Quiz Questions EMT Block 1

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Which of the following statements regarding the use of warning lights and siren on the ambulance is correct?

If it is necessary to use the siren, you should tell the patient beforehand

In contrast to a typical wheeled ambulance stretcher, features of a bariatric stretcher include:

Increased stability from a wider wheelbase

Which of the following statements regarding the Good Samaritan law is correct?

It will not protect the EMT in cases of gross negligence

The first rule of safe lifting is to:

Keep your back and a straight vertical position

When using a body drag to pull a patient who is on the ground you should:

Kneel to minimize the distance that you will have to lean over

Continuing education in EMS serves to:

Maintain, update, and expand your knowledge and skills.

According to the START triage system, what should you do if you encounter an unresponsive patient who is not breathing?

Open the airway and reassess breathing status.

Which aspect of HIPAA MOST affects EMS personnel?

Protecting patient privacy

Which of the following statements regarding anthrax is correct?

Pulmonary anthrax is the most deadly form.

After applying medical restraints to a combative patient you should:

Remove them only after hospital personnel have requested you do so

Which of the following situations would require an urgent patient move?

Semi conscious patient with shallow respirations and signs of shock

Which of the following statements regarding hazardous materials is correct?

Some substances are not hazardous by themselves, but become toxic when mixed with another chemical.

Which of the following statements regarding communication with a child is MOST correct?

Standing over a child often increases his or her level of anxiety.

Which of the following statements regarding NREMT is correct?

The NREMT provides a national standard for EMS testing

Which of the following statements regarding patient weight distribution is correct?

The majority of a horizontal patient's weight is on the torso

Which of the following statements regarding the scoop stretcher is not correct?

The scoop stretcher will provide adequate immobilization of a patient spinal column

When carrying a patient up or downstairs you should avoid:

Using a wheeled stretcher whenever possible

Which of the following chemicals requires identification with a placard, regardless of how many pounds the shipment weighs?

Water-reactive solids

Which of the following scenarios involves the administration of ALS?

a 48-year-old patient whose airway is secured with a supraglottic device

Which of the following situations would require the use of a specialized rescue team?

a patient trapped in a cave or a confined space

Characteristics of a safe ambulance operator include:

a positive attitude about the ability to tolerate other drivers

Which of the following descriptions MOST accurately portrays emergency medical services (EMS)?

a team of health care professionals who are responsible for providing emergency care and transportation to the sick and injured

You are caring for a 52-year old man who complains chest discomfort. The patient is a retired paramedic and is very anxious because he thinks he is having a heart attack. Which of the following statements would be appropiate?

"It is possible you are experiencing a heart attack. I am going to give you 4 baby aspirin to chew and swallow."

A type _____ ambulance features a conventional, truck cab-chassis with a modular ambulance body that can be transferred to a newer chassis as needed.


Trench collapses usually involve large areas of falling dirt that weigh approximately _______ per cubic foot.


Typically medivac helicopters fly between:

130 to 150 mph

Which of the following patients should be assigned an immediate (red tag) category

22-year-old male with blunt abdominal trauma, tachycardia, pallor, and diaphoresis

Hydroplaning of the ambulance on wet roads would MOST likely occur at speeds of greater than _____ mph.


Portable and mounted suction units must be powerful enough to generate a vacuum of at least ____ mm Hg when the tubing is clamped.


You should not attempt to lift a patient who is more than 250 pounds with fewer than _____ rescuers regardless of individual strength


A critical incident stress debriefing should be conducted no longer than ________ hours following the incident.


which of the following patients has decision-making capacity and can legally refuse emergency medical treatment?

A conscious and alert woman with severe abdominal pain

Which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts abandonment?

A paramedic transfers patient care to an EMT.

Which of the following general statements regarding consent is MOST correct?

A patient can consent to transport but can legally refuse to be treated

EMS as we know it today had its origins in 1966 with the publication of:

Accidental Death and Disability: the Neglected Disease of Modern Society

Which one of the following errors is an example of a knowledge-based failure?

An EMT administers the wrong drug to a patient because she did not know the pertinent information about the drug.

Which of the following skills or interventions is included at every level of prehospital emergency training?

Automated external defibrillation

which of the following statements regarding a "dirty bomb: is correct?

Dirty bombs could injure victims with both radioactive material and the explosive material used to deliver it

The determination that prompt surgical care in the hospital is more important than performing time-consuming procedures in the field on a major trauma patient is based MOSTLY on:

EMS research.

What should you do before attempting to access a patient trapped in a vehicle?

Ensure the vehicle is stable.

