Quick Medical Terminology - Chapter 2 - VM 105
A hypodermic needle is short because it goes just under the skin. A shot given superficially is administered with a __________/_______/_____ needle.
Hypodermic Hypo/derm/ic hi po der mik
Lipoma is a fatty tumor, -oid is a suffix meaning like or resembling. Using the word root for fatty tissue, build a term that means fatlike, or resembling fat: --------/--------
Lipoid lip/oid lip oid
Hypertrophy means ---------?
a condition of excess development, oversized
What do you think oste/o/malac/ia means?
a condition of softened bone tissue
Malac/ia is a word meaning soft, or softened, tissue. Encephal/o/malac/ia means ----------------------------.
a condition of softened brain tissue
What does end/oste/oma mean?
a tumor inside (the center canal of the bone)
Build a term for the following, excision of a gland ------/-----
If a gland is inflammed or abnormal, part or all of it may be excised . Excision of a gland is ___________________.
Since -ectomy means excision (of surgical removal of), the word for surgical removal of a gland is _____________/____________.
adenectomy aden/ectomy ad e nek to me
Aden/o is used in words that refer to glands. Build a word that means inflammation of a gland: ________________/___________.
adenitis aden/itis ad e ni tis
The suffix -oma means tumor. Form a word that meams tumor of a gland: _________________/_____________.
adenoma aden/oma ad e no ma
Trache/otomy means ?
an incision into, or temporary opening into, the trachea, or windpipe
Form a word that means inflammation of a joint ?
arthritis arthr/itis arth ri tis
If a child is born without a joint, sometimes one can be formed by a surgical procedure called?
Now form a word that means incision into a joint ?
arthrotomy arthr/otomy arth rot o me
Think of a plastic surgeon building a new nose or doing a face-lift. These are surgical repairs or restoration. When a joint has lost its ability to move, movement can sometimes be restored by an ?
arthtoplasty arthr/o/plast/y arth ro plas te
Oste, oste/o means?
Since the brain is enclosed inside the heads bony vault, encephal/o means the organ inside the head, or the ---------------?
The Greek word for hernia is kele. From this we derive the combining forms cele/o or o/cele =. Encephal/o/cele is a word meaning herniation of ---------------- tissue.
Hale means breathe, what does exhale mean?
breathe out
Spire means breathe, what does expire mean?
breathe out (it also means to die or breathe out for the last time.)
Carcin/o is the root for cancer. The suffix -oma means tumor. A carcinoma is a _________.
cancerous tumor
Cancer of the tonsil is tonsillar _________________.
Both ceph/agia and cephal/algia mean pain in the head. The combining form and root for head are -------- and --------.
cephal/o ceph
The word root and combining form for head is ceph, cephal/o. Two words for pain the head are ------------- and ---------------?
cephalalgia and cephalgia
To indicate pain we use -algia. Any headache may be called ? (two options)
cephalgia cephalalgia
A tumor located on the head might be notes as a ------------------ tumor.
A case history reporting head wounds due to an accident might read, "---------------------/------- lacerations were present"
cephalic cephal/ic se fal ik
Oste/o/chondr/itis word root for cartilage?
The word oste/o/chondr/itis means inflammation of the bone and cartilage. The word root for cartilage must be ?
Colostomy means --------?
creation of a permanent opening into the colon
Cise means cut, what does excise mean?
cut out
Lip/o is the combining form for
dat, fatty tissue
in, inside of, within ---------,---------
en-, endo-
Using the word root for head, build words meaning the following inflammation of the brain ?
Brain tumor ------------/-----------?
Increased fluid inside the head sometimes causes herniation at the base of the brain. Herniation of the brain in medical language is called an -----------------.
Any hernia is a protusion of a body part or an organ from its natural cavity. Herniation is expressed by cele. A protusion of brain tissue from its natural cavity is a -------/------/------
encephalocele encephal/o/cele en saf a lo sel
An accident causing brain injury could result in softened brain tissue, called?
Malac/o is combining form meaning soft, or softened. The term meaning softened brain tissue is?
encephalomalacia encephal/o/malac/ia en sef a lo ma la zhe
What is a word that indicated something is produced or orginates from within a cell or organism?
endogenous endo/genous
What is a prefix meaning out, or completely outside of:
out, completely outside of --------,-------
Chondr/ectomy means ?
excision of cartilage
Exo/genous means originating completely outside of an organ or part. Genous takes its meaning from a Latin word meaning to produce or originate. What part of the term means completely outside of?
Something originating completely outside of an organism, cell, or organ is called?
exogenous exo/genous
Cephalalgia means -------?
Hyper/thyroid/ism is a medical condition of the thyroid gland resulting in excessive thyroid gland activity. The prefix expressing higher than normal activity of the thyroid gland is __________________
Build a term for the following, overdevelopment ------/-----
Gallbladder attacks can cause excessive vomiting. This, too, is called ?
