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c. Planning

All of the options below are important, but which is the single most important element of creating a productive classroom environment? a. A well decorated classroom b. A clean classroom c. Planning d. A good seating arrangement

b. Break the item to be memorized into small sections and then learn the sections one at a time

What is the best method for improving students' memorization skills? a. Repetition b. Break the item to be memorized into small sections and then learn the sections one at a time c. Students should read the item once as rapidly as possible, and then immediately try to repeat as much as they can recall d. Play a distinctive piece of music in the background

b. Consider the size and shape of the room and decide where the optimal position would be for you to carry out most of your instruction

What is the best starting point for deciding on the floor plan of your classroom? a. Make sure that all students desks are oriented with their backs to the windows, so as to ensure that no students will become distracted by events going on outside b. Consider the size and shape of the room and decide where the optimal position would be for you to carry out most of your instruction c. Arrange student desks so that they all face the chalkboard d. Use whatever arrangement is already there. School administrators spend a lot of time before the beginning of the school year optimizing the floor plans of every classroom in the building

d. Do not let him get away with anything, but make a point to always discipline him in private

A new student, Jethro, has been assigned to your class. Jethro comes from a much rougher neighborhood than most of the students in your class and is having a very hard time fitting in. He often seems angry, and he speaks insolently both to you and to his classmates. It always seems that he has something to probe, and anytime he knows an answer in class, he hurriedly blurts it out, as though he is competing with the other students. His behavior is steadily becoming worse, and some of the other students seem to be afraid of him. When you correct his behavior in class he seems to be proud of himself, and becomes even more insolent. Which of the following would be a good first step to get through to him? a. Put him in a seat by himself in the corner of the room b. Point out to him in front of the class that his behavior is interfering with the entire class c. Send him to the vice principal's office each time he misbehaves d. Do not let him get away with anything, but make a point to always discipline him in private

b. About a quarter of the students did not appear to be actively participating in class discussions

A school administrator recently sat in and observed Mr. Naylor's algebra class. Mr. Naylor received several criticisms. Which one should he take the most seriously? a. The bulletin boards in his classroom could be better organized b. About a quarter of the students did not appear to be actively participating in class discussions c. Two students in the bad of the class were passing notes back and forth, and the teacher did not notice d. The class was about a week behind where it should be according to the county guidelines

d. Evaluate way students are carrying out experiments and develop more organized procedures to keep the students on track

After a month of class, Mr. Gupta notices that his 12th grade physics class has fallen well behind his planned curriculum. In-class experiments and other activities have taken significantly longer to complete than the teacher expected. What should he do? a. Cease holding in-class experiments and stick rigidly with following the units in the textbook b. Ignore the planned curriculum; the students will learn more from doing the experiments than from lectures and written assignments c. Increase the amount of homework in order to catch up d. Evaluate way students are carrying out experiments and develop more organized procedures to keep the students on track

d. Circulate among the students regularly to observe students' work up close

During in-class assignments and small group activities, how can a teacher best ensure that all of the students are on-task and not getting behind? a. Watch the class quietly from the teacher's desk b. Respond to students promptly when they raise their hands c. Collect the student work several times during the class, check it, and then hand it back so that they can continue working d. Circulate among the students regularly to observe students' work up close

b. 10-15 minutes

For how long at a time should a teacher initially plan to hold open class discussion of subject matter at the middle school/junior high school level? a. 3-5 minutes b. 10-15 minutes c. 30-45 minutes d. For an entire class period

b. Decorate all bulletin boards and set them up for display

Getting the classroom ready for the first day of school can be overwhelming for a new teacher. As the big day comes, one often must make some hard choices and levee a few things to be done later. which of the following could wait a few more days if necessary? a. Optimize arrangement of student desks b. Decorate all bulletin boards and set them up for display c. Make sure that you have enough textbooks and that they are all in satisfactory condition d. Verify that equipment such as overhead projectors and computer workstations are functional and ready to use

b. Students learn interpersonal problem-solving skills that they will need later in life.

