
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Pi (number)

3.141592653589793238462643383 27950288419716939937510582097 49445923078164062862089986280 34825342117067982148086513282 30664709384460955058223172535 94081284811174502841027019385 21105559644622948954930381964 42881097566593344612847564823 37867831652712019091456485669 23460348610454326648213393607 26024914127372458700660631558 81748815209209628292540917153 64367892590360011330530548820 46652138414695194151160943305 72703657595919530921861173819 32611793105118548074462379962 74956735188575272489122793818 30119491298336733624406566430 86021394946395224737190702179 86094370277053921717629317675 23846748184676694051320005681 27145263560827785771342757789 60917363717872146844090122495 34301465495853710507922796892 58923542019956112129021960864 03441815981362977477130996051 87072113499999983729780499510 59731732816096318595024459455 34690830264252230825334468503 52619311881710100031378387528 86587533208381420617177669147 30359825349042875546873115956 28638823537875937519577818577 80532171226806613001927876611 19590921642019893809525720106 54858632788659361533818279682 30301952035301852968995773622 59941389124972177528347913151 55748572424541506959508295331 16861727855889075098381754637 46493931925506040092770167113 90098488240128583616035637076 60104710181942955596198946767 83744944825537977472684710404 75346462080466842590694912933 13677028989152104752162056966 02405803815019351125338243003 55876402474964732639141992726 04269922796782354781636009341 72164121992458631503028618297 45557067498385054945885869269 95690927210797509302955321165 34498720275596023648066549911 98818347977535663698074265425 27862551818417574672890977772 79380008164706001614524919217 32172147723501414419735685481 61361157352552133475741849468 43852332390739414333454776241 68625189835694855620992192221 84272550254256887671790494601 65346680498862723279178608578 43838279679766814541009538837 86360950680064225125205117392 98489608412848862694560424196 52850222106611863067442786220 39194945047123713786960956364 37191728746776465757396241389 08658326459958133904780275900 99465764078951269468398352595 70982582262052248940772671947 82684826014769909026401363944 37455305068203496252451749399 65143142980919065925093722169 64615157098583874105978859597 72975498930161753928468138268 68386894277415599185592524595 39594310499725246808459872736 44695848653836736222626099124 60805124388439045124413654976 27807977156914359977001296160 89441694868555848406353422072 22582848864815845602850601684 27394522674676788952521385225 49954666727823986456596116354 88623057745649803559363456817 43241125150760694794510965960 94025228879710893145669136867 22874894056010150330861792868 09208747609178249385890097149 09675985261365549781893129784 82168299894872265880485756401 42704775551323796414515237462 34364542858444795265867821051 14135473573952311342716610213 59695362314429524849371871101 45765403590279934403742007310 57853906219838744780847848968 33214457138687519435064302184 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Don't even get me started on this guy. He is so short, he makes Garion jealous. In fact, he is so small, he can crawl between the very atoms that make up the school. Running the mile for him is like running the light-year. Also, his Map-M score is higher then Jonah's which makes him (somewhat) infinitely superior.

The Onlee Shad

Prolog The Onlee Shad was sad because he was the only one in a world of light. So one day, he turned off the lights and he was happy! Then he was sad. So he turned on the lights. Then, he was happy! Chapter One: Police ACADEMY!!!! DUH DUH DUHHHHH.... YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Onlee Shad went on a haunted cruise! It was very spooky. On board, he met a detective. The detective said, "I am John Jonsen, and I want you to be part of the POLICE ACADEMY!!!!!, also known as the BS!!!!!" So the Onlee Shad said, "OMYGODOMYGOD!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" And they went through a SECRET PORTAL! They landed in a big academy!!!!!! Chapter Two: The lost Souls The Onlee Shad Saw a tank, and he asked John, "What is that tank?" John said, "There are souls in there." The Onlee Shad looked into the tank and saw LIVING HEARTS!!! So the Onlee Shad said, "OMYGODOMYGOD!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" And they went through a SECRET PORTAL! They landed in a big academy!!!!!! THE END!!!!

The Forge of the Weapons

THE FORGE OF THE WEAPONS Book One By Trouble Team There are Seven weapons of power. There is the Sword (King Delimontorix, darkness), Bow and Arrow (Flare, lightning), Spear (Faith, ice), Daggers (George, fire ), Mace (Merethyl, air), Axe (Glacia, water) and Hammer (Orin, earth). In this book there are also many more races, goblins, orcs, giants, demons, charmas, angels, dragons, pheonix, griffins, werewolves, and fairies. The age of bloody war has begun. Table of Contents THE FORGE OF THE WEAPONS 2 Table of Contents 3 Prologue 5 Chapter One: A Light in the Dark 8 Chapter Two: ??? 10 Chapter Three: The Prankster - and the Unexpected 12 Chapter Four: The Meeting 13 Chapter Five: Merethyl 15 Chapter Six: Prisoner 16 Chapter Seven: The Void 18 Chapter Eight: Searching for Flare 19 Chapter Nine: Falling 20 Chapter Ten: The Mines 21 Chapter Eleven: The Forge and the Forger 22 Chapter Twelve: Nervo 23 Chapter Thirteen: The Axe of Water 25 Chapter Fourteen: Legends of Darkness 27 Chapter Fifteen: The Promise 28 Chapter Sixteen: The Beasts and Bonding 30 Chapter Seventeen: Ferinious 31 Chapter Eighteen: The Depths of Darkness 32 Chapter Nineteen: The Raid 34 Chapter Twenty: Aurora 35 Chapter Twenty-One: The Maze 37 Chapter Twenty-Two: The Ambush 39 Chapter Twenty-Three: The Power of Earth 41 Chapter Twenty-Four: Ice, Ice, and more Ice. 43 Chapter Twenty-Five: Return of Amoxy 45 Chapter Twenty-Six: In the Dungeon 46 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Castle 48 Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Battle 52 Prologue In the middle of night on the darkest of days, young Delimontorix accompanied with his magicians went out to the Fountain of Darkness. The wind was howling, wailing, so high it would have called a dead dog. The trees were swaying. The place was covered with darkness. The Fountain of Darkness, spraying a black liquid, seemed to be crying, screaming, shouting. Then Delimontrix stepped up. All of a sudden, everything stopped. Nothing moved. Then a single bolt of lightning came from the sky, and shot right into the Fountain. But if anyone had seen it, they would have sworn the lightning came not from the sky, but from the fountain. Then Delimontrix stepped forward and chanted a spell, and the liquid in the Fountain changed. A blue sphere emerged in the liquid. Then the sphere started to change, seemingly drying the Fountain of its power, and the sphere changed into a black sword with gold lining and purple marks on it. As Delimontrix touched the sword, his head began to spin. He felt like he was being tortured, his very flesh felt like it was being torn, placed back, and then burned. Then something happened. It felt as if he could see ten times better, as if he could hear even the slightest bit of noise, and, at his touch, he could count the veins of a leaf! Oh! The feeling was heavenly. Delimontrix smiled. He felt renewed strength arise from somewhere in his body. All those pains that he had suffered from, gone, all gone. I am powerful, he thought to himself, I am going to rule the world! He looked at his wrist and saw a symbol of The Darkness. This is it, he thought to himself again, I will rule! He ran to the darkness of the forest and kneeled down, laughing and cackling. Just then, he heard a rumbling sound that made the hairs on his back raise. It was a group of Charmas. A three headed, two tailed, four footed monster with wings. Strangely, he didn't feel scared. A surge of energy flew into his body, and his heart opened, letting The Darkness come in. He cackled with laughter and took out his sword. Bowing down his head, he muttered a long string of Magic. A midnight black spear of darkness shot out from his hand and darkness engulfed the whole pack of Charmas. A few seconds later they dropped down dead. He cackled with mad laughter. Delimontrix, calming down a bit, told the magician that they had had to find the other weapons of power. He thought about how much power the sword had given him. He wanted those weapons, and would stop at nothing to get them. Delimontrix decided to build up his army, swoop in, and get all the weapons. It was the perfect plan. First, he consulted the magician. The magician exclaimed that he didn't know where the weapons were. Then Delimontrix heard a twig snap. He turned around and saw a small red fox. He had seen it for only a second, but it was definitely there. "Get that fox!" Delimontrix howled. Delimontrix ran over with his magicians and soldiers to kill the fox. Then Delimontrix caught sight of the fox again. He and all of his magicians and soldiers pounced on it. Too bad, the fox was already gone. Delimontrix stood up and as he whirled around to see where the fox was gone, he realized snow was falling. His magicians were still tangled in a heap. "Useless." Delimontrix muttered. The snow started falling. Harder and harder. Delimontrix tried to grasp the fact that he had no idea where he was. Then he saw the Charmas heading toward him. It was at that moment, when he saw the Charmas, he knew where he was. In the void. The Void. Then Delimontrix knew his case was hopeless. He had tried to get the sword, but he was going to die. He knew he shouldn't have messed with his fate. No one could take a weapon, keep it, and live. Bt then the Charmas came up to him and said the most unexpected thing he expected to hear from them. First of all, Charmas don't talk often. Second of all, Charmas only talk to other Charmas. So, Delimontrix was surprised when the Charmas came up to him and murmured, "What do you want us to do, master?" As soon as the initial shock went away, Delimontrix smiled. This day was getting better and better. "First of all, I want you to build me a castle, then find the weapons of power...." Little did Delimontrix know that the fox was listening intently to everything he said. Part One ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ aaa Chapter One: A Light in the Dark The wind howled and pushed against Flare as he hacked his way through the barricades of bushes, hoping to find some game. As he struggled through a giant oak tree, the branches scratched his skin, leaving deep gashes. Damn it, thought Flare. As the weather worsened, crack accompanied with a huge boom sounded as a blue ray of lightning shot down the oak tree next to him. "Serves you right," Flare yelled at the tree aloud. I'm glad I didn't get hit by that, he thought to himself. As the tree crumbled to ashes, he saw a deer, bending his head down to eat at short cropped grass. Finally, Flare thought. He slowly crept up to the deer, readying his bow to shoot. The deer's ears perked up, its head raised. Flare had no time. He aimed his arrow at the deer and shot it. A big gust of wind carried it off course, and it thunked into the tree near the deer. Flare's hair bristled as the wind died down. The deer darted off, fast as a lightning bolt. As Flare turned to go back, a shiny blue crystal caught his attention. Its point was sticking out of the deep dirt and ashes. He wondered what it was. At first he thought it was just a shard of broken glass. But then he realized as he approached it it was not glass. It simply couldn't be. The great craftsmanship and the light it emitted....... I think I could sell it. It looks valuable. Before his very eyes, a golden mark of a bow appeared on it. It might be a gift, Flare thought, After all, I'm a great bowman. Without any further hesitation, he scooped it up. Before he knew it, there was a big flash of light, and his body felt like it was tearing apart. and he was grasping a pure golden and green bow with two razor sharp thin blades on the ends with a case of flashing lightning arrows on his back. Just as, he was heading back, he saw a little green alien-like creature slithering slowly by his case of arrows. This probably was the most unusual and dangerous thing he had ever seen. The serpent like animal slithered towards him until they stopped. Without warning, it lunged at him, poison dripping from its sharp fangs. Then, without thought, as if some god was controlling him, he grabbed the bow and an arrow and aimed at the serpent. He let go, and the arrow went straight at the beast. His arrow hit it's mark and the serpent dropped down, dead. The poison still clinged to its teeth. Little drops of it splattered on the ground, causing the grass to wither and droop around its dead body. Flare thought this was probably an ancient weapon that only he was destined to have. If he had this, there was probably a reason for it. He didn't know what that reason, but it would lead him into trouble. Then he blacked out. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ King Delimontorix was annoyed. Not only did he not control the small town of Pamphlos, he also didn't have the other weapons of power. "ARGH!!! Why doesn't power just come to me!" Delimontrix had long suspected that the other six Weapons were in that town. He was in control of almost all of Burglasia, yet that one little, tiny town in the middle of nowhere kept on evading his grasp! He hated the world. "Why can't everything go my way like it should!" He motioned for his guards to go away. All he needed was to go there, take control of the city, and then the weapons of power would be his. "Bwahahahaha!" He cackled. "Nothing will stop me now!" He had been told that whoever collects all the weapons of power-the sword, bow, hammer, axe, mace, spear, and daggers-would be unstoppable. He would live eternally, have everyone bow down before him, and be able to dominate the world! For once, he was glad to be alone. Because, for almost all his life, Delimontrix had been playing second fiddle. He was always bossed around by his older brother, who drove him away. He had been sent into exile by his dad, who seemed to love their dog more than him. He remembered the day, the day he decided to boss around himself and all his enemies. The day he decided to ruled the world, to make it a better place. Delimontrix wanted everyone to be the same, no advantage to older siblings, and everything under his control, and everything would be quite, peaceful, and orderly. Delimontrix smiled, because he knew that the dream would become true. One day... Chapter Two: The Hunt Faith took out her spear and posed to strike. The deer in front of her would feed her for months, and she would get to try to build a bone-tipped spear, which was an idea she came up with weeks ago. She aimed carefully at the deer's chest, when a boom echoed across the valley. The deer turned around, and, noticing her, bolted away. She threw her spear, but the deer was already long gone. She turned around to see where the boom had come from. A few feet away from her, a crater lined with ice was embedded in the ground. That's strange. She thought. If there was an explosion, how could it be covered in ice? Then she noticed the glowing white crystal at the direct center of the blast. HOOOOOOOOW! Went a noise in the distance. HOW-HOW-HOOOW! There it was again. And again. Faith felt a sharp stab of fear as she realized: She was being followed by wolves. She looked around for a weapon. Her spear had broken against the rock it had landed on, and there were no loose rocks to throw. Then she remembered: The crystal. She could use it to hit the wolves. A crystal like that would be extremely sharp. She would only have one shot, but