Which of the following is the BEST example of gaining simple access to a patient?

Entering a vehicle through an open window

The direct carry is used to transfer a patient:

From a bed to the ambulance stretcher

As you are wheeling your patient through the emergency department doors, you receive another call for a major motor vehicle crash. You should:

respond only after giving a verbal patient report to a nurse or physician.

The _____ is both mechanical weight-bearing base of the spinal column and the fused central posterior section of the pelvic girdle


Which type of communications equipment functions as a radio receiver and searches across several frequencies?


When victims involved in a mass-casualty incident are moved to the treatment area

secondary triage is performed and the appropriate treatment is rendered.

Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHF), such as Ebola, cause the blood to:

seep out of the blood vessels and tissues.

When a person is standing upright the way of anything being lifted and carried in the hands is first reflected onto the:

shoulder girdle

Two-way communication that requires the EMT to "push to talk" and "release to listen" describes what mode of communication?


An attack on an abortion clinic would MOST likely be carried out by a(n):

single-issue group

The primary route of exposure of vesicant agents is the:


You could be sued for ___________ if your radio report to the hospital describes the patient in a manner that injures his or her reputation.


When being tailgated by another vehicle while responding to an emergency call, you should:

slow down and allow the driver to pass you

Which of the following chemicals is a nerve agent?


The __________ area is where incoming ambulances meet and await further instructions at the scene of a mass-casualty incident


The EMT's role during search-and-rescue operations is to

stand by at the command post until the person is located

The manner in which the EMT must act or behave when caring for a patient is called the:

standard of care

The standards for prehospital emergency care and the individuals who provide it are typically regulated by the:

state office of EMS

While en route to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest, you approach a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing. You should:

stop and wait until the warning lights stop flashing.

The MOST serious consequence of drug or alcohol abuse among EMS personnel is:

substandard or inappropriate patient care.

Your primary concern when arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash is:

surveying the area for hazards

Which of the following infectious diseases confers no protection from reinfection after exposure?


In the eyes of the court, an incomplete or untidy patient care form indicates:

that inadequate patient care was administered.

The reference used as a base for your initial actions at a HazMat incident is/are:

the Emergency Response Guidebook.

Situational awareness is MOST accurately defined as:

the ability to recognize any possible issues once you arrive at the scene and act proactively to avoid a negative impact

When determining the exact location and position of the patient(s) in a wrecked vehicle, you and your team should routinely consider all of the following, EXCEPT:

the make and model of the vehicle

When the shoulder girdle is aligned over the pelvis during lifting:

the weight is exerted straight down the vertebrae

The ____________ supervisor is responsible for notifying area hospitals and determining their availability and capabilities.


Command functions under the ICS include all of the following, EXCEPT:

triage officer

The reasons for rescue failure can be recalled by the mnemonic FAILURE. According to this, the "U" stands for:

underestimating the logistics of the incident

The chemical attacks that occurred in Tokyo between 1994 and 1995 were carried out by an:

violent religious group

The simplest yet most effective method of preventing the spread of an infectious disease is to:

wash your hands in between patient contacts.

The process performed to artificially maximize the target population's exposure to a biologic agent, thereby exposing the greatest number of people and achieving the desired result, is called:


The MOST effective way to preserve your own body heat when functioning in cold, wet weather is to:

wear at least three layers of clothing.

The extremity lift would not be appropriate to use on a patient:

with a deformed humerus

A patient who has experienced a back injury, with or without spinal cord damage, would be triaged with a _____ tag during a mass-casualty incident


A positive TB skin test indicates that:

you have been exposed to the disease.

Interoperability, an important feature of the NIMS, refers to the ability of:

agencies of different types or from different jurisdictions communicate with each other

General adaptation syndrome is characterized by:

alarm response, reaction and resistance, and recovery

When decontaminating the back of your ambulance after a call, you should:

allow surfaces to air dry unless otherwise indicated in the product directions.

The LEAST harmful form of ionizing radiation is:


Cross-contamination occurs when:

an EMT is exposed to a victim who has not yet been decontaminated.

A patient's refusal for EMS treatment and/or transport must be:

an informed refusal.

Vectorborne transmission of an infectious organism occurs via:

animals or insects

As an EMT, the performance of your duties will be compared to that of:

another EMT

Points of distribution (PODs) are strategically placed facilities where:

antidotes, antibiotics, and vaccines are distributed

A disease vector is defined as:

any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter

The skin lesions associated with smallpox:

are identical in their development.

