quiz 2: digestion & metabolism

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"Segmentation" is a. to bring chyme into contact with the intestinal walls b. to mix chyme with glandular secretions c. to move the chyme from one part of the GI tract to another d. the division of function from one part of the small intestine to another e. more than one of the above

? (not C or D)

Food is prevented from entering the nasal cavity by a. closure of the glottis b. elevation of the epiglottis c. depression of the hard palate d. depression of the soft palate e. none of the above

? (not d)

During glycolysis a. two molecules of ATP are produced b. a molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvic acid. c. two NAD+ are produced. d. A and B only e. A, B, and C

? A and B only? (apparently not A, B, and C?)

Increased activity of the parietal cells will result in a. a higher pH in the blood b. increased pepsinogen production c. increased histamine release d. decreased vitamin B12 absorption e. increased gastrin release

? a higher pH in the blood? (not b, d or e)

Argentiffin cells of the stomach release: a. intrinsic factor b. pepsinogen c. gastrin d. HCl e. histamine

? histamine? hcl? (not C)

Soluble fiber is a part of a healthy diet because a. increases water reabsorption in the colon b. lowers blood cholesterol levels c. reduces risk for colon cancer by decreasing transit time d. bacterial breakdown produces vitamins we are not capable of producing e. more than one of the above

? lowers blood cholesterol levels? (not not a or e)

Enzymes secreted by the pancreas include a. deoxyribonuclease. b. lipase. c. enterokinase. d. A and B only e. A, B, and C

A and B only

Enzymes secreted by the pancreas include a. trypsin (as trypsinogen). b. amylase. c. maltase. d.. A and B only e. A, B, and C

A and B only

In the electron transport chain a. coenzymes receive hydrogen atoms from NADH and FADH2. b. oxidized molecules gain energy at the expense of reduced molecules. c. oxidative phosphorylation takes place and ATP is formed. d. all of the above e. A and C only

A and C only

Absorption of glucose from the gut lumen depends on a. cotransporter proteins in the apical membrane of the epithelial cell. b. higher sodium ion concentration in the lumen than in the epithelial cell. c. the sodium-potassium pump in the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cell. d. A and B only e. A, B, and C

A, B, and C

Which of the following is NOT a protective feature of the gastric mucosa a. alkaline mucous b. High mitotic division rate c. tight junctions d. HCl secretion e. All of the above are protective features of the gastric mucosa

All of the above are protective features of the gastric mucosa

Which vitamin requires intrinsic factor in order to be absorbed? a. A b. C c. K d. D e. B12


Several digestive enzymes are secreted as zymogens because ________. a. gastric cells do not have the necessary enzymes for their synthesis b. they start digesting intracellular proteins of the gastric cells more quickly c. they can start digesting dietary proteins more quickly d. it saves one step in their synthesis e. they act only in the lumen and do not digest intracellular proteins

they act only in the lumen and do not digest intracellular proteins

Lipase digests a. steroids b. triglycerides c. cholesterol d. fatty acids e. more than one of the above


Ketosis results from A. rapid carbohydrate metabolism b. excess insulin release c. conversion of proteins to carbohydrates for energy d. utilizing fatty acids as a primary energy source e. none of the above

utilizing fatty acids as a primary energy source

Which of the following is not a function of gastric hydrochloric acid (HCl)? a. Denaturization of proteins b. Convert Fe3+ to Fe2+ c. Activate pepsinogen to pepsin d. Destroy ingested pathogens e. Emulsify lipids

Emulsify lipids

Which organ is not part of the gastrointestinal tract? a. Oral cavity b. Esophagus c. Large intestine d. Liver e. Stomach


During glycolysis a. carbon dioxide is produced. b. more energy is used than is released. c. NAD+ is reduced. d. a molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of acetyl CoA. e. 6 molecules of ATP are produced.

NAD+ is reduced.

Which of the following enzymes functions at the lowest pH? a. Pancreatic amylase b. Salivary amylase c. Dipeptidase d. Trypsin e. Pepsin


Adult humans have the dental formula 2 1 2 3 over 2 1 2 3, the second 2 in both sets of num bers represent the . a. Incisors b. Premolars c. Molars d. Cuspids e. Canines


Which of the following is not normally found in saliva? a. Mucus b. Lipase c. Amylase d. Protease e. Lysozyme


Which of the following nutrients must be digested in order to be absorbed? a. Proteins b. Fatty acids c. Vitamins d. Cholesterol e. More than one of the above


Tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. Which of the following signs would you expect to observe in Tony? a. increased clotting time b. jaundice c. edema d. all of the above e. B and C only

all of the above

The Kreb's cycle a. forms acetyl-CoA from glucose-6-phosphate. b. consumes two moles of carbon dioxide. c. begins with the formation of a molecule of citric acid. d. directly produces most of the ATP from the catabolism of glucose. e. contains enzymes called cytochromes.

begins with the formation of a molecule of citric acid.

Each of the following is a function of the liver, except a. bicarbonate production. b. storage of glycogen and iron reserves. c. synthesis of plasma proteins. d. inactivation of toxins. e. synthesis and secretion of bile.

bicarbonate production.