she would make it a good one. Then the wolves dove out of the woods into the clearing. The beasts were bigger than any wolves she had seen, they had gleaming red eyes, and huge fangs dripping with blood. Then a thought occurred to her. She looked up. She was right. The full moon was shining bright in the sky. These weren't regular wolves. These were werewolves. Faith lunged towards the only cover she could find. The wolves dislodged more rocks, and she found sticks on the ground from where the wolves leaped from the woods. An idea began to form in her mind. She grabbed a pile of pebbles, and swept them into a pile. She grabbed a few sticks and looked for one shaped like a Y. Then she took some leather strips from her belt. She tied them onto the stick, and attached a piece of wood on the end. She had made a slingshot. She fit a few pebbles into the slingshot as the wolves searched the clearing. She fired. Pebbles rained down on the werewolves. They turned. "Uh, oh." said Faith. The wolves charged, fangs dripping with saliva. The first one pounced on her. She fired again, aiming at the face. The rock went right into its eye. The wolf howled in pain. It sat down and tried to claw the stone out of its eye, which only made it worse. The rest of the wolves charged. Faith screamed and shot randomly. They all missed the wolves. Faith threw herself away from the wolves. They slammed into the tree behind her. So that's how to avoid them, she thought. She dove behind another tree. "Catch me if you can, wolf-brains!" she yelled. The wolves turned their heads and pounced on her. She scrambled out of the way just in time, and the wolves slammed into each other. The dazed wolves started clawing each other, and Faith charged for the gleaming crystal she had seen. The crystal had sat through the fight, watching. It seemed that it was studying her every move. She ran toward it to slice through the wolf pelts. It seemed sharp enough. Faith leaped onto the crystal with the werewolves on her tail. As she fell on the crystal, the world seemed to move in slow motion. The crystal shimmered, and the image of a spear appeared on it. The moment her finger connected to it, it expanded into a shimmering white spear in a burst of light. She turned toward the wolves and speared them one by one. They didn't stand a chance. Once the last one was dead, she started to feel flimsy. Her vision flickered, then completely blacked out as Faith fainted. Chapter Three: The Prankster George was waiting for his chance to prank someone. He was officially called "The Prankster" and was glad to have the title. He had pranked almost everybody, too. He pulled down pants, took satchels, and loved stealing snacks. He could also pickpocket a few coins . Now, the target was coming: the "master" hunter Flare. He had a new target every day. To make things better, Flare was unconscious. "We'll see how "master" he is." he deemed to himself. He was ready. He creeped toward the body, careful not to wake him up. He checked Flare's pulse. Good. It was very embarrassing to prank a dead body. Then George took his pack of arrows. Barely anyone ever noticed his pranks, but Flare woke up the instant he started to walk away. Flare jumped up and pounced at George, missing him by an inch, and went on his way...a little bit. He had noticed his arrows were on George when he woke up, and went back looking for him. By this time George was already on top of the building. "What do we have here? A bunch of arrows...that's great! Now, he can't show he's a master! Not like he is, anyway..." "Hey, you! You stole my arrows!" Flare yelled. "Wh-what? What arrows?" George stammered. "Give them back!" Flare commanded. "B-but I don't have any arrows!" he cried. "Just do it!" Flare yelled once more. "Fine. Here." Flare was about to take them back when George put them behind his back. "Haha, too slow! Now, I'm gonna throw them off the edge!" And he threw them off the edge. But something happened. It fell and fell and fell and then stopped, there was a flash of green and gold light and it was back to Flare, leaving a tiny crystal the size of a ping-pong ball, but he didn't notice it. As soon as he got it back, he took out an arrow and placed it on his bow. He shot it. It missed George by a millimeter. "Woah, woah, woah. Jeez. It was just a prank!" "And what a failed prank it was. Don't try that again, or I'll actually aim- and believe me, I promise you-next time it will make its mark." "Fine. I'll do a different target next time. And where'd you get that thing-a-ma-bobber?" "It's called a bow, stupid." "That's fine by me, you just go on and do your thing." And that's when the crystal came flying out of nowhere, and exploded in his face. As he got back up steaming when he saw a pulsing yellow, over where the crystal had exploded, causing a tiny fire. He reached over to touch it, thinking about how much it would be worth. And that's the last thing he thought before blacking out. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ When he woke up, he was dressed in a black cloak with a belt. He felt his sides and felt something different, leather. He looked down and saw two hilts coming out of... no, this had to be a dream. He pinched himself really hard. "Oww!" It was no dream. He had weapons. Real weapons. Daggers, to be specific. He was amazed. The blades were orangish-gold, the same yellow of that pulsing light. with dark black handles. He went back into the shadows, not knowing what this meant. Was this luck or not? His father would be proud. Then, Swirling from out of nowhere, a blue tornado swallowed George. Chapter Four: The Meeting Faith woke up in a circle, with two other people around her. Both had fancy looking weapons, like hers. One had a bow, and the other had some daggers. The archer was really handsome, with a striking, lean, figure, though she could not see his face, since he was unconscious. She was instantly in love. The other was kind of ugly, his face contorted with pain. She could tell he was a troublemaker. Then she saw them wake up, one after the other. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ George woke to find a girl staring down at him. She was carrying a fancy spear, almost as nice as his daggers. Almost. Next to him was an unconscious Flare and his fancy bow-and-arrow-thingamabobber. He now noticed that it was also pretty fancy. The girl turned her head, and looked at Flare with a dreamy look on her face. Ah, so she must like him. This is gonna be interesting. he thought. "Who are you?" he asked. "I'm Faith," she said. Then Flare stirred. He brought his head up, slowly, slowly. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Flare opened his eyes to find a very attractive girl looking down on him, and the prankster George sitting next to him. George now had daggers strapped to his waist, and the girl was holding a fancy looking spear that was crackling with icy energy. "Who are you?" asked the girl. "My name is Flare. Who are you?" replied Flare. "I'm Faith. Where did you get that bow?" said Faith. "I found a stone in the woods, and when I touched it the bow appeared, then I fainted, and here I am. What about that sweet-looking spear?" "I found it the same way you found the bow." "By finding a strange crystal?" "Yup." "Well, why do you think we came here?" asked George, "Or are you too Mr. Loveypants to find out?" "Don't mind George. He's annoying." said Flare "You know him?" said Faith. "He's kind of famous for pulling pranks around my village." said Flare. "Yeah?" she replied, "I don't see how we're going to get along with him." "Well, you probably won't notice me with all your goo-goo-ga-ga stuff." said George. "Ugh." said Faith. "Hey, what's that?" asked Faith, indicating what looked like a diamond. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend to find out?" said George smugly. "Hey!" said Flare. He walked towards diamond, and when he neared it, he tripped on a thin wire a fell face-first into a dark, dark hole. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ "Well, well, well," said a creepy voice that seemed to be coming from the shadows of the room, "It seems our trap has caught its first victim." Chapter Five: Merethyl Merethyl bounded through the woods with inhuman grace and speed. Then she came across her home village. She leaped on a house roof and jumped on to another and another. Then her father called her down. He was an elder even though he looked 30. He was actually 352,798,487,765 years old. He was in the 3rd great war of the races, a big battle between the now-extinct dragons, the dwarves, the humans, and the elves. Merethyl was about 100, which was like a newborn baby in elf standards. "Hey dad!" she called. He replied with the slightest nod of his head. She raced past him in a hurry. She had to get home fast! As soon as she got home she shut the door with a loud "Bang!" She took out her assignment book and started reading the assignments. History, blah blah blah, the great war, blah blah blah, Her assignment on weaponry and combat was due tomorrow, Wait? WHAT!?! She hurried until she found the right page. She began reading. Once she was done, she got out her parchment and began writing. She rushed through everything, hoping to be done before tomorrow. Just as she finished her last word, the door swung open. Her dad walked in, holding a scroll that was bound to have boring stuff written in it, but when she read who it was for, her jaw went slack. It was for her! She ripped open the package with excitement, not noticing her dad, who was standing right behind her. She saw what it was, and almost screamed in delight. It was a mace, used rarely by elves. She had forgotten to look at who it was from until her dad mentioned it. It was sent by "Castle of Darkness." She had no idea who this was, or what it said, either. All she knew were kind people had sent her a mace, and she had a mace. She didn't know it was a tracking device, sent by Delimontorix. He had sent one to everyone in the village, with the hopes of finding another magical weapon. Who knew what daylight would hold? It held another usual boring day filled with school and homework and blah blah and blah blah. Until bedtime. Delimontrix was not in luck. So far. Now, he was getting very angry about this, and that, and never being able to find another weapon and other stuff. Merethyl walked outside, past all the dark houses on the street. The sun was setting, turning the sky a warm, glowing yellow. Everyone was supposed to be at the town square, but Merethyl wasn't. She had something else to do. She walked into the dark forest. A gentle breeze bristled her long hair. She put a finger to her mace. A spike tore her skin. Merethyl put her finger up quickly. Blood was flowing down her finger and pooling in her hand. It was scarlet red. She touched it and winced. She wiped the blood hastily on her tunic. She inspected the cut. Then she saw what looked like a big piece of amber. She walked over to see if there were any prehistoric bugs in it. When she touched it, she blacked out. When Merethyl came to, she found that there was an orange-ish brown MACE in her hands. Then she blacked out again. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ "That's funny. I just got a mace," she said when she came to. She saw the old mace broken on the ground. A glowing magi-stone fell out of the handle. "Hey! That mace was just a tracking device! Argh!" Merethyl smashed the tracking device, and the mace, to pieces. Then, she blacked out of weariness. Chapter Six: Prisoner Flare groaned. He tried to move but was chained to the wall. As he looked around he thought to himself, no I am chained to the wall. Just then, a strange voice came out of nowhere that scared him so much, he would have jumped with fright if he was not chained to the wall. Who is that? But before Flare could think about that anymore, the mysterious voice whispered, "I want to help everyone, including you. Please, help me find the weapons. If you do, I will be able to build an empire where no one will have any troubles. Join me or die." "What? Where am I?" "Just help me find the weapons. " "Tell me where I-" "Am? Yes, yes. You are in my dungeon, which is in my castle, which is in Büragalasia, which is in the world. And that is in space." "How did I get here?" "That crystal was a fake. It was a magical transportation device to bring you here. Unconscious." "Let me go!" "No. Please- You must realize that I mean you no harm!" "I'll show you! I have my-my-my-" he stuttered, realizing his weapon wasn't with him. "Your bow? It isn't yours, unless you are bonded to it, that is." "But I found it! Finders keepers!" "In that case, YOU are mine." "Darn it." "Ha ha, I turned your words against you." "No! No no no no no no no no no! "You remind me of my son a bit." "GET...ME...OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Sure! I'll get you out, I'll take you to the void!" "No!" "Why?" "Because I will probably die!" "Well, too bad. Also, there is a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that you will survive, and a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that you will be granted infinite wisdom, so I hope you have really Really REally REAlly REALly REALLy REALLY good luck. " The voice showed itself to be a strange figure, cloaked in black. Flare could just barely make out his shape. "Will you let me go now?" "Yes. I'm going to take you to the void, whether you like it or not." Chapter Seven: The Void The void was a big hollow between the land of Bürgulasia and the Land of the Reverse. The void was filled with dust and trash. Sometimes people dumped their waste in. People sometimes attempted to brave the void. They were never seen again. Sometimes prisoners were dumped into the void. They were never seen again. There were rumors, though, that if you managed to escape the void alive, you were granted infinite wisdom. That was the one thing Delimontrix was counting on. Either he never exited the void and he would get to keep the sword, or he got wise enough to realize that he was trying to help the boy, and the boy would help him. It was the perfect plan, that helped him either way, no matter what happened, infinite wisdom or not. So, by all means, he would dump the boy into the void with no thinking twice. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ When they got to the void they got out the cage from the wagon. Flare struggled against the soldiers holding him. "Why are you doing this?!?" Flare yelled as he kicked to get free. "It is for your own good. Now, maybe you will realize that when you have infinite wisdom," said Delimontrix, "Throw him in!" "Yes sir, Your Highness," said the soldier. Then he kicked the struggling Flare right into the void. He dropped like a rock when the pull of the void started to come into effect. Delimontrix started to laugh. He had finally gotten one of the weapons of power. He started to laugh harder when he realized that now, with the bow of lightning, he could not be stopped. He was unbeatable. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Meanwhile, in a cave in the void, a man stirred. The forces of lightning had been united at last. Chapter Eight: ??? A beam of sunlight shone through a crack in the trees, looking down on a patch of grass as two figures strode through the forest. One carried gleaming flame-colored daggers, while the other had an icy white spear slung over her back. "Where did he go?" asked Faith, "Probably the Void. Everything lost ends up there." replied George. "NO!" shouted Faith. She raised her spear as she heard a rustling in the bushes. "What is it? A itsy bitsy spider that will come and eat you up?" asked George mockingly. "No. something to hunt." "Oh, Chapter Nine: Falling It was dark. And creepy. Flare was scared. Not the "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a spider!" scared or "There are monsters in my closet!" scared. He was truly scared. He fell through the gray mist, and felt a vibration go through his body. And suddenly he hit something. And that something was a tree. The impact broke his chains. The tree was covered in rough bark, and it scraped Flare's knees. The branch trembled under his weight and broke. He started falling again. Nothing was to be seen through the dark atmosphere of the Void. "Will this ever end?!" he shouted out to nobody in particular. He slammed into more trees sticking out of the treacherous cliff. Many times he tried to get traction, but only succeeded in scrambling uselessly against the wall. Then, he saw a big slot of land sticking out from the wall. He knew he would never survive the fall, so he looked for the closest tree branch. He grabbed on, and tried to stay on, but the gravity was too much to handle. He let go. Flare hit the ground. "Ugh," Flare groaned, "Where am I? Did I hit my head?" He looked around. It was dark and dusty and damp. Suddenly, a shadow moved out from the dark. "Huh? What?" And it moved again. This can't happen! It's dark, and so I shouldn't see shadows! thought Flare. Things here were weird. What was he doing here? And then he remembered. "Delimontorix, I'll get you!" There was another vibration in his body, this time stronger. And stronger. And stronger. "What's happening to me?" Quite suddenly, the vibration stopped. He felt mist come on his neck, and then a snort. He slowly turned around... and wished he hadn't. Standing in front of him was a troll-orc thingy, towering over him. Chapter Ten: The Mines Orin the dwarf picked up his pickaxe and went back to work, mining, and mining, and mining. He wondered how his sister was doing, the leader of the fearless, courageous leaders of the rebels. Not army. Rebels. To be specific, an army of rebels against the Dwarven Kingdom. Suddenly, his pickaxe hit something hard, bringing him back to reality. It was as hard as diamond. He looked down to uncover it. It suddenly shone, so bright he had to cover his eyes. It was a golden crystal! He reached down to touch it. He picked it up, and then he had a huge headache. Images flickered through his head. A trio of humans, one having a bow, another having a spear, and the last having daggers...An elf, twirling a mace around, beating warriors to the sides...Him, being a warrior, crushing knights in black armor, slaying dragons...His sister, riding into battle with her sword in hand, leading the rebels...His sister again, kneeling on the ground, an arrow in her arm...The elves, humans, and dwarves all joining forces against a dark army...Him, the elf, and the trio of humans battling against a dark robed figure with a sword and a girl with an axe... BOOOMMMMMMMM!!! He was suddenly jerked back to consciousness by an explosion, or at least a thing that BOOOM!!!ed. He tried to stand up, but his pickaxe was heavier than usual. He looked at his pickaxe-and saw no pickaxe. In his hand was a hammer, a golden hammer with silver and white lining. It had strange markings on the handle. Only the elite warriors used hammers! He wondered whose it was, but suddenly realized that none of the elite warrior's hammers were gold with silver and white lining, and definitely did not have markings. "It must be the king's, surely no one else would have it", said Orin. Then, a swirl of light appeared in his head. He bent down in pain as the headache took over his body. When he woke, he could understand what the markings meant. Orin They said. The markings said his name. This hammer was for no king. Somehow, and he did not now why, but the hammer was for him. And so he set off for the king, hoping to claim the hammer for himself. Chapter Eleven: The Forge and the Forger He reached for his quiver instinctively, but recognizing his foolishness, scurried away, hiding behind the tree. There he got a better view of what the orc was protecting. "A cave. Why?" Then he felt another vibration go through his body, like a pulling to the cave. And a tornado of wind and electricity consumed him, dragging him past the orc and into the cave. Then it stopped. He found himself in a cave. There were seven tunnels. "Which one should I go through?" Then he felt that pulling again, but to the very right tunnel. He decided to follow that path, since it had been right every time. He stepped through the tunnel. It was dark, with occasional flashes of bolts of lightning lighting the way. He felt his way along, making sure not to trip. When he reached the end of the tunnel, he looked around. In the center of the room was an old-ish man sitting at a table, holding a hammer in one hand and a piece of metal in the other. The hammer bent the metal and burned it, searing it with the mark of a lightning bolt. Then he looked up. "Who are you, young man?" And then he stepped back from the table, looking astonished. "You-you found my bow? You have the scent of Lightning on you. How did you find it?" "Who are you? What is this place?" "This is the forge. I'm the one who uses it most now. I am Zeros, Sorcerer of Lightning. And you found my bow." "It's rightfully mine. I found it. And plus, you can't get it. It's at Delimontrix's castle." "I forged that bow with my own hammer. It is mine. But to defeat Delimontrix, you'll need it. And I can bond you with the bow. Then, you can get the bow back." "Do it." "Consider it done." ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ As Faith and George walked past the River of Hope hoping to find some rest, when Faith heard a faint SCREEEEEEEECCHHHHH! "What the heck was that?" asked Faith incredulously. "I dunno," replied George sarcastically, "probably your grandmother making a mess over there by the waterfall." "Shut up, George!" "Why? Are you scared?" "No! We-will you just shut up!?" "Ha! I knew it!" They argued for a long time, but after that, set off on the journey to find Flare. A little way in the journey, they came to stop at a waterfall. When they were done, they started to get ready for the long way ahead. Then they heard an extremely loud, ear-shattering SCREEEEEEEECCHHHHH! again. And then, a bird appeared out of the sky. The bird circled round and round the waterfall, and then dived at Faith. Once again, the spear took control, but instead glowed white this time. Her spear went up, and as soon as the strange bird touched it, it turned into a frozen bird that looked like it had been in the freezer for so long, it had crystals sprouting off of it. And then it fell. As soon as it reached halfway, a darkness consumed it, and it was pulled into the waterfall by the darkness. "Let's go in there," said George, " where your grandmother is making such a huge mess, Faith." "Shut up!" "Nah, not going to happen." "SHUT UP, OKAY!" "Why don't we fall and get pulled by darkness? You first." And with that, he pushed her in. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Faith, as she plunged down to her sure doom. In mid fall, a blackness came and absorbed her, and then she felt herself go through the waterfall, her hair getting splashed with cold water, and her clothes getting cold. And then she landed on a rough stone floor, which skinned her elbows. She looked around. "Hello? Anybody home?" George fell in behind her, but with years of experience from escaping failed pranks he rolled over and was able to land on his feet, no scratches. "You're terrible at falling without getting hurt." said George. "Really? Huh? Can you prove it?" "Yes. You just got hurt a couple of seconds ago." "Besides that." "Nope. But I didn't get hurt." They walked around, trying to find an owner, or at least a person. They searched for a couple of minutes and then gave up. And then they heard a noise. A noise that only a person could make. They ran up the tunnel to find an old man in dark robes cooking the bird they had fought earlier over a fire. "Who are you?" asked George. "Huh?" said the old-ish man. He turned around, and then his eyes widened. "Visitors!" "Who are you?" "I am Nervo, the Sorcerer of Darkness." "Ah!!! Run!!! It's an evil sorcerer!" "No, I'm the Sorcerer of Darkness the element, appointed by Peleanus to protect the island. Not an evil sorcerer!" "That's what they all say! Run away!!!!!" "Stop!" shouted the guy named Nervo. And that is the point where they stopped. They were reeled back to him like a fish being reeled back by a fishing pole. They couldn't run away. "Come have dinner, and I'll tell you about myself. If you wish." ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ George and Faith sat on wooden stools, listening to Nervo, talking as the bird cooked over the flaming, red fire. "I remember the days that I was strong and could travel anywhere I wanted. Those were the days when Peleanus had appointed me and six others to protect the land from evil. We have failed to do that. First there was The Great War. Many died. Warriors, elves, dwarves, dragons and other creatures. And then we all fought over the seven weapons of power, the seven weapons of the elements, over whose was better. The Bow and Arrows of Lightning, the Spear of Ice, the Daggers of Fire, the Hammer of Earth, the Mace of Air, and the Axe of Water." "You said there were seven weapons. That list only has six weapons in it." "I was getting to that. The seventh was forged by me. The Sword of Darkness. It is now bonded with Delimontrix. He has trapped me here with his dark magic. Now, all that remains of the island is evil, only one piece of it is good. All because of Delimontrix, the evil human who has risen to power. He is now after all the weapons of power." George was mad. "Why did you give it to him!? Nervo's evil, Faith! I told you that he was evil! Why did you not listen to me!?" "Whoa, calm yourself!" He looked down. "He forced me to bond him with the weapon, threatening to kill the other sorcerers if I didn't. I couldn't let him kill my fellow sorcerers. And so I did his evil bidding." "Well, tell us how we can stop him." "First, you must unite the dwarves and elves. Then go to my friend, the Sorcerer of Fire, to know what to do next. But be careful. He can be unpredictable sometimes. But he will let you pass. I know your two's scents. You-" He pointed at Faith. "-Have the scent of Ice. This means you have the Spear of Ice. And you-" He pointed to George. "-Have the scent of Fire. You have the Daggers of Fire, the weapon forged by him. The Daggers are the key part to passing into his realm." "How come you tell us to go to the Sorcerer of Fire if you can just tell us what we have to do altogether?" "Because I don't know everything you have to do. All the Sorcerers have one part of the whole plan, But none of them know all of it." "Are you going to let us go now?" "Yes, you can. But I don't suggest it right now. Creatures, hungry creatures, lie in wait for food, and if you go out now, you will become their dinner. So, I suggest you stay here to have a rest, and then set out in the morning." "Okay, then. Let's do exactly that." Chapter Thirteen: The Axe of Water It was raining hard in the Woodcutter's Gorge, one of the most mysterious parts of the forest. Glacia, a woodcutter, and the only one brave enough to enter The Gorge, was furiously cutting the tree with her axe when she saw something. She stuck her axe in the ground. What is that? She thought. From where she was, it appeared that the rain was falling into a hole in a lightning-struck tree, and forming a crystal as clear as water inside of it. On the crystal was the mark of an axe. I could sell this for a lot of money when I get home. She thought. Better take it now before it gets too heavy. So, she walked over to the crystal. Should I take it now, or should I wait until it gets heavier and more expensive? She thought. She thought about this question for a while. Eventually, she got tired. She plopped down on the tree, forgetting the crystal was there. There was a screaming pain on her back, then she blacked out. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ When Glacia woke up, she saw not a stone below her now-bleeding back, but a gleaming blue and gold axe. It was beautiful. She picked the axe off her back, used a bandage to help it, and cut a tree with her axe to see what it could do. Water started spewing out of the tree before she knew it. She couldn't believe her eyes! She cut another, and the force was so strong that a bright blue line came from the axe, and it cut down ten trees in a row, and they were all vomiting water. Soon, there was an entire stream in the middle of the gorge. Than the river got so big, Glacia had to run for her life. "AHHH!" She screamed. A black and silver chain latched onto her feet, and the pulled her into a few really spiky bushes. She tried to scramble away with her hands, but to no avail. She then tried to grab onto the branches, only to hurt her hands and pull them back instantly. She exited the bushes to find a gleaming silver sword next to her neck. " Look what we have here." said an ominous voice. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Glacia fought against her bonds. "Where are you taking me?" she asked her captor. "To the King." he said. "Delimontrix will like your fancy axe." Soon enough they reached the castle. It approached like a looming tower of darkness. When they reached the throne room a tall man in black robes and a black cape awaited. He was carrying a black sword, and a gold crown with black jewels was sitting atop his head. There was a strange black mist swirling around him. Glacia's captor walked up to him and presented the axe. "Is this any value?" He asked. The tall man who was supposedly the king examined it, hardly believing his own eyes. "Of course it is, Amoxy. This is the Axe of Water. I will pay you double for it." said King Delimontrix. Delimontrix had a deep, grand voice that seemed to trick people into doing whatever he says. He piled a five huge bags of gold coins into Amoxy's wagon. Amoxy smiled. Then the king turned to Glacia. "Kind woman, what is your name?" Glacia knew it was wrong, but a strange force made her think she should answer. "Glacia." She said in her most charming voice. "And where did you find this?" "In Woodcutter's Gorge." "SERVANT!" "Yes, my lord?" "Tell the army to search every single crack in the gorge, and tell them that they will get promoted if they are brave enough to do it, and demoted if they don't." "Yes, sir." The servant walked away. Delimontrix turned to his guards. "Go! Put her in the highest security level of the dungeon. Put the axe on the display case!" he boomed. The guards grabbed Glacia. They walked down every pair of staircases in the castle until they reached a hole. They threw Glacia in and chained her to the wall. She was trapped. Chapter Fifteen: The Promise Merethyl walked through the woods, her sunset-colored mace at her side. She wanted to boast to the WHOLE Elven Kingdom that she had a cool new mace, and that the others were tracking devices. When she got home, she read the letter that had come with the mace. It said: Hear me, people of the Elven Kingdom, for in this package lies a mace. If you find any cool-looking weapons, give them to me, for I am looking for the Seven Weapons of Power, especially the Sunset Mace. From, King Delimontrix of Bürgulasia The Castle of Darkness Merethyl felt angry. He knew that she would find the cool mace!!! This must be the Sunset Mace! she thought. She had to leave this place NOW!!! She ran out of the house, grabbed the Sunset Mace, and jumped on her neighbor's house. She ran and jumped onto the next house, and the next, and so on until she reached the forest. She jumped off of the last house and fell into a cloudy vortex that suddenly appeared under her feet. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Merethyl awoke inside a cave. She headed towards the door. She opened it and looked out. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed. The cave was hovering several miles above the ground. "Sorry to scare you, young elf." said a young man in orange robes. "I am Theanos, Sorcerer of Air, and it seems you have found my mace." "WHAT!?!" yelled Merethyl. "Yes. Now, I need you to help me defend the realm from Delimotrix." "Delimontrix? You mean the guy who sent me the tracking device?" "The very same." "Sooo, can you tell me if this IS the Sunset Mace he spoke of?" "Of course it is. If it wasn't, then the mace wouldn't have been forged by me." Merethyl looked down at the mace in her hands, and then back up at Theranos. "Sooo, what powers does this 'Weapon of Power' give me?" "The power of air, of course, but to harness it, you need to be bonded with the mace." "Can you do that?" "Only if you promise to protect the realm and battle Delimontrix, yes." "I promise." "Then it shall be done." ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Merethyl walked out of the cave. Thankfully, it was on the ground. There was a fountain in front of her. "This is the Fountain of Air." Thanos explained. Merethyl walked over to The Fountain of Air. It was filled with a strange orange ish liquid. Theanos walked over and mumbled something strange. He dipped the Sunset Mace into the liquid. He chanted a song that made her feel like she was floating. He stopped chanting and pulled a crystal out of the liquid, and dipped it back inside. He then put on gloves and pulled out a gleaming mace. This is it! Merethyl thought. She reached out and grabbed hold of the Sunset Mace. She felt a searing in her wrist as she took hold of it, and then she felt like she was falling through the air, falling and falling and never stopping. Suddenly it all stopped. Merethyl could jump higher than any elf, see farther than any falcon, and smell better than any dog. She felt amazing. She was now the Keeper of Air. Chapter Sixteen: The Beasts and Bonding Orin heard another cannon fire. He was scared, but he couldn't give up now. He kept walking, step, by step, by echoing step. He was almost to the throne room when a big vibration rattled everything. He was knocked to the ground. He didn't drop the hammer, though. When he got up he dusted himself off. Behind him, he heard a terrible roar and the shout of hurried guards. He turned around... and saw not only one monster, but a whole pack of Charmas. Ten, at least. He had to help the other dwarves! He slammed his pickaxe at one. It broke. He slammed his hammer on the ground. The Charmas pounced only to fall into a deep crevice. Orin paused and thought, where had that crevice come from??? When he was momentarily stunned he a gust of wind blew and he tumbled into the crevice. He tried to climb up but his arms felt like rubber. The same wind blew again, this time stronger, and he lost grip, falling into the darkness that lay around him, waiting. He last thought was: Why do I still have the Hammer in my hand??? The air whistled around him as he fell, bits of earth and dust clinging on to him as he fell. Then his head hit something hard and he blacked out. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Flare was nearly ready to bond. He waited while Zeros set up a Fountain of Lightning. He filled it with a bright blue magical liquid. Zeros started to chant an energizing song, so energizing it truly zapped whoever was listening. The room glowed blue, even though there was no light at all. Zeros pulled out of the liquid an Orinumizic crystal, like the one Flare had found in the woods. A ball of energy burst from it, and the bow appeared. Flare picked it up, and he felt himself being struck by lightning about a million times a second. It was a painful process. Flare felt himself fill up with the lightning. He shut his eyes. All of a sudden, it stopped. He had better senses. He had enough energy to last a whole year. "Arise, Keeper of Lightning" said Zeros." Flare felt great. But someone else wasn't having as much luck as him. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Delimontrix was happy. He had three weapons of power, and he had one of the people fighting against him trapped in the void. So, how did he feel when the Bow and Arrows of Lightning disappeared from his hands? He was so angry, he grabbed his sword and completely chopped up his one throne, and the stand where the Bow used to be. Delimontrix's luck had run out, and besides that, one of the elf-maces he had sent had disappeared from his GPS. Delimontrix was angrier than the word SUPERDUPEREXTRAYOURNOTGOINGTOBELEIVEMEANGRY!!!!!!! Chapter Seventeen: Ferinious Faith and George were walking to find the Sorcerer of Fire. They were excited to do this "bonding" Nervo had told them about. "I can't wait to fry your bones, and then set Flare's pants on fire until he's naked!" exclaimed George, laughing. "Well, I'd just freeze my bones back and then make Flare some ice clothes, and then Flare would just use whatever his element is against you." replied Faith. "You do know that ice is clear, right? And also, I bet Flare's element is in irony with his name. I bet it's water. You think he can use THAT against me?" countered George smugly. This went on for a while. Finally, they reached a small settlement in the middle of a lava pit. "How are we supposed to get there? Do you think we'll have to work together?" said George as if it was the worst thing possible. "I don't know." said Faith. Then she stuck her spear into the ground. Suddenly, an icy bridge gleaming with frost froze in the air above the lava. Faith looked surprisingly at her spear. "Quick! Let's get across before the heat melts the ice!" They walked over the ice bridge and into the small cottage. "Visitors?" an ominous voice said. "Wait. You have the scent of fire. Do you by any chance have my daggers?" "I think so." said George. "I have daggers. Can you describe yours for me?" "They are bright yellow with gleaming black handles. Are those your daggers?" said the voice. "By the way, my name is Ferinious." "Yup, those are the ones!" replied George. "What element are you?" asked Ferinious. "I am Faith. From what my spear has been doing lately, I'm pretty sure it's ice." replied Faith. "I see. Slathea put a little more ice in her spear than that was required. That is why you can use your ice without being bonded. By the way, young man, what is your name, and you need to be bonded so that you can use the element of fire with your daggers. Would you like to do that?" "Sure! It would help my pranks a lot! Also, my name is George." "Keep in mind, there is a lot of pain in the process, George." "Okay. Don't care." "Now, I will take you to the spot." And then he blacked out. Chapter Eighteen: The Depths of Darkness Orin awoke. He was still clutching the Golden Hammer. He sat up turning the hammer in his palm. Funny, he thought, how he still had it in his hand after the fall. He looked around. He was inside a narrow tunnel with outcroppings of rock everywhere. He jumped up and started walking toward the side with more light, hoping to find the "exit". The sad thing was, there was no exit sign or any maps anywhere!!! Suddenly, he passed a blur of white paper. He backtracked a few big steps, hoping to get a better glance at it. When he was 2 inches away from it. It read in huge blurry letters: WEJRMKE TM TCE VMDG THE FORGERS' LANGUAGE F O R G E A B C D H I J K L M N P Q S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Orin had no earthly idea what those letters meant, so he just ripped it off the wall and was about to put it in his pocket when the paper suddenly exclaimed: "How rude!" "Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Orin. He shoved it in his pocket and kept going. As he trudged through the rocky tunnels he finally came to a small room-cave thingy. No one there. He found a door and something fell on top of him. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Orin screamed with fright. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed the other something. Was it, he, even a person??? He thought. When they finally untangled themselves, Orin saw someone, very tall, who smelled like... a piece of roasted meat. The tall boy smiled weakly and waved at him. "Hi, I'm Flare, Keeper of Lightning. You're in the Void Maze. Who are you, dwarf?" "I um...uh... am... Orin " "What are you holding?" "It's a.. Uh... golden hammer that found up while mining a cr-" Orin was cut short by a dull boom coming from behind them. They spun at the same time only to see a pack of Charmas, growling, and hissing, pawing the ground with their huge paws. Their glowing black and golden pelts shined with light. Blood caked their muscular bodies as if they already kill many, many, void victims. Like Flare and Orin. "Oh no," said Flare and Orin together. They attacked together, Flare shooting explosive arrows that occasionally shot lightning at rapid fire speed while Orin leaped forward swinging his golden hammer. In a few seconds, they had a heap of dead Charmas, while the others retreated. As Orin slid his hammer in his belt and Flare slung his bow over his head, the Charmas that had retreated launched forward again, their Orinumizic claws unsheathed. They caught Flare and Orin off guard and managed to claw Flare and scratch Orin. Flare backtracked two steps and shot out of the glowing doorway. Orin followed close behind. And sadly, as well as the Charmas. They lept over their comrades' dead bodies, seeking revenge. "You distract, I'll attack from behind," whispered Flare to Orin. "Okay, but make it quick, I don't want to be the Charmas' fat plump dinner," said Orin without sarcasm. "Okay." Orin leaped forward, swinging like a madman. His golden hammer reflected the tiny rays of sunlight that was shining through the numerous cracks in the rocks. Meanwhile, Flare strung his bow and yelled: "Stand back!!!" And released to arrow. As Orin ran back to Flare the arrow struck the ground and a shaft of crimson lightning shot down from the sky electrocuting and shocking the remaining Charmas. "Whew" said Flare. "Whew", said Orin. "Okayyyy, what - I mean how did you get here?" "Well, I um......... fell." "Uhh. What?" "Yes. And then blacked out.", said Orin, now talking quieter, obviously not wanting to talk about the topic. Then they both went onward through the maze. Chapter Nineteen: The Raid Delimontrix stared at the map, thinking. Where were those STUPID weapons? He sat there for minutes thinking, if not for hours. He scanned the map one more time for any possible hidden place that the weapons were. No luck there. A few more hours later a messenger ran in, gasping for breath. He manage to get out: "Sir...GASP....GASP......there is a...... GASP......GASP.....GASP....a.....siege on our supply ship....GASP....we have been.... GASP....outnumbered....GASP...we need your help....GASP....sir....PLEASEEEE!!!!!" Delimontrix considered this request for a moment. Then he smiled. He had the perfect plan. "Be there in a moment." "Really sir?" "Yes. NOW GET OUT OF HERE YOU IDIOT!!!!!!" ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Glacia stared at the the roof of her hole. She heard the rustling of mail armor, followed by the swishing of a cape. Delimontrix is coming! She thought. Maybe he'll free me! She sat there, hopeful. Delimontrix did come a few minutes later. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at her. She froze instantly. "Guards!" he called. The guards came and unlocked the door. With Delimontrix still pointing the sword at her, she stood up, hands high above her head. Or at least tried to. Her chains just made it one-hundred percent harder. Delimontrix sliced his sword until it was inches from her neck. "Obey me, or else." Glacia shuddered. Being sliced in half was not on her "Not-so-bad ways to die" list. So, there left only one way to not die. She had to obey Delimontrix. "What do you want me to do, sir?" She asked, her voice trembling with fear. "I'm going to get the seven magical weapons of power. I have the Sword of Darkness and the Axe of Water. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ "Why did I ever agree to do this!?" Glacia moaned as she climbed up the treacherous mountain. Loose rocks wobbled and fell. Nuts, she thought as the rocks came toward her, falling, falling, falling... Chapter Twenty: Aurora Aurora twirled around, slicing her sword with ease. She was half elf, so she was basically a tall dwarf who could live billions of years. She sometimes worried about her half brother Orin. He wasn't half elf, so he would only live a normal life, and the mines were a dangerous place, with the chance of invading a Charma den, entering a lava cave, falling into a fissure, cutting yourself in half with your pickaxe, and there was always the chance that he would fall into the void, but that was EXTREMELY unlikely. There was like a 00000000001% chance that THAT would happen. But, she was the leader of the rebels, and she had other things to worry about such as that mysterious Delimontrix guy who was going to wipe them all out. She walked over to the window of her base. The army was wandering through the woods under the cover of darkness. There target was simple, but heavily armed. The army was nearly impossible to spot without knowing where they were in the first place. They inched forward towards the ship. That's right. She was attacking Delimontrix's ship. The rebels climbed onto the hull, scaling the steep slope that was the ship. Once they got to the top, they threw down some rigging that would easily act as a ladder so the rest of the army could climb up. When they all got to the top, they searched for the artillery to steal. Suddenly, a whole legion of soldiers jumped from all over the ship, and in the underbrush around the ship. A few fully armed battleships turned the corner and started to attack. This was no supply run. This was a trap. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ George woke up on a black ground with glowing red cracks running through it. In front of him, he saw a fountain spewing lava, and in behind that was a big volcano crater. We're inside Mount Shardilius! He realized with a gasp. Ferinious was standing in front of the fountain and dropped in the daggers. He summoned George forward. He then chanted a mysterious spell. Next, he instructed George to reach into the lava and pull out what he felt. "Are you crazy?!?" he yelled. "I'll get burned!" "No you won't." replied Ferinious. "You have the protection of fire over you. Fire can no longer harm you." George reached into the fire and felt around. It felt just like warm water, just a bit chunkier. He found a stone and pulled it out. As soon as it left the lava, it turned back into the daggers, and he felt a searing pain on his wrist. His whole body felt like it had just caught fire, being burned. He thrashed about, trying to break the invisible flames that tortured him. And then it stopped. He tossed a dagger at the wall. It didn't leave his hand. Instead, a fireball came off the tip and crashed into the wall. He then aimed another one at the opposite wall and tossed it. That one shot a line of flame. This hit the wall high. A dark figure holding something shiny and blue fell from the wall. I think I'm going to like these daggers even better now. He thought. Then the figure got up. The shiny thing was a fancy blue axe. "The Axe of Water" he breathed. The figure took off its hood, revealing long, dark hair. "I am Glacia, and this is my new axe. I wonder what it can do to this place." she said. Glacia suddenly started hacking at the floor with her axe. Water started spurting out towards George. He threw his third dagger to see what it would do. This time, the dagger left his hand and was instantly consumed in flames. The flaming projectile hit the ground before the water and wall of flame came up to battle the flood. George went two-handed, throwing fireballs and flamethrowing at Glacia, who blocked them with her axe. George then threw a sideways line of flame at Glacia. The line took out the crack and stopped the waterflow, and then went on to Glacia. It hit her hard, and she went stumbling into the far wall of the crater. She fell down, unconscious. "Bravo, bravo." said Ferinious. "But keep in mind, she is obviously un-bonded. That was an easy fight to win. Her boundaries are limitless when she is, so let's get out of here quickly, and get Faith to Slathea. We shall go now." "Got it." replied George. Then they left the crater. Chapter Twenty-One: The Maze Flare and Orin walked through the maze together. After the encounter with the Charmas, they were both feeling a bit wary. They stumbled through the maze, guided by the map Flare had gotten from Zeros. They had to be careful, because the maze was filled with traps, and those weren't on the map. They also had to figure out the maze, because there isn't a big red arrow telling you where to go. A miner fell out of the wall. "Auri" he muttered. "Huh?" Orin asked, uncomprehending. "Mc, d gdgl't see ymu tceqe." the miner said with surprise. "OOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Orin as he realized what was going on. He quickly pulled the piece of paper out of his pocket and decoded the sentence. He squinted at the small letters and tried to make his own sentence. "...R...F...L...um...Y...M...U...uh...B...E...J...N...hmmm...U...S...yeah, that's it! RFL YMU BEJN US." "Mc, m ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ A while later, Flare and Orin found a little hollow in the wall. "What does the map say?" Orin asked. "It has a big 'F' with a weird crest around it." replied Flare. "I wonder what that means." said Orin. They walked into the little cave. There was a tunnel protruding into it. They went in. They emerged in a big cave. Inside were two of the biggest Charmas either of them had ever seen. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! CHARMAS!!!" screamed Orin. Flare aimed his bow carefully. A bright blue lightning bolt emerged from it and struck the wall next to one of the charmas. A mini avalanche of rocks buried the first charma. "Cronious!" yelled an unseen mysterious voice said. "Sorry about your troubles. Cronious, Cranious, sit. These guys are always biting the heads off our guests before I get there. I see you there are the Keeper of Lightning. And you feel like the holder of earth. I see your hammer. I am Xeronimous, Sorcerer of Earth. "I will bond you, as long as you feel like it." said the figure. Flare shrugged. They both walked through the doorway on the other side of the room. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Faith and George packed up their weapons and set off for Slathea. They heard that she was on the outside of Mount Shardilious, as Ferinious had been on the inside, so it would be an easy trip. They said goodbye to Ferinious and went off. "Say, where do you think Flare is? We haven't been searching in a while." said Faith. "Why? Are you in love with him?" replied George mockingly. "Of course not. I just miss him." "Because if you don't see each other again you can't get married? Or because you love him and want him back so you can kiss him?"" "NO! I told you a billion times, we are NOT IN LOVE!" "Then why do you blush like crazy whenever we talk about him?" Faith blushed. "HA!" "Shouldn't we keep going? I'm starting to think he actually DID fall into the void." "Have you ever noticed that you always deny being in love with him? That means you ARE in love with him." "#@!* you." "Hey, don't you know that when two people argue a lot they are usually in love with each other?" "Double #@!* you." "Hey, I think we're here. There's a big house made of ice." "Triple #@-- Wait, what!?" "I said I think we're here. Will you forget about Flare for one minute?" "Uhhhhhh," "I thought so. Let's go in." The interior of the house was icy and surprisingly cold. For some reason, the house had air conditioning, but no heater. Typical of an Ice/Cold/Freezing person (a.k.a. Slathea). "George, could you warm us up?" said Faith. "Sure." replied George. George held up his dagger and it caught fire. The house warmed up instantly. "Ahh, visitors." said a mysterious voice. "I am Faith, and I carry the Spear of Ice. I would like to be bonded." "Not yet. The rebellion is about to get ambushed by Delimontrix. We must get there before he does." "Then let us go." Chapter Twenty-Two: The Ambush Delimontrix watched with pride as his ambush took place. The battleships were starting to fire on the ship. Splinters of wood filled the air as the cannons fired at will. Delimontrix's ship was armed, but it wasn't his real ship. He was in his real ship, watching the trap take place. The hidden soldiers were taking the rebels by storm, and the others were climbing aboard. This was perfect. In the two hours he had to set up an ambush before they attack, this was working perfectly. ༺ᄽ☯╠🌊⚡🌋╣☯ᄿ༻ Aurora saw the ships coming in and rushed to the armory to suit up. She grabbed her sharpest sword, her strongest armor, and her best legion to help her attack. She zoomed down to the jungle below, grabbing every soldier she found on the way. They headed into the battle taking place below. The ground was covered in Delimontrixian soldiers. The rebels chopped through the soldiers like crazy. The Delimontrixians had no chance at all. The rebels had almost no casualties at all! Then, a girl wearing a black outfit and blue cape holding a dark blue axe appeared. "I am Glacia, Holder of Water. I will destroy you." she said. "No, I will destroy you. I am the leader of the rebellion, and the most skilled swordswoman you have ever seen!" said Aurora "Ahh, Delimontrix will be happy with this. You are going to be the catch of the day." Aurora swung her sword at Glacia. Glacia parried with her axe, which broke Aurora's blade easily. She swung hard and a beam of light sliced towards Aurora. Aurora ducked, but it picked off a few of the soldiers behind her. Aurora leaped towards Glacia, grabbing her axe with both of her hands and thrusting it towards one of the approaching battleships. The battleship split in half and fell into the sea. "Delimontrix will be very angry with you when he finds that your axe caused one of his best ships to sink." said Aurora mockingly. "AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" yelled Glacia. She thrust her axe towards the supply ship they were raiding. The ship split in half, but not before a good portion of the army saw what was coming and abandoned ship. Aurora leapt at her

The Sphinx

The Sphinx By Jonah kerchner and Zameel Mohammed For our friends And our families Special Thanks to Tania Shenk, Gloria Bryant,, Ethan Liu, and Alvin Guo Pre-Readers: 8/10 Lucas+Kerry+Elias+Eric+Keston+Yasmina+John+Ryan Pre-Pre-Readers: Teachers/Parents+Alvin+Lucky Winner (out of the ten) In memory of Deanna Perucci who taught us so much and helped us write this book Table of Contents Prologue - page 3 Chapter One - page 6 Chapter Two - page 9 Chapter Three - Page 13 Chapter Four - Page 17 Chapter Five - Page 21 Chapter Six - Page 25 Chapter Seven - Page 28 Prologue CIRCA 30 BCE The Sphinx sat dominantly upon his magnificent, jewel-encrusted throne, looking down at the kingdom of Egypt. His slaves were laboriously dragging a heavy block of sandstone down the beaten dirt path to his main creation, silhouetted in the afternoon sun. The Lion-Man swept his tail from side to side impatiently. The slaves were moving slowly, far too slowly. He growled his distaste. The statue had to be ready by nightfall, when The Mothership would leave to his home planet to bring the rest of the population. "Ra!" Sphinx called. A muscled man with the mask of a falcon walked into the throne room. He was almost as magnificent as the Sphinx, and almost as intimidating with a whip in his hand "What do you want, my Lord?" asked Ra. "The slaves need to work faster. I need that statue done by nightfall, so tell them if they don't finish by then, I'll have their heads!" bellowed Sphinx. "Yes sir, Your Highness." murmured Ra "The slaves will work overtime until that statue is complete." He bowed and exited the room. "Now then, Horus!" barked Sphinx again. A muscled man in green and gold battle armor with the mask of a hawk entered the room in Ra's place. His battle-hardened skin was covered in a variety of scars. Horus was the leader of Sphinx's warfare unit and commanded thousands of Sphinx's troops "What is it, Your Majesty?" he inquired. "I want all of the slaves' memories rewritten before we leave." "All of them, my Lord?" asked Horus, gulping. "All of them," confirmed Sphinx, "Make some of them think that they were the slave owners, so that they never know how the statue was created. But keep some of them as slaves. Make sure that they remember us, though. Not fully, but as gods. Yes, that sounds good, me, a god." "I can do that, sir, but it will take a while. Sir, do you think we could end the statue project so we could do them all earlier?" Sphinx glared at Horus, poised in attack position. Then he pounced, with all his force, landing in front of the creature and holding his claws up to the horrified Horus's throat. "Do you really think that I'll abandon my project?!" "N-n-no sir, I d-don't!" stuttered the terrified Ghiza. "Go," growled Sphinx firmly, "Ghizae need the slaves to remember us. If we discontinue progress on my statue, they will never remember." "I thought you wanted their memories wiped, Sir," Horus questioned. He scrambled to his feet as the King released him. "Do NOT speak to me like this!" bellowed Sphinx, "But I'll let you free, for now..." "Th-thank you, my Lord," the alien general responded. Horus left the room. "All is according to plan. In five days, we shall leave for the home planet, and collect the rest of our population," Sphinx proclaimed to himself, "And we shall kill off our slaves, leaving all of Egypt for us, the Ghizae, to colonize.Soon after we will multiply in numbers, and we shall have this entire planet to ourselves. We shall be the rulers of the Earth." Chapter One JUNE 15, 2023 CE, MIDAIR Andrew sat back on his plane seat as the monster of a machine shot itself up into the air and through the clouds. The past month had been exciting, boring and annoying, and it was only through that instance a little under a month ago that had led to him being on the plane right then. He was thankful that he decided to enter the competition back then, and he was even more thankful for the hard work he had put into it. Andrew leaned back in his seat as he remembered... MAY 17, 2023 CE Maybe it was how he looked, or that he just never seemed to be happy, but Andrew Nyle was the most unpopular child in Luxor Middle School. Some people might have considered him nerdy, but he didn't even get good grades. He averaged B's, with a few Cs and the occasional A. His parents didn't care, but he strived to get his grades up. Maybe people would respect him if he got better grades, or maybe they would just keep calling him nerdy? Andrew didn't know, but he did want to improve as much as he could. That was why he volunteered to enter the Alexandria Writing Competition. Every year students from Alexandria schools would enter their writings into the contest. The winner would always win a free trip to some paradise around the world. Andrew smiled as he typed the last word in his poem. In his opinion it was okay, but he knew he could do more. Now he had to revise it on his state-of-the-art laptop. When he stared down at his writing. He groaned. There is no way that I can make a satisfactory story by the 22nd of May, he thought, I only have a few days. He sighed with apprehension. Well, I'm never gonna win anyway, and I have no intention of going to—where is it again?—Egypt? Anyway, I don't want the trip, so I'm just going to write. Andrew typed some more edits, then sat down to think. He knew well that he would never win at this rate, but he might as well give his best effort. "Andrew?" his mom asked, "Dinner time!" "Coming!" Andrew replied, and closed the computer. MAY 29, 2023 CE Andrew was excited, yet at the same time scared. His contest entry had been submitted, judged, and ranked, but he hadn't gotten the results yet. He was aiming for second, with glory throughout the district, but no useless Egypt trip. The results should come up on the announcements that day, and Andrew was sitting in class, waiting for them. The bell rang loudly, and the announcements began. "Good Morning, students of Alexandria Middle School, this is Matthew McJonster, and today is May 29th, 2023. Now, as many of you know, a few days ago the Alexandria Writing Competition sadly came to an end, and I would like to share with you the proud winners of this annual competition. In third place, we have Chad Herbert! A beautiful entry about traveling the world, yet not enough to beat first and second." A few doors down, Mrs. Barwood's class cheered loudly. "In second place, we have Katherine Moore, writing about the future of technology!" The ceiling shook as the class above pounded their desks with pride. Andrew covered his ears and face. He had failed. He knew it. "And finally, in first place, we have..." A few of Andrew's classmates crossed their fingers and whispered "please please please" over and over again. "Andrew Nyle, writing a brilliant poem about the life of a tree!" Andrew sat up with a start. No way was he the winner. He barely noticed as his classmates cheered and clapped politely, the muted sound of the applause for him was even more evidence proving his unpopularity. "Andrew, please come to the office to receive your prize, a luxury trip to nowhere other than... Egypt!" Andrew groaned once more. If fame wasn't enough, he was getting to skip a summer of lurking at home and playing video games. All his other classmates seemed to think he was cool. "I can't believe you're going to Egypt!" One of them cheered. The the other classmates cheered heartily. And that was when he started gaining recognition. MAY 30, 2023 CE Andrew, for once, was the center of attention in his class. Even total strangers that Andrew had never met (Well, at least he thought he had never met them), were congratulating him. The teachers were uncharacteristically aware of Andrew's presence in the class, and asked Andrew more questions in the class even without him raising his hand (Not like he wanted it). Surprisingly, Andrew started to find the popularity slightly annoying. He got mobbed in the hallways and was asked questions about his coming trip. "Are you excited, nerd?" an eighth grader asked nastily. Andrew debated responding, but noticed how strong and mean the guy looked, and replied that he was. Better give a satisfactory answer. "Are you going to see the pyramids?" someone else asked. "Yeah, probably," laughed Andrew, "Why give me a first-class flight to Egypt without showing me the pyramids? Though I do think that the Sphinx would be quite interesting." "It's a first-class trip?!" Another student asked him about one of the parts in his entry during Science class. The part about how a man cut down the tree with "a blade as sharp as a knife." Andrew was puzzled. "How have you read it?" he asked quietly. "My dad was one of the judges," he whispered as he leaned across his desk to Andrew, "He told me he liked it, so he let me read it. Personally, I really enjoyed it." "Thanks," Andrew replied, smiling to the boy, and went back to work. JUNE 15, 2023 CE "Flight 616, Washington D.C. to Cairo, is departing shortly, I repeat, flight 616, Washington