How an including cooperative learning strategies in the classroom teach practical life skills to students? a.Students learn to work independently, even when others are around b. Students learn interpersonal problem-solving skills that they will need later in life. c. Students learn ways to score better on standardized tests d.Students learn the importance of physical exercise in their daily lives.

a. Plan out the lesson in writing ahead of time

How can a teacher best ensure that a lesson will be coherent and logical? a. Plan out the lesson in writing ahead of time b. Ask the class every day if they understand c. Make sure that your lesson never strays from the textbook d. Rely on the sample lesson plans from the teacher's guidebook

a. Take a moment to talk about how the day's lesson connects and fits in with previous lessons and or the next day's lesson

How can a teacher end a lesson so that the students begin to process the material and keep it in their minds? a. Take a moment to talk about how the day's lesson connects and fits in with previous lessons and or the next day's lesson b. Give a pop quiz c. Call on a student at random to stand up before the class and explain what the most important thing he or she learned was d. Be sure that the students have a homework assignment every single day

a. The teacher should circulate among the groups and observe how they are working together

How can a teacher ensure that all students are contributing equally during cooperative learning exercises? a. The teacher should circulate among the groups and observe how they are working together b. Assign one student in each group to monitor student participation c. Assign each student in each group a specific task to accomplish d. Avoid such exercises, since they inevitably end up with one or two students doing most of the work

a. Establish a firm routine for the beginning of every class, so that all the students know what to expect

How can you best ensure that your students quickly settle dow at the beginning of class so that you can get on with your lesson? a. Establish a firm routine for the beginning of every class, so that all the students know what to expect b. Use the time while the students are settling in to catch up on paper work c. Threaten to send the whole class to detention d. Tell the students that they can leave early if the class gets started on time.

c. Devote some class time to discussing cooking techniques and recipes that are healthy but also taste good, and encourage students to try them at home

How could a health teacher best integrate practical life skills into the nutrition section of a health class? a. Include a detailed discussion of the chemical difference between proteins, carbohydrates, and fats b. Explain the 6 food groups with a chart c. Devote some class time to discussing cooking techniques and recipes that are healthy but also taste good, and encourage students to try them at home d. Measure each student's body fat content in front of the class

c. It teaches the importance of time-management and planning for unexpected circumstances

How does assigning term papers, or other long-term assignments, gel students to learn skills about real life? a. It gets them accustomed to being under a lot of stress b. It does not; it only gives them an opportunity to cheat since they will not be working under teacher supervision c. It teaches the importance of time-management and planning for unexpected circumstances d. Such projects are rarely worth the effort, since more often than not, the parents end up doing most of the project

b. It suggests that different people learning different ways, and that teachers can give more students a better chance by using a variety of teaching methods in the classroom.

How does the theory of multiple intelligences address the learning needs of students? a. It suggest quite simply that some students are smarter than others, and that teachers must accept that while a C is a bad grade for some students, that it is a very good grade for others. b. It suggests that different people learning different ways, and that teachers can give more students a better chance by using a variety of teaching methods in the classroom. c. It suggests that every student has only two areas of talent in which he or she can excel, and that once these talents are identified, students should not be pushed in other areas. d. It suggests that all students are equally intelligent and that they will learn if they are motivated enough

c. A teacher should plan lessons so that new material is introduced using a variety of different approaches

How should a teacher plan to deal with a highly diverse classroom? a. On the first day of class, the teacher should ask each student to complete a survey to determine the students' cultural, ethnic, and racial background b. A good teacher should be intimately familiar with the major cultures within the local school district c. A teacher should plan lessons so that new material is introduced using a variety of different approaches d. Guest teachers from different ethnic backgrounds should occasionally be invited to teach, so that all students will feel more comfortable

b. Break the class up into several small groups, divided by skill level, and give appropriate assignments to each group