Unlike viruses and bacteria, neurotoxins:

are not contagious

You are attempting to gain access to a patient who was injured when his truck struck another vehicle from behind. The patient is conscious and alert, but is screaming in pain. You try to open the door, but it is locked. You should:

ask the patient if he can unlock the door

Acting in such a way as to make another person fear immediate bodily harm is called:


According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT should be able to:

assist a patient with certain prescribed medications.

Minimum staffing in the patient compartment of a basic life support (BLS) ambulance includes:

at least 1 EMT

Which of the following situations requires you to notify the appropriate authorities?

attempted suicide

Any radio hardware containing a transmitter and receiver that is located in a fixed location is called a:

base station

The most appropriate carrying device to use on a patient is moving across rough or uneven terrain is:

basket stretcher

Regardless of where portable and mounted oxygen cylinders are stored in the ambulance, they must:

be capable of delivering oxygen at 1 to 15 L/min

Other than personal safety equipment, which of the following should be the MOST readily accessible item in the back of an ambulance?

bleeding control supplies

When relaying patient information via radio, communications should be:

brief and easily understood

in which of the following manners should you act and speak with a patient?

calm and confident

Hazards that are associated with a structural fire include all of the following, EXCEPT:

carbon dioxide deficiency

Which of the following incidents does NOT require a report to be filed with local authorities?

cardiac arrest

The spread of HIV and hepatitis in the health care setting can usually be traced to:

careless handling of sharps.

If a technical rescue team is required at the scene, but is not present when you arrive, you should:

check with the incident commander to ensure that the team is en route.

The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment is called:


In order for a do not resuscitate (DNR) order to be valid, it must:

clearly state the patient's medical problem

Historically, the weak point at most major incidents has been:


Which of the following is an example of a primary prevention strategy?

community awareness programs that emphasize the dangers of drinking and driving

All information recorded on the PCR must be:

considered confidential

Ethnocentrism is defined as:

considering your own cultural values as more important when interacting with people of a different culture.

The purpose of a jump kit is to:

contain anything that you might need during the first 5 minutes of patient care.

An appropriate demonstration of professionalism when your patient is frightened, demanding, or unpleasant is to:

continue to be nonjudgmental, compassionate, and respectful.

The patient care report (PCR) ensures:

continuity of care

During the transport phase of an ambulance call, it is MOST important to:

converse with the patient and provide reassurance.

A carboy is a container that would MOST likely be used to store and transport:


Most terrorist attacks are:


Putrefaction is defined as:

decomposition of the body's tissues.

It is essential that you ____________ your equipment to prevent the spread of disease.


Which of the following activities occurs in the warm zone?


You arrive at the scene of an apparent death. When evaluating the patient, which of the following is a definitive sign of death?

dependent lividity

During a motor vehicle collision involving multiple patients, the incident commander would MOST likely:

designate a safety officer, but retain other command functions.

When communicating with a visually impaired patient, you should:

determine the degree of the patient's impairment.

Which of the following MOST accurately defines negligence?

deviation from the standard of care that may result in further injury

An EMT would MOST likely be held liable for abandonment if he or she:

did not make provisions for continued care of an injured patient.

A 19-year-old female has just been extricated from her severely damaged car. She is on a long backboard and has been moved to a place of safety. As your partner maintains manual stabilization of her head, you perform a rapid assessment. The patient is unresponsive, has slow and shallow respirations, and has bilaterally closed femur deformities. You should:

direct your partner to begin ventilatory assistance

During the alert and dispatch phase of EMS communications, the dispatcher's responsibilities include all of the following, EXCEPT:

discouraging the caller from providing care until the EMS unit arrives.

The 1996 Summer Olympics bombing is an example of:

domestic terrorism

which is the most appropriate method to use when moving a patient from his or her bed to a wheeled stretcher?

draw sheet method

Communicating with hearing-impaired patients can be facilitated by doing all of the following, EXCEPT:

elevating the tone of your voice and exaggerating word pronunciation.

Phases of an ambulance call include all of the following activities, EXCEPT:

emergency care provided at the scene

The purpose of the incident command system (ICS) is to:

ensure responder and public safety, achieve incident management goals, and ensure the effective use of resources

The EMT certification exam is designed to:

ensure that EMTs are competent and have the same level of knowledge and skills.

The MOST important consideration at the scene of a hazardous material incident is:

ensuring your personal safety.

Which of the following duties or responsibilities does NOT fall within the realm of the medical branch of the ICS


The term used when individual units or different organizations make independent and often inefficient decisions regarding an incident is called:


Delivering a patient to the hospital involves all of the following activities, EXCEPT:

giving a verbal report to the triage clerk

Which of the following statements regarding trench rescue is correct?

ground vibration is a primary cause of secondary collapse

Vaccination against the hepatitis A virus is unnecessary if you:

have been infected in the past.

