the following methods is NOT used extensively by the author in describing his own conception of power?

(A) Restatement of central ideas (B) Provision of concrete examples (C) Analysis and classification (D) Comparison and contrast (E) Statement of cause and effect

19. Which of the following narrative strategies best exemplifies the "evidentiary narrative technique" mentioned in line 24?

(A) Telling a story in such a way that the author's real intentions are discernible only through interpretations of allusions to a world outside that of the story (B) Telling a story in such a way that the reader is aware as events unfold of the author's underlying purposes and the ways these purposes conflict with the drama of the plot (C) Telling a story in a way that both directs attention to the incongruities among the points of view of several characters and hints that the plot has a significance other than that suggested by its mere events (D) Telling a story as a mystery in which the reader must deduce, from the conflicting evidence presented by several narrators, the moral and philosophical significance of character and event (E) Telling a story from the author's point of view in a way that implies both the author's and the reader's ironic distance from the dramatic unfolding of events

24. On the basis of the passage, it can be inferred that the author would agree with which of the following statements concerning technological development?

(A) The government should own technological operations. (B) The effect of technological development cannot be controlled. (C) Some technological developments are beneficial. (D) The current state of technological development results in a good allocation of resources. (E) Applications of technological developments are criminally destructive.

19. The passage suggests that the author would regard which of the following areas of inquiry as most likely to reveal the slaves' cultural continuities with Africa?

(A) The means by which Blacks disseminated their folktales in nineteenth-century America (B) Specific regional differences in the styles of delivery used by the slaves in telling folktales (C) The functional meaning of Black folktales in the lives of White children raised by slave (D) The specific way the slaves used folktales to impart moral teaching to their children (E) The complexities of plot that appear most frequently in the slaves' tales

20. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Brown's conclusion?

(A) The oyster gradually closed their shells after high tide in Illinois had passed. (B) The oysters' behavioral rhythms maintained their adaptation to the tide schedule in Illinois throughout thirty days of observation. (C) Sixteen days after they were moved to Illinois, the oysters opened their shells widest when it was high tide in Connecticut. (D) A scientist who brought Maryland oysters to Maine found that the oysters opened their shells widest when it was high tide in Maine. (E) In an experiment similar to Brown's, a scientist was able to establish a clear causal relationship between environmental change and behavioral rhythms.

24. The passage suggests which of the following about the Hawaiian Islands, the Austral Ridge, and the Tuamotu Ridge?

(A) The three chains of islands are moving eastward. (B) All the islands in the three chains have stopped moving. (C) The three island chains are a result of the same plate movement. (D) The Hawaiian Islands are receding from the other two island chains at a relatively rapid rate. (E) The Austral Ridge and the Tuamotu Ridge chains have moved closer together whereas the Hawaiian Islands have remained stationary.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about schools?

(A) They should present political information according to carefully planned, schematic arrangements. (B) They themselves constitute part of a general sociopolitical system that adolescents are learning to understand. (C) If they were to introduce political subject matter in the primary grades, students would understand current political realities at an earlier age. (D) They are ineffectual to the degree that they disregard adolescents' political naiveté. (E) Because they are subsidiary to government their contribution to the political understanding of adolescent must be limited.

19. The passage suggests that scholars in criminal justice could be criticized for which of the following?

(A) Underestimating the seriousness of juvenile crime (B) Rationalizing the distinction made between juveniles and adults in the legal system (C) Concerning themselves too little with the prevention of juvenile delinquency (D) Focusing on those whose crimes have involved damage to persons or property (E) Failing to point out injustices in the correctional system

21. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why are projections of the effects of changes in water vapor levels on the climate so inaccurate? (B) What are the steps in the process that takes place as CO2 absorbs long-wavelength radiation? (C) How might our understanding of the greenhouse effect be improved if the burning of fossil fuels were decreased? (D) What might cause a series of regular increases and decreases in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? (E) Why are there fewer meteorological recording stations in the Southern Hemisphere oceanic zone than elsewhere?

27. All of the following can be found in the author's discussion of climate EXCEPT

(A) a statement about the effects of increased volcanic activity on the Earth's temperatures (B) an indication of the effect of an increase in water vapor in the atmosphere (C) a contrast between two theories about the effects of a lowering of CO2 levels in the atmosphere (D) a generalization about the efficiency of meteorological recording stations (E) a hypothesis about the relationship between atmospheric gases and changes in climate

25. The passage suggests that photographers such as Walker Evans prefer old-fashioned techniques and equipment because these photographers

(A) admire instruments of fast seeing (B) need to feel armed by technology (C) strive for intense formal beauty in their photographs (D) like the discipline that comes from self-imposed limitations (E) dislike the dependence of photographic effectiveness on the powers of a machine

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) alert readers to the existence of HDR's as an available energy source (B) document the challengers that have been surmounted in the effort to recover energy from HDR's (C) warn the users of coal and oil that HDR's are not an economically feasible alternative (D) encourage the use of new techniques for the recovery of energy from underground hot water and steam (E) urge consumers to demand quicker development of HDR resources for the production of energy

23. The author assumes that, in determining what would be an optimal allocation of resources, it would be possible to

(A) assign monetary value to all damage resulting from the use of technology (B) combine legal methods to yield the theoretical optimum (C) convince buyers to bear the burden of damage from technological developments (D) predict the costs of new technological developments (E) derive an equation making costs depend on prices

23. The passage suggests that a large decrease in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would result in

(A) at least a slight decrease in global temperatures (B) at the most a slight increase in short-wavelength radiation reaching the Earth (C) a slight long-term increase in global temperatures (D) a large long-term increase in the amount of volcanic activity (E) a slight short-term increase in atmosphere water vapor content

21. According to the passage, hot spots differ from most volcanoes in that hot spots

(A) can only be found near islands (B) are active whereas all other volcanoes are extinct (C) are situated closer to the earth's surface (D) can be found along the edges of the plates (E) have greater amounts of alkali metals in their lavas

17. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) demonstrating the usefulness of ethology in discovering the behavioral limits within which humans operate (B) objecting to the degradation of humanity implicit in the ethologists equation of humans and animals (C) pointing out the dangers inherent in comparing highly dissimilar species, such as humans and cormorants, rather than similar ones, such as humans and apes (D) refuting the idea that the appeasement rituals in human cultural behavior can be profitably subjected to ethological analysis (E) arguing that the ethologists' assumption that human behavior can be straightforwardly compared with animal behavior is invalid

20. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) describe the way in which hot spots influence the extinction of volcanoes (B) describe and explain the formation of the oceans and continents (C) explain how to estimate the age of lava flows from extinct volcanoes (D) describe hot spots and explain how they appear to influence and record the motion of plates (E) describe the formation and orientation of island chains in the Pacific Ocean

27. According to the passage, before the recent experiments described in the passage were completed, scientists could

(A) determine temperatures only for Pleistocene seas (B) determine temperatures that occurred during Pleistocene glacial cycles only by examining fossil remains (C) measure changes in temperatures that occurred during Pleistocene glacial cycles with only questionable accuracy (D) only partially identify factors tending to lower Pleistocene temperatures (E) accurately determine temperatures only for land masses affected by glaciation

25. The passage suggests that the 18O/16O ratio could be used more successfully as a means of measurement if scientists were able to

(A) determine the 18O/16O ratio in living animals as well as in fossil remains (B) locate a greater number of calcareous fossils from the Pleistocene glacial and interglacial cycles (C) locate the factors other than temperature fluctuations and isotopic changes in seawater that affect the 18O/16O ratio (D) arrive at more exact determinations of which amino acids are found in the proteins of living organisms (E) isolate the relative effects of temperature fluctuations and isotopic changes in seawater on 18O/16O ratios

22. According to the passage, states of power are transient because of the

(A) differing natures and directions of the forces that create them (B) rigid structural framework in which they operate (C) unique source from which they emanate (D) pervasive nature and complexity of the mechanisms by which they operate (E) concatenation that seeks to arrest their movement

17. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) discovering methods of eliminating harmful microorganisms without subsequently generating drug-resistant bacteria (B) explaining reasons for congressional inaction on the regulation of gene transplant experiments (C) describing a problematic agricultural practice and its serious genetic consequences (D) verifying the therapeutic ineffectiveness of anti-infective drugs (E) evaluating recently proposed restrictions intended to promote the growth of meat animals

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that those in favor of stiffening the restrictions on gene transplant research should logically also

(A) encourage experiments with any plasmids except those bearing genes for antibiotic resistance (B) question the addition of anti-infective drugs to livestock feeds (C) resist the use of penicillin and tetracyclines to kill microorganisms (D) agree to the development of meatier livestock through the use of antibiotics (E) favor congressional debate and discussion of all science and health issues

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes the conflict among social forces to be

(A) essentially the same from one society to another even though its outward manifestation may seem different (B) usually the result of misunderstandings that impede social progress (C) an inevitable feature of the social order of any state (D) wrongly blamed for disrupting the stability of society (E) best moderated in states that possess a strong central government

22. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) establishing new technical standards for contemporary photography (B) analyzing the influence of photographic ideals on picture-taking (C) tracing the development of camera technology in the twentieth century (D) describing how photographers' individual temperaments are reflected in their work (E) explaining how the technical limitations imposed by certain photographers on themselves affect their work

22. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) explaining the effects that the burning of fossil fuels might have on climate (B) illustrating the effects of CO2 on atmospheric radiation (C) discussing effects that changes in the CO2 level in the atmosphere might have on climate (D) challenging hypotheses about the effects of water vapor and CO2 on climate (E) refuting hypotheses by climatologists about the causes of global temperature fluctuations

22. The author would be most likely to agree that poets tend to produce better poems when they

(A) express a love of nature (B) declaim noble emotions (C) avoid technical questions about style (D) emulate the best work of their predecessors (E) write from personal experience

17. The author claims that most studies of folktales told by Afro-American slaves are inadequate because the studies

(A) fail to recognize any possible Euro-American influence on the folktales (B) do not pay enough attention to the features of a folktale that best reveal an African influence (C) overestimate the number of folktales brought from Africa by the slaves (D) do not consider the fact that a folktale can be changed as it is retold many times (E) oversimplify the diverse and complex traditions of the slaves ancestral homeland

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the authors believe traditional stereotypes of women to be

(A) frequently challenged (B) persistently inexplicable (C) potentially harmful (D) rapidly changing (E) habitually disregarded

26. The author's argument that hot spots can be used to reconstruct the movement of continental plates is weakened by the fact that

(A) hot spots are never found at the boundaries of plates (B) only extinct volcanoes remain after a plate moves over a hot spot (C) lava flow patterns for all hot spots have not been shown to be the same (D) the immobility or near immobility of hot spots has not been conclusively proven (E) the changing configurations of islands make pinpointing the locations of hot spots difficult

24. The author mentions the work of Harold Edgerton in order to provide an example of

(A) how a controlled ambivalence toward photography's means can produce outstanding pictures (B) how the content of photographs has changed from the nineteenth century to the twentieth (C) the popularity of high-speed photography in the twentieth century (D) the relationship between photographic originality and technology (E) the primacy of formal beauty over emotional content

24. The tone of the author's discussion of the difference in the language used by morphologists and that used by molecular biologists is one of

(A) indifference (B) neutrality (C) derision (D) approbation (E) indignation

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the study of the effects of genes on morphogenesis is best accomplished by observing

(A) intact developing embryos (B) adult sea urchins (C) isolated living cells (D) groups of genetically mutated cells (E) cells from the same kink of tissue

17. All of the following could be considered examples of exogenous influences on an organism EXCEPT the influence of the

(A) level of a hormone on a field mouse's readiness for mating (B) temperature of a region on a bear's hibernation (C) salt level of a river on a fish's migration (D) humidity of an area on a cat's shedding of its fur (E) proximity of an owl on a lizard's searching for food

22. According to the passage, it is difficult to study cells in most intact embryos because

(A) morphogenetic events cannot be isolated (B) embryos die quickly (C) embryos are difficult to obtain (D) individual cells reaggregate too quickly (E) individual cells are difficult to see

17. The passage is primarily concerned with describing

(A) objectives and legal method for directing technological development (B) technical approaches to the problem of controlling market activity (C) economic procedures for facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers (D) reasons for slowing the technological development in light of environmentalist objections (E) technological innovations making it possible to achieve optimum allocation of resources

17. The author's primary purpose is to

(A) outline a procedure and discuss possible applications (B) evaluate an experiment in terms of its applicability to medical research (C) propose a method for curing specific genetic disorders (D) explain a problem and suggest a solution for it (E) reveal the shortcomings of several attitudes toward genetic research

24. The passage indicates that one reason why the expansion hypothesis has attracted little support is that it will not

(A) overcome deficiencies in current geologic hypotheses (B) clarify theories concerning the Earth's gravitational forces (C) complement the theory of continental drift (D) accommodate relevant theories from the field of physics (E) withstand criticism from scientists outside the field of geology

22. The passage would be most likely to appear in a

(A) petrological research report focused on the history of temperature-depth records in the United States (B) congressional report urging the conservation of oil and natural gas reserves in the United States (C) technical journal article concerned with the recoverability of newly identified energy sources (D) consumer report describing the extent and accessibility of remaining coal resources (E) pamphlet designed to introduce homeowners to the advantages of HDR space-heating systems

25. The final acceptance of a drift theory could best be used to support the argument that

(A) physicists are reluctant to communicate with other scientists (B) improbable hypotheses usually turn out to be valid (C) there should be cooperation between different fields of science (D) there is a need for governmental control of scientific research (E) scientific theories are often proved by accident

24. It can be inferred from the passage that the availability of temperature-depth records for any specific area in the United States depends primarily on the

(A) possibility that HDR's may be found in that area (B) existence of previous attempts to obtain oil or gas in that area (C) history of successful hot water or steam recovery efforts in that area (D) failure of inhabitants to conserve oil gas reserves in that area (E) use of coal as a substitute for oil or gas in that area

20. The author quotes Sterling Brown in lines 53-56 in order to

(A) present an interpretation of some black poets that contradicts the author's own assertion about their acceptance of various poetic styles (B) introduce a distinction between Black poets who used dialect and White poets who did not (C) disprove James Weldon Johnson's claim that race is what "the Negro poet knows best" (D) suggest what were the effects of some Black poets' decision not to write only about racial subjects (E) prove that Black poets at the turn of the century wrote less conventionally than did their White counterparts

21. According to the passage, interest among photographers in each of photography's two ideals can be described as

(A) rapidly changing (B) cyclically recurring (C) steadily growing (D) unimportant to the viewers of photographs (E) unrelated to changes in technology

25. According to the passage, in all HDR recovery systems fluid will be necessary in order to allow

(A) sufficient permeability (B) artificial stimulation (C) drilling of holes (D) construction of reservoirs (E) transfer of heat

22. Which of the following could best be considered a twentieth-century counterpart of an eighteenth century literary salon as it is described in the passage?

(A) A social sorority (B) A community center (C) A lecture course on art (D) A humanities study group (E) An association of moral reformers

23. The argumentation in the passage turns importantly on the question of what should be the proper relation between

(A) "liberal capitalism" (line 2) and "bourgeois society" (lines 20-21) (B) "reward" (line 8) and "recompense" (line 17) (C) "sensitivity" (line 15) and "the ability to express compassion" (lines 15-16) (D) "distribution of material goods" (lines 17-18) and "redistribution of wealth" (lines 4-5) (E) "social goods" (line 37) and "material goods" (line 41)

19. The author states that which of the following generally has a crystal structure similar to that of diamond?

(A) Lamproite (B) Kimberlite (C) Olivine (D) Pyroxene (E) Garnet

17. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward Gaskell's use of the method of documentary record in Mary Barton?

(A) Uncritical enthusiasm (B) Unresolved ambivalence (C) Qualified approval (D) Resigned acceptance (E) Mild irritation

27. The author's style can best be described as

(A) dramatic (B) archaic (C) esoteric (D) objective (E) humanistic

17. The primary purpose of this passage is to

(A) summarize an argument (B) resolve a dispute (C) trace a word's origin (D) prove a hypothesis (E) initiate a debate

18. The author considers the Marxist sociologist's thesis about the origins of racial prejudice to be

(A) unoriginal (B) unpersuasive (C) offensive (D) obscure (E) speculative

27. Which of the following best describes the content of the passage?

(A) A critique of A. N. Wilson as a biographer (B) An evaluation of the significance of several works by C. S. Lewis (C) An appraisal of a biography by A. N. Wilson (D) A ranking of the elements necessary for a well-structured biography (E) A proposal for evaluating the literary merits of the works of C. S. Lewis

18. Which of the following drugs, if developed, would most likely be an example of the kind of drug mentioned in line 53?

(A) A drug that stimulates the production of VLDL remnants (B) A drug that stimulates the production of LDL receptors on the liver (C) A drug that stimulates the production of an enzyme needed for cholesterol production (D) A drug that suppresses the production of body cells that use cholesterol (E) A drug that prevents triglycerides from attaching to VLDL's

22. Which of the following would create visual effects most similar to those discussed in lines 43-48?

(A) A watercolor in which colors are applied imprecisely to outlined shapes (B) A painting in which different shades of the same color are used to obscure the boundaries between objects (C) A black-and-white sketch in which shading is used to convey a sense of depth (D) An advertisement in which key words are at the same level of brightness as a background of contrasting color (E) A design in which two different shades of gray are juxtaposed to heighten the contrast between them

19. According to the passage, which of the following is characteristic of enzymatic glycosylation of proteins?

(A) AGE's are formed after a period of months or years. (B) Proteins affected by the process are made unstable. (C) Glucose attachment impairs and stiffens tissues. (D) Glucose is attached to proteins for specific purposes. (E) Amino groups combine with aldehyde groups to form Schiff bases.

19. The passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

(A) Art speaks to the passions as well as to the intellect. (B) Most works of art express unconscious wishes or desires. (C) The best art is accessible to the greatest number of people. (D) The art produced in the last few decades is of inferior quality. (E) The meaning of art is a function of the social conditions in which it was produced.

22. It can be inferred from the passage that all of the following are literary detectives who have tried, by means of either scholarship or criticism, to help solve the "great puzzle" mentioned in lines 1-2 EXCEPT:

(A) Bardeche (B) Bonnet (C) Fallois (D) Kolb (E) Vallette

19. According to the passage, which of the following statements best describes the relationship between carbon dioxide and global temperature?

(A) Carbon dioxide levels change immediately in response to changes in temperature. (B) Carbon dioxide levels correlate with global temperature during cooling periods only. (C) Once carbon dioxide levels increase, they remain high regardless of changes in global temperature. (D) Carbon dioxide levels increase more quickly than global temperature does. (E) During cooling periods, carbon dioxide levels initially remain high and then decline.

18. Which of the following is a social science discipline that the author mentions as being possibly overutilized?

(A) Conventional theories of social change (B) Game theory (C) Decision-making theory (D) Economic theories of international alliances (E) Systems analysis

22. According to the passage, Darley found that after seven months of kindergarten six year olds acquired which of the following abilities?

(A) Differentiating between foreseeable and unforeseeable harm (B) Identifying with the perpetrator of a harmful action (C) Justifying harmful actions that result from provocation (D) Evaluating the magnitude of negative consequences resulting from the breaking of rules (E) Recognizing the difference between moral absolutism and moral autonomy

26. The author states that there is evidence to support which of the following assertions?

(A) Estimates of global temperature that rely on measurements of deuterium in ice deposited at the poles are more reliable than those based on the amount of carbon dioxide contained in air bubbles beneath the polar surface. (B) The amount of deuterium in the Earth's atmosphere tends to increase as global temperature decreases. (C) Periods of postglacial warming are characterized by the presence of increased levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. (D) Increases in global temperature over the last 160,000 years are largely the result of increases in the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere. (E) Increases in global temperature over the last 160,000 years have been accompanied by decreases in the amount of deuterium in the ice deposited at the poles.

22. The passage suggests that when the methane concentration in the Earth's atmosphere decreases, which of the following also happens?

(A) Glaciers melt faster. (B) The concentration of carbon dioxide increases. (C) The mean global temperature decreases. (D) Carbon dioxide absorbs more radiant beat. (E) More clouds form in the Earth's atmosphere.

23. Which of the following statements about the use of comedy in Hardy's novels is best supported by the passage?

(A) Hardy's use of comedy in his novels tended to weaken his literary style. (B) Hardy's use of comedy in his novels was inspired by his natural sympathy. (C) Comedy appeared less frequently in Hardy's novels than did tragedy. (D) Comedy played an important role in Hardy's novels though that comedy was usually in the form of farce. (E) Comedy played a secondary role in Hardy's more controlled novels only.

19. According to the passage, the War of Independence was embarrassing to some Americans for which of the following reasons? I. It involved a struggle for many of the same liberties that Americans were denying to others. II. It involved a struggle for independence from the very nation that had founded the colonies. III. It involved a struggle based on inconsistencies in the participants' conceptions of freedom.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

25. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would result fairly immediately from the cessation of the winds of an El Nino? I. Negative Rossby waves would cease to be generated in the eastern Pacific. II. The sea level in the eastern Pacific would fall. III. The surface water in the eastern Pacific would again be cooled by being mixed with deep water.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the differences between the behavior of anionic electrons and normal anions result from which of the following features of electrons, as compared to normal anions? I. The much lower mass of electrons II. The much greater tendency of electrons to interact with one another over large distances III. The much greater likelihood of electrons to remain trapped in naturally formed anionic cavities

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) II and III only

25. The passage suggests which of the following about Virginia Woolf's work? I. Nonfeminist criticism of it has been flawed. II. Critics have treated it as part of modernism. III. It is based on the work of late-eighteenth-century women writers.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II and III

23. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the genetic information of Daphniae? I. There is probably some degree of redundancy in the information controlling neural development. II. Most of the information for neural development stored in the genes is used to specify the positions of the optic neurons. III. There is sufficient information to preclude the occurrence of gross mistakes during neural development.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) II and III only

27. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument concerning the debt of the acto to the theater traditions of other periods and regions?

(A) Many popular forms of theater rely heavily on improvisation. (B) Plays resembling the acto in structure were written in the 1970's by West African playwrights who are interested in dramatizing the richness of their own cultures. (C) The use of masks has, at one time or another, been characteristic of the theater traditions of almost all cultures, even those most isolated from outside influences. (D) During a strike, it is common for union members to present musical skits dramatizing the values of solidarity and resistance. (E) Before 1965 Luis Valdez had attended many performances of traditional Mexican theater groups touring the western United States.

20. The passage suggests which of the following about the eggs laid by worker bees?

(A) One of the eggs hatches into the next queen. (B) The eggs are invariably destroyed by other worker bees. (C) Each worker tries to hide her eggs from the other worker bees. (D) The eggs hatch only if the worker has mated with a drone from another hive. (E) The eggs are less likely to be harmed by other workers if the queen is dead.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the followings is true about Asterionella plants in Lake Windermere?

(A) They are not present except in early spring. (B) They contribute silica to the waters as they grow. (C) They are food for other organisms. (D) They form a silica-rich layer on the lake bottom. (E) Their growth peaks in the spring.

27. All of the following statements about the development of Islamic law are implied in the passage EXCEPT:

(A) Pre-Islamic legal principles were incorporated into Islamic law with widely differing degrees of change. (B) Diverse legal elements were joined together through the application of a purely religious criterion. (C) Although some of the sources of Islamic law were pagan, its integrity as a sacred law was not compromised by their incorporation. (D) There was a fundamental shared characteristic in all pre-Islamic legal matter taken over by Islamic law. (E) Although Islam emerged among the Arabs, Islamic law was influenced by ethnically diverse elements.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the claim that the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on an ovule-bearing pine cone is an adaptation to wind pollination would be more convincing if which of the following were true?

(A) Such an arrangement occurred only in wind-pollinated plants. (B) Such an arrangement occurred in vascular plants as a whole. (C) Such an arrangement could be shown to be beneficial to pollen release. (D) The number of bracts could be shown to have increased over time. (E) The airflow patterns over the cone's surfaces could be shown to be produced by such arrangements.

19. It can be inferred from the passage that, before the Industrial Revolution, the majority of women's work was done in which of the following settings?

(A) Textile mills (B) Private households (C) Offices (D) Factories (E) Small shops

22. The passage suggests that which of the following would be LEAST important in determining whether nonenzymatic glycosylation is likely to have taken place in the proteins of a particular tissue?

(A) The likelihood that the tissue has been exposed to free glucose (B) The color and spectrographic properties of structures within the tissue (C) The amount of time that the proteins in the tissue have persisted in the body (D) The number of amino groups within the proteins in the tissue (E) The degree of elasticity that the tissue exhibits

24. The author mentions which of the following as a characteristic of the practice of psychohistorians?

(A) The lives of historical figures are presented in episodic rather than narrative form. (B) Archives used by psychohistorians to gather material are not accessible to other scholars. (C) Past and current events are all placed within the same deterministic schema. (D) Events in the adult life of a historical figure are seen to be more consequential than are those in the childhood of the figure. (E) Analysis is focused on group behavior rather than on particular events in an individual's life.

19. Which of the following, best describes the organization of the second paragraph?

(A) The thesis of the passage is stated and supporting evidence systematically presented. (B) Two views regarding the thesis presented in the first paragraph are compared and contrasted. (C) Evidence refuting the thesis presented in the first paragraph is systematically presented. (D) The thesis presented in the first paragraph is systematically supported. (E) The thesis presented in the first paragraph is further defined and a conclusion drawn.

18. Given the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true of modern nation-states?

(A) They are complex. (B) They are heterogeneous. (C) They are of interest to social scientists. (D) They lack cultural norms. (E) They differ from one another in terms of national character.

27. With which of the following statements regarding electrides would the author most likely agree?

(A) They have proven themselves to be of great commercial value. (B) Their future commercial value is promising but uncertain. (C) They are interesting but of no practical value. (D) They have commercial value mainly in solar-energy applications. (E) Their principal importance will lie in scientific research.

21. The passage supplies information to suggest that its author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the novelists Flaubert and James?

(A) They indulged more impulses in their novels than did Hardy in his novels. (B) They have elicited a greater degree of favorable response from most literary critics than has Hardy. (C) In the writing of their novels, they often took pains to effect a compromise among their various novelistic impulses. (D) Regarding novelistic construction, they cared more about the opinions of other novelists than about the opinions of ordinary readers. (E) They wrote novels in which the impulse toward realism and the impulse away from realism were evident in equal measure.

20. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why does successful long-distance dispersal of plant seeds require an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area? (B) Why are more varieties of plant seeds adapted to external rather than to internal bird transport? (C) What varieties of plant seeds are birds that fly long distances most likely to swallow? (D) What is a reason for accepting the long-distance dispersal of plant seeds as an explanation for the origin of Hawaiian flora? (E) What evidence do biologists cite to argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii?

21. The author considers a new theory that coherently relates diverse phenomena to one another to be the

(A) basis for reaffirming a well-established scientific formulation (B) byproduct of an aesthetic experience (C) tool used by a scientist to discover a new particular (D) synthesis underlying a great work of art (E) result of highly creative scientific activity

18. It can be inferred that researchers abandoned the presynaptic hypothesis because

(A) a new and more attractive hypothesis was suggested (B) no research was reported that supported the hypothesis (C) research results provided evidence to counter the hypothesis (D) the hypothesis was supported only by studies of animals and not by studies of human beings (E) the level of technical expertise in the field of brain research did not permit adequate testing of the hypothesis

18. The passage suggests that the principal effect of the state action limitation was to

(A) allow some discriminatory practices to continue unimpeded by the Fourteenth Amendment (B) influence the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v, Board of Education (C) provide expanded guidelines describing prohibited actions (D) prohibit states from enacting laws that violated the intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (E) shift to state governments the responsibility for enforcement of laws prohibiting discriminatory practices

23. The author quotes from Bayley (line 8-20) to show that

(A) although Tolstoi observes and interprets life, he maintains no self-conscious distance from his experience (B) the realism of Tolstoi's work gives the illusion that his novels are reports of actual events (C) unfortunately, Tolstoi is unaware of his own limitation, though he is sincere in his attempt to describe experience (D) although Tolstoi works casually and makes unwarranted assumption, his work has an inexplicable appearance of truth (E) Tolstoi's personal perspective makes his work almost unintelligible to the majority of his readers

22. It can be inferred from the passage that a vehicle specifically designed to use methanol for fuel would

(A) be somewhat lighter in total body weight than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline (B) be more expensive to operate than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline (C) have a larger and more powerful engine than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline (D) have a larger and heavier fuel tank than a "gasoline clone" vehicle fueled with methanol (E) average more miles per gallon than a "gasoline clone" vehicle fueled with methanol

20. It can be inferred from the passage that a major disadvantage of photographic imaging in geologic mapping is that such photography

(A) cannot be used at night (B) cannot focus on the details of a geologic area (C) must be chemically processed (D) is always enhanced by digital reconstruction (E) cannot reflect changes over extended periods of time

24. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) comparing the works of three Black American authors (B) describing common themes in Black American literature (C) discussing an important work in Black American literature (D) providing insights about Black American literature in the early twentieth century (E) providing historical information about the writing of Black American novels in the second half the twentieth century

23. The author's attitude toward early researchers' reasoning concerning the implications of similarities in the structures of serotonin and LSD molecules can best be described as one of

(A) complete agreement (B) reluctant support (C) subtle condescension (D) irreverent dismissal (E) strong opposition

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) countering a flawed argument that dismisses a possible solution to a problem (B) reconciling contradictory points of view about the nature of a problem (C) identifying the strengths of possible solutions to a problem (D) discussing a problem and arguing in favor of one solution to it (E) outlining a plan of action to solve a problem and discussing the obstacles blocking that plan

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with presenting

(A) criticisms of Quine's views on the proper conceptualization of empiricism (B) evidence to support Quine's claims about the problems inherent in classical empiricism (C) an account of Quine's counterproposal to one of the traditional assumptions of classical empiricism (D) an overview of classical empiricism and its contributions to Quine's alternate understanding of empiricism (E) a history of classical empiricism and Quine's reservations about it

22. The author of the passage mentions all of the following as describing negative conditions in the meat-packing industry EXCEPT:

(A) data from the University of Chicago (B) a recent history of the meat-packing industry (C) social workers (D) historical sources for the late nineteenth century (E) government records

23. According to the passage, one of the reasons for the deficiencies of the "early classification of Alpine glaciation" (lines 32-33) is that it was

(A) derived from evidence that was only tangentially related to times of actual glaciation (B) based primarily on fossil remains rather than on actual living organisms (C) an abstract, imaginative scheme of how the period might have been structured (D) based on unmethodical examinations of randomly chosen glacial biological remains (E) derived from evidence that had been haphazardly gathered from glacial deposits and inaccurately evaluated

18. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) describe a previously unknown natural phenomenon (B) reconstruct the evolution of a natural phenomenon (C) establish unequivocally the accuracy of a hypothesis (D) survey explanations for a natural phenomenon and determine which is best supported by evidence (E) entertain criticism of the author's research and provide an effective response

21. The author of the passage focuses primarily on

(A) discussing a series of modern archaeological finds and their impact on the study of Greek literature (B) recounting the effect of one archaeological find on modern ideas concerning a particular author's work (C) giving a definitive and coherent account of the chronology of a particular author's work (D) illustrating the many varieties of difficulties involved in establishing facts concerning ancient literature (E) determining the exact value of archaeological finds in relation to the history of ancient literature

20. The author's attitude toward the new theory of spiral-galaxy structure can best be described as

(A) euphoric (B) enthusiastic (C) concerned (D) critical (E) disputatious

23. The author of the passage believes that Black Fiction would have been improved had Rosenblatt

(A) evaluated more carefully the ideological and historical aspects of Black fiction (B) attempted to be more objective in his approach to novels and stories by Black authors (C) explored in greater detail the recurrent thematic concerns of Black fiction throughout its history (D) established a basis for placing Black fiction within its own unique literary tradition (E) assessed the relative literary merit of the novels he analyzes thematically

17. The main idea of the passage is that

(A) migration over land requires a simpler explanation than migration over water does (B) the means by which animals migrate over water are complex and only partly understood (C) the ability of migrant animals to keep track of time is related to their magnetic sense (D) knowledge of geographic location is essential to migrants with little or no compass sense (E) explanations of how animals migrate tend to replace, rather than build on, one another

25. The author quotes from The Nation most probably in order to

(A) modify an earlier assertion (B) point out a possible exception to her argument (C) illustrate her central point (D) clarify the meaning of a term (E) cite an expert opinion

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the "first theories" of grazer control mentioned in line 4 would have been more convincing if researchers had been able to

(A) observe high phytoplankton numbers under natural lake conditions (B) discover negative correlations between algae and zooplankton numbers from their field research (C) understand the central importance of environmental factors in controlling the growth rates of phytoplankton (D) make verifiable correlations of cause and effect between zooplankton and phytoplankton numbers (E) invent laboratory techniques that would have allowed them to bypass their field research concerning grazer control

26. It can be inferred that the primary purpose of the models included in the study discussed in the second paragraph of the passage was to

(A) predict future changes in the world's climate (B) predict the effects of cloud systems on the world's climate (C) find a way to prevent a disastrous planetwide temperature increase (D) assess the percentage of the Earth's surface covered by cloud systems (E) estimate by how much the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere will increase

18. According to the passage, despite the United States armed forces' commitment to occupational equality for women in the military, certain other factors preclude women's

(A) receiving equal pay for equal work (B) having access to positions of responsibility at most levels (C) drawing assignments from a wider range of assignments than before (D) benefiting from opportunities arising from new noncombat functions (E) being assigned all of the military tasks that are assigned to men

23. In the fourth paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) restating the main idea of the passage (B) using research findings to develop a simulation model (C) outlining the direction of future reserves (D) providing an additional example of a phenomenon (E) introducing a conflicting hypothesis

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would most likely describe the "additional evidence" (line 12) provided by experiments with adrenergic antagonists as

(A) revolutionary (B) disappointing (C) incomplete (D) unexpected (E) corroborative

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the author regards current knowledge about heat and moisture transfer from the ocean to air as

(A) revolutionary (B) inconsequential (C) outdated (D) derivative (E) incomplete

26. The author of the passage uses all of the following in the discussion of Rosenblatt's book EXCEPT

(A) rhetorical questions (B) specific examples (C) comparison and contrast (D) definition of terms (E) personal opinion

24. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) summarizing the findings of an investigation (B) analyzing a method of argument (C) evaluating a point of view (D) hypothesizing about a set of circumstances (E) establishing categories

22. The passage provides information about each of the following topics EXCEPT:

(A) the principal method of geologic remote sensing prior to the mid-1960's (B) some of the phenomena measured by digital multi-spectral images in remote sensing (C) some of the practical uses of regional geologic maps (D) the kinds of problems that are difficult to solve solely through conventional methods of geologic mapping (E) the specific limitations of the Landsat multi-spectral scanner

26. According to the passage, the two antithetical ideals of photography differ primarily in the

(A) value that each places on the beauty of the finished product (B) emphasis that each places on the emotional impact of the finished product (C) degree of technical knowledge that each requires of the photographer (D) extent of the power that each requires of the photographer's equipment (E) way in which each defines the role of the photographer

27. The author uses the example of the early models of high-speed railroad cars primarily to

(A) weaken the argument that modern engineering systems have major defects because of an absence of design courses in engineering curricula (B) support the thesis that the number of errors in modern engineering systems is likely to increase (C) illustrate the idea that courses in design are the most effective means for reducing the cost of designing engineering systems (D) support the contention that a lack of attention to the nonscientific aspects of design results in poor conceptualization by engineers (E) weaken the proposition that mathematics is a necessary part of the study of design

18. The author uses the examples of "three upbeat movies and two musical comedies" (lines 9-10) primarily in order to demonstrate that

(A) well-written novels like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, regardless of their tone or theme, can be translated to the stage and screen (B) the American public has traditionally been more interested in watching plays and movies than in reading novels like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (C) Twain's overall message in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is one that had a profound impact on the American public (D) Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court has been a more popular version of the Arthurian legends than has Malory's Morte d' Arthur (E) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court has been accepted as an enjoyable and humorous tale in versions that have omitted the anarchy at the novel's conclusion

22. The passage implies that the attitudes toward Native Americans that prevailed in the Southern colonies

(A) were in conflict with the cosmopolitan outlook of the South (B) derived from Southerners' strong interest in the law (C) were modeled after those that prevailed in the North (D) differed from those that prevailed in the Puritan colonies (E) developed as a response to attitudes that prevailed in Massachusetts and Connecticut

23. It can be inferred from the passage that before 1910 the normal running time of a film was

(A) 15 minutes or less (B) between 15 and 30 minutes (C) between 30 and 45 minutes (D) between 45 minutes and 1 hour (E) 1 hour or more

18. Which of the following is most analogous to the relationship between the African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution and the American revolutionaries, as that relationship is described in the passage?

(A) A brilliant pupil of a great musician rebels against the teacher, but adopts the teacher's musical style after the teacher's unexpected death. (B) Two warring rulers finally make peace after a lifetime of strife when they realize that they have been duped by a common enemy. (C) A child who has sided with a domineering parent against a defiant sibling later makes demands of the parent similar to those once made by the sibling. (D) A writer spends much of her life popularizing the work of her mentor, only to discover late in life that much of the older writer's work is plagiarized from the writings of a foreign contemporary. (E) Two research scientists spend much of their careers working together toward a common goal, but later quarrel over which of them should receive credit for the training of a promising student.

20. According to the first paragraph of the passage, the author considers which of the following to be most helpful in determining the value of special protective labor legislation for women?

(A) A comparative study of patterns of work-related illnesses in states that had such laws and in states that did not (B) An estimate of how many women workers are in favor of such laws (C) An analysis of the cost to employers of complying with such laws (D) A consideration of what intentions the advocates of such laws really had concerning women workers (E) An examination of the actual effects that such laws have had in the past on women workers

20. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers which of the following essential for understanding a revolutionary mobilization?

(A) A comprehensive theory of revolution that can be applied to the major insurrections of the nineteenth century (B) Awareness of the events necessary for a revolution to be successful (C) Access to narratives and memoirs written by eyewitnesses of a given revolution (D) The historical perspective provided by the passage of a considerable amount of time (E) Knowledge of the socioeconomic backgrounds of a revolution's participants

17. Which of the following most accurately describes the passage?

(A) A description of a replicable experiment (B) A summary report of new findings (C) A recommendation for abandoning a difficult area of research (D) A refutation of an earlier hypothesis (E) A confirmation of earlier research

27. In discussing insect and vertebrate societies, the author suggests which of the following?

(A) A distinguishing characteristic of most insect and vertebrate societies is a well-marked division of labor. (B) The caste structure of insect societies is similar to that of vertebrate societies. (C) Most insect and vertebrate societies form cooperative groups in order to occupy territory. (D) The means of communication among members of insect societies is similar to that among members of vertebrate societies. (E) There are significant structural differences between insect and vertebrate societies.

17. The passage focuses primarily on which of the following?

(A) A general tendency in twentieth-century art (B) The work of a particular artist (C) The artistic influences on women sculptors (D) Critical responses to twentieth-century sculpture (E) Materials used by twentieth-century sculptors

23. Which of the following best describes the organization of the second paragraph?

(A) A hypothesis is explained and counter evidence is described. (B) A theory is advanced and specific evidence supporting it is cited. (C) Field observations are described and a conclusion about their significance is drawn. (D) Two theories are explained and evidence supporting each of them is detailed. (E) An explanation of a general principle is stated and specific examples of its operation are given.

24. Which of the following is an example of the type of organism described in lines 2-5?

(A) A kind of ant that feeds on the sweet juice exuded by the twigs of a species of thorn tree that grows in dry areas. (B) A kind of fish that, after growing to maturity in the ocean, returns to fresh water. (C) A kind of flower that has markings distinctly perceptible in ultraviolet light to the species of bee that pollinates the flower. (D) A kind of tree with seeds that germinate readily only in a sunny spot and then develop into mature trees that shade the area below them. (E) A kind of butterfly, itself nonpoisonous, with the same markings as a kind of butterfly that birds refuse to eat because it is poisonous.