Lacteals a. secrete digestive enzymes. b. produce milk. c. produce new cells for the mucosa of the small intestine. d. carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system. e. increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine.

carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system.

Pepsinogen is produced by ________ and is activated by ________, which is secreted by ________. a. chief cells; carbonic anhydrase (CAH); parietal cells b. parietal cells; carbonic anhydrase (CAH); chief cells c. enteroendocrine cells; carbonic anhydrase (CAH); parietal cells d. chief cells; hydrochloric acid (HCl); parietal cells e. parietal cells; hydrochloric acid (HCl); chief cells

chief cells; hydrochloric acid (HCl); parietal cells

Pancreatic enzymes are secreted in response to a hormone called ________. a. glucagon b. insulin c. secretin d. gastrin e. cholecystokinin (CCK)

cholecystokinin (CCK)

Transport of lipid soluble nutrients throughout the body rely on a. chylomicrons moving into the lacteals b. micelles moving into the blood capillaries c. micelles moving into the lacteals d. bound to water soluble proteins to be picked up by the intestinal capillaries e. none of the above

chylomicrons moving into the lacteals

Most of the NADH is produced in a. oxidative phosphorylation b. glycolysis c. citric acid cycle d. fermentation e. pyruvate oxidation

citric acid cycle

Glycolysis is best defined as the: a. conversion of glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid. b. formation of sugar. c. conversion of pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and water. d. conversion of glucose into carbon dioxide and water.

conversion of glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid.

If digestion of a carbohydrate results in equal amounts of glucose and galactose, this carbohydrate is probably a. sucrose. b. lactose. c. maltose. d. cellulose. e. glycogen.


Liver damage would most affect the digestion of a. disaccharides b. proteins c. starches and large carbohydrate chains d. DNA and RNA e. lipids


The presence of fatty acids in the small intestine stimulate enteroendocrine cells to release a. Cholecystokinin. b. Gastrin. c. Secretin. d. Gastric Inhibitory Peptide. e. more than one of the above

more than one of the above

Parietal cells secrete a. intrinsic factor. b. mucus. c. hydrochloric acid. d. pepsinogen. e. more than one of the above.

more than one of the above.

The carbon dioxide of respiration is formed during a. glycolysis. b. the Kreb's cycle. c. pyruvate oxidation. d. the formation of water. e. more than one of the above.

more than one of the above.

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the ________, whereas protein digestion begins in the ________. a. mouth; stomach b. liver; small intestine c. small intestine; stomach d. mouth; small intestine e. stomach; small intestine

mouth; stomach

Mass movements are a. peristalic waves moving food down the esophagus b. strong contractions of the gastric muscularis leading to vomiting c. peristalic contractions moving chyme from the stomach to the small intestine d. peristalic contractions moving chyme from the small intestine to the large intestine e. none of the above

none of the above

Late one night while studying for your A&P class, you open a box of crackers to snack on. After chewing for a while you notice a sweet taste in your mouth. What accounts for this? a. bacterial activity in the mouth is changing pH b. sweet taste receptors are slower than salty receptors c. sugars are part of the serous saliva to moisten the crackers d. amylase is converting lipids to carbohydrates e. none of the above.

none of the above.

The organ that produces enzymes capable of digesting all the macromolecule classes is the a. pancreas b. salivary gland c. stomach d. liver e. none of the above produce enzymes that will work on all macromolecule classes


Digestion of carbohydrates within the small intestine involves enzymes that come from the a: mouth. b: stomach. c: pancreas. d: lining of the small intestine. a. b, c b. a, b c. a, d d. c, d e. a, b, c, d

pancreas & lining of the small intestine

Identify the salivary gland that secretes primarily a watery mixture rich in salivary amylase, lysozymes, and IgA antibodies. a. lingual b. submandibular c. parotid d. mandibular e. sublingual


Which of the following is not a function of the liver? a. deamination of proteins b. produce cholesterol c. produce plasma proteins d. produce bicarbonate e. detoxification

produce bicarbonate

Acetyl CoA is formed during a. the formation of water. b. the electron transport chain. c. pyruvate oxidation. d. the Kreb's cycle. e. none of the above.

pyruvate oxidation.

Gastrin secretion leads to all of the following except a. relaxation of the pyloric sphincter. b. increased HCl. c. increased pespinogen. d. relaxation of the cardiac sphincter. e. increased gastric motility

relaxation of the cardiac sphincter.

The vitamin that is part of the coenzymes FAD and FMN is a. thiamine. b. niacin. c. cobalamin. d. folic acid (folate). e. riboflavin.


In response to the hormone cholecystokinin, the pancreas secretes a fluid a. rich in bicarbonate. b. rich in mucus. c. rich in enzymes. d. that contains only amylase. e. more than one of the above

rich in enzymes.

Chemical digestion protein is initiated in the a. mouth b. stomach c. pancreas d. small intestine e. large intestine


If digestion of a carbohydrate results in equal amounts of glucose and fructose, this carbohydrate is probably a. cellulose. b. sucrose. c. maltose. d. lactose. e. glycogen.