Common safety equipment carried on the ambulance includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

hazardous materials gear

Which of the following agents blocks the body's ability to use oxygen and possesses an odor similar to almonds?

hydrogen cyanide

The continuous quality improvement (CQI) process is designed to:

identify areas of improvement and provide remedial training if needed

According to the JumpSTART triage system, if a pediatric patient is not breathing, you should:

immediately check for a pulse

Which of the following is the MOST significant factor in determining if a person will become ill from certain germs?


Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious or mentally incapacitated?


Characteristics of eustress following dispatch to a high-speed motor vehicle collision may include:

increased self-image from preforming well under a challenging situation

Obtaining continuing medical education is the responsibility of the:

individual EMT

The most serious consequence of a poorly planned or rushed patient move is:

injury to you or your patient

The MOST common and usually the most serious ambulance crashes occur at:


In contrast to simple access, complex access:

involves forcible entry into a vehicle.

The scene size-up at a motor vehicle crash or other incident:

is an ongoing process until the incident is terminated.

In many states, a minor may be treated as an adult for the purpose of consenting to or refusing medical treatment if the minor:

is self-supporting and lives by him- or herself.

To minimize the risk of injuring yourself when lifting or moving a patient, you should:

keep the weight as close to your body as possible

Two EMTs witnessed a call in which a coworker gave adequate medical care but ignored the patient's emotional needs. The coworker was deliberately rude solely because the patient was thought to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The EMTs ignored the coworker's treatment of this patient and took no steps to prevent this behavior from happening again. This lack of action on the part of the two EMTs is considered:

legal but unethical

If the incident command system is already established at the scene of a terrorist attack, the EMT should:

locate the medical staging officer to obtain his or her assignment

Calming and reassuring an anxious patient can be facilitated by:

maintaining eye contact with the patient whenever possible.

The EMT's scope of practice within his or her local response area is defined by the:

medical director

Maintaining the chain of evidence at the scene of a crime should include:

not cutting through holes in clothing that were caused by weapons

When providing a patient report via radio, you should protect the patient's privacy by:

not disclosing his or her name.

What type of medical direction do standing orders and protocols describe?


Prescription glasses do not provide adequate eye protection because they:

offer little or no side protection.

Unlike a mass-casualty incident, a natural disaster

often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days

Which of the following most accurately describes the correct position of the EMTs who are executing the diamond carry technique?

one at the head, one at the feet, and one on each side of the patient's torso

An EMS provider who has extensive training in various aspects of advanced life support (ALS) is called a(n):


Cardiac monitoring, pharmacological interventions, and other advanced treatment skills are functions of the:


The type and severity of wounds sustained from incendiary and explosive devices primarily depend on the:

patient's distance from the epicenter of the explosion.

When arriving at the scene of an overturned tractor-trailer rig, you note that a green cloud is being emitted from the crashed vehicle. The driver is still in the truck; he is conscious but bleeding profusely from the head. After notifying the hazardous materials team, you should:

position the ambulance upwind.

Once entrance and access to the patient have been provided, you should:

preform a primary assessment

The criteria to be licensed and employed as an EMT include:

proof of immunization against certain communicable diseases.

When removing a critically injured patient from his or her vehicle, you should:

protect the cervical spine during the entire process

Which of the following is a typical function of the rescue team?

providing safe entry and access to patients

When introduced into the body, ricin causes:

pulmonary edema and circulatory failure.

Upon arriving at the scene of a law enforcement tactical situation, you should ensure your own safety and then:

report to the incident commander for instructions

You have been working at the scene of a major building collapse for 8 hours. Many injured people are still being removed, and everyone is becoming frustrated and losing focus. This situation is MOST effectively managed by:

requesting a CISM team to provide on-scene peer support.

Quid pro quo, a type of sexual harassment, occurs when the harasser:

requests sexual favors in exchange for something else.

The capacity for an individual to cope with and recover form stress is called:


If a defibrillator manufacturer claims that its device terminates ventricular fibrillation on the first shock 95% of the time, you should:

recognize that this does not mean it will save more lives.

When driving an ambulance on a multilane highway in emergency mode, you should:

remain in the extreme left-hand lane

Extrication is defined as:

removal from a dangerous situation or position.

Disentanglement involves:

removing a patient from a dangerous position.

A ____ receives messages and signals on one frequency and then automatically retransmits them on a second frequency


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