23. Which of the following experimental results, if observed, would most clearly contradict the findings of Victor Emmel?

(A) A left cutterlike claw is removed in the fifth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side. (B) A left cutterlike claw is removed in the fourth stage and a crusher claw develops on the left side. (C) A left cutterlike claw is removed in the sixth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side. (D) Both cutterlike claws are removed in the fifth stage and a crusher claw develops on the left side. (E) Both cutterlike claws are removed in the fourth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side.

19. Which of the following describes a situation most analogous to the situation discussed in lines 9-13?

(A) A mathematician can only solve problems the solution of which can be deduced from known axiom. (B) An animal can respond to no command that is more complicated syntactically than any it has previously received. (C) A viewer who has not learned, at least intuitively, the conventions of painting, cannot understand perspective in a drawing. (D) A sensitized film will record no detail on a scale that is smaller than the grain of the film. (E) A shadow cast on a screen by an opaque object will have sharp edge only if the light source is small or very distant.

18. According to the passage, which of the following events may have initiated the process that led to the presence on Earth of meteorites from Mars?

(A) A meteorite struck the Earth with tremendous velocity. (B) A meteorite collided with Mars. (C) Approximately 1,000 rocks were ejected from Mars. (D) The orbits of Earth and Mars brought the planets to their closest points. (E) Rocks from a meteorite impact broke free of Earth's gravity.

20. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A method is criticized, and an alternative is suggested. (B) An illustration is examined, and some errors are exposed. (C) An assertion is made, and a procedure is outlined. (D) A series of examples is presented, and a conclusion is drawn. (E) A hypothesis is advanced, and supporting evidence is supplied.

24. According to the passage, which of the following does the Endangered Species Act define as a "critical habitat"?

(A) A natural ecosystem that is threatened by imminent development (B) An industrial or urban area in which wildlife species have almost ceased to live among humans (C) A natural area that is crucial to the survival of a species and thus eligible for federal protection (D) A wilderness area in which the "taking" of wildlife species is permitted rarely and only under strict federal regulation (E) A natural environment that is protected under law because its wildlife has a high economic value

20. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A problem is presented and reasons for its existence are supplied. (B) A controversial view is presented and evidence for its validity is supplied. (C) A hypothesis is presented and possible means of verifying it are suggested. (D) A recent development is described and then analyzed. (E) A dispute is summarized and one side defended.

25. The author provides information concerning newly farmed lands in the United States (lines 11-27) as evidence in direct support of which of the following?

(A) A proposal by Frederick J. Turner that was later disputed by John D. Hicks (B) An elaboration by John D. Hicks of a thesis that formerly had been questioned by Frederick J. Turner (C) The established view that was disputed by those scholars who adopted the thesis of Frederick J. Turner (D) The thesis that important changes occurred in the nature of international trade during the second half of the nineteenth century (E) The view that the American frontier did not become closed during the nineteenth century or soon thereafter

17. Which of the following best describes "head arrangement" as the term is used in line 11?

(A) A published version of a gospel song produced for use by Black singers (B) A gospel song based on a slave spiritual (C) A musical score shared by a gospel singer and a jazz musician (D) An informally written composition intended for use by a gospel singer (E) An improvised performance inspired by the singer's emotions

26. Which of the following persuasive devices is NOT used in the passage?

(A) A sample of an actual speech delivered by an orator (B) The contrast of different points of view (C) The repetition of key ideas and expressions (D) An analogy that seeks to explain logical argument (E) Evaluative or judgmental words

18. According to the author, the Chicano oral experience contributed directly to which of the following characteristics in the work of some Chicano writers?

(A) A sensitivity to and adeptness in using the spoken language (B) A tendency to appear in national rather than regional publications (C) A style reflecting the influence of Spanish language education (D) A reliance on a rather formal style (E) A capacity to appeal to a broad range of audiences

19. Which of the following is the most accurate description of the organization of the passage?

(A) A sequence of observations leading to a prediction (B) A list of inferences drawn from facts stated at the beginning of the passage (C) A series of assertions related to one general subject (D) A statement of the major idea, followed by specific examples (E) A succession of ideas moving from specific to general

21. The author mentions all of the following as characteristic of the "rigidly defined hierarchy" (line 8) of the clown-fish community EXCEPT:

(A) At any time only one female clown fish can be reproductively active (B) The mature clown fish are monogamous (C) The growth of clown fish is synchronized (D) The maximum number of clown fish is fixed (E) There are equal numbers of male juveniles and female juveniles

21. Which of the following would serve as an example of "concomitant structural features" (line 19) that might disadvantage a snail of the rarer form?

(A) A shell and body that are an exact mirror image of a snail of the commoner form (B) A smaller population of the snails of the rarer form (C) A chip or fracture in the shell caused by an object falling on it (D) A pattern on the shell that better camouflages it (E) A smaller shell opening that restricts mobility and ingestion relative to that of a snail of the commoner form

27. According to the passage, which of the following would be the most accurate description of the society envisioned by most Saint-Simonians?

(A) A society in which women were highly regarded for their extensive education (B) A society in which the two genders played complementary roles and had equal status (C) A society in which women did not enter public life (D) A social order in which a body of men and women would rule together on the basis of their spiritual power (E) A social order in which distinctions between male and female would not exist and all would share equally in political power

21. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

(A) A specific case is presented, its details are analyzed, and a conclusion is drawn from it. (B) A discovery is announced, its most significant application is discussed, and possibilities for the future are suggested. (C) A generalization is made, specific situations in which it is applicable are noted, and problems with it are suggested. (D) An observation is made, specifics are provided to support it, and a generalization is derived. (E) A hypothesis is presented, its implications are clarified, and applications of it are discussed.

25. According to information provided by the passage, which of the following stars would astronomers most likely describe as a planetary nebula?

(A) A star that began its life with a mass of 5.5 M⊙, has exhausted its nuclear fuel, and has a core that is visible to astronomers (B) A star that began its life with a mass of 6 M⊙, lost mass at a rate of 1 M⊙ per 10,000 years, and exhausted its nuclear fuel in 40,000 years (C) A star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel, has a mass of 1.2 M⊙, and is surrounded by a circumstellar cloud that obscures its core from view (D) A star that began its life with a mass greater than 6 M⊙, has just recently exhausted its nuclear fuel, and is in the process of releasing massive amounts of gravitational energy (E) A star that began its life with a mass of 5.5 M⊙, has yet to exhaust its nuclear fuel, and exhibits a rate of mass loss similar to that of IRC+10216

22. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

(A) A theory is presented and criticized. (B) A model is described and evaluated. (C) A result is reported and its importance explained. (D) A phenomenon is noted and its significance debated. (E) A hypothesis is introduced and contrary evidence presented.

25. Which of the following best describes the organization of the third paragraph of the passage?

(A) A theory is proposed, considered, and then attended. (B) Opposing views are presented, elaborated, and then reconciled. (C) A problem is described, then a solution is discussed and its effectiveness is affirmed. (D) An argument is advanced, then refuted, and an alternative is suggested. (E) A hypothesis is presented, qualified, and then reaffirmed.

23. Which of the following best describes the organization of the fourth paragraph?

(A) A thesis referred to earlier in the passage is mentioned and illustrated with three specific examples. (B) A thesis is stated and three examples are given each suggesting that a correction needs to be made to a thesis referred to earlier in the passage. (C) A thesis referred to earlier in the passage is mentioned, and three examples are presented and ranked in order of their support of the thesis. (D) A thesis is stated, three seemingly opposing examples are presented, and their underlying correspondence is explained. (E) A thesis is stated, three dissimilar examples are considered, and the thesis is restated.

24. Which of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A universal principle is advanced and then discussed in relation to a particular historical phenomenon. (B) A methodological innovation is suggested and then examples of its efficacy are provided. (C) A traditional interpretation is questioned and then modified to include new data. (D) A general opinion is expressed and then supportive illustrations are advanced. (E) A controversial viewpoint is presented and then both supportive evidence and contradictory evidence are cited.

26. Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin (B) A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit (C) A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price (D) A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill (E) A national park in which the ranger stations are placed so as to be inconspicuous, and yet as easily accessible as possible

26. Based on the description of her works in the passage, which of the following would most likely be a subject for a photograph taken by Gilpin?

(A) A vista of a canyon still untouched by human culture (B) A portrait of a visitor to the West against a desert backdrop (C) A view of historic Native American dwellings carved into the side of a natural cliff (D) A picture of artifacts from the West being transported to the eastern United States for retail sale (E) An abstract pattern created by the shadows of clouds on the desert

18. Which of the following items, if preserved from eighteenth-century England, would provide an example of the kind of documents mentioned in lines 16-17?

(A) A written agreement between a supplier of raw materials and a supplier of luxury goods (B) A diary that mentions luxury goods and services purchased by its author (C) A theater ticket stamped with the date and name of a particular play (D) A payroll record from a company that produced luxury goods such as pottery (E) A newspaper advertisement describing luxury goods and services available at a seaside resort

27. If it were to be determined that "similar phenomena occur in warm-blooded animals" (lines 21-22), which of the following, assuming each is possible, is likely to be the most effective treatment for warm-blooded animals with bacterial infections?

(A) Administering a medication that lowers the animals' body temperature (B) Injecting the animals with an iron solution (C) Administering a medication that makes serum iron unavailable to bacteria (D) Providing the animals with reduced-iron diets (E) Keeping the animals in an environment with temperatures higher than 37℃

27. Which of the following is NOT true of the species of parasitic wasps discussed in the passage?

(A) Adult female wasps are capable of storing sperm. (B) Female wasps lay their eggs in the larvae of other insects. (C) The adult female wasp can be fertilized by a male that was hatched in the same larva as herself. (D) So few male wasps are produced that extinction is almost certain. (E) Male wasps do not emerge from their hosts until they reach sexual maturity.

27. The argument of the passage best supports which of the following contentions concerning judgments of artistic work?

(A) Aesthetic judgments can be influenced by the political beliefs of those making the judgment. (B) Judgments of the value of an artist's work made by his or her contemporaries must be discounted before a true judgment can be made. (C) Modern aesthetic taste is once again moving in the direction of regarding idealistic painting as the most desirable form of painting. (D) In order to be highly regarded, an artist cannot be solely identified with one particular kind of painting. (E) Spontaneity is the most valuable quality a portrait painter can have.

18. In line 9, the phrase "isolated social domain" refers to

(A) African music in relation to contemporary culture as a whole (B) music as it may be perceived in non-African cultures (C) a feature of African music that aided in transmitting African cultural values (D) an aspect of the African cultural legacy (E) the influence of music on contemporary culture

26. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the toll road mentioned in line 12?

(A) After it was built, it attracted too little traffic to pay for its construction. (B) It was partially financed by the state of Virginia. (C) Its development was authorized during an economic boom. (D) Its construction was controversial among local residents. (E) Its developers were discouraged by governmental restrictions on acquiring the necessary land.

23. With which of the following statements regarding the status of Black people in the English colonies of North America before the 1660's would the author be LEAST likely to agree?

(A) Although Black people were not legally considered to be slaves, they were often called slaves. (B) Although subject to some discrimination, Black people had a higher legal status than they did after the 1660's. (C) Although sometimes subject to lifetime servitude, Black people were not legally considered to be slaves. (D) Although often not treated the same as White people, Black people, like many White people, possessed the legal status of servants. (E) Although apparently subject to more discrimination after 1630 than before 1630, Black people from 1620 to the 1660's were legally considered to be servants.

20. which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first sentence of the passage?

(A) Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase, the town's tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area. (B) Although a state passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase. (C) Although a town's citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town's water supplies continue to dwindle because of a steady increase in the total population of the town. (D) Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to the price of imported goods, the sale of imported goods within the country continues to increase. (E) Although a country reduces the speed limit on its national highways, the number of fatalities caused by automobile accidents continues to increase.

17. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Although studies of isogenic organisms have shown that all organisms are subject to developmental variations, there is still scientific debate over the exact causes of these variations. (B) Because of limitations on the amount of information contained in the genes of organisms, developing nervous systems are subject to two basic kinds of error, the likelihood of one of which is reduced only when the likelihood of the other is increased. (C) The complexity of an organism's genetic information means that much of the unusual variation that occurs among organisms can best be explained as the result of developmental mistakes. (D) New findings about the nature of the genetic control of neural development support the work of some scientists who argue that the computer is an extremely useful model for understanding the nervous system. (E) The major discovery made by scientists studying the genetic control of neural development is that both imprecision and gross developmental error can be traced to specific types of mutations in specific genes.

20. The passage suggests that the author would most probably agree with which of the following assessments of the results of the Space Lab experiment?

(A) Although the results of the experiment are impressive, the experiment was too limited in scope to allow for definitive conclusions. (B) The results of the experiment are impressive on the surface, but the report is misleading. (C) The results of the experiment convincingly confirm what researchers have long suspected. (D) Because of design flaws, the experiment did not yield any results relevant to the issue under investigation. (E) The results of the experiment are too contradictory to allow for easy interpretation.

25. According to the passage, which of the following determines the crystalline structure of a metallic alloy?

(A) At what rate the molten alloy is cooled (B) How rapid the rate of formation of the crystalline phase is (C) How the different-sized atoms fit into a dense, random-packed structure (D) What the alloy consists of and in what ratios (E) At what temperature the molten alloy becomes solid

26. In the example of the car (lines 58-65), the battery is meant to represent which of the following elements in the neurobehavioral research program?

(A) Puromycin (B) Amnesia (C) Glutarimides (D) Protein synthesis (E) Acquired information

21. Which of the following best states one of the main conclusions of the passage?

(A) Although the techniques for pancreas transplants appear to be theoretically correct, there are problems that must be solved before the operation can be used as a treatment for diabetes. (B) Although the techniques for pancreas transplants are still being developed, the experimental results show that the operation will be a successful treatment for diabetes in the near future. (C) Although pancreas transplants are reliable, many diabetics are reluctant to undergo the operation because of the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs. (D) Although pancreas transplants alone are not generally successful, the operation can be used in conjunction with other procedures to treat diabetes. (E) Although pancreas transplants have not been successful in treating diabetes, research indicates that other procedures may soon be developed.

27. Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between the evolutionary and developmental theories discussed in the passage?

(A) Although the two theories reach the same conclusion, each is based on different assumptions. (B) They present contradictory explanations of the same phenomenon. (C) The second theory accounts for certain phenomena that the first cannot explain. (D) The second theory demonstrates why the first is valid only for very unusual, special cases. (E) They are identical and interchangeable in that the second theory merely restates the first in less technical terms.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution?

(A) Although they were politically unaligned with either side, they identified more with British ideology than with American ideology. (B) While they were not immediately betrayed by the British, they ultimately suffered the same fate as did African American Revolutionary War participants who were resold into slavery in the West Indies. (C) They settled in Canada rather than in Africa because of the greater religious freedom available in Canada. (D) They were more politically active than were African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in Africa. (E) They were more successful than were African American Revolutionary War participants who settled Africa.

25. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be LEAST likely to approve of which of the following?

(A) An analysis of the influence of political events on the personal ideology of Black writes (B) A critical study that applies sociopolitical criteria to autobiographies by Black authors (C) A literary study of Black poetry that appraises the merits of poems according to the political acceptability of their themes (D) An examination of the growth of a distinct Black literary tradition within the context of Black history (E) A literary study that attempts to isolate aesthetic qualities unique to Black fiction

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the construction of the mathematical model mentioned in the passage involved the formulation of which of the following?

(A) An assumption that the amount of carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere would in reality steadily increase (B) An assumption that human activities are the only agencies by which carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere (C) Assumptions about the social and political consequences of any curtailment of the use of fossil fuels (D) Assumptions about the physical conditions that are likely to prevail during the period for which the model was made (E) Assumptions about the differential behavior of carbon dioxide molecules at the various levels of temperature calculated in the model

19. Which of the following is most closely analogous to Job Legh in Mary Barton, as that character is described in the passage?

(A) An entomologist who collected butterflies as a child (B) A small-town attorney whose hobby is nature photography (C) A young man who leaves his family's dairy farm to start his own business (D) A city dweller who raises exotic plants on the roof of his apartment building (E) A union organizer who works in a textile mill under dangerous conditions

26. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) An evaluation is made, and aspects of the evaluation are expanded on with supporting evidence. (B) A theory is proposed, and supporting examples are provided. (C) A position is examined, analyzed, and rejected. (D) A contradiction is described, then the points of contention are evaluated and reconciled. (E) Opposing views are presented and evaluated, then modifications are advocated.

25. If the history of Duparc's artistic reputation were to follow that of the Le Nain brothers and Georges de La Tour, present-day assessments of her work would be likely to contain which of the following?

(A) An evaluation that accords high status to her work (B) Acknowledgement of her technical expertise but dismissal of her subject matter as trivial (C) Agreement with assessments made in her own time but acknowledgements of the exceptional quality of a few of her paintings (D) Placement of her among the foremost artists of her century (E) A reclassification of her work as portraiture rather than genre painting

23. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) An observation about an unsatisfactory situation is offered, the reasons for the situation are discussed, and then ways to change it are suggested. (B) Two opinions regarding a controversial phenomenon are contrasted, supporting evidence for each is presented, and then the two opinions are reconciled. (C) Criticism of a point of view is discussed, the criticism is answered, and then the criticism is applied to another point of view. (D) A point of view is described, evidence supporting the view is provided, and then a summary is presented. (E) A strategy is presented, reasons for its past failure are discussed, and then a recommendation that will be abandoned is offered.

19. The "new pitcher" mentioned in line 6 is the equivalent of which of the following elements in the author's discussion of democracy (lines 15-22)?

(A) Ancient Greece (B) The idea of democracy (C) A modern democratic government (D) A dynamic principle (E) The Greek form of democracy

20. The passage suggests which of the following about American Indian poets before the Native American Renaissance?

(A) Art and mortality were rarely the subjects of their poetry. (B) Their oratorical grandeur reached its peak in the nineteenth century. (C) They occasionally translated their own poetry. (D) They seldom wrote poetry in English. (E) They emphasized structure, tone, and syntax rather than literary form.

17. Which of the following titles best summarizes the content of the passage?

(A) How Theories of Literary Criticism Can Best Be Used (B) Problems Confronting Women Who Are Feminist Literary Critics (C) A Historical overview of Feminist literary Criticism (D) A New Theory of Literary Criticism (E) Literary Criticism: Art or Science?

19. The processes that determine the amount of ozone in a given portion of the stratosphere most resemble which of the following?

(A) Automobile emissions and seasonal fog that create a layer of smog over a city (B) Planting and harvesting activities that produce a crop whose size is always about the same (C) Withdrawals and deposits made in a bank account whose average balance remains about the same (D) Assets and liabilities that determine the net worth of a corporation (E) High grades and low grades made by a student whose average remains about the same from term to term

25. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the author's assertion in lines 54-58?

(A) Because they were poorly administered, Cromwell's overseas military expeditions were doomed to failure. (B) Because it relied primarily on the symbolic presence of the military, garrison government could be effectively administered with a relatively small number of troops. (C) Until early in the seventeenth century, no professional standing army in Europe had performed effectively in overseas military expeditions. (D) Many of the colonial governors appointed by the crown were also commissioned army officers. (E) Many of the English troops stationed in the American colonies were veterans of other overseas military expeditions.

19. The passage suggests which of the following about Black gospel music and slave spirituals?

(A) Both became widely known in the early twentieth century. (B) Both had an important improvisatory element. (C) Both were frequently performed by jazz musicians. (D) Both were published with only a vocal line and piano accompaniment. (E) Both were disseminated chiefly by Black singing groups.

18. The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following conclusions about discrimination against women by private employers and by government employers?

(A) Both private employers and government employers discriminate, with equal effects on women's earnings. (B) Both private employers and government employers discriminate, but the discrimination by private employers has a greater effect on women's earnings. (C) Both private employers and government employers discriminate, but the discrimination by government employers has a greater effect on women's earnings. (D) Private employers discriminate; it is possible that government employers discriminate. (E) Private employers discriminate; government employers do not discriminate.

19. The author cites all of the following as disadvantages of bracken encroachment EXCEPT:

(A) Bracken is poisonous to farm animals. (B) Bracken inhibits the growth of valuable vegetation. (C) Bracken indirectly helps spread certain diseases. (D) Bracken is aesthetically objectionable. (E) Bracken disturbs habitats that some people would like to protect.

26. In the sentence "I do not ... influence on it" (lines 10-14), the author dos which of the following?

(A) Broadens an existing classification. (B) Contradicts the passage's central thesis. (C) Qualifies a commonly accepted point of view. (D) Presents conflicting explanations for a phenomenon. (E) Denies possible interpretations of an earlier assertion.

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the statements in the last paragraph are most probably which of the following?

(A) Brown's elaboration of his research results (B) Brown's tentative inference from his data (C) Brown's conclusions, based on common-sense reasoning (D) The author's conclusions, based on Fuchs's and Brown's results (E) The author's criticisms of Fuchs's argument, based on Brown's results

26. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is not a factor in the explanation of why The Feminine Mystique was received more positively in the United States than was The Second Sex?

(A) By 1963 political conditions in the United States had changed. (B) Friedan's book was less intellectual and abstract than Beauvoir's. (C) Readers did not recognize the powerful influence of Beauvoir's book on Friedan's ideas. (D) Friedan's approach to the issue of women's emancipation was less radical than Beauvoir's. (E) American readers were more willing to consider the problem of the oppression of women in the sixties than they had been in the fifties.

17. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?

(A) By presenting a list of specific rights, framers of the Fourteenth Amendment were attempting to provide a constitutional basis for broad judicial protection of the principle of equal citizenship. (B) Only after the Supreme Court adopted the suspect classification approach to reviewing potentially discriminatory legislation was the applicability of the Fourteenth Amendment extended to include sexual discrimination. (C) Not until after the Second World War did the Supreme Court begin to interpret the Fourteenth Amendment in a manner consistent with the principle of equal citizenship that it expresses. (D) Interpreters of the Fourteenth Amendment have yet to reach consensus with regard to what its framers meant by the equal protection clause. (E) Although the reluctance of judges to extend the reach of the Fourteenth Amendment to nonracial discrimination has betrayed the principle of equal citizenship, the Supreme Court's use of the state action limitation to insulate private activity from the amendment's reach has been more harmful.

20. Which of the following, if true, would most clearly demonstrate the operation of the trees' defensive mechanism as it is described in the first paragraph of the passage?

(A) Caterpillars feeding on red oaks that were more than 50 percent defoliated grew to be only two-thirds the size of those feeding on trees with relatively intact foliage. (B) Oak leaves in areas unaffected by gypsy moths were found to have higher levels of tannin on average than aspen leaves in areas infested with gypsy moths. (C) The survival rate of gypsy moth caterpillars exposed to the wilt virus was 40 percent higher for those that fed on aspen leaves than for those that ate oak leaves. (D) Female gypsy moths produced an average of 25 percent fewer eggs in areas where the wilt virus flourished than did moths in areas that were free of the virus. (E) Gypsy moth egg clusters deposited on oak trees were found to have relatively large individual eggs compared to those deposited on aspen trees.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would disagree most with which of the following assertions?

(A) Changing circumstances sometimes give rise to original ideas. (B) Creative ideas have universal applications. (C) Changing human needs influence universal ideas. (D) Democratic institutions are appropriate in the modern world. (E) An idea must be expressed in a traditional way.

19. It can be inferred from the passage that Woolf chose Chaucer as a literary model because she believed that

(A) Chaucer was the first English author to focus on society as a whole as well as on individual characters (B) Chaucer was an honest and forthright author, whereas novelists like D, H, Lawrence did not sincerely wish to change society (C) Chaucer was more concerned with understanding his society than with calling its accepted mores into question (D) Chaucer's writing was greatly, if subtly, effective in influencing the moral attitudes of his readers (E) her own novels would be more widely read if, like Chaucer, she did not overtly and vehemently criticize contemporary society

23. According to the Arrhenius equation as discussed in the passage, which of the following statements about chemical reactions is true?

(A) Chemical reactions are less likely to occur at temperatures close to absolute zero. (B) In some cases the rate of a chemical reaction is related to temperature and in other cases it is not. (C) Chemical reactions frequently occur at a few degrees above absolute zero, but they are very unpredictable. (D) The rate of a chemical reaction depends on many other factors besides temperature. (E) Chemical reaction rate and temperature are not related.

21. The passage suggests that the Bluestockings might have had a more significant impact on society if it had not been for which of the following?

(A) Competitiveness among their salons (B) Their emphasis on individualism (C) The limited scope of their activities (D) Their acceptance of the French salon as a model for their own salons (E) Their unwillingness to defy aggressively the conventions of their age

25. According to the passage, which of the following is an explanation for the degree of support that the Endangered Species Act received in Congress?

(A) Concern for the environment had gained increasing national popularity. (B) Ecological research had created new economic opportunities dependent on the survival of certain species. (C) Congress had long wanted to change the existing wildlife policy. (D) The growth of industry had endangered increasing numbers of wildlife species. (E) Legislators did not anticipate that the act could be effectively enforced.

21. It can be inferred from the passage that it is advantageous to choose as the biological control agent a predator that is foreign to the targeted environment for which of the following reasons?

(A) Conservation groups prefer not to favor one native species over another. (B) All local predators have already been overwhelmed by the target species. (C) Local predators cannot be effectively screened since they already exist in the wild. (D) There is little risk of an artificially introduced foreign predator multiplying out of control. (E) Native predator species are generally limited by their own predators.

27. In presenting the argument in the passage, the author does which of the following?

(A) Contends that key terms in an opposing view have been improperly used. (B) Contends that opponents have purposely obscured important evidence. (C) Shows that two theories thought to be in conflict are actually complementary. (D) Shows that advocates of a theory have not always stated their view in the same manner. (E) Shows that an implication of a theory is contradicted by the facts.

24. Which of the following research strategies for developing a defense against the common cold would the author be likely to find most promising?

(A) Continuing to look for a general antirhinoviral antibody (B) Searching for common cell-surface receptors in humans and mice (C) Continuing to look for similarities among the various strains of rhinovirus (D) Discovering how the human body produces antibodies in response to a rhinoviral infection (E) Determining the detailed molecular structure of the nucleic acid of a rhinovirus

19. It can be inferred from the passage that, before Wagner, most students of Afro-American poetry did which of the following?

(A) Contributed appreciably to the transfer of political protest from Afro-American poetry to direct political action. (B) Ignored at least some of the historical roots of Afro-American poetry. (C) Analyzed fully the aspects of social protest to be found in such traditional forms of Afro-American poetry as the Black spiritual. (D) Regarded as unimportant the development of fervent emotionalism in a portion of Afro-American poetry. (E) Concentrated on the complex relations between the technical elements in Afro-American poetry and its political content.

26. Which of the following best describes the hypothesis of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe as it is presented in the passage?

(A) Cosmic rays can directly synthesize complex organic molecules. (B) The galactic clouds are the places where prebiological evolution of compounds necessary to life occurred. (C) Interstellar formaldehyde can be synthesized by tunneling. (D) Molecules of interstellar formaldehyde can evolve into complex organic molecules. (E) Complex organic molecules can be synthesized from stable polysaccharides such as cellulose and starch.

19. The author refers to differences in social background between salonnieres and Bluestockings in order to do which of the following?

(A) Criticize the view that their choices of activities were significantly influenced by male salon members (B) Discuss the reasons why literary salons in France were established before those in England (C) Question the importance of the Bluestockings in shaping public attitudes toward educated women (D) Refute the argument that the French salons had little influence over the direction the English salons took (E) Explain the differences in atmosphere and style in their salons

17. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Current theories regarding the structure of the Earth's mantle cannot account for new discoveries regarding the composition of mantle xenoliths. (B) There are conflicting hypotheses about the heterogeneity of the Earth's mantle because few mantle elements have been thoroughly studied. (C) Further research is needed to resolve the debate among geologists over the composition of the midocean ridge system. (D) There is clear-cut disagreement within the geological community over the structure of the Earth's mantle. (E) There has recently been a strong and exciting challenge to geologists' long-standing belief in the heterogeneity of the Earth's mantle.

24. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

(A) Describing a new method of estimating decreases in global temperature that have occurred over the last 160,000 years (B) Describing a method of analysis that provides information regarding the relation between the carbon dioxide content of the Earth's atmosphere and global temperature (C) Presenting information that suggests that global temperature has increased over the last 160,000 years (D) Describing the kinds of information that can be gleaned from a careful analysis of the contents of sheets (E) Demonstrating the difficulty of arriving at a firm conclusion regarding how increases in the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere affect global temperature

22. It can be inferred from the passage that many zoologists assume that a large diversity among species of a given class of organisms typically leads to which of the following?

(A) Difficulty in classification (B) A discontinuous fossil record (C) A greater chance of survival over time (D) Numerical abundance (E) A longer life span

20. If the author's assessment of the use of heat pumps (lines 1-6) is correct, which of the following best expresses the lesson that advertisers should learn from this case?

(A) Do not make exaggerated claims about the products you are trying to promote. (B) Focus your advertising campaign on vague analogies and veiled implications instead of on facts. (C) Do not use facts in your advertising that will strain the prospective client's ability to believe. (D) Do not assume in your advertising that the prospective clients know even the most elementary scientific principles. (E) Concentrate your advertising firmly on financially relevant issues such as price discounts and efficiency of operation.

26. In developing the main idea of the passage, the author does which of the following?

(A) Downplays earlier attempts to explain the origins of a social prohibition. (B) Adapts a scientific theory and applies it to a spiritual relationship. (C) Simplifies a complex biological phenomenon by explaining it in terms of social needs. (D) Reorganizes a system designed to guide personal behavior. (E) Codifies earlier, unsystematized conjectures about family life.

26. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the validity of the model of El Nino that is presented in the passage?

(A) During some years El Nino extends significantly farther along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru than during other years. (B) During periods of unusually cool temperatures along the eastern Pacific, an El Nino is much colder than normal. (C) The normal upwelling of cold water in the eastern Pacific depends much more on the local characteristics of the ocean than on atmospheric conditions. (D) The variations in the time it takes Rossby waves to cross the Pacific depend on the power of the winds that the waves encounter. (E) The western boundary of the Pacific basin is so irregular that it impedes most coastal Kelvin waves from heading eastward.

22. According to the passage, cultural accommodation is promoted by

(A) Eduardo Seda-Bonilla (B) Manuel Maldonado-Denis (C) the author of Divided Society (D) the majority of social scientists writing on immigration (E) many supporters of Puerto Rico's commonwealth status

26. It can be inferred from the passage that Arrom would agree with which of the following assertions?

(A) Efforts by the Mexican government to encourage education for women during the nineteenth century were hampered by the economic instability of that period. (B) The most significant advances in the rights of Mexican women during the nineteenth century occurred prior to 1857. (C) Improvements in the status of women in Mexico City during the nineteenth century were accompanied by similar improvements in the status of women in other large Latin American cities. (D) Scholars have in the past accorded the most significance to nineteenth-century Mexican literature that supported the status quo in women's political and marital rights. (E) Scholars have in the past underestimated the number of households headed by females in Mexico City.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that if business interests had won the debate on provisions of the 1973 Endangered Species Act, which of the following would have resulted?

(A) Environmentalist concepts would not have become widely popular. (B) The definitions of key terms of the act would have been more restricted. (C) Enforcement of the act would have been more difficult. (D) The act would have had stronger support from Congressional leaders. (E) The public would have boycotted the industries that had the greatest impact in defining the act.

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the argument in favor of the model described in lines 37-45 would be strengthened if which of the following were found to be true?

(A) Episodes of intense volcanic eruptions in the distant past occurred in cycles having very long periodicities. (B) At the present time the global level of thunderstorm activity increases and decreases in cycles with periodicities of approximately 11 years. (C) In the distant past cyclical climatic changes had periodicities of longer than 200 years. (D) In the last century the length of the sunspot cycle has been known to vary by as much as 2 years from its average periodicity of 11 years. (E) Hundreds of millions of years ago, solar-activity cycles displayed the same periodicities as do present-day solar-activity cycles.

20. The author mentions "linear perspective and anatomy" in the last sentence in order to do which of the following?

(A) Expand his argument to include painting as well as architecture (B) Indicate his disagreement with Croce's theory of the origins of art (C) Support his point that rational order of some kind has often seemed to discipline artistic inspiration (D) Explain the rational elements in Gothic painting that corresponded to craftsmanship in Gothic architecture (E) Show the increasing sophistication of artists after the Gothic period

25. The author mentions the work of Ornette Coleman in the fourth paragraph in order to do which of the following?

(A) Expand the discussion by mentioning the work of a saxophone player who played in Coltrane's style. (B) Compare Coltrane's solos with the work of another jazz artist. (C) Support the idea that rational organizing principles need to be applied to artistic work. (D) Show the increasing intricacy of Coltrane's work after he abandoned bebop. (E) Indicate disagreement with the way Coltrane modulated the motifs in his lengthy solos.

20. It can be inferred from examples given in the last paragraph of the passage that which of the following was part of "the new and crushing experience of industrialism" (lines 46-47) for many members of the English working class in the nineteenth century?

(A) Extortionate food prices (B) Geographical displacement (C) Hazardous working conditions (D) Alienation from fellow workers (E) Dissolution of family ties

27. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) Factual data are presented and a hypothesis is proposed. (B) A distinction is introduced then shown not to be a true distinction. (C) A statement is quoted, and two assumptions on which it is based are clarified. (D) A definition is challenged, and two reasons for the challenge are given. (E) An opinion is offered and then placed within a historical framework.

27. The author suggests that historians have done which of the following?

(A) Failed to give adequate consideration to the economic contribution of women during the medieval period. (B) Overestimated the degree of hopelessness experienced by medieval workers trapped in the poverty cycle. (C) Ignored the fact that by 1300 many women spinners were working independently rather than for merchant entrepreneurs. (D) Regard the economic status of women in Italy and France as representative of women's status throughout medieval Europe. (E) Overlooked part of the significance of a prohibition governing one aspect of yarn production in medieval Europe.

21. The author suggests that, before the early 1950's, most historians who studied preindustrial Europe did which of the following?

(A) Failed to make distinctions among members of the preindustrial European political and social elite. (B) Used investigatory methods that were almost exclusively statistical in nature. (C) Inaccurately estimated the influence of the preindustrial European political and social elite. (D) Confined their work to a narrow range of the preindustrial European population. (E) Tended to rely heavily on birth, marriage, and death records.

27. The information in the passage suggests that the author of the history discussed in the passage made which of the following errors?

(A) Failing to recognize the effect of the diversity of the South Side community on the meat-packers' efforts to reform the industry (B) Attributing good working conditions in the meat-packing industry to the efforts of labor agitators (C) Overemphasizing the importance of the availability of unskilled labor as an influence on conditions in the meat packing industry (D) Interpreting the meat-packers' feelings for their community as appreciation of their industry (E) Failing to observe the pride and contentment felt by the meat-packers

20. With which of the following statements regarding the relationship between the individual and morality would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) Failure in social obligations is the price of success in individual endeavors. (B) The unfulfilled citizen cannot fulfill his moral obligations to the community. (C) Morality is unconcerned with conflicts among citizens. (D) The unfulfilled citizen is without virtue. (E) Wealth harms a citizen's moral standing in the community.

25. The author of the passage implies that which of the following would be the LEAST useful source of information about Proust's transition from working on Contre Saint-Beuve to having a viable structure for Remembrance of Things Past?

(A) Fallois's comments in the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve (B) Proust's 1909 notebooks, including the drafts of Remembrance of Things Past (C) Proust's 1909 correspondence, excluding the letter to Vallette (D) Bardeche's Marcel Proust, romancier (E) Bonnet's researches concerning Proust's drafts of the final book of Remembrance of Things Past

24. Which of the following, if true, would most clearly demonstrate the interaction mentioned in lines 11-13?

(A) Female larks respond similarly both to short, simple songs and to longer, more complicated songs. (B) Male canaries use visual ornamentation as well as elaborate song repertoires for mate attraction. (C) Both male and female blackbirds develop elaborate visual and vocal characteristics. (D) Male jays use songs to compete among themselves and to attract females. (E) Male robins with elaborate visual ornamentation have as much reproductive success as rivals with elaborate vocal characteristics.

18. In lines 12-14, the phrase "the trees' defensive mechanism has an impact on moth fecundity" refers to which of the following phenomena?

(A) Female moths that ingest phenols are more susceptible to wilt virus, which causes them to lay smaller eggs. (B) Highly concentrated phenols in tree leaves limit caterpillars' food supply, thereby reducing the gypsy moth population. (C) Phenols attack the protein globule that protects moth egg clusters, making them vulnerable to wilt virus and lowering their survival rate. (D) Phenols in oak leaves drive gypsy moths into forest stands dominated by aspens, where they succumb to viral epidemics. (E) The consumption of phenols by caterpillars results in undersized female gypsy moths, which tend to produce small egg clusters.

20. Of the following sentences, which is most likely to have immediately preceded the passage?

(A) Few composers of gospel music drew on traditions such as the spiritual in creating their songs. (B) Spirituals and Black gospel music were derived from the same musical tradition. (C) The creation and singing of spirituals, practiced by Black Americans before the Civil War, continued after the war. (D) Spirituals and gospel music can be clearly distinguished from one another. (E) Improvisation was one of the primary characteristics of the gospel music created by Black musicians.

25. The author cites all of the following as evidence that Africanized bees' resistance to Varroa jacobsoni is superior to that of European bees EXCEPT:

(A) Fewer Varroa jacobsoni mites reproduce in Africanized bees. (B) Varroa jacobsoni is killing many bee colonies in Europe. (C) Beekeepers in Brazil have not used preventive measures to protect their colonies. (D) Brazilian bee colonies have endured Varroa jacobsoni since 1972. (E) At least some European bee colonies have been saved by preventive measures.

18. According to the passage, the assumption that the introduction of a real particle into a vacuum raises the total energy of that region of space has been cast into doubt by which of the following?

(A) Findings from laboratory experiments (B) Findings from observational field experiments (C) Accidental observations made during other experiments (D) Discovery of several erroneous propositions in accepted theories (E) Predictions based on theoretical work

18. Which of the following best summarizes the findings reported in the passage about the effects of food deprivation on monkeys' behavior?

(A) Food deprivation has no effect on aggression among monkeys. (B) Food deprivation increases aggression among monkeys because one of the most potent stimuli for eliciting aggression is the competition for incentives. (C) Food deprivation may increase long-term aggression among monkeys in a laboratory setting, but it produces only temporary increases among monkeys in the wild. (D) Food deprivation may temporarily increase aggression among monkeys, but it also leads to a decrease in conflict. (E) Food deprivation decreases the intensity but not the frequency of aggressive incidents among monkey.

19. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the last paragraph?

(A) For irregularly fluctuating populations, doubling the number of observations made will probably result in the isolation of density-dependent effects. (B) Density-dependent effects on population dynamics do not occur as frequently as do density-independent effects. (C) At present, ecologists do not understand any of the underlying causes of the density-dependent effects they observe in population dynamics. (D) Density-dependent effects on growth parameters are thought to be caused by some sort of biochemical "signaling" that ecologists hope eventually to understand. (E) It is sometimes possible to infer the existence of a density-dependent factor controlling population growth without understanding its causative mechanism.

23. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the last hundred years?

(A) Fossil fuels were burned for the first time. (B) Greater amounts of land were cleared than at any time before. (C) The average temperature at the Earth's surface has become 2℃ cooler. (D) The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased measurably. (E) The amount of farmland worldwide has doubled.

