Quiz 12 Peripheral Nervous System

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Connection between two neurons, or any two electrically active cells, where ions flow directly through channels spanning their adjacent cell membranes A.electrical synapse B.chemical synapse C.soma D.cholinergic synapse E.tight junction F.desmosome G.ventricle H.initial segment


Connective tissue sac containing lubricating fluid that prevents friction between adjacent structures, such as skin and bone, tendons and bone, or between muscles A.bursa B.fossa C.suture D.follicle E.callus F.tendon G.canaliculus H.labrum


Seventh cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of the facial muscles and for part of the sense of taste, as well as causing saliva production A.facial nerve B.vagus nerve C.vestibulocochlear nerve D.radial nerve E.glossopharyngeal nerve F.femoral nerve G.tibial nerve H.abducens nerve


The sciatic nerve is part of the __________ plexus. A.sacral B.cervical C.brachial D.lumbar


What is the minimum number of neurons necessary for a reflex to occur? A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1


Which of the following receptors are stimulated when a stiff breeze blows across the skin of your arm and moves some of the arm hairs? A.root hair plexuses B.Ruffini corpuscles C.lamellated corpuscles D.Golgi tendon organs


Enzyme that functions to separate the two DNA strands of a double helix during DNA replication A.sodium-potassium pump B.helicase C.cilia D.RNA polymerase E.ribosome F.vesicle G.telophase H.peripheral protein


Forearm position in which the palm faces backward A.opposition B.pronated C.supinated D.reposition E.projection F.anatomical position G.depression H.elevation


Muscle fiber that primarily uses aerobic respiration A.fast glycolytic (FG) fiber B.slow oxidative (SO) fiber C.slow glycolytic fiber D.tropomyosin E.fast oxidative (FO) fiber F.somite G.pericyte H.satellite cell


Narrow junction across which a chemical signal passes from neuron to the next, initiating a new electrical signal in the target cell A.axon B.synapse C.sarcolemma D.ganglion E.origin F.pterion G.promoter H.soma


One of 31 nerves connected to the spinal cord A.gyrus B.spinal nerve C.ventricle D.nucleus E.colliculus F.sulcus G.cranial nerve H.epithalamus


One of twelve nerves connected to the brain that are responsible for sensory or motor functions of the head and neck A.axillary nerve B.cranial nerve C.spinal nerve D.sacral nerve E.facial nerve F.radial nerve G.femoral nerve H.tibial nerve


Outer layer of connective tissue around an entire skeletal muscle A.epineurium B.epimysium C.perimysium D.endomysium E.eponychium F.cuticle G.myosin H.endoneurium


Partial loss of, or impaired, voluntary muscle control A.closed reduction B.paresis C.cytokinesis D.praxis E.autolysis F.vermis G.gnosis H.aphasia


Process of changing an environmental stimulus into the electrochemical signals of the nervous system A.audition B.transduction C.repolarization D.transcription E.translation F.integration G.mutation H.abduction


State in which a cell has an unequal balance of positive and negative charges across its plasma membrane; having a membrane potential that is not equal to 0 A.integration B.polarization C.propagation D.negative feedback E.depolarization F.homeostasis G.sensation H.positive feedback


The primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human nervous system A.norepinephrine B.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) C.endorphin D.nitrous oxide (NO) E.serotonin F.dopamine G.acetylcholine H.glutamine


The ulnar nerve is part of the __________ plexus. A.lumbar B.brachial C.sacral D.cervical


What is the first step of a reflex? A.Release of neurotransmitters by receptor neurons B.Activation of a receptor neuron by a stimulus C.The response of a peripheral effector D.Information processing by interneurons


Change in a cell membrane potential from rest toward zero A.deglutition B.hyperpolarization C.depolarization D.propagation E.repolarization F.sensation G.integration H.depolarize


Component of a reflex arc that represents the input from a sensory neuron, for either a special or general sense A.gap junction B.efferent branch C.afferent branch D.ascending tract E.referred pain F.motor unit G.descending tract H.baroreceptor


Describes a muscle that decreases the angle at a joint A.supinator B.thenar C.flexor D.elevator E.depressor F.pronator G.fixator H.extensor


Membrane-associated protein that spans the entire width of the lipid bilayer A.cytoplasm B.transcription factor C.integral protein D.promoter E.control center F.intermediate filament G.peripheral protein H.sister chromatid