The muscle tone of the ________ along the colon contracts it lengthwise, causing its walls to bulge and form pouches called ________. a. haustra; taeniae coli b. internal sphincters; ceca c. taeniae coli; haustra d. internal sphincters; omental (epiploic) appendages e. circular folds; ceca

taeniae coli; haustra

The presence of fatty chyme in the small intestine stimulates it to release ________, which causes the ________. a. gastrin; liver to secrete an alkaline solution b. secretin; stomach to increase motility c. CCK; gallbladder to release bile d. CCK; stomach to increase gastric secretion e. secretin; pancreas to release acidic pancreatic juice

CCK; gallbladder to release bile

________ are pointed teeth that are adapted for tearing and slashing. a. Molars b. Incisors c. Canines d. Bicuspids e. Premolars


Of the five types of secretory cells in the gastric glands, which ones secrete pepsinogen? a. Parietal cells b. Mucous neck cells c. Enteroendocrine cells d. Surface mucous cells e. Chief cells

Chief cells

Which of the following nutrients is absorbed by the lacteals of the small intestine? a. Amino acids b. Glucose c. Water-soluble vitamins d. Minerals e. Triglycerides


Functions of the stomach include all of the following, except a. denaturation of proteins. b. initiation of protein digestion. c. absorption of dipeptides. d. mechanical breakdown of food. e. storage of ingested food.

absorption of dipeptides.

Which of the following is not a function of saliva a. form part of the acid mantle b. digestion of maltose c. release of anti-bodies d. mechanical digestion e. digestion of triglycerides

digestion of maltose

Due to a lack of carbonic anhydrase in her parietal cells, Renee produces very little HCl in the stomach, this would most effect the absorption of ____________ in the small intestine. a. amino acids b. fatty acids c. glucose d. dipeptides e. cholesterol


Lactose intolerant individuals cannot digest the ________ lactose because they lack the enzyme ________. a. polysaccharide; maltase b. disaccharide; lactase c. monosaccharide; dextrolactase d. lipid; pancreatic lipase e. fatty acid; sucrolactase

disaccharide; lactase

Necessary for Vitamin B12 absorption, ________ is/are secreted by ________ cells. a. lecithin; hepatic b. hydrochloric acid; parietal c. intrinsic factor; parietal d. enteropeptidase; mucous e. bile salts; chief

intrinsic factor; parietal

The three most abundant classes of nutrients are ________. a. fats, proteins, and carbohydrates b. carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals c. proteins, fats, and minerals d. proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates e. triglycerides, starches, and proteins

fats, proteins, and carbohydrates

Assume an individual has no sodium in their intestinal tract. If this were the case the asorption of _____ would be most affected a. dipeptides b. galactose c. oligosaccharides d. lipids e. more than one of the above


Bile is stored in the a. duodenum. b. appendix. c. pancreas. d. gallbladder. e. liver.


The presence of food in the stomach increases the pH and triggers the release of a hormone that stimulates contraction of the gastric smooth muscle and relaxation of the pyloric sphincter. Specifically, these events involve release of a. gastrin in the gastric phase of digestion. b. secretin in the cephalic phase of digestion. c. CCK in the intestinal phase of digestion. d. lipase in the intestinal phase of digestion. e. chyle in the secretory phase of digestion

gastrin in the gastric phase of digestion.

Glucose is stored as the carbohydrate __________________ in the liver and skeletal muscle. a. cellulose. b. glycogen. c. starchlactose. d. triglycerides.


The acid secretions from an ulcer in the stomach damaging the underlying connective tissue will lead to increased __________ production. a. secretin b. hydrochloric acid c. gastrin d. trypsin e. more than one of the above

hydrochloric acid

Most amino acids are absorbed via a. none of the above b. secondary active antiport c. secondary active symport d. primary active transport e. passive movement along electrical gradient

secondary active symport

The absorption of dipeptides in the small intestine involves a. primary active transport. b. secondary active antiport with H+ c. .secondary active symport with H+ d. .secondary active symport with Na+ e. ..secondary active antiport with Na+.

secondary active symport with H+

The absorption of amino acids in the small intestine involves a. secondary active symport with Na+. b. secondary active antiport with H+. c. primary active transport. d. secondary active symport with H+. e. secondary active antiport with Na+.

secondary active symport with Na+.

A sodium bicarbonate solution is secreted in response to a hormone called ________. a. insulin b. gastrin c. cholecystokinin (CCK) d. secretin e. glucagon


An intestinal hormone that leads to the release of bicarbonate ions from the pancreas and decreases production of HCl and pepsinogen in the stomach is a. gastrin. b. histamine. c. cholecystokinin. d. secretin. e. enterokinase.


The lining of the gastrointestinal tract that allows for absorption and secretion is a. simple columnar epithelium. b. nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. c. areolar connective tissue. d. simple squamous epithelium. e. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

simple columnar epithelium.

Amino acids and monosaccharides are absorbed in the ________, and fatty acids are absorbed in the ________. a. stomach; large intestine b. stomach; small intestine c. small intestine; small intestine d. small intestine; large intestine e. small intestine; liver

small intestine; small intestine

Amylase from saliva digests a. protein. b. starch. c. lipids. d. glucose.


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