23. According to the passage, which of the following occurred prior to 1890?

(A) Frederick J. Turner's thesis regarding the American frontier became influential. (B) The Homestead Act led to an increase in the amount of newly farmed land in the United States. (C) The manufacturers of technologically advanced agricultural machinery rapidly increased their marketing efforts. (D) Direct lines of communication were constructed between the United States and South America. (E) Technological advances made it fruitful to farm extensively on a mechanized basis.

19. The passage suggests which of the following about air pollution?

(A) Further attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will not help lower urban air-pollution levels. (B) Attempts to reduce the pollutants that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle emits have been largely unsuccessful. (C) Few serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles. (D) Pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical source of urban air pollution. (E) Reductions in pollutants emitted by individual vehicles have been offset by increases in pollution from sources other than gasoline-fueled vehicles.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that Webb would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding garrison government?

(A) Garrison government gave legislative assemblies in the colonies relatively little authority, compared to the authority that it gave the colonial governors. (B) Garrison government proved relatively ineffective until it was used by Charles II to curb the power of colonial legislatures. (C) Garrison government became a less viable colonial policy as the English Parliament began to exert tighter legislative control over the English military. (D) Oliver Cromwell was the first English ruler to make use of garrison government on a large scale. (E) The creation of a professional standing army in England in 1697 actually weakened garrison government by diverting troops from the garrisons stationed in the American colonies.

26. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author's claim (lines 56-57) that "it seems unlikely that the phylum is close to extinction"?

(A) Generalist species now living in arctic water give few if any indications of a tendency towards significant future specialization. (B) Zoologists have recently discovered that a common marine organism is a natural predator of brachiopods. (C) It was recently discovered that certain brachiopod species are almost always concentrated near areas rich in offshore oil deposits. (D) The ratio of specialist to Generalist species is slowly but steadily increasing. (E) It is easier for a brachiopod to survive a change in sedimentation than a change in water temperature.

23. The author of the passage claims that which of the following is the primary reason why Gilpin generally avoided extreme close-ups of natural subjects?

(A) Gilpin believed that pictures of natural details could not depict the interrelationship between the land and humans. (B) Gilpin considered close-up photography to be too closely associated with her predecessors. (C) Gilpin believed that all of her photographs should include people in them. (D) Gilpin associated close-up techniques with photography used for commercial purposes. (E) Gilpin feared that pictures of small details would suggest an indifference to the fragility of the land as a whole.

21. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Gilpin's landscape photographs more accurately documented the Southwest than did the photographs of explorers and conservationists. (B) Gilpin's style of landscape photography substantially influenced the heroic style practiced by her male counterparts. (C) The labeling of Gilpin's style of landscape photography as feminine ignores important ties between it and the heroic style. (D) Gilpin's work exemplifies an arguably feminine style of landscape photography that contrasts with the style used by her male predecessors. (E) Gilpin's style was strongly influenced by the work of women writers who described the landscape in terms of its relationship to people.

21. Which of the following phrases best expresses the sense of the word "contemplative" as it is used in lines 43-44 of the passage?

(A) Gradually elucidating the rational structures underlying accepted mores (B) Reflecting on issues in society without prejudice or emotional commitment (C) Avoiding the aggressive assertion of the author's perspective to the exclusion of the reader's judgment (D) Conveying a broad view of society as a whole rather than focusing on an isolated individual consciousness (E) Appreciating the world as the artist sees it rather than judging it in moral terms

26. The author's attitude toward the possibility of a unified theory in sociobiology is best described as which of the following?

(A) Guarded optimism (B) Unqualified enthusiasm (C) Objective indifference (D) Resignation (E) Dissatisfaction

24. The passage supplies information to indicate that Hargrave and Geen's conclusion regarding the grazing pressure exerted by zooplankton on phytoplankton numbers was most similar to the conclusion regarding grazing pressure reached by which of the following researchers?

(A) Hardy (B) Lund (C) Round (D) Reynolds (E) Haney

24. The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPT:

(A) Has unusual creative activity been characterized as revolutionary? (B) Did Beethoven work within a musical tradition that also included Handel and Bach? (C) Is Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro an example of a creative work that transcended limits? (D) Who besides Monteverdi wrote music that the author would consider to embody new principles of organization and to be of high aesthetic value? (E) Does anyone claim that the goal of extraordinary creative activity in the arts differs from that of extraordinary creative activity in the sciences?

23. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Have literary critics ignored the social criticism inherent in the works of Chekhov and Chaucer? (B) Does the author believe that Woolf is solely an introspective and visionary novelist? (C) What are the social causes with which Woolf shows herself to be sympathetic in her writings? (D) Was D. H. Lawrence as concerned as Woolf was with creating realistic settings for his novels? (E) Does Woolf attribute more power to social environment or to historical forces as shapers of a person's life?

21. With which of the following statements regarding the resources that historians ought to use would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?

(A) Historians ought to make use of written rather than oral accounts. (B) Historians should rely primarily on birth registers. (C) Historians should rely exclusively on data that can be quantified. (D) Historians ought to make use of data that can be quantified. (E) Historians ought to draw on earlier historical research but they should do so in order to refute it.

22. With which of the following statements concerning the writing of history would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?

(A) History should not emphasize the role played by ideas over the role played by individuals. (B) History should not be distorted by attributing present-day consciousness to historical figures. (C) History should not be focused primarily on those past events most relevant to the present. (D) History should be concerned with describing those aspects of the past that differ most from those of the present. (E) History should be examined for the lessons it can provide in understanding current problems.

20. Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens Wiehle's theory that complex behavior could evolve only once?

(A) Horses, introduced to the New World by the Spaniards, thrived under diverse climatic conditions. (B) Plants of the Palmaceae family, descendants of a common ancestor, evolved unique seed forms even though the plants occupy similar habitats throughout the world. (C) All mammals are descended from a small, rodentlike animal whose physical characteristics in some form are found in all its descendants. (D) Plants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors of the desert, evolved independently. (E) The Cuban anole, which was recently introduced in the Florida wilds, is quickly replacing the native Florida chameleon because the anole has no competitors.

20. The research described in the passage is primarily concerned with answering which of the following questions?

(A) How can researchers control the effects that LSD has on behavior? (B) How are animals' reactions to LSD different from those of human beings? (C) What triggers the effects that LSD has on human behavior? (D) What technical advances would permit researchers to predict more accurately the effects of LSD on behavior? (E) What relationship does the suppression of neuron activity have to the occurrence of "serotonin syndrome"?

22. The passage supplies information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) How does the reduction of space affect intragroup aggression among monkeys in an experimental setting? (B) Do family units within a monkey social group compete with other family units for food? (C) What are the mechanisms by which the social order of an established group of monkeys controls aggression within that group? (D) How do monkeys engaged in aggression with other monkeys signal submission? (E) Do monkeys of different species engage in aggression with each other over food?

20. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning Britain's rule in its Canadian colonies after the American Revolution?

(A) Humiliated by their defeat by the Americans, the British sharply curtailed civil rights in their Canadian colonies. (B) The British largely ignored their Canadian colonies. (C) The British encouraged the colonization of Canada by those African Americans who had served on the American side as well as by those who had served on the British side. (D) Some of Britain's policies in its Canadian colonies were similar to its policies in its American colonies before the American Revolution. (E) To reduce the debt incurred during the war, the British imposed even higher taxes on the Canadian colonists than they had on the American colonists.

20. According to the passage, Fogel, Engerman, Genovese, and Gutman have all done which of the following? I. Discounted the influence of plantation owners on slaves' achievements. II. Emphasized the achievements of slaves. III. Pointed out the prevalence of the two-parent household among slaves. IV. Showed the connection between stable monogamy and slaves' cultural heritage.

(A) I and II only (B) I and IV only (C) II and III only (D) I, III, and IV only (E) II, III, and IV only

20. The passage suggests that the author would be likely to agree with which of the following statements about the social structure of eighteenth-century American society? I. It allowed greater economic opportunity than it did social mobility. II. It permitted greater economic opportunity prior to 1750 than after 1750. III. It did not contain rigidly defined socioeconomic divisions. IV. It prevented economic disputes from arising among members of the society.

(A) I and IV only (B) II and III only (C) III and IV only (D) I, II, and III only (E) I, II, III, and IV

18. According to the passage, wind over the ocean generally does which of the following? I. Causes relatively cool, dry air to come into proximity with the ocean surface. II. Maintains a steady rate of heat and moisture transfer between the ocean and the air. III. Causes frequent changes in the temperature of the water at the ocean's surface.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

20. According to the author, scholars would err in drawing which of the following conclusions? I. Slavery stripped the slaves of their political and economic systems. II. African music was similar to all other traditions of music in that it originated in a total vision of life. III. Music was a crucial part of the African cultural legacy.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

21. The passage implies which of the following about shergottites? I. They are products of volcanic activity. II. They derive from a planet larger than Earth. III. They come from a planetary body with a chemical composition similar to that of Io.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

26. According to Webb's view of colonial history, which of the following was (were) true of the merchants and nobility mentioned in line 30? I. They were opposed to policies formulated by Charles II that would have transformed the colonies into capitalistic oligarchies. II. They were opposed to attempts by the English crown to limit the power of the legislative assemblies. III. They were united with small farmers in their opposition to the stationing of English troops in the colonies.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

18. It can be inferred that the author believes which of the following about women who are literary critics? I. They can make a unique contribution to society. II. They must develop a new theory of the critical process. III. Their criticisms of literature should be entirely objective.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

22. The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about left-eyedness and right-eyedness in the starry flounder? I. They are adaptive variations by the starry flounder to environmental differences. II. They do not seem to give obvious selective advantages to the starry flounder. III. They occur in different proportions in different locations.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

25. The author provides information that would answer which of the following questions? I. What is hyperglycemia? II. What is one cause of hyperglycemia? III. What are some of the organs that can be adversely affected by hyperglycemia?

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

20. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet? I. Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses. II. Hamlet has elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation. III. Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassing critical interpretation than is Wuthering Heights. IV. Hamlet has not received a critical interpretation that has been widely accepted by readers.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and IV only (D) III and IV only (E) I, II, and III only

27. Information in the passage supports which of the following statements about brachiopods? I. Few brachiopods living in prehistoric times were specialists. II. A tendency toward specialization, though typical, is not inevitable. III. Specialist species dominate in all but arctic and subarctic waters.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) II and III only (D) I and III only (E) I, II and III

21. The author provides information that answers which of the following questions? I. What is the average thickness of the stratospheric ozone layer? II. Why does increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation damage many living organisms? III. What is the role of oxygen in the production of stratospheric zone?

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II (E) II and III

22. According to the passage, virtual particles differ from real particles in which of the following ways? I. Virtual particles have extremely short lifetimes. II. Virtual particles are created in an intense electric field. III. Virtual particles cannot be detected directly.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) I and III only

23. The passage contains information that would answer which of the following questions about wasps? I. How many eggs does the female wasp usually lay in a single host larva? II. Can some species of wasp determine sex ratios among their offspring? III. What is the approximate sex ratio among the offspring of parasitic wasps?

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) II and III only

24. The author of the passage is in agreement with which of the following elements of Davis' book? I. Davis' claim that acquisitiveness was a characteristic unique to the South during the Colonial period II. Davis' argument that there were significant differences between Puritan and Southern culture during the Colonial period III. Davis' thesis that the Southern colonies shared a common culture

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) II and III only

25. The misunderstanding presented by the author in lines 13-14 is similar to which of the following? I. X uses the word "you" to refer to a group, but Y thinks that X is referring to one person only. II. X mistakenly uses the word "anomaly" to refer to a typical example, but Y knows that "anomaly" means "exception." III. X uses the word "bachelor" to mean "unmarried man," but Y mistakenly thinks that bachelor means "unmarried woman."

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) II and III only

26. The author of the passage would most probably agree that the geologists mentioned in line 6 ("Some geologists") have made which of the following errors in reasoning? I. Generalized unjustifiably from available evidence. II. Deliberately ignored existing counterevidence. III. Repeatedly failed to take new evidence into account.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) II and III only

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the social scientists mentioned in lines 1-7 would agree with which of the following statements? I. It is extremely difficult to create models that account for both economic and social development. II. Models of economic and social development would be improved by the inclusion of adequate descriptions of national character. III. It is important to supplement formal models of economic and social development with qualitative impressions of national character.

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and III only (E) II and III only

24. According to the passage, possible sources of the lead found in a copper or bronze artifact include which of the following? I. The copper ore used to manufacture the artifact II. Flux added during processing of the copper ore III. Other metal added during processing of the copper ore

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the time required to replenish muscle glycogen following anaerobic glycolysis is determined by which of the following factors? I. Rate of oxidative metabolism II. Quantity of lactic acid in the body fluids III. Percentage of glucose that is returned to the muscles

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

26. On the basis of the information in the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the islets of Langerhans? I. They are important for the normal control of blood glucose concentration. II. They can be transplanted independently of other pancreatic cells. III. They regulate immunosuppressive reactions.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the supporters of the "layered-mantle" theory believe which of the following? I. The volcanic rocks on oceanic islands are composed of material derived from the lower part of the mantle. II. The materials of which volcanic rocks on oceanic islands and midocean ridges are composed are typical of the layers from which they are thought to originate. III. The differences in composition between volcanic rocks on oceanic islands and the midocean ridges are a result of different concentrations of incompatible elements.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

20. The passage presents which of the following as incontrovertible? I. The low luminosity of old stars II. The absence of clouds of gaseous matter from the corona of the Milky Way III. The predominance of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies in the corona of the Milky Way

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

25. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) distinguishing mutually exclusive categories (B) clarifying an apparent contradiction (C) supporting new ideas (D) analyzing a problem (E) comparing opinions

23. The author would be likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the pressure of grazers on phytoplankton numbers? I. Grazing pressure can vary according to the individual type of zooplankton. II. Grazing pressure can be lower in nutrient-poor lakes than in bog lakes. III. Grazing tends to exert about the same pressure as does temperature.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

25. The passage implies that the relationship of Islamic, Jewish, and canon law is correctly described by which of the following statements? I. Because each constitutes an example of sacred law, they necessarily share some features. II. They each developed in reaction to the interference of secular political institutions. III. The differences among them result partly from their differing emphasis on purely ethical rules.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

26. The passage suggests which of the following about the Sun? I. The Sun could evolve to a stage of collapse that is less dense than a singularity. II. In the Sun, the inward force of gravity is balanced by the generation of heat. III. The Sun emits more observable light than does a white dwarf or a neutron star.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about Malory's works? I. There are meaningful links between and among the romances. II. The subtleties of the romances are obscured when they are taken as one work. III. Any contradictions in chronology among the romances are less important than their overall unity.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

23. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the myths recorded by the ancient Greeks? I. They sometimes included portrayals of women holding positions of power. II. They sometimes contained elaborate explanations of inheritance customs. III. They comprise almost all of the material available to historians about ancient Greece.

(A) I only (B) III only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

22. According to the passage, which of the following most accurately indicates the sequence of the events listed below? I. Civil Rights Act of 1866 II. Dred Scott v. Sandford III. Fourteenth Amendment IV. Veto by President Johnson

(A) I, II, III, IV (B) I, IV, II, III (C) I, IV, III, II (D) II, I, IV, III (E) III, II, I, IV

20. It can be inferred from the passage that Quine considers classical empiricism to be "overly 'narrow' " (lines 7-8) for which of the following reasons? I. Classical empiricism requires that our system of generalizations be free of contradictions. II. Classical empiricism demands that in the case of a contradiction between an individual observation and a generalization, the generalization must be abandoned. III. Classical empiricism asserts that every observation will either confirm an existing generalization or initiate a new generalization.

(A) II only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

23. According to the passage, in drafts of Contre Saint Beuve Proust set out to show that Saint-Beuve made which of the following mistakes as a critic? I. Saint-Beuve made no effort to study the development of a novel through its drafts and revisions. II. Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in the creative process to a writer's conscious intellect. III. Saint-Beuve concentrated too much on plots and not enough on imagery and other elements of style.

(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

24. According to the passage, true statements about the release of pollen by wind-pollinated plants include which of the following? I. The release can be affected by certain environmental factors. II. The amount of pollen released increases on a rainy day. III. Pollen is sometimes not released by plants when there is little wind.

(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III

24. According to the passage, some evidence exists that the area of the cortex activated by a sensory stimulus determines which of the following? I. The nature of the nerve impulse II. The modality of the sensory experience III. Qualitative differences within a modality

(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II and III

25. The author suggests that Griffith's contributions to the cinema had which of the following results? I. Literary works, especially Victorian novels, became popular sources for film subjects. II. Audience appreciation of other film directors' experimentations with cinematic syntax was increased. III. Many of the artistic limitations thought to be inherent in filmmaking were shown to be really nonexistent.

(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

18. According to the passage, Mars and the Earth are similar in which of the following ways? I. Their satellites were formed by collisions with other celestial bodies. II. Their cores contain iron. III. They were formed from the presolar nebula.

(A) III only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III

26. The author suggests that a mathematician asked to solve a problem in an ill-defined situation would first attempt to do which of the following?

(A) Identify an analogous situation (B) Simplify and define the situation (C) Vary the underlying assumptions of a description of the situation (D) Determine what use would be made of the solution provided (E) Evaluate the theoretical assumptions that might explain the situation

21. The author discusses computing machines in the first paragraph primarily in order to do which of the following?

(A) Indicate the dangers inherent in relying to a great extent on machines (B) Illustrate his views about the approach of mathematicians to problem solving (C) Compare the work of mathematicians with that of computer programmers (D) Provide one definition of intelligence (E) Emphasize the importance of computers in modern technological society

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding socioeconomic class and support for the rebel and Loyalist causes during the American Revolutionary War?

(A) Identifying a person's socioeconomic class is the least accurate method of ascertaining which side that person supported. (B) Identifying a person as a member of the rebel or of the Loyalist side does not necessarily reveal that person's particular socioeconomic class. (C) Both the rebel and the Loyalist sides contained members of all socioeconomic classes, although there were fewer disputes among socioeconomic classes on the Loyalist side. (D) Both the rebel and the Loyalist sides contained members of all socioeconomic classes, although the Loyalist side was made up primarily of members of the upper classes. (E) Both the rebel and the Loyalist sides contained members of all socioeconomic classes, although many upper-class rebels eventually joined the Loyalists.

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the seismic-reflection method would be likely to yield an inaccurate physical profile of the subsurface in which of the following circumstances?

(A) If the speed at which the wave train moved downward changed (B) If the receiver were not positioned directly at the wave-train source (C) If the rock on one side of a rock interface had similar elastic characteristics to those of the rock on the other side (D) If the seismic records obtained for the different sources in a grid were highly similar to each other (E) If there were no petroleum deposits beneath the area defined by the grid of wave-train sources

27. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Contre Saint-Beuve and Remembrance of Things Past as it is explained in the passage?

(A) Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve, at Vallette's suggestion, Proust started Remembrance as a fictional demonstration that Saint-Beuve was wrong about the imagination. (B) Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve, at Vallette's suggestion, Proust turned his attention to Remembrance, starting with incidents that had occurred to him while planning the essay. (C) Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint-Beuve, an essay about the role of memory in fiction, Proust began instead to write Remembrance, a novel devoted to important early memories. (D) While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve, Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a foundation for Remembrance. (E) While developing his argument about memory and imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve, Proust created fictional characters to embody the abstract themes in his essay.

25. The passage implies that the "governmental planning" mentioned in line 3 may lead to which of the following problems?

(A) Improper use of profits derived from user fees (B) Unduly slow development of necessary new infrastructure (C) Unrealistic decisions about developing new infrastructure (D) Incorrect predictions about profits to be gained from user fees (E) Obstruction of private financing for the development of new infrastructure

18. Which of the following statements about the two models of solar activity, as they are described in lines 37-55, is accurate?

(A) In both models cyclical solar activity is regarded as a long-lived feature of the Sun, persisting with little change over billions of years. (B) In both models the solar-activity cycle is hypothesized as being dependent on the large-scale solar magnetic field. (C) In one model the Sun's magnetic field is thought to play a role in causing solar activity, whereas in the other model it is not. (D) In one model solar activity is presumed to be unrelated to terrestrial phenomena, whereas in the other model solar activity is thought to have observable effects on the Earth. (E) In one model cycles of solar activity with periodicities longer than a few decades are considered to be impossible, whereas in the other model such cycles are predicted.

22. According to the passage, classical chemical reactions and tunneling reactions are alike in which of the following ways?

(A) In both types of reactions, reacting molecules have to rise over the barrier between the two wells. (B) In both types of reactions, a transition is made from the bottom of one potential well to the bottom of another. (C) In neither type of reaction does the height of the barrier between the wells remain constant. (D) In neither type of reaction does the rate of a chemical reaction depend on its activation energy. (E) In both types of reactions, reacting molecules are able to go through the barrier between the two wells.

20. Which of the following statements from a report on a cross-cultural study of gift-giving would, if true, most strongly support the author's assertions concerning human gift-giving?

(A) In every culture studied, it was found that some forms of gift-giving are acts of aggression that place the receiver under obligation to the giver. (B) Most governmental taxation systems differentiate between gifts of property given to children during a parent's lifetime, and a child's inheritance of the same property from a parent dying without a will. (C) Some gift-giving customs have analogous forms in nearly every culture, as in the almost universal custom of welcoming strangers with gifts of food. (D) In North America, generally speaking, money is an acceptable holiday gift to one's letter carrier or garbage collector, but is often considered an insult if given to one's employer, friends, or relatives. (E) Some gifts, being conciliatory in nature, indicate by their costliness the degree of hostility they must appease in the recipient.

17. The author of the passage explicitly disagrees with which of the following statements'

(A) In modern society even nonartists can master techniques that great artists of the fourteenth century did not employ. (B) The ability to represent a three-dimensional object on a flat surface has nothing to do with art. (C) In modern society the victory of representational skills has created a problem for art critics. (D) The way that artists are able to represent the visible world is an area that needs a great deal more study before it can be fully understood. (E) Modern painters do not frequently make use of illusionist tricks in their work.

27. The passage provides information that answers which of the following questions?

(A) In what tradition do feminist critics usually place Virginia Woolf? (B) What are the main themes of women's fiction of the nineteenth century? (C) What events motivated the feminist reinterpretation of literary history? (D) How has the period between Richardson's death and Scott's and Austen's novels traditionally been regarded by critics? (E) How was the development of the nineteenth-century novel affected by women's fiction in the same century?

21. Which of the following can be inferred about the "detailed judicial dossiers" referred to in line 49?

(A) Information contained in the dossiers sheds light on the social origins of a revolution's participants. (B) The dossiers closely resemble the narratives written by the revolution's leaders in their personal memoirs. (C) The information that such dossiers contain is untrustworthy and unrepresentative of a revolution's participants. (D) Social historians prefer to avoid such dossiers whenever possible because they are excessively detailed. (E) The February Revolution of 1848 produced more of these dossiers than did the June insurrection.

26. The author refers to people who are attracted to "pessimistic, debunking writings" (line 44) in order to support which of the following ideas?

(A) Interesting books about human relations are typically pessimistic. (B) People tend to ignore scientific explanations of human relations. (C) People rarely hold pleasing illusions about themselves. (D) A scientific approach human relations would undermine the pleasing illusions people hold of themselves. (E) It is doubtful that the science of human relations developed slowly because of a desire to maintain pleasing illusions.

23. According to the passage, improvement in brain function among early large mammals resulted primarily from which of the following?

(A) Interplay of predator and prey (B) Persistence of free-floating awareness in animals of the grasslands (C) Gradual dominance of warm-blooded mammals over cold-blooded reptiles (D) Interaction of early large mammals with less intelligent species (E) Improvement of the capacity for memory among herbivores and carnivores

21. Which of the following titles best summarizes the passage?

(A) Is Molecular Biology the Key to Understanding Intercellular Communication in the Brain? (B) Molecular Biology: Can Researchers Exploit Its Techniques to Synthesize Peptide Hormones? (C) The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Immunological Approach to Detecting Peptide Hormones (D) Peptide Hormones: How Scientists Are Attempting to Solve Problems of Their Detection and to Understand Their Function (E) Peptide Hormones: The Role Played by Messenger RNA's in Their Detection

20. The author implies which of the following about currently available geological and archaeological evidence concerning the solar-activity cycle?

(A) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 37-45. (B) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 45-52. (C) It is insufficient to confirm either model of solar activity described in the third paragraph. (D) It contradicts both models of solar activity as they are presented in the third paragraph. (E) It disproves the theory that terrestrial weather and solar activity are linked in some way.

26. The author implies which of the following about the fact that turtles, whales, and dugongs all have flippers?

(A) It can be explained by the hypothesis that turtles, whales, and dugongs are very closely related. (B) It can be explained by the idea of convergent evolution. (C) It suggests that turtles, whales, and dugongs evolved in separate parts of the world. (D) It undermines the view that turtles, whales, and dugongs are all descended from terrestrial ancestors. (E) It is the primary difference between turtles, whales, and dugongs, on the one hand, and pinnipeds, on the other.

24. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a drawback of the immunological method of detecting peptide hormones?

(A) It cannot be used to detect the presence of growth regulators in the brain. (B) It cannot distinguish between the peptide hormones and substances that are very similar to them. (C) It uses antiserums that are unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. (D) It involves a purification process that requires extensive training in endocrinology. (E) It involves injecting foreign substances directly into the bloodstream.

23. Which of the following can be inferred about the second of the two doctrines referred to in lines 39-41 of the passage?

(A) It caused some justices to rule that all types of discrimination are prohibited by the Constitution. (B) It shifted the focus of the Supreme Court from racial to nonracial discrimination. (C) It narrowed the concern of the Supreme Court to legislation that employed a suspect classification. (D) It caused legislators who were writing new legislation to reject language that could be construed as permitting racial discrimination. (E) It made it more difficult for commercial businesses to practice racial discrimination.

23. The author suggests which of the following about a Bronze Age artifact containing high concentrations of cobalt or zinc?

(A) It could not be reliably tested for its elemental composition. (B) It could not be reliably tested for its copper isotope composition. (C) It could not be reliably tested for its lead isotope composition. (D) It could have been manufactured from ore from any one of a variety of sources. (E) It could have been produced by the addition of other metals during the processing of the copper ore.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about Hansberry's use of irony in Raisin in the Sun?

(A) It derives from Hansberry's eclectic approach to dramatic structure. (B) It is justified by Hansberry's loyalty to a favorable depiction of American life. (C) It is influenced by the themes of works by Du Bois and Fanon. (D) It is more consistent with Hansberry's concern for Black Americans than with her ideal of human reconciliation. (E) It reflects Hansberry's reservations about the extent to which the American dream has been realized.

20. Which of the following best describes the passage?

(A) It discusses an apparent inconsistency and suggests a reason for it. (B) It outlines a sequence of historical events. (C) It shows why a commonly held view is inaccurate. (D) It evaluates an explanation and finally accepts that explanation. (E) It contrasts two views of an issue.

25. According to the author, which of the following is true of the heritage mentioned in the passage?

(A) It emphasizes gender as the determinate influence on people's lives. (B) It has been the most important influence on Olsen's work. (C) It includes political traditions that span three decades of the twentieth century. (D) It explains the eloquence but not the subject matter of Olsen's work. (E) It reflects primarily the development of socialist political thought in the early twentieth century.

19. The author of the passage concedes which of the following about the Vinaver theory?

(A) It gives a clearer understanding of the unity of Malory's romances. (B) It demonstrates the irrationality of considering Malory's romances to be unified. (C) It establishes acceptable links between Malory's romances and modern novels. (D) It unifies earlier and later theories concerning the chronology of Malory's romances. (E) It makes valid and subtle comments about Malory's romances.

18. The passage suggests which of the following about the recent research mentioned in lines 19-25?

(A) It has solved one set of problems but has created another. (B) It has concentrated on secondary concerns but has ignored primary concerns. (C) It has improved practical applications of biomaterial technology without providing a complete theoretical explanation of that improvement. (D) It has thoroughly investigated properties of biomaterials but has paid little attention to relevant characteristics of human tissue. (E) It has provided considerable information on short-term implant technology but little on long-term implant technology.

19. The author of the passage suggests that which of the following is true of Benjamin Quarles' work?

(A) It introduced a new and untried research methodology. (B) It contained theories so controversial that they gave rise to an entire generation of scholarship. (C) It was a pioneering work that has not yet been displaced by subsequent scholarship. (D) It launched the career of a scholar who later wrote even more important works. (E) At the time it appeared, its author already enjoyed a well-established reputation in the field.

24. The author implies which of the following about Under the Greenwood Tree in relation to Hardy's other novels?

(A) It is Hardy's most thorough investigation of the psychology of love. (B) Although it is his most controlled novel, it does not exhibit any harsh or risky impulses. (C) It, more than his other novels, reveals Hardy as a realist interested in the history of ordinary human beings. (D) In it Hardy's novelistic impulses are managed somewhat better than in his other novels. (E) Its plot, like the plots of all of Hardy's other novels, splits into two distinct parts.

26. Which of the following best summarizes the author's opinion of the suggestion that different areas of the brain determine perceptions produced by sensory nerve impulses?

(A) It is a plausible explanation, but it has not been completely proved. (B) It is the best explanation of brain processes currently available. (C) It is disproved by the fact that the various areas of the brain are physiologically very similar. (D) There is some evidence to support it, but it fails to explain the diversity of mental experience. (E) There is experimental evidence that confirms its correctness.

27. Which of the following best states the author's main point about logical argument?

(A) It is a sterile, abstract discipline, of little use in real life. (B) It is an essential element of persuasive discourse, but only one such element. (C) It is an important means of persuading people to act against their desires. (D) It is the lowest order of discourse because it is the least imaginative. (E) It is essential to persuasive discourse because it deals with universal truths.

25. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding Till We Have Faces?

(A) It is an improvement over the Eros and Psyche story on which it is based. (B) It illustrated Lewis' attempt to involve his readers emotionally in the story of Eros and Psyche. (C) It was more highly regarded by Wilson than by Lewis himself. (D) It is one of the outstanding literary achievements of Lewis' career. (E) It is probably one of the most popular of Lewis' works.

17. With which of the following statements concerning the stiffening of aging tissues would the author most likely agree?

(A) It is caused to a large degree by an increased rate of cell multiplication. (B) It paradoxically both helps and hinders the longevity of proteins in the human body. (C) It can be counteracted in part by increased ingestion of glucose-free foods. (D) It is exacerbated by increased enzymatic glycosylation. (E) It probably involves the nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that a writer such as Eugenio Fernandez Mendez would most likely agree with which of the following statements concerning members of minority ethnic groups?

(A) It is necessary for the members of such groups to adapt to the culture of the majority. (B) The members of such groups generally encounter a culture that is static and undifferentiated. (C) Social mobility is the most important feature of the experience of members of such groups. (D) Social scientists should emphasize the cultural and political aspects of the experience of members of such groups. (E) The assimilation of members of such groups requires the forced abandonment of their authentic national roots.

20. The passage suggests which of the following about the "force" mentioned in lines 16 and 18?

(A) It is responsible for most of the major geologic events that have occurred. (B) It is responsible for most of the marine extinctions that have occurred. (C) Its recurrence is unlikely to be able to be predicted by scientists. (D) Its existence was not seriously considered by scientists before Raup and Sepkoski did their research. (E) Its existence was confirmed by the research of Raup and Sepkoski.

21. The author describes which of the following as the most appealing feature of methanol?

(A) It is substantially less expensive than ethanol. (B) It could be provided to consumers through the existing motor fuel distribution system. (C) It has a higher energy content than other alternative fuels. (D) Its use would make design improvements in individual vehicles feasible. (E) Its use would substantially reduce ozone levels.

22. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the particulate matter that is carried down from the surface of the ocean?

(A) It is the basis of bacterial chemosynthesis in the vents. (B) It may provide an important source of nutrition for vent faunas. (C) It may cause the internal temperature of the vents to change significantly. (D) It is transported as large aggregates of particles. (E) It contains hydrogen sulfide.

27. Which of the following contributes to the misunderstanding described by the author in lines 13-14?

(A) It is unclear whom the speaker of the sentence is addressing. (B) It is unclear to whom the word "his" refers the first time it is used. (C) It is unclear to whom the word "his" refers the second time it is used. (D) The meaning of "took" is ambiguous. (E) It is unclear to whom "He" refers.

21. Which of the following best describes the function of the third paragraph of the passage (lines 19-29)?

(A) It offers evidence that contradicts the findings described in the first two paragraphs. (B) It presents a specific example of the process discussed in the first two paragraphs. (C) It explains a problem that the researchers mentioned in the second paragraph have yet to solve. (D) It evaluates the research discoveries described in the previous paragraph. (E) It begins a detailed description of the process introduced in the previous two paragraphs.

26. The author makes which of the following statements about lead isotope composition?

(A) It often varies from one copper-ore source to another. (B) It sometimes varies over short distances in a single copper-ore source. (C) It can vary during the testing of artifacts, producing a measurement error. (D) It frequently changes during smelting and roasting. (E) It may change when artifacts are buried for thousands of years.

27. The passage suggests which of the following about the magno system?

(A) It perceives borders on the basis of luminance contrast. (B) It perceives shapes on the basis of color contrast. (C) It is better at perceiving stationary objects than it is at detecting movement. (D) It can detect motion but it cannot signal the position of an object. (E) It is better at processing information about movement than it is at processing information about depth.

19. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the movement opposing the war in Vietnam?

(A) It preceded the civil rights movement. (B) It began in 1965. (C) It was supported by many who otherwise opposed public dissent. (D) It drew support from most civil rights leaders. (E) It was well underway by 1967.

19. Which of the following statements concerning the function of African music can be inferred from the passage?

(A) It preserved cultural values because it was thoroughly integrated into the lives of the people. (B) It was more important in the development of African religious life than in other areas of culture. (C) It was developed in response to the loss of political and economic systems. (D) Its pervasiveness in African culture hindered its effectiveness in minimizing the impact of slavery. (E) Its isolation from the economic domains of life enabled it to survive the destructive impact of slavery.

24. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the visual system?

(A) It processes visual signals in three consecutive stages. (B) It processes visual signals through separate processing systems in the brain. (C) It consists of only three separate systems. (D) It consists of a single hierarchical system rather than a multipartite system. (E) It consists of separate system with high overlap in processing functions.

26. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the first paragraph of the passage to the passage as a whole?

(A) It provides a group of specific examples from which generalizations are drawn later in the passage. (B) It leads to an assertion that is supported by examples later in the passage. (C) It defines terms and relationships that are challenged in an argument later in the passage. (D) It briefly compares and contrasts several achievements that are examined in detail later in the passage. (E) It explains a method of judging a work of art, a method that is used later in the passage.

21. Which of the following best describes the function of the third paragraph of the passage?

(A) It resolves a contradiction between the ideas presented in the first and second paragraphs. (B) It introduces research data to support the theory outlined in the second paragraph. (C) It draws a conclusion from conflicting evidence presented in the first two paragraphs. (D) It shows how phenomena described in the first and second paragraphs act in combination. (E) It elaborates on the thesis introduced in the first paragraph after a digression in the second paragraph.

24. Which of the following does the passage imply about the "early classification of Alpine glaciation" (lines 32-33)?

(A) It should not have been applied as widely as it was. (B) It represents the best possible scientific practice, given the tools available at the time. (C) It was a valuable tool, in its time, for measuring the length of the four periods of glaciation. (D) It could be useful, but only as a general guide to the events of the Pleistocene epoch. (E) It does not shed any light on the methods used at the time for investigating periods of glaciation.

21. Which of the following best describes the function of the last paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole?

(A) It summarizes the benefits that students can derive from the experimental scholarly methods course. (B) It provides additional reasons why Griffith's work raises issues having to do with the canon of authors. (C) It provides an illustration of the immediate nature of the experiences students can derive from the experimental scholarly methods course. (D) It contrasts the experience of a student in the experimental scholarly methods course with the experience of a student in the traditional course. (E) It provides information that emphasizes the suitability of Griffith's work for inclusion in the canon of authors.

23. Which of the following best describes the function of the concluding sentence of the passage?

(A) It sums up the general points concerning the mechanization of work made in the passage as a whole. (B) It draws a conclusion concerning the effects of the mechanization of work which goes beyond the evidence presented in the passage as a whole. (C) It restates the point concerning technology made in the sentence immediately preceding it. (D) It qualifies the author's agreement with scholars who argue for a major revision in the assessment of the impact of mechanization on society. (E) It suggests a compromise between two seemingly contradictory views concerning the effects of mechanization on society.

18. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of the process that discolors and toughens foods?

(A) It takes place more slowly than glycosylation in the human body. (B) It requires a higher ratio of glucose to protein than glycosylation requires in the human body. (C) It does not require the aid of enzymes to attach glucose to protein. (D) It proceeds more quickly when the food proteins have a molecular structure similar to that of crystallin proteins. (E) Its effectiveness depends heavily on the amount of environmental moisture.

27. The passage suggests which of the following about previous research on homework?

(A) It was conducted primarily with women who did not have extensive household responsibilities or care for small children at home. (B) It was conducted with homeworkers and companies over a large geographical area. (C) It indicated that women homeworkers had numerous opportunities to work outside the home. (D) It indicated that homeworkers usually work for companies that are close to their homes. (E) It indicated that homework was financially advantageous to large companies.

22. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Seneca Falls conference on women's rights?

(A) It was primarily a product of nineteenth-century Saint-Simonian feminist thought. (B) It was the work of American activists who were independent of feminists abroad. (C) It was the culminating achievement of the utopian socialist movement. (D) It was a manifestation of an international movement for social change and feminism. (E) It was the final manifestation of the women's rights movement in the United States in the nineteenth century.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the Space Lab experiment conducted in 1983?

(A) It was the first experiment to take place in the microgravity environment of space. (B) It was the first experiment in which researchers in space were able to grow lysozyme protein crystals greater in size than those grown on Earth. (C) Its results have been superseded by subsequent research in the field of microgravity protein crystal growth. (D) Its results are still considered by some to be evidence for the advantages of microgravity protein crystal growth. (E) Its results are considered by many to be invalid because nonstandard techniques were employed.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the Saint-Simonians envisioned a utopian society having which of the following characteristics?

(A) It would be worldwide. (B) It would emphasize dogmatic religious principles. (C) It would most influence the United States. (D) It would have armies composed of women rather than of men. (E) It would continue to develop new feminist ideas.

18. It can be inferred that the author of the passage expects that the experience of the student mentioned as having studied Wife in the Right would have which of the following effects?

(A) It would lead the student to disregard information found in the Bibliotheca Britannica. (B) It would teach the student to question the accuracy of certain kinds of information sources when studying neglected authors. (C) It would teach the student to avoid the use of reference sources in studying neglected authors. (D) It would help the student to understand the importance of first editions in establishing the authorship of plays. (E) It would enhance the student's appreciation of the works of authors not included in the canon.

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the teams mentioned in line 19 were most interested in which of the following aspects of the land in the western United States?

(A) Its fragility in the face of increased human intrusion (B) Its role in shaping the lives of indigenous peoples (C) Its potential for sustaining future settlements (D) Its importance as an environment for rare plants and animals (E) Its unusual vulnerability to extreme natural forces

24. According to the passage, the defining characteristic of an electride is which of the following?

(A) Its positive ions are of particularly low mass. (B) Its ions possess identical electrical charges. (C) It contains a framework of regularly stacked ions. (D) Its ions demonstrate strong mutual attraction. (E) Its negative ions consist solely of electrons.

17. According to the passage, the delay referred to in lines 12-15 is perhaps attributable to which of the following?

(A) King's ambivalence concerning the role of the United States in the war in Vietnam (B) King's attempts to consolidate support for his leadership within the civil rights movement (C) King's desire to keep the leadership of the civil rights movement distinct from that of the antiwar movement (D) King's desire to draw support for the civil rights movement from the leadership of the antiwar movement (E) King's reluctance to jeopardize federal support for the civil rights movement

20. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the precipitation hypothesis, as it is set forth in the passage?