Emesis is a word that means vomiting. A word that means excessive vomiting is _________/_________.
hyperemesis hyper/emesis hi per em e sis
Many organs can overdevelop. If the heart overdevelops, the condition is called cardiac __________________?
Muscles also can overdevelop or ___________________.
Hyper/trophy means overdevelopment; troph/o comes from the greek word for nourishment. Note the connection between nourishment and development. Overdevelopment is called _____________/____________/y.
hypertrophy hyper/troph/y hi per tro fe
The prefix hypo- is just the opposite of hyper-. The prefix for under or less than normal is _________________?
Build a term for the following, under the skin ------/------/------
Where would you expect to find a duodenal tumor ?
in the duodenum
Tracheotomy means -----?
incision into, or temporary opening into, the trachea
What does osteochondritis mean?
inflammation of the bone and cartilage
After a bad cold, a patient may develop laryngitis, which means ------------------?
inflammation of the larynx
what does endocarditis mean?
inflammation within the heart
Cephal/o means head. What does encephal/o mean?
inside the head (the brain)
Cost/al means pertaining to the ribs. Inter/cost/al means pertaining to between the ribs. The prefix for between is --------- ?
One set of between-the-ribs muscles expands the rub cage when breathing in to make room for inflated lungs. When exhaling, the rib cage is made smaller by another set of ?
There are short strong muscles between the ribs. These muscles move the ribs during breathing and are called ? muscles.
intercostal inter/cost/al in ter kor t'l
Build a term for the following, permanent opening into the larynx --------/------
Build a term meaning inflammation of the larynx: ----------/--------
laryngitis laryng/itis lair an ji tis
The larynx or voice box contains the vocal cords. Laryng/o is the combining form for building words referring to the voice box, also called the -----------------------?
A substance resembling fatty tissue is called a ------------ substance ?
The word lipoid is used in chemistry and pathology. It describes a substance that looks like fat, dissolves like fat, but is not fat. Cholesterol is an alcohol that resembles fat, therefore, cholesterol is a -------/------ substance?
A fatty tumor is called a ?
lipoma lip/oma li po ma
Build a term for the following, resembling mucus -----/-----
A substance that resembles mucus is best described as -------?
Muc/oid means resembling mucus. There is a substance in connective tissue that resembles mucus. This is called a -------/------ substance.
mucoid muc/oid my oo koid
Cost/al means pertaining to the ribs. Inter/cost/al means pertaining to between the ribs. What does the suffix -al mean?
of or pertaining to
The suffixes -ic, -ar, and -al mean ?
of, or pertaining to
Cephal/ic means ?
of, or pertaining to, the head
Hypodermal means ---------?
of, or pertaining to, under the skin
Oste/o/chondr/itis What is the combing form for bone?
Oste is the root referring to bone. A word meaning inflammation of the bone is ------/------
osteitis oste/itis os te i tis
A hard outgrowth on any bone could be a bone tumor. In medical terms, it would be referred to as an ------/------
osteoma oste/oma os te o ma
A disorder of the parathyroid gland can cause calcium to be withdrawn from bones. The resulting condition may be called -------------?
Insufficient calcium in a young persons diet may lead to gradual softening and bending of bones. This disorder is called ------/-----/-----/-----
osteomalacia oste/o/malac/ia os te o ma la zhe
Col/ostomy means ?
permanent artificial opening into the colon
Examine the terms hyper/trophy, hyper/emia, and hyper/emesis. Hyper- means excessive, more than normal amount. Hyper- placed in front of trophy, emia, and emesis changes the meaning of the terms. Therefore, hyper- is a ____________________________
There is a protein in the body that is said to be mucoid in nature. Mucoid means -----------?
resembling mucus
Derm/o refers to the _______________. The suffix -ic means of, or pertaining to. Hypo/derm/ic means pertaining to under the ________________.
skin skin
A splenic tumor is a tumor of the ?
Build a term for the following, pertaining to the spleen -----/-----
A carcinoma may occur in almost any part of the body. A cancerous tumor of the spleen is called _______________ carcinoma.
Arthr/o refered to joint, plast/y means surgical repair of. What does arthr/o/plast/y mean?
surgical repair of the joints
the patient has a medical condition resulting from excessive activity of the thyroid gland
The suffix -ism indicates there is a medical condition involving some specified thing or body part. In the case of hyper/thyroid/ism the medical condition involves what body part?
thyroid gland
A tonsillar tumor is a tumor pertaining to the ?
A adenoma is a glandular tumor, -oma means ?
Oste/o/chondr/itis suffix for inflammation?
The suffix for a permanent opening is -----?
Which suffix would you use to indicate creation of a permanent artificial opening?
The suffix meaning temporary opening, or incision into, is ---------?
Which suffix means making an incision into, or creating a temporary opening?