D.C. to Cairo, is departing shortly." Andrew and his family walked onto the plane, his family with pride, him with mild annoyance. He had gotten a bit more comfortable with the idea of going over the past few days, that doesn't defeat the fact that he was still grumpy about it. He really felt like Egypt was not necessary, why not some amazing place like Paris! The Nyles took their seats in the first class cabin and fastened their seatbelts. At least there is that one good thing about the tickets. He had never been in first class before! Soon enough, the flight attendants went through the safety instructions. "In the case of a water landing, there are life vests under your seat." spoke an attendant. "I hope we don't need that," Andrew's dad remarked, peering under the seat to make sure that the life vest was there. "Oh, don't even tell me you have any doubt about having to use the life vest. Seriously! No one uses those, Dad," Andrew complained. "Please tighten your seatbelts." instructed the attendant's voice. "We will be in flight shortly." The plane started to move, slowly gaining speed faster, faster, the nose of the plane lifting up into the air, and finally the plane raised itself upwards by a miracle of human accomplishment, up into the bright blue summer sky. Chapter Two JUNE 16, 2023 CE, MIDAIR Andrew tried to get comfortable in his plane seat. It was tricky, but he managed it. He had been on the plane for hours, and had stopped at Toronto before going across the ocean, but there still had been eleven and a half hours on the plane, and he was starting to get uncomfortable. "We are now entering Egyptian airspace. We will be arriving at the Cairo International Airport in under an hour," the intercom informed them. "Oh, good," exclaimed Andrew's dad, "I'm really tired of this long trip." "Only half an hour!" his mother chimed in. A few minutes later the plane suddenly started to shake around them. A few people screamed, but Andrew and his parents knew that it was just turbulence. Then, the pilot came on the intercom. "I am sorry to inform you that we have a problem. After the shaking, we lost all radar signals. We will try to retrieve them before we reach Cairo, which is only fifteen minutes away. Please stay calm." At which point a muffled explosion could be heard from Andrew's right. Everyone screamed. The shockwave made the plane shudder again, and the pilot had to assure everyone that the explosion had been from somewhere else. Sure enough, Andrew looked out his window and saw a fireball lingering in the sky just in Andrew's view. Andrew's blood ran cold as he realized what had happened. Two other planes had crashed, not noticing that they were close to each other since the radar was down. He saw other people on the plane growing pale as they too realized the disaster that was occuring. Fortunately, at that time the plane stopped shaking. "We have successfully recovered radar signals. We will be landing at Cairo International in ten minutes," the attendants proclaimed. The passengers cheered. Andrew's parents wiped their brows in relief. The flight continued on. Later the Nyles learned that the reason for all the weird occurrences during their plane trip was due to a total Egyptian black out across the whole country. "You guys were lucky," whispered the police officer they had talked to once they landed. The officer had come to their hotel to bring them the bad news, "Two planes crashed into each other. We have found ninety-three bodies, which is all but two of the passengers on the plane. There was one family that missed the plane. Lucky fellas. No one knew the real reason for the blackout." But there was a reason, no one noticed that just before the blackout, there had been a huge shadow of something giant. It had covered all of Egypt and beyond. JUNE 16, 2023 CE Andrew and his parents were sitting in a small taxi on the way to the Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza, where they would be staying. The 5 star hotel, according to reviews, is set in a high-rise tower overlooking the Nile river. Apparently, the hotel has a cafe, a shisha area, four chic bars, three stylish restaurants. Other places in the hotel are a gymnasium, (Andrew's dad was glad of that) a luxe spa with an indoor pool, a hammam, a sauna, and also a hot tub. There is even a rooftop garden with three different outdoor pools and an eatery by one of the pools. "Wow," Andrew's mom had told him when they saw the hotel reviews, "They weren't kidding when they told us first-class." Andrew just might have gotten a bit more interested when he saw that. "How did the county afford it?" his father had asked, "It's really expensive." The taxi pulled over to a huge fancy-looking building next to the Nile river. "Hey, look! It's our river! We are the Nyles," shouted Andrew's little sister. "Oh, shut up, Kayla," complained Andrew. "Mommy, big Andrew said a bad word!" "Ugh. Well, I Guess we're here," answered Andrew. JUNE 16, 2023 CE Andrew's suite was huge. The refined area offered a terrace, a gigantic marble bathroom, and a fridge. His room even had a great view of the Nile river. The plush suite also had a living room. Room service is offered twenty-four seven. Kayla squealed and plopped down on the huge couch in the living room. Andrew wandered into the other bedroom. It was quite similar to the entrance area, with a very modern style. The windows showed a beautiful view of the river, with brightly colored curtains for shades. A big flat-screen TV dominated the wall across from the bed. Andrew was impressed, but he wanted to see more. He headed into the lobby. JUNE 16, 2023 CE The lobby, which Andrew had seen before on his way up, was huge and lavishly decorated, with beautiful chandeliers, skylights, led backlighting, with grand sofas and other furniture. An American-looking girl wearing jeans and a sweatshirt was sitting on one of the couches. She looked up at him as he walked into the room. "Hi," she whispered nervously, "I'm Cleo. What's your name?" "Um, I don't think I should be talking to strangers.. I just got here," he replied. The girl seemed nice, but there was an air of mystery around her. Or was that just her perfume? "So did I," the girl responded, "Why are you here?" "Well, I need to use the bathroom." "Really?" "Can I trust you?" Andrew asked. "No," Cleo answered curtly. "Be serious." "You're telling me!" she joked. Andrew laughed. "Well, my name is Andrew and I'm here because I won a school competition. I got a free trip to Egypt." "Andrew... Now I shall hunt you down and kill you!" Something about her menacing demeanor made Andrew find it false. He laughed again. "Well, what are you doing here... Cleo?" "I'm an alien rebel trying to stop the evil alien emperor from taking over the world," she answered matter-of-factly. "No... Really." "Um, I'm visiting grandparents," she replied uncertainly. Andrew noted that. "Ok. Do you want to explore the hotel with me?" "Sure!" Andrew and Cleo decided to go and check out one of the pools. They walked into the room and it was shining with tan smooth tiles, and a large rectangular pool in the center. Surrounding it are small groups of chairs filled with people chatting away, drinking refreshments. In the corner was a hot tub, jets blasting scalding water into the little tub. Next was the plaza ballroom, filled with crystal lanterns and purple lights, giving the room a dim theme. People were sitting on crystal like chairs with marble tables. The next room was a gymnasium. As neither of them were particularly athletic, they passed that room and continued on. After the gym was lunch. As Andrew and Cleo sat down at one of the restaurants to eat, they talked a bit more. "So, where are you staying?" Andrew asked. "Room 264," Cleo replied. "I thought you were visiting your grandparents. Why aren't you staying with them?" "Oh... My grandparents can not really afford to have a big house, so in return they got a room here at Four Seasons." "Ah." "So, what do you want to do now?" "Maybe we could explore the rest of the city. I think that would be fun." "Great idea! There's a place I know... I would like to show it to you." "That sounds fun. Let's go!" Andrew went to tell his parents he was going out to explore. Cleo was waiting at the entrance for him, and so, Andrew and Cleo left the hotel. Chapter Three JUNE 16, 2023 CE Another beautiful day in Egypt, Andrew and Cleo make there way down Talaat Harb Street. "What's your reason for coming here Andrew?" Cleo asked. "I won a school writing contest. I entered a poem and it won first place, which was a first-class trip to Egypt for two weeks. The hotel was pretty cool, and it deserves its rating, but honestly, I'm kind of bored here. I actually never wanted to come here in the first place, but my parents thought it would be a fun experience," Andrew replied. "Four Seasons is a really nice one. 4th best hotel in all of Cairo! Why don't you like it here? It's awesome! Sometimes I feel like I'm the queen here." "I don't really know, I guess there's just not much to do. How many hotels are there? In Cairo?" Andrew asked. "Around one hundred and forty." "That is pretty nice." "I guess so." "So.. where should we go?" Andrew asked. "We could go to the Kahn el-Khalili! It is a market were they sell all sorts of things! I go shopping there every time I visit my grandparents." "Cleo, I don't have any money on me." "Oh. It's still a fun place! Let's go anyway. Besides, I have something there to show you..." "Sure!" JUNE 16, 2023 CE The souk did look pretty cool from the outside, and had a big crowd. The store sold many interesting things, but Cleo was whisking Andrew away, past the of souvenirs aisle, and into a curious door. "Adventures await," Cleo whispered. "What kind of adventures?" Andrew nervously replied. Before Cleo could answer, the door opened. "Welcome back, Cleopatra," a man with a deep voice greeted slowly, "You have been away for so long, too long." "Thank you, Tetu. This is my new friend, Andrew," Cleo replied. "Greetings to you, Andrew," replied the man, Tetu. "Thank you?" Andrew asked, slightly confused. "Andrew, this is Tetu, and there is another named Nader. He is closer to our age," Cleo mentioned. "Um, Hi, Tetu," Andrew quavered. Andrew cautiously walked through the doors. Inside was a wonderful arrangement of what looked to be artifacts. Andrew was blown away by the authenticity of them, and wondered why they were in such good shape. He could pick out a hawk, a full moon, a crook and flail, an ibis, a baboon, and a crescent moon. "Nice artifacts you have here," Andrew complimented. "Thank you," replied Tetu, "I have been collecting these for a while. They came straight from the tombs of the Pharaohs." "Cool," Andrew replied. He walked over to get a closer look at the shelves. A dark-skinned boy with dark hair and cautious, calm-looking eyes walked in. "Nader!" Cleo exclaimed, "You're back!" "Hey Cleo. It's been a long time," Nader smiled. His mouth had appeared to stay in a perfectly straight line, permanently so. "Feels like five thousand years," Cleo replied sarcastically "I know, right." "Cleo, your parents are here. They're sleeping, so you shouldn't disturb them." JUNE 16, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP Three figures stood in a dark room next to a large window. A yellowish glow was the only source of light. "My Lord, we have found them," spoke a deep voice coming from a figure who appeared to be wearing a weirdly shaped helmet. "That is good. Activate the Scarab Procedure," instructed a second figure, obscured completely in shadow. "Phase One complete: The Scarab has been activated," informed a rough voice from a figure sitting next to a wall. A loud humming noise started emitting from the window. A bright yellow glow started filling the room, illuminating the silhouette all of the figures, and the hum blotted out all sound. And then there was silence. "AND THEN THEY ALL BLOW UP." "Silence, Hathor, you cow." JUNE 16, 2023 CE Andrew had just settled on the couch after minutes of trying to get comfortable when Nader bolted out of his chair. "We have to go. Now," he ordered. "Why?" Andrew asked, "What's wrong?" "Cleo! Tetu! The Scarab!" Nader called. "What?!?" Andrew yelled. "It's important!" "How important?!?" "Like, we could all die in a few seconds important!" Andrew, Cleo, Nader, and Tetu rushed out of the Khan el Khalili just in time, because as soon as they got outside, the building exploded in a burst of yellow and gold light. Andrew paled. "See?" Nader remarked. "What-- what was that?" Andrew asked. "That was the Scarab," Tetu responded, "And not the whole thing, either." "What do you mean?" "DEATH!" screamed a voice from above them. Suddenly, a squad of soldiers wearing battle armor and falcon-shaped helmets fell from the sky. Their arms spread, revealing a thin membrane that allowed them to glide over to Andrew and his friends. In their hands, cruel-bladed spears extended from small twigs. The spears spun menacingly as the soldiers advanced. In front, a different form of soldier appeared. This one had yellow armor, and stripes on its shoulder, signifying superiority, and it had on its head a helmet shaped like that of a leopard. Wickedly sharp claws extended from each of its fingers. "I am Bastet," she informed them, "Surrender to me." Her soldiers stopped and stamped their spears into the ground, now in perfect, military-grade formation around the cat goddess. "Cleo! Nader! Take Andrew to the Temple. I'll stand and fight!" Tetu hollered. "We can't just leave you here, you could get caught!" Cleo exclaimed. Nader grabbed Andrew by the arm and they took off, with Cleo in the lead. Behind them, they could hear clashes as Tetu defended himself from the falcon-soldiers. "Goodbye, old friend," thought Nader, "I'll see you in the afterlife." Chapter Four JUNE 16, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP Sphinx, Horus, Bastet, and Ra stood in front of the chained man. Hanging, from two chains, he was covered in multiple bleeding wounds from his fight. "Thoth. How could you, a fellow Ghizae, betray us so, and fight with the rebels?" Sphinx asked. Thoth was silent "TELL US," Sphinx screamed. "I will not tell you anything, you monsters!" Thoth yelled. "Ra, will you please?" Ra, brandishing a cruel whip, cracked it on Thoth's back. The Ghiza yelled in agony. "Will you say anything now? Or do you want some more?" Sphinx growled cruelly. Ra held his whip menacingly "No," moaned Thoth, screaming in pain. Ra struck him again. "No," Again. "NO!" "Enough," proclaimed the Sphinx, "Take him to the prisons." Bastet and two guards unchained the limp Ghiza and carried him down the steps. Someone else came up. "What happened?" Hathor muttered drunkenly, "Did I miss anything?" "SILENCE!" JUNE 16, 2023 CE Andrew, Cleo, and Nader climbed down the stairs into a tunnel lit only by the glow of the few torches mounted on the wall. "I'll only ask you once: What is going on?!?" exclaimed Andrew. Cleo and Nader turned around. "We'll tell you, but only once we're inside," Nader declared. The three of them continued walking until they reached a small circular chamber. They each sat around the room. Nader stood up. "A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, the Sphinx was the leader of an alien civilization called the Ghizae. These guys are pure evil. They came to Earth, and took control of one of its greatest civilizations, Egypt. The people worshipped them as gods, and they accepted it. Then, they left. But here they are now, they have come back again, this time to rule us all, or kill us all" explained Nader, "Tetu, Cleo and I found a scroll containing all this info, do not ask us for more or else they will be after you too..." Andrew was silent. "So... So... Those falcon-warriors? Bastet? They