(A) Larger clouds are more likely than smaller clouds to be characterized by complete separation of positive and negative charges. (B) In smaller clouds lightning more often occurs within the cloud than between the cloud and the earth. (C) Large raindrops move more rapidly in small clouds than they do in large clouds. (D) Clouds that are smaller than average in size rarely, if ever, produce lightning bolts. (E) In clouds of all sizes negative charges concentrate in the center of the clouds when the clouds become electrically charged.

18. The passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about literary realism?

(A) Literary realism is most concerned with the exploration of the internal lives of ordinary human beings. (B) The term "literary realism" is susceptible to more than a single definition. (C) Literary realism and an interest in psychology are likely to be at odds in a novelist's work. (D) "Literary realism" is the term most often used by critics in describing the method of Hardy's novels. (E) A propensity toward literary realism is a less interesting novelistic impulse than is an interest in the occult and the strange.

25. The passage suggests that the recent studies cited in lines 19-21 have not done which of the following?

(A) Made any distinctions between different species of wind-pollinated plants. (B) Considered the physical properties of the pollen that is produced by wind-pollinated plants. (C) Indicated the general range within which plant-generated airflow disturbances are apt to occur. (D) Included investigations of the physics of pollen motion and its relationship to the efficient capture of pollen by the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants. (E) Demonstrated that the morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants are usually evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination.

23. According to the passage, in the absence of definite knowledge concerning the dates of composition of ancient literary works, literary historians do which of the following when trying to establish the chronology of an author's work?

(A) Make assumptions about a single work's date of composition if such assumptions would not seriously affect interpretations of other works by the same author. (B) Draw inferences concerning the date of a work's composition based on evidence internal to that work and on the author's other works. (C) Ignore the date of a work's composition which is supplied by archaeological research when literary factors internal to the work contradict that date. (D) Refrain from speculation concerning a work's date of composition unless archaeological finds produce information concerning it. (E) Estimate the date of a work's composition without attempting to relate it to the author's development as an artist.

17. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Marine sediments have allowed scientists to amass evidence tending to confirm that astronomical cycles drive the Earth's glacial cycles. (B) The ratio between two different isotopes of oxygen in seawater correlates closely with the size of the Earth's ice sheets. (C) Surprisingly, single-cell marine organisms provide a record of the Earth's ice ages. (D) The Earth's astronomical cycles have recently been revealed to have an unexpectedly large impact on the Earth's climate. (E) The earth has experienced eight periods of intense glaciation in the past million years, primarily as a result of substantial changes in its orbit.

22. Which of the following best paraphrases Flaubert's statement quoted in lines 1-4?

(A) Masterpiece seem ordinary and unremarkable from the perspective of a later age. (B) Great works of art do not explain themselves to us any more than natural objects do. (C) Important works of art take their place in the pageant of history because of their uniqueness. (D) The most important aspects of good art are the orderliness and tranquility it reflects. (E) Masterpieces which are of enduring value represent the forces of nature.

24. According to the passage, mathematicians present a danger to scientists for which of the following reasons?

(A) Mathematicians may provide theories that are incompatible with those already developed by scientists. (B) Mathematicians may define situation in a way that is incomprehensible to scientists. (C) Mathematicians may convince scientists that theoretical assumptions are facts. (D) Scientists may come to believe that axiomatic statements are untrue. (E) Scientists may begin to provide arguments that are convincing but imprecise.

18. According to the passage, which of the following statements about methane is true?

(A) Methane is found in marine sediments. (B) Methane is more effective than carbon dioxide in absorbing radiant heat. (C) The Earth's atmosphere now contains more than twice as much methane as it does carbon dioxide. (D) The higher the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere, the lower the concentration of methane. (E) Most of the global warming that has occurred during the past 10 years has been associated with increased methane concentration.

25. The passage suggests that which of the following explains the characteristic use of a mixture of Spanish, English, and Mexican American dialects in the works of Mexican American playwrights?

(A) Mexican American playwrights wish to include in their works elements drawn from the traditions and history of pre-Hispanic America. (B) Mexican American playwrights try to guarantee that their works are fully understood by the broadest possible audience, including those who may speak only one language. (C) Such a linguistic mix faithfully reflects the linguistic diversity of Mexican American culture, and is easily understood by most Mexican Americans. (D) Many Mexican American playwrights are quite familiar with both the Spanish-language and the English-language theater traditions. (E) Many different languages are still spoken within the confines of the United States, although English is still the most common first language of its citizens.

25. The passage implies which of the following about women spinners in medieval Europe?

(A) Most of them worked independently for wealthy sponsors. (B) They were not typical of medieval women entrepreneurs. (C) Some of them were paid for their work after it was done, according to its value. (D) They would have been able to contribute substantial amounts to their families incomes were it not for the prohibition against advancing money to them. (E) They were inevitably disadvantaged in the marketplace because they were obliged to obtain money for their supplies from usurers.

18. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?

(A) Naturally occurring nitrogen oxides, as well as those introduced by humans, threaten to deplete the layer of ozone in the stratosphere. (B) A delicate but reasonably constant balance exists between the natural processes that produce and those that destroy ozone in the stratosphere. (C) There is little hope that the increased concentrations of ground-level ozone observed in recent years can offset any future depletion of stratospheric ozone. (D) Meteorologically induced changes in the concentration of ozone in the stratosphere tend to cancel themselves out over a period of time. (E) Solar radiation not only produces and destroys zone but also poses a hazard to human life.

27. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following exhibit the LEAST qualitative variation?

(A) Nerve cells (B) Nerve impulses (C) Cortical areas (D) Spatial patterns of nerve impulses (E) Temporal patterns of nerve impulses

27. Which of the following statements concerning nuclear scientists is most directly suggested in the passage?

(A) Nuclear scientists are not themselves aware of all of the facts surrounding the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction. (B) Nuclear scientists exploring the deuterium-tritium reaction have overlooked key facts in their eagerness to prove nuclear fusion practical. (C) Nuclear scientists may have overestimated the amount of lithium actually available in the Earth's crust. (D) Nuclear scientists have not been entirely dispassionate in their investigation of the deuterium-tritium reaction. (E) Nuclear scientists have insufficiently investigated the lithium-to-tritium reaction in nuclear fusion. No. 4-3

22. Which of the following adjectives best describes "the concept of art imposed by the triumph of Modernism" as the author represents it in lines 25-27?

(A) Objective (B) Mechanical (C) Superficial (D) Dramatic (E) Paradoxical

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would find Davis' second premise (lines 18-20) more plausible if it were true that

(A) Puritan culture had displayed the tendency characteristic of the South to cultivate metropolitan cultural models (B) Puritan culture had been dominant in all the non-Southern colonies during the seventeenth and eighteen centuries (C) the communal impulse and a strong religious orientation had been more prevalent in the South (D) the various cultural patterns of the Southern colonies had more closely resembled each other (E) the cultural patterns characteristic of most early modern British colonies had also been characteristic of the Puritan colonies

20. Physicists' recent investigations of the decay of the vacuum, as described in the passage, most closely resemble which of the following hypothetical events in other disciplines?

(A) On the basis of data gathered in a carefully controlled laboratory experiment, a chemist predicts and then demonstrates the physical properties of a newly synthesized polymer. (B) On the basis of manipulations of macroeconomic theory, an economist predicts that, contrary to accepted economic theory, inflation and unemployment will both decline under conditions of rapid economic growth. (C) On the basis of a rereading of the texts of Jane Austen's novels, a literary critic suggests that, contrary to accepted literary interpretations. Austen's plots were actually metaphors for political events in early nineteenth-century England. (D) On the basis of data gathered in carefully planned observations of several species of birds, a biologist proposes a modification in the accepted theory of interspecies competition. (E) On the basis of a study of observations incidentally recorded in ethnographers' descriptions of non-Western societies, an anthropologist proposes a new theory of kinship relations.

26. The evidence in favor of insect pollination of cycads presented in lines 2-4 would be more convincing if which of the following were also true?

(A) Only a small variety of cycad species can be successfully transplanted. (B) Cycads can sometimes be pollinated by means other than wind or insects. (C) Insects indigenous to regions to which cycads are transplanted sometimes feed on cycads. (D) Winds in the areas to which cycads are usually transplanted are similar to winds in cycads' native habitats. (E) The transplantation of cycads from one region to another usually involves the accidental removal and introduction of insects as well.

25. Which of the following best summarizes the author's main point?

(A) Oversimplified comparisons of animal societies could diminish the likelihood of developing a unified science of sociobiology. (B) Understanding the ways in which animals as different as termites and rhesus macaques resemble each other requires train in both biology and sociology. (C) Most animals organize themselves into societies that exhibit patterns of group behavior similar to those of human societies. (D) Animals as different as termites and rhesus macaques follow certain similar and predictable patterns of behavior. (E) A study of the similarities between insect and vertebrate societies could provide the basis for a unified science of sociobiology.

27. Which of the following best states the author's main point?

(A) Pessen's study has overturned the previously established view of the social and economic structure of early nineteenth-century America. (B) Tocqueville's analysis of the United States in the Jacksonian era remains the definitive account of this period. (C) Pessen's study is valuable primarily because it shows the continuity of the social system in the United States throughout the nineteenth century. (D) The social patterns and political power of the extremely wealthy in the United States between 1825 and 1850 are well documented. (E) Pessen challenges a view of the social and economic system in the United States from 1825 to 1850, but he draws conclusions that are incorrect.

17. Which of the following best expresses the author's main point?

(A) Philosophy's overriding interest in basic human questions is a legacy primarily of the work of Kant. (B) Philosophy was deeply involved in the seventeenth-century warfare between science and religion. (C) The set of problems of primary importance to philosophers has remained relatively constant since antiquity. (D) The status of philosophy as an independent intellectual pursuit is a relatively recent development. (E) The role of philosophy in guiding intellectual speculation has gradually been usurped by science.

20. Of the following descriptions of migrating animals, which most strongly suggests that the animals are depending on magnetic cues to orient themselves?

(A) Pigeons can properly readjust their course even when flying long distances through exceedingly dense fogs. (B) Bison are able to reach their destination by passing through a landscape that has been partially altered by a recent fire. (C) Elephants are able to find grounds that some members of the herd have never seen before. (D) Swallows are able to return to a given spot at the same time every year. (E) Monarch butterflies coming from different parts of North America are able to arrive at the same location each winter.

25. The author implies that which of the following was part of the long-standing view concerning pinnipeds?

(A) Pinnipeds are all descended from a terrestrial bearlike animal. (B) Pinnipeds share a common ancestor with turtles, whales, and dugongs. (C) Similarities among pinnipeds are due to their all having had to adapt to aquatic life. (D) There are detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all pinnipeds. (E) Convergent evolution cannot account for the similarities among pinnipeds.

17. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

(A) Poetry and Satire as Influences on the Novels of Virginia Woolf (B) Virginia Woolf: Critic and Commentator on the Twentieth-Century Novel (C) Trends in Contemporary Reform Movements as a Key to Understanding Virginia Woolf's Novels (D) Society as Allegory for the Individual in the Novels of Virginia Woolf (E) Virginia Woolf's Novels: Critical Reflections on the Individual and on Society

27. The passage suggests that which of the following would occur if a privately financed bridge that proved to be profitable failed after a number of years to meet the demands of traffic?

(A) Private developers who financed the bridge would rely on governmental authorities to develop new infrastructure. (B) User fees would be increased so that usage would become more costly. (C) Governmental authorities would be reluctant to rely on private contractors to develop a new bridge. (D) The success of the project would be jeopardized by public dissatisfaction with the project's adequacy. (E) Profits generated by user fees would be used to help finance the construction of new infrastructure to alleviate the traffic problem.

22. The author's use of the phrase "in a sense" (line 34) implies which of the following?

(A) Quanta of extremely long wavelength are essentially graduated in inches. (B) quanta of one-inch wavelength are not precisely analogous to yardsticks graduated in inches. (C) Quanta of extremely long wavelength, in at least on e respect, resemble quanta of shorter wavelength. (D) quanta of on-inch wavelength and quanta of extremely long wavelength do not differ only in their wavelengths. (E) quanta of one-inch wavelength must be measured by different standards than quanta of extremely long wavelength.

24. According to the passage, the Handlins have argued which of the following about the relationship between racial prejudice and the institution of legal slavery in the English colonies of North America?

(A) Racial prejudice and the institution of slavery arose simultaneously. (B) Racial prejudice most often took the form of the imposition of inherited status, one of the attributes of slavery. (C) The source of racial prejudice was the institution of slavery. (D) Because of the influence of the Roman Catholic church, racial prejudice sometimes did not result in slavery. (E) Although existing in a lesser form before the 1660's, racial prejudice increased sharply after slavery was legalized.

20. Which of the following, if true, would cast most doubt on Phinney's estimate of the probability of Earth rocks hitting Mars?

(A) Rather than going in random directions, about 25 percent of all particles ejected from Earth go in the same direction into space. (B) Approximately 100 meteorites large enough to make a noticeable crater hit the Earth each year. (C) No rocks of Earth origin have been detected on Mars. (D) The velocity of rocks escaping from Earth's gravity is lower than the velocity of meteorites hitting the Earth. (E) No craters more than 60 miles across have been found on Mars.

17. Which of the following statements best expresses the main point of the passage?

(A) Recurring outbreaks of infestation by gypsy moth caterpillars have had a devastating impact on trees in the northeastern United States. (B) A mechanism used by trees to combat the threat from gypsy moth caterpillars has actually made some trees more vulnerable to that threat. (C) Although deadly to gypsy moth caterpillars, wilt disease has failed to significantly affect the population density of the caterpillars. (D) The tree species with the highest levels of phenols in their foliage are the most successful in defending themselves against gypsy moth caterpillars. (E) In their efforts to develop new methods for controlling gypsy moth caterpillars, researchers have focused on the effects of phenols in tree leaves on the insects' growth and reproduction.

22. The passage suggests that the scientists who first constructed a coherent, continuous picture of past variations in marine-sediment isotope ratios did which of the following?

(A) Relied primarily on the data obtained from the analysis of Emiliani's core samples. (B) Combined data derived from the analysis of many different core samples. (C) Matched the data obtained by geologists with that provided by astronomers. (D) Evaluated the isotope-ratio data obtained in several areas in order to eliminate all but the most reliable data. (E) Compared data obtained from core samples in many different marine environments with data samples derived from polar ice caps.

21. The passage suggests that a filmmaker desiring to enhance viewers' perceptions of art should do which of the following?

(A) Rely on the precise language of art history when developing scripts for films on art. (B) Rely on dramatic narrative and music to set a film's tone and style. (C) Recognize that a work of art by itself can be compelling enough to hold a viewer's attention. (D) Depend more strongly on narration instead of camera movements to guide the viewer's gaze. (E) Emphasize the social and the historical contexts within which works of art have been created.

19. The passage best supports which of the following inferences about the fitness of honeybees?

(A) Reproduction diminishes any individual honeybee's fitness. (B) An individual worker's fitness can be maintained without the individual herself reproducing. (C) A hierarchy of stronger and weaker individuals among the worker bees determines which individuals will reproduce when a queen dies. (D) While a queen reigns, the fitness of the worker bees is increased and that of the drones is diminished. (E) Fitness encourages worker bees to hatch honeybee eggs without regard for the relatedness of the young to the "parent."

19. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Research has suggested that the neurotransmitter serotonin is responsible for the effects of hallucinogenic drugs on the brain and on behavior. (B) Researchers have spent an inadequate amount of time developing theories concerning the way in which the effects of hallucinogenic drugs occur. (C) Research results strongly suggest that hallucinogenic drugs create their effects by acting on the serotonin receptor sites located on target neurons in the brain. (D) Researchers have recently made valuable discoveries concerning the effects of depleting the amount of serotonin in the brain. (E) Researchers have concluded that hallucinogenic drugs suppress the activity of serotonin-secreting neurons.

23. With which of the following statements regarding revolution would the author most likely agree?

(A) Revolutionary mobilization requires a great deal of planning by people representing disaffected groups. (B) The objectives of the February Revolution were more radical than those of the June insurrection. (C) The process of revolutionary mobilization varies greatly from one revolution to the next. (D) Revolutions vary greatly in the usefulness of the historical records that they produce. (E) As knowledge of the February Revolution increases, chances are good that its importance will eventually eclipse that of the June insurrection.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that Mark Twain would most probably have believed in which of the following statements about societal change?

(A) Revolutions, in order to be successful in changing society, have to be carried out without violence. (B) Technological advancements are limited in their ability to change society and will likely bring liabilities along with any potential benefits. (C) The belief in the unmitigated benefits of societal change is antithetical to the American doctrine of progress. (D) The political system of sixth-century Britain was more conducive to societal change than was the political system of nineteenth-century America. (E) Technological advances and peaceful revolutions, although sometimes accompanied by unintended violence and resistance to societal change, eventually lead to a more progressive order.

22. The passage implies that which of the following is true of the bacterial genus Rhizobium?

(A) Rhizobium bacteria are found primarily in nitrogen-depleted soils. (B) Some strains of Rhizobium are not capable of entering into a symbiosis with any plant. (C) Newly bred varieties of legumes cannot be hosts to any strain of Rhizobium. (D) Rhizobium bacteria cannot survive outside the protected habitat provided by host plants. (E) Rhizobium bacteria produce some ammonia for their own purposes.

23. The author's assertions concerning the conditions that lead to the decay of the vacuum would be most weakened if which of the following occurred?

(A) Scientists created an electric field next to a vacuum, but found that the electric field was not intense enough to create a charged vacuum. (B) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that no virtual particles were created in the vacuum's region of space. (C) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that they could not then detect any real particles in the vacuum's region of space. (D) Scientists introduced a virtual electron and a virtual positron into a vacuum's region of space, but found that the vacuum did not then fluctuate. (E) Scientists introduced a real electron and a real positron into a vacuum's region of space, but found that the total energy of the space increased by the energy equivalent of the mass of the particles.

21. Which of the following best characterizes the author's attitude toward Tolstoi?

(A) She deprecates the cynicism of his later works. (B) She finds his theatricality artificial. (C) She admires his wholehearted sincerity. (D) She thinks his inconsistency disturbing. (E) She respects his devotion to orthodoxy.

20. Which of the following is one way in which Nevelson's art illustrates her theory as it is expressed in lines 36-38?

(A) She sculpts in wood rather than in metal or stone. (B) She paints her sculptures and frames them in boxes. (C) She makes no preliminary sketches but rather allows the sculpture to develop as she works. (D) She puts together pieces of ordinary objects once used for different purposes to make her sculptures. (E) She does not deliberately attempt to convey symbolic or religious meanings through her sculpture.

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the "Other geologists" (line 8) would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

(A) Similar geological features along both sides of a possible suture imply the existence of that suture. (B) Sutures can be discovered only where they are not obscured by superimposed geological features. (C) The composition of igneous rocks permits prediction of the likelihood of a rift developing through them. (D) It is possible to date igneous rocks by carefully studying the different kinds of rare metals contained in them and by observing their similarity to the layer of rock that lies above them. (E) The existence of rock layers on one side of a rift that are similar in composition to rock layers on the other side suggests that no suture exists between the two sides.

18. Which of the following statements is supported by information given in the passage?

(A) Since 1945 women sculptors in the United States have produced more sculpture than have men sculptors. (B) Since 1950 sculpture produced in the United States has been the most original and creative sculpture produced anywhere. (C) From 1900 to 1950 women sculptors in Europe enjoyed more recognition for their work than did women sculptors in the United States. (D) Prior to 1945 there were many women sculptors whose work was ignored by critics. (E) Prior to 1945 there was little major sculpture produced by men or women sculptors working in the United States.

27. Which of the following best expresses an opinion presented by the author of the passage?

(A) Smith has overstated the importance of the political role played by Iroquois tribal chiefs in the nineteenth century. (B) Smith has overlooked the fact that the Iroquois rarely allowed their shamans to exercise political authority. (C) Smith has failed to explain why the chiefs' council was dissolved late in the nineteenth century. (D) Smith has failed to acknowledge the role prior to the nineteenth century of the Iroquois tribal chiefs in religious affairs. (E) Smith has failed to recognize that the very structure of Iroquois social institutions reflects religious beliefs.

17. By using the word "interpretative" in line 40, the author is indicating which of the following?

(A) Some maps are based more on data from aerial photography than on data from field operations. (B) Some maps are based almost exclusively on laboratory measurements. (C) Some maps are based on incomplete data from field observations. (D) Some maps show only large geologic features. (E) Some maps can be three-dimensional.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is a direct perceptual consequence of interstellar dust?

(A) Some stars are rendered invisible to observers on Earth. (B) Many visible stars are made to seem brighter than they really are. (C) The presence of hydrogen and helium gas is revealed. (D) The night sky appears dusty at all times to observers on Earth. (E) The dust is conspicuously visible against a background of bright stars.

23. The second paragraph makes use of which of the following?

(A) Specific examples (B) Analogy (C) Metaphor (D) Quotation (E) Exaggeration

20. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would consider which of the following to be an indication of a fundamental alteration in the conditions of women's work?

(A) Statistics showing that the majority of women now occupy white-collar positions (B) Interviews with married men indicating that they are now doing some household tasks (C) Surveys of the labor market documenting the recent creation of a new class of jobs in electronics in which women workers outnumber men four to one (D) Census results showing that working women's wages and salaries are, on the average, as high as those of working men (E) Enrollment figures from universities demonstrating that increasing numbers of young women are choosing to continue their education beyond the undergraduate level

19. The author of the passage suggests that which of the following is a disadvantage of the strategy employed in the experimental scholarly methods course?

(A) Students were not given an opportunity to study women writers outside the canon. (B) Students' original work would not be appreciated by recognized scholars. (C) Little scholarly work has been done on the work of Elizabeth Griffith. (D) Most of the students in the course had had little opportunity to study eighteenth-century literature. (E) Students were not given an opportunity to encounter certain sources of information that could prove useful in their future studies.

17. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?

(A) Studies suggest that biological control of bracken will not be technically feasible. (B) Although biological control appears to be the best solution to bracken infestation, careful assessment of the consequences is required. (C) Environmentalists are hoping that laboratory technicians will find a way to raise large numbers of moths in captivity. (D) Bracken is currently the best solution to the proliferation of nonnative moth species. (E) Even after researchers discover the most economical method of pest control, the government has no authority to implement a control program.

25. With which of the following statements regarding the chronological criteria mentioned in line 33-34 would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) Such criteria, whether applied to or derived from the plays, should only be used to confirm already existing knowledge. (B) Such criteria, although derived from reliable external and internal evidence, should be changed continually to avoid rigidity in thinking. (C) Such criteria, based on statistical analysis, are inherently more reliable than those of forty years ago. (D) Such criteria, even when unsupported by external evidence, can resolve most questions. (E) Such criteria, based on often ambiguous internal evidence, can lead to erroneous reconstructions of the chronology of an author's work.

19. The passage suggests that which of the following is a shortcoming of protective labor laws that single out a particular group of workers for protection?

(A) Such laws are often too weak to be effective at protecting the group in question. (B) Such laws are usually drafted by legislators who, do not have the best interests of workers at heart. (C) Such laws exert no pressure on employers to eliminate hazards in the workplace. (D) Compliance with such laws is often costly for employers and provokes lawsuits by employees claiming discrimination. (E) Employer compliance with such laws results in increased tension among workers on the job, because such laws unfairly privilege one group of employees over another.

26. Which of the following statements would be most likely to follow the last sentence of the passage?

(A) Supernovas are not necessarily the most spectacular events that astronomers have occasion to observe. (B) Apparently, stars that have a mass of greater than 6 M⊙ are somewhat rare. (C) Recent studies of CO and NH3 in the circumstellar clouds of stars similar to IRC+10216 have led astronomers to believe that the formation of planetary nebulas precedes the development of supernovas. (D) It appears, then, that IRC+10216 actually represents an intermediate step in the evolution of a giant star into a planetary nebula. (E) Astronomers have yet to develop a consistently accurate method for measuring the rate at which a star exhausts its nuclear fuel.

27. The allusion to the hypothetical papyrus fragment in line 45-49 does which of the following?

(A) Supports an argument concerning the date of The Suppliant Women. (B) Refutes the views of the majority of scholars concerning the Oxyrhynchus papyrus find. (C) Predicts the future results of archaeological research proposed in the passage. (D) Undermines the validity of the currently accepted chronology of Aeschylus' works. (E) Qualifies the author's agreement with the "new creed" developed since the Oxyrhynchus papyrus find.

23. Which of the following is most nearly analogous in source and artistic character to a ragtime composition as described in the passage?

(A) Symphonic music derived from complex jazz motifs (B) An experimental novel based on well-known cartoon characters (C) A dramatic production in which actors invent scenes and improvise lines (D) A ballet whose disciplined choreography is based on folk-dance steps (E) A painting whose abstract shapes evoke familiar objects in a natural landscape

24. Which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the situation described by the author as one of nature's great ironies (lines 28-32)?

(A) That of a farmer whose crops have failed because the normal midseason rains did not materialize and no preparations for irrigation had been made (B) That of a long-distance runner who loses a marathon race because of a wrong turn that cost him twenty seconds (C) That of shipwrecked sailors at sea in a lifeboat, with one flask of drinking water to share among them (D) That of a motorist who runs out of gas a mere five miles from the nearest gas station (E) That of travelers who want to reach their destination as fast and as cheaply as possible, but find that cost increases as travel speed increases

25. According to the passage, Garibaldi determined which of the following?

(A) That serum iron is produced through microbial synthesis. (B) That microbial synthesis of siderophores in warm-blooded animals is more efficient at higher temperatures. (C) That only iron bound to other substances can be used by bacteria. (D) That there is a relationship between the synthesis of siderophores in bacteria of the genus Salmonella and environmental temperature. (E) That bacteria of the genus Salmonella require iron as a nutrient.

21. The discussion of the oxygen-isotope ratios in paragraph three of the passage suggests that which of the following must be assumed if the conclusions described in lines 49-58 are to be validly drawn?

(A) The Earth's overall annual precipitation rates do not dramatically increase or decrease over time. (B) The various chemicals dissolved in seawater have had the same concentrations over the past million years. (C) Natural processes unrelated to ice formation do not result in the formation of large quantities of oxygen-

27. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward Arrom's work?

(A) Uncritical approval (B) Enthusiasm tempered by minor reservations (C) Praise for her thesis, despite skepticism regarding the sources of her evidence (D) Reluctant acceptance, despite lingering doubts regarding the accuracy of her thesis (E) Rejection, despite admiration for her attempt to break new ground in a hitherto neglected field

22. Which of the following is the most logical objection to the claim made in lines 38-39?

(A) The February Revolution of 1848 is much less significant than the July insurrection of 1830. (B) The backgrounds and motivations of participants in the July insurrection of 1830 have been identified, however cursorily. (C) Even less is known about the July insurrection of 1830 than about the February Revolution of 1848. (D) Historical records made during the July insurrection of 1830 are less reliable than those made during the May insurrection of 1871. (E) The importance of the July insurrection of 1830 has been magnified at the expense of the significance of the February Revolution of 1848.

27. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage, based on its content?

(A) The Influence of Herbert Gutman on Historians of Slavery in the United States (B) Gutman's Explanation of How Slaves Could Maintain a Cultural Heritage and Develop a Communal Consciousness (C) Slavery in the United States: New Controversy About an Old Subject (D) The Black Heritage of Folklore, Music, and Religious Expression: Its Growing Influence (E) The Black Family and Extended Kinship Structure: How They Were Important for the Freed Slave

20. Which of the following, if true, would be most likely to make it difficult to verify the collision hypothesis in the manner suggested by the author?

(A) The Moon's core and mantlerock are almost inactive geologically. (B) The mantlerock of the Earth has changed in composition since the formation of the Moon, while the mantlerock of the Moon has remained chemically inert. (C) Much of the Earth's iron fell to the Earth's core long before the formation of the Moon, after which the Earth's mantlerock remained unchanged. (D) Certain of the Earth's elements, such as platinum, gold, and iridium, followed iron to the Earth's core. (E) The mantlerock of the Moon contains elements such as platinum, gold, and iridium.

17. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?

(A) The War of Independence produced among many Black Americans a heightened consciousness of the inequities in American society. (B) The War of Independence strengthened the bonds of slavery of many Black Americans while intensifying their desire to be free. (C) The War of Independence exposed to many Americans the contradiction of slavery in a country seeking its freedom and resulted in efforts to resolve that contradiction. (D) The War of Independence provoked strong criticisms by many Americans of the institution of slavery, but produced little substantive action against it. (E) The War of Independence renewed the efforts of many American groups toward achieving Black emancipation.

26. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the "details" versus "constraints" distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?

(A) The ability of most people to see all the colors of the visible spectrum as against most people's inability to name any but the primary colors (B) The ability of even the least fortunate people to show compassion as against people's inability to mask their feelings completely (C) The ability of some people to dive to great depths as against most people's inability to swim long distances (D) The psychological profile of those people who are able to delay gratification as against people's inability to control their lives completely (E) The greater lung capacity of mountain peoples that helps them live in oxygen-poor air as against people's inability to fly without special apparatus

22. Which of the following is the most logical inference to be drawn from the passage about the effects of "several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures" (lines 22-23) passed during and after the 1660's?

(A) The acts negatively affected the pre-1660's position of Black as well as of White servants. (B) The acts had the effect of impairing rather than improving the position of White servants relative to what it had been before the 1660's. (C) The acts had a different effect o n the position of White servants than did many of the acts passed during this time by the legislatures of other colonies. (D) The acts, at the very least, caused the position of White servants to remain no better than it had been before the 1660's. (E) The acts, at the very least, tended to reflect the attitudes toward Black servants that already existed before the 1660's.

19. The passage implies that which of the following is a factor conducive to a more equitable representation of women in the United States armed forces than has existed in the past?

(A) The all-volunteer character of the present armed forces (B) The past service records of women who had assignments functionally equivalent to men's assignments (C) The level of awareness on the part of the larger society of military issues (D) A decline in the proportion of deterrence oriented noncombat assignments (E) Restrictive past policies governing the military assignments open to women

27. It can be inferred from the passage that the conclusion stated in the last sentence would need to be reevaluated if scientists discovered that which of the following were true?

(A) The amount of deuterium in ice deposited on the polar surface is significantly greater than the amount of deuterium in ice located deep beneath the polar surface. (B) Both the air bubbles trapped deep beneath the polar surface and the ice surrounding them contain relatively low levels of deuterium. (C) Air bubbles trapped deep beneath the polar surface and containing relatively high levels of carbon dioxide are surrounded by ice that contained relatively low levels of deuterium. (D) The current level of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere exceeds the level of carbon dioxide in the prehistoric air trapped beneath the polar surface. (E) Increases in the level of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere are accompanied by increases in the amount of deuterium in the ice deposited at the poles.

19. According to the passage, measurements of which of the following can be provided by the optomechanical scanner but not by visible-light photography?

(A) The amount of visible light reflected from oceans (B) The density of foliage in remote areas on the Earth's surface (C) Daily temperature changes of areas on the Earth's surface (D) The degree of radioactivity emitted by exposed rocks on the Earth's surface (E) Atmospheric conditions over large landmasses

26. It can be inferred from the passage that an electride behaves most like a normal ionic crystal when the electride has which of the following features?

(A) The anionic cavities are widely separated. (B) All of the trapped electrons are able to delocalize. (C) The trapped electrons are liberated by impinging photons. (D) The ions are tightly packed together. (E) Most of the cations have lost their electrical charge.

20. Which of the following best states the main point of the passage?

(A) The approach of psychohistorians to historical study is currently in vogue even though it lacks the rigor and verifiability of traditional historical method. (B) Traditional historians can benefit from studying the techniques and findings of psychohistorians. (C) Areas of sociological study such as childhood and work are of little interest to traditional historians. (D) The psychological assessment of an individual's behavior and attitudes is more informative than the details of his or her daily life. (E) History is composed of unique and nonrepeating events that must be individually analyzed on the basis of publicly verifiable evidence.

24. According to the model presented in the passage, which of the following normally signals the disappearance of an El Nino?

(A) The arrival in the eastern Pacific of negative sea-level Kelvin waves. (B) A shift in the direction of the winds produced by the start of an anti-El Nino elsewhere in the Pacific. (C) The reflection of Kelvin waves after they reach the eastern boundary of the Pacific, along Ecuador and Peru. (D) An increase in the speed at which negative Rossby waves cross the Pacific. (E) The creation of a reservoir of colder, deep ocean water trapped under the pile of warmer, surface ocean water.

26. According to the passage, art historians desiring to work with filmmakers to enhance the public's appreciation of art need to acknowledge which of the following?

(A) The art historian's role in the creation of a film on art is likely to be a relatively minor one. (B) Film provides an ideal opportunity to acquaint viewers with a wide range of issues that relate incidentally to a work of art. (C) An in-depth analysis of a work of art is not an appropriate topic for a film on art. (D) Although silence may be an appropriate background when viewing a work of art in a museum, it is inappropriate in a film. (E) Film can use nonverbal means to achieve some of the same results that a spoken or written discourse can achieve.

24. Which of the following statements would best serve as an introduction to the passage?

(A) The assumption that the knowledge incorporated in technological developments must be derived from science ignores the many non-scientific decisions made by technologists. (B) Analytical thought is no longer a vital component in the success of technological development. (C) As knowledge of technology has increased, the tendency has been to lose sight of the important role played by scientific thought in making decisions about form, arrangement, and texture. (D) A movement in engineering colleges toward a technician's degree reflects a demand for graduates who have the nonverbal reasoning ability that was once common among engineers. (E) A technologist thinking about a machine, reasoning through the successive steps in a dynamic process, can actually turn the machine over mentally.

27. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs of the passage?

(A) The author cites a basic principle of classical chemistry and then describes the research from which that principle was developed. (B) The author cites an apparent contradiction to the principles of classical chemistry and then explains the process of a chemical reaction to show there is in fact no contradiction. (C) The author describes the role of heat in chemical reactions and then offers a detailed explanation of its function. (D) The author presents a law of classical chemistry in order to introduce a kind of chemical reaction that differs from it and then explains the essential difference between the two. (E) The author presents the fundamental rules of classical chemistry in order to introduce an explanation of a specific chemical reaction.

26. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) The author compares and contrasts the work of several historians and then discusses areas for possible new research. (B) The author presents his thesis, draws on the work of several historians for evidence to support his thesis, and concludes by reiterating his thesis. (C) The author describes some features of a historical study and then uses those features to put forth his own argument. (D) The author summarizes a historical study, examines two main arguments from the study, and then shows how the arguments are potentially in conflict with one another. (E) The author presents the general argument of a historical study, describes the study in more detail, and concludes with a brief judgments of the study's value.

24. Which of the following best states the author's attitude toward the information that scholars have gathered about Proust's writing in 1909?

(A) The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light since Fallois's speculations. (B) The author is dissatisfied because there are too many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts. (C) The author is confident that Fallois's 1954 guess has been proved largely correct, but regrets that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust's transition from the essay to the novel has not emerged. (D) The author is satisfied that Fallois's judgment was largely correct, but feels that Proust's early work in designing and writing the novel was probably far more deliberate than Fallois's description of the process would suggest. (E) The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust's life in 1909 have been thoroughly established, but believes such documents as drafts and correspondence are only of limited value in a critical assessment of Proust's writing.

22. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of lines 27 to 41 of the passage ("Thus...abstractly")?

(A) The author makes a disapproving observation and then presents two cases, one of which leads to a qualification of his disapproval and the other of which does not. (B) The author draws a conclusion from a previous statement, explains his conclusion in detail, and then gives a series of examples that have the effect of resolving an inconsistency. (C) The author concedes a point and then makes a counterargument, using an extended comparison and contrast that qualifies his original concession. (D) The author makes a judgment, points out an exception to his judgment, and then contradicts his original assertion. (E) The author summarizes and explains an argument and then advances a brief history of opposing arguments.

25. According to the passage, which of the following has been generally believed about homework?

(A) The benefits of homework accrue primarily to employers rather than to homeworkers. (B) Homework is prevalent predominantly in rural areas. (C) Homework is primarily a response to the preferences of women workers. (D) Few homeworkers rely on homework for the majority of their family income. (E) Most homework is seasonal and part-time rather than full-time and year-round.

18. According to the passage, it is believed that oceanic islands are formed from

(A) the same material as mantle xenoliths (B) the same material as the midocean ridge system (C) volcanic rocks from the upper mantle (D) incompatible elements percolating up from the lower mantle (E) mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle

19. The author of the passage characterizes Thomas Malory's Morte d' Arthur as which of the following?

(A) The best-known and most authoritative collection of Arthurian tales written in the English language (B) A collection of legends that have been used as the basis for three movies and two musical comedies (C) A historical account of King Arthur, the sixth-century king of Britain (D) A collection of legends about sixth-century Britain that have existed since at least the fifteenth century (E) The novel about the life of King Arthur that inspired Twain's cynicism about nineteenth-century notions of progress

26. Which of the following can be inferred about warm-blooded animals solely on the basis of information in the passage?

(A) The body temperatures of warm-blooded animals cannot be easily controlled in the laboratory. (B) Warm-blooded animals require more iron in periods of stress than they do at other times. (C) Warm-blooded animals are more comfortable at an environmental temperature of 37℃ than they are at a temperature of 42℃. (D) In warm-blooded animals, bacteria are responsible for the production of siderophores, which, in turn, make iron available to the animal. (E) In warm-blooded animals, infections that lead to fever are usually traceable to bacteria.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following?

(A) The causes of unrest in the city during the two decades (B) The aggregate number of indictments in the city nearest to the city under investigation during the two decades (C) The number of people who lived in the city during each of the decades under investigation (D) The mental attitudes of criminals in the city, including their feelings about authority, during each of the decades under investigation (E) The possibilities for a member of the city's nonelite to become a member of the political and social elite during the two decades

24. It can be inferred from the passage that the author assumes which of the following in the discussion of the rate at which IRC+10216 loses mass?

(A) The circumstellar cloud surrounding IRC+10216 consists only of CO and NH3 molecules. (B) The circumstellar cloud surrounding IRC+10216 consists of material expelled from that star. (C) The age of a star is equal to that of its circumstellar cloud. (D) The rate at which IRC+10216 loses mass varies significantly from year to year. (E) Stars with a mass greater than 6 M⊙ lose mass at a rate faster than stars with a mass less than 6 M⊙ do.

17. The passage suggests that which of the following would most likely have occurred if linear perspective and anatomy had not come to influence artistic endeavor?

(A) The craftsmanship that shaped Gothic architecture would have continued to dominate artists' outlooks. (B) Some other technical elements would have been adopted to discipline artistic inspiration. (C) Intellectual control over artistic inspiration would not have influenced painting as it did architecture. (D) The role of intuitive inspiration would not have remained fundamental to theories of artistic creation. (E) The assumptions of aesthetic philosophers before Croce would have been invalidated.

19. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the device used to grow crystals in the Space Lab experiment?

(A) The device is more expensive to manufacture than are the devices used in standard techniques in an Earth laboratory. (B) The device has not been used to grow crystals in space since the Space Lab experiment of 1983. (C) Crystals grown in the device on Earth tend to be much smaller than crystals grown in it in space. (D) Crystals grown in the device in space have been exceeded in size by crystals grown in subsequent experiments in space using other devices. (E) The experiments in which the device was used were conducted with proper controls.

27. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?