If the students in your class have radically varied levels of skill and knowledge, which technique will make your class more manageable?

d. Exercises that teach higher-order thinking and professional skills

In what areas do computers consistently demonstrate the greets benefit in the classroom? a. Simple drills presented, such as teaching multiplication tables. This frees up the teacher to work with the students on developing higher-level skills. b. Role-playing games that develop greater social awareness, and allow the students to participate more directly in the events they are learning about c. Simulations of mechanical activities that help the student's develop motor skills and reflexes. d. Exercises that teach higher-order thinking and professional skills

d. Inform the students that for the first couple of weeks, you will collect their notes at the end of glass and give them back the next day with corrections

It is your first week of class teaching a 12th grade history class. Because of the subject matter, and because most of these students will be going on to college, a significant portion of the course will be presented in the form of college-style lectures. How can you ensure that all of the students have the necessary note-taking skills they will need, both for this class and beyond? a. This is not your responsibility. Since they are college-bound seniors, they should already have these skills. b. Give a pop quiz at the end of every class c. Give a lecture on note-taking on the first day of class d. Inform the students that for the first couple of weeks, you will collect their notes at the end of glass and give them back the next day with corrections

d. Periodically ask the student to meet in small groups and to come up with scenarios in which the kinds of problems you are covering can be applied

Many of the students in your 9th grade algebra class seem bored, and even though they are smart, they are having trouble following your class. What actions could you take that might get the students more involved? a. Devote one entire class period as a question-and-answer session. Encourage the students to ask you about any aspect of the subject which they are having difficulty learning b. Set aside two class periods and meet with each student individually to address the problems they are having c. Revisit topics you have already covered so that you can make sure that everyone understands d. Periodically ask the student to meet in small groups and to come up with scenarios in which the kinds of problems you are covering can be applied

c. She is concentrating all her attention on discussions and not noticing everything that is going on in the classroom

Mrs. Sanchez is a new teacher of 9th grade literature. She truly loves her subject, and the highlight of each class period is when she holds a 20 minute class discussion of the previous day's reading assignment. She is very enthusiastic about these discussions and encourages the students to form and express their own opinions. She often asks provocative question and pushes the students to consider the motives of the characters from different points of view. Many of the students enjoy this, but an observer notices some problems. Misbehavior by a few students is getting out of hand. And a couple of students seem to just zone out. What common mistake is Mrs. Sanchez making? a. She is not being strict enough b. She is devoting too much time to discussions c. She is concentrating all her attention on discussions and not noticing everything that is going on in the classroom d. Her enthusiasm makes her look weak to the students

c. Ask the student to take notes, and tell them that the notes will be graded

Mrs. Schubert is taking her biology class on a field trip to the local natural science museum. What can she do to ensure that her students make the most of the opportunity? a Tell the students to pay attention during the tour b. Tell the students not to speak during the tour c. Ask the student to take notes, and tell them that the notes will be graded d. Give the students a pop quiz before going on the field trip

b. Try to come up with two or three options that could resolve the problem and work with the student to commit to one of them

Suppose a particularly promising student in your 11th grade physics class has become increasingly arrogant to the point that it is disrupting with your lessons. the student constantly complains out loud in class that the problems are too easy, and often blurts the answer to a problem out before you have even finished explaining it. The student is, in fact, one of your best students, and the class is probably not advanced enough for him. However, he must compile this class before moving on to more advanced science classes. How might a teacher best go about resolving the problem? a. Discipline the student by lowering his grades b. Try to come up with two or three options that could resolve the problem and work with the student to commit to one of them c. Recommend to the student's parents that they might want to consider enrolling him in a physics class at the local community college d. Send the student to the vice principal's office

c. Continue with the new activity, but allow the two students to continue and finish the activity they are on. Let them know quietly that they can meet with you after class to learn whatever they missed.

