Quantum definitions

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Energy levels of a harmonic oscillator

(n+1/2)hbar w

The momentum operator

*P*=(P1,P2,P3) Pj phi(*x*)= -ihbar d/dxjphi(*x*) for j=1,2,3

The position operator

*X*=(X1,X2,X3) Xj phi(*x*) = xj phi(*x*) for j=1,2,3

The probability current, *j*

*j*(*r*,t) = ihbar/2m (phi conj(grad(phi)) - conj(phi) grad(phi)

If phi(*r*,t) = sum over n (an phi(n)(*r*) exp(-iEnt/hbar), what is the probability of measuring the energy of the particle to be En?

*|an|^2 * Since 1 = integral from 0 to a of |phi(x,t)|^2 = sum from m,n=1 to infinity of {conj(am)an exp(-I(En-Em)t/hbar) * integral from 0 to a conj(phi(m)(x))phi(n)(x))dx} = sum from n=1 to inf of |an|^2

The alternating symbol e(ijk)

+1 if ijk is an even permutation of 123 -1 if ijk is an odd permutation of 123 0 otherwise

Energy of a hydrogen atom

-hbar^2 b^2 / (8 m (N+1)^2)

The time independent Schrodinger Equation

-hbar^2/2m grad^2(phi) + Vphi = Ephi

Wave equation

1/v^2 d^2phi/dt^2 = grad^2(phi)

Assuming no degeneracies, what is the dimension on the eigenspace on which J^2=j(j+1)hbar

2j+1 Note this is the then the dimension of H

The state of a particle

A given solution to the stationary state SE

Free particle

A particle subjected to no forces

Coulomb's Law

A point charge e2 at the origin induces an electrostatic force on another point charge e1 at position *r* given by *F* = e1 e2 *r* / (4 pi eps0 r^3) where r = |*r*|

A minimum uncertainty state

A state such that disp(P)disp(X)=h/2

What is the collapse of the wave function?

After measuring the wave function, the wave function collapses into an eigenspace

Central force

Any potential which depends only on r

Angular momentum operators

Any set of operators Ji that satisfy [Ji,Jj] = i hbar sum on k e(ijk) Jk

Why must even series terminate?

Because coefficients behave like that of exp(zeta^2), ie they have the same asymptotic expansion

Time-dependent wave function for a particle in a 1D box

Bsin(n pi x/a) exp(-in^2 pi^2 bar t/2ma^2)

Time-independent wave function for a particle in a 1D box

Bsin(n pi x/a) for 0<x<a

Total energy of a particle

E = 1/2 m |d*r*/dt|^2 + V

Expectation of an observable A in a normalisable state phi


Expectation value of a function of position f(*r*)

E(phi)(f(*r*)) is the integral over R^3 of f(*r*)|phi(*r*,t)|^2

Einstein-Planck relation


De Broglie's Relations

E=hbarw *p*=hbar*k*

Kinetic energy in terms of momentum


States of a quantum system

Elements of a complex vector space H

Conservative forces

Forces such that *F*=-grad(V) for some potential V=V(*r*)

The Hamiltonian operator for a particle of mass m moving in a potential V

H:= 1/2m (P1^2+P2^2+P3^2) + V(X1,X2,X3)

Ladder operators

J± = J1 ± i J2

What is the principal quantum number


Complementary observables

Observables that cannot be measured simultaneously to arbitrary accuracy

Observables of a quantum system

Self adjoint linear transformations A of H (ie A=A* where <A*psi|phi>=<psi|Aphi> for all psi, phi in H)

How to get rotationally symmetric solutions

Setting l=0=m


Small packets


Small packets of light/quanta of energy E=hbarw

What is the degeneracy of the eigenstates of a hydrogen atom?

Sum from l=0 to N of 2l+1 = *(N+1)^2*

Normalised wave function

The integral over R^3 of |phi(*r*,t)|^2 is 1

Normalisable wave function

The integral over R^3 of |phi(*r*,t)|^2 is finite

Ground state energy

The lowest possible energy

E is a non-degenerate energy level

The space of solutions to the stationary state SE with energy E has dimension 1

Energy level E is d-fold degenerate

The space of solutions to the stationary state SE with energy E has dimension d>1

Correspondence principle

The tendency of quantum results to approach those of classical theory for large quantum numbers

What conditions should the solutions to the SE satisfy

The wave function should be a continuous, single valued function The wave function should be normalisable grad(phi) should be continuous everywhere, except where there is an infinite discontinuity in the potential V

Coulomb Potential

V(*r*) = V(r) = e1 e2 / (4 pi eps0 r)

Wave function and energies of a particle in a 3D box

Wave function is a product of three 1D wave functions Energy is the sum of three 1D energies

Spherical harmonic of order l, m

Yl,m(theta, phi) = Plm(theta) exp(i m phi) The eigenvector of L^2 in spherical coordinates, with eigenvalue -l(l+1)

Define the commutator of observables A, B


What is [P,X]?


What is [Pi,Xj]?

[Pi,Xj]=-ihbar delta(i,j) I

Define a±


Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

disp(P)disp(X)≥h/2 with equality iff phi=const x exp(-t/2hbar (x-mu)^2)

Continuity equation

dp/dt + div(*j*) = 0

The time dependent Schrodinger Equation

i hbar dphi/dt = -hbar^2/2m grad^2(phi) + Vphi

What is the azimuthal quantum number?


What is the eigenvalue of J^2?


What is the magnetic quantum number?


What is the eigenvalue of J3?

m hbar

Degeneracy of the original 2D oscillator potential with w1=w2 (ie R=(n+1)hbarw


Energies of a particle in a 1D box

n^2 pi^2 hbar^2 /2ma^2

Atomic number

number of protons

Probability density function for the position of the particle


Stationary state wave function

phi(*r*) exp(-iEt/hbar)

Time-independent ground state wave function for the harmonic oscillator


Time-dependent normalised ground state wave function for the harmonic oscillator

phi(0)(x,t)=(mw/hbarpi)^(1/4) exp(-(mwx^2+ihbarwt)/2hbar)

Give the form of the wave function for the hydrogen atom (The eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian, J^2 and J3)

phi(N,l,m) ~ f(N,l)(r) exp(-k(N)r) Y(l,m)(theta, phi)

Dispersion of A in a state phi


If phi = sum over n an phi(n) exp(-iE(n)t/hbar), what is the probability of measuring the energy to be En?


If H has an ON basis of eigenvectors of A with eigenvectors a(lambda), what is the probability that measurement of A gives a(lambda) in a state phi?

|c(lambda)|^2 where phi = sum over lambda c(lambda)phi(lambda)

A state phi is normalised

||phi||^2 = <phi|phi> = 1

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