(A) The disadvantage of a low oxidative metabolic rate in large animals can be offset by their ability to convert substantial amounts of glycogen into energy. (B) The most significant problem facing animals that have used anaerobic glycolysis for energy is the resynthesis of its by-product, glucose, into glycogen. (C) The benefits to animals of anaerobic glycolysis are offset by the profound costs that must be paid. (D) The major factor ensuring that a large animal will triumph over a smaller animal is the large animal's ability to produce energy via anaerobic glycolysis. (E) The great differences that exist in metabolic rates between species of small animals and species of large animals can have important effects on the patterns of their activities.

19. It can be inferred from information in the passage that the existence in alpine regions of Hawaii of a plant species that also grows in the southwestern United States would justify which of the following conclusions?

(A) The ecology of the southwestern United States is similar in important respects to the ecology of alpine regions of Hawaii. (B) There are ocean currents that flow from the southwestern United States to Hawaii. (C) The plant species discovered in Hawaii must have traveled from the southwestern United States only very recently. (D) The plant species discovered in Hawaii reached there by attaching to the feathers of birds migrating from the southwestern United States. (E) The plant species discovered in Hawaii is especially well adapted to transport over long distances.

27. The passage suggests which of the following about the effect of fluoride on humans?

(A) The effect is more easily measured than is the effect of exposure to pesticides. (B) The effect of fluoride intake from water and air is relatively difficult to monitor. (C) In general the effect is not likely to be as harmful as the effect of exposure to sulfur dioxide. (D) An intake of 4 milligrams over a long period of time usually leads to a skeletal disorder in humans. (E) An intake of slightly more than 4 milligrams for only a few months is not likely to be life-threatening.

17. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

(A) The effects of the mechanization of women's work have not borne out the frequently held assumption that new technology is inherently revolutionary. (B) Recent studies have shown that mechanization revolutionizes a society's traditional values and the customary roles of its members. (C) Mechanization has caused the nature of women's work to change since the Industrial Revolution. (D) The mechanization of work creates whole new classes of jobs that did not previously exist. (E) The mechanization of women's work, while extremely revolutionary it its effects, has not, on the whole, had the deleterious effects that some critics had feared.

17. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?

(A) The establishment of literary salons was a response to reformers' demands for social rights for women. (B) Literary salons were originally intended to be a meeting ground for intellectuals of both sexes, but eventually became social gatherings with little educational value. (C) In England, as in France, the general prejudice against higher education for women limited women's function in literary salons to a primarily social one. (D) The literary salons provided a sounding board for French and English women who called for access to all the educational institutions in their societies on an equal basis with men. (E) For women, who did not have access to higher education as men did, literary salons provided an alternate route to learning and a challenge to some of society's basic assumptions about women.

19. Which of the following, if true, would most discredit the new theory as described in the passage?

(A) The exact mechanism by which a star becomes a supernova is not yet completely known and may even differ for different stars. (B) Chains of star-forming regions like those postulated in the new theory have been observed in the vicinity of dense clouds of gas and dust. (C) The most massive stars formed from supernova explosions are unlikely to evolve into supernovas. (D) Computer simulations of supernovas provide a poor picture of what occurs just before a supernova explosion. (E) A density wave cannot compress clouds of gas and dust to a density high enough to create a star.

27. Which of the following statements could be most likely to come after the last sentence of the passage?

(A) The failures of the past, however, must not impede further research into the amnestic action of protein-synthesis inhibitors. (B) It is a legacy of this research, therefore, that molecular biology's genetic models have led to disagreements among neurobehaviorists. (C) The ambivalent status of current research, however, should not deter neurobehaviorists from exploring the deeper connections between protein production and learning. (D) It is important in the future, therefore, for behavioral biochemists to emphasize more strongly the place of their specific findings within the overall protein-synthesis model of learning. (E) It is important in the future, therefore, for behavioral biochemists to focus on the several components of the total learning system.

23. In describing the "evolutionary mechanism" (line 27), the author mentions which of the following?

(A) The favorable conditions for nurturing new offspring (B) The variable environmental conditions that affect survival of adult snails (C) The availability of potential mates for breeding (D) The structural identity of offspring to parents of the same hand (E) The frequency of unions between snails of different species

19. The author's position regarding the intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment would be most seriously undermined if which of the following were true?

(A) The framers had anticipated state action limitations as they are described in the passage. (B) The framers had merely sought to prevent discriminatory acts by federal officials. (C) The framers were concerned that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 would be overturned by the Supreme Court. (D) The framers were aware that the phrase "equal protection of the laws" had broad implications. (E) The framers believed that racial as well as non-racial forms of discrimination were unacceptable.

22. The author's statement that "Psychology holds a unique position among the sciences" (lines 8-9) is supported by which of the following claims in the passage?

(A) The full meaning of a human relationship may not be obvious. (B) Commonsense understanding of human relations can be incisive. (C) Intuitive knowledge in the physical sciences is relatively advanced. (D) Subjective bias is difficult to control in psychological research. (E) Psychological facts are too imprecise to lead to great discoveries.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that Griffith would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements?

(A) The good director will attempt to explore new ideas as quickly as possible. (B) The most important element contributing to a film's success is the ability of the actors. (C) The camera must be considered an integral and active element in the creation of a film. (D) The cinema should emphasize serious and sober examinations of fundamental human problems. (E) The proper composition of scenes in a film is more important than the details of their editing.

22. The author suggests which of the following about the representativeness of colonial or state governments in America from 1763 to 1789?

(A) The governments inadequately represented the interests of people in western regions. (B) The governments more often represented class interests than sectional interests. (C) The governments were less representative than they had been before 1763. (D) The governments were dominated by the interests of people of an upper socioeconomic class. (E) The governments of the northern colonies were less representative than were the governments of the southern colonies.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would most probably agree with which of the following statements about the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and the demand for luxury goods and services in eighteenth-century England?

(A) The growing demand for luxury goods and services was a major factor in the coming of the Industrial Revolution. (B) The Industrial Revolution exploited the already existing demand for luxury goods and services. (C) Although the demand for luxury goods may have helped bring about the Industrial Revolution, the demand for luxury services did not. (D) There is no reason to believe that the Industrial Revolution was directly driven by a growing demand for luxury goods and services. (E) The increasing demand for luxury goods and services was a cultural phenomenon that has been conclusively demonstrated to have been separate from the coming of the Industrial Revolution.

24. Which of the following is presented in the passage as evidence supporting the author's view of the ancient Greeks' descriptions of the Amazons?

(A) The requirement that Sauromatae women kill in battle before marrying (B) The failure of historians to verify that women were ever governors of ancient societies (C) The classing of Amazons with giants and centaurs (D) The well-established unreliability of Herodotus as a source of information about ancient societies (E) The recent discovery of ancient societies with matrilineal customs

22. Which of the following statements about the formation of the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression is best supported by the information presented in the passage?

(A) The heritage was formed primarily out of the experiences of those slaves who attempted to preserve the stability of their families. (B) The heritage was not formed out of the experiences of those slaves who married their cousins. (C) The heritage was formed more out of the African than out of the American experiences of slaves. (D) The heritage was not formed out of the experiences of only a single generation of slaves. (E) The heritage was formed primarily out of slaves' experiences of interdependence on newly created plantations in the Southwest.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that a reader of the Iliad is likely to have trouble identifying with the poem's hero for which of the following reasons?

(A) The hero is eventually revealed to be unheroic. (B) The hero can be observed by the reader only from without. (C) The hero's psychology is not historically verifiable. (D) The hero's emotions often do not seem appealing to the reader. (E) The hero's emotions are not sufficiently various to engage the reader's attention.

26. Which of the following is a way in which the immunological method of detecting peptide hormones differs from the molecular method?

(A) The immunological method uses substances that react with products of hormone-producing cells, whereas the molecular method uses substances that react with a specific component of the cells themselves. (B) The immunological method has produced results consistent with long-held beliefs about peptide hormones, whereas the molecular method has produced results that upset these beliefs. (C) The immunological method requires a great deal of expertise, whereas the molecular method has been used successfully by nonspecialists. (D) The immunological method can only be used to test for the presence of peptide hormones within the hypothalamus, whereas the molecular method can be used throughout the brain. (E) The immunological method uses probes that can only bind with peptide hormones, whereas the molecular method uses probes that bind with peptide hormones and substances similar to them.

26. The passage suggests that which of the following would be true if the ocean's circulation consisted primarily of large, slow-moving currents?

(A) The influence of mesoscale fields on global weather patterns would remain the same. (B) Large-scale currents would exhibit more variability than is actually observed. (C) The majority of the ocean's kinetic energy would be derived from mesoscale fields. (D) Atmospheric-oceanic disturbances such as El Nino would occur more often. (E) Conventional measuring techniques would be a feasible method of studying the physical properties of the ocean.

21. The primary topic of the passage is which of the following?

(A) The interaction of the realms on the quantum ladder (B) Atomic structures found on Earth, on other planets, and on the surfaces of stars (C) Levels of energy that are released in nuclear reactions on Earth and in stars (D) Particles and processes found in the atomic, nuclear, and subnuclear realms (E) New types of particles occurring in the atomic realm

27. With which of the following statements regarding the reason for the introduction of legal slavery in the English colonies of North America would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) The introduction is partly to be explained by reference to the origins of slavery, before the 1660's, in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. (B) The introduction is to be explained by reference to a growing consensus beginning in the 1630's about what were the attributes of true slavery. (C) The introduction is more likely to be explained by reference to a decline than to an improvement in the position of White servants in the colonies during and after the 1660's. (D) The introduction is more likely to be explained by reference to the position of Black servants in the colonies in the 1630's than by reference to their position in the 1640's and 1650's. (E) The introduction is more likely to be explained by reference to the history of Black people in the colonies before 1660 than by reference to the improving position of White servants during and after the 1660's.

23. According to the passage, Piaget and Keasey would not have agreed on which of the following points?

(A) The kinds of excuses children give for harmful acts they commit (B) The age at which children begin to discriminate between intentional and unintentional harm (C) The intentions children have in perpetrating harm (D) The circumstances under which children punish harmful acts (E) The justifications children recognize for mitigating punishment for harmful acts

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following assertions about vigilant behavior?

(A) The larger the group of animals, the higher the probability that individuals in the interior of the group will exhibit vigilant behavior. (B) Vigilant behavior exhibited by individuals in small groups is more effective at warding off predators than the same behavior exhibited by individuals in larger groups. (C) Vigilant behavior is easier to analyze in species that are preyed upon by many different predators than in species that are preyed upon by relatively few of them. (D) The term "vigilant," when used in reference to the behavior of animals, does not refer exclusively to behavior aimed at avoiding predators. (E) The term "vigilant," when used in reference to the behavior of animals, usually refers to behavior exhibited by large groups of animals.

26. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the structure of liquid metals and the structure of glassy metals, as it is presented in the passage?

(A) The latter is an illustrative example of the former. (B) The latter is a large-scale version of the former. (C) The former is a structural elaboration of the latter. (D) The former provides an instructive contrast to the latter. (E) The former is a fair approximation of the latter.

26. Which of the following conditions does the passage suggest is a possible cause for the failure of a lobster to develop a crusher claw?

(A) The loss of a claw during the third or earlier stage of development (B) The loss of a claw during the fourth or fifth stage of development (C) The loss of a claw during the sixth stage of development (D) Development in an environment devoid of material that can be manipulated (E) Development in an environment that changes frequently throughout the stages of development

25. According to the passage, Pessen indicates that all of the following were true of the very wealthy in the United States between 1825 and 1850 EXCEPT:

(A) They formed a distinct upper class. (B) Many of them were able to increase their holdings. (C) Some of them worked as professionals or in business. (D) Most of them accumulated their own fortunes. (E) Many of them retained their wealth in spite of financial upheavals.

19. The passage provides information about which of the following topics?

(A) The mechanism by which glucose affects memory storage (B) The evidence that prompted scientist to test the effects of adrenaline on memory regulation (C) The reason that the effects of glucose on memory were tested (D) The ways that memory storage modifies the structure of the brain (E) The kinds of training used to test memory enhancement in rats

18. According to Quine's conception of empiricism, if a new observation were to contradict some statement already within our system of knowledge, which of the following would be true?

(A) The new observation would be rejected as untrue. (B) Both the observation and the statement in our system that it contradicted would be discarded. (C) New observations would be added to our web of statements in order to expand our system of knowledge. (D) The observation or some part of our web of statements would need to be adjusted to resolve the contradiction. (E) An entirely new field of knowledge would be created.

23. Which of the following, if true, would be LEAST consistent with the author's explanation of the advantage of hermaphroditism for clown fish?

(A) The number of individuals in a clown-fish community fluctuates significantly. (B) Adult clown fish frequently cannibalize their young. (C) The sea anemone tolerates clown fish only during a specific stage of the anemone's life cycle. (D) Juvenile clown fish rarely reach maturity. (E) Clown-fish communities are capable of efficiently recruiting solitary adult clown fish.

25. According to the passage, which of the following best explains the reaction of serious contemporary photographers to the question of whether photography is an art?

(A) The photographers' belief that their reliance on an impersonal machine to produce their art requires the surrender of the authority of their personal vision (B) The photographers' fear that serious photography may not be accepted as an art by the contemporary art public (C) The influence of Abstract Expressionist painting and Pop Art on the subject matter of the modern photograph (D) The photographers' belief that the best art is subversive of art as it has previously been defined (E) The notorious difficulty of defining art in its relation to realistic representation

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding sociocentrics and egocentrics?

(A) The position of the sociocentrics is stronger than that of the egocentrics. (B) The positions of the egocentrics and sociocentrics are of equal merit. (C) There is no merit in the position of the egocentrics. (D) Neither position contributes very much to an understanding of the definition of morality. (E) The dispute between the egocentrics and sociocentrics is based on trivial issues.

19. The passage suggests that which of the following is true concerning the probability that a rock, if ejected from Mars, will hit the Earth?

(A) The probability is increased when particles are ejected from Mars in random directions. (B) The probability is increased by the presence of large craters on the surface of Mars. (C) The probability is decreased when Mars's orbit brings the planet close to Earth. (D) The probability is greater than the probability that a rock from Earth will hit Mars. (E) The probability is less than the probability that a rock from Earth will escape Earth's gravity.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the reception of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by the American public?

(A) The public had too strong a belief in the doctrine of progress to accept the cynicism demonstrated at the conclusion of Twain's novel. (B) Twain's novel received little public recognition until the work was adapted for motion pictures and plays. (C) Although the public enjoyed Twain's humor, his use of both sixth-century and nineteenth-century characters confused many people. (D) The public has continued to enjoy Twain's story, but the last part of the novel seems too violent to American minds. (E) Because of the cynicism at the end of the book, the public rejected Twain's work in favor of the work of Thomas Malory.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about the current state of public awareness concerning nuclear fusion power?

(A) The public has been deliberately misinformed about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power. (B) The public is unaware of the principal advantage of nuclear fusion over nuclear fission as an energy source. (C) The public's awareness of the scientific facts concerning nuclear fusion power is somewhat distorted and incomplete. (D) The public is not interested in increasing its awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power. (E) The public is aware of the disadvantages of nuclear fusion power but not of its advantages.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that someone who wanted to analyze the "grammar and semantics" (line 52) of the language of art would most appropriately comment on which of the following?

(A) The relationship between the drawings in a comic strip and the accompanying text (B) The amount of detail that can be included in a tiny illustration on a postage stamp (C) The sociological implications of the images chosen to advertise a particular product (D) The degree to which various colors used in different versions of the same poster would attract the attention of passersby (E) The particular juxtaposition of shapes in an illustration that makes one shape look as though it were behind another

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would find the Space Lab experiment more impressive if which of the following were true?

(A) The results of the Space Lab experiment could be replicated in producing other kinds of crystals in addition to lysozyme protein. (B) The device used in the experiment produced larger crystals on Earth than it did in space. (C) The size of the crystals produced in the experiment exceeded the size of crystals grown in Earth laboratories using standard techniques. (D) The cost of producing the crystals in space exceeded that of producing them using standard laboratory techniques. (E) The standard techniques used in Earth laboratories were modified in the Space Lab experiment due to the effects of microgravity.

24. According to the passage, all of the following are true of the West African rules governing marriage mentioned in lines 46-50 EXCEPT:

(A) The rules were derived from rules governing fictive kinship arrangements. (B) The rules forbade marriages between close kin. (C) The rules are mentioned in Herbert Gutman's study. (D) The rules were not uniform in all respects from one West African tribe to another. (E) The rules have been considered to be a possible source of slaves' marriage preferences.

18. Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first?

(A) The second paragraph relies on different evidence in drawing a conclusion similar to that expressed in the first paragraph. (B) The second paragraph provides further elaboration on why an assertion made at the end of the first paragraph proves to be true in most cases. (C) The second paragraph provides additional information in support of a hypothesis stated in the first paragraph. (D) The second paragraph provides an example of a case in which the assumption described in the first paragraph is unwarranted. (E) The second paragraph describes a phenomenon that has the same cause as the phenomenon described in the first paragraph.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?

(A) The second part has received more attention from critics. (B) The second part has little relation to the first part. (C) The second part annuls the force of the first part. (D) The second part provides less substantiation for a "romantic" reading. (E) The second part is better because it is more realistic.

21. Which of the following best defines "serotonin syndrome" (line 46) as the term is used in the passage?

(A) The series of behaviors, usually associated with the administration of serotonin, that also occurs when LSD is administered to animals whose brains are depleted of serotonin (B) The series of behaviors, usually associated with the administration of LSD, that also occurs when the amount of serotonin in the brain is reduced (C) The maximal suppression of neuron activity that results from the destruction of serotonin-secreting neurons (D) The release of stores of serotonin from serotonin-secreting neurons in the brain (E) The proliferation of serotonin receptor sites that follows depletion of serotonin supplies in the brain

26. It can be inferred from the passage that Piaget would be likely to agree with which of the following statements about the punishment that children under seven assign to wrongdoing?

(A) The severity of the assigned punishment is determined by the perceived magnitude of negative consequences more than by any other factor. (B) The punishment is to be administered immediately following the transgression. (C) The children assign punishment less arbitrarily than they do when they reach the age of moral autonomy. (D) The punishment for acts of unintentional harm is less severe than it is for acts involving accidental harm. (E) The more developmentally immature a child, the more severe the punishment that the child will assign.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that studies attempting to use tree-ring thickness to locate possible links between solar periodicity and terrestrial climate are based on which of the following assumptions?

(A) The solar-activity cycle existed in its present form during the time period in which the tree rings grew. (B) The biological mechanisms causing tree growth are unaffected by short-term weather patterns. (C) Average tree-ring thickness varies from species to species. (D) Tree-ring thicknesses reflect changes in terrestrial climate. (E) Both terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle randomly affect tree-ring thickness.

26. In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacs' to Raisin in the Sun?

(A) The statement that Hansberry is "loyal" (line 3) to the American dream (B) The description of Hansberry's concern for Black Americans as "intense" (line 13) (C) The assertion that Hansberry is concerned with "human solidarity" (line 15) (D) The description of Du Bois' ideal as "well-considered" (line 17) (E) The description of Fanon's internationalism as "ideal" (line 19)

25. The passage suggests that which of the following is true of the structure of cycad cones?

(A) The structure of cycad cones provides conclusive evidence in favor of one particular explanation of cycad pollination. (B) The structure of cycad cones provides evidence concerning what triggers the first step in the pollination process. (C) An irresolvable discrepancy exists between what the structure of most male cycad cones suggests about cycad pollination and what the structure of most female cones suggests about that process. (D) The structure of male cycad cones rules out a possible mechanism for cycad pollination that is suggested by the structure of most female cycad cones. (E) The structure of male cycad cones is consistent with a certain means of cycad pollination, but that means is inconsistent with the structure of most female cycad cones.

24. According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the process by which the chemical constituents of life were synthesized under primitive Earth conditions?

(A) The synthesis is unlikely to occur under current atmospheric conditions. (B) The synthesis is common in modern laboratories. (C) The synthesis occurs more readily in the atmosphere than in the ocean. (D) The synthesis easily produces the most complex organic molecules. (E) The synthesis is accelerated by the presence of oxygen-containing compounds.

22. The author implies that which of the following would have been an effect of Coltrane's having chosen to play the tenor rather than the soprano saxophone on My Favorite Things?

(A) The tone of the recording would have been more somber. (B) The influence of bebop on the recording would have been more obvious. (C) The music on the recording would have sounded less raucous and physical. (D) His influence on rock music might have been less pervasive. (E) The style of the recording would have been indistinguishable from that on Kind of Blue.

20. Which of the following statements regarding American society in the years immediately following the War of Independence is best supported by the passage?

(A) The unexpected successes of the antislavery societies led to their gradual demise in the Eastern states. (B) Some of the newly independent American states had begun to make progress toward abolishing slavery. (C) Americans like Abigail Adams became disillusioned with the slow progress of emancipation and gradually abandoned the cause. (D) Emancipated slaves gradually were accepted in the Eastern states as equal members of American society. (E) The abolition of slavery in many Eastern states was the result of close cooperation between religious groups and free Blacks.

19. According to the passage, which of the following was characteristic of the form of union that United States waitresses developed in the first half of the twentieth century?

(A) The union represented a wide variety of restaurant and hotel service occupations. (B) The union defined the skills required of waitresses and disciplined its members to meet certain standards. (C) The union billed employers for its members' work and distributed the earnings among all members. (D) The union negotiated the enforcement of occupational standards with each employer whose workforce joined the union. (E) The union ensured that a worker could not be laid off arbitrarily by an employer.

26. According to the passage, which of the following elements characteristic of the acto are also found in some agitprop theater pieces?

(A) The use of masks (B) Comic improvisation (C) An outdoor setting (D) Minimal use of complex stage effects or props (E) An assortment of semiallegorical characters

23. Which of the following is most similar to medical tomography as it is described in the passage?

(A) The use of ocean-current meters to determine the direction and velocity of the ocean's mesoscale fields (B) The use of earthquake shockwave data collected at several different locations and combined to create a three-dimensional image of the Earth's interior (C) The use of a grid-point sensory system to map global weather patterns (D) The use of subsurface floats to map large-scale circulation in the ocean (E) The use of computer technology to halt the progress of a particular disease within the human body's internal organs

18. According to the passage, a significant distinction between the salonnieres and Bluestockings was in the way each group regarded which of the following?

(A) The value of acquiring knowledge (B) The role of pleasure in the activities of the literary salon (C) The desirability of a complete break with societal traditions (D) The inclusion of women of different backgrounds in the salons (E) The attainment of full social and political equality with men

22. According to the passage, which of the following statements about sacred law is correct?

(A) The various systems of sacred law originated in a limited geographical area. (B) The various systems of sacred law have had marked influence on one another. (C) Systems of sacred law usually rely on a wide variety of precedents. (D) Systems of sacred law generally contain prescriptions governing diverse aspects of human activity. (E) Systems of sacred law function most effectively in communities with relatively small populations.

17. It can be inferred from the passage that in species in which vigilant behavior is directed at predators, the tendency of the animals to be more vigilant in smaller groups than in larger ones would most likely be minimized if which of the following were true?

(A) The vigilance of animals on the periphery of a group always exceeded that of animals located in its interior, even when predators were not in the area. (B) The risk of capture for individuals in a group was the same, whether they were located in the interior of the group or on its periphery. (C) Animals on the periphery of a group tended to be less capable of defending themselves from attack by predators than animals located in the interior of the group. (D) Animals on the periphery of a group tended to bear marks that were more distinctive to predators than animals located in the interior of the group. (E) Animals on the periphery of a group tended to have shorter life spans than animals located in the interior of the group.

27. The author of the passage would probably consider which of the following judgments to be most similar to the reasoning of critics described in lines 8-12?

(A) The world is certainly flat; therefore, the person proposing to sail around it is unquestionably foolhardy. (B) Radioactivity cannot be directly perceived; therefore, a scientist could not possibly control it in a laboratory. (C) The painter of this picture could not intend it to be funny, therefore, its humor must result from a lack of skill. (D) Traditional social mores are beneficial to culture; therefore, anyone who deviates from them acts destructively. (E) Filmmakers who produce documentaries deal exclusively with facts; therefore, a filmmaker who reinterprets particular events is misleading us.

19. The author suggests which of the following about the findings of information theorists?

(A) Their findings provocatively challenge the standard explanation of redundancy in genes. (B) Their findings provide useful insights into understanding the rationing of genetic information. (C) Their findings help to explain why imprecision can occur in neural development but not why gross mistakes can occur. (D) Their findings suggest that genes may be able to specify neural development more accurately than had previously been thought. (E) Their findings support the work of those who use computer operations as models for understanding genetic control.

26. According to the passage, certain serious contemporary photographers expressly make which of the following claims about their photographs?

(A) Their photographs could be created by almost anyone who had a camera and the time to devote to the activity. (B) Their photographs are not examples of art but are examples of the photographers' impartial observation of the world. (C) Their photographs are important because of their subjects but not because of the responses they evoke in viewers. (D) Their photographs exhibit the same ageless principles of form and shading that have been used in painting. (E) Their photographs represent a conscious glorification of the mechanical aspects of twentieth-century life.

27. According to the passage, the research of Nesdale and Rule suggests which of the following about five-year-old children?

(A) Their reactions to intentional and accidental harm determine the severity of the punishments they assign. (B) They, as perpetrators of harmful acts, disregard the feelings of the children they harm. (C) They take into account the motivations of actions when judging the behavior of other children. (D) They view public duty as a justification for accidental, but not intentional, harm. (E) They justify any action that protects them from harm.

24. Which of the following best describes the author's evaluation of the views of the critics cited in lines 36-39?

(A) Their views, if correct, do not preclude the existence of an Italian influence on the acto. (B) Their views are unlikely to be correct, given the differences existing between Mexican and Mexican American theater. (C) Their views concerning the Mexican carpas are essentially correct, but they lack familiarity with the acto. (D) Their views are probably more correct than the views of those who have attributed the comic and improvisational elements of the acto to earlier sources. (E) Their views betray a lack of familiarity with the commedia dell' arte.

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the author most probably believes which of the following to be true concerning those historians who study the history of women?

(A) Their work provides insights important to those examining social phenomena affecting the lives of both sexes. (B) Their work can only be used cautiously by scholars in other disciplines. (C) Because they concentrate only on the role of women in the workplace, they draw more reliable conclusions than do other historians. (D) While highly interesting, their work has not had an impact on most historians' current assumptions concerning the revolutionary effect of technology in the workplace. (E) They oppose the further mechanization of work, which, according to their findings, tends to perpetuate existing inequalities in society.

20. The passage suggests which of the following about the increased resistance to harmful root fungi that some plants infected with mycorrhizal fungi seem to exhibit?

(A) There are at least three hypotheses that might account for the increase. (B) An explanation lies in the fact that mycorrhizal fungi increase more rapidly in number than harmful root fungi do. (C) The plants that show increased resistance also exhibit improved nitrogen fixation. (D) Such increases may be independent of mycorrhizal infection. (E) It is unlikely that a satisfactory explanation can be found to account for the increase.

20. According to the author, the debate mentioned in the passage has special significance for the woman who is a theoretician of feminist literary criticism for which of the following reasons?

(A) There are large numbers of capable women working within the academic establishment. (B) There are a few powerful feminist critics who have been recognized by the academic establishment. (C) Like other critics, most women who are literary critics define criticism as either scientific or artistic. (D) Women who are literary critics face professional risks different from those faced by men who are literary critics. (E) Women who are literary critics are more likely to participate in the debate than are men who are literary critics.

21. The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?

(A) There are many examples of commercial art whose artistic merit is equal to that of great works of art of the past. (B) Commercial art is heavily influenced by whatever doctrines are fashionable in the serious art world of the time. (C) The line between commercial art and great art lies primarily in how an image is used, not in the motivation for its creation. (D) The level of technical skill required to produce representational imagery in commercial art and in other kinds of art cannot be compared. (E) The pervasiveness of contemporary commercial art has led art historians to undervalue representational skills.

18. The author supports the claim that "King's stance on the Vietnam War cannot be explained in terms of pacifism alone" (lines 10-12) by implying which of the following?

(A) There is little evidence that King was ever a student of pacifist doctrine. (B) King, despite pacifist sympathies, was not convinced that the policy of the federal government in Vietnam was wrong. (C) King's belief in nonviolence was formulated in terms of domestic policy rather than in terms of international issues. (D) Had King's actions been based on pacifism alone, he would have joined the antiwar movement earlier than he actually did. (E) Opponents of United States foreign policy within the federal government convinced King of their need for support.

25. Which of the following statements concerning the marriage practices of plantation owners during the period of Black slavery in the United States can most logically be inferred from the information in the passage?

(A) These practices began to alter sometime around the mid-eighteenth century. (B) These practices varied markedly from one region of the country to another. (C) Plantation owners usually based their choice of marriage partners on economic considerations. (D) Plantation owners often married earlier than slaves. (E) Plantation owners often married their cousins.

17. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of appendicularians?

(A) They are exclusively carnivorous. (B) They have more than one method of obtaining food. (C) They can tolerate frigid water. (D) They can disguise themselves by secreting mucus. (E) They are more sensitive to light than are other zooplankton.

23. Which of the following statements about Nevelson's sculptures can be inferred from the passage?

(A) They are meant for display outdoors. (B) They are often painted in several colors. (C) They are sometimes very large. (D) They are hand carved by Nevelson. (E) They are built around a central wooden object.

20. The author implies that which of the following is true of the historians discussed in the passage?

(A) They argue that nineteenth-century feminism was not as significant a social force as twentieth-century feminism has been. (B) They rely too greatly on the perceptions of the actual participants in the events they study. (C) Their assessment of the relative success of nineteenth-century domestic feminism does not adequately take into account the effects of antifeminist rhetoric. (D) Their assessment of the significance of nineteenth-century suffragism differs considerably from that of nineteenth-century feminists. (E) They devote too much attention to nineteenth-century suffragism at the expense of more radical movements that emerged shortly after the turn of the century.

22. With respect to the study of ancient literature, which of the following statements best expresses the author's main point concerning modern archaeological finds?

(A) They can profoundly alter accepted views of ancient literary works, and can encourage flexibility in the way scholars look at the creative development of any artist. (B) They can be severely shocking and can have a revivifying effect on the study of ancient literature, which has recently suffered from a lack of interest on the part of scholars. (C) They can raise more questions than they answer and can be unreliable sources of information. (D) They generally confirm scholars' ideas about ancient literary works and allow them to dispense with inferences drawn from the works' internal structure. (E) They often undermine scholarly consensus in certain areas and create utter confusion concerning an author's work.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that, after puromycin was perceived to be a disappointment, researchers did which of the following?

(A) They ceased to experiment with puromycin and shifted to other promising protein-synthesis inhibitors. (B) They ceased to experiment with puromycin, and reexamined through experiments the relationship between genetic information and acquired information. (C) The continued to experiment with puromycin, but applied their results to other facets of memory research. (D) They continued to experiment with puromycin, but also tried other protein-synthesis inhibitors. (E) They continued to experiment with puromycin until a new neuroanatomical framework was developed.

26. According to the passage, Hargrave and Geen did which of the following in their experiments?

(A) They compared the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory with the natural grazing rates of these species. (B) The hypothesized about the population density of grazers in natural habitats by using data concerning the population density of grazers in the laboratory. (C) They estimated the community grazing rates of zooplankton in the laboratory by using data concerning the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton. (D) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using data concerning the known population density of phytoplankton. (E) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using laboratory data concerning the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species.

22. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the adherents of "certain theories of nonrepresentational art" (lines 9-10)?

(A) They consider the use of illusion to be inappropriate in contemporary art. (B) They do not agree that marks on a flat surface can ever satisfactorily convey the illusion of three-dimensional space. (C) They do not discuss important works of art created in the past. (D) They do not think that the representation of nature was ever the primary goal of past painters. (E) They concern themselves more with types of art such as advertisements and magazine illustrations than with traditional art.

23. The passage suggests which of the following about the "conventional methods" mentioned in line 29?

(A) They consist primarily of field surveys and laboratory measurements. (B) They are not useful in providing information necessary for reconstructing geologic evolution. (C) They have rarely been used by geologists since 1972. (D) They are used primarily to gather compositional information about geologic features. (E) They are limited primarily because of difficulties involved in interpreting film images.

19. Which of the following best states the author's attitude toward comics, as expressed in the passage?

(A) They constitute an innovative art form. (B) They can be a worthwhile subject for study. (C) They are critically important to an understanding of modem art. (D) Their visual structure is more complex than that of medieval art. (E) They can be understood best if they are examined in conjunction with advertisements.

18. The passage contains information that would support which of the following statements about the colonies before the War of Independence?

(A) They contained organized antislavery societies. (B) They allowed individuals to own slaves. (C) They prohibited religious groups from political action. (D) They were inconsistent in their legal definitions of slave status. (E) They encouraged abolitionist societies to expand their influence.

22. The author implies that which of the following is characteristic of many employee health insurance plans?

(A) They cover all the common medical conditions affecting men, but only some of those affecting women. (B) They lack the special provisions for women workers that proposed special labor laws for women would provide. (C) They pay the medical costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth only for the spouses of male employees, not for female employees. (D) They meet minimum legal requirements, but do not adequately safeguard the health of either male or female employees. (E) They have recently been improved as a result of the passage of new labor laws, but continue to exclude coverage of certain uncommon medical conditions affecting women.

18. The author suggests which of the following about art historians?

(A) They do not believe that illusionist tricks have become trivial. (B) They generally spend little time studying contemporary artists. (C) They have not given enough consideration to how the representation of nature has become commonplace. (D) They generally tend to argue about theories rather than address substantive issues. (E) They are less likely than art critics to study comics or advertisements.

24. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of bacteria that engage in photosynthesis?

(A) They eventually become two autonomous cells. (B) They cannot normally also engage in nitrogen fixation. (C) Oxygen normally inactivates them. (D) Cellular products are constantly transferred between such bacteria. (E) They normally lack chlorophyll.

19. Which of the following best describes the function of the last two sentences of the passage (lines 11-19)?

(A) They expand on an advantage mentioned in the first sentence of the passage(lines 1-5). (B) They outline the consequences of a limitation discussed in the first sentence of the passage (lines 1-5). (C) They provide explicit examples drawn from the oral and the written works mentioned in the second sentence of the passage (lines 5-10). (D) They explain the causes of a phenomenon mentioned in the third sentence of the passage(lines 10-11). (E) They limit the applicability of a generalization made in the third sentence of the passage (lines 10-11).

17. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage, based on its content?

(A) Under the Greenwood Tree: Hardy's Ambiguous Triumph (B) The Real and the Strange: The Novelist's Shifting Realms (C) Energy Versus Repose: The Role of: Ordinary People in Hardy's Fiction (D) Hardy's Novelistic Impulses: The Problem of Control (E) Divergent Impulses: The Issue of Unity in the Novel

27. The passage suggests that which of the following is true of scientific investigations of cycad pollination?

(A) They have not yet produced any systematic evidence of wind pollination in cycads. (B) They have so far confirmed anecdotal reports concerning the wind pollination of cycads. (C) They have, until recently, produced little evidence in favor of insect pollination in cycads. (D) They have primarily been carried out using cycads transplanted from their native habitats. (E) They have usually concentrated on describing the physical characteristics of the cycad reproductive system.

25. According to the passage, which of the following is true of indictments for crime in Europe in the preindustrial period?

(A) They have, in terms of their numbers, remained relatively constant over time. (B) They give the historian important information about the mental lives of those indicted. (C) They are not a particularly accurate indication of the extent of actual criminal activity. (D) Their importance to historians of the nonelite has been generally overestimated. (E) Their problematic relationship to actual crime has not been acknowledged by most historians.

18. According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about sheep ticks?

(A) They increase where bracken spreads. (B) They are dangerous only to sheep. (C) They are especially adapted to woodland. (D) They have no natural enemies. (E) They cause disease among bracken.

24. The author suggests that the scientists holding the conventional view mentioned in lines 15-16 make which of the following errors?

(A) They mistakenly emphasize survival rather than diversity. (B) They misunderstand the causes of specialization. (C) They misuse zoological terminology. (D) They catalog fossilized remains improperly. (E) They overlook an alternative criterion of evolutionary success.

25. The passage suggests which of the following about surges in the Earth's outer core?

(A) They occur cyclically every few decades. (B) They can be predicted by changes in the Earth's inner core. (C) They are detected through indirect means. (D) They are linked to disturbances in the Earth's atmosphere. (E) They last for periods of about 1 million years.

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about Nevelson's sculptures?

(A) They suggest religious and symbolic meanings. (B) They do not have qualities characteristic of sculpture. (C) They are mysterious and awe-inspiring, but not beautiful. (D) They are uniquely American in style and sensibility. (E) They show the influence of twentieth-century architecture.

19. According to the passage, late seventeenth and early eighteenth-century Chinese records are important for which of the following reasons?

(A) They suggest that the data on which the Maunder minimum was predicated were incorrect. (B) They suggest that the Maunder minimum cannot be related to climate. (C) They suggest that the Maunder minimum might be valid only for Europe. (D) They establish the existence of a span of unusually cold weather worldwide at the time of the Maunder minimum. (E) They establish that solar activity at the time of the Maunder minimum did not significantly vary from its present pattern.

19. According to the author, studies such as Southwick's had which of the following effects on investigators' theories about monkeys' social behavior?

(A) They suggested that existing theories about the role of aggression among monkeys did not fully account for the monkeys' ability to maintain an established social order. (B) They confirmed investigators' theories about monkeys' aggressive response to competition for food and water. (C) They confirmed investigators' beliefs about the motivation for continued aggression among monkeys in the same social group. (D) They disproved investigators' theory that the introduction of intruders in an organized monkey group elicits intragroup aggressive behavior. (E) They cast doubt on investigators' theories that could account for observed patterns of aggression among monkeys.

23. According to the passage, special labor laws protecting women workers tend generally to have which of the following effects?

(A) They tend to modify the stereotypes employees often hold concerning women. (B) They increase the advantage to employers of hiring men instead of women, making it less likely that women will be hired. (C) They decrease the likelihood that employers will offer more protection to women workers than that which is absolutely required by law. (D) They increase the tendency of employers to deny health insurance and disability plans to women workers. (E) They have little impact of any kind on women workers, since typically very few women are employed in those classes of jobs covered by the laws.

20. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about density-dependent factors in population growth?

(A) They ultimately account for long-term population levels. (B) They have little to do with long-term population dynamics. (C) They are always more easily isolated and described than those that are density-independent. (D) They include random environmental events. (E) They contradict current ecological assumptions about population dynamics.

19. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about written translations of oral Native American poetry?

(A) They were less widely read than are the works of contemporary Native American poets writing in English. (B) They were often made by writers who were intimately familiar with both English and Native American languages. (C) They often gave their readers aesthetic satisfaction, despite their inaccuracies. (D) They usually lacked complex verse structure. (E) They were overly dependent on European literary models.

23. The passage suggests that which of the following was true of the later actos of the Teatro Campesino?

(A) They were more politically effective than were earlier actos. (B) They were presented primarily outdoors, whereas earlier actos were presented inside theaters. (C) They used a greater mixture of dialects than did the earlier actos. (D) They addressed a broader audience than did the earlier actos. (E) They differed from earlier actos in that they contained fewer improvisational elements.

26. According to the passage, Cressy has made which of the following claims about what motivated English immigrants to go to New England in the 1630's?

(A) They were motivated by religious considerations alone. (B) They were motivated by economic considerations alone. (C) They were motivated by religious and economic considerations equally. (D) They were motivated more often by economic than by religious considerations. (E) They were motivated more often by religious than by economic considerations.

19. The author of the passage suggests that which of the following was true of nineteenth-century feminists?

(A) Those who participated in the moral reform movement were motivated primarily by a desire to reconcile their private lives with their public positions. (B) Those who advocated domestic feminism, although less visible than the suffragists, were in some ways the more radical of the two groups. (C) Those who participated in the woman suffrage movement sought social roles for women that were not defined by women's familial roles. (D) Those who advocated domestic feminism regarded the gaining of more autonomy within the family as a step toward more participation in public life. (E) Those who participated in the nineteenth-century moral reform movement stood midway between the positions of domestic feminism and suffragism.