Suppose that you are transitioning from one activity to another during class, but you notice that two of you students are still struggling to finish with the current task. What is the best recourse? a. Single the students out in front of the rest of the class so that they will feel more motivated to work better b. Do not go forward with the new activity and have the rest of the class wait while the two students finish their work c. Continue with the new activity, but allow the two students to continue and finish the activity they are on. Let them know quietly that they can meet with you after class to learn whatever they missed. d. Give the two students an F for the day since they did not finish their work on time

a. Evaluate how much each student learns in addition to whether or not the student gets the correct answer

Suppose the students in your computer science class vary greatly in the amount of experience and knowledge they have about computers. What can you do as a teacher to make student evaluations fair to everyone? a. Evaluate how much each student learns in addition to whether or not the student gets the correct answer b. Grade class tests on a curve c. Put more weight on class research projects than on tests d. Grade students only occurring to test results

c. Periodically ask questions directly to the quiet students

Suppose you are holding a class discussion of current events in your 8th grade social studies class. what is the most effective way to get the quieter students to participate in the discussion? a. Ask the more active students to stop raising their hands b. Penalize students who do not participate in the discussion c. Periodically ask questions directly to the quiet students d. Offer extra credit to the students who participate the most

c. Ask the students to follow the news closely at home, and to identify ongoing activities in Congress that you can discuss in class

Suppose you are teaching a 10th grade U.S. government unit on the roll and structure of Congress, and many of your students are slow to understand the workings of the U.S. Senate vs. the House of Representatives. Which of the following methods would be the most likely way to ensure that your students become more interested in the subject matter and take away from your class a practical understanding of the material? a. Have the students take turns reading the textbook aloud in class b. Assign each student to make a presentation on the biography of a current U. S. senator or congress person c. Ask the students to follow the news closely at home, and to identify ongoing activities in Congress that you can discuss in class d. Supplement the textbook material with charts and graphs to help the students better visualize the percentages of votes needed to pass a bill or override a veto

d. Prepare your notes on transparencies and display them using an overhead projector

What is the best tactic to use for displaying information in class if you must float from classroom to classroom? a. Whatever classroom you are assigned to teach in is "yours" for that class period. Simply erase whatever is on the chalkboard and write your own information there b. Explain to the students that they need to take very thorough notes and give your lecture orally, without using any visual aides c. Email your notes and diagrams to all the students in advance so that they can print them out at home and bring them to class d. Prepare your notes on transparencies and display them using an overhead projector

a. Keep your lesson plans flexible, and integrate extended discussions of current events as they occur

What is the best way to handle current events that are relevant to your class? a. Keep your lesson plans flexible, and integrate extended discussions of current events as they occur b. Don't allow current events to distract the class. Keeping to your schedule is more important c. Have students research current events on their own for extra credit d. Have the students speak out loud as they work, describing what they are doing

a. Establish a set of rules for your classroom, give the students a written copy, and go over the rules at the beginning of the year or semester.

What is the best why to ensure overall good behavior from your students? a. Establish a set of rules for your classroom, give the students a written copy, and go over the rules at the beginning of the year or semester. b. A good teacher is a strict teacher. Form the very beginning be gruff wight the students, and show them that you have no tolerance for "nonsense." c. Wait a few days before setting ground rules. Students will respect you more if you give them more leeway in the beginning as they are settling in. d. Change your rules frequently to keep the students on their toes.

c. Three or four

What is the ideal number of multiple-intelligence strategies to use in a single lesson? a. One b. Two c. Three or four d. Five or six

c. Show empathy by asking the student to tell you his side of the problem

What is the most effective way to get through to a student who says to hate the subject you are teaching? a. Don't give an inch. the student must see that the only option is submission to the curriculum. b. Offer the student rewards for trying c. Show empathy by asking the student to tell you his side of the problem d. Threaten to call the student's parents

d. Content development, class discussion, seatwork

What is the most productive order to structure a class period? a. Seatwork, class discussion, content development b. class discussion, seatwork, content development c. seatwork, content development, class discussion d. Content development, class discussion, seatwork

a. "You do seem to be having a tough time with it lately. Why don't you tell me about what is causing you the most trouble?"