Systemic nerve from the sacral plexus that is a combination of the tibial and fibular nerves and extends across the hip joint and gluteal region into the upper posterior leg A.phrenic nerve B.cranial nerve C.sciatic nerve D.optic nerve E.prosencephalon F.oculomotor nerve G.facial nerve H.trigeminal nerve


What category of sensory receptors provides information about the environment outside of the body? A.receptive fields B.interoceptors C.exteroceptors D.proprioceptors


You ask your patient to stick out their tongue in front of them, but it veers off sharply toward their right side when they do so. This response may indicate damage to which cranial nerve? A.abducens B.vestibulocochlear C.hypoglossal D.accessory


__________ in the medulla oblongata are sensitive to changes in pH and carbon dioxide in cerebrospinal fluid. A.oxyreceptors B.aeroreceptors C.chemoreceptors D.proprioceptors


process of changing an environmental stimulus into the electrochemical signals of the nervous system A.abduction B.transcription C.transduction D.integration E.mutation F.repolarization G.audition H.translation


General term for a sensory receptor that is positioned to interpret stimuli from the external environment, such as photoreceptors in the eye or somatosensory receptors in the skin A.conceptor B.proceptor C.chemoreceptor D.exteroceptor E.preceptor F.interceptor G.interoceptor H.osmoreceptor


Large, U-shaped indentation located on the posterior margin of the ilium, superior to the ischial spine A.femoral shaft B.mandibular notch C.ulnar tuberosity D.greater sciatic notch E.clavicular notch F.xiphoid process G.greater trochanter H.vertebral arch


Pennate muscle with multiple fascicles attached to a branching tendon within it A.fusiform B.parallel C.rectus D.multipennate E.convergent F.bipennate G.sphincter H.unipennate


Receptor cell that senses changes in the position, bodily movements, tension, and kinesthetic aspects of the body A.nociceptor B.spiral ganglion C.thermoreceptor D.proprioceptor E.chemoreceptor F.exteroceptor G.osmoreceptor H.olfactory epithelium


The goal of information processing during a neural reflex is the selection of an appropriate __________. A.motor selection and general sensory responses B.sensory response and general motor responses C.sensory selection and activation of specific sensory neurons D.motor response and activation of specific motor neurons


What is the first thing that must happen for sensory information to be received by the central nervous system? A.Propagation along an interneuron B.Central nervous system processing C.Generation of an action potential D.Depolarization of a receptor


Where does the information processing occur in a spinal reflex? A.there is no interneuron information processing in a spinal reflex. B.the cerebral cortex C.the brain stem D.the spinal cord


Which of these tactile receptors is stimulated by deep or heavy pressure? A.tactile corpuscles B.free nerve endings C.tactile discs D.lamellar corpuscles


Which type of sensory receptor detects temperature changes? A.chemoreceptors B.nociceptors C.tactile receptors D.thermoreceptors


__________ are specialized cells that monitor specific conditions in the body or the external environment. A.interneurons B.integrators C.effectors D.receptors


An event in the external or internal environment that registers as activity in a sensory neuron A.osmosis B.initial segment C.soma D.checkpoint E.stimulus F.catagen G.control center H.prophase


Exaggerated or overactive physiological reflexes A.hypovolemia B.praxis C.paresis D.hypotonicity E.hyperreflexia F.diplopia G.supination H.vasodilation


Fifth cranial nerve; responsible for cutaneous sensation of the face and contraction of the muscles of mastication A.facial nerve B.trochlear nerve C.chemical energy D.femoral nerve E.trigeminal nerve F.tibial nerve G.abducens nerve H.radial nerve


From the lateral side, the third of the four proximal carpal bones; articulates with the lunate laterally, the hamate distally, and has a facet for the pisiform A.capitulum B.trapezium C.fibula D.talus E.triquetrum F.pisiform G.trapezoid H.humerus


Lipid-rich insulating substance surrounding the axons of many neurons, allowing for faster transmission of electrical signals A.ganglion B.cyclin C.histamine D.myosin E.myelin F.eleiden G.microtubule H.glycoprotein


Low muscle tone, a sign of lower motor neuron disease A.spasticity B.hypovolemia C.hyperflexia D.hypervolemia E.hypotonia F.isometricity G.hypoosmolarity H.isotonicity


Nerve plexus associated with the lower trunk and limb A.cranial nerve B.choroid plexus C.cardiac plexus D.pampiniform plexus E.lumbar plexus F.brachial plexus G.nerve plexus H.lumbar puncture