27. Which of the following sentences would most probably follow the last sentence of the passage?

(A) Thus, a physicist interested in studying phenomena near singularities would necessarily hope to find a singularity with a measurable gravitational field. (B) Accordingly, physicists to date have been unable to observe directly any singularity. (C) It is specifically this startling phenomenon that has allowed us to codify the scant information currently available about singularities. (D) Moreover, the existence of this extraordinary phenomenon is implied in the extensive reports of several physicists. (E) Although unanticipated, phenomena such as these are consistent with the structure of a singularity.

27. Which of the following statements could most logically follow the last sentence of the passage?

(A) Thus, had more attention been paid to the evidence, Davis would not have been tempted to argue that the culture of the South diverged greatly from Puritan culture in the seventeenth century. (B) Thus, convergence, not divergence, seems to have characterized the cultural development of the American colonies in the eighteenth century. (C) Thus, without the cultural diversity represented by the America South, the culture of colonial America would certainly have been homogeneous in nature. (D) Thus, the contribution of Southern colonials to American culture was certainly overshadowed by that of the Puritans. (E) Thus, the culture of America during the Colonial period was far more sensitive to outside influences than historians are accustomed to acknowledge.

27. Which of the following, if presented as the first sentence of a succeeding paragraph, would most logically continue the discussion presented in the passage?

(A) Timekeeping in medical tomography must be precise because the changes in travel time caused by density fluctuations are slight. (B) To understand how ocean acoustic tomography works, it is necessary to know how sound travels in the ocean. (C) Ships are another possibility, but they would need to stop every 50 kilometers to lower measuring instruments. (D) These variations amount to only about 2 to 3 percent of the average speed of sound in water, which is about 1, 500 meters per second. (E) The device used in medical tomography emits a specially coded signal, easily distinguishable from background noise.

17. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To contrast ragtime music and jazz (B) To acknowledge and counter significant adverse criticisms of ragtime music (C) To define ragtime music as an art form and describe its structural characteristics (D) To review the history of ragtime music and analyze ragtime's effect on listeners (E) To explore the similarities between ragtime music and certain European musical compositions

22. Which of the following is most likely to be one of the "utilitarian political objectives" mentioned by the author in line 16?

(A) To forge a new theory of literary criticism (B) To pursue truth in a disinterested manner (C) To demonstrate that women are interested in literary criticism that can be viewed either subjectively or objectively (D) To convince the academic establishment to revise the ways in which it assesses women scholars' professional qualities (E) To dissuade women who are literary critics from taking a subjective approach to literary criticism

21. According to the passage, the original impetus behind the establishment of the Teatro Campesino was which of the following?

(A) To help urban Mexican Americans understand the problems confronting striking campesinos in California (B) To promote an attitude of pride in the depth and richness of the Mexican American heritage among striking campesinos (C) To provide striking campesinos an opportunity to use their creative talents to express their political opinions (D) To allow its founder to express his personal support of the campesinos' strike effort (E) To mobilize campesinos to support the farm workers' strike in California

18. Which of the following is most likely one of the reasons that the author mentions the work of N. Scott Momaday?

(A) To illustrate how the author believes that members of the Native American Renaissance have broadened their potential audience (B) To emphasize the similarities between Momaday's writings and their European literary models (C) To demonstrate the contemporary appeal of traditional Native American oral literature (D) To suggest that contemporary American Indian writers have sacrificed traditional values for popular literary success (E) To imply the continuing popularity of translations of oral American Indian literature

23. According to the passage, neurobehaviorists initially based their belief that protein synthesis was related to learning on which of the following?

(A) Traditional theories about learning (B) New techniques in protein synthesis (C) Previous discoveries in molecular biology (D) Specific research into learning and amnesia (E) Historic experiments on the effects of puromycin

22. Which of the following best describes the organization of the argument that the author of the passage presents in the last two paragraphs?

(A) Two approaches to testing a hypothesis are described, and the greater merits of one approach are indicated. (B) The assumptions underlying two hypotheses are outlined, and evidence for and against each hypothesis is discussed. (C) A phenomenon is described, and hypotheses concerning its occurrence are considered and rejected. (D) The reasoning behind a hypothesis is summarized, evidence supporting the hypothesis is presented, and research that counters the supporting evidence is described. (E) A hypothesis is discussed, evidence undermining the hypothesis is revealed, and a further hypothesis based on the undermining evidence is explained.

27. Which of the following statements would most logically concluded the last paragraph of the passage?

(A) Unlike Beethoven, however, even the greatest of modern composers, such as Stravinsky, did not transcend existing musical forms. (B) In similar fashion, existing musical forms were even further exploited by the next generation of great European composers. (C) Thus, many of the great composers displayed the same combination of talents exhibited by Monteverdi. (D) By contrast, the view that creativity in the arts exploits but does not transcend limits is supported in the field of literature. (E) Actually, Beethoven's most original works were largely unappreciated at the time that they were first performed.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following endeavors is LEAST compatible with Duncan's ideals for the dance?

(A) Using music to stimulate the inspiration to dance (B) Attempting to free an art form of both characterization and storytelling (C) Minimizing the theatrical exhibition of skills (D) Being inspired to express inner feeling through movement (E) Creating a lyric art form by drawing on inner personal resources

20. According to the passage, by studying the Watanabe rabbits scientists learned that

(A) VLDL remnants are removed from the blood by LDL receptors in the liver (B) LDL's are secreted from the liver in the form of precursors called VLDL's (C) VLDL remnant particles contain small amounts of cholesterol (D) triglycerides are removed from VLDL's by fatty tissues (E) LDL receptors remove LDL's from the blood

19. Which of the following does the author cite as a weakness in the argument that bacterial chemosynthesis provides the foundation for the food chains at deep-sea vents?

(A) Vents are colonized by some of the same animals found in other areas of the ocean floor. (B) Vent water does not contain sufficient quantities of hydrogen sulfide. (C) Bacteria cannot produce large quantities of food quickly enough. (D) Large concentrations of minerals are found in vent water. (E) Some bacteria found in the vents are incapable of chemosynthesis.

17. According to the passage, Momaday's poetry shares which of the following with British romantic poetry?

(A) Verse structure (B) Oratorical techniques (C) Manner of treating certain themes (D) Use of certain syntactical constructions (E) Patterns of rhythm and rhyme

18. Which of the following statements best summarizes a distinction mentioned in the passage between waitress unions and factory workers' unions?

(A) Waitress unions were more successful than factory workers' unions in that they were able to unionize whole cities. (B) Waitress unions had an impact on only certain local areas, whereas the impact of factory workers' unions was national. (C) Waitress union members held primarily part-time positions, whereas factory workers' unions placed their members in full-time jobs. (D) Waitress unions emphasized the occupation of workers, whereas factory workers' unions emphasized the worksite at which workers were employed. (E) Waitress unions defined the skills of their trade, whereas the skills of factory trades were determined by employers' groups.

23. The passage implies that Watanabe rabbits differ from normal rabbits in which of the following ways?

(A) Watanabe rabbits have more LDL receptors than do normal rabbits. (B) The blood of Watanabe rabbits contains more VLDL remnants than does the blood of normal rabbits. (C) Watanabe rabbits have fewer fatty tissues than do normal rabbits. (D) Watanabe rabbits secrete lower levels of VLDL's than do normal rabbits. (E) The blood of Watanabe rabbits contains fewer LDL's than does the blood of normal rabbits.

17. The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions?

(A) What accounts for the prejudice against the Jews in medieval Europe? (B) What conditions caused the discrimination against Oriental people in California in the early twentieth century? (C) Which groups are not in ethnic competition with each other in the United States? (D) What explanation did the Marxist sociologist give for the existence of racial prejudice? (E) What evidence did the Marxist sociologist provide to support his thesis?

26. The passage provides information that would answer which of the following questions?

(A) What is likely to be the principal source of deuterium for nuclear fusion power? (B) How much incidental radiation is produced in the deuterium tritium fusion reaction? (C) Why are scientists exploring the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction with such zeal? (D) Why must the tritium for nuclear fusion be synthesized from lithium? (E) Why does the deuterium-tritium reaction yield both alpha particles and neutrons?

18. The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions regarding aluminous minerals EXCEPT:

(A) What percentage of the aluminum in the Earth's crust is in the form of bauxite? (B) Are aluminum-bearing nonbauxite minerals plentiful? (C) Do the aluminous minerals found in bauxite contain hydrated oxides? (D) Are aluminous hydrated oxides found in rocks? (E) Do large quantities of bauxite exist?

24. The passage provides sufficient information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) What weight in relation to other qualities should a quality like sensitivity have, according to Walzer, in determining the proper distribution of goods? (B) Which quality does Walzer deem too highly valued under liberal capitalism? (C) Which are the social goods that are, according to Walzer, outside the reach of the power of money? (D) What practical steps does Walzer suggest be taken to relieve the economic inequality generated by capitalism? (E) What deficiencies in Walzer's own argument does Walzer acknowledge?

23. Which of the following statements best illustrates the main point of lines 1-28 of the passage?

(A) When a machine like a rotary engine malfunctions, it is the technologist who is best equipped to repair it. (B) Each component of an automobile—for example, the engine or the fuel tank—has a shape that has been scientifically determined to be best suited to that component's function. (C) A telephone is a complex instrument designed by technologists using only nonverbal thought. (D) The designer of a new refrigerator should consider the designs of other refrigerators before deciding on its final form. (E) The distinctive features of a suspension bridge reflect its designer's conceptualization as well as the physical requirements of its site.

19. The passage supplies information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) Which body cells are the primary users of cholesterol? (B) How did scientists discover that LDL's are secreted from the liver in the form of a precursor? (C) Where in the body are VLDL remnants degraded? (D) Which body tissues produce triglycerides? (E) What techniques are used to determine the presence or absence of cell-surface receptors?

27. Which of the following is a true statement about the zooplankton numbers and zooplankton grazing rates observed in Haney's experiments?

(A) While zooplankton numbers began to decline in August, zooplankton grazing rates began to increase. (B) Although zooplankton numbers were high in May, grazing rates did not become high until January. (C) Both zooplankton numbers and grazing rates were higher in December than in November. (D) Both zooplankton numbers and grazing rates were lower in March than in June. (E) Both zooplankton numbers and grazing rates were highest in February.

25. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why are Japanese starry flounder mostly left-eyed? (B) Why should the eye-sidedness in starry flounder be considered selectively neutral? (C) Why have biologists recently become interested in whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral? (D) How do the eyes in flatfish migrate? (E) How did Parker make his discoveries about the anatomy of optic nerves in flatfish?

23. The passage provides information about which of the following?

(A) Why the same system can process information about movement and location (B) Why the parvo system is considered to be responsible for shape perception (C) Why the blob system can process information about colors but not movement (D) The mechanism that enables the blob system to distinguish between stationary objects (E) The mechanism that enables the magno system to carry information about shape discrimination

21. The passage explicitly answers which of the following questions?

(A) Why were Black workers excluded from the sample used in Brown's study? (B) Why do private employers illuminate more against women than do government employers? (C) Why do self-employed women have more difficulty than men in hiring high-quality employees? (D) Why do suppliers discriminate against self-employed women? (E) Are Black women and Black men treated similarly by employers and consumers?

23. Which of the following statements about gypsy moth caterpillars is supported by information presented in the passage?

(A) Wilt disease is more likely to strike small gypsy moth caterpillars than large ones. (B) The concentration of phenols in tree leaves increases as the gypsy moth caterpillar population dies off. (C) Female gypsy moth caterpillars stop growing after they ingest leaves containing phenols. (D) Differing concentrations of phenols in leaves have differing effects on the ability of the wilt virus to kill gypsy moth caterpillars. (E) The longer a gypsy moth population is exposed to wilt disease, the greater the likelihood that the gypsy moth caterpillars will become immune to the virus.

27. Which of the following, if known, is likely to have been the kind of evidence used to support the view described in the first paragraph?

(A) Wind speeds need not be very low for wind-pollinated plants to fail to release pollen. (B) The female reproductive organs of plants often have a sticky surface that allows them to trap airborne pollen systematically. (C) Grasses, as well as conifers, generate specific aerodynamic environments within the immediate vicinity of their reproductive organs. (D) Rain showers often wash airborne pollen out of the air before it ever reaches an appropriate plant. (E) The density and size of an airborne pollen grain are of equal importance in determining whether that grain will be captured by a plant.

20. Which of the following statements is most compatible with the principles of the salonnieres as described in the passage?

(A) Women should aspire to be not only educated but independent as well. (B) The duty of the educated women is to provide an active political model for less educated women. (C) Devotion to pleasure and art is justified in itself. (D) Substance, rather than form, is the most important consideration in holding a literary salon. (E) Men should be excluded from groups of women's rights supporters.

22. Which of the following, if true, would call into question Hardy's principle of animal exclusion?

(A) Zooplankton are not the only organisms that are affected by phytoplankton repellents. (B) Zooplankton exclusion is unrelated to phytoplankton population density. (C) Zooplankton population density is higher during some parts of the year than during others. (D) Net phytoplankton are more likely to exclude zooplankton than are nannoplankton. (E) Phytoplankton numbers can be strongly affected by environmental factors.

27. The passage would be most likely to appear as part of

(A) a book review summarizing the achievements of historians of the European aristocracy (B) an essay describing trends in the practice of writing history (C) a textbook on the application of statistical methods in the social sciences (D) a report to the historical profession on the work of early-twentieth-century historians (E) an article urging the adoption of historical methods by the legal profession

26. The author quotes Doody most probably in order to illustrate

(A) a contribution that feminist criticism can make to literary criticism (B) a modernist approach that conflicts with women's writing (C) writing by a woman which had previously been ignored (D) the hitherto overlooked significance of Scott's and Austen's novels (E) a standard system of defining literary periods

26. According to the passage, Rossman's research suggests that

(A) a defense against rhinoviruses might exploit structural similarities among the strains of rhinovirus (B) human cells normally do not develop antibodies to components of their own cells (C) the various strains of rhinovirus differ in their ability to bind to the surface of a host cell (D) rhinovirus versatility can work to the benefit of researchers trying to find a useful antibody (E) Colonno's research findings are probably invalid

24. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) advocating a controversial theory (B) presenting and challenging the results of a study (C) describing a problem and proposing a solution (D) discussing research that opposes a widely accepted belief (E) comparing several explanations for the same phenomenon

26. It can be inferred from the passage that a predominantly sinistral snail species might stay predominantly sinistral for each of the following reasons EXCEPT for

(A) a developmental mechanism that affects the cell-division pattern of snails (B) structural features that advantage dextral snails of the species (C) a relatively small number of snails of the same hand for dextral snails of the species to mate with (D) anatomical incompatibility that prevents mating between snails of opposing hands within the species (E) geographic separation of sinistral and dextral populations

18. According to the passage, democracy is an example of

(A) a human circumstance that has molded creative ideas (B) an instrument of survival that has altered its original form (C) an attribute of a creative idea that has allowed that idea to persist (D) a creative idea that has persisted because of its adaptability (E) a reforming process that has culminated in the creation of modern governments

24. The primary purpose of the passage is to present

(A) a position on the foundations of human behavior and on what those foundations imply (B) a theory outlining the parallel development of human morphology and of human behavior (C) a diagnostic test for separating biologically determined behavior patterns from culture-specific detail (D) a practical method for resisting the pressures of biologically determined drives (E) an overview of those human emotions and motives that impose constraints on human behavior

20. The "dramatic gains for women" (line 5) and the attitude, as described in lines 11-12, of a "significant portion of the larger society" are logically related to each other inasmuch as the author puts forward the latter as

(A) a public response to achievement of the former (B) the major reason for absence of the former (C) a precondition for any prospect of achieving the former (D) a catalyst for a further extension of the former (E) a reason for some of the former being lost again

19. The author of the passage considers a writer's style to be

(A) a reliable means by which to measure the writer's literary merit (B) most apparent in those parts of the writer's work that are not realistic (C) problematic when the writer attempts to follow perilous or risky impulses (D) shaped primarily by the writer's desire to classify and schematize (E) the most accurate index of the writer's literary reputation

25. The author of the passage suggests that psychohistorians view history primarily as

(A) a report of events, causes, and effects that is generally accepted by historians but which is, for the most part, unverifiable (B) an episodic account that lacks cohesion because records of the role of childhood, work, and leisure in the lives of historical figures are rare (C) an uncharted sea of seemingly unexplainable events that have meaning only when examined as discrete units (D) a record of the way in which a closed set of immutable psychological laws seems to have shaped events (E) a proof of the existence of intricate causal interrelationships between past and present events

18. The level of information in the passage above is suited to the needs of all of the following people EXCEPT:

(A) a researcher whose job is to identify potentially profitable areas for research and product development (B) a state official whose position requires her to alert farmers about possible innovations in farming (C) an official of a research foundation who identifies research projects for potential funding (D) a biologist attempting to keep up with scientific developments in an area outside of his immediate area of specialization (E) a botanist conducting experiments to determine the relationship between degree of mycorrhizal infection and expected uptake of phosphate

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author admires great comic artists primarily for their

(A) ability to understand the frequently subtle differences between good and evil (B) ability to reconcile the contradictions in human behavior (C) ability to distinguish between rational and irrational behavior (D) insistence on confronting the truth about the human condition (E) insistence on condemning human faults and weaknesses

19. According to the passage, atmospheric carbon dioxide performs all of the following functions EXCEPT:

(A) absorbing radiation at visible wavelengths (B) absorbing infrared radiation (C) absorbing outgoing radiation from the Earth (D) helping to retain heat near the Earth's surface (E) helping to maintain a constant average temperature on the Earth's surface

25. The passage suggests that it would be easier to calculate fluoride intake from food if

(A) adequate diets were available for most people. (B) individual eating habits were more uniform (C) the fluoride content of food was more varied (D) more people were aware of the fluoride content of food (E) methods for measuring the fluoride content of food were more generally agreed on

19. In maintaining that migrating animals would need "a fantastic map sense" (line 17) to determine their geographic position by celestial navigation, the author intends to express

(A) admiration for the ability of the migrants (B) skepticism about celestial navigation as an explanation (C) certainly that the phenomenon of migration will remain mysterious (D) interest in a new method of accounting for over-water migration (E) surprise that animals apparently navigate in much the same way that human beings do

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) advancing a new methodology for changing a monkey's social behavior (B) comparing the methods of several research studies on aggression among monkeys (C) explaining the reasons for researchers' interest in monkeys' social behavior (D) discussing the development of investigators' theories about aggression among monkeys (E) examining the effects of competition on monkeys' social behavior

17. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) advocating a more modest view, and less widespread utilization, of the social sciences (B) analyzing the mechanisms for translating discoveries into applications in the social sciences (C) dissolving the air of paradox inherent in human beings studying themselves (D) explaining a peculiar dilemma that the social sciences are in (E) maintaining a strict separation between pure and applied social science

20. According to the passage, Harris and Gass have mentioned all of the following properties of rocks along the Red Sea rift EXCEPT:

(A) age of the upper layers of rock (B) structure of the upper layers of rocks (C) geochemical content of the upper layers of rocks (D) metallic content of the underlying igneous rocks (E) age of the underlying igneous rocks

20. The passage suggests that investigators of monkeys social behavior have been especially interested in aggressive behavior among monkeys because

(A) aggression is the most common social behavior among monkeys (B) successful competition for incentives determines the social order in a monkey group (C) situations that elicit aggressive behavior can be studied in a laboratory (D) most monkeys are potentially aggressive, yet they live in social units that could not function without control of their aggressive impulses (E) most monkeys are social, yet they frequently respond to newcomers entering existing social units by attacking them

26. The author considers the explanation put forward by Freyre and Tannenbaum for the treatment accorded Black slaves in the English colonies of North America to be

(A) ambitious but misguided (B) valid but limited (C) popular but suspect (D) anachronistic and controversial (E) premature and illogical

25. It can be inferred from the passage that cell differentiation within Anabaena is regulated by the

(A) amount of oxygen Anabaena cells produce (B) season of the year (C) amount of fixed nitrogen compounds available (D) number of microscopic channels uniting Anabaena cells (E) amount of chlorophyll in Anabaena cells

27. It can be inferred that the author regards the independence from social class of the heroes and heroines of nineteenth-century opera as

(A) an idealized but fundamentally accurate portrayal of bourgeois life (B) a plot convention with no real connection to political reality (C) a plot refinement unique to Verdi (D) a symbolic representation of the position of the bourgeoisie relative to the aristocracy and the proletariat (E) a convention largely seen as irrelevant by audiences No. 9-4

24. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) analyze an interesting feature of the English language (B) refute a belief held by some linguists (C) show that economic theory is relevant to linguistic study (D) illustrate the confusion that can result from the improper use of language (E) suggest a way in which languages can be made more nearly perfect

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) analyze the impact that slavery had on African political and economic systems (B) review the attempt of recent scholarship to study the influence of African music on other music (C) correct the failure of some scholars to appreciate the significance of music in African culture (D) survey the ways by which people attempt to preserve their culture against the effects of oppression (E) compare the relative importance of music with that of other art forms in culture

24. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) analyzing a complicated scientific phenomenon and its impact on the Earth's surface features (B) describing a natural phenomenon and the challenges its study presents to researchers (C) discussing a scientific field of research and the gaps in researchers' methodological approaches to it (D) comparing two distinct fields of physical science and the different research methods employed in each (E) proposing an explanation for a geophysical phenomenon and an experiment that could help confirm that explanation

17. The passage as a whole is primarily concerned with

(A) analyzing a current debate (B) criticizing a well-established theory (C) showing how new facts support a previously dismissed hypothesis (D) stating a conclusion and adducing evidence that may justify it (E) contrasting two types of phenomena and showing how they are related

17. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) analyzing the mutually advantageous relationship between two species (B) comparing two forms of hermaphroditism among clown fish (C) describing and explaining aspects of clown-fish behavior (D) outlining proposed research on clown-fish reproduction (E) attempting to reconcile inconsistent observations of clown-fish development

25. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in

(A) analyzing the source of a scientific controversy (B) criticizing some geologists' methodology (C) pointing out the flaws in a geological study (D) proposing a new theory to explain existing scientific evidence (E) describing a physical phenomenon

25. The passage can most accurately be described as a discussion concerning historical views of the

(A) anatomy of the brain (B) manner in which nerve impulses are conducted (C) significance of different cortical areas in mental experience (D) mechanics of sense perception (E) physiological correlates of mental experience

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers the dichotomy discussed in the second paragraph to be

(A) applicable only to erratically fluctuating populations (B) useful, but only if its limitations are recognized (C) dangerously misleading in most circumstances (D) a complete and sufficient way to account for observed phenomena (E) conceptually valid, but too confusing to apply on a practical basis

24. The passage mentions all of the following as effects of puromycin EXCEPT:

(A) brain seizures (B) memory loss (C) inhibition of protein synthesis (D) destruction of genetic information (E) fragmentation of amino-acid chains

26. The tone of the author of the passage in discussing the meat-packer community on Chicago's South Side can best be described as one of

(A) appreciation of the community's ability to cope with difficult conditions (B) admiration for the community's refusal to cooperate with labor agitators (C) indignation at the kinds of social conditions the community faced (D) annoyance at the community's inability to abolish discrimination in the meat-packing industry (E) concern that the meat-packers' feelings for their community have not been documented

24. The author regards the idea that traditional quantum mechanics is incomplete with

(A) approval (B) surprise (C) indifference (D) apprehension (E) skepticism

18. The author most probably uses the phrase "charter minority" (lines 6-7) to reinforce the idea that Mexican Americans

(A) are a native rather than an immigrant group in the United States (B) played an active political role when Texas first became part of the United States (C) recognized very early in the nineteenth century the need for official confirmation of their rights of citizenship (D) have been misunderstood by scholars trying to interpret their culture (E) identify more closely with their Indian heritage than with their Spanish heritage

21. According to the passage, starry flounder differ from most other species of flatfish in that starry flounder

(A) are not basically bilaterally symmetric (B) do not become asymmetric until adulthood (C) do not all share the same asymmetry (D) have both eyes on the same side of the head (E) tend to cluster in only certain geographic regions

24. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) argue that Olsen's understanding of class and gender is her greatest gift as a writer (B) acknowledge Olsen's importance as the leading spokesperson for a radical literary heritage (C) point out a literary heritage to which Olsen's work is related (D) urge literary critics to investigate the origins of a literary heritage (E) suggest that Olsen's work has been placed in a literary heritage to which it does not belong

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) argue that Walzer's critique of liberal capitalism is the cornerstone of Walzer's thinking (B) identify and to deprecate the origins of the intellectual tradition championed by Walzer (C) present more clearly than does the essay "In Defense of Equality" the distinctive features of Walzer's politico-economic theories (D) demonstrate that Walzer's critique of liberal capitalism is neither original nor persuasive (E) outline and to examine critically Walzer's position on economic equality

17. The author uses Mack's "categories" (lines 4-5) most probably in order to

(A) argue that the Iliad should replace the Odyssey as the more popular poem (B) indicate Mack's importance as a commentator on the Iliad and the Odyssey (C) suggest one way in which the Iliad and the Odyssey can be distinguished (D) point out some of the difficulties faced by readers of the Iliad and the Odyssey (E) demonstrate that the Iliad and the Odyssey can best be distinguished by comparing their respective heroes

20. The author's statement regarding how artists use the language of art (lines 48-52) implies that

(A) artists are better equipped than are art historians to provide detailed evaluations of other artists' work (B) many artists have an unusually quick, intuitive understanding of language (C) artists can produce works of art even if they cannot analyze their methods of doing so (D) artists of the past, such as Giotto, were better educated about artistic issues than were artists of the author's time (E) most artists probably consider the processes involved in their work to be closely akin to those involved in writing poetry

17. According to the passage, the major problem currently facing scientists in the field of biomaterials is

(A) assessing and regulating the bonding between host tissue and implants (B) controlling the transfer of potentially toxic materials across the interface of tissue and implant (C) discovering new materials from which to construct implant devices (D) deciding in what situations implants are needed (E) determining the importance of short-term implants to long-term stability of tissue-implant interfaces

26. According to the passage, random failures in automatic control systems are "not merely trivial aberrations" (lines 53) because

(A) automatic control systems are designed by engineers who have little practical experience in the field (B) the failures are characteristic of systems designed by engineers relying too heavily on concepts in mathematics (C) the failures occur too often to be taken lightly (D) designers of automatic control systems have too little training in the analysis of mechanical difficulties (E) designers of automatic control systems need more help from scientists who have a better understanding of the analytical problems to be solved before such systems can work efficiently

19. According to the passage, adult clown fish would be at a disadvantage if they were not associated with sea anemones because the clown fish would

(A) be incapable of sexual transformation (B) be vulnerable to predators (C) have no reliable source of food (D) have to lay their eggs in the open (E) face competition from other clown fish

25. The passage suggests that to consider people as "thinking machines" (line 37) is to consider them as

(A) beings separated from a historical context (B) replaceable parts of a larger social machine (C) more complex than other animals (D) liars rather than honest people (E) infallible in their reasoning

24. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure (B) advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure (C) explain the failure of a privately financed venture (D) suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing (E) argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure

17. Part of the Harris and Gass hypothesis about the Red Sea rift would be weakened if it could be demonstrated that the composition of upper rock layers

(A) cannot cause a suture to develop (B) has no effect on where a suture will occur (C) cannot provide information about the nature of underlying rocks (D) is similar on the two sides of a rift unless a suture divides the two sides (E) is usually different from the composition of underlying rocks

18. The author resolves the question of whether heat pumps run counter to the principle of energy conservation by

(A) carefully qualifying the meaning of that principle (B) pointing out a factual error in the statement that gives rise to this question (C) supplying additional relevant facts (D) denying the relevance of that principle to heat pumps (E) explaining that heat pumps can cool, as well as heat, room air

23. The author regards the notion that heat pumps have a genuine drawback as a

(A) cause for regret (B) sign of premature defeatism (C) welcome challenge (D) case of sloppy thinking (E) focus for an educational campaign

19. According to the passage, the large ice sheets typical of glacial cycles are most directly caused by

(A) changes in the average temperatures in the tropics and over open oceans (B) prolonged increases in the rate at which water evaporates from the oceans (C) extreme seasonal variations in temperature in northern latitudes and in mountainous areas (D) steadily increasing precipitation rates in northern latitudes and in mountainous areas (E) the continual failure of snow to melt completely during the warmer seasons in northern latitudes and in mountainous areas

18. According to the passage, mores in preliterate cultures concerned such skills as warfare and food-gathering because these skills were

(A) characteristic of an individual's self-fulfillment (B) examples of a culture's traditions (C) manifestations of an individual's ideals (D) demonstrations of an individual's contributions to the community (E) examples of a community's governing principles

22. The author implies that the rate at which the molten materials discussed in the passage are cooled is a determinant of the

(A) chemical composition of the resulting solids (B) strength of the chemical bonds that are formed (C) kinetics of the materials' crystalline structure (D) structure the materials assume (E) stability of the materials' crystalline structure

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the purpose of Colonno's experiments was to determine whether

(A) chimpanzees and humans can both be infected by rhinoviruses (B) chimpanzees can produce antibodies to human cell-surface receptors (C) a rhinovirus' nucleic acid might be locked in its protein coat (D) binding antibodies to common receptors could produce a possible defense against rhinoviruses (E) rhinoviruses are vulnerable to human antibodies

19. The author implies that a nearly circular orbit is unlikely for a satellite that

(A) circles one of the inner planets (B) is deficient in iron (C) is different from its planet geochemically (D) was formed by a collision between two celestial bodies (E) was formed out of the planet-forming materials in the presolar nebula

22. The author mentions the peacock's tail in line 8 most probably in order to

(A) cite an exception to the theory of the relationship between intrasexual selection and male competition (B) illustrate the importance of both of the pathways that shaped the evolution of birdsong (C) draw a distinction between competing theories of intersexual selection (D) give an example of a feature that may have evolved through intersexual selection by female choice (E) refute a commonly held assumption about the role of song in mate attraction

19. The author refers to "many formations" (line 16) primarily in order to

(A) clarify a distinction (B) introduce a subject (C) draw an analogy (D) emphasize a similarity (E) resolve a conflict

22. The author uses all of the following to clarify the distinction between imprecision and gross mistake in neural development EXCEPT

(A) classification of borderline phenomena (B) a description of the relationship between the phenomena denoted by each term (C) specific examples of the phenomena denoted by each term (D) an explanation of at least one of the key terms involved (E) analogies to other types of phenomena

25. It can be inferred from the passage that an important result of producing an accurate chronology of events of the Pleistocene epoch would be a

(A) clearer idea of the origin of the Earth (B) clearer picture of the Earth during the time that humans developed (C) clearer understanding of the reasons for the existence of deserts (D) more detailed understanding of how radioactive dating of minerals works (E) firmer understanding of how the northern polar ice cap developed

22. The "wrong impression" (line 1) to which the author refers is the idea that the

(A) climate of the Pleistocene epoch was not very different from the climate we are now experiencing (B) climate of the Pleistocene epoch was composed of periods of violent storms (C) Pleistocene epoch consisted of very wet, cold periods mixed with very day, hot periods (D) Pleistocene epoch comprised one period of continuous glaciation during which Northern Europe was covered with ice sheets (E) Pleistocene epoch had no long periods during which much of the Earth was covered by ice

21. It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes that the most important feature of ragtime music is its

(A) commercial success (B) formal structure (C) emotional range (D) improvisational opportunities (E) role as a forerunner of jazz

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) compare competing new approaches to understanding the role of women in ancient societies (B) investigate the ramifications of Bachofen's theory about the dominance of women in ancient societies (C) explain the burgeoning interest among historians in determining the actual status of women in various societies (D) analyze the nature of Amazonian society and uncover similarities between it and the Greek world (E) criticize the value of ancient myths in determining the status of women in ancient societies

23. The primary function of the passage as a whole is to

(A) compare two competing models (B) analyze a difficult theory (C) present new evidence for a theory (D) correct an erroneous belief by describing its origins (E) resolve a long-standing theoretical controversy

24. In the first paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with establishing the fact that

(A) comparisons are not equations (B) auditory phenomena are not visual phenomena (C) frequently used comparisons are usually inaccurate (D) careless perceptions result from careless thought (E) questions concerning perception are psychological

27. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would describe Brown Girl, Brownstones as being

(A) completely different from novels written before 1959 (B) highly influenced by novels written in the early twentieth century (C) similar to the protest novels that preceded it (D) important in the late 1950's but dated today (E) an important influence on novels written in the 1970's

24. It can be inferred that the author discusses the genetic theory in greater detail than the group selection theory primarily because he believes that the genetic theory is more

(A) complicated (B) accurate (C) popular (D) comprehensive (E) accessible

18. According to the passage, the greatest part of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is

(A) concentrated in the infrared spectrum (B) concentrated at visible wavelengths (C) absorbed by carbon dioxide molecules (D) absorbed by atmospheric water vapor (E) reflected back to space by snow and ice

21. It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes that Mary Barton might have been an even better novel if Gaskell had

(A) concentrated on the emotions of a single character (B) made no attempt to re-create experiences of which she had no firsthand knowledge (C) made no attempt to reproduce working-class dialects (D) grown up in an industrial city (E) managed to transcend her position as an outsider

18. The author suggests that the variety of incidents in the Odyssey is likely to deter the reader from

(A) concentrating on the poem's mythological features (B) concentrating on the psychological states of the poem's central character (C) accepting the explanation that have been offered for the poem's popularity (D) accepting the poem's scheme of divine justice (E) accepting Maynard Mack's theory that the poem's subject is "life-as-spectacle"

19. According to the passage, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Anton Dvorak, and Scott Joplin are similar in that they all

(A) conducted research into musicological history (B) wrote original compositions based on folk tunes (C) collected and recorded abbreviated piano suites (D) created intricate sonata-like musical structures (E) explored the relations between Black music and continental folk music

21. The author suggests that the work of Fisher and Hamilton was similar in that both scientists

(A) conducted their research at approximately the same time (B) sought to manipulate the sex ratios of some of the animals they studied (C) sought an explanation of why certain sex ratios exist and remain stable (D) studied game theory, thereby providing important groundwork for the later development of strategy theory (E) studied reproduction in the same animal species

24. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) confirming a theory (B) supporting a statement (C) presenting new information (D) predicting future discoveries (E) reconciling discrepant findings

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the probable reactions of many males in ancient Greece to the idea of a society ruled by women could best characterized as

(A) confused and dismayed (B) wary and hostile (C) cynical and disinterested (D) curious but fearful (E) excited but anxious

24. The author asserts that Griffith introduced all of the following into American cinema EXCEPT:

(A) consideration of social issues (B) adaptations from Tennyson (C) the flashback and other editing techniques (D) photographic approaches inspired by Victorian painting (E) dramatic plots suggested by Victorian theater

25. According to the author, gluons are not

(A) considered to be detectable (B) produced in nuclear reactions (C) encountered in subnuclear energy exchanges (D) related to the strong force (E) found to be conditionally elementary

22. The author implies that a major element of the satirist's art is the satirist's

(A) consistent adherence to a position of lofty disdain when viewing the foibles of humanity (B) insistence on the helplessness of individuals against the social forces that seek to determine an individual's fate (C) cynical disbelief that visionaries can either enlighten or improve their societies (D) fundamental assumption that some ambiguity must remain in a work of art in order for it to reflect society and social mores accurately (E) refusal to indulge in polemic when presenting social mores to readers for their scrutiny

26. The passage suggests that canon law differs from Islamic law in that only canon law

(A) contains prescriptions that nonsacred legal systems might regard as properly legal (B) concerns itself with the duties of a person in regard to the community as a whole (C) was affected by the tension of the conflict between religion and state (D) developed in a political environment that did not challenge its fundamental existence (E) played a role in the direct confrontation between institutions vying for power

27. It can be inferred from the passage that the author most probably considers serious contemporary photography to be a

(A) contemporary art that is struggling to be accepted as fine art (B) craft requiring sensitivity but by no means an art (C) mechanical copying of reality (D) modern art that displays the Modernist tendency to try to subvert the prevailing aims of art (E) modern art that displays the tendency of all Modernist art to become increasingly formal and abstract

20. The author's purpose in comparing Islamic law to Jewish law and canon law is most probably to

(A) contend that traditional legal subject matter does not play a large role in Islamic law (B) support his argument that Islamic law is a unique kind of legal phenomenon (C) emphasize the variety of forms that can all be considered sacred law (D) provide an example of how he believes comparative institutional study should be undertaken (E) argue that geographical and historical proximity does not necessarily lead to parallel institutional development

26. The author's description of the way in which Marshall depicts her heroine's development is most probably intended to

(A) continue the discussion of similarities in the works of Brooks, Hurston, and Marshall (B) describe the specific racial and sexual stereotypes that Marshall attacked (C) contrast the characters in Marshall's novels with those in later works (D) show how Marshall extends the portrayal of character initiated by her predecessors (E) compare themes in Marshall's early work with themes in her later novels

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) contrast the theories of Jean Wagner with those of other contemporary critics (B) document the influence of Jean Wagner on the development of Afro-American poetry (C) explain the relevance of Jean Wagner's work to the study of Afro-American religion (D) indicate the importance of Jean Wagner's analysis of Afro-American poetry (E) present the contributions of Jean Wagner to the study of Black spirituals

17. In the first paragraph, the author mentions McKendrick and Plumb most probably in order to

(A) contrast their views on the subject of luxury consumerism in eighteenth-century England (B) indicate the inadequacy of historiographical approaches to eighteenth-century English history (C) give examples of historians who have helped to establish the fact of growing consumerism in eighteenth-century England (D) support the contention that key questions about eighteenth-century consumerism remain to be answered (E) compare one historian's interest in luxury goods such as pottery to another historian's interest in luxury services such as musical festivals

20. In the third paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) contrasting two theses and offering a compromise (B) questioning two explanations and proposing a possible alternative to them (C) paraphrasing the work of two historians and questioning their assumptions (D) examining two theories and endorsing one over the other (E) raising several questions but implying that they cannot be answered

22. The author implies that the change in the state of the American farmer's morale during the latter part of the nineteenth century was traceable to the American farmer's increasing perception that the

(A) costs of cultivating the land were prohibitive within the United States (B) development of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States occurred at the expense of the American farmer (C) American farming system was about to run out of the new farmland that was required for its expansion (D) prices of American agricultural products were deteriorating especially rapidly on domestic markets (E) proceeds from the sales of American agricultural products on foreign markets were unsatisfactory

27. The author of the passage mentions women writers in line 50 most likely in order to

(A) counter a widely held criticism of her argument (B) bolster her argument that Gilpin's style can be characterized as a feminine style (C) suggest that Gilpin took some of her ideas for photographs from landscape descriptions by women writers (D) clarify the interrelationship between human culture and the land that Gilpin was attempting to capture (E) offer an analogy between photographic close-ups and literary descriptions of small details

18. The author mentions "folk fashion" (line 4) most likely in order to

(A) counter an assertion about the role of improvisation in music created by Black people (B) compare early gospel music with gospel music written later in the twentieth century (C) make a distinction between gospel music and slave spirituals (D) introduce a discussion about the dissemination of slave spirituals (E) describe a similarity between gospel music and slave spirituals

24. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) criticize scientists who believe that the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction can be made feasible as an energy source (B) admonish scientists who have failed to correctly calculate the amount of lithium available for use in nuclear fusion reactors (C) defend the continued short-term use of fossil fuels as a major energy source (D) caution against uncritical embrace of nuclear fusion power as a major energy source (E) correct the misconception that nuclear fusion power is entirely free of radioactivity