What is the most productive teacher response to an uncooperative student who says: "I hate grammar. It's a wast of time, and I don't want to take it anymore!" a. "You do seem to be having a tough time with it lately. Why don't you tell me about what is causing you the most trouble?" b. " Don't you want to be able to get a good job?" c. "Hang in there, sport. You'll get it. It just takes a little more work." d. " Grammar is not an elective. You have to take it."

c. Offering more encouragement to the stronger students than the weaker ones

When dealing with a class with widely varied levels of skill and knowledge, what common pitfall is most harmful? a. Giving too much attention to the weaker students b. Permitting the stronger students to correct the weaker students in class c. Offering more encouragement to the stronger students than the weaker ones d. Overcorrecting the mistakes of the weaker students

b. Encourage the students to work out their differences through a logical and friendly debate

When students disagree during a class discussion, what should the teacher do to resolve the disagreement so that the class can proceed in an organized fashion? a. Immediately tell the class what the correct answer is and move on b. Encourage the students to work out their differences through a logical and friendly debate c. Tell the students that whenever there is a disagreement in class, the student who is right will get extra credit d. Discourage the students from disagreeing with each other in class, and instead have them ask you when they have a question

b. Include a discussion of some modern interpretations of the story (movies such as Romeo+Juliet, or even West Side Story)

When teaching Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, which technique might help students maintain interest despite the difficult language? a. Give the students a glossary of archaic English words commonly found in the play b. Include a discussion of some modern interpretations of the story (movies such as Romeo+Juliet, or even West Side Story) c. Have the students read the parts out loud d. Hold a detailed discussion of English syntax and grammar of the period

b. Teacher evaluates students according to the degree of individual improvement during the term

Which classroom environment will generally motivate students more effectively to learn? a. Teacher evaluates students according to how they perform relative to percentages and established standards b. Teacher evaluates students according to the degree of individual improvement during the term c. Teacher evaluates students according to their performance relative to each other d. Teacher evaluates students according to quantity of assignments satisfactorily completed

b. Computer workstations

Which equipment should be arranged first when deciding upon a classroom floor plan? a. The teacher's desk b. Computer workstations c. Filing cabinets d. Overhead projector

d. Teacher keeps eyes focused on her book and speaks very softly

Which form of teacher body language is most likely to promote misbehavior in class? a. Teacher looks students directly in the eye when speaking b. Teacher speaks in a clam assertive tone c. Teacher stands with back straight and head held high d. Teacher keeps eyes focused on her book and speaks very softly

a. Use a lesson-planning matrix to help devise learning activities that are organized according to different abilities

Which method of lesson planning will help a teacher ensure that his/her lesson will take advantage of the multiple intelligences of different students? a. Use a lesson-planning matrix to help devise learning activities that are organized according to different abilities b. Survey the students about what helps them to learn the most c. Design a seating plan so that the students who need the most help sit in the front d. Try to use more images and graphs in presentations

a. Students will learn to identify the most common meter used in English literature, with a focus being placed upon iambic pentameter

Which of the following is a good example of a learning goal that a teacher should set for a poetry unit in an English literature class? a. Students will learn to identify the most common meter used in English literature, with a focus being placed upon iambic pentameter b. Students will learn to appreciate and enjoy poetry as an art form c. Students will learn how to identify the elements of good poetry d. Students will learn the cultural importance of poetry to English speakers around the world

b. Use more visual aids and illustrative hand gestures while teaching

Which of the following is a valid technique to use with non-native English speakers in your class if they are having trouble and your school has very limited ESL resources? a. Ask the student's parents to hire a translator to sit with the child in class b. Use more visual aids and illustrative hand gestures while teaching c. Speak as rapidly as possible so that the student will get used to hearing English faster d. Repeat everything you say twice

d. Use music to illustrate how fractions work by letting students hear the difference between a whole note, a half note, and a quarter note.

