QUIZ 13 CH 2.10 Post Modernism

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

The ideas behind the artwork over its realization.

Conceptual art emphasizes ____________.

The actions usually take place in an art context and are not scripted.

Performance art differs from theater because _____________.

All of the other answers (Issues related to women; Stereotypes that are common in visual culture; Problematic aspects of consumerism; Powerful institutions, such as museums)

Barbara Kruger's Belief + Doubt = (Sanity) makes the viewer consider which of the following issues?

All of the other answers (Consist of recognizable objects; Draw inspiration from traditional culture; Consist of abstract objects; Draw inspiration from popular culture)

Artworks in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can __________.

All of the other answers (Can take place inside or outside; Immerse viewers in the artwork; Transform the traditional space of an exhibition; Consider how the viewer will move through the space)

Installation artworks:

All of these (The painting techniques of Jackson Pollock; The rebellious performances of Dada artists; Marcel Duchamp's readymades)

Jean Tinguely's Homage to New York, a mechanized assemblage of discarded junk, was influenced by:

Three things that a chair could be.

Joseph Kosuth's One and Three Chairs consists of ____________.

Performance art, conceptual art, installations, and environments

The kinds of artworks made using alternative media are __________.

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स


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