are Ghizae?" "Sadly, yes," Cleo sighed. "You knew about this the whole time without telling me?" "I am sorry. It wasn't the right time. We didn't want you getting hurt. Now that you have seen Bastet and the rest of the Ghizae warriors, we think that you are ready to join us and help us stop them. Will you?" Nader asked "What about my family? They won't notice I am gone?" "For now we will just offer them protection, if what we are planning works, then they won't realize you are gone." "What are you planning?" Andrew asked uneasily. "You'll see," Cleo winked. JUNE 16, 2023 CE Bastet and her soldiers swept through the city of Cairo, drawing strange looks as they passed. They must find the ones that escaped. "Djed Team, go down Talaat Harb Street. Tjet, down that avenue over there. Ankh, follow me," she ordered. The falcon-men scattered into different directions at her order. A few stayed behind with the cat-goddess. "We shall smoke them out of whatever hole they have found to cower in." JUNE 17, 2023 CE Andrew yawned and stretched himself out, feeling the comfort of his Four Seasons bed beneath him... Then he realized that he was sitting on cold, hard rock. Andrew sat up with a start. "Ugh." "Finally. We've been waiting on you for hours!" Cleo groaned. "Then why didn't you wake me up?" Andrew asked sleepily. "You'll need your sleep today. Trust me," Nader replied. Andrew got up and walked over to the mouth of the cave. Cleo pulled him back down. "What are you doing? They could spot us!" Cleo whisper-yelled. "Get down!" Nader instructed. Andrew slowly stepped down from his perch and walked back to the main chamber of the temple-cave. Now, in the light of day, Andrew could see hieroglyphics carved into the walls, and small statuettes placed in tiny alcoves. Cleo told him that they were of baboons and ibis', symbols of Thoth, God of Wisdom.. "Let's get em now!" yelled a voice, obviously louder than it was supposed to be. Andrew, Cleo, and Nader froze. "Hide!" Nader whispered. They slunk quietly through the back tunnel as clomping boots marched into the chamber. A drunken-looking lady with a cow mask on stumbled in behind them. "I'm getting tired of this." Andrew whispered "I know." Nader sighed. Suddenly a shadow loomed over the three of them. "Hey! I fou-" The soldier was cut off as Nader punched him in the neck "We got to go now! Bastet and Hathor are going to find us soon." Cleo ordered. The three friends got up from their hiding place. Nader started up the stairs of the temple and the others followed. They saw Bastet and Hathor followed by a few of the falcon-soldiers from before. "Good punch, Nader!" Andrew exclaimed. "Andrew, that wasn't just a punch," Nader replied coolly. "Oh. what was it, then?" "It is an unnamed Art, and it is extremely powerful." "I think, it should be called, the Karnak," Andrew proposed. Nader laughed, "Well, I guess so." "Teach me." "I don't think I can." "Please?" "I can try." "Ahem, we are in the middle of something here," Cleo interrupted. "True. Keep running!" Nader replied. JUNE 17, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP "Bastet. Hathor. How could you let them escape, not once, but twice?!?" Sphinx growled, shifting his form in anger. "Master, please stop shouting," Hathor whined. "Don't order me," Sphinx hissed, returning to Lion form, "Bastet! Kill her." "No-no! It wasn't my fault, Your Lioness, sir! It was your own people. They betrayed us! He tricked me!" Hathor protested. "And?" Sphinx prodded. Bastet unsheathed her claws and moved closer. "I was drunk," the cow-lady admitted. "Unacceptable, I expected more from you Hathor. I'll let you off for now. But next time, Hathor, you will die. Also, keep in mind that a lioness is a female lion," the Lion-Man informed. JUNE 17, 2023 CE Andrew, Cleo, and Nader walked down the street, exhausted. "How are we going to keep avoiding these guys?" Andrew complained loudly. "We need a weapon," Nader exclaimed. "Nader, shhhhh. We don't want them finding us again," Cleo cautioned. "Nader's right. We need a weapon," Andrew confirmed. "Wait," Cleo demanded. "Why? We need a weapon!" Nader asked. "No, wait. I think I recognize that woman!" Cleo stressed to them. They looked in a window. A woman with thick brown hair with a white streak had her back turned to them. She was holding a bottle of beer. Her head turned to them. She was wearing an elegant mask shaped like a cow's face. Andrew gasped. "That-that's one of the Ghizae!" he stuttered. "Hathor," Nader intoned. The three crept into the bar. "An' so, I was like, 'Go commit toastah bathtub, ya imbecile!'" she uttered drunkenly. "An' then what?" her friend asked. "An' then he went, "commit toastah bathtub yuhself, woman!" Andrew snuck into the chair next to her. Cleo frantically signaled for him to get down. "So, miss, where do you know of a place where I can find something that can break a rock?" he asked. "Now, why would a kid like you want something like that?" Hathor replied clumsily, narrowing her eyes. Andrew guided her hand back to her bottle. She took a deep swig and immediately relaxed. "Nevah y' mind, boy, I'll tell y' of a great place, the Rift's Forge. Now, t' git t' the Rift's Forge, first y' gotta git t' the Rift itself. Now, t' git there, y' gotta find the booguh hole of m' master, Sphinxy there, His Highness. Then y' gotta crack it open, which'll open the Rift's Gate. In there, y' just 'ave t' look 'round fur the Rift's Forge, where y'll find enough meteuhr rock fur a sword 'r somethin'," and with that, Hathor passed out. "Well, now we think we know where to go, but what the heck did she just say?" Nader sighed, patting Andrew on the back. Chapter Five JUNE 17, 2023 CE Andrew, Cleo, and Nader bounced along in a jeep that Nader owned. The jeep was perfectly made for the desert, and it felt like it was brand new. Driving through the arid desert was always a bit bumpy, though. "Um guys... I have some good news and bad news," Nader warned, "Which one do you want?" "I think we should go for the good news," Andrew announced. "Ok. The good news is that we should be about almost there. The bad news is that there is a flaming Ghiza in front of us, and we're low on water," Nader declared. They gazed towards the desert hill and saw a reddish figure emerging, accompanied by a small army of the Falcon-Warriors. The Ghiza was wearing a red Jackal's mask, and was surrounded by red fire. "Set," Andrew muttered. Cleo looked at him, surprised. Andrew looked back. "I've realized by now that these guys are named after the Egyptian gods. We learned them in school," Andrew explained. "Incorrect. 'These guys' aren't named after the Gods. They are the gods," Nader replied, "And this means we must get to the Rift. We cannot fight them without a weapon." The jeep began to accelerate as Nader steered away from the army. Set had noticed them, though, and shot a ball of pure red fire right at them. Nader stopped the jeep abruptly, and the ball exploded in front of them, carving a perfect crater into the sand. Nader restarted the jeep. Andrew heard a whooping cry as the falcon-warriors narrowed in on their prey. "Nader..." Cleo warned. "Wait a sec!" Nader exclaimed, leaning onto the wheel, his foot pressing ever harder on the pedal. The jeep exploded in a ball of red fire. Andrew was flung into the sand, and his back hit something hard. His body was covered in small fragments of metal, and his left calf had a deep cut. He saw Nader and Cleo land near him, wounded similarly. The desert was now covered in fragments of the jeep, with three burning tires dotted around. Andrew painstakingly stood up. He turned around and found that he had landed on a piece of ancient stone. He brushed it off, and found a jagged edge that curved down and then stopped, going straight back to the edge. Two holes were embedded into the stone. Andrew gasped as he realized what it was. "Now, t' git there, y' gotta find the booguh hole of m' master, Sphinxy there, His Highness," Hathor had told him. The "booguh hole" was the missing nose of the Great Sphinx of Giza! Andrew hurriedly hobbled over to Nader. "Nader! I found the 'booguh hole' Hathor was talking about!" Andrew exclaimed, "Nader, can you break it open with that unnamed art of yours?" Nader limped over to inspect the nose. "Yes, I can open it," he answered, looking closely at it. "TAKIMAN HASHIN BATAKALAMDAK! KARNAK!" Nader yelled. In front of him, the huge stone nose split in half. Where the parts of the nose had been connected, a pure black rift had been cut into the world. Andrew, Nader, and the unconscious Cleo were sucked into it, as the brightness of Earth dissipated behind him. JUNE 17, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP "Hathor. You have caused nothing but disruptions since the moment you stepped into my presence, but this time you have gone too far, and revealed the location of the Rift, our most treasured secret. Bastet, destroy her," Sphinx growled. Bastet slid out her razor-like claws. They were wickedly sharp and about six inches long. The cat-woman advanced on the fearful cow-lady. "No, p-p-please! I was just drunk! You can't do this to me!" Hathor protested, "I'm your most faithful serv-" She was cut of as Bastet dug her claws into Hathor's heart. Hathor, shape-shifting back into a cow, collapsed on the ground. "Ra, dispose of her body, please," Bastet ordered as she licked the blood off of her claws. The slavemaster rushed to pick up the heavy cow, lifting her with ease. He carried the corpse into the trash room. "Horus, Set!" Sphinx called. Two men in battle armor ran into the room, one in green armor with a hawk mask, the other in red with a jackal. "Set, send an army to intercept their transport to the Rift. Horus, take an army to the Rift to ambush them," Sphinx instructed. "Yes, sir!" the generals affirmed together. "You shall not rest until they have all been terminated. And I mean all of them." JUNE 17, 2023 CE, THE RIFT Andrew sat up slowly, wondering what the soft, puffy substance he was lying on was. He looked down and saw the white material stretched out in all directions, dotted by the occasional small house disrupting the otherwise pristine atmosphere. It looked like the fluff was surrounding a huge rock, obviously far out of place, and therefore important. Andrew only then realized that Nader and Cleo were nowhere in sight. "Nader? Cleo? Where are you guys?" he called. "Nowhere, you are alone. Oh, poor, poor Andrew. So helpless," a voice laughed. "What, who are you, and where is Cleo?" Andrew yelled. "She and Nader have been captured already. It has taken us far too long to find you," the voice answered. "Who are you! What are you doing to them?!" "I am Horus, God of War, and what is happening to them does not matter. All I will tell you is that they will soon be executed," Horus laughed maniacally, "And now you shall follow suit!" "No, no No NO!" Andrew yelled, his rage growing. He felt a word slip out of his mouth, "el nar!" The ground before Andrew burst into flames, there was no more fluff, it was just hard rocky ground. In front of him was a silhouette that appeared to be of a hawk-headed man carrying a razor-sharp spear. "Andrew!" Nader called from a place Andrew couldn't see. "HOW DID YOU?!" Horus screamed. "Ha ha," Andrew called, another word slipped out, "el maa!" What seemed to be a tidal wave crashed ashore from the cloudy wasteland beside them. Horus cursed as he tumbled through the ground of the cloudy realm. "Nader, where are you?" Andrew called. "I'm on top of the meteor," Nader responded. "How did you get up there?" "I got sent up here by Horus and his soldiers." "Wait--Did you say soldiers?!?" "Charge him!" commanded a voice. Nader quickly chanted, "EL REYAH!" The meteor below him shattered, a sword-like shape appeared in the middle forming itself out of the extraterrestrial stone, Nader grabbed it and threw it straight into Andrew's hand. "DELASAR MERASU OSIRIS," Nader yelled. His body began to glow with a blue-green light. The light slowly began to shift from his body to the sword, lingering on the hilt before traveling quickly back and forth across the blade. The light then sunk deep into the sword, giving the black sword a sort of golden aura. Andrew looked over to Nader. The dark-skinned boy looked tired and ragged, as if he had died and came back. "This is our chance to attack! He is an easy target now," the commander ordered. "Not on my watch, falcon heads!" Andrew yelled. Andrew threw himself at the men who were charging at Nader. The first man was dead in an instant as Andrew's blade sliced through him easily. The men all screamed their last words as Andrew made his way towards the helpless Nader. "Stop! Stop!" they protested. "NOT UNTIL YOU LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" Andrew thundered, brandishing his sword clumsily, yet still mightily. "You, y-y-you, monster" the last soldier cried. "You're the real monster," Andrew laughed, killing the Ghiza. Andrew walked over to Nader, who was barely standing. "Nader? Nader?" Andrew quavered, "Don't die on me." "Yeah right," Nader chuckled softly, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." "Are you sure about that? Can you walk." "Heck yeah!" Nader stood up. He managed to step once before falling flat on his face. Andrew laughed. "I am not done yet," cursed Horus as a fierce-looking hawk with a wingspan of nearly fifteen feet burst up from under the clouds. "In fact, I'm just getting started." "YOU ARE ACTUALLY KIDDING ME!" Andrew cried. Nader somehow managed to get up. "el nar, el reyah, el maa," Nader chanted twice. A glowing ball of fire, air, and water formed above Nader. He screamed one more spell which Andrew did not understand and then the ball flew towards Horus and exploded in a shower of blood and fire. "Argh!" Horus screamed "If you think that that is enough to beat me, you are mistaken. TEMESA THOTH TEMESO!" A bluish light which reminded Andrew of Thoth flew towards them. "TEMESA OSIRIS TEMESO!" A matching Nader-like green spear destroyed Horus's spell. It hit Horus at the speed of a bullet. "He will not be able to get up after that." Nader stated, his voice hoarse. Chapter Six JUNE 17, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP Bastet and Sphinx stood at the helm of the Mothership, a rounded room with a flattish front wall made of an odd sort of glass that had a golden tint. "We have lost Horus," Bastet informed Sphinx. "Interesting. I did not expect him to fall that easily," Sphinx admitted. He looked towards the dungeons of the vast ship. "Who should we kill? It will keep us in a good mood if Horus really has been lost to us." Bastet approached Sphinx, anxiety encompassing her entire composure. She looked him in the eye and began, "So, uh, I know we've been friends for awhile now and we've been evil aliens together for about seventy millennia, but I think you need to know something. I like you. No -- I like you. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to see Thoth's execution on the Day of Suns at Ghizae Town Center?" "Um... sure," Sphinx smiled. "Oh, and by the way, send in Wadjet and Sekhmet." JUNE 18, 2023 CE "Where's Cleo?" Andrew asked. "I'm guessing that she is in the hands of Sphinx... on the mothership," Nader replied uncomfortably. "What is that?" "It is the spacecraft that Sphinx uses. It can travel many light-years in less than an hour." "Then let's blow it up!" Andrew exclaimed, "We have this sword, and the Karnak!" "It's not that easy," Nader frowned, "The ship is made of Endranium. It is practically unbreakable, even with the Karnak." "What about the sword?" Andrew pondered. "I'm not sure. It's possible, but nobody else has been able to make a sword like yours." "We need to go get Cleo and Tetu!" Andrew yelled. "Yes... I know." "Now!" "I don't think it is safe to use the wards openly like that." "Are you sure?" "I think we should use the time we have to teach you simple wards." "I know three already! We need to go now!" "Andrew, you barely have any true power. If you want to save Cleo, you need to learn more. I am really sorry, but you know you won't be any help if you are dead," Nader explained. "Oh yeah? Well, I have a sword, and that's all that matters here. Not to mention that it's practically unbreakable," Andrew yelled angrily. "Don't get too cocky. Your swordsmanship is not the best either." Andrew flew into a rage and swung the sword at Nader, who blocked it easily with his bare hands. Andrew fell back in utter shock. "I told you, we need to train you," Nader grunted, shoving back another clumsy attack from Andrew. "How are you doing that?" the boy complained. "It is simple. I am bringing forth my strength-force, and placing in my hands, causing them to be almost unbreakable. Really basic stuff," Nader replied calmly. His arms were a blur as he reached out and plucked the sword, by the blade, right out of Andrew's hands. "And there, I transferred my speed-force to my arms, and left my strength-force to my hands." "Huh?" Andrew's face contorted into a frown as he tried to comprehend what Nader was trying to teach him. Nader sighed. "I can not teach you the Karnak until you realize that you are not strong enough." "I'll try anyways. TAKINMAN HASHIN BATAKALAMDAK! KARNAK!" Andrew went flying backwards and hit a rock hard. "Darn it. I really thought that would work." "Idiot! I told you, you are not ready yet! You see, Andrew, the Karnak is the art of focusing your physical abilities, and placing them in different places. My hand itself cannot stop a sword, or a bullet, but my entire body together has the total strength-force to do so, so if I transfer the entire strength-force of my body into my hand, leaving just enough to stay standing, I can stop a bullet or sword with only my hand. The same goes with speed-force, mental-force in the form of what you may call psychic, or agility-force," Nader explained, "The wards come from mental-force, so all ward-masters must learn first the Karnak Arts. This means that if your body cannot support it, you should not try to use the Karnak or the wards, for will use up all of your forces, killing you." JUNE 18, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP Sphinx and Bastet stood in the large Assembly Hall of the ship, facing the entire army. Thoth was behind them, suspended by thick Endranium chains that stretched up from his arms to the domed ceiling, and his legs to the ground. The Ghizae, once strong, was now fraud and weak from the hours upon hours of torture and starvation. "Citizens of the race Ghizae!" Sphinx yelled in his loud, commanding voice, booming above all of the side chatter from the army, which of course stopped immediately. "You are all here to witness the execution of Lord Thoth the Wise, for treason, rebellion, resistance to royal military forces, and providing refuge for fugitives. The High Ghizae Court has unanimously deemed him guilty for all of it. Today, Thoth shall be no more, and we shall all rejoice the defeat of a criminal. The rebels will all be destroyed by grief and disorganization without him, for we have another captive of the rebels, who will be announced very soon. I advise you not to discover who the prisoner is, because it will not matter until I say it does. Ra, please bring in Executioner Anubis." A dark skinned man adorned with golden armbands and necklaces, along with a deep black and gold jackal's mask stepped next to Thoth. In his hand was a cruelly sharp axe, shaped so that it would wrap right around one's neck before lopping it off like a slab of melting butter. Thoth groaned in agony as Bastet bent down to tighten his chains. His limbs, Sphinx saw, looked as if they were one step away from being pulled straight off. He assumed that, by now, they were all dislocated. He licked his lips gently as he considered the thought. "And now, we will allow the victim to say his last words." Anubis loudly proclaimed, " Thoth, what have you got to say for us? Amuse us, if you please." Thoth strained as Bastet gently removed his gag. "If I may, I would like to address the people, not you, Anubis," Thoth stated, looking at Anubis. The executioner nodded, and a part of the floor and ceiling moved, turning the chained Ghizae around. "My people, I have some words to share with you. I would like to tell you what has been going on in this realm, what all of you have ignored. This world that you are populating, it is nothing like it once was. No longer are the people mindless primates, for they have evolved, and become a greater race, almost equal to us. I have created countless technologies for we Ghizae, but some things that these humans, these inferior creatures have created are more than any of us could ever imagine. We have space travel, Endranium compounds, the Scarab Ray, and morphological technologies, allowing us to shift our form to wild beasts, but they have art, culture, music, love, and we could never have that if we had a millenium of millenia. If we destroy this, it will be lost forever. So, kill me, but keep these words in mind. I know that if you destroy them, you will regret it, for the universe will never be the same again without humanity. And so, I would like to share with you the greatest secret of their race, and you will never kill any of them. The humans, they have--" Thoth smiled widely as Anubis agilely leaped over to slice the blade right through the wise old Ghiza's neck. JUNE 18, 2023 CE Nader cried out and clutched his chest. Andrew groggily got to his feet, his sleep disturbed by the cry. He walked over to the gently sobbing boy. Andrew placed his hand gently on Nader's back, giving him a slight massage. "What's wrong?" Andrew asked slowly. "Tetu," Nader moaned. "What's wrong?" Andrew repeated, a dark thought sinking its way into his chest. "Tetu's gone," Nader groaned, confirming Andrew's fears. "And you know this how?" Andrew questioned, fear edging his voice. "Gods," Nader replied dreamily, "We're like gods." Andrew was confused. "Nader, you're delirious." "Go-ods..." Nader repeated, falling unconscious. JUNE 18, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP Sphinx walked briskly through the sleek Endranium halls of the Mothership, dark blood-red cape fluttering angrily behind him. Frightened Ghizae quickly ducked out of the way as their fierce ruler headed away from the disastrous execution. He cursed Thoth under his breath, regretting that he had let the Ghizae address the people. Now the citizens half-believed that humans were intelligent creatures, instead of the useless planet-killing parasites they were. He stepped grandly into the dungeon, smiling at the broken, beaten faces around him. He stepped slowly and surely to the end of the hall, staring down at his most recently captured prisoner: Cleo. Chapter Seven JUNE 18, 2023 CE "Andrew, you are ready." Andrew looked up from his bed and looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. The room looked kind of foggy, and Andrew didn't remember it from before. It looked eerily similar to his hotel room at Four Seasons, but something about it was a bit off. "Turn around." Andrew spun quickly, but there wasn't a thing behind him. Startled, he slowly looked around once more, only to find that the bed had been replaced by a snarling lion wearing a woman's face. But it wasn't a woman. It was Cleo. The Cleo-lion jumped towards him, and Andrew leaped out of the way, just as the floor next to him disappeared, sending him tumbling through a colorful void. Suddenly, the ground rushed towards him a lot faster than he expected, slamming into him with a bang. JUNE 18, 2023 CE, THE RIFT Andrew woke up with a start, looking around at the blank Rift around him. He saw Nader lying peacefully on the pure white ground, and smiled softly. When Nader woke up, he would get them out of this place. The world was empty and infinite, but it was still a prison, with him too weak to learn Karnak, and Nader too tired to do anything except rest. Nader groaned softly and rolled over. Andrew observed that the dark-skinned boy was very thin, as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. But he has eaten recently, right? Andrew wondered. He couldn't remember seeing Nader eat. With a pang, Andrew realized that he hadn't eaten since he arrived at the hotel. Horrified by his revelation, Andrew plopped down onto the ground next to Nader. He stirred as Andrew touched the ground. "Andrew, don't wait for me. Teach yourself the Karnak and save Cleo." "How, how do I teach myself if I don't know Karnak in the first place?" "Just remember, Takiman, Hashin, Batakalamdak, Karnak." "I can't go without you," Andrew yelled desperately. "Just go!" Nader mumbled something Suddenly, the world turned dark, and Nader disappeared. JUNE 18, 2023 CE, MEXICO Andrew tumbled onto a layer of tough, dry grass. He flinched as he heard a roaring sound, then turned around, realizing that he was next to a main road. His legs were aching and felt like lead but Andrew managed to get up and made his way down the street. "Hello!?" Andrew called, "Can I have some help? Someone?" The cars just kept driving by him as if he was invisible. Andrew watched as hundreds of cars zipped by him. Should I steal one? He thought, No, I'll just ask him for some help. If he doesn't listen, I'll steal it. Andrew decided to step up his game a bit, getting the cars to stop. He threw himself to the ground, making himself look dehydrated and tired. Finally, a black SUV slowed down and stopped on the side of the road, next to Andrew. "Help..." Andrew faintly groaned. A man in jeans and a black t-shirt stepped out of the car. "Are you OK? Who are you? Where are you from?" the man asked. "Virginia," Andrew moaned. "Virginia! How did you end up here in Mexico?!?" "Uh... well... it's kind of hard to explain." "No worries, kiddo. I understand." A long silence followed. Andrew silently laughed as he imagined that the man actually understood what he had been through. "I'll take you home. No worries buddy, I live in Maryland." "Why should I trust you?" "Look." He took out a business card that stated; Andy Nubis, Central Intelligence Agency. "Oh. Thank you for your service. Can you take me to the nearest airport? I need to get to Egypt as soon as possible," Andrew asked. "Hey, do I know you? Your name sounds familiar." The man shrugged. "Unless I met you in some past life, I don't think so." "Well, can you take me to the airport?" "Sure! To D.C?" "That's great, yes. JUNE 19, 2023 CE, MIDAIR The plane seat was super comfortable. It could retract fully and he could order food without moving a muscle. "No wonder first class costs so much." "Yeah, I know. That's why I always fly first class," Andy answered. They were two hours into the flight, halfway over the Gulf of Mexico. "How did you even manage to find my passport?" "I'm with the CIA. I forged one." "Oh, ok." An hour or so later the announcements came on. "Cabin crew, prepare for landing." After a quick wait, the plane touched the ground with a jolt and rumbled down the runway. Andrew flinched, as this was still only his third time on a plane. The speakers came on again, "Thank you for flying with Southwest Airlines. We hope you had an amazing flight experience." People started walking down the aisle of the plane, heading towards the exit. Andy and Andrew were among the first, since apparently Andy's job included first class seating as a perk. "We finally landed!" Andrew smiled "It was nice to meet you Mr... Err." "Nyles," Andrew informed him Andy's face suddenly became panicked. "Damn! Horus, Please send a squad in now. I might require some assistance," Andy Nubis murmured softly. "What was that you said, Andy?" "I said, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Nyles," Andy answered angrily through clenched teeth. "Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Nubis," Andrew replied, cheerfully oblivious. Andrew had barely stepped outside when he found Andy Nubis again, this time surrounded with fifteen of the Ghizae falcon-soldiers, spears extended. "Andrew Nyles, please stand down as we proceed with your execution on behalf of your affiliation with the known rebel leader Thoth," the head of the soldiers spoke. Andrew stumbled back, horrified. "B-but, I don't know any Thoth!" Andrew stuttered. Andy stepped forward. "Known aliases include Sheps, Djehuti, Zehuti, and Tetu," he stated. "Oh, and by the way, Andrew, You are nothing like what Thoth made out of you humans..." "Anubis..." Andrew murmured. Anubis smiled cruelly, his neck-sized axe extending from his fist. "That's me!" Andrew's eyes narrowed. "Takiman..." he murmured, remembering what Nader had done. "Andrew, come here, so you can be with the dear friend we've captured." "Hashin..." Andrew spoke a bit louder. "She's going to be executed soon..." Anubis prompted. Andrew's nostrils flared, but he kept himself concentrated. "Batakalamdak..." he chanted. "Andrew, your mumbling is unnecessary..." Anubis trailed off. "Wait, you know how to do that?!" Andrews palms glowed bright golden yellow as he proclaimed loudly, "KARNAK!" The light in Andrews palm disappeared. "And for me to think, you would be able to perform the Karnak," Anubis laughed. The world exploded into a flash of bright light. JUNE 19, 2023 CE, THE MOTHERSHIP "He WHAT?!?" Sphinx roared at the cringing general. "I said, my Lord, that he managed to escape Anubis. We do not yet know of his location," replied Horus. JUNE 21, 2023 CE, CANADA "Ah, so you are awake," Andrew heard a man say. He stirred feebly and groaned, noticing how bruised his body was. He opened his eyes. He seemed to be in a small cottage in the woods, old but cozy and comfortable. The wooden walls were anything but bare, covered in oil paintings and photographs of people who looked similar to the middle-aged man in front of him. There was a warm fireplace squeezed between two armchairs, and an end table with two steaming mugs of hot-chocolate. "Where am I?" Andrew asked. "We are just outside Toronto, of course. You come here and ask where you are? Where else would you be?" the man replied, "Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg?" Andrew chuckled. "You sure that's a real place?" "Yup! It's in Massachusetts. I'm not sure what it means, but another person told me that it means, 'English knifemen and Nipmuck Indians at the boundary or neutral fishing place.'" The man shook his head and laughed. "Oh. That's cool," Andrew replied uneasily. "So, kid, you gonna be off or what?" "Oh, sorry. I'll go now." When Andrew left he found himself in the most beautiful place he had ever stood in. There were humongous pine trees all over the place. A large snow-capped mountain stood tall in the background, and a small lake had a tiny fishing hut located next to it and a boat dock further down. Two more cottages similar to the man's could be seen through the thick trees and bushes. "Andrew..." Chapter Eight JUNE 21, 2023 CE, CANADA Andrew froze. He slowly turned around and saw only leaves floating on the light breeze. In other words, nothing. "Andrew!" called the voice again, a little bit louder. "What are you. Where are you. Who are you," Andrew replied agitatedly. "Why are you, Andrew?" the voice asked. "Oh, so now you have a sense of humor."


Though you may think that he is shy and friendly, he is actually very annoying and repetitive, and watches Hermitcraft constantly on Youtube, while recording his Minecraft life on the very same site. If you want to be annoyed, then just ask Jonah about what is currently happening on Hermitcraft, and he will tell you, and you will die.

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