21. The author's main purpose is to

(A) criticize the emphasis on social standing in discussions of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States (B) support the thesis that assimilation has not been a benign process for Puerto Ricans (C) defend a view of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans that emphasizes the preservation of national culture (D) indicate deficiencies in two schools of thought on the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States (E) reject the attempt to formulate a general framework for discussion of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States

21. The author is primarily concerned with discussing

(A) crystalline solids and their behavior at different temperatures (B) molten materials and the kinetics of the formation of their crystalline structure (C) glassy metals and their structural characteristics (D) metallic alloys and problems in determining their density (E) amorphous materials and their practical utilization

22. The author suggests that explanations of wind pollination that emphasize the production of vast quantities of pollen to compensate for the randomness of the pollination process are

(A) debatable and misleading (B) ingenious and convincing (C) accurate but incomplete (D) intriguing but controversial (E) plausible but unverifiable

25. The author regards the idea that all highly creative artistic activity transcends limits with

(A) deep skepticism (B) strong indignation (C) marked indifference (D) moderate amusement (E) sharp derision

21. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) defining the Modernist attitude toward art (B) explaining how photography emerged as a fine art after the controversies of the nineteenth century (C) explaining the attitudes of serious contemporary photographers toward photography as art and placing those attitudes in their historical context (D) defining the various approaches that serious contemporary photographers take toward their art and assessing the value of each of those approaches (E) identifying the ways that recent movements in painting and sculpture have influenced the techniques employed by serious photographers

26. According to the passage, a major difference between Coltrane and other jazz musicians was the

(A) degree to which Coltrane's music encompassed all of jazz (B) repetition of motifs that Coltrane used in his solos (C) number of his own compositions that Coltrane recorded (D) indifference Coltrane maintained to musical technique (E) importance Coltrane placed on rhythm in jazz

19. According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800's was the

(A) degree to which policies were based on tradition (B) form of economic interdependency between different cultural groups (C) number of people who came to settle new areas (D) treatment of the native inhabitants (E) relationship between the military and the settlers

17. A main purpose of the passage is to

(A) delineate the function of the tlamatinime in Nahuatl society (B) explain the abstract philosophy of the Nahuatl thinkers (C) argue against a theory of poetic expression by citing evidence about the Nahuatl (D) explore the rich metaphorical heritage the Nahuatl received from the Toltecs (E) describe some conceptual and aesthetic resources of the Nahuatl language

22. The discussion concerning population in lines 24-40 serves primarily to

(A) demonstrate the difficulties ecologists face in studying density-dependent factors limiting population growth (B) advocate more rigorous study of density-dependent factors in population growth (C) prove that the death rates of any population are never entirely density-independent (D) give an example of how death rates function to limit population densities in typical populations (E) underline the importance of even small density-dependent factors in regulating long-term population densities

18. The author refers to a hungry lizard (line 55) primarily in order to

(A) demonstrate the similarity between the hunting methods of mammals and those of nonmammals (B) broaden the application of his argument by including an insectivore as an example (C) make a distinction between higher and lower levels of consciousness (D) provide an additional illustration of the brutality characteristic of predators (E) offer an objection to suggestions that all animals lack consciousness

22. The primary purpose of the passage is to show that extensive experimentation has

(A) demonstrated the importance of amino-acid fragmentation in the induction of amnesia (B) cast doubt on the value of puromycin in the neurobehavioral investigation of learning (C) revealed the importance of amnesia in the neurobehavioral study of learning (D) not yet demonstrated the applicability of molecular biology to neurobehavioral research (E) not supported the hypothesis that learning is directly dependent on protein synthesis

25. The author's primary purpose in the passage is to

(A) describe the formation and nature of singularities (B) explain why large numbers of stars become singularities (C) compare the characteristics of singularities with those of stars (D) explain what happens during the stages of a singularity's formation (E) imply that singularities could be more easily studied if observers could get closer to them

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) describe what results when a supernova triggers the creation of chains of star-forming regions (B) propose a modification in the most widely accepted theory of spiral-galaxy structure (C) compare and contrast the roles of clouds of gas and dust in two theories of spiral-galaxy structure (D) describe a new theory of spiral-galaxy structure and contrast it with the most widely accepted theory (E) describe a new theory of spiral-galaxy structure and discuss a reason why it is inferior to the most widely accepted theory

21. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) describing how the principles of classical chemistry were developed (B) initiating a debate about the kinds of chemical reactions required for the development of life (C) explaining how current research in chemistry may be related to broader biological concerns (D) reconciling opposing theories about chemical reactions (E) clarifying inherent ambiguities in the laws of classical chemistry

20. According to the passage, the original proponents of the Fourteenth Amendment were primarily concerned with

(A) detailing the rights afforded by the principle of equal citizenship (B) providing support in the Constitution for equal protection for all citizens of the United States (C) closing a loophole that could be used to deny individuals the right to sue for enforcement of their civil rights (D) asserting that the civil rights protected by the Constitution included nonracial discrimination as well as racial discrimination (E) granting state governments broader discretion in interpreting the Civil Rights Act of 1866

23. According to the passage, a periodic high concentration of blood glucose in diabetics is a possible cause of

(A) deterioration of the pancreas (B) damage to the eyes and kidneys (C) rejection of transplanted organs (D) inadequate secretion of insulin (E) increased production of blood cells

19. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) determining the dates of various geologic events (B) defending the conclusions reached by Raup and Sepkoski (C) establishing a link between the disciplines of paleontology and geology (D) proving that mass extinctions of marine animals occur periodically (E) explaining how a theory concerning geologic events was formulated

25. According to the passage, Hurston, Brooks, and Marshall are alike in that they

(A) did not examine the effects of White culture on their characters' lives (B) were heavily influenced by the protest novels of the early twentieth century (C) used Black communities as the settings for their novels (D) wrote primarily about the difficulties their characters encountered in White culture (E) wrote exclusively about female characters and the experiences of women

20. According to the passage, the Marxist sociologist's chain of reasoning required him to assert that prejudice toward Oriental people in California was

(A) directed primarily against the Chinese (B) similar in origin to prejudice against the Jews (C) understood by Oriental people as ethnic competition (D) provoked by workers (E) nonracial in character

17. The passage mentions all of the following as difficulties that self-employed women may encounter EXCEPT:

(A) discrimination from suppliers (B) discrimination from consumers (C) discrimination from financial institutions (D) problems in obtaining good employees (E) problems in obtaining government assistance

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss a problem that hinders precise perception of the world (B) point out the inadequacies of accepted units of measurement (C) criticize attempts to distinguish between perceiving subjects and perceived objects (D) compare and contrast rival scientific hypotheses about how the world should be measured and observed (E) suggest the limited function of sensory observation

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the techniques of analyzing lead isotope composition (B) propose a way to determine the origin of the copper in certain artifacts (C) resolve a dispute concerning the analysis of copper ore (D) describe the deficiencies of a currently used method of chemical analysis of certain metals (E) offer an interpretation of the archaeological record of the Bronze Age

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the validity of a hypothesis (B) summarize a system of general principles (C) propose guidelines for future argument (D) stipulate conditions for acceptance of an interpretation (E) deny accusations about an apparent contradiction

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss viral mechanisms and possible ways of circumventing certain kinds of those mechanisms (B) challenge recent research on how rhinoviruses bind to receptors on the surfaces of cells (C) suggest future research on rhinoviral growth in chimpanzees (D) defend a controversial research program whose purpose is to discover the molecular structure of rhinovirus capsids (E) evaluate a dispute between advocates of two theories about the rhinovirus life cycle

27. The author of the passage is chiefly concerned with

(A) discussing Bearden's philosophy of art (B) assessing the significance of the ethnic element in Bearden's work (C) acknowledging Bearden's success in giving artistic expression to the Black American experience (D) pointing out Bearden's helpfulness to other minority artists (E) tracing Bearden's progress toward artistic maturity

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing different approaches biologists have taken to testing theories about the distribution of plants in Hawaii (B) discussing different theories about the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii (C) discussing the extent to which air currents are responsible for the dispersal of plant seeds to Hawaii (D) resolving a dispute about the adaptability of plant seeds to bird transport (E) resolving a dispute about the ability of birds to carry plant seeds long distances

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing two categories of factors that control population growth and assessing their relative importance (B) describing how growth rates in natural populations fluctuate over time and explaining why these changes occur (C) proposing a hypothesis concerning population sizes and suggesting ways to test it (D) posing a fundamental question about environmental factors in population growth and presenting some currently accepted answers (E) refuting a commonly accepted theory about population density and offering a new alternative

24. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing why film's potential as a medium for presenting art to the general public has not been fully realized and how film might be made more effective in this regard (B) discussing the shortcomings of films on art and the technological innovations required to increase the impact of film on visual literacy (C) discussing the advantages and the disadvantages of using films rather than publications to present works of art to the general public (D) presenting information to support the view that films on art must focus more on education and less on entertainment in order to increase visual literacy (E) presenting information to support the view that films on art, because they reach a broader audience than many other kinds of media, have had greater success in promoting visual literacy

17. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) disproving the view that herbivores are less intelligent than carnivores (B) describing a relationship between animals' intelligence and their ecological roles (C) establishing a direct link between early large mammals and their modern counterparts (D) analyzing the ecological basis for the dominance of some carnivores over other carnivores (E) demonstrating the importance of hormones in mental activity

19. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) distinguishing arguments (B) applying classifications (C) initiating a debate (D) resolving a dispute (E) developing a contrast

24. The passage suggests that a speech that attempts to persuade people to act is likely to fail if it does NOT

(A) distort the truth a little to make it more acceptable to the audience (B) appeal to the self-interest as well as the humanitarianism of the audience (C) address listeners' emotions as well as their intellects (D) concede the logic of other points of view (E) show how an immediately desirable action is consistent with timeless principles

27. In terms of its tone and form, the passage can best be characterized as

(A) dogmatic explanation (B) indignant denial (C) enthusiastic praise (D) speculative study (E) lukewarm review

18. The author implies that it is insufficient to treat a work of art solely historically because

(A) doing so would lead the critic into a dilemma (B) doing so can blind the critic to some of the artwork's unique qualities (C) doing so can insulate the critic from personally held beliefs (D) subjective reactions can produce a biased response (E) critics are not sufficiently familiar with art history

21. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) drawing an analogy between asymmetry in lobsters and handedness in humans (B) developing a method for predicting whether crusher claws in lobsters will appear on the left or right side (C) explaining differences between lobsters' crusher claws and cutter claws (D) discussing a possible explanation for the way bilateral asymmetry is determined in lobsters (E) summarizing the stages of development of the lobster

19. Among the natural defenses of the skin against pathogenic organisms are all of the following EXCEPT the

(A) dryness of the skin (B) acidity of the skin (C) tendency of the pathogens toward homeostasis (D) shedding of surface layers of the skin (E) metabolic breakdown of lipids

18. According to the passage, a bright part of a galaxy typically includes

(A) dwarf galaxies and clusters of stars (B) a balanced mixture of old and new stars (C) a large portion of the galaxy's mass (D) part of the corona of the galaxy (E) gases such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide

26. The passage suggests that by the late Colonial period the tendency to cultivate metropolitan cultural models was a cultural pattern that was

(A) dying out as Puritan influence began to grow (B) self-consciously and distinctively Southern (C) spreading to Massachusetts and Connecticut (D) more characteristic of the Southern colonies than of England (E) beginning to spread to Rhode Island and New Hampshire

18. It can be inferred from the passage that if the flock of birds described in lines 8-12 were navigating by compass sense alone, they would, after the storm, fly

(A) east (B) north (C) northwest (D) south (E) southeast

25. According to the passage, the configuration of the target is reported to the echolocating bat by changes in the

(A) echo spectrum of CF signals (B) echo spectrum of FM signals (C) direction and velocity of the FM echoes (D) delay between transmission and reflection of the CF signals (E) relative frequencies of the FM and the CF echoes

19. According to the passage, Loyalism during the American Revolutionary War served the function of

(A) eliminating the disputes that existed among those colonists who supported the rebel cause (B) drawing upper, as opposed to lower, socioeconomic classes away from the rebel cause (C) tolerating the kinds of socioeconomic discontent that were not allowed to exist on the rebel side (D) channeling conflict that existed within a socioeconomic class into the war effort against the rebel cause (E) absorbing members of socioeconomic groups on the rebel side who felt themselves in contention with members of other socioeconomic groups

21. The author of the passage objects to criticism of Black fiction like that by Addison Gayle because it

(A) emphasizes purely literary aspects of such fiction (B) misinterprets the ideological content of such fiction (C) misunderstands the notions of Black identity contained in such fiction (D) substitutes political for literary criteria in evaluating such fiction (E) ignores the interplay between Black history and Black identity displayed in such fiction

27. It can be inferred that the author assumes that commonsense knowledge of human relations is

(A) equally well developed among all adults within a given society (B) considerably more accurate in some societies than in others (C) biased insofar as it is based on myths and folktales (D) typically unrelated to an individual's interactions with other people (E) usually sufficiently accurate to facilitate interactions with others

22. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) evaluating the soundness of a work of criticism (B) comparing various critical approaches to a subject (C) discussing the limitations of a particular kind of criticism (D) summarizing the major points made in a work of criticism (E) explaining the theoretical background of a certain kind of criticism

27. It can be inferred that in his discussion of maladaptive frailties the author assumes that

(A) evolution does not favor the emergence of adaptive characteristics over the emergence of maladaptive ones (B) any structure or behavior not positively adaptive is regarded as transitory in evolutionary theory (C) maladaptive characteristics, once fixed, make the emergence of other maladaptive characteristics more likely (D) the designation of a characteristic as being maladaptive must always remain highly tentative (E) changes in the total human environment can outpace evolutionary change

26. At a higher energy level than the subnuclear level described, if such a higher level exists, it can be expected on the basis of the information in the passage that there would probably be

(A) excited nucleons (B) elementary mesons (C) a kind of particle without detectable mass or charge (D) exchanges of energy on the order of millions of electron volts (E) another set of elementary particles

18. According to the passage, quanta with an extremely long wavelength cannot be used to give complete information about the physical world because they

(A) exist independently of sense-data (B) are graduated only in inches (C) have an insignificant amount of energy (D) cannot, with present-day instruments, be isolated from quanta of shorter wavelength (E) provide an insufficiently precise means of measuring length and position

24. The author's primary purpose in this passage is to

(A) explain some critics' refusal to consider Raisin in the Sun a deliberately ironic play (B) suggest that ironic nuances ally Raisin in the Sun with Du Bois' and Fanon's writings (C) analyze the fundamental dramatic conflicts in Raisin in the Sun (D) justify the inclusion of contradictory elements in Raisin in the Sun (E) affirm the thematic coherence underlying Raisin in the Sun

20. The main purpose of the passage is to

(A) explain why it has not been possible to determine the age of diamonds (B) explain how it might be possible to date some diamonds (C) compare two alternative approaches to determining the age of diamonds (D) compare a method of dating diamonds with a method used to date certain silicate minerals (E) compare the age of diamonds with that of certain silicate minerals contained within them

18. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) explaining how appendicularians obtain food (B) examining the flotation methods of appendicularians (C) mapping the distribution of appendicularians around the world (D) describing how appendicularians differ from other zooplankton (E) comparing the various types of balloons formed by appendicularians

17. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) explaining how the brain receives images (B) synthesizing hypotheses of visual recognition (C) examining the evidence supporting the serial recognition hypothesis (D) discussing visual recognition and some hypotheses proposed to explain it (E) reporting on recent experiments dealing with memory systems and their relationship to neural activity

20. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) expose the fragile nature of the foundations on which the high yields of modern agriculture rest (B) argue that genetic engineering promises to lead to even higher yields than are achievable with synthetic fertilizers (C) argue that the capacity for nitrogen-fixing symbioses is transferable to nonleguminous plants (D) explain the reasons for and the objectives of current research on nitrogen-fixing symbioses (E) describe the nature of the genes that regulate the symbiosis between legumes and certain bacteria

25. The passage suggests that the existence of a Roman conception of slavery in Spanish and Portuguese colonies had the effect of

(A) extending rather than causing racial prejudice in these colonies (B) hastening the legalization of slavery in these colonies (C) mitigating some of the conditions of slavery for Black people in these colonies (D) delaying the introduction of slavery into the English colonies (E) bringing about an improvement in the treatment of Black slaves in the English colonies

23. According to the author, the depiction of American culture during the Colonial and Revolutionary eras as an extension of New England Puritan culture reflects the

(A) fact that historians have overestimated the importance of the Puritans in the development of American culture (B) fact that early American culture was deeply influenced by the strong religious orientation of the colonists (C) failure to recognize important and undeniable cultural differences between New Hampshire and Rhode Island on the one hand and the Southern colonies on the other (D) extent to which Massachusetts and Connecticut served as cultural models for the other American colonies (E) extent to which colonial America resisted assimilating cultural patterns that were typically English

20. The author refers to the results of the experiment using adrenergic antagonists as "negative findings" (line 13) most likely because the adrenergic antagonists

(A) failed to disrupt adrenaline's effect on memory (B) did not affect glucose's ability to enhance memory (C) did not block adrenaline's ability to increase blood glucose levels (D) only partially affected adrenaline's ability to enhance memory (E) disrupted both adrenaline's and glucose's effect on memory

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers Fisher's work to be

(A) fallacious and unprofessional (B) definitive and thorough (C) inaccurate but popular, compared with Hamilton's work (D) admirable, but not as up-to-date as Hamilton's work (E) accurate, but trivial compared with Hamilton's work

27. The passage suggests that the song sparrow experiments mentioned in lines 37-43 failed to confirm the role of intersexual selection because

(A) females were allowed to respond only to the song structure (B) song sparrows are unlike other species of birds (C) the experiments provided no evidence that elaborate songs increased male reproductive success (D) the experiments included the songs of only a small number of different song sparrows (E) the experiments duplicated some of the limitations of previous field studies

26. The author suggests that the main reason for the persisting influence of Bachofen's work is that

(A) feminists have shown little interest in ancient societies (B) Bachofen's knowledge of Amazonian culture is unparalleled (C) reliable information about the ancient world is difficult to acquire (D) ancient societies show the best evidence of women in positions of power (E) historians have been primarily interested in the modern period

22. The author suggests that Griffith's film innovations had a direct effect on all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) film editing (B) camera work (C) scene composing (D) sound editing (E) directing

23. It can be inferred that the author of the passage most likely regards the criticism of methanol in the last paragraph as

(A) flawed because of the assumptions on which it is based (B) inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics' arguments (C) misguided because of its exclusively technological focus (D) inaccurate because it ignores consumers' concerns (E) invalid because it reflects the personal bias of the critics

20. It can be inferred from the passage that, in evaluating the Vinaver theory, some critics were

(A) frequently misled by the inconsistencies in Malory's work (B) initially biased by previous interpretations of Malory's work (C) conceptually displeased by the general interpretation that Vinaver rejected (D) generally in agreement with Vinaver's comparisons between Malory and modern novelists (E) originally skeptical about Vinaver's early conclusions with respect to modern novels

24. The author's hypothesis concerning the origin of taboos against watching other people eat emphasizes the

(A) general palatability of food (B) religious significance of food (C) limited availability of food (D) various sources of food (E) nutritional value of food

18. According to the passage, one of the reasons it has been assumed that there is an important random element in human neural development is that

(A) genes cannot specify certain types of developmental processes as well as they can others (B) the intricacy of the nervous system allows small developmental errors to occur without harmful effects (C) the amount of information contained in the genes is less than the amount necessary to specify the location of the neurons (D) the number of neurons in the human brain varies greatly from individual to individual (E) it is theoretically impossible for an organism to protect itself completely from gross developmental mistakes

22. The author first mentions the addition of flux during smelting (lines 18-21) in order to

(A) give a reason for the failure of elemental composition studies to determine ore sources (B) illustrate differences between various Bronze Age civilizations (C) show the need for using high smelting temperatures (D) illustrate the uniformity of lead isotope composition (E) explain the success of copper isotope composition analysis

24. The author mentions Le Roy Ladurie (line 26) in order to

(A) give an example of a historian who has made one kind of use of court records (B) cite a historian who has based case histories on the birth, marriage, and death records of the nonelite (C) identify the author of the quotation cited in the previous sentence (D) gain authoritative support for the view that the case history approach is the most fruitful approach to court records (E) point out the first historian to realize the value of court records in illuminating the beliefs and values of the nonelite

20. The author most likely mentions Hardy's principle of animal exclusion in order to

(A) give an example of one theory about the interaction of grazers and phytoplankton (B) defend the first theory of algal defenses against grazing (C) support the contention that phytoplankton numbers are controlled primarily by environmental factors (D) demonstrate the superiority of laboratory studies of zooplankton feeding rates to other kinds of studies of such rates (E) refute researchers who believed that low numbers of phytoplankton indicated the grazing effect of low numbers of zooplankton

23. It can be inferred from the passage that, of the following, the most probable reason why a historian of slavery might be interested in studying the type of plantations mentioned in line 25 is that this type would

(A) give the historian access to the most complete plantation birth registers (B) permit the historian to observe the kinship patterns that had been most popular among West African tribes (C) provide the historian with evidence concerning the preference of freed slaves for stable monogamy (D) furnish the historian with the opportunity to discover the kind of marital commitment that slaves themselves chose to have (E) allow the historian to examine the influence of slaves' preferences on the actions of plantation owners

23. If the argument in the passage is valid, taboos against eating in the presence of others who are not also eating would be LEAST likely in a society that

(A) had always had a plentiful supply of food (B) emphasized the need to share worldly goods (C) had a nomadic rather than an agricultural way of life (D) emphasized the value of privacy (E) discouraged overindulgence

24. According to the passage, the presence of chondrules in a meteorite indicates that the meteorite

(A) has probably come from Mars (B) is older than the solar system itself (C) has not been melted since the solar system formed (D) is certainly less than 4 billion years old (E) is a small fragment of an asteroid

22. The passage suggests that a substance detected in the brain by use of antiserums to peptide hormones may

(A) have been stored in the brain for a long period of time (B) play no role in the functioning of the brain (C) have been produced in some part of the body other than the brain (D) have escaped detection by molecular methods (E) play an important role in the functioning of the hypothalamus

23. If the hypothesis stated in lines 56-58 is true, it can be inferred that the crystallin proteins in the lenses of people with cataracts

(A) have increased elasticity (B) do not respond to enzymatic glycosylation (C) are more susceptible to stiffening than are other proteins (D) are at least several months old (E) respond more acutely than other proteins to changes in moisture levels

19. It can be inferred from the passage that, in the course of a heating season, the heating capacity of a heat pump is greatest when

(A) heating is least essential (B) electricity rates are lowest (C) its compressor runs the fastest (D) outdoor temperatures hold steady (E) the heating demand surges

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the density of interstellar material is

(A) higher where distances between the stars are shorter (B) equal to that of interstellar dust (C) unusually low in the vicinity of our Sun (D) independent of the incidence of gaseous components (E) not homogeneous throughout interstellar space

23. According to the passage, an understanding of the self can be

(A) highly biased due to unconscious factors (B) profound even when vaguely conceived (C) improved by specialized training (D) irrelevant for understanding human relations (E) more reliable than knowledge about other people

27. The author refers to the terms "wildlife" (line 11), "taking" (line 13), and "critical habitats" (line 16) most likely in order to

(A) illustrate the misuse of scientific language and concepts in political processes (B) emphasize the importance of selecting precise language in transforming scientific concepts into law (C) represent terminology whose definition was crucial in writing environmentalist goals into law (D) demonstrate the triviality of the issues debated by industries before Congress passed the Endangered Species Act (E) show that broad definitions of key terms in many types of laws resulted in ambiguity and thus left room for disagreement about how the law should be enforced

20. The author uses the analogy of the child's drawing (lines 17-19) primarily in order to

(A) illustrate the ultimate limitation in the precision of sense-data conveyed by quanta (B) show the sense of helplessness scientists feel in the face of significant observational problems (C) anticipate the objections of the those scientists who believe that no instrumental aid to observation is entirely reliable (D) exemplify the similarities between packages of energy and varieties of color (E) disparage those scientists who believe that measurement by means of quanta offers an accurate picture of the world

17. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) illustrating the importance of a historical figure (B) discussing an important characteristic of human ideas (C) describing the history of the growth of democracy (D) contrasting ancient and modern views of the importance of creative ideas (E) evaluating the contribution of ancient Greece to modern government

21. It can be inferred from the passage that a long-term decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere would

(A) increase methane concentration in the Earth's atmosphere (B) accompany a period of glaciation (C) encourage the formation of more oxygen isotopes in the Earth's atmosphere (D) promote the formation of more water in the Earth's global environment (E) increase the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere

20. The author mentions "certain positive feedbacks" (lines 35-36) in order to indicate that

(A) increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is responsible for global temperature increase (B) some climate simulation models have produced useful information (C) greenhouse gases alone do not account for global temperature increase (D) variables that benefit life are causing global temperature to increase (E) beneficial substances that are not heat-trapping gases and that contribute to global temperature increase have been found in the Vostok ice core

17. The author asserts that the historians discussed in the passage have

(A) influenced feminist theorists who concentrate on the family (B) honored the perceptions of the women who participated in the women suffrage movement (C) treated feminism as a social force rather than as an intellectual tradition (D) paid little attention to feminist movements (E) expanded the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism

23. The author of the passage mentions the "social movement" (line 57) generated by Chicago's South Side community primarily in order to

(A) inform the reader of events that occurred in the meat-packing industry after the period of time covered by the history (B) suggest the history's limitations by pointing out a situation that the history failed to explain adequately (C) salvage the history's point of view by suggesting that there were positive developments in the meat-packing industry due to worker unity (D) introduce a new issue designed to elaborate on the good relationship between the meat-packers and Chicago's ethnic communities (E) suggest that the history should have focused more on the general issue of the relationship between labor movements and healthy industrial communities

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) initiate a debate over two approaches to analyzing a field of study (B) describe how one field of knowledge can be applied to another field (C) point out the contradictions between two distinct theories (D) define and elaborate on an accepted scientific principle (E) discuss the application of a new theory within a new setting

23. The author of the passage describes Mary Barton as each of the following EXCEPT:

(A) insightful (B) meticulous (C) vivid (D) poignant (E) lyrical

23. According to the passage, the quantum theory can be distinguished from previous theories of physics by its

(A) insistence on scrupulously precise mathematical formulations (B) understanding of the inherent interrelationship of perceiver and perceived (C) recognition of the need for sophisticated instruments of measurement (D) emphasis on small-scale rather than on large-scale phenomena (E) regard for philosophical issues as well as for strictly scientific ones

21. It can be inferred that the author considers those historians who describe early feminists in the United States as "solitary" to be

(A) insufficiently familiar with the international origins of nineteenth-century American feminist thought (B) overly concerned with the regional diversity of feminist ideas in the period before 1848 (C) not focused narrowly enough in their geographical scope (D) insufficiently aware of the ideological consequences of the Seneca Falls conference (E) insufficiently concerned with the social conditions out of which feminism developed

21. The primary function of the passage as a whole is to

(A) introduce a new explanation of a physical phenomenon (B) explain the difference between two related physical phenomena (C) illustrate the limitations of applying mathematics to complicated physical phenomena (D) indicate the direction that research into a particular physical phenomenon should take (E) clarify the differences between an old explanation of a physical phenomenon and a new model of it

22. In the first paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) introducing a variant on the standard atomic theory (B) describing how chlorine atoms can become negatively charged (C) describing some early research at Michigan State University (D) presenting the identifying properties of an electride (E) providing background for the technical discussion to follow

21. According to the passage, it has been suggested that the science of human relations was slow to develop because

(A) intuitive knowledge of human relations is derived from philosophy (B) early scientists were more interested in the physical world (C) scientific studies of human relations appear to investigate the obvious (D) the scientific method is difficult to apply to the study of human relations (E) people generally seem to be more attracted to literary than to scientific writings about human relations

21. According to the passage, a Veblen model of conspicuous consumption has been used to

(A) investigate the extent of the demand for luxury goods among social classes in eighteenth-century England (B) classify the kinds of luxury goods desired by eighteenth-century consumers (C) explain the motivation of eighteenth-century consumers to buy luxury goods (D) establish the extent to which the tastes of rich consumers were shaped by the middle classes in eighteenth-century England (E) compare luxury consumerism in eighteenth-century England with such consumerism in the twentieth century

27. The author regards the idea that differentiation is triggered randomly when paired claws remain intact as

(A) irrefutable considering the authoritative nature of Emmel's observations (B) likely in view of present evidence (C) contradictory to conventional thinking on lobster-claw differentiation (D) purely speculative because it is based on scattered research and experimentation (E) unlikely because of apparent inconsistencies with theories on handedness in humans

26. The author implies that an innovative scientific contribution is one that

(A) is cited with high frequency in the publications of other scientists (B) is accepted immediately by the scientific community (C) does not relegate particulars to the role of data (D) presents the discovery of a new scientific fact (E) introduces a new valid generalization

18. The author believes that gift-giving in humans

(A) is instinctive behavior (B) is analogous to appeasement rituals in other animals (C) is not an appropriate subject of study for ethologists (D) must be considered within its social context to be properly understood (E) may be a cultural remnant of behavior originally designed to inhibit attack

26. It can be inferred from the passage that geophysicists seeking to explain magnetic tempests ought to conduct research on the Earth's outer core because the Earth's outer core

(A) is more fully understood than the Earth's magnetic field (B) is more easily observed than the Earth's magnetic field (C) has been the subject of extensive scientific observation for 300 years (D) is involved in generating the Earth's magnetic field (E) reflects changes in the inner core caused by magnetic tempests

24. The author of the passage implies that Wilson's examination of Pilgrim's Regress

(A) is not as coherent as his treatment of Till We Have Faces (B) would have been more appropriate in a separate treatise because of the scope of Pilgrim's Regress (C) demonstrates how Wilson's narrow focus ignores the general themes of Lewis' works (D) was more extensive than warranted because of the relative unimportance of Pilgrim's Regress (E) was disproportionately long relative to the amount of effort Lewis devoted to writing Pilgrim's Regress

27. According to the passage, Beauvoir's book asserted that the status of women

(A) is the outcome of political oppression (B) is inherently tied to their economic condition (C) can be best improved under a communist government (D) is a theoretical, rather than a pragmatic, issue (E) is a critical area of discussion in Marxist economic theory

17. The author's main point in the passage is that national character

(A) is too elusive to merit attention by anthropologists and other social scientists (B) is of greater interest to social scientists today than it has been in the past (C) is still too difficult to describe with the precision required by many social scientists (D) has become increasingly irrelevant because of the complexity of modern life (E) can be described more accurately by anthropologists than by other social scientists

26. The author implies that the cause of the agrarian discontent was

(A) masked by the vagueness of the official records on newly settled farms (B) overshadowed by disputes on the reliability of the existing historical evidence (C) misidentified as a result of influential but erroneous theorizing (D) overlooked because of a preoccupation with market conditions (E) undetected because visible indications of the cause occurred so gradually and sporadically

18. The author most likely refers to "historians such as Beard and Becker" (lines 5-6) in order to

(A) isolate the two historians whose work is most representative of the viewpoints of Progressive historians (B) emphasize the need to find connections between recent historical writing and the work of earlier historians (C) make a case for the importance of the views of the Progressive historians concerning eighteenth-century American life (D) suggest that Progressive historians were the first to discover the particular internal conflicts in eighteenth-century American life mentioned in the passage (E) point out historians whose views of history anticipated some of the views of the recent historians mentioned in the passage

22. The second paragraph of the passage is primarily concerned with offering possible reasons why

(A) it is unlikely that evolutionary mechanisms could discriminate against sinistral snails (B) sinistrality is relatively uncommon among snail species (C) dextral and sinistral populations of a snail species tend to intermingle (D) a theory based on a developmental mechanism inadequately accounts for the predominance of dextrality across snail species (E) dextral snails breed more readily than sinistral snails, even within predominantly sinistral populations

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the screening tests performed on the biological control agent are designed primarily to determine

(A) its effectiveness in eliminating the target species (B) the response of local residents to its introduction (C) the risk it poses to species other than the target (D) its resistance to the stress of shipment (E) the likelihood of its survival indoors

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the establishment and preservation of social order among a group of monkeys is essential in order to

(A) keep the monkeys from straying and joining other groups (B) control aggressive behavior among group members (C) prevent the domination of that group by another (D) protect individuals seeking to become members of that group from mass attack (E) prevent aggressive competition for incentives between that group and another

22. The author mentions "common currency" in line 26 primarily in order to emphasize the

(A) lack of differentiation among nerve impulses in human beings (B) similarity of the sensations that all human beings experience (C) similarities in the views of scientists who have studied the human nervous system (D) continuous passage of nerve impulses through the nervous system (E) recurrent questioning by scientists of an accepted explanation about the nervous system

23. The passage suggests that the total anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the vertebrate's size because

(A) larger vertebrates conserve more energy than smaller vertebrates (B) larger vertebrates use less oxygen per unit weight than smaller vertebrates (C) the ability of a vertebrate to consume food is a function of its size (D) the amount of muscle tissue in a vertebrate is directly related to its size (E) the size of a vertebrate is proportional to the quantity of energy it can utilize

17. According to the passage, Raup and Sepkoski's research was concerned with

(A) learning more about the habitats of marine species (B) studying plate tectonics and the occurrence of volcanism over the past 268 million years (C) examining extinctions of marine species over the past 268 million years (D) finding out whether a rhythmically recurring geologic force exists (E) confirming previous evidence suggesting that extinction of terrestrial species occurred regularly

25. It can be inferred from the passage that one difference between lobsters in the earlier stages of development and those in the juvenile fourth and fifth stages is that lobsters in the early stages are

(A) likely to be less active (B) likely to be less symmetrical (C) more likely to lose a claw (D) more likely to replace a crusher claw with a cutter claw (E) more likely to regenerate a lost claw

25. According to the passage, one of Verdi's achievements within the framework of nineteenth-century opera and its conventions was to

(A) limit the extent to which singers influenced the musical compositions and performance of his operas (B) use his operas primarily as forums to protest both the moral corruption and dogmatic rigidity of the political leaders of his time (C) portray psychologically complex characters shaped by the political environment surrounding them (D) incorporate elements of folklore into both the music and plots of his operas (E) introduce political elements into an art form that had traditionally avoided political content

19. It can be inferred from the passage that it is because space is so vast that

(A) little of the interstellar material in it seems substantial (B) normal units of volume seem futile for measurements of density (C) stars can be far enough from Earth to be obscured even by very sparsely distributed matter (D) interstellar gases can, for all practical purposes, be regarded as transparent (E) optical astronomy would be of little use even if no interstellar dust existed

21. According to the passage, scientists are able to use ocean acoustic tomography to deduce the properties of the ocean's interior in part because

(A) low-frequency sound waves are well described mathematically (B) mesoscale phenomena are so large as to be easily detectable (C) information from sound waves can be recombined more easily than information from x-rays (D) tomography is better suited to measuring mesoscale phenomena than to measuring small-scale systems (E) density variations in the ocean are mathematically predictable

24. It can be inferred from the passage that the author views the division of literature into periods based on men's writing as an approach that

(A) makes distinctions among literary periods ambiguous (B) is appropriate for evaluating only premodern literature (C) was misunderstood until the advent of feminist criticism (D) provides a valuable basis from which feminist criticism has evolved (E) obscures women's contributions to literature

23. The author organizes the passage by

(A) making distinctions between two groups of particles, those that are elementary and those that are composite (B) explaining three methods of transferring energy to atoms and to the smaller particles that constitute atoms (C) describing several levels of processes, increasing in energy, and corresponding sets of particles, generally decreasing in size (D) putting forth an argument concerning energy levels and then conceding that several qualifications of that argument are necessary (E) making several successive refinements of a definition of elementarity on the basis of several groups of experimental results

27. The author's argument implies that, compared to the yearly price changes that actually occurred on foreign agricultural markets during the 1880's, American farmers would have most preferred yearly price changes that were

(A) much smaller and in the same direction (B) much smaller but in the opposite direction (C) slightly smaller and in the same direction (D) similar in size but in the opposite direction (E) slightly greater and in the same direction

18. It can be inferred from the passage that support for the objectives of the February Revolution was

(A) negligible (B) misguided (C) fanatical (D) spontaneous (E) widespread

24. The author's attitude toward the theory of a cold pre-history of life can best be described as

(A) neutral (B) skeptical (C) mildly positive (D) very supportive (E) pointedly critical

26. The passage indicates that organisms frequently have the strongest effects on their environment in

(A) oceans, since oceans contain the largest organisms living on Earth (B) oceans, since oceans provide habitats for many different kinds of species (C) freshwater bodies, since such effects become pronounced in relatively small spaces (D) freshwater lakes, since nutrients in freshwater lakes are present only in small amounts (E) land areas, since there exist major influences of climate on the kinds of small organisms supported in land areas

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) offer an analysis of metabolic processes (B) detail the ways in which bacteria and fungi can be inhibited (C) describe mechanisms by which the skin protects itself against pathogens (D) analyze the methods whereby biological systems maintain the status quo (E) provide a specific example of the skin's basic defenses against pathogens

25. According to the author of the passage, Arrom's study can be characterized as "an important addition to Latin American women's history" (lines 21-22) because it

(A) offers a radical thesis concerning the status of women's civil rights in Mexican society during the nineteenth century (B) relies on a new method of historical analysis that has not previously been applied to Latin American history (C) focuses only on the status of women in Mexican society (D) addresses a period in Mexican history that scholars have to some extent neglected (E) is the first study to recognize the role of the Mexican government in encouraging women's education

27. The primary topic of the passage is the way in which

(A) organisms are affected by the amount of nutrients available (B) organisms can change their own surroundings (C) elements of freshwater habitats impede the growth of small organisms (D) the reproduction of organisms is controlled by factors in the environment (E) plant matter in a given locale can increase up to a limit

20. The author rejects the argument that ragtime is a mechanical music because that argument

(A) overlooks the precision required of the ragtime player (B) does not accurately describe the sound of ragtime pianola music (C) confuses the means of recording and the essential character of the music (D) exaggerates the influence of the performance style of professional ragtime players on the reputation of the genre (E) improperly identifies commercial ragtime music with the subtler classic ragtime style

19. It can be inferred from the passage that in animals less intelligent than the mammals discussed in the passage

(A) past experience is less helpful in ensuring survival (B) attention is more highly focused (C) muscular coordination is less highly developed (D) there is less need for competition among species (E) environment is more important in establishing the proper ratio of prey to predator

25. The passage implies that, in doing research on rat brains, Rosen discovered that

(A) peptide hormones are used for intercellular communication (B) complementary DNA's do not bind to cells producing peptide hormones (C) products closely resembling peptide hormones are not identical to peptide hormones (D) some peptide hormones do not function as growth regulators (E) antiserums cross-react with substances that are not peptide hormones

19. It can be inferred from the passage that the Marxist sociologist would argue that in a noncapitalist society racial prejudice would be

(A) pervasive (B) tolerated (C) ignored (D) forbidden (E) nonexistent

18. The author of the passage would most likely describe the findings of Raup and Sepkoski as

(A) plausible, because the findings supported the theories of previous researchers (B) significant, because the findings were an impetus for subsequent research (C) controversial, because the findings contradicted the theories of previous researchers (D) questionable, because the authors were not working in their field of expertise (E) definitive, because the findings confirmed the existence of a rhythmically recurring force

27. The author of the passage refers to James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man most probably in order to

(A) point out affinities between Rosenblatt's method of thematic analysis and earlier criticism (B) clarify the point about expressionistic style made earlier in the passage (C) qualify the assessment of Rosenblatt's book made in the first paragraph of the passage (D) illustrate the affinities among Black novels disclosed by Rosenblatt's literary analysis (E) give a specific example of one of the accomplishments of Rosenblatt's work

25. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) point out that theories about how life developed on Earth have changed little since 1953 (B) warn of increasing levels of hydrogen, methane, and ammonia in the Earth's atmosphere (C) describe the development since 1953 of some scientists' understanding of how life began on Earth (D) demonstrate that the synthesis of life in the laboratory is too difficult for modern technology (E) describe how primitive atmospheric conditions produced the complex molecules of living organisms

21. The author implies that making a sharp division between subject and object in physics is

(A) possible in a measurement o object's length and position, but not in a measurement of its energy (B) still theoretically possible in the small-scale world of atoms and electrons (C) possible in the case of observations involving the passage of a complete quantum (D) no longer an entirely accurate way to describe observation of the universe (E) a goal at which scientists still aim

21. The development of drug treatments for some forms of familial hypercholesterolemia is regarded by the author as

(A) possible, but not very important (B) interesting, but too costly to be practical (C) promising, but many years off (D) extremely unlikely (E) highly probable

17. The author considers the contentions made by the recent historians discussed in the passage to be

(A) potentially verifiable (B) partially justified (C) logically contradictory (D) ingenious but flawed (E) capricious and unsupported

20. The author suggests that Descartes' support for the new science of the seventeenth century can be characterized as

(A) pragmatic and hypocritical (B) cautious and inconsistent (C) daring and opportunistic (D) intense but fleeting (E) strong but prudent

20. The passage suggests that appendicularians tend to remain in surface waters because they

(A) prefer the warmer water near the surface (B) are unable to secrete mucus at the lower levels of the ocean (C) use the contrast of light and shadow at the surface to hide from predators (D) live in balloons that cannot withstand he water pressure deeper in the ocean (E) eat food that grows more profusely near the surface

19. It can be inferred from the passage that, when speaking of the "overutilization" (line 11) of the social sciences, the author is referring to the

(A) premature practical application of social science advances (B) habitual reliance on the social sciences even where common sense would serve equally well (C) practice of bringing a greater variety of social science disciplines to bear on a problem than the nature of the problem warrants (D) use of social science constructs by people who do not fully understand them (E) tendency on the part of social scientists to recast everyday truths in social science jargon

18. According to the passage, in the seismic-reflection method all of the following have a significant effect on the signal detected by the seismic instruments EXCEPT the

(A) presence of unrelated wave trains (B) placement of the seismic instruments (C) number of sources in the grid pattern (D) nature of the reflectivity of the rock interfaces (E) properties of rocks through which the wave train has traveled

17. The author focuses primarily on

(A) presenting two competing scientific theories concerning solar activity and evaluating geological evidence often cited to support them (B) giving a brief overview of some recent scientific developments in solar physics and assessing their impact on future climatological research (C) discussing the difficulties involved in linking terrestrial phenomena with solar activity and indicating how resolving that issue could have an impact on our understanding of solar physics (D) pointing out the futility of a certain line of scientific inquiry into the terrestrial effects of solar activity and recommending its abandonment in favor of purely physics-oriented research (E) outlining the specific reasons why a problem in solar physics has not yet been solved and faulting the overly theoretical approach of modern physicists

18. The passage suggests that lightning bolts typically

(A) produce a distribution of charges called a positive dipole in the clouds where they originate (B) result in the movement of negative charges to the centers of the clouds where they originate (C) result in the suspension of large, positively charged raindrops at the tops of the clouds where they originate (D) originate in clouds that have large numbers of negatively charged droplets in their upper regions (E) originate in clouds in which the positive and negative charges are not uniformly distributed

22. According to the author, a major limitation of anaerobic glycolysis is that it can

(A) produce in large animals more lactic acid than the liver can safely reconvert (B) necessitate a dangerously long recovery period in large animals (C) produce energy more slowly than it can be used by large animals (D) consume all of the available glycogen regardless of need (E) reduce significantly the rate at which energy is produced by oxidative metabolism

18. The passage implies that, according to the new theory of spiral-galaxy structure, a spiral galaxy can be created by supernovas when the supernovas are

(A) producing an underlying density wave (B) affected by a density wave of spiral form (C) distributed in a spiral pattern (D) located in the central plane of a galaxy (E) located in a differentially rotating galaxy

20. The author confronts the claim that the social sciences are being overutilized with

(A) proof that overextensions of social science results are self-correcting (B) evidence that some public policy is made without any recourse to social science findings or theories (C) a long list of social science applications that are perfectly appropriate and extremely fruitful (D) the argument that overutilization is by and large the exception rather than the rule (E) the observation that this practice represents the lesser of two evils under existing circumstances

22. The author mentions all of the following as issues addressed by Walzer EXCEPT:

(A) proper recompense for individual excellence (B) proper interpretation of "economic equality" (C) proper level of a society's wealth (D) grounds for calling capitalism "the tyranny of money" (E) exchangeability of money for social goods

23. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) propose and defend a theory about the consequences of a certain historical event (B) present historical facts and offer a broader interpretation of those facts than has been offered in the past (C) describe the socioeconomic effects of a widely held attitude during a particular historical period (D) demonstrate the superiority of using an economic approach to historical analysis (E) call attention to the influence of the textile industry on society during a particular historical period

19. It can be inferred from the passage that wilt disease virions depend for their survival on

(A) protein synthesized from the tissues of a host caterpillar (B) aspen leaves with high concentrations of phenols (C) tannin-rich oak leaves (D) nutrients that they synthesize from gypsy moth egg clusters (E) a rising threshold of caterpillar vulnerability to wilt disease

24. It can be inferred that of the two laboratory environments mentioned in the passage, the one with oyster chips was designed to

(A) prove that the presence of oyster chips was not necessary for the development of a crusher claw (B) prove that the relative length of time that the lobsters were exposed to the oyster-chip environment had little impact on the development of a crusher claw (C) eliminate the environment as a possible influence in the development of a crusher claw (D) control on which side the crusher claw develops (E) simulate the conditions that lobsters encounter in their natural environment

23. The author introduces Abstract Expressionist painters (lines 34) in order to

(A) provide an example of artists who, like serious contemporary photographers, disavowed traditionally accepted aims of modern art (B) call attention to artists whose works often bear a physical resemblance to the works of serious contemporary photographers (C) set forth an analogy between the Abstract Expressionist painters and classical Modernist painters (D) provide a contrast to Pop artists and others who created works that exemplify the Modernist heritage in art (E) provide an explanation of why serious photography, like other contemporary visual forms, is not and should not pretend to be an art

22. The author of the passage refers to Vertov in the first paragraph most probably in order to

(A) provide an example of how films can be used to influence perceptions (B) present evidence to support the argument that films have been used successfully to influence viewers' perceptions (C) introduce the notion that film can influence how viewers see (D) contrast a traditional view of the uses of film with a more modern view (E) describe how film can change a viewer's perception of a work of art

25. It can be inferred that the author of the passage regards Smith's argument as

(A) provocative and potentially useful, but flawed by poor organization (B) eloquently presented, but needlessly inflammatory (C) accurate in some of its particulars, but inaccurate with regard to an important point (D) historically sound, but overly detailed and redundant (E) persuasive in its time, but now largely outdated

19. The author's attitude toward contemporary ethologists can best be described as

(A) puzzled (B) conciliatory (C) defensive (D) amused (E) disparaging

27. The author's attitude toward Bachofen's treatise is best described as one of

(A) qualified approval (B) profound ambivalence (C) studied neutrality (D) pointed disagreement (E) unmitigated hostility

24. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) question the published conclusions of a scholar concerning the history of the Iroquois nation (B) establish the relationship between an earlier scholar's work and new anthropological research (C) summarize scholarly controversy concerning an incident from Iroquois history (D) trace two generations of scholarly opinion concerning Iroquois social institutions (E) differentiate between Iroquois political practices and Iroquois religious practices

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) reconcile two opposing theories (B) compare two different explanations for a phenomenon (C) describe experimental research that appears to support an unpopular theory (D) present evidence that may help to resolve an apparent contradiction (E) describe a hypothesis that has cause a controversy

20. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) refute a misconception about anaerobic glycolysis (B) introduce a new hypothesis about anaerobic glycolysis (C) describe the limitations of anaerobic glycolysis (D) analyze the chemistry of anaerobic glycolysis and its similarity to oxidative metabolism (E) explain anaerobic glycolysis and its effects on animal survival

21. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) refuting a claim about the influence of Puritan culture on the early American South (B) refuting a thesis about the distinctiveness of the culture of the early American South (C) refuting the two premises that underlie Davis' discussion of the culture of the American South in the period before 1815 (D) challenging the hypothesis that early American culture was homogeneous in nature (E) challenging the contention that the American South made greater contributions to early American culture than Puritan New England did

24. It can be inferred that the author regards Verdi's revisions to his operas with

(A) regret that the original music and texts were altered (B) concern that many of the revisions altered the plots of the original work (C) approval for the intentions that motivated the revisions (D) puzzlement, since the revisions seem largely insignificant (E) enthusiasm, since the revisions were aimed at reducing the conventionality of the operas' plots

23. According to the passage, confirmation of the belief that peptide hormones are made in the brain in areas other than the hypothalamus would force scientists to

(A) reject the theory that peptide hormones are made by endocrine glands (B) revise their beliefs about the ability of antiserums to detect peptide hormones (C) invent techniques that would allow them to locate accurately brain cells that produce peptide hormones (D) search for techniques that would enable them to distinguish peptide hormones from their close relatives (E) develop a theory that explains the role played by peptide hormones in the brain

21. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) rejecting an earlier explanation for the longevity of certain brachiopod species (B) reevaluating the implications of uniformity among existing brachiopod species (C) describing the varieties of environmental change to which brachiopods are vulnerable (D) reconciling opposing explanations for brachiopods' lack of evolutionary success (E) elaborating the mechanisms responsible for the tendency among brachiopod species toward specialization

24. According to the passage, one difference between The Feminine Mystique and The Second Sex is that Friedan's book

(A) rejects the idea that women are oppressed (B) provides a primarily theoretical analysis of women's lives (C) does not reflect the political beliefs of its author (D) suggests that women's economic condition has no impact on their status (E) concentrates on the practical aspects of the questions of women's emancipation

24. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the important contributing causes of the failure of most pancreas transplants has been the

(A) reluctance of patients to cooperate with physicians (B) imperfect techniques used in the operations (C) scarcity of immunosuppressive drugs (D) unavailability or healthy pancreases (E) weakened condition of the patients

27. The passage speaks of particles as having conditional elementarity if they

(A) remain unchanged at given level of energy exchange (B) cannot be decomposed into smaller constituents (C) are mathematically simpler than some other set of particles (D) release energy at a low level in collisions (E) belong to the nuclear level on the quantum ladder

27. According to the passage, the explanation of Tolstoi's "magical simplicity" (line 55) lies partly in his

(A) remarkable power of observation and his facility in exact description (B) persistent disregard for conventional restraints together with his great energy (C) unusual ability to reduce the description of complex situations to a few words (D) abiding hatred of religious doctrine and preference for new scientism (E) continuing attempt to represent the natural in opposition to the pretentious

26. The passage implies that feelings of hopelessness among medieval workers

(A) resulted primarily from the lack of a rational system of differential rewards (B) disappeared completely once medieval textile workers were able to break the cycle of poverty (C) were more prevalent among female workers than among male workers (D) came into being in part because of women's limited earning capacity (E) were particularly common among textile workers in Italy and France

21. It can be inferred from the passage that Landsat images differ from conventional geologic maps in that Landsat images

(A) reveal the exact size of petroleum deposits and ore deposits (B) indicate the continuity of features that might not otherwise be interpreted as continuous (C) predict the movements of glaciers (D) provide highly accurate data about the occurrence of mineral deposits (E) reveal the integrity of the media in which petroleum deposits and ore deposits are found

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) revealing a commonly ignored deficiency (B) proposing a return to traditional terminology (C) describing an attempt to correct a shortcoming (D) assessing the success of a new pedagogical approach (E) predicting a change in a traditional teaching strategy

22. According to the passage, widely spaced doses of insulin can cause.

(A) reversal of normal kidney function (B) delay in the onset of diabetes (C) radical changes in the concentration of blood glucose (D) restoration of normoglycemia (E) marked variations in the islets of Langerhans

17. The passage suggests that great comic art can be characterized as optimistic about the ability of humans to

(A) rid themselves of pride (B) transcend the human condition (C) differentiate clearly between good and evil (D) avoid social conflicts (E) act rationally

27. According to the author, Olsen's work has been

(A) rightly acknowledged for its contribution to political thought (B) thought to represent the beginning of new literary tradition (C) a needed impetus for social change (D) most clearly influenced by feminism (E) deservedly admired by readers

21. According to the passage, all of the following behaviors have been exhibited by different populations EXCEPT:

(A) roughly constant population levels from year to year (B) regular cycles of increases and decreases in numbers (C) erratic increases in numbers correlated with the weather (D) unchecked increases in numbers over many generations (E) sudden declines in numbers from time to time

22. According to the passage, the case histories extracted by historians have

(A) scarcely illuminated the attitudes of the political and social elite (B) indicated the manner in which those in power apportioned justice (C) focused almost entirely on the thoughts and feelings of different social groups toward crime and the law (D) been considered the first kind of historical writing that utilized the records of legal courts (E) been based for the most part on the trial testimony of police and other legal authorities

18. It can be inferred from the passage that the clown fish is able to survive in close association with the sea anemone because the

(A) sea anemone cannot detect the presence of the clown fish (B) tentacles of the sea anemone cannot grasp the slippery clown fish (C) sea anemone prefers other prey (D) clown fish does not actually come within the range of the sea anemone's tentacles (E) clown fish has developed tolerance to the sea anemone's poison

21. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) searching for an accurate method of dating the Pleistocene epoch (B) discussing problems involved in providing an accurate picture of the Pleistocene epoch (C) declaring opposition to the use of the term "Ice Age" for the Pleistocene epoch (D) criticizing fanciful schemes about what happened in the Pleistocene epoch (E) refuting the idea that there is no way to tell if we are now living in an Ice Age

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) settle the question of whether orb webs evolved once or more than once (B) describe scientific speculation concerning an issue related to the evolution of orb webs (C) analyze the differences between the characteristic features of spiders in the Araneidae and Uloboridae families (D) question the methods used by earlier investigators of the habits of spiders (E) demonstrate that Araneidae spiders are not related to Uloboridae spiders

18. The author places the word "protecting" in quotation marks in line 21 most likely in order to suggest that

(A) she is quoting the actual wording of the laws in question (B) the protective nature of the laws in question should not be overlooked (C) protecting the health of workers is important to those who support protective labor laws (D) the laws in question were really used to the detriment of women workers, despite being overtly protective in intent (E) the health of workers is not in need of protection, even in jobs where many hours of overtime work are required

21. The author refers to "smokers" (line 38) most probably in order to

(A) show how thermal shock can provide food for some vent faunas by stunning small animals (B) prove that the habitat of most deep-sea animals is limited to warm-water vents (C) explain how bacteria carry out chemosynthesis (D) demonstrate how advection compensates for the lack of food sources on the seafloor (E) present evidence that bacterial chemosynthesis may be an inadequate source of food for some vent faunas

20. The author is primarily concerned with

(A) showing that a certain interpretation is better supported by the evidence than is an alternative explanation (B) developing an alternative interpretation by using sources of evidence that formerly had been unavailable (C) questioning the accuracy of the evidence that most scholars have used to counter the author's own interpretation (D) reviewing the evidence that formerly had been thought to obscure a valid interpretation (E) presenting evidence in support of a controversial version of an earlier interpretation

21. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) showing that intrasexual selection has a greater effect on birdsong than does intersexual selection (B) contrasting the role of song complexity in several species of birds (C) describing research confirming the suspected relationship between intersexual selection and the complexity of birdsong (D) demonstrating the superiority of laboratory work over field studies in evolutionary biology (E) illustrating the effectiveness of a particular approach to experimental design in evolutionary biology

26. The author of the passage puts the word "deepest" (line 44) in quotation marks most probably in order to

(A) signal her reservations about the accuracy of psychohistorians' claims for their work (B) draw attention to a contradiction in the psychohistorians' method (C) emphasize the major difference between the traditional historians' method and that of psychohistorians (D) disassociate her opinion of the psychohistorians' claims from her opinion of their method (E) question the usefulness of psychohistorians' insights into traditional historical scholarship

18. The author of the passage asserts that some twentieth-century feminists have influenced some historians view of the

(A) significance of the woman suffrage movement (B) importance to society of the family as an institution (C) degree to which feminism changed nineteenth-century society (D) philosophical traditions on which contemporary feminism is based (E) public response to domestic feminism in the nineteenth century

24. The author implies that, after certain territories and countries had been joined into an interdependent market system in the nineteenth century, agrarian depressions within that system

(A) spread to several nations, excluding those in which the internal frontier remained open (B) manifested themselves in several nations, including those in which new land remained available for farming (C) slowed down the pace of new technological developments in international communications and transportation (D) affected the local and national prices of the nonagricultural products of several nations (E) encouraged several nations to sell more of their agricultural products on foreign markets

27. In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) stating a limitation that helps determine a research methodology (B) making a comparative analysis of two different research methodologies (C) assessing the amount of empirical data in the field of physical science (D) suggesting an optimistic way of viewing a widely feared phenomenon (E) describing a fundamental issue and discussing its future impact on society

23. The passage suggests that the age of shergottites is probably

(A) still entirely undetermined (B) less than that of most other achondrites (C) about 3.5 billion years (D) the same as that of typical achondrites (E) greater than that of the Earth

25. According to the passage, the ultimate goal of the current research on nitrogen fixation is to develop

(A) strains of Rhizobium that can enter into symbioses with existing varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes (B) strains of Rhizobium that produce more ammonia for leguminous host plants than do any of the strains presently known (C) varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that yield as much as do existing varieties, but require less nitrogen (D) varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that maintain an adequate symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and produce high yields (E) high-yielding varieties of wheat, rice, and other nonlegumes that are genetically equipped to fix nitrogen from the air without the aid of bacteria

27. The example discussed in lines 51-54 is intended by the author to illustrate a

(A) strength of the sociodemographic approach (B) strength of the "colonialist" approach (C) weakness of the sociodemographic approach (D) weakness of the "colonialist" approach (E) weakness of the cultural-accommodationist approach

22. It can be inferred that the author thinks engineering curricula are

(A) strengthened when they include courses in design (B) weakened by the substitution of physical science courses for courses designed to develop mathematical skills (C) strong because nonverbal thinking is still emphasized by most of the courses (D) strong despite the errors that graduates of such curricula have made in the development of automatic control systems (E) strong despite the absence of nonscientific modes of thinking

22. The author implies that Beethoven's music was strikingly original because Beethoven

(A) strove to outdo his predecessors by becoming the first composer to exploit limits (B) fundamentally changed the musical forms of his predecessors by adopting a richly inventive strategy (C) embellished and interwove the melodies of several of the great composers who preceded him (D) manipulated the established conventions of musical composition in a highly innovative fashion (E) attempted to create the illusion of having transcended the musical forms of his predecessors

20. The author of the passage mentions "particular employers" (line 8) primarily in order to

(A) suggest that occupational unions found some employers difficult to satisfy (B) indicate that the occupational unions served some employers but not others (C) emphasize the unique focus of occupational unionism (D) accentuate the hostility of some employers toward occupational unionism (E) point out a weakness of worksite unionism

17. The author's purpose in writing this passage is primarily to

(A) suggest the motives behind Mexican and United States intervention in Texas (B) document certain early objectives of Mexican-American society (C) provide a historical perspective for a new analysis of Mexican-American culture (D) appeal to both Mexican and United States scholars to give greater consideration to economic interpretations of history (E) bring to light previously overlooked research on Mexican Americans

25. The author of the passage uses the second paragraph to

(A) summarize the main point of the history discussed in the passage (B) explain why the history discussed in the passage has been disparaged by critics (C) evaluate the findings of recent studies that undermine the premises of the history discussed in the passage (D) introduce a hypothesis that will be discussed in detail later in the passage (E) present evidence that is intended to refute the argument of the history discussed in the passage

21. The author's attitude toward the mammals discussed in the passage is best described as

(A) superior and condescending (B) lighthearted and jocular (C) apologetic and conciliatory (D) wistful and tender (E) respectful and admiring

25. It can be inferred from the passage that the "colonialist" approach is so called because its practitioners

(A) support Puerto Rico's commonwealth status (B) have a strong tradition of cultural accommodation (C) emphasize the class relations at work in both Puerto Rican and North American history (D) pose the clash of national cultures as an absolute polarity in which each culture is understood as static and undifferentiated (E) regard the political relation of Puerto Rico to the United States as a significant factor in the experience of Puerto Ricans

18. The author mentions the results of flotation experiments on plant seeds (lines 10-12) most probably in order to

(A) support the claim that the distribution of plants in Hawaii is the result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds (B) lend credibility to the thesis that air currents provide a method of transport for plant seeds to Hawaii (C) suggest that the long-distance dispersal of seeds is a process that requires long periods of time (D) challenge the claim that ocean currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii (E) refute the claim that Hawaiian flora evolved independently from flora in other parts of the world

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the application of Islamic law in Islamic states has

(A) systematically been opposed by groups who believe it is contrary to their interests (B) suffered irreparably from the lack of firm institutional backing (C) frequently been at odds with the legal activity of government institutions (D) remained unaffected by the political forces operating alongside it (E) benefited from the fact that it never experienced a direct confrontation with the state

18. According to the passage, some abstract universal ideas can be expressed in Nahuatl by

(A) taking away from a word any reference to particular instances (B) removing a word from its associations with other words (C) giving a word a new and opposite meaning (D) putting various meaningful elements together in one word (E) turning each word of a phrase into a poetic metaphor

19. The author specifically mentions all of the following as difficulties that particularly affect women who are theoreticians of feminist literary criticism EXCEPT the

(A) tendency of a predominantly male academic establishment to form preconceptions about women (B) limitations that are imposed when criticism is defined as objective and scientific (C) likelihood that the work of a woman theoretician who claims the privilege of art will be viewed with prejudice by some academics (D) inescapability of power struggles between women in the academic profession and the academic establishment (E) tendency of members of the academic establishment to treat all forms of feminist literary theory with hostility

19. According to the passage, Benjamin Franklin contributed to the scientific study of lightning by

(A) testing a theory proposed earlier, showing it to be false, and developing an alternative, far more successful theory of his own (B) making an important discovery that is still important for scientific investigations of lightning (C) introducing a hypothesis that, though recently shown to be false, proved to be a useful source of insights for scientists studying lightning (D) developing a technique that has enabled scientists to measure more precisely the phenomena that affect the strength and location of lightning bolts (E) predicting correctly that two factors previously thought unrelated to lightning would eventually be shown to contribute jointly to the strength and location of lightning bolts

21. The author refers to Schubert and Brahms in order to suggest

(A) that their achievements are no less substantial than those of Verdi (B) that their works are examples of great trash (C) the extent to which Schubert and Brahms influenced the later compositions of Verdi (D) a contrast between the conventions of nineteenth-century opera and those of other musical forms (E) that popular music could be employed in compositions intended as high art

25. The author implies that control to any extent over the "frailties" that constrain our behavior is thought to presuppose

(A) that those frailties are recognized as currently beneficial and adaptive (B) that there is little or no overlay of cultural detail that masks their true nature (C) that there are cultures in which those frailties do not "come naturally" and from which such control can be learned (D) a full understanding of why those frailties evolved and of how they function now (E) a thorough grasp of the principle that cultural detail in human behavior can differ arbitrarily from society to society

25. According to the passage, successful game strategy depends on

(A) the ability to adjust one's behavior in light of the behavior of others (B) one's awareness that there is safety in numbers (C) the degree of stability one can create in one's immediate environment (D) the accuracy with which one can predict future events (E) the success one achieves in conserving and storing one's resources

22. The passage suggests that the view referred to in lines 1-7 argued that

(A) the colonial governors were sympathetic to the demands of the common people (B) Charles II was a pivotal figure in the shift of English monarchs toward a more imperial policy in their governorship of the American colonies (C) the American Revolution was generated largely out of a conflict between the colonial upper classes and an alliance of merchants and small farmers (D) the military did not play a major role as an instrument of colonial policy until 1763 (E) the colonial legislative assemblies in the colonies had little influence over the colonial governors

18. According to the passage, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with gasoline than with an alternative fuel because

(A) the combustion of gasoline releases photochemically active hydrocarbons (B) the combustion of gasoline involves an intricate series of reactions (C) gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure (D) gasoline is composed of small molecules. (E) gasoline is a carbon-based fuel

25. The author rejects copper as the "ideal choice" mentioned in line 33 because

(A) the concentration of copper in Bronze Age artifacts varies (B) elements other than copper may be introduced during smelting (C) the isotopic composition of copper changes during smelting (D) among common copper ores, differences in copper isotope composition are too small (E) within a single source of copper ore, copper isotope composition can vary substantially

21. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing

(A) the current debate on whether the morphological attributes of wind-pollinated plants are evolutionary adaptations (B) the kinds of airflow patterns that permit wind-pollinated plants to capture pollen most efficiently (C) the ways in which the reproductive processes of wind-pollinated plants are controlled by random events (D) a recently proposed explanation of a way in which wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste (E) a specific morphological attribute that permits one species of wind-pollinated plant to capture pollen

26. According to the passage, research suggests that one possible reason the Africanized bees in Brazil have successfully resisted Varroa jacobsoni is that

(A) the life cycle of the Africanized bee may limit the Varroa jacobsoni mite's opportunity to reach full development (B) the Africanized bees may have had an opportunity to develop a chemical resistance to Varroa jacobsoni (C) the location of bee colonies in Brazil may provide a natural deterrent to Varroa jacobsoni (D) Varroa jacobsoni may be relatively new to Brazil and may not have had time to become widespread (E) beekeepers may have developed effective control techniques for Varroa jacobsoni

22. It can be inferred from the passage that in the late nineteenth century rhetoric was regarded as

(A) the only necessary element of persuasive discourse (B) a dubious art in at least two ways (C) an outmoded and tedious amplification of logic (D) an open offense to the rational mind (E) the most important of the humanistic studies

19. According to the passage, members of the Araneidae family can be distinguished from members of the Uloboridae family by all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) the presence of venom glands (B) the type of web they spin (C) the structure of their body hair (D) the arrangement of their eyes (E) their appearance

24. According to the passage, as the process of arousal in an organism continues, all of the following may occur EXCEPT:

(A) the production of adrenaline (B) the production of norepinephrine (C) a heightening of sensitivity to stimuli (D) an increase in selectivity with respect to stimuli (E) an expansion of the range of states mediated by the brain stem

25. The author calls the predicament faced by the Historic American Engineering Record "paradoxical" (lines 36-37) most probably because

(A) the publication needed drawings that its own staff could not make (B) architectural schools offered but did not require engineering design courses for their students (C) college students were qualified to make the drawings while practicing engineers were not (D) the drawings needed were so complicated that even students in architectural schools had difficulty making them (E) engineering students were not trained to make the type of drawings needed to record the development of their own discipline

21. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) the role of involuntary memory in Proust's writing (B) evidence concerning the genesis of Proust's novel Remembrance of Things Past (C) conflicting scholarly opinions about the value of studying the drafts of Remembrance of Things Past (D) Proust's correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of Things Past (E) the influence of Saint-Beuve's criticism on Proust's novel Remembrance of Things Past

24. The passage is primarily concerned with attempts to determine

(A) the role of siderophores in the synthesis of serum iron (B) new treatments for infections that are caused by A. hydrophilia (C) the function of fever in warm-blooded animals (D) the mechanisms that ensure constant body temperature (E) iron utilization in cold-blooded animals

23. The description in lines 32-38 of an experiment in which electric stimuli were applied to different sensory fields of the cerebral cortex tends to support the theory that

(A) the simple presence of different cortical areas cannot account for the diversity of mental experience (B) variation in spatiotemporal patterning of nerve impulses correlates with variation in subjective experience (C) nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous and are relatively unaffected as they travel through the nervous system (D) the mental experiences produced by sensory nerve impulses are determined by the cortical area activated (E) variation in neuron types affects the quality of nerve impulses

22. It can be inferred from the passage that the essential nature of ragtime has been obscured by commentaries based on

(A) the way ragtime music was first recorded (B) interpretations of ragtime by jazz musicians (C) the dance fashions that were contemporary with ragtime (D) early reviewers' accounts of characteristic structure (E) the musical sources used by Scott Joplin and James Scott

24. According to the passage, the working conditions of skilled workers in the meat-packing industry during the 1880's were influenced by

(A) the workers' determined complaints about the rate and conditions of their work (B) the efforts of social workers to improve sanitation in the packinghouses (C) the workers' ability to perform the industry's complex tasks (D) improvements in the industry's packing process that occurred in the 1880's (E) opportunities for job advancement due to the filling of less desirable positions by increasing numbers of unskilled workers

19. It can be inferred solely from the information in the passage that

(A) there are many languages that, like Greek or German, allow extensive compounding (B) all abstract universal ideas are ideas of complex relations (C) some record or evidence of the thought of the tlamatinime exists (D) metaphors are always used in Nahuatl to express abstract conceptual relationships (E) the abstract terms of the Nahuatl language are habitually used in poetry

27. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of flux in processing copper ore can alter the lead isotope composition of the resulting metal EXCEPT when

(A) there is a smaller concentration of lead in the flux than in the copper ore (B) the concentration of lead in the flux is equivalent to that of the lead in the ore (C) some of the lead in the flux evaporates during processing (D) any lead in the flux has the same isotopic composition as the lead in the ore (E) other metals are added during processing

21. The passage suggests that heat pumps would be used more widely if

(A) they could also be used as air conditioners (B) they could be moved around to supply heat where it is most needed (C) their heat output could be thermostatically controlled (D) models with truly superior cooling capacity were advertised more effectively (E) people appreciated the role of the evaporator in the energy equation

18. According to the passage, the age of silicate minerals included in diamonds can be determined due to a feature of the

(A) trace elements in the diamond hosts (B) trace elements in the rock surrounding the diamonds (C) trace elements in the silicate minerals (D) silicate minerals' crystal structure (E) host diamonds' crystal structure

19. According to the hypothesis of the author, after a successful liver transplant, the reason that rats do not reject further transplants of other organs from the same donor is that the

(A) transplantation antigens of the donor and the recipient become matched (B) lymphocytes of the recipient are weakened by the activity of the transplanted liver (C) subsequently transplanted organ is able to repair the damage caused by the recipient's immune-response reaction (D) transplanted liver continues to be the primary locus for the recipient's immune-response reaction (E) recipient is unable to manufacture the lymphocytes necessary for the immune-response reaction

17. According to the author, a serious art critic may avoid being prejudiced by her subjective reactions if she

(A) treats an artwork in relation to a fixed set of ideas and values (B) brings to her observation a knowledge of art history and aesthetic theory (C) allows more time for the observation of each artwork (D) takes into account the preferences of other art critics (E) limits herself to that art with which she has adequate familiarity

23. It can be inferred from the passage that a cell lacking delta-receptors will be

(A) unable to prevent the rhinoviral nucleic acid from shedding its capsid (B) defenseless against most strains of rhinovirus (C) unable to release the viral progeny it develops after infection (D) protected from new infections by antibodies to the rhinovirus (E) resistant to infection by most strains of rhinovirus

24. It can be inferred from the passage that the author views the system of paying all workers equally on time rates as

(A) unfair and not rational (B) undesirable but unavoidable (C) efficient and profitable (D) advantageous to most women workers (E) evidence of a trend toward a more modern wage system

25. The author implies that attempts to treat human relations scientifically have thus far been relatively

(A) unilluminating (B) paradoxical (C) pessimistic (D) encouraging (E) uninterpretable

25. According to the passage, the author believes that past attempts to explain some taboos concerning eating are

(A) unimaginative (B) implausible (C) inelegant (D) incomplete (E) unclear

27. The author would regard the idea that we are living in an interglacial period as

(A) unimportant (B) unscientific (C) self-evident (D) plausible (E) absurd 16. The passage provides information for answering which of the following questions? ##(A) What causes warm-water vents to form? (B) Do vent faunas consume more than do deep-sea faunas of similar size? (C) Do bacteria live in the vent water of smokers? (D) What role does hydrogen sulfide play in chemosynthesis? (E) What accounts for the locations of deep-sea smokers?

23. The passage states that the operas of the Florentine Camerata are

(A) unjustifiably ignored by musicologists (B) not generally considered to be of high aesthetic value even though they are important in the history of music (C) among those works in which popular historical themes were portrayed in a musical production (D) often inappropriately cited as examples of musical works in which a new principle of organization was introduced (E) minor exceptions to the well-established generalization that the aesthetic worth of a composition determines its importance in the history of music

21. The main point of the passage is that special protective labor laws for women workers are

(A) unnecessary because most workers are well protected by existing labor laws (B) harmful to the economic interests of women workers while offering them little or no actual protection (C) not worth preserving even though they do represent a hard-won legacy of the labor movement (D) controversial because male workers receive less protection than they require (E) inadequate in that they often do not prevent employers from exposing women workers to many health hazards

23. The passage suggests that the scientists mentioned in line 8 considered their reconstruction of past astronomical cycles to be

(A) unreliable because astronomical observations have been made and recorded for only a few thousand years (B) adequate enough to allow that reconstruction's use in explaining glacial cycles if a record of the latter could be found (C) in need of confirmation through comparison with an independent source of information about astronomical phenomena (D) incomplete and therefore unusable for the purposes of explaining the causes of ice ages (E) adequate enough for scientists to support conclusively the idea that ice ages were caused by astronomical changes

24. According to the passage, Webb views Charles II as the "proper successor" (line 13) of the Tudor monarchs and Cromwell because Charles II

(A) used colonial tax revenues to fund overseas military expeditions (B) used the military to extend executive power over the English colonies (C) wished to transform the American colonies into capitalistic oligarchies (D) resisted the English Parliament's efforts to exert control over the military (E) allowed the American colonists to use legislative assemblies as a forum for resolving grievances against the crown

23. It can be inferred from the passage that much of the early work by historians on the European nonelite of the preindustrial period might have been more illuminating if these historians had

(A) used different methods of statistical analysis to investigate the nonelite (B) been more successful in identifying the attitudes of civil authorities, especially those who administered justice, toward the nonelite (C) been able to draw on more accounts, written by contemporaries of the nonelite, that described what this nonelite thought (D) relied more heavily on the personal records left by members of the European political and social elite who lived during the period in question (E) been more willing to base their research on the birth, marriage, and death records of the nonelite

26. According to the passage, the song sparrow is unlike the warbler in that the song sparrow

(A) uses songs mainly in territorial behavior (B) continuously composes long and complex songs (C) has a much larger song repertoire (D) repeats one song type before switching to another (E) responds aggressively to recorded songs

23. The author's speculation about the appropriateness of models using spheres of two sizes for binary alloys would be strongly supported if models using spheres of two sizes yielded

(A) values for density identical to values yielded by one-sphere models using the smaller spheres only (B) values for density agreeing nearly perfectly with experimentally determined values (C) values for density agreeing nearly perfectly with values yielded by models using spheres of three sizes (D) significantly different values for density depending on the size ratio between the two kinds of spheres used (E) the same values for density as the values for appropriately chosen models that use only medium-sized spheres

27. It can be inferred from the passage that, theoretically, molten nonmetallic glasses assume a crystalline structure rather than an amorphous structure only if they are cooled

(A) very evenly, regardless of the rate (B) rapidly, followed by gentle heating (C) extremely slowly (D) to room temperature (E) to extremely low temperatures

21. It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which traditional history can be distinguished from psychohistory is that traditional history usually

(A) views past events as complex and having their own individuality (B) relies on a single interpretation of human behavior to explain historical events (C) interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature is transcended (D) turns to psychological explanations in historical contexts to account for events (E) relies strictly on data that are concrete and quantifiable

22. According to the passage, the immediacy of the political message in Verdi's operas stems from the

(A) vitality and subtlety of the music (B) audience's familiarity with earlier operas (C) portrayal of heightened emotional states (D) individual talents of the singers (E) verisimilitude of the characters

20. It can be inferred from the passage that the most probable reason Woolf realistically described the social setting in the majority of her novels was that she

(A) was aware that contemporary literary critics considered the novel to be the most realistic of literary genres (B) was interested in the effect of a person's social milieu on his or her character and actions (C) needed to be as attentive to detail as possible in her novels in order to support the arguments she advanced in them (D) wanted to show that a painstaking fidelity in the representation of reality did not in any way hamper the artist (E) wished to prevent critics from charging that her novels were written in an ambiguous and inexact style

19. It can be inferred from the passage that, compared with what they now think, until fairly recently astronomers believed that the Milky Way

(A) was much darker (B) was much smaller (C) was moving much more slowly (D) had a much larger corona (E) had much less gaseous matter

18. The passage asserts that one reason that oceans become enriched in oxygen-18 as ice sheets grow is because

(A) water molecules containing oxygen-18 condense and fall as precipitation slightly sooner than those containing oxygen-16 (B) the ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in water vapor evaporated from oceans is different from that of these isotopes in seawater (C) growing ice sheets tend to lose their oxygen-18 as the temperature of the oceans near them gradually decreases (D) less water vapor evaporates from oceans during glacial periods and therefore less oxygen-18 is removed from the seawater (E) the freezing point of seawater rich in oxygen-18 is slightly lower than that of seawater poor in oxygen-18

26. Bearden's social sensibilities and the subject matter of his collages are mentioned by the author in order to explain

(A) why one might be tempted to call Bearden a Black American artist (B) why Bearden cannot be readily categorized (C) why Bearden's appeal is thought by many to be ultimately universal (D) how deeply an artist's artistic creations are influenced by he artist's social conscience (E) what makes Bearden unique among contemporary Black American artists

17. The author implies that silicate inclusions were most often formed

(A) with small diamonds inside of them (B) with trace elements derived from their host minerals (C) by the radioactive decay of rare igneous rocks (D) at an earlier period than were their host minerals (E) from the crystallization of rare igneous material

22. According to the passage, scientists are skeptical toward their equations because scientists

(A) work to explain real, rather than theoretical or simplified, situations (B) know that well-defined problems are often the most difficult to solve (C) are unable to express their data in terms of multiple variables (D) are unwilling to relax the axioms they have developed (E) are unable to accept mathematical explanations of natural phenomena

24. According to the passage, all of the following are depicted in Bearden's collages EXCEPT:

(A) workers in Pittsburgh's steel mills (B) scenes set in the ancient kingdom of Benin (C) people Bearden knew as a child (D) traditional representations of the classical heroes of Greek mythology (E) the jazz musicians of the Harlem Bearden used to know

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that study of Saint-Simonianism is necessary for historians of American feminism because such study

(A) would clarify the ideological origins of those feminist ideas that influenced American feminism (B) would increase understanding of a movement that deeply influenced the utopian socialism of early American feminists (C) would focus attention on the most important aspect of Saint-Simonian thought before 1832 (D) promises to offer insight into a movement that was a direct outgrowth of the Seneca Falls conference of 1848 (E) could increase understanding of those ideals that absorbed most of the energy of the earliest American feminists

22. The passage suggests that medical tomography operates on the principle that

(A) x-rays are superior to sound waves for producing three-dimensional images (B) sound waves are altered as they pass through regions of varying density (C) images of the body's interior can be produced by analyzing a single x-ray transmission through the body (D) the varying densities within the human body allow x-rays to map the internal organs (E) information from x-rays and sound waves can be combined to produce a highly detailed image of the body's interior

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8th U.S. History Test 7 Chapter14

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CS 455 CH 31, 34, 35, Polya, No silver bullet

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Maternity & Women's Healthcare- Chapter 14: Nursing Care of the Family During Pregnancy

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