Perception of common objects placed in the hand solely on the basis of manipulation of that object in the hand A.equilibrium B.gustation C.cranial nerve exam D.proprioception E.stereognosis F.paresis G.vermis H.audition


Receptor cell that senses differences in the solute concentrations of bodily fluids A.photoreceptor B.nociceptor C.exteroceptor D.proprioceptor E.osmoreceptor F.mechanoreceptor G.baroreceptor H.thermoreceptor


What is the correct sequence of the structures involved in a simple neural reflex? A.receptor → interneuron → sensory neuron → motor neuron → effector B.receptor → motor neuron → interneuron → sensory neuron → effector C.receptor → sensory neuron → interneuron → motor neuron → effector D.receptor → motor neuron → interneuron → sensory neuron → effector E.receptor → sensory neuron → interneuron → motor neuron → effector F.receptor → motor neuron → interneuron → sensory neuron → effector


Dorsiflexion of the foot with extension and splaying of the toes in response to the plantar reflex, normally suppressed by corticospinal input A.Weber lateralization B.Rinne positive C.hemisection D.stereognosis E.intorsion F.Babinski sign G.recruitment H.aphasia


Mechanoreceptor that senses the stretch of blood vessels to indicate changes in blood pressure A.osmoreceptor B.nicotinic receptor C.chemoreceptor D.nociceptor E.muscarinic receptor F.baroreceptor G.ciliary ganglion H.adrenergic receptor


Muscle group in the buttocks that extends, flexes, rotates, adducts, and abducts the femur A.erector spinae group B.iliopsoas group C.rotator cuff D.longissimus group E.dorsal group F.gluteal group G.plantar group H.iliocostalis group


Response to activation of the muscle spindle stretch receptor that causes contraction of the muscle to maintain a constant length; a classic example is the patellar reflex A.jaw-jerk reflex B.check reflex C.corneal reflex D.ciliary reflex E.visceral reflex F.stretch reflex G.stereocilia H.superficial reflex


Sensory receptor cell that is sensitive to chemical stimuli, such as in taste, smell, or pain A.exteroceptor B.otolith C.preceptor D.mechanoreceptor E.photoreceptor F.chemoreceptor G.thermoreceptor H.corticospinal tract


Type of sensory receptor capable of transducing temperature stimuli into neural action potentials A.motor unit B.effector C.astrocyte D.photoreceptor E.nicotinic receptor F.thermoreceptor G.baroreceptor H.muscarinic receptor


Broad depression located on the posterior scapula, inferior to the spine A.lacrimal fossa B.metatarsophalangeal joint C.infratemporal fossa D.olecranon fossa E.coronoid fossa F.radial fossa G.infraspinous fossa H.supraspinous fossa


General sense associated with modalities lumped together as touch A.olfaction B.coagulation C.mastication D.audition E.gustation F.differentiation G.somatosensation H.diffusion


General senses related to the body, usually thought of as the senses of touch, which would include pain, temperature, and proprioception A.mastication B.audition C.olfaction D.vision E.acceleration F.metencephalon G.somatosensation H.equilibrioception


Twelfth cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of muscles of the tongue A.(spinal) accessory nerve B.phrenic nerve C.facial nerve D.saphenous nerve E.abducens nerve F.vestibulocochlear nerve G.hypoglossal nerve H.vagus nerve


Configuration of a sensory receptor neuron with dendrites in the connective tissue of the organ, such as in the dermis of the skin, that are most often sensitive to chemical, thermal, and mechanical stimuli A.inner segment B.saccule C.encapsulated ending D.inner ear E.inactivation gate F.reserve zone G.dense body H.free nerve ending


Neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure and reward responses and motor control A.endorphin B.acetylcholine C.serotonin D.norepinephrine E.glutamine F.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) G.nitrous oxide (NO) H.dopamine


Receptor cell that senses stimuli that distort or apply pressure to cell membranes, and converts the stimulus into an electrochemical signal A.thermoreceptor B.nociceptor C.choroid D.chemoreceptor E.osmoreceptor F.proprioceptor G.photoreceptor H.mechanoreceptor


The primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human nervous system A.serotonin B.glutamine C.acetylcholine D.norepinephrine E.dopamine F.endorphin G.nitrous oxide (NO) H.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)


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