Which of the following is an example of how a math teacher might create lessons on fractions that take advantage of the theory of multiple intelligences? a. Writing out fractions problems out on the chalkboard b. Having students work in pairs to solve math problems c. Explain how fractions are used practically in real life d. Use music to illustrate how fractions work by letting students hear the difference between a whole note, a half note, and a quarter note.

c. A teacher who halts his presentation and sternly insists that the students in the back of the room stop talking

Which of the following is consistent with constructive assertiveness on the part of a teacher? a. Telling students in a literature class that there is only one acceptable point of view in regard to the novel you are teaching b. A teacher who asks permission from her students to begin class c. A teacher who halts his presentation and sternly insists that the students in the back of the room stop talking d. A teacher who yells at students who answer questions incorrectly

b. "Do you realize when you whisper to your neighbor, it distracts the whole class?"

Which of the following teacher statements to a student represents the most constructive initial approach to talking in the classroom? a. "Shut up!" b. "Do you realize when you whisper to your neighbor, it distracts the whole class?" c. "Because of your behavior, I am now requiring the entire class to write 'I will not whisper in class' 500 times" d. " Go outside and stand in the hall until class is over."

a. Supplement the standard textbook with a variety of less academic materials, including narratives, biographies, and news articles from the time

Which strategy should a history teacher use to get students more involved in the subject? a. Supplement the standard textbook with a variety of less academic materials, including narratives, biographies, and news articles from the time b. Have students read from the textbook out loud in class c. Make all of the class test questions essay questions d. have students act out battles in the classroom

b. Put a general outline of what you will discuss on the board

Which strategy works better for keeping students from losing focus during longer tale or explanations? a. Break your lecture up with jokes or personal anecdotes b. Put a general outline of what you will discuss on the board c. Stop every minute or two and quiz a student at random on whether they understood the concept you are discussing d. Start off your lesson by asking the students what they already know about the subject

a. English/language arts

Which subject area generally requires the most involved lesson planning? a. English/language arts b. Math c. History d. Computer science

b. Consistency in how rules are enforced

Which teacher characteristic will best help facilitate student cooperation in the classroom? a. Rigid military-style discipline b. Consistency in how rules are enforced c. A playful, loving approach, even when rules are broken d. Ignore misbehavior so that the students will see that they can't get to you

d. One that is broken up into sections that appeal to different types of personalities

Which type of classroom environment is more likely to help more students to learn? a. One that focuses on order. b. One that is pleasant and comfortable. c. One that has classical music playing in the background. d. One that is broken up into sections that appeal to different types of personalities.

b. Have each of the students memorize a different part of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence and recite it before the class

You are covering the American Revolution and the formation of the United States in your 10th grade U.S. history class. Which task would NOT help your students process what they are learning? a. Have the students write an essay on how the ideas of the founding fathers continue to influence us today b. Have each of the students memorize a different part of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence and recite it before the class c. Ask the students to keep a learning log in which each day they write a short paragraph about the meaning of what they learned in class that day d. Assign each student to research and prepare an oral presentation on one of the founding fathers or another important figure of the time

c. Require each student to write out their own step-by-step explanation of what they plan to do

Your 9th grade biology class is about to take on its first animal dissection. You have already covered the procedure in detail during class, but you know that some of the students are still feeling nervous or even a little queasy. What else can you do to help make the dissection go more smoothly? a. Remind them that medical students regularly dissect human cadavers, and that this is not really such a big deal b. Set a timer for each section of the procedure, so the students stay on pace c. Require each student to write out their own step-by-step explanation of what they plan to do d. Have the students speak out loud as they